[flexcoders] Re: flexcommon library 1.0 released

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
Here's the fix:


[flexcoders] Re: flexcommon library 1.0 released

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
better yet:


[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade

discusses extending the Array class as a subclass using the dynamic attribute. 

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
The option to create the matrix layout in a fixed manner is the crux. Most of 
the available matrix algebra algos (Transpose,Gauss-Jordan,etc) are coded with 
this 2D layout with exceptions of course. 

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
Never tried the Vector class - can one get FB3 to recognize it?

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
This class works:

public dynamic class Matrix2D extends Array
public function Matrix2D(nRows:int=0,nCols:int=0)
for (var k:int=0;knRows;k++)
this[k]=new Array(nCols);

Test prog:
import com.freevryheid.statistics.Matrix2D;
private function init():void
var a:Matrix2D=new Matrix2D(3,4);

output 4 

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
Bookmarked - thanks!

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-29 Thread smitade
* A collection of 2D matrix functions for AS3.  
public dynamic class Matrix2D extends Array
public function Matrix2D(nRows:int=0,nCols:int=0)
for (var k:int=0;knRows;k++)
this[k]=new Array(nCols);

* Returns a square [n][n] matrix with all the elements set to 
* @param n Matrix length.
* @see #Identity()
public dynamic function Zero(n:int=0):Matrix2D
var a:Matrix2D=new Matrix2D(n,n);
for (var i:int=0;in;i++)
for (var j:int=0;jn;j++)
return (a);

* Returns an identity matrix [n][n] with the diagonal elements 
set to one.
* @param n Matrix length. 
* @see #Zero()
public dynamic function Identity(n:int=0):Matrix2D
var a:Matrix2D=new Matrix2D(n,n);
for (var i:int=0;in;i++)
for (var j:int=0;jn;j++)
if (i==j)
return (a);



import com.freevryheid.statistics.Matrix2D;
private function init():void
var b:Matrix2D=new Matrix2D();

outputs: 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1

[flexcoders] Re: flexcommon library 1.0 released

2009-04-28 Thread smitade
Documentation link doesn't work for me - opens as html text in browser.

[flexcoders] Extend Array

2009-04-28 Thread smitade
I'm trying to extend an Array into a 2D matrix. Any suggestions? The following 
code fails but I don't understand why.

public class MatRix extends Array
public function MatRix(numRows:int=0,numCols:int=0)
for (var i:int=0;inumRows;i++)
for (var j:int=0;jnumCols;j++)
this[j]=new Array();

[flexcoders] Re: flexcommon library 1.0 released

2009-04-28 Thread smitade
Interesting. Yep, I tried using Firefox.

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-28 Thread smitade
This compiles OK but fails at this point in the class:  

this[i]=new Array(numCols);

with the error: Cannot create property 0 on [the class] i.e i being 0 on the 
first for loop when calling:

var a:MatRix = new MatRix(3,3);

[flexcoders] Re: Extend Array

2009-04-28 Thread smitade
Thanks - you guys rock!

Good point about the geom matrix class. I'm coding some matrix algebra 
algorithms. Actually I hadn't given it much thought just considered the 
possibility of using the sorting function in the Array class.   

[flexcoders] Re: anyone know of a good (free) flex component for playing video/swfs?

2009-04-14 Thread smitade
Tried this - not sure if it plays swf?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmonie...@... wrote:

 I'm looking for a simply (and reliable) flex component which can play a flv 
 or a swf and has the basic controls (Play/Pause/Progress bar)
 Any suggestions?

[flexcoders] Re: How to put a well-formatted SQL statement in a string?

2009-04-13 Thread smitade
Calling mssql procs through flex can be done using pyamf. Here's some code 
using pyamf: http://freevryheid.x10hosting.com/drupal/?q=node/15

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mic chigwel...@... wrote:

 I have to embed my SQL within Flex until I can work out how to call a 
 SQLServer proc from within Flex (any pointers here would be much 
 appreciated), and am writing functions:
 private function sel_mrkt_pln_yrs(p_string:String = null):String{
var sqlString:String = select distinct issue_yr, cast(issue_yr as Int) as 
 ID from MKT_PLN where (case when  + p_string +  is not null then case when 
 mkt_pln_typ =  + p_string +  then 1 end else 1 end) = 1 order by 1 desc;;  
   return sqlString; 
 I would like to format the SQL so I can read it:
   select distinct
   cast(issue_yr as Int) as ID
   (case when @p_mkt_pln_typ is not null then
   case when mkt_pln_typ = @p_mkt_pln_typ then
   end) = 1
   order by
   1 desc;
 but var sqlString:String = ... will not take the separate lines etc. How are 
 people doing this? TIA,

[flexcoders] flexiBoard - Crafty chess frontend

2009-04-06 Thread smitade
I've developed a frontend to the Crafty chess engine. A win32 alpha version is 
available for download at:


The zip contains everything you need to play chess. Check the INSTALL.TXT file 
for instructions. The source code is also available via subversion at riaforge. 
I'd appreciate any comments, bug reports etc. The app is playable but still 
under development. I can use some help to port to linux and mac and to wrap it 
up if anyone is interested.

[flexcoders] Re: Recommended MVC for Flex/AS?

2009-03-09 Thread smitade
ActionJack isn't mentioned:


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Ninan fle...@... wrote:

 Take a look at the attached link
 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Adrian Williams
 Hi All,
  I'm curious as to what our overall community would recommend, why and
  the pros/cons of the various MVC's that are out there for Flex/AS.


[flexcoders] Compressed swf

2009-03-02 Thread smitade
swf files appear to be compressed - headers start with PK. I was
comparing the swf filesizes of different flex frameworks Cairngorm,
Mate, PureMVC, etc and found significant differences. Cairngorm, for
example, was down to 11 KB. How does one compress your swf down to
this size. 

[flexcoders] Re: Define repeaters at runtime

2009-02-27 Thread smitade
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gordon Smith gosm...@... wrote:

 So that the doc team understands... What is it that you found
surprising? That an Array can hold anything, including references to
 Gordon Smith
 Adobe Flex SDK Team
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of smitade
 Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:50 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Define repeaters at runtime
 It works - please ignore the previous post. Wow, the ability to push
 components into arrays like this opens up so many possibilities -
 especially when working with flex frameworks. I find it strange the
 documentation doesn't highlight this feature - otherwise I missed it.
 Thanks again!

Gordon - sorry for the confusion - I'm confused myself! When I started
this thread I was looking for a way to dump components into an Array
e.g. 64 Images into an array ImageArray so that I could set the
properties of the images by setting the array directly e.g. 
for (i=0;i64;i++)

I mistakenly thought it was working as initially all of the 64 images
have the same source and this was showing up correctly. What I found
out that this is not the case (and probably why I didn't find it in
the docs). I understand that arrays can hold references to components
so I've recoded to push and pop the images from ImageArray to set the
properties on the individual Images. I liked the functionality of
using a repeater defined in MXML where I could reference my
ImageArray directly. I haven't found a way to define this repeater
at runtime though. 

Sorry for the long reply - hope it makes sense. 

[flexcoders] Define repeaters at runtime

2009-02-26 Thread smitade
Is it possible to define repeaters at runtime? I've scanned the web
and didn't find anything. I would like an Image array defined within a
repeater but WITHOUT using the mxml 
mx:Repeater id=myRepeater dataProvider=...
mx:Image id=myImage/
so that I can access it later in the code: myImage[10].source=...


[flexcoders] Re: Define repeaters at runtime

2009-02-26 Thread smitade
Thanks Pedro

So is it possible to define an Image Array without a repeater? I'd
like to run through 64 Images using:

for each (var img:Image in ImageArray)
... etc

Back to google.

[flexcoders] Re: Define repeaters at runtime

2009-02-26 Thread smitade
Tried this but it failed:

In Model.as
public var a_red:Array=new Array();

then later:

where red_source is a png image.

for (var i:int=0;i64;i++)

trace(Red Image: ,Model.getInstance().red[1].source);

Error #1069: Property 1 not found on mx.controls.Image and there is no
default value.

[flexcoders] Re: Define repeaters at runtime

2009-02-26 Thread smitade
It works - please ignore the previous post. Wow, the ability to push
components into arrays like this opens up so many possibilities -
especially when working with flex frameworks. I find it strange the
documentation doesn't highlight this feature - otherwise I missed it.
Thanks again!

[flexcoders] pair

2009-02-25 Thread smitade
Is pair (http://pair.collab.eu/) dead? Pair is an Actionscript3
implementation of the Python standard library. It's been a while since
the site was updated. Any alternatives out there?

[flexcoders] Re: [silvafug] Calling C++ app or service from flex on Mac

2009-02-24 Thread smitade
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Shailesh Mangal
shailesh.man...@... wrote:

 Have you looked at Merapi?
 You can either use JNI with Merapi to call you dll or write similar  
 socket based bridge in C++
 On Feb 22, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Priya Shah wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  I am in dire need of being able to call a C++ app or service on Mac  
  from flex. I am willing to go the AIR way for this though that's not  
  optimal. I have spent some time trying to figure out the Netscape  
  plugin architecture which is supported on safari but it's sub- 
  optimal for me to go that route.
  I already have a C++ dll that I have invoked with flex on the  
  Windows side using an Active/X plugin successfully. Now I need to  
  compile the dll into some format on Mac and then communicate back  
  and forth with flex.
  I have seen some open source bridge projects that enclose flash  
  player in an MFC object but that doesn't help me on mac.
  Is it as simple as doing some Netstream class from flex to connect  
  to either an app or a service (if there are services on Mac like  
  there are on Windows) and just do a localhost communication back and  
  forth? If so, what are the limitations of such approaches? Any  
  sample apps out there?

... or using a python sockets server - see flexiBoard on riaforge. 

[flexcoders] Re: Mouse click drop

2009-02-10 Thread smitade
Ok - let me provide some code. First define one of many images. That's
what ChessPiece is.

ns:ChessPiece id=img_bqr x={Number(ary.getItemAt(0))}
y={Number(ary.getItemAt(0))} source={png_br} color=black
rank=rook   pos=a8 mouseDown=movePiece(event)/

Then in the movePiece function create the event listener. cv is my
canvas on which the images are:

private function movePiece(e:MouseEvent):void
if (drag)
cv.currentTarget.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, dragPiece);

Then the dragPiece callback:

private function dragPiece(e:MouseEvent):void

[flexcoders] Mouse click drop

2009-02-09 Thread smitade
I'm developing an app with click and drop as opposed to drag and drop.
I have a bunch of images on a canvas. When I click an image it adds a
MOUSE_MOVE event listener to the canvas. I then relocate the image
based on the canvas mouseX and mouseY movement. This event is removed
when I click the mouse a second time. As you can understand, this work
well if the image stays under the mouse, but goes haywire when the
mouse is moved over other images or if you move the mouse too quickly.
I could disable all the other objects on the canvas from responding to
the mouse movement but is there a better way to go about this.

[flexcoders] proxy.php

2008-09-22 Thread smitade
I'm connecting my Flex 3 app to a web service that doesn't have a
crossdomain.xml file. I've set up a proxy (php file I got off the web)
to read the WSDL from the web service and this works when I connect to
the service through Flex Builder. When I upload the flex app to my
server, however, the app fails with the security fault when connecting
to the service. Debugging using Charles shows that the app is trying
to GET crossdomain.xml from the web service. It was my understanding
from the flex documentation that using a proxy would negate the
crossdomain.xml requirement. Am I missing something? Also, why would
it work through Builder and not from the server? TIA