Re: [Flashcoders] problem with swfaddress
Hi, I was wondering if this issue has something to do with the fact That I have embed fonts in the flash movie? let me know, otherwise, I'm still needing desperately help. gus On Jul 6, 2009, at 10:06 PM, Gustavo Duenas wrote: Hi I have a problem in swf address, I've been following the example on and this is my second time, first time went good, but this time is odd. here is my code on the flash side: stop(); import com.asual.swfaddress.SWFAddress; import com.asual.swfaddress.SWFAddressEvent; import flash.display.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.display.BlendMode; import; import; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.text.StyleSheet; import fl.controls.UIScrollBar; //swfaddress// SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, onChange); function onChange(e:SWFAddressEvent):void{ trace(e.value); if(e.value != "/") SWFAddress.setTitle("Mafle Photography Jacksonville Fl-" + e.value.substring(1)); else SWFAddress.setTitle("Mafle Photography - Home"); } function aboutUs():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("AboutUs"); trace("about"); } function commercialPics():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Commercial"); trace("commercial"); } function contactUs():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Contact"); trace("contact"); } function modelPictures():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Models"); trace("models"); } function portraitPics():void{ trace("portraits"); SWFAddress.setValue("Portraits"); } function weddingPictures():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Weddings"); trace("weddings"); } function engagementPictures():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Engagements"); trace("engagements"); } function homeMafle():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Home"); trace("home"); } function blogMafle():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Blog"); trace("blog"); } function stockPictures():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Stock"); trace("stock"); } function clickDefault():void{ SWFAddress.setValue("Default"); trace("default"); } function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == "about"){ aboutUs(); }else if("commercial"){ commercialPics(); }else if("weddings"){ weddingPictures(); }else if("portraits"){ portraitPics(); }else if("engagements"){ engagementPictures(); }else if("contact"){ contactUs(); }else if("models"){ modelPictures(); }else if("stock"){ stockPictures(); }else if("blog"){ blogMafle(); }else if("home"){ homeMafle(); }else { clickDefault();} } ok, I've been doing everything as the video said, but I don't see a problem in the flash. here is my html code. Untitled Document var attributes={id:"MainMafle"}swfobject.embedSWF("main1.swf", "content", "1024", "768", "10.0.0",null,null,null, attributes);OK. everything is looking good, but in someway it is not working, someone please help me out. Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] problem with code
you could use to optimize a flash site the swfaddress, you can download it from here: and I'll send you a link for you to see how to apply this to your code, Actually the structure I have now is based on that. You can use the metadata available in your keywords, description and others part also if you are using swfobject you can put in the part where is supposed to be the warning about the flash kind you actually have running in your flash object (I'm doing that with no problem at all). You can use indexation using a xml.tar.gz file to index the files in your website, you can make more than one page in html and named as the different parts of your website. That is what I've been using. Gus On Jul 2, 2009, at 11:22 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote: Hello List.. I could go to Google and try and find this out, but I figured being the seasoned designers you are, I would be in better hands if I asked here. Excuse me if this is a little off-topic, but what, in your opinion, is the best way to optimize your flash site for search engines? S.E.O is what I believe they call it. Search Engine Optimization. Doesn't this more pertain to the type of MetaData you have in your HTML then in your flash file??? Or is there a separate technology for S.E.O?? Any and all responses are welcome.. Best, Karl DeSaulniers Design Drumm ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] problem with code
Ok I got it. the problem was that I got my buttons which were movieClips named the same as functions, I've just changed the name from about() to aboutUs () and now it is working, thank you. Gustavo On Jul 2, 2009, at 11:18 PM, Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote: Ok I've tried just what you say and now I HAVE IMCOMPATIBLE OVERRIDE AND DUPLICATE FUNCTION DEFINITION, SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!! GUSTAVO On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote: Hey there Gus, I think you just had a couple of things typed wrong. Try this: //declare your functions before the onClick function about():Void{//you had a lowercase "void" here it needs to be "Void" //do something } function commercial():Void {//you didn't have a "Void" here //do something } function contact():Void {//you had a lowercase "void" here it needs to be "Void" //do something } function onClick(e:MouseEvent):Void {//you had a lowercase "void" here, I think it needs to be "Void", plus you had "mouseEvent" and I think it needs to be "MouseEvent" if ( == "about") { about(); } else if ( == "contact") { contact(); } else if ( == "commercial") { commercial(); } else { gotoAndPlay(3); } } HTH Karl DeSaulniers Design Drumm On Jul 2, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote: Hi coders I have this code this is an onclick function function onClick(e:mouseEvent):void{ if( =="about"){ about(); }else if("contact"){ contact(); }else if("commercial"){ commercial(); }else{ gotoAndPlay(3);} } function about():void{ do something } function commercial(){ do something } function contact():void{ do something} Well the problem is that anytime I'm running through the flash, it gets me an odd error like an 1021: Duplicate function does anyone can see what is wrong there and what am I missing? Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] problem with code
Ok I've tried just what you say and now I HAVE IMCOMPATIBLE OVERRIDE AND DUPLICATE FUNCTION DEFINITION, SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!! GUSTAVO On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote: Hey there Gus, I think you just had a couple of things typed wrong. Try this: //declare your functions before the onClick function about():Void{//you had a lowercase "void" here it needs to be "Void" //do something } function commercial():Void {//you didn't have a "Void" here //do something } function contact():Void {//you had a lowercase "void" here it needs to be "Void" //do something } function onClick(e:MouseEvent):Void {//you had a lowercase "void" here, I think it needs to be "Void", plus you had "mouseEvent" and I think it needs to be "MouseEvent" if ( == "about") { about(); } else if ( == "contact") { contact(); } else if ( == "commercial") { commercial(); } else { gotoAndPlay(3); } } HTH Karl DeSaulniers Design Drumm On Jul 2, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote: Hi coders I have this code this is an onclick function function onClick(e:mouseEvent):void{ if( =="about"){ about(); }else if("contact"){ contact(); }else if("commercial"){ commercial(); }else{ gotoAndPlay(3);} } function about():void{ do something } function commercial(){ do something } function contact():void{ do something} Well the problem is that anytime I'm running through the flash, it gets me an odd error like an 1021: Duplicate function does anyone can see what is wrong there and what am I missing? Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] problem with code
Hi coders I have this code this is an onclick function function onClick(e:mouseEvent):void{ if( =="about"){ about(); }else if("contact"){ contact(); }else if("commercial"){ commercial(); }else{ gotoAndPlay(3);} } function about():void{ do something } function commercial(){ do something } function contact():void{ do something} Well the problem is that anytime I'm running through the flash, it gets me an odd error like an 1021: Duplicate function does anyone can see what is wrong there and what am I missing? Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] swfaddress help needed
Thanks Man, I will try that tomorrow, let you you know if that was it. Regards, Gus On Jun 18, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Glen Pike wrote: Hi, Like Kenneth said - you need to pass all your navigation from Flash through SWFAddress and don't directly create windows when someone clicks a button in Flash, but you listen for the changes to the SWFAddress value and open windows based on the value. That way, when someone clicks the forward & back buttons in the browser, the history changes the SWFAddress value, so your Flash will keep up... //Somewhere in your init, you listen for changes to SWFAddress SWFAddress.addEventListener(SWFAddressEvent.CHANGE, _changeHandler); //Do your "normal" setup for buttons., newClick); var internal:Boolean = false; function newClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ //here is the swfAddress// //You only set the value in here - you wait for SWFAddress to tell you something has changed before doing anything swfAddress.setValue(; //You might want to set a variable here like "internal = true" if you want to know whether clicks are from inside Flash or from the browser.. internal = true; } //Handle changes in function _changeHandler(event:SWFAddressEvent):void { var newWindow:NewWindow = new NewWindow(); //The path value of the event contains the new SWFAddress path in your history. //On first load of the page you will get "/" as the path so you need to handle this. var path:String = event.path; if("/" == path) { path = "/home"; } //Maybe do something if your internal variable was true. if(true == internal) { //Do something different maybe if someone clicked in Flash? } //reset internal internal = false; path; //... } HTH Glen Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote: Hi Friends. I have seen the tutorial for the swfaddress in, but I want to use it on a project I have which is a quite different situation, 1. the website is dynamic the parts of it are me on runtime, are not present on the stage at the moment, are just called and assembly depending of the name of the button that click the call. 2. the swfaddress works good when it comes to show the address in the address bar of the browser, but when I try to use the directional arrows of the browser I'm shooting at the dark totally. Because I don't know how to make it work, since he tutorial never mention about this particular. here is the code to create the different parts. //the part of the import the swfAddress is here, no problem at all //the part of the set value// switch(e.value){ case "/contact" //here I don't know how to going forward since all my past intents were so frustrating...any ideas?// }, newClick); function newClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ //here is the swfAddress// swfAddress.setValue(; var newWindow:NewWindow = new NewWindow();; an so on the structures that are in the windows ///the part of the addchild that works good// } I hope someone could help me...any advice welcome. Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list -- Glen Pike 01326 218440 <> ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] swfaddress help needed
Hi Friends. I have seen the tutorial for the swfaddress in, but I want to use it on a project I have which is a quite different situation, 1. the website is dynamic the parts of it are me on runtime, are not present on the stage at the moment, are just called and assembly depending of the name of the button that click the call. 2. the swfaddress works good when it comes to show the address in the address bar of the browser, but when I try to use the directional arrows of the browser I'm shooting at the dark totally. Because I don't know how to make it work, since he tutorial never mention about this particular. here is the code to create the different parts. //the part of the import the swfAddress is here, no problem at all //the part of the set value// switch(e.value){ case "/contact" //here I don't know how to going forward since all my past intents were so frustrating...any ideas?// }, newClick); function newClick(e:MouseEvent):void{ //here is the swfAddress// swfAddress.setValue(; var newWindow:NewWindow = new NewWindow();; an so on the structures that are in the windows ///the part of the addchild that works good// } I hope someone could help me...any advice welcome. Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] skinning in cs4 tutorial help
Anyone knows a good tutorial about how to skin the slider component for text fields in flash cs4? Regards, Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips
sure Matt, I'm using as3...:) also can I use stage.removeChildAt(0); since the newly created movieclip instance appears always on 0 or at least I think based on the link Glen pike send me about. Gustavo On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote: The container would be the stage in that instance, yes. I used it because Stage extends DisplayObjectContainer, and you could use that chunk of code for any DisplayObjectContainer (MovieClip, Sprite) as well. I should also mention that we're talking AS3. --Matt On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <> wrote: in this case what is container? is stage.? like this if(stage.contains(contactWindow)){ stage.removeChild(contactWindow); } is like this, if not please explain me what this container is about. Gustavo On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote: if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){ container.removeChild(itemToRemove); }; On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <> wrote: Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to know how could I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to remove the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there just remove it. Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){ removeChild(movieClipName); } there is a way like this or something else around. Regards, Gustavo Duenas ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips
Hi Glen, thanks do you think can I use: stage.removeChildAt(0); gustavo On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Glen Pike wrote: display/DisplayObjectContainer.html#getChildByName() Gustavo Duenas LRS wrote: Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to know how could I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to remove the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there just remove it. Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){ removeChild(movieClipName); } there is a way like this or something else around. Regards, Gustavo Duenas ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips
in this case what is container? is stage.? like this if(stage.contains(contactWindow)){ stage.removeChild(contactWindow); } is like this, if not please explain me what this container is about. Gustavo On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Matt Gitchell wrote: if (container.contains(itemToRemove)){ container.removeChild(itemToRemove); }; On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <> wrote: Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to know how could I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to remove the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there just remove it. Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){ removeChild(movieClipName); } there is a way like this or something else around. Regards, Gustavo Duenas ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] removing dynamically created movie clips
Hi I have movie clips, that are created one I click a button, I'd like to know how could I remove then, something to put in the buttons, problem is when I try to remove the movieclip from the stage(I put the orders en every single button I have there), it says that is not created yet, there is a way to know when the movie clip is on there and if this is there just remove it. Like if(stage.movieclipName=true){ removeChild(movieClipName); } there is a way like this or something else around. Regards, Gustavo Duenas ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] ui scroll bar
Charles I've just solved, seeing the adobe documents online, I've been so dumb, it was this, so simple: function onComplete(e:Event):void{ this.pruebaTexto.text=; myScroll.scrollTarget= this.pruebaTexto; } originally the myScroll.scrollTarget = this.pruebaTexto was outside of the complete event, so when it triggered the addchild it wasn't text yet, so the bar was blank, once I've put it on the complete event, once the text field has the data it triggers the scrollbar. I felt so dumb, ciao and thanks for your help. Gus On Apr 23, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: HTML looks fine. Does this problem appear if you run it locally in a browser? How about making a projector and seeing if the problem exists there as well. Only thing that I can really guess at is that something within the IDE is "helping" it work. Is the component set to export on the first frame? Is the component on the first frame of the SWF? If not try placing it there so that it can instantiate. At this point I can only guess. Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: nope the page now, have the source code to 9.0 check it please and the version of the flash player is 10 AS3, I don't know what else to do I'm going to try to use the same in other file to see If I set something wrong. would you check on the container page to see if there is something there that shouldn't be there? Regards, Gus On Apr 23, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: Indeed there is not scroll tab in the scroll bar. One thing I did notice, not I think it is your issue, but in your HTML you have the player version set to If you are indeed using AS3, then that player version will not play the SWF. You will need to change that value to at least 9.0 Another thing that might be an issue is if your parent SWF is older than version 9. Meaning it was published to version 8 and then it is trying to pull in a version 10 SWF with AS3. Because of the VM version, it might not be communicating properly under the hood. Are any of your SWF files older than version 9 (CS3)? As a side not, that page is not displaying at all in IE6 on Windows XP. The page displayed in FireFox 3 (with no scroll bar). Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: fp10, using safari and firefox, no idea if this is happening in other machines(mine is mac), check this URL for me: click on the part of about us. that is the part where the scroll bar is supposed to be. At the beginning was on the stage, then I've created dynamically using AS3, but it seems not to work both ways. thanks for your help Gus On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:26 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: Player version? This happen on other machines? Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: Hi coders, I have a dynamic text and a UI scrollbar, no problem when I preview the movie in flash cs4. Problem is When I embed it on the browser (safari and firefox) the scroll is not working, why is that? I need urgent help. Gus ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] ui scroll bar
nope the component is not on the first frame, how could I put in there without placing it physically? I've never try that you know how, I know that is pretty simple and so beginner but I've never try it before. Regards, Gus P.d: when you said something within the IDE that is "helping it work" what do you mean? and the problem is online, it doesn't appear when I'm using the Flash VM or the flash player locally, but when I use the browsers locally it appears there. On Apr 23, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: HTML looks fine. Does this problem appear if you run it locally in a browser? How about making a projector and seeing if the problem exists there as well. Only thing that I can really guess at is that something within the IDE is "helping" it work. Is the component set to export on the first frame? Is the component on the first frame of the SWF? If not try placing it there so that it can instantiate. At this point I can only guess. Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: nope the page now, have the source code to 9.0 check it please and the version of the flash player is 10 AS3, I don't know what else to do I'm going to try to use the same in other file to see If I set something wrong. would you check on the container page to see if there is something there that shouldn't be there? Regards, Gus On Apr 23, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: Indeed there is not scroll tab in the scroll bar. One thing I did notice, not I think it is your issue, but in your HTML you have the player version set to If you are indeed using AS3, then that player version will not play the SWF. You will need to change that value to at least 9.0 Another thing that might be an issue is if your parent SWF is older than version 9. Meaning it was published to version 8 and then it is trying to pull in a version 10 SWF with AS3. Because of the VM version, it might not be communicating properly under the hood. Are any of your SWF files older than version 9 (CS3)? As a side not, that page is not displaying at all in IE6 on Windows XP. The page displayed in FireFox 3 (with no scroll bar). Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: fp10, using safari and firefox, no idea if this is happening in other machines(mine is mac), check this URL for me: click on the part of about us. that is the part where the scroll bar is supposed to be. At the beginning was on the stage, then I've created dynamically using AS3, but it seems not to work both ways. thanks for your help Gus On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:26 PM, Charles Parcell wrote: Player version? This happen on other machines? Charles P. On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Gustavo Duenas <> wrote: Hi coders, I have a dynamic text and a UI scrollbar, no problem when I preview the movie in flash cs4. Problem is When I embed it on the browser (safari and firefox) the scroll is not working, why is that? I need urgent help. Gus ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] flash cs4 crashing after the installation of suitcase fusion 2 mac
Hi My flash is crashing all time after I do the preview movie, it seems to happen after I have the new suitcase fusion you know why? Regards, gus ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] setting the background false on a texfield component in as3
Hi I've been trying to set the background of a component that I have on stage( is a textfield) I've been using this. mc.myTextComponent.background= false; and I'm importing: import flash.text.Texfield; impot flash.text.textFormat; so far it says that this doesn't know where is the background? and when I try this on the import: import flash.text.Textfield.background; it says that cannot locate the background do you know what could be happening? Help!! Gus ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] odd error when (solved)
All of you were right as a matter of fact, that happened that my host administrator haven't set up the mime for the host, and it wouldn't know what a .rss file was. now is ok, Thanks. Gustavo On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:52 PM, Merrill, Jason wrote: Yes, the file is online, in the URL: Uh, no it isn't. You have a different problem - that feed is not on the web - even if it is showing up in your ftp program. Contact your web server administrator. Jason Merrill Bank of America | Learning Performance Solutions Instructional Technology & Media Monthly meetings on the Adobe Flash platform for rich media experiences - join the Bank of America Flash Platform Community -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Gustavo Duenas LRS Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 1:44 PM To: Flash Coders List Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] odd error when I try a rss viewer on internet Yes, the file is online, in the URL: but I don't know in my ftp programs it shows up, but when you try the link directly it won't work. Regards, Gustavo On Mar 18, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote: Did you put the rss file online? On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <> wrote: Hi I have this odd error using the rssviewer on the as3 samples on the adobe website. The Rssviewer is working fine locally, but when I put it on the internet it gives me this error, anyone knows why? Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: RSSData/mafleFeedAtom.rss at com.example.programmingas3.rssViewer::RSSParser() at RSSViewer_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I hope you can help me Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list -- Interactive design and development ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] odd error when I try a rss viewer on internet
Yes, the file is online, in the URL: but I don't know in my ftp programs it shows up, but when you try the link directly it won't work. Regards, Gustavo On Mar 18, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote: Did you put the rss file online? On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Gustavo Duenas LRS <> wrote: Hi I have this odd error using the rssviewer on the as3 samples on the adobe website. The Rssviewer is working fine locally, but when I put it on the internet it gives me this error, anyone knows why? Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: RSSData/mafleFeedAtom.rss at com.example.programmingas3.rssViewer::RSSParser() at RSSViewer_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I hope you can help me Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list -- Interactive design and development ___ Flashcoders mailing list ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] odd error when I try a rss viewer on internet
Hi I have this odd error using the rssviewer on the as3 samples on the adobe website. The Rssviewer is working fine locally, but when I put it on the internet it gives me this error, anyone knows why? Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: RSSData/mafleFeedAtom.rss at com.example.programmingas3.rssViewer::RSSParser() at RSSViewer_fla::MainTimeline/frame1() I hope you can help me Gustavo ___ Flashcoders mailing list
Re: [Flashcoders] really help needed here.
You are the best, thanks yOu brother...GOD bless you. Gus On Feb 4, 2009, at 12:24 AM, Keith Reinfeld wrote: trace(" =",; ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] really help needed here.
Hi I ahve this code for a carrousel 3d for as3 and I was wondering if you could help me out , because it seems that when I try to name the "item" it works to load the pictures but after the push in the array, the items doesn't have a name I don't know how could I'd be able to pass a name I've tried everything that I know.. HELP ME!!! here is the code var names:Array = ["models","portrait","weddings","children","commercial"]; var numOfItems:uint = names.length; // number of Items to put on stage var radiusX:uint = 250; // width of carousel var radiusY:uint = 75; // height of carousel var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 6; // x position of center of carousel var centerY:Number = stage.stageHeight /7; // y position of center of carousel var speed:Number = 0.05; // initial speed of rotation of carousel var itemArray:Array = new Array(); // store the Items to sort them according to their 'depth' - see sortBySize() function. init(); // place Items on stage function init():void { for(var i:uint = 0; i < numOfItems; i++) { var item:Item = new Item(); //adcionamos las fotos/ var itemNames =; itemNames = names[i]; trace(itemNames); var itemPics:Loader = new Loader(); itemPics.load(new URLRequest("menuImages/"+ itemNames +".jpg"));// here it works I can load the pictures in the different items itemPics.x=-25; itemPics.y=-30; item.addChild(itemPics); item.angl = i * ((Math.PI * 2) / numOfItems); //item.ref.mask = item.masker; item.alpha = 0.5; itemArray.push(item); addChild(item); item.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); // listen for MouseEvents only on icons, not on reflections //item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverHandler); item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOutHandler); function rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { = 9; trace(;//here is the problem when I try to use the roll over to trace its name(the name of each item...nothing works...why? } } } Someone help me please.!! Gustavo Duenas ___ Flashcoders mailing list
[Flashcoders] (no subject)
I'm trying to use a carrousel thing that I've downloaded and iIm adapting the as3 for that...but I have this odd problem... I'm not sure what it is, the code looks, anyway it has to be wrong...could you help me out. this is the error in flash . ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property 0 not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value. at CarouselinAS3_fla::MainTimeline/init() at CarouselinAS3_fla::MainTimeline/CarouselinAS3_fla::frame1() this is the code: /* AS 3.0 carousel by Matt Bury. Adapted from Lee Brimelow's carousel tutorials at http:// This code goes on frame 1 of a 1 frame FLA file. The 'reflections' will only work if 'bitmap caching' for the Icon instance 'ref' and the 'masker' instance is turned on in the properties panel. The silhouette in the FLA is from a photo of a friend I took of, Rew Lowe, who performs with Aitherios Theatre: http:// They're an international troupe that performs around western Europe. */ var names:Array = new Array ("models","portrait","weddings","children","commercial"); var numOfItems:uint = names.length; // number of Items to put on stage var radiusX:uint = 250; // width of carousel var radiusY:uint = 75; // height of carousel var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2; // x position of center of carousel var centerY:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2; // y position of center of carousel var speed:Number = 0.05; // initial speed of rotation of carousel var itemArray:Array = new Array(); // store the Items to sort them according to their 'depth' - see sortBySize() function. init(); // place Items on stage function init():void { for(var i:uint = 0; i < numOfItems; i++) { var item:Item = new Item(); //adcionamos las fotos/ var newNames = names[i]; var itemPics:Loader = new Loader(); itemPics.load(new URLRequest("menuImages/"+ newNames +".jpg"));///this is the part with the problems// item.addChild(itemPics[i]); // public var angl:Number; is in Item class. // Item class extends ItemInner in FLA library. item.angl = i * ((Math.PI * 2) / numOfItems); item.ref.mask = item.masker; item.alpha = 0.5; itemArray.push(item); addChild(item); item.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); // listen for MouseEvents only on icons, not on reflections item.icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); item.icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverHandler); item.icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOutHandler); } } // position Items in elipse function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void { = Math.cos( * radiusX + centerX; // x position of Item = Math.sin( * radiusY + centerY; // y postion of Item // scale Item according to y position to give perspective var s:Number = / (centerY + radiusY); = = s; += speed; // speed is updated by mouseMoveHandler sortBySize(); } // set the display list index (depth) of the Items according to their // scaleX property so that the bigger the Item, the higher the index (depth) function sortBySize():void { // There isn't an Array.ASCENDING property so use DESCENDING and reverse() itemArray.sortOn("scaleX", Array.DESCENDING | Array.NUMERIC); itemArray.reverse(); for(var i:uint = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++) { var item:Item = itemArray[i]; setChildIndex(item, i); } } function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { // clean up your listeners before you do anything else to free up // user's CPU resources for(var i:uint = 0; i < itemArray.length; i++) { var item:Item = itemArray[i]; item.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); item.icon.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler); item.icon.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverHandler); item.icon.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, rollOutHandler); // optional: removeChild(item); // to replace the carousel again see reInit() function } // put your own code here. } function rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { = 1; } function rollOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { = 0.5; } addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler); /* Update the speed at which the carousel rotates accoring to the distance of the mouse from the