Re: [Flexradio] A question on Frequency stability vs. Temperature

2006-01-01 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

Bill Guyger wrote:

Wouldn't this constitute a GROUND loop? Ok that was cruel and unusual 

Pun ignored ;-)

... Would taking a small styro block, hollowing out one side and placing it 
over the oscillator be a quick and dirty (there's that word again) fix? It sure 
wouldn't be as stable as the more complex hardware and software tricks that 
have been tossed out for consideration lately, but it might be a KISS attack 
Using a thermal insulator will certainly help to buffer you from ambient 
temperature variation, and might well stretch the oscillator's time 
constant from ~10 seconds to a few minutes. Personally, I have had very 
good luck using wide-mouthed thermos bottles. I have also found that 
wrapping an oscillator in bubble wrap and putting it in a cardboard box, 
or a cardboard box filled with plastic "peanuts" works as well as a 
block of Styrofoam and only takes a minute to build.

But even then, your "heat sink" is the ambient air supply which probably 
cycles 10-20 degrees on a daily basis. My "hole in the ground" 
suggestion was simply a way to find a more stable heat sink. N8UR's 
statement about using a heated box also is a way to solve the problem. 
One thing to remember, which may not be totally obvious, is you use a 
heater element and a temp sensor, put the heat source and the sensor in 
close contact. Do not  put the sensor at the oscillator inside some 
thermal insulation away from the heater -- this is guaranteed to give 
thermal overshoot with a cycle time related to the time constant of the 

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] A question on Frequency stability vs. Temperature

2006-01-01 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

KD5NWA wrote:
The project being discussed for the Xylo is;
1.  Thermal isolation
with a accurate heater to reduce the drift.
2.  Use the Xylo to
connect to a GPS and have a accurate 1 pps clock
3.  Use the 1 pps clock
to measure the DDS 200MHz clock, integrate multiple reading to make for
finer resolution.
4.  Use the 1 pps clock
to measure the A/D clock, take multiple readings also.
5.  Feed the results to
the PC who will proceed to correct the internal math so there is no

Let me suggest a different approach at step 3. Connect the DDS
reference to a long counter (more than one second) -- it can be
straight binary, and 32 bits is overkill. Use the 1PPS to strobe the
counter into a register without stopping the counter (i.e. like lap
timing with a stop watch). Then make your corrections based on
accumulated phase, which can then be averaged over many seconds.

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] A question on Frequency stability vs. Temperature

2006-01-01 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

John Ackermann N8UR wrote:

Insulation will slow down the response to external temperature
variations, but unless there's a heat source inside the insulated area,
it won't prevent the change (sooner or later, the internal temperature
will match the external).

Almost true -- what you really want to do is to heat-sink the oscillator 
to a large thermal mass. In addition to a temperature controlled heater, 
another good heat sink is DIRT. If you were to dig a post-hole a few 
feet down into the earth and then drop the entire oscillator down the 
hole, and fill it back up, you would be amazed at the stability you 
achieve. We learned this trick in interferometry when we want to have 
stable microwave LOs out at the feed of several dishes. Even in the 
desert with a huge night/day cycling, we got good stability by burying 
the coax 1-2 feet.


Re: [Flexradio] FW: A bit of light entertainment

2005-12-30 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

K3IB wrote:

  Only those under 'old geezer' age  who don't remember (or never heard of ) the
LANG auld lang syne!

There was a man,
whose name was Lang,
and he had a neon sign.
And Mr Lang was very old,
so they called it ---
"Old Lang's Sign"
HNY -- Tom

Re: [Flexradio] FW: A bit of light entertainment

2005-12-30 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

Eric offered the sidebar:

  Guys don't forget my:
  Processor Technology Sol - 20 . . . 

We used to call them the Proctology-20. They went the way of
the CommodeDoor C-64. I had a couple of Imsai's myself. I
remeber my first 256 byte RAM card and writing a one-D PONG game for
the front panel status switches.

In mentioning classic languages, let's not forget DJ4ZC's IPS -- IPS is
a threaded interpreter that has worked on a number of processors. Rad
Hard Cosmac 1802's running IPS powered AO-10, AO-14 & AO-40. Karl
ported IPS to the Atari 400 & 600, which served many of the
AO-10/13 ground stations. W0PN/W1HDX/W3IWI did an 8080 port for command
stations elsewhere who used S-100 based hardware. N4HY has just
finished a 32-bit IPS for the upcoming P4D, P5A and Eagle missions. 
IPS is a really neat multi-tasking implementation of FORTH. -- 73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] laptops

2005-11-29 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI


Mine does not have a parallel port.  I found the USB to Parallel adapter a
satisfactory solution.  It even has a narrow enough plug that you can put
in a second USB peripheral above/below it if it, too, has the narrow type
plug (many things don't).

I offered my caveat emptor based on our (N4HY, AB2KT, W2GPS & I) 
experience in getting ANY of the USB => parallel widgets running in LINUX.

For the testbed of the Software Defined Transponder (SDX), we used two 
SDR-1000s with LINUX based software tools for all the heavy horsepower 
DSP tasks. But we ended up needing to schlep two Windoze laptops just to 
handle the parallel port setup for the two SDR-1000s because we were 
spectacularly unsuccessful in getting the LINUX box to talk thru any USB 
widget we could find. I did manage to find a two-port Ethernet Print 
Server that Frank is trying to get working as a better solution to the 

FYI -- Despite the frustration of needing to run three computers to make 
the SDX work (see the pictures at, the kludge SDX worked quite 
well. Audio from the first 3-way "QSO" can be heard at

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] laptops

2005-11-29 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI
Check to be sure that the laptop has a "real" parallel port -- few these 
days do.

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] FW: Impulse Wave file

2005-11-24 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

richard allen wrote:
In our military system tests we acquire 10-20 impulses and sum them 
in the frequency domain.  If the ripple is actually in the system 
then it will stay in.  This was what the generals all wanted.  In our 
seismic stuff, where the geophysicists seem to think it is needed to 
find oil,  we require the < 1 dB flatness in the frequency domain 
plateau of a single impulse.
In the VLBI world, we continuously inject weak pulses at a 1 MHz rate (1 
usec between pulses) which have rise times in the 10s of psec range. 
These pulses, injected into the radio astronomy receiver front ends, 
manifest themselves as a frequency rail every 1 MHz. To achieve a  very 
wide (upwards of 1 GHz) flat passband, these "phase cal" signals are 
processed to determine the phase offset needed to bring them all into 
line. The pulse generator that Gerald built into the the SDR-1000 is my 
design, derived from the same concept.

In the VLBI world, we adjust the pulse amplitude so that it only 
increases the wideband system temperature by only 1-2%, but the pulses 
are seen with good SNR as frequency rails in FFT analyzers running a few 
Hz bandwidth.

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] Frequency stability and calibration

2005-11-24 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

Jim Lux wrote:

  There ARE actually sources with better close in phase noise than a quartz 
crystal, just in case you see one at a hamfest or surplus place (or, you're 
wealthy enough).  A hydrogen maser, for instance (that's what we use at 
work, JPL, when we're concerned about such things.. but then we have an 
infrastructure to distribute the maser signal around, and a budget for the 
support staff). 

Actually, all H-Maser I know rely on a really high quality xtal for
their short-term stability (and hence intrinsic phase noise); by high
quality, I mean BVA xtal units costing in the $5k range. The transition
from the BVA xtal to
the maser is typically done at times ~30-100 seconds or so (see the
AVARs in my tutorials I mention later, or
to see that the BVA performance is better than the Maser up to ~30
seconds. The goal is to "hand off " from one oscillator to the next
when their Allen deviation is equal).

BTW -- we
actually have a couple of "amateurs" that have both passive &
active H-Masers in their basements. One is Tom vanBaak (no call) whose
efforts can be viewed at
and another is Jim Jaeger (K8RQ) (see if
you can stand the music!). TvB offered a review paper on amateur
timekeeping at the 2003 PTTI meeting, which can be fetched at
Also be sure to note TvB's "Most Accurate WristWatch" when you log onto

I've said it before, and I'll repeat it now -- you are better off
thinking in the frequency (and phase noise) domain when you are
considering oscillators on time scales shorter than tens of seconds,
and in the time domain for minutes and longer. If you are interested in
these topics, you might want to fetch one of my "Timing for VLBI"
tutorials at .
In my past incarnation I ran NASA's Geodetic VLBI program and was
responsible for H-masers as time and frequency standards. 

While I am on here making comments on this thread, I note that Alberto,
I2PHD is using a circuit similar to the one I developed for locking an
xtal to the 10 kHz output from the Connexant/Navman Jupiter-T receiver.
A couple of notes on what I found:

  My initial effort also used 74HC390 dividers as a ripple counter
to get from 10 MHz -> 10 kHz. But I found that the propagation delay
thru these dividers varied strongly with temperature, amounting to a
couple of hundred nsec in a day. I fixed this problem by using a
simple, but elegant circuit developed by Tom van Baak (see
which uses a PIC with its clock input driven by the 10 MHz signal and a
finite state machine that executes a fixed number of instructions to
generate lower frequencies. Not only is it a very stable synchronous
divider, but also it need only a couple of $$ worth of parts.
  I did a lot of work to optimize loop time constants to try to
achieve performance at the couple of nsec levels. Most of the time, the
Jupiter-T steered the oscillator very well, but about once per hour,
the 10 kpps (and 1pps) output sawtooth goes thru a zero-beat, with a
fixed bias error spanning intervals of 10s of seconds. You can see some
of these sawtooth "hanging bridges" that really screw up the locking in
my tutorials on And you can see the fix that Rick (W2GPS)
is using in his latest CNS clock using the M12+ in the latest of the tutorials.

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] Frequency stability and calibration

2005-11-21 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

In all this, please remember that there are TWO oscillators involved:

  The SDR-1000's internal LO, derived from the 200 MHz xtal via the
DDS chip, and
  the sampling clock on the sound card A/D converter.

Oscillator #1 will give an error that is proportional to the RF signal
frequency. In the discussions in this thread, this is the oscillator
that's being talked about.

Oscillator #2 produces an error that is independent of RF frequency.
But this is derived from the rather cheap xtal that is inside the guts
of your PC, hardly the environment most conducive to high stability.

Since you have two unknown oscillators, you must observe a reference on
(at least) two frequencies, hopefully widely separated in order to
calibrate both oscillators. And both of the two oscillator frequencies
need to be included in the software entry of oscillator error. It's a
real pity that there is no easy way to tame the sampling clock accuracy.


On a related topic, let me again reiterate a point I made a few months
ago. It is possible to send an external (most likely 10.000 MHz)
reference into the DDS chip by simply replacing the 200 MHz oscillator
chip; Gerald sells a kit with a 4-pin header and a short piece of coax
to make this modification easier, and the software lets you set up a
PLL on the DDS chip to serve as a x20 frequency multiplier. With this
mod installed, you can make Oscillator #1 be more ACCURATE than the
supplied oscillator.

However, I would recommend against this approach. The 200 MHz xtal
oscillator was chosen as a PRECISION oscillator #1 with very low phase
noise. The digital PLL on the DDS chip associated with the x20
multiplier has more phase noise, which will in turn hurt the SDR1000's
superb receiver characteristics. You might not notice it at first, but
the effect will be to spread out undesired (off-frequency) signals into
the desired passband. If you are operating in a multi-multi environment
you will really know the difference. You invested many extra bux in the
fancy Delta-44 sound card to improve the intermod characteristics --
why waste that performance with an increase in the phase noise floor  :-\ ? !!!

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] A simple fan noise abatement modification

2005-11-15 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

Paul Wade W1GHZ wrote:

another way to reduce fan noise is to reduce the speed of the fan.
one of my recent projects is a fan controller with speed proportional
to temperature, with the temp sensor wherever you like.
A number of 12VDC computer fans (I'm looking at one right now branded 
"ThermalTake") come with speed control capabilities built in -- either 
from a pot or a  thermistor that they supply with the fans. I use the 
pot variety on my PC and "tune" the speed for minimum noise.

73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] Ext. Reference clock kit

2005-09-06 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

Eric wrote:



  Tom et al…
  Youse guys
are going to get Jim Lux into
this again! (REALLY do love your comments Jim). This is probably a
topic for early next year. Hey! Why not long term aging, and Loran. Not
kidding. Anything is possible in software with a ‘hardware assist,
including Internet NTS corrections. We have our GPS receivers poised.
What we
need is a designer! You game? We are NOT going for 10 mhz multiplied,
but 1
cycle or so at 200 mhz!

Try this as a
mostly software solution: If you were to feed the 200 MHz xtal into a
long counter (i.e. 32 bits, with a total count of 2^32=4.3e9), the
counter will "wrap" every ~ 21.5 seconds (with LSB = 5 nsec). Every so
often (frequent enough so that you don't lose track of which 21+ second
ambiguity cycle you are on), strobe the count into a register. The idea
will be to use the integrated count (including the n*21+ second cycles)
to establish the average clock rate. To give you an idea about how good
a cheap GPS receiver can be as a clock, surf to and take a look at
my various GPS timing papers (ION 2000 & the last VLBI workshop are
good starting places) and at Rick's M12+ receiver evaluation. Averaging
over as few as 5-10 cycles (a couple of minutes) will tell you the
error in the 200 MHz clock frequency to 1:10e10.

In the SDR you already have a "handle" to correct the number cranked
into the DDS to achieve a desired signal frequency -- this simply
changes the phase increment number cranked into the DDS chips

With only the addition of a simple counter & register driven by the
200 MHz xtal (the jitter of it sets the phase noise floor) and a good
GPS receiver, you have the ability to "steer" the master oscillator
without the need for D/A converters totally in $oftware.

Without a GPS receiver, with  a good, stable NTP server, you should be
able to keep you computer's clock accurate at the 10-20 msec level.
Just using it to grab a counter sample, over 1 day you will have enough
resolution to "track" the 200 MHz error at a level ~1:10e7 (i.e. 10 Hz
@ 100 MHz) without even using a GPS receiver. Even the grubbiest GPS
receiver, not designed at all for precision timing, will provide timing
at the 1 usec level (even when navigating to give a 3D position);
combine this with a 15 minute average (~1000 seconds) gets you 1:10e8.

All this only leaves the sound card's sample clock as an undefined
"local oscillator" in the chain and that remains as a fixed frequency
offset that you take out as a constant by listening to  WWV. This will
continue to be an annoyance until someone comes up with an external
sampling clock input for the sound card.

Now for a really hair-brained extension: The sound card clock offset
could be removed in the middle of the passband if, instead of using a
~11 kHz "IF" as the offset of the 1st LO, you were do a true "zero IF"
receiver, and let the FFT handle suppression of the unwanted sideband.
I get the impression that the Delta-44 is close enough to being an
"ideal" A/D converter that the "DC" hole in the middle of the passband
might not be such a problem. If you can go to a "zero IF" receiver,
then any error in the sound card's sampling frequency will only effect
the apparent offset signals away from the "DC" middle of the passband. 

It's fun to speculate on these ideas!  73, Tom

Re: [Flexradio] Ext. Reference clock kit

2005-09-06 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

richard allen wrote:

  (snip) It provides accuracy of better that 1
part in 10**(-10) or 1 Hz at 10 GHz.  Its 10 MHz output will drive the
little conversion kit for the sdr1k available from FlexRadio.

One word of caution. When 10 MHz is fed into the same socket as the
present 200 MHz xtal oscillator on the DDS, the DDS is then
re-programed to have its internal PLL make the 200 MHz signal. This PLL
has poorer short-term stability than the Xtal, which in turn means that
the close-in phase noise will increase. This phase noise in turn
decreases the dynamic range, and it will probably be unacceptable in a
multi-multi contest station!

A much better option is to replace the 200 MHz xtal with a clean 100 or
200 MHz source. TAPR is working on a lock box that should work well
which would allow you to transer the stability of the GPS or Rubidium
clock into the SDR-1000 without causing undue phase noise.

73 de Tom, W3IWI

Re: [Flexradio] ARRL review and the D44

2005-08-30 Thread Tom Clark, W3IWI

José Dumoulin wrote:

Hi Gerald es All

The photo of the breakout box shows an orange plug of the Hosa cable 
going to out 1. Is it a test of our vigilance ? If yes, I won.

You aren't the sole winner, José -- I saw it too. What you see is the 
secret patent-pending Hilbert Transformer used to invert sidebands :-X

73, Tom