[Flashcoders] Transition Manager event complete

2010-03-24 Thread Fahim Akhter

I have the following code

direction:Transition.OUT,      duration:0.5, easing:Regular.easeOut});
      var tempPreloader:DisplayObject = babyPreloader as DisplayObject;

But since this does not wait for the transition to complete. I cannot
see the transition happening. Is there a way to have a even listener
for transition complete?

Fahim Akhter
Game Developer | White Rabbit Studios | http://apps.facebook.com/feline-frenzy/

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] flv stop loading / close netconnection

2010-03-24 Thread mike donnelly
My experience is that you can't close the default vp (video player) in an
FLVPlayback instance, so you *never* use it. What were they thinking?!

Before you load a video, you set the vp index to whatever you want, just not

myflv.activeVideoPlayerIndex = 1
myflv.source =hippo.flv

Then when you're done...

When working with active indexes, i find this page incredibly useful to find
out what FLVPlayback properties are affected by activeVideoPlayerIndex...

On your side note (I can't find anything in the docs on adding new
instances of VideoPlayer Class), you don't have to do anything to add a
new instance, all you do is set the flvplayback's activeVideoPlayerIndex to
a new number, and it's ready to load a new vid. If you want to see that new
vid, set the visibleVideoPlayerIndex to the same number.



On 23 March 2010 09:13, Andrew Kenward a...@milkybrain.co.uk wrote:

 Hi David

 when you .close() the connection to the netstream object/video it stops the
 download and you lose the connection. I would also remove it from the
 displaylist. If you then want to go back to that same video after using
 .close() then you have to make a new connection to the video. So reload the
 videoplayer basically. Depending on the users browser it may continue to
 download the progressive video from the browser cache. If you have safari
 browser try looking at the activity window in the windows drop down menu. It
 should show you whats being downloaded on the page.


 Andrew Kenward
 07590 609 554

 On 22 Mar 2010, at 19:59, flashcoders-requ...@chattyfig.figleaf.com wrote:

  [Flashcoders] flv stop loading / close netconnection

 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Flash CS3 crashes when debugging

2010-03-24 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Hi list...

[XP CS3] Why is my Flash IDE crashing all of a sudden when I go to debug?  I 
deleted ASO files, rebooted, didn't make a difference.  I haven't found any 
explanation through Google either.

- Michael M.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash CS3 crashes when debugging

2010-03-24 Thread Glen Pike

Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Hi list...

[XP CS3] Why is my Flash IDE crashing all of a sudden when I go to debug?  I 
deleted ASO files, rebooted, didn't make a difference.  I haven't found any 
explanation through Google either.

- Michael M.

Flashcoders mailing list



Maybe your workspace.xml file is trashed.  Exit Flash, goto:

C:\Documents and Settings\$USERNAME\Local Settings\Application 
Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\en\Configuration

Rename workspacelayout.xml and restart Flash - that may solve the 
problem, but you will loose your workspace settings. 

Try that, if no different put the workspacelayout back...


Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Flash CS3 crashes when debugging

2010-03-24 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Glen, you have saved my life!  That worked.  I can't believe it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Michael M.

 Maybe your workspace.xml file is trashed.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash CS3 crashes when debugging

2010-03-24 Thread Glen Pike

Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

Glen, you have saved my life!  That worked.  I can't believe it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Michael M.


Maybe your workspace.xml file is trashed.

Flashcoders mailing list

I never worked out why it worked either - I had same problem about 6 
months ago and found some blurb that said to delete workspace...  It's 
bloody annoying - think it's something to do with output window 
position, but not sure.  Anyway, I duplicated my working workspace xml 
and just restore that one when CS3 throws its toys out the pram...

I also have problem with the stacking order in CS3 quite a lot - SWF's 
at my screen-res start getting obscured by the IDE toolbars, etc.  Same 
fix - delete workspace and start again.  As I am working on this 
document size all the time it gets pretty annoying.  I have asked for 
upgrade to CS4, but don't know why I should have to pay for bug-fixes 
(seems to be the new way of software business)...

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Flash CS3 crashes when debugging

2010-03-24 Thread Mendelsohn, Michael
Well, the most bizarre thing about this bug fix is that the two (debugging and 
window layout) seem to me like completely unrelated elements of the IDE.  I ran 
into a cold trail in searching online.  What's really bothersome is that it 
isn't documented anywhere.  It's the equivalent of: I have a toothache...ok, 
well did you check to see if your car is low on gas?  Something to that effect.

I've never seen the stacking order (panel Z?) issue.  That's a good one.  
Let's hope CS5 covers these obstacles.

- MM

 I never worked out why it worked either - I had same problem about 6 
months ago and found some blurb that said to delete workspace...  It's 
bloody annoying - think it's something to do with output window 
position, but not sure.  Anyway, I duplicated my working workspace xml 
and just restore that one when CS3 throws its toys out the pram...

I also have problem with the stacking order in CS3 quite a lot - SWF's 
at my screen-res start getting obscured by the IDE toolbars, etc.  Same 
fix - delete workspace and start again.  As I am working on this 
document size all the time it gets pretty annoying.  I have asked for 
upgrade to CS4, but don't know why I should have to pay for bug-fixes 
(seems to be the new way of software business)...

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Events can be tedious, general thoughts on best practice?

2010-03-24 Thread Taka Kojima
I have an XMLLoader class that I wrote that I've been using to load XML

 public class XMLLoader{

* Load an XML file
* @param url The path to the XML file.
* @param onComplete The function to call when the XML file loads, passes
back an argument of type StyleSheet
* @param onError The function to call (defaults to null) if the load errors
out, passes back an IOErrorEvent object.
 public static function load(url:String, onComplete:Function,
onError:Function = null):void{
var _xml:XML = null;
var _xmlURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var _xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(_xmlURL);

_xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
_xmlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, xmlError);

function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void{
 _xmlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
_xmlLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, xmlError);
 if(onComplete is Function){
var xml:XML = XML(_xmlLoader.data);
 function xmlError(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
 _xmlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
_xmlLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, xmlError);

if(onError is Function){

As you can see it doesn't do too much, but writing the following every time
I wanted to load an XML file was getting tedious:

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.net.URLLoader;

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new

xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoaded);
xmlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onXMLError);

function onXMLLoaded(e:Event):void{


Being able to call

XMLLoader.load(path/to/xmlFile.xml, onXMLLoaded, onXMLError);

is so much better, the question is I am no longer using events, and handling
the event listeners within the XMLLoader class and passing functions to the
class to call upon said events.I'm curious as to other people's thoughts on
this in terms of good/bad practice and what the pros/cons to this approach
might be.

Just want to hear all your thoughts.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Flex3: attaching assets from .swf using getDefinitionByName

2010-03-24 Thread Alexander Farber

may I ask another Flex question here?

(the Yahoo flexcoders-list seems not to be very responsive,
asked a question 4h ago there, it still hasn't appeared)

I've prepared a short test case to demonstrate my problem:


?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
   private function onCreationComplete():void
var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var g:Graphics = sprite.graphics;

g.lineStyle(1, 0xFF);
g.drawCircle(100, 100, 20);


// XXX stuff below not working
var suit:String = 'SPADES';
var mc:MovieClip = new (getDefinitionByName(Symbols.CLUBS) as 
mx:VBox width=100%  
mx:Button label=1 icon={Symbols.SPADES} /
mx:Button label=2 icon={Symbols.CLUBS} /
mx:Button label=3 icon={Symbols.DIAMONDS} /
mx:Button label=4 icon={Symbols.HEARTS} /
mx:UIComponent id=spriteHolder width=200 height=200/


package {
public class Symbols {
[Embed('../assets/symbols.swf', symbol='spades')]
public static const SPADES:Class;

[Embed('../assets/symbols.swf', symbol='clubs')]
public static const CLUBS:Class;

[Embed('../assets/symbols.swf', symbol='diamonds')]
public static const DIAMONDS:Class;

[Embed('../assets/symbols.swf', symbol='hearts')]
public static const HEARTS:Class;

How could I make the mc appear? Everything else work ok.
(the icons appear at the buttons, there is a red circle,...)

I've tried many things, like casting to MovieAsset, Sprite, Image...

Thank you
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Events can be tedious, general thoughts on best practice?

2010-03-24 Thread Mark Winterhalder
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Taka Kojima t...@gigafied.com wrote:
 I'm curious as to other people's thoughts on
 this in terms of good/bad practice and what the pros/cons to this approach
 might be.

My thoughts are that it's OK for the very common cases which don't
need the flexibility of events.

Advantages of events:

 * multiple listeners
 * one listener for multiple targets/types
 * progress events etc.
 * you'll have events all over your project anyway, period.
 * it's what other coders are familiar with

The last one's important if other devs /might/ have to work with your
code. For this it will only take me a minute to look up that strange
loader class I don't know, but if you use too many of those it adds
up, and at some point I won't want to play with you no more.

Personally, I'll stick with events, and I don't mind them at all.
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Events can be tedious, general thoughts on best practice?

2010-03-24 Thread Taka Kojima
You bring up some valid points, however some of them are irrelevant for this
example, i.e. multiple listeners.

I could be a minority, but I don't think I am when I say that I have never
used multiple listeners for when I load in an XML file.

Secondly, if I were to implement events for this XMLLoader class, I would
most likely write a custom event class, which is even more work and I don't
feel like it is necessary.

The reason I say I'd write a custom event class is, let's say I wanted to
implement caching into my XMLLoader class, I can't use the Event.COMPLETE
event anymore as the second time I make the request it won't even call a
URLLoader, as it's reading from an array/dictionary/vector stored in the
class to grab the content.

I totally agree with you on the familiarity/consistency point, it makes
working with others a lot easier.

The other option is as3-signals, which I'm looking into and looks rather

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Mark Winterhalder mar...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Taka Kojima t...@gigafied.com wrote:
  I'm curious as to other people's thoughts on
  this in terms of good/bad practice and what the pros/cons to this
  might be.

 My thoughts are that it's OK for the very common cases which don't
 need the flexibility of events.

 Advantages of events:

  * multiple listeners
  * one listener for multiple targets/types
  * progress events etc.
  * you'll have events all over your project anyway, period.
  * it's what other coders are familiar with

 The last one's important if other devs /might/ have to work with your
 code. For this it will only take me a minute to look up that strange
 loader class I don't know, but if you use too many of those it adds
 up, and at some point I won't want to play with you no more.

 Personally, I'll stick with events, and I don't mind them at all.
 Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Filter rendering error warning

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Neilsen
I have a Print button in my SWF that prints a defined area off to the right of 
the stage. There are a few small objects on the stage with drop shadows at that 
point, but no filters on the objects in the print area which is just a 
background and some static and dynamic text fields. When I test my SWF and 
click the Print button the output window tells me Warning: Filter will not 
render.  The DisplayObject's filtered dimensions (6928, 4637) are too large to 
be drawn.

The stage itself is 820 x 545, and the entire area I am using (from the top 
left of the stage to the bottom right of the print area) is 1516 x 660, so I 
don't get where 6928 x 4637 is coming from. Is this maybe a glitch in Flash? 
Everything still seems to work okay for me, but I am worried that this error 
may cause the SWF to not work properly on some slower computers, or have some 
other unwanted effect for my clients.

Has anybody seen this sort of thing before, and maybe has a solution to stop 
this filter rendering error from occurring?

Alan Neilsen

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