[flexcoders] Advanced DataGrid Grouped Row Conditional

2008-08-04 Thread M@ Sheppard
I've written a custom AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer to provide
some checkbox and summary type information but I've run into a wall on
a couple issues.  

In my createChildren function - how can I tell when I am rendering the
Top/Parent/Root node vs. a child row?  i.e. I don't want to render a
checkbox on the "folder" level row, but I do want it on the
leaf/children rows.  I guess knowing the correct terminology of these
things would help.  I spent a while looking for examples, but really
didn't find anything that nailed this question for me.

Also: When rendering these parent rows, is there a way to control what
data goes into the other columns?  The child information is rendering
fine for the 2nd, 3rd etc... columns, but I want to show something
different in these columns for the parent row.  Again - the
terminology might make my google help searches more likely to succeed.


[flexcoders] JSON service calls /Jayrock

2008-03-31 Thread M@ Sheppard
Trying to put a front end to a service that uses not only JSON
serialization but also the POST/RESPONSE functionality.

I'm wondering how others are doing this.  Is there something in the
Adobe JSON library that enables this?  I've found lots of good
sterilization examples, but they use something other than the JSON
formatted HTTP GET calls (webservices, PHP http services etc...)

More info: The service I wish to consume is developed in Jayrock - so
it can create a javascript proxy class to make the calls - but this
seems to be adding a layer that I would like to not have.

Any pointers/advice welcome.  Feel free to say, "Duh...", as I have no
pride left.


[flexcoders] Re: Adding custom events to the pre-loading sequence

2008-02-21 Thread M@ Sheppard
hannes: That is exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you!


[flexcoders] BindSetter to an ArrayCollection's Length property: Firing far too often...

2007-10-23 Thread M@ Sheppard
In the following snippets of code:

var watcherSetter:ChangeWatcher =
BindingUtils.bindSetter(createPoints, pointArrayModel, "length");

private var lastPointLength:int = 0;
private function createPoints(v:int):void
myModel.logInfo("pathView.createPoints, last=" + lastPointLength + "
new = " + v);
if (lastPointLength != v)
lastPointLength = v;

The handler seems to fire WAY too many times.  The first condition
statement shouldn't even be necessary, but I end up with log items
like this:

2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.005s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4

Which shouldn't happen... the length didn't change so why did the
binding fire?

Often it returns very large values for the length of the
arrayCollection... potentially significant numbers : 13421772 and
65280.  They show up in the log like this:

2:33:26:(0.004s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 65280
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=65280 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.003s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 13421772
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=13421772 new = 4
2:33:26:(0.001s) -  pathView.createPoints, last=4 new = 4

I'm investigating if there's a run away loop somewhere in out
codebase, or some sort of initialization/sequencing error - but I'm
getting no stack overruns and none of our error handling is firing.

I'm probably doing something stupid completely unrelated to binding,
so if anyone recognizes this type of behavior, please let me know.


[flexcoders] Re: WebService performance with large XML

2007-10-23 Thread M@ Sheppard
I might have found a solution to my own problem.  Here is the current

service = new WebService();
service.GetProject.resultFormat = "e4x";  //Increases speed of return
10 fold
service.wsdl = OurModelLocator.getInstance()[EMAIL PROTECTED];
service.addEventListener("result", responder.result);
service.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);

A colleague suggested the resultFormat change, which has made all the
difference.  Now, however, I must rewrite all of my parsing code.  


[flexcoders] WebService performance with large XML

2007-10-23 Thread M@ Sheppard
The application we're developing requires me to return a block of XML
from the database, and we're doing this with a webservice.  We have a
current version of the application written in Flash which returns and
consumes the same webservice call in under a second.  The same
webservice call made from Flex takes upwards of 10 seconds.  

I'm theorizing it's because the e4x engine is taking a very long time
parsing the returned XML.  I have the timestamp directly before the
webservice.methodName call and again as the first line in the result
handling function - so it's none of my code involved in the measurement. 

I'm looking for some more details on how Flex is making this
webservice call and specifically how it's dealing with the results,
and if there's an opportunity for me to alter how it processes the

I'm thinking about making this one call use another data connectivity
technique, like fluorine or web orb.


[flexcoders] Flex 2 Profiler

2007-10-16 Thread M@ Sheppard
I've found several articles that reference the flex profiler - but I
am at a loss as to where it is.  There are some recent posts here
about the Flex 3 profiler, but I am looking for one that will work
with a flex builder 2 project.

I don't have the profile.war file on my dev system (installed Flex
Builder 2) or the build machine (installed Flex 2 SDK).

Any hints?  


[flexcoders] Adding custom events to the pre-loading sequence

2007-10-15 Thread M@ Sheppard
I've built a preloader - and it works fine, but it "hides itself" a
little too soon.  I load a few things from the server after the
application is running, and want that preloader to stick around until
a specific result method has fired.

I can't figure out how to do this - how to access the custom preloader
from inside my application or how to fire an event to something the
preloader has access too.

I've spent a while on Jessie's blog, and a couple others, but still no


[flexcoders] Retype Passowrd validation

2007-09-20 Thread M@ Sheppard
I'm creating a registration form, and need to validate that a "Retype
password" == "Original password" validator.  It's as simple as
"TXT_password1 == TXT_passowd2"

Any advice?  Right now I've got a global "validate form" function and
I just do the logic in there, but I'd like that whole routine to be
implemented by validator objects.


[flexcoders] How to parse objectProxy array vs. single items

2007-09-14 Thread M@ Sheppard
I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong - I get an objectProxy back
from a webservice with a list of items - sometimes the list is empty,
sometimes it has 1 item, sometimes is has many.

My code is "working," but it smells bad - I have to check if the
object in question has a .length property - and access it differently.

I am currently parsing this array like this:

// Parse the icons
var testType:Object = op.item;
if (testType != null)
if (testType.length != null) //more than one group
for( var i:int; i

[flexcoders] Communicating with modules

2007-09-11 Thread M@ Sheppard
Sorry if this seems dense:  But how do I communicate to and from
modules?  I've got them compiling and loading fine, but I'm having a
hard time finding a clear example of how to communicate from module to
application and back.


[flexcoders] Reporting Subversion Revision in Flex Application?

2007-09-11 Thread M@ Sheppard
Shortest way to ask this question I think is: Can I show the
Subversion Revision # of the application's mxml file in the
application itself?  For example when someone went "Help->About" it
could show "Version 1.3 revision 234" information?

I'd like this as a verification for QA etc... so they KNOW what code
base they are on.

We don't currently have an automated build system, which could
probably do this quite easily.  So while I'd love to hear how people
are doing that, I'd also like to know if there's an easy way to do it
without a build system.


[flexcoders] Load MXML at run time?

2007-09-06 Thread M@ Sheppard
I'm designing what is in essence a custom registration form, so
clients of our flex app can design their own registration information.
 I'd like to try to store MXML somewhere on the server or perhaps the
database and render it at runtime based on what client is using the

For example: Some clients want an installation where they collect a
zip code, while another may want to collect opt-in/out information. 
I'd like to store this in MXML and render it at run time inside my
registration form.

Anyone done anything like this or seen it done?


[flexcoders] How to log "Application Closed" implicitly

2007-09-04 Thread M@ Sheppard
In an effort to record "session time" that a user spends in my flex
application I'm trying to capture the application closing event and
log information before the user leaves.  

Currently I can make a webservice call from a function called from the
ExternalInterface if I return some text to show in the "Are you sure
you want to navigate away from this page" dialog box that the browser

The real problem is, if I don't return any text, the browser calls
before my webservice call is made, as if the browser will not allow
any additional requests once the user has begun the page closing function.

I have a unload function in actionscript that I register with the
External Interface call.  It makes a webservice call first, and then
returns a string with text or an empty string.

In my index.template.html file, I set the window.onbeforeunload to a
function that calls my actionscript function.  

If my actionscript function returns an a string everything works, the
webservice call logs the user logged out and the browser displays the

If my actionscript function returns an empty string then no webservice
call is recorded, the browser closes and my server is oblivious to the
fact that the user is gone.