[Flexradio] For Sale: Mint Flex-5000A

2013-01-05 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Tentative sale fell through so my 5000A is back available. Mint 
specimen, no ATU or rx2.

Email off list please for more info.


Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] Flex-5000A For Sale

2012-12-13 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Have decided to re-list my Flex-5000A. Radio looks and performs like 
new. Non-ATU or second RX.

Price adjusted. Email for details.

Kirb - VE6IV

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Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] New Model from FlexRadio?

2008-07-26 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
New Radio? Please step up and speak into the microphone, sir. :-)

Frank, AB2KT said-
 Sooner than you might think. We are moving very fast now towards an 
exposure of alpha code for the new radio than we'd previously announced
(Dayton next).

Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] Timeline for Change

2008-06-01 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
This may have been mentioned previously, and if so I apologize, but Is 
it possible to get a approximate release date for the new generation 
PowerSDR (new codebase)?
As a obsessive cw operator and former owner of a FlexRadio product, I am 
encouraged by Frank's remarks.

Best 73/  Kirb - VE6IV

  Frank Brickle wrote:
   On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Jerry Flanders jeflanders at 
   If I understand Frank correctly, we will not see what CW ops call 
QSK in
   PowerSDR/Windows. Ever.
   That's not right. The entire audio subsystem inside the SDR software is
   being replaced. The new subsystem is common across all of the 
   Windows included. It provides latencies as small as 64 samples. This
   speculation; it already exists.
   What you're not going to see is the new audio subsystem merged with the
   monolithic PowerSDR codebase.
   Frank Brickle

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Re: [Flexradio] Flex 5000A Elecraft K3 now on the Sherwood

2008-02-17 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
was there any particular reason the K3 wasn't tested using the available 
8-pole 250 Hz roofing filter? I'd be curious to know how much if any 
this would add to the narrow spaced dynamic performance of the K3 
(tested with the 5-pole 200 hz).


Kirb - VE6IV

Rob Sherwood wrote-

 The SDR-1000 will not be listed since other spurs predominate over 3rd 
order products.  Also as some have commented, the undesired products 
(spurs, 3rd order, ground loops, etc.) vary so much from one sound-card 
 installation to another to make a data set from one test setup almost 
 General comments:
 Isn't it wonderful that American ham equipment manufacturers are back 
in the fray.  It is no longer only Japan, Inc.
 There is more to choosing a radio than just numbers.  Deciding between 
running a radio with knobs or a mouse and a computer is a very personal 
choice.   The K3 has knobs, but no band scope.  The Flex has an amazing 
band scope.  The loaner K3 in my lab has a rack-sized 85-pound spectrum 
analyzer hooked up to the IF output.  Hopefully Elecraft or other 
aftermarket solutions will be smaller than this!
 Still waiting to see a Hilberling 8000A.   Anyone seen one, even in 
 Rob Sherwood

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[Flexradio] SDR-1000/100 for sale

2007-12-08 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Still have available my FLEX SDR-1000 100w along with the Edirol FA-66
firewire audio interface and cabling.
Additionally I also have the K2WS/Bliley high stability OCXO available
separately as a kit, or installed in the radio
Please contact me directly if interested.


Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] SDR-1000/100 for sale

2007-11-24 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Post Thanksgiving day blow out sale! *1-day only.
FlexRadio Systems SDR-1000 100W SDR with all the fix'ins
Package includes the K2WS/Bliley 0.03ppm OCXO for extremely stable operation
Edirol FA-66 firewire digital audio interface
Custom made interconnect cables
All printed docs, drivers and OEM disks (FA-66) complete with original
boxes and packing.
Works better than new. Price: $1250.00 +shipping your choice.

Kirb - VE6IV
*may be repeated until sold :-)

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[Flexradio] high performance event timer

2007-11-18 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
some good background on the HPET
As far as I can tell this feature is supported only by Intel chipsets.
Both of my AMD MB's did not have an HPET setting in the BIOS nor did
they indicate as being supported when I ran the test utility (which I
can not find).
Thus I ditched my AMD hw and went back to an Intel platform (775X chipset).

Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] high performance event timer..oops

2007-11-18 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
No, but then again does it need to (for our purposes)...
From http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/CEC/mm-timer.mspx
there's this, Windows Support of the HPET
Initially, on systems with an HPET, all Windows timer APIs will be
ported to the new hardware rather than using the legacy 8254, RTC, APIC,
or PM clock. After the HPET is widely available, Windows timer APIs will
be extended and the underlying Windows timer code will be enhanced to
take advantage of the enhanced capabilities of the HPET.


Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] Am I the only one having problem keying?

2007-11-16 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Nope, your not the only one..
In addition to what you've mentioned, I'm still having troubles with the
com port [assigned to the secondary input], running with an ext. keyer.


Kirb - VE6IV

For quite some time the keying on my SDR1000 using a paddle has not
been good via the key jack  on the SDR.  It keys fine via the com port.
 But it consistently messes up my third dit on either the letter V or S.
Strange I know, but true.  There have been multiple bug reports on CW
issues posted.  Running SDR 1000 w/ Windows XP; latest SVN; 2 gig
memory; USB to parallel connection.

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[Flexradio] v1.10.3 and 1.10.1 CAT/Paddle CW issue

2007-11-13 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
as of svn1744
here's what I'm seeing here.
K1EL on DTR (no CAT!), key closure.

Primary input - com1 = works!
Initially got an occasional breakup if I timed it just right, but much

Primary input - SDR[iambic] = no joy.
Iambic paddles to the back of the radio will give you a MOX/PTT
operation on the dit side of the paddle and a proper dash on the other.
IF you initially hit a dash the radio will then send dits as well (until
the radio drops back into rec.).

Secondary Input - Com1 = misfiring
Keying on DTR
PTT none (running radio break-in enabled)
Still experiencing rather frequent breakup and popping on tx sig. Makes
no difference if I key the DTR line or switch to RTS.

Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] PTT Broken

2007-11-10 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
This is likely all related;
As of svn 1738 break-in on cw ceases to function unless the VAC button
is selected and then de-selected, or the console is powered off/on. The
radio works for a short period and then spontaneously quits transmitting
(no t/r). Eric's been working on this over the last several svn releases.
This problem is present when keying via the PC Com port (ext. keyer), or
directly into the key input on the radio.
I'm also curious to know others experiences using a paddle plugged
directly into the radio's key jack (keying iambic mode) with the last
few svn releases?


Kirb - VE6IV

 don't  know if anyone else has this problem.

 If I switch to cw from ssb, or  the other way, the ptt or break in do not
 If I stop SDR and  restart all comes back ok. As soon as I switch between
 cw and ssb
 again  it quits. It is very consistent on 160-40m, not so much above 30m.
 Vox  works no matter what happens, but it won't
 key with the key or ptt.
 I'm  using SVN 1738, I tried an older version like 1730 and it doesn't
 Is it a bug? or just me.

 Dave Kiefer -  N4DWK

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[Flexradio] Large out of band tx spurs on 5000A

2007-11-03 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
one thing you might try is changing the length of your inter-connecting
coaxial cable between the F5000 and the tuner.


Kirb - VE6IV

Message: 11
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 19:50:12 -0700
From: Steve Kallal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Flexradio] Large out of band tx spurs on 5000A
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I've noticed my 5000A had difficultly getting a low SWR on 80 meters with a
manual antenna tuner. Yet I could get a low SWR with two other rigs. That
made me think that some other frequencies were being transmitted. I turned
on my 756PRO2 with its spectrum scope and sure enough I have a very strong
spur at 5354 kHz when transmitting on 3570 kHz.

I haven't tried this test on any other bands yet. I remember 40 meters as
being easy to get a low SWR.

I hope this a user configuration issue. The frequency is too far away to be
a tx image issue. This is serious and I anxiously awaiting any input from
the support team, hopefully over the weekend. I hope the 5000 doesn't have
to go back to the service department.


Steve N6VL

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[Flexradio] problems with cw breakin 10.2 vs 10.3

2007-11-03 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Bug report filed. Please try Com1 in the interim. as your keyer interface.

Kirb - VE6IV


I am having a problem using cw breakin with my SDR-1000. I am uncertain
whether I have set something up incorrectly or I've stumbled on a software
issue. The details are as follows.

Using 1.10.2, breakin works very nicely for either of these
configurations: a paddle connected directly to the key jack in the back of
the unit (with iambic set), or a bug connected in the same way (but
without iambic). Breakin delay in both cases is 700 ms. The delay is
observed even with a single 'dit', as expected. Keying is smooth.

Using 1.10.3, I see something different. A single 'dit' with the bug keys
the transmitter but almost always no delay occurs. The transmitter drops
right back to receive. Usually a 'dah' works as expected (i.e., with a
delay), but not always. Sometimes no delay occurs and other times the
delay is much longer than 700 ms. Attempting to send with the bug results
in completely unreadable code. In addition, the relay in the SDR-1000
chatters with almost every character.

The paddle with 1.10.3 (iambic set) produces the expected delays for
single characters except very rarely. However, for reasons that aren't
obvious to me, the keying is strange--as if there are extra 'dits' and
'dahs', or the latency is too high. Code can be sent but it is not easy.

Does anyone recognize these symptoms as due to inappropriate settings? I
always try to maintain the same setup across versions (I use a notebook so
that I can reproduce the options on each form carefully). But maybe I've
missed something?

Has anyone else seen the same thing with 10.2 vs. 10.3?

Thanks very much,


FlexRadio mailing list
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[Flexradio] CW keyer [primary] input

2007-10-29 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Still trying to get my head around this. Given the fact (per the manual)
that the Primary keyer input takes precedence and overrides any device
attached to the Secondary input, one would assume you'd have at least
the same level of functionality as is available on the secondary input.
I'm referring specifically to accessing the PTT and keying lines
(DTR/RTS) as assigned to the DB9.
Why do these pins only become active when assigning secondary status to
the Com port?
For those of us who use the com1 as our only interface it precludes the
use of  keyer driven/timed PTT and keying sequencing on the port.


Kirb - VE6IV

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] CW keyer [primary] input

2007-10-29 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Bug report posted

-Kirb, VE6IV
Robert McGwier wrote:
 There are a couple of things going on here.  Please check out the code
 as put up by Eric and I this afternoon.  I believe it fixes several bugs
 in the cw ring buffering system that arose when we perfected break-in
 and have been in there since.  We did make such a HUGE improvement in
 the keyer back then that we simply assumed we were done rather than do
 serious testing.  Eric worked on secondary keying port issues today.
 Test this stuff out again (Eric and Gerald did in the lab but the more
 the merrier) and if stuff is not right, submit a bug report.
 Kirb Nesbitt wrote:
 Still trying to get my head around this. Given the fact (per the manual)
 that the Primary keyer input takes precedence and overrides any device
 attached to the Secondary input, one would assume you'd have at least
 the same level of functionality as is available on the secondary input.
 I'm referring specifically to accessing the PTT and keying lines
 (DTR/RTS) as assigned to the DB9.
 Why do these pins only become active when assigning secondary status to
 the Com port?
 For those of us who use the com1 as our only interface it precludes the
 use of  keyer driven/timed PTT and keying sequencing on the port.


 Kirb - VE6IV

 FlexRadio mailing list
 Archive Link: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
 FlexRadio Knowledge Base: http://kb.flex-radio.com/
 FlexRadio Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/


FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Buffer / Sample Rate

2007-10-27 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
ok, if you go into setup, then: DSPOptions tab . You should have a
Buffer Size setting. One value for Receive and one for Transmit. I
find that if you run with Receive set to 4096 and then Transmit at a
smaller value you have to make sure that each time you start PowerSDR
you go in and (re)select the receive buffer value. Otherwise the receive
level calibration will be off by 6-8 dB. It would appear that in spite
of calibrating against the receive value it subsequently uses the
transmit buffer value on each successive re-start. Obviously an beta bug
and likely will get fixed once Eric returns from vacation and sees my
bug filing.

Cheers es 73!

Kirb - VE6IV

Steve Kallal wrote:
 Where are the separate tx and rx DSP buffers at in PowerSDR setup? I can't
 find them!
 Steve N6VL 

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[Flexradio] Buffer / Sample Rate

2007-10-23 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
I wish I could comment on the F5000 in the config you speak of however I can 
state that the SDR-1000 runs without issue for me at a DSP buffer setting of 
256 and 512 both at 192k. 
The key for me was two-fold effectively fine-tuning  the buffers for smooth 
First, make sure your running PowerSDR in a above normal process priority 
setting. I'm not sure what the equivalent setting equates to with the F5000 
however the same concept should apply.
Secondly, set the DSP buffer and sampling rate parameters *first*, running the 
receive buffers at 4096 to maintain filter performance while reducing the 
receive buffers to 256 (cw) or 512. 
Next, tweak your audio and driver buffers until you find a combination that 
works well with the DSP buffers/sampling values defined above. 
As John mentioned, the two (audio and driver buffers) should initially be of 
the same value.
Depending on your PC platform you will want to reduce (or increase) those two 
values in concert (and then individually) until you have hitless audio and no 
snapping on tx/rx change-over.
My hardware config here is pretty mainstream;
Dedicated XP box running a Pentium D dual-core (3.60 Ghz) and 2 MB of RAM.

The split DSP buffers (Tx/Rx) is for a cw op, like having your cake and eating 
it too. In previous implementations of the code, one would have to accept a 
certain amount of transmit 
and timing latency to ensure that receiver performance was not impacted too 
greatly with overly smallish buffers. 

Cheers  73!

Kirb - VE6IV

Hello and thanks for the replies.

However I must be missing something here.  I am still running 1.10.2 
with XP along with the Flex5000, and I don't see where my question 
actually had gotten answered.  My CPU is a duel 2.4 Intel Processor with 
4 gigs of memory.  My statement and question was that some people are 
using 192K sampling rate with 256k for buffering.  Are these settings 
being used in Safe Mode 1 or in Normal Mode?  The reason I had 
asked, I can only run 192k sampling rate at (512k Buffering)  When I try 
to go to 256k buffering, the program crashes.

Again, other people were using 192/256 before any new SVNs.  How were 
they able to achieve these settings without any issues?

My head is thick, so you have to pound harder!!

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[Flexradio] CW Keying in SVN 1416+

2007-08-10 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
Might depend on how your keying your radio. See bug 1141, 1142.

Kirb - VE6IV

Hi,  I seem to have lost CW keying.  It was there in SVN 1414, but 
none in SVN 1416 or 1418.  I thought it might be hardware, but it is 
ok in v1.8 and v1.9.


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[Flexradio] SDR-1000 CW Contest Performance

2007-02-22 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
How tough would it be to provide different pan-adapter bandwidths
independent of sampling rate?  Running at 192000  would minimize latency
and refactoring of the display would provide the narrow band resolution


Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] SDR-1000 CW Contest Performance

2007-02-20 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
while I fully understand the intent behind sharpening up the filters for 
battle in contests etc., I've found that in practice the radio continues 
to  exhibit excellent filter response using DSP buffer and sampling rate 
settings which, while not absolutely optimized from a filter performance 
perspective, provide low latency operation equal in feel to my other 
more traditional radios.
For example, your dsp/sampling combo yield an approximate latency of 85 
ms! Utilizing the faster sampling rates of the FA-66 (192000), with a 
sub-optimal dsp buffer size of 2048 equates to a total latency of 10.7 ms.
Obviously for me the perfectly in-step key-sync and change-over timing 
out-weighs the ultimate shape-factor tweak (2048 vs. 4096). Just another 
reason to like the flexibility built into this box!


Kirb - VE6IV

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[Flexradio] Furman ISO-Patch line isolators available

2007-02-03 Thread Kirb Nesbitt
As it turns out I have one surplus to my needs Furman IP-8 ISO-Patch, 
line isolator patch panel. Thought I'd mention this as there were a few 
guys looking for extra units.
Please contact me off list if interested. The IP-8's transformer offers 
specs similar to the Jensen DM2-2.


Kirb - VE6IV

links to the digital images and spec sheet for the IP-8 patch bay/ line 


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