Re: [Flightgear-devel] Base package CVS lock

2003-05-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Erik Hofman writes:
> Jon Stockill wrote:
> > Is anyone else having a problem accessing this?
> Yes. This is know and will probably be fixed tonight or tomorrow (Curtis 
> isn't able to access the server until then).

Ok, this should be fixed.  Sorry that took me so long to get to ... I
was out of town for the weekend.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: source/src/Systems system_mgr.cxx,1.8,1.9 vacuum.cxx,1.1,1.2vacuum.hxx,1.2,1.3

2003-05-27 Thread David Megginson
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > - Added a redundant (left/right) vacuum pump.

Is this optional?  Many (most?) low-end singles have only a single
vacuum pump, though the newest Cessna 172R/S has two.

 > - Modified the rpm vs. suction formula to hit much more realistic numbers.
 >   We should be seeing just over 4 inhg at idle and approaching 5 inhg at
 >   full throttle.


All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaids default.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread David Megginson
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > Modified Files:
 >  default.ils.gz 
 > Log Message:
 > Align all the approaches I could automatically match up to runways.

Where we have exact data on the lat/lon of the localizer and GS, we
should use it, and fix our airport data if there's a discrepancy;
where we're just guessing, of course, we should do the

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaids default.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Megginson writes:
> Curtis L. Olson writes:
>  > Modified Files:
>  >default.ils.gz 
>  > Log Message:
>  > Align all the approaches I could automatically match up to runways.
> Where we have exact data on the lat/lon of the localizer and GS, we
> should use it, and fix our airport data if there's a discrepancy;
> where we're just guessing, of course, we should do the
> auto-correction.

The problem is that I have two data sets both providing "exact"
locations for the localizer and both disagreeing significantly on the
position and orientation. :-(

Our runway data is really out of date and most of which is of unknown

We *really* need to get our airport database updated from recent
DAFIFT/FAA data first.  Then we will have a better idea if our
localizer positions are reasonable and we can come up with a better
solution auto-aligning (or not) the localizers (or the runways.)


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: source/src/Systems system_mgr.cxx,1.8,1.9 vacuum.cxx,1.1,1.2vacuum.hxx,1.2,1.3

2003-05-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Megginson writes:
> Curtis L. Olson writes:
>  > - Added a redundant (left/right) vacuum pump.
> Is this optional?  Many (most?) low-end singles have only a single
> vacuum pump, though the newest Cessna 172R/S has two.

I suppose these things should eventually move into some sort of
per-aircraft or per-engine (?) xml config file ...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaids default.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread David Megginson
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > The problem is that I have two data sets both providing "exact"
 > locations for the localizer and both disagreeing significantly on the
 > position and orientation. :-(

We have to decide on the authority of each data point individually.
Anything that we get from the DAFIF or FAA data should stand as-is,
for example.  For Robin Peel's data, we should fix things only when
there is a known problem.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaids default.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread Curtis L. Olson
David Megginson writes:
> We have to decide on the authority of each data point individually.
> Anything that we get from the DAFIF or FAA data should stand as-is,
> for example.  For Robin Peel's data, we should fix things only when
> there is a known problem.

The problem is that in my spot checking, DAFIF and FAA data always
disagree, sometimes/often significantly.  Usually neither set of
localizer info brings you in over the threshold correctly.  Robin auto
corrects all the approaches for X-Plane so those by default should be
considered "munged" ... but they are munged for X-Planes coordinate

I don't know if either DAFIF or FAA could be considered
"authoritative".  We'd need to go stand on top of a few actual
localizers with a differential gps to verify if one or the other is
more accurate.  I suspect that for both, the information is often not
recorded to the tolerances we need in FlightGear to get the approach
to line up perfectly.  It's probably fine for chart making or the
other anticipated uses.

I'm guessing that when an ILS is installed, someone goes out and
stands at the center of a runway with something equivalent to a VOR
gauge (or maybe they park a real aircraft out there) and they have the
person at the localizer end adjust the heading until the VOR needle
centers.  That's just a guess.  What get's recorded and put into the
DAFIFT/FAA data could be *much* cruder or error prone.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project
Twin Citiescurt 'at' curt 'at'

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaids default.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread David Megginson
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I don't know if either DAFIF or FAA could be considered
 > "authoritative".

I'd consider FAA authoritative for U.S. airports, and DAFIF for other
countries, again, until proven otherwise.

 > I'm guessing that when an ILS is installed, someone goes out and
 > stands at the center of a runway with something equivalent to a VOR
 > gauge (or maybe they park a real aircraft out there) and they have the
 > person at the localizer end adjust the heading until the VOR needle
 > centers. 

That wouldn't work -- you need to test it at the appropriate altitude,
because of the possibility of interference (the same reason that you
have to start the engine before you can test your nav radios on the
ground).  I watched Transport Canada testing the ILS 07 at CYOW a few
days ago -- they NOTAM'ed out the ILS, then sent out their Dash-8 to
fly the approach over and over and over again, collecting data.  The
pilot was quite a cowboy, breaking off the approach literally less
than half a wingspan above the runway and rolling straight into a
30-degree bank (I was tempted to go out afterwards and look for paint
marks on the pavement).

The biggest concern is the approach path, not the runway itself -- the
purpose of an IAP is to allow an aircraft to transition from IFR
enroute altitudes to a point where the pilot can land it visually, and
the approach path has to be guaranteed free of obstructions for a
certain distance in every direction.  The actual landing, on the other
hand, is the one part of the procedure that *is* visual.  In a normal
Cat I ILS approach, that last possible point to transition to visual
will be 200 ft AGL and less than a quarter mile back.  For a LOC-only
approach, it will more likely be 500 ft AGL and a mile or two back.

 > What get's recorded and put into the DAFIFT/FAA data could be
 > *much* cruder or error prone.

There are standards for registering navaids with the FAA -- I saw them
recently online, but I don't remember where.  The lat/lon/elev fields
demanded a fairly high degree of accuracy.  It's also worth noting
that the FAA data is (indirectly, through suppliers like Jepp) the
basis for the GPS databases that GA and the airlines use.

It might be interesting to look at some examples where the FAA and
DAFIF data disagrees -- what are some of the most serious ones?

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Corrupted p51d textures on windows

2003-05-27 Thread Jim Wilson
Frederic Bouvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I can wait Curt. Don't do that especially for me.
> Thanks anyway
> -Fred


Those binary file flags should be all fixed.  Let me know if you have any more



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Mustang Sound

2003-05-27 Thread Jim Wilson
Well I found a source for free p-51d sounds:

The Merlin sounds have been added to CVS.  I played around with them quite a
bit and have...well you'll have to listen.  They are very good samples,
especially  for the intial starting and idling.  Someone with some talent when
it comes to working with sound files might want to take a crack at it though.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: data/Navaidsdefault.ils.gz,1.8,1.9

2003-05-27 Thread Jorge Van Hemelryck
By the way, is all the data consistent ? Everyone uses WGS-84, right ?

As far as I know, when an ILS is installed, they have an aircraft fly the
approach with the needles centered, and at the same time, they use optical
means to measure the path of the aircraft from the theoretical impact
point, thus calibrating the ILS.

Jorge Van Hemelryck

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Corrupted p51d textures on windows

2003-05-27 Thread Frederic Bouvier
Jim Wilson wrote:
> Those binary file flags should be all fixed.  Let me know if you have any
> problems.
> Best,
> Jim

It is OK now. What a nice model !

Is it normal that the manifold pressure is a function of the throttle, even
the engine is off ?

I also had a hard time remembering how to start the engine. I finally found
magneto switch on the panel and hopefully it has hotspot because keys '('
and ')'
are not working on my system although they are present in my keyboard.xml.
Is it
the same for you ?

Very nice job though.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 1, Issue 1567

2003-05-27 Thread Alex Perry
Curtis L. Olson writes:
> - Modified the rpm vs. suction formula to hit much more realistic numbers.
>   We should be seeing just over 4 inhg at idle and approaching 5 inhg at
>   full throttle.

Don't forget that the 5 isn't because of the pump.  It's because of the
regulator; the pump can do a _lot_ better than 5 if the regulator breaks
... one way of needing to buy new instruments since gyros may overspeed.

The new equation no longer corrects for pressure altitude and seems to
be a very weak relationship against RPM ... and the calculation doesn't
match the physics of how a vacuum pump operates (for scaling).
I suggest either backing out the change or rewriting it substantially.

IMHO and YMMV of course.

Flightgear-devel mailing list