RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)

2005-05-30 Thread Mike Anderson


So with that said, why are the Form and 
FormItem tags mentioned so often in every example I 

Or is this just another tool that the developer can select 
from, in order to make the workflow easier? But at the same time, it's not 
absolutely necessary that the developer go that exact route, whenever creating 
Forms in which it's imperative that the controls all line up 

I would be grateful for as many people as possible to 
comment on this topic, as I would feel much better as I forge ahead with my 
application, knowing that I am doing my coding in an acceptable 

Thanks again everybody,


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitrios 
GianninasSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:23 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)

That is correct, you do not 
need to have your components contained within a FORM. Validation will work 
regardless if component in contained with a FORM or not, same goes for sending 
the data to a service.

Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Abdul Qabiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:13 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)
Hi Mike,I am not sure, but using Form tag is not 
necessary. I think, it is morefor form-like-lay outing purpose. Validation 
should also work oncontrols outside of form.May be someone else 
confirm it...-abdul -Original Message-From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OnBehalf Of 
Mike AndersonSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 10:24 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and 
frustrations)Hello All,MUST I use the Form tags, if I have Text 
Fields (or any controlsreally...) that will eventually be submitted to a 
WebService orRemoteObject later on?I guess what I am asking is: Is 
the developer forced to use Forms,whenever collecting data for the purpose 
of sending and/or receiving(with potential validation before 
submission)? Is using the Form tags,just easier in the long haul, when 
it comes to validation, etc?The reason I ask, is that I find the 
Form tags (which itself IS acontainer object) VERY prohibitive when 
it comes to laying out mycontrols. ALL the examples I've seen thus 
far, are single column innature - the top-down approach to laying out the 
controls. Well, thatdoes not work for me - I need to also put fields 
across too (sometimes2, 3 or more columns) - and the default Form 
container really isn'tsetup for that type of thing.I've tried 
creating a Form container, and then inside THAT putting aHBox container, 
which of course allows me to put controls across, buthow do I handle 
subsequent Rows below the previous, when the need arisesfor me having to 
properly line up controls from top to bottom?In this particular case, I 
think it would be easier for me, to useAbsolute Positioning - using the 
Canvas container.If I use this type of method for laying out my forms, 
am I screwingmyself later on, by not using the Form and 
FormItem tags whensending data to the server? Or just as 
important, performing FormValidation before sending the data to the 
server?Or, maybe I am missing something, and there IS a way to properly 
line upmy Controls from Top to Bottom AND from Left to Right, with 
havingmultiple Fields going across the Form horizontally as 
well...Could you all shed some light on this topic?Thanks in 
advance for your help,MikeYahoo! Groups 

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RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)

2005-05-30 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas

Hi Mike,

I use the FORM and FORMITEM 
tags whenever I want to use the automatic layout they provide. I'd say I use 
them about 75% of the time. The rest of the time, I just place a component(s) 
within the container that is appropriate. 

I guess the moral of the story 
is, doesn't matter what containers your components are laid out in, you can always apply the validators and then take the data and do as you 

Its not like HTML, where you 
have to use the FORM tag. HTML, remember that?


Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Mike Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:51 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)


So with that said, why are the Form and 
FormItem tags mentioned so often in every example I 

Or is this just another tool that the developer can select 
from, in order to make the workflow easier? But at the same time, it's not 
absolutely necessary that the developer go that exact route, whenever creating 
Forms in which it's imperative that the controls all line up 

I would be grateful for as many people as possible to 
comment on this topic, as I would feel much better as I forge ahead with my application, knowing that I am doing my coding in an acceptable 

Thanks again everybody,


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitrios 
GianninasSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:23 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)

That is correct, you do not 
need to have your components contained within a FORM. Validation will work regardless if component in contained with a FORM or not, same goes for sending 
the data to a service.

Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Abdul Qabiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:13 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)
Hi Mike,I am not sure, but using Form tag is not 
necessary. I think, it is morefor form-like-lay outing purpose. Validation 
should also work oncontrols outside of form.May be someone else confirm it...-abdul -Original Message-From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OnBehalf Of 
Mike AndersonSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 10:24 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and 
frustrations)Hello All,MUST I use the Form tags, if I have Text 
Fields (or any controlsreally...) that will eventually be submitted to a 
WebService orRemoteObject later on?I guess what I am asking is: Is 
the developer forced to use Forms,whenever collecting data for the purpose 
of sending and/or receiving(with potential validation before 
submission)? Is using the Form tags,just easier in the long haul, when 
it comes to validation, etc?The reason I ask, is that I find the 
Form tags (which itself IS acontainer object) VERY prohibitive when 
it comes to laying out mycontrols. ALL the examples I've seen thus 
far, are single column innature - the top-down approach to laying out the 
controls. Well, thatdoes not work for me - I need to also put fields 
across too (sometimes2, 3 or more columns) - and the default Form 
container really isn'tsetup for that type of thing.I've tried creating a Form container, and then inside THAT putting aHBox container, 
which of course allows me to put controls across, buthow do I handle 
subsequent Rows below the previous, when the need arisesfor me having to 
properly line up controls from top to bottom?In this particular case, I 
think it would be easier for me, to useAbsolute Positioning - using the Canvas container.If I use this type of method for laying out my forms, 
am I screwingmyself later on, by not using the Form and 
FormItem tags whensending data to the server? Or just as important, performing FormValidation before sending the data to the 
server?Or, maybe I am missing something, and there IS a way to properly 
line upmy Controls from Top to Bottom AND from Left to Right, with 
havingmultiple Fields going across the Form horizontally as 
well...Could you all shed some light on this topic?Thanks in 
advance for your help,MikeYahoo! Groups 

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RE: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and frustrations)

2005-05-30 Thread Mike Anderson

YES! (regarding the HTML Tag comment you 

I guess, when writing my code, MXML is SO similar to HTML, 
that it's striking a lot of nerves while I write... and that inherently makes me 
wonder if I am truly writing my code properly. Old habits die hard they 
say - and I just have to clear my head of all that HTML crap that I've learned 
over the years, and truly realize that MXML is a TOTALLY new language - it's 
just similar in structure...

Well, I feel better now - because my app is almost 100% 
Forms - and validation... So of course, seeing every example thus far, 
using the Form tags, I really had to confirm that whole thing before 
proceeding any further.

Thanks SO much for your input regarding 

Mike :)

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitrios 
GianninasSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:13 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)

Hi Mike,

I use the FORM and FORMITEM 
tags whenever I want to use the automatic layout they provide. I'd say I use 
them about 75% of the time. The rest of the time, I just place a component(s) 
within the container that is appropriate. 

I guess the moral of the story 
is, doesn't matter what containers your components are laid out in, you can 
always apply the validators and then take the data and do as you 

Its not like HTML, where you 
have to use the FORM tag. HTML, remember that?


Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Mike Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:51 PMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)


So with that said, why are the Form and 
FormItem tags mentioned so often in every example I 

Or is this just another tool that the developer can select 
from, in order to make the workflow easier? But at the same time, it's not 
absolutely necessary that the developer go that exact route, whenever creating 
Forms in which it's imperative that the controls all line up 

I would be grateful for as many people as possible to 
comment on this topic, as I would feel much better as I forge ahead with my 
application, knowing that I am doing my coding in an acceptable 

Thanks again everybody,


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dimitrios 
GianninasSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 7:23 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)

That is correct, you do not 
need to have your components contained within a FORM. Validation will work 
regardless if component in contained with a FORM or not, same goes for sending 
the data to a service.

Dimitrios "Jimmy" Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: Abdul Qabiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 1:13 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] Form 
Questions (and frustrations)
Hi Mike,I am not sure, but using Form tag is not 
necessary. I think, it is morefor form-like-lay outing purpose. Validation 
should also work oncontrols outside of form.May be someone else 
confirm it...-abdul -Original Message-From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OnBehalf Of 
Mike AndersonSent: Monday, May 30, 2005 10:24 AMTo: 
flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Form Questions (and 
frustrations)Hello All,MUST I use the Form tags, if I have Text 
Fields (or any controlsreally...) that will eventually be submitted to a 
WebService orRemoteObject later on?I guess what I am asking is: Is 
the developer forced to use Forms,whenever collecting data for the purpose 
of sending and/or receiving(with potential validation before 
submission)? Is using the Form tags,just easier in the long haul, when 
it comes to validation, etc?The reason I ask, is that I find the 
Form tags (which itself IS acontainer object) VERY prohibitive when 
it comes to laying out mycontrols. ALL the examples I've seen thus 
far, are single column innature - the top-down approach to laying out the 
controls. Well, thatdoes not work for me - I need to also put fields 
across too (sometimes2, 3 or more columns) - and the default Form 
container really isn'tsetup for that type of thing.I've tried 
creating a Form container, and then inside THAT putting aHBox container, 
which of course allows me to put controls across, buthow do I handle 
subsequent Rows below the previous, when the need arisesfor me having to 
properly line up controls from top to bottom?In this particular case, I 
think it would be easier for me, to useAbsolute Positioning - using the 
Canvas container.If I use this type of method for laying out my forms, 
am I screwingmyself later on, by not using the Form and 
FormItem tags whensending data to the server? Or just as 
important, performing FormValidation before sending the data to the 