Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Oliver Schroeder
Am Wednesday 20 July 2005 10:46 schrieb Vivian Meazza:
> Oliver Schroeder
> > I *think* that the flightgear client is kind of to big and this kind of
> > program (lets call it "injector") does not need all of its functions. Eg.
> > there is no rendering, ATC(?), Autopilot, Audio and others needed. Maybe
> > a stripped down version of the flightgear client would be just what we
> > need.
> Yes FG is big, and would have unused functions. Against this has to be
> balanced the time and risk in developing and maintaining a stripped down
> version. I don't have a handle on the size of that task or the risks
> involved.

I didn't mean to develop or maintain another version of FG, i guess an 
appropriate configure can do the trick. Something like "configure 
--without-opengl --without-ATC ..."

> I suggested some time ago that the first player's system might handle all
> the admin tasks - that way you get the AI traffic, carrier movements etc.
> virtually free. However, there are significant questions surrounding that
> idea: in particular what happens when the first player leaves. It ought to
> be possible for the 2nd player to take up the task, because both systems
> should be aligned. There is also the load on the individual client to be
> taken into account.

I guess this will raise more problems then it will solve. That's why I thought 
of "injectors". They are (read: would be) player independent.

> I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a scriptable client. Does this mean
> that it has pre-scripted AI traffic, carrier movements, weather etc.?

Something like that, yes.

> If you are saying that the server should have as little "knowledge" as
> possible, then I would go along with that. I think the server probably
> needs to coordinate the network time but beyond that ... there is a case
> for the server to filter by range, but this could also be done by the
> client.

The idea is to disburden the clients as they will already have enough work to 
do with rendering etc, especially with a gowing number of additional clients 
at the scene.

> I have no strong view on how this should be achieved. We should build on
> what we already have in order to achieve a fully coordinated environment.
> We should not be re-inventing wheels, flaps or anything else :-)

Dacor, I'm always a friend of recycling ;)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] view offsets

2005-07-20 Thread Jim Wilson
> From: Josh Babcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I can adjust the view offsets in the cockpit view, then switch to
> another view and back and those adjustments are still there. My question
> is, where is that data stored when I am in another view? The only place
> I can seem to find it in in current-view, but it is only visible there
> when I am in view 0. Obviously it is being copied somewhere else. Where?

Are you a C++ programmer?  My answer assumes that you might not be, or are just 
starting out  (otherwise you'll just see that you missed the obvious :-)).  The 
"property" subsystem is a feature of FlightGear/SimGear.  C++ objects can 
contain data as C++ variables, but in the case of the FGViewer objects, only 
the CURRENT view (the one you see on the screen) is published to FlightGear's 
property tree.  All the viewer objects are still there (not destroyed) for as 
long as FlightGear is running, so when you switch back and forth between views 
you are always switching between the same instances of FGViewer and their 
respective offset values.

It sounds like you are reading code,  so don't forget to look at the 
viewmgr.?xx files.  Reading that as well will give you a better idea of how 
views are managed.  In a nutshell, only the current active view is updated 
(i.e. SGSubsystem::update).



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Mostyn Gale
Andy wrote:
"The best way to do this is actually dynamic: the server gets to send
the X "most important" objects to each client per update.  Importance
can be defined in screen space -- think of it as the number of
"pixels" of error that the receiving client would have if the update
were not sent.  This way your wingman always gets updated, and a
burning/turning dogfighter will get frequent updates, but a jetliner
moving in a straight line is nicely optimized and receives very few

Also a consideration is the detail of the updates.  A plane 10km away can be
have an accuracy of 1m but you would like a plane in formation to fly have
about 1cm accuracy.  Sending velocity and acceleration data can also smooth
make flight smother, but only for nearby aircraft.  Also you might want to
see moving parts, lights, smoke etc on nearby planes.  Likewise the same
goes for radars, which need to know nothing about moving parts or which
lights are on.

But how will the server calculate this?  There will be 2^N-N relationships
for the computer to work out which levels of reports to send to each client.
For 20 players that is over a million calculations that the computer must
perform every cycle.

The load would be distributed more evenly if individual computers decide
which data they want and send requests to the server.  This would be good
for accommodating the programs like radars as the server does not need to
know anything about the client.

Then the computer needs an N by N matrix to store this information.  And
needs to search through it to find which data to send.  I guess the solution
to this would be to have specific matricis for each level of report and just
cycle through them.

Andy wrote:
"Also, I'd suggest defaulting the callsign to the USER (unix, cygwin)
or USERNAME (winnt) environment variables where available, to avoid
the problem of zillions of identical "flightgear-user" planes flying
around.  Sane defaults are always good."

Or you could just have no default call sign an force people to choose one
before logging on.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: fgfs hangs loading scenery objects (some AC and airports but, not all)

2005-07-20 Thread Dave Perry
I did some more experimenting with two different Linux installs updated 
to yesterday's CVS (plib, SimGear,fgfs, and $FG_ROOT).  All the jsbsim 
aircraft that I tried cause fgfs to hang at the same place when starting 
from airports from w110n40.tgz.  None of the yasim aircraft I tried have 
this problem with these airports.  By the way, before I updated my Linux 
notebook to yesterday's cvs, the jsbsim aircraft did not have the 
problem with airports from w110n40.

Would someone else try the default c172 with say KBJC, or KGXY, or KLBF 
and see if you have the same hang?

Dave P.

This bug showed up when I updated from CVS last weekend.  Description 
(1)  With the default c172, fgfs hangs with the "loading scenery 
objects" is displayed if --airport= (any airport from w110n40)  It does 
not hang for the j3cub or the pa28-161.
(2)  With (atleast som) airports outside w110n40 and the default c172, 
it does not hang.  Here are some examples:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KLBF --aircraft=j3cub

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KLBF
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
Reading xml electrical system model from 

WARNING: Legacy engine definition in YASim configuration file.  Please fix.
(ran fine)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KLBF --aircraft=c172

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KLBF
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
(I killed fgfs by closing the window after it hang)
fgfs: freeglut_cursor.c:86: glutSetCursor: Assertion 
`fgState.Initialised' failed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KLBF --aircraft=pa28-161

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KLBF
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
Reading xml electrical system model from 

WARNING: Legacy engine definition in YASim configuration file.  Please fix.
(ran fine)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KBJC --aircraft=pa28-161

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KBJC
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
Reading xml electrical system model from 

WARNING: Legacy engine definition in YASim configuration file.  Please fix.
(ran fine)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KBJC --aircraft=c172

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KBJC
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
(I killed fgfs by closing the window after it hang)
fgfs: freeglut_cursor.c:86: glutSetCursor: Assertion 
`fgState.Initialised' failed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] FlightGear]$ ./bin/fgfs 
--fg-scenery=/usr/local/Scenery-0.9.8 --airport=KDSM --aircraft=c172

Failed to find runway 28R at airport KDSM
RenderTexture Error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format.
Initializing Nasal Electrical System
(ran fine)

The scenery is from 0.9.8 on
I did an update of plib, SimGear, and fgfs source as well as the 
contents $FG_ROOT using "cvs update -dP" and did a "make clean" before 
recompiling all before the above examples were run.

Was running great from cvs before last weekend update.
System:  Athlon 3200+ XP with 512 MB of PC3200, NVIDIA FX 5600 ultra.
MB Biostar M7NCD Ultra

Wierd bug?


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 12:48:30 -0500
From: Dave Culp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding
To: FlightGear developers discussions

Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"


So the question is: How can I easily calculate the distance and how
many nautical miles are "out of reach" (thinking of e.g. radar systems)

You can compute distance at an altitude using SimGear functions

Ack, don't even *think* about doing the math in a GIS datum. 

I agree.  You don't need overkill here.  A simple check of the bounding square 
should work fine.  Something like this:

/* Check if position 2 is within a square of side R nautical miles that has 
position 1 at a corner. This is a fast approximation of checking the distance 
between them, avoiding the use of trigonometric or sqrt functions. This 
assumes latitude in the  range (-90,90) and longitude (-180,180).


bool IsWithinRMiles( double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, 
double R ) {

  double nm_per_deg_lat = 60.313; 
  double nm_per_deg_lon = 60.109 - fabs(lat1 * 0.66788);  
  double lat_diff = fabs(lat1 - lat2);

  double lon_diff = fabs(lon1 - lon2);
  if (lon_diff > 180.0) lon_diff = 360.0 - lon_diff;

  if ((lat_diff * 

[Flightgear-devel] Cirrus SR20 Model?

2005-07-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson
Is there anyone out there in FlightGear developer land that would be 
interested in doing a Cirrus SR20 model for FlightGear?  Highest 
priority would be the 3d model and as much of a 3d cockpit as we can do 
(realizing we aren't real strong on the glass cockpit stuff yet.)

This could go two possible directions.  If someone wants to volunteer to 
do this, it could be contributed to FlightGear for everyone to enjoy.  
The person requesting this might also be able to pay some smallish 
amount (yet to be determined) to have this done, but if he pays for it, 
he wants to "own" the result for his own use, and it couldn't be 
contributed to flightgear..

Either way, the nice thing is we have direct access to a real SR20 and a 
real SR20 pilot so we should be able to get as much information and as 
many pictures as we want.  Is there anyone who'd be up for something 
like this?

Feel free to contact me off-line if you like.  If more than one persons 
responds, I guess I need to reserve the right to make some hard 
decisions. :-)



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] view offsets

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
I can adjust the view offsets in the cockpit view, then switch to
another view and back and those adjustments are still there. My question
is, where is that data stored when I am in another view? The only place
I can seem to find it in in current-view, but it is only visible there
when I am in view 0. Obviously it is being copied somewhere else. Where?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] current-view property question

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
Jim Wilson wrote:
>>From: Josh Babcock
>>Are goal_heading_offset_deg and heading_offset_deg just aliases for each
>>other? It looks like one is set from the other in view.cxx.
> The idea is the heading_offset is gradually changed over several frames.  For 
> example if you hit the shift right arrow, then the camera view gradually 
> (over half a second or so) pans 90 degrees right.  I'm not sure off hand if 
> that is still the case as the same thing could be accomplished with a nasal 
> script,  but last I knew the "goal" is the value the offset converges to.
> Best,
> Jim
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> 2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

I figured that was it, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. So goal is
the one to set if you want it to go smoothly once this gets fixed, I
guess. Thanks.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] current-view property question

2005-07-20 Thread Jim Wilson
> From: Josh Babcock
> Are goal_heading_offset_deg and heading_offset_deg just aliases for each
> other? It looks like one is set from the other in view.cxx.
> Josh

The idea is the heading_offset is gradually changed over several frames.  For 
example if you hit the shift right arrow, then the camera view gradually (over 
half a second or so) pans 90 degrees right.  I'm not sure off hand if that is 
still the case as the same thing could be accomplished with a nasal script,  
but last I knew the "goal" is the value the offset converges to.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] current-view property question

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
Are goal_heading_offset_deg and heading_offset_deg just aliases for each
other? It looks like one is set from the other in view.cxx.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] OpenAL for CygWin

2005-07-20 Thread Alberico, James F
> From: Jon Berndt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > I have placed a compiled tarball of yesterdays OpenAL CVS files @ 
> >
> >
> > you might want to test these against the current FGFS 
> before blindly 
> > overwriting your currrent installation
> Is this distribution modified for use with CygWin as 
> discussed in this thread recently?
> Namely, the _WIN32 -> WIN32 issue, as well as the #define MVC?

I grabbed Norman Vine's tarball and have finally put sound into a Cygwin
build.  I noticed that there are still two instances of "_WIN32" in the
headers:  One is in alu.h, and one is in alut.h.  

For example, in alu.h
#ifdef _WIN32
#define ALUAPI
#define ALUAPIENTRY __cdecl

I don't know if these are intentional or by oversight.  My first success
was after changing the "_WIN32" to "WIN32" in those places.  However, I
cannot conclude that change was necessary due to other oversights along
the way on my part.  For example, one must make sure the openal32.dll
used by fgfs.exe is the one distributed in Norman's tarball!  Other
OpenAL versions cause a runtime error.  I was stuck on that one for
awhile.  :-)

Thanks, everyone.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: aviation movie link

2005-07-20 Thread Jim Wilson
Nice.  There's our chase view!  And for those who do not have the qt plugin but 
do have xine you can download it with:




> -Original Message-
> From: "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, 20. Jul 2005 10:53 -0400
> To:
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] OT: aviation movie link
> I imagine there are a few people on this list that like to watch 
> airplanes.  There is some beautiful photography here (Requires quicktime 
> plugin ...)
> Curt.
> -- 
> Curtis Olson
> HumanFIRST Program
> FlightGear Project
> Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> 2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Feature request: will sound options be saved?

2005-07-20 Thread Roberto Inzerillo

 current situation is: FGFS v.0.9.8 win32; shutting down FGFS the sound 
configuration (volume and mute) is not saved as other configurable options.

Will this be possible in future releases?


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Re: suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Andy Ross
Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> I was thinking about oberservers, too. So it will be possible to
> build radar stations (human operated) and tower controll etc,
> without disdurbing the other clients (which would try to render the
> observer).

Rather than special casing this (special case abstractions are the
work of the devil), why not implement the "priority sorting" update
scheme I mentioned in the previous message and have the "observers" be
motionless objects at some sane position like the center of the earth,
so they see all clients with the same priority.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Re: suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Andy Ross
Josh Babcock wrote:
> Right, it would be silly to send all that data to the server when all it
> needs to know is where your are and what you can see. Plus the position
> data could be sent at low resolution.

The best way to do this is actually dynamic: the server gets to send
the X "most important" objects to each client per update.  Importance
can be defined in screen space -- think of it as the number of
"pixels" of error that the receiving client would have if the update
were not sent.  This way your wingman always gets updated, and a
burning/turning dogfighter will get frequent updates, but a jetliner
moving in a straight line is nicely optimized and receives very few

You can also handle orientation error this way, by giving the object a
"radius" and figuring that a 180 degree orientation different produces
an error of that size.

> Either way the server would have to be able to handle multiple instances
> of the same callsign. Otherwise an invisible observer could silently
> prevent a flier from connecting.

Better would be to assign a prefix or suffix to duplicate callsigns,
so that the second "andy" to connect becomes "_andy" or "andy-0",

Also, I'd suggest defaulting the callsign to the USER (unix, cygwin)
or USERNAME (winnt) environment variables where available, to avoid
the problem of zillions of identical "flightgear-user" planes flying
around.  Sane defaults are always good.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Neville van Deventer
Done, Sorted, I've got a connection now, 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Ross
Sent: 20 July 2005 06:41 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

Neville van Deventer wrote:
> Error validating location: "I/O exception occurred: Connection
> refused: I HATE YOU"

Heh, that's amusing.  I googled this, and it turns out that "I HATE YOU" is
the defined response in the CVS protocol for authentication failures. :)

You may have a bad password in your .cvspass file.  Try removing any lines, or removing the whole file.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Neville van Deventer

>  Thanks for the responses Vivian and Curtis,
> In Future I Will use Plain Text, my Appologies ...
> OK, Setup and what I'm Doing,
> I Just tried it now again, while writing this message so you can check the
> logs for the past 5 min's or so, I've been thying this most of the day,
> but
> with no success.
> I'm using the guest username and password as described on the Web Page.

This definitely works

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9 login

CVS password: guest

I've just tried it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Andy Ross
Neville van Deventer wrote:
> Error validating location: "I/O exception occurred: Connection
> refused: I HATE YOU"

Heh, that's amusing.  I googled this, and it turns out that "I HATE
YOU" is the defined response in the CVS protocol for authentication
failures. :)

You may have a bad password in your .cvspass file.  Try removing any lines, or removing the whole file.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] view/ground intersection question

2005-07-20 Thread Andy Ross
Josh Babcock wrote:
> How difficult would it be to make a nasal function call that would
> return the lat/lon/alt of the point on the ground under the cursor?

You certainly can't do it in Nasal alone.  Code would have to be
written to project a line between the eyepoint and the cursor location
and intersect this with the scene graph, convert to the global
cartesian coordinate system, then to a WGS84 coordinate.  Non-trivial,
sadly.  But not impossible.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Neville van Deventer
 Thanks for the responses Vivian and Curtis,

In Future I Will use Plain Text, my Appologies ...

OK, Setup and what I'm Doing, 

I Just tried it now again, while writing this message so you can check the
logs for the past 5 min's or so, I've been thying this most of the day, but
with no success.

I'm using the guest username and password as described on the Web Page.

I'm running Windows XP Professional operating System, Eclipse IDE as my Dev
Environment, I Currently have 5 other cvs repositories,( 1 local and 3 on
the Net,, and

My IP Address is which my alternate is, we have
a 256K line, connection is via a PIX Firewall.
Host name is NEVILLE_HP, and it takes about 5 seconds after clicking connect
to get the message.

No Outgoing ports are blocked at this time and limited ports are allowed in.

No Virus on my system, I Update regularely, using Norton corporate Edition.

Disk space I Also thought might be a problem so I Cleared up some space
(Currently I've got about 3.5G Free).

I Think that's about it...

Thanks in Advance for the Help.


PS: Sorry about not using plain text originally.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vivian Meazza
Sent: 20 July 2005 06:04 PM
To: 'FlightGear developers discussions'
Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

Works here. What _exactly_ are you doing? 

Any possibility that you have a virus on your system?



P.S. Please use plain text on this list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Neville van Deventer

Hi List,
Could anyone perhaps tell me how to connect to the cvs at
without getting the following error
Error validating location: "I/O exception occurred: Connection refused: I
I followed the Instructions on the web-site, and I get the same thing for
simgear as well.
Any suggestions on how I can connect to the CVS ??
Thanks in Advance
Neville van Deventer 

Works here. What _exactly_ are you doing? 

Any possibility that you have a virus on your system?



P.S. Please use plain text on this list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: aviation movie link

2005-07-20 Thread Gerard Robin
Le mercredi 20 juillet 2005 à 09:53 -0500, Curtis L. Olson a écrit :
> I imagine there are a few people on this list that like to watch 
> airplanes.  There is some beautiful photography here (Requires quicktime 
> plugin ...)
> Curt.




Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Neville van Deventer wrote:

Hi List,
Could anyone perhaps tell me how to connect to the cvs at without getting the following error
Error validating location: "I/O exception occurred: Connection 
refused: I HATE YOU"
I followed the Instructions on the web-site, and I get the same thing 
for simgear as well.

Any suggestions on how I can connect to the CVS ??

Hmmm, that's not a very nice error message, I'm sure it wasn't meant 
literally. :-(  If you tell me the exact time you tried to connect and 
what machine you connected from (name/ip) I could look in the server 
logs to see if there are any clues there.  I haven't ever seen this 
message before so it's hard to say if it's coming from our server, or 
being generated locally by your cvs client.  What platform are  you 
running on?  CVS involves the network, so I don't know if there could be 
some firewall in the middle that is blocking traffic.  Do you get long 
time outs before the error message, or is it returned immediately?  Do 
you have write access to your local cvs tree and enough disk space?

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] CVS

2005-07-20 Thread Neville van Deventer

Could anyone perhaps 
tell me how to connect to the cvs at without getting the 
following error
Error validating 
location: "I/O exception occurred: Connection refused: I HATE 
I followed the 
Instructions on the web-site, and I get the same thing for simgear as 
Any suggestions on 
how I can connect to the CVS ??
Thanks in 
Neville van 
Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] OT: aviation movie link

2005-07-20 Thread Curtis L. Olson
I imagine there are a few people on this list that like to watch 
airplanes.  There is some beautiful photography here (Requires quicktime 
plugin ...)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] view/ground intersection question

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
How difficult would it be to make a nasal function call that would
return the lat/lon/alt of the point on the ground under the cursor? I am
trying to make a nasal system to lock the view onto the end of the
runway, or any arbitrary point, and I need a way to get the coords so
that I can tell the nasal code where to point the view.

I think that I could define a lookat view instead of th nasal stuff, but
I don't want to use one of the pre-existing views, and adding a 7th view
tends to cause compatibility issues with just about anything that
touches the view system. Either way, I still need a way to get the coords.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Diamond Katana model

2005-07-20 Thread ojoe

Sorry for the delay -- I've been away for four days, and haven't been near
a computer.

> Well, it's not the Katana that's doing that, it's you ;).  You could use
> the standard Cessna or the Cub to practice circuits and lining up on
> final correctly.

Early on I tried training in a Tomahawk and, once I switched to the
Katana, found that they handle entirely differently, even though they're
both trainers.  I thought about trying a Cub or a 172, but thought I'd
find that same phenomena, only in a model rather than the real thing. 
Besides, I've been watching/trying FG since 1999 and haven't contributed
much, so I thought I might submit this.

I have my own copy of the Katana's POH, so the three-views, handling
specs, balance & weights, etc (everything you'd find in the owner's
manual) is available.  I know how to run XFoil and I know the airfoil
they're using, so I suppose I could model some of the coefficients I'm

I read through a Google-tranlsated version of the German MSFS/Diamond
project.  I wish they'd do something like this for FG, too.  Would it hurt
to ask if they'd be interested?  I don't think it'd be appropriate for me
to do it, but if Curt were to approach them they might listen; since
they're an aircraft manufacturer some of the folks who work on the FDMs
might carry weight, too.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> Am Tuesday 19 July 2005 18:05 schrieb Vivian Meazza:
>>Oliver Schroeder
>>>3) artificial life at airports
>>Would a dedicated instance of FlightGear running all the AI traffic needed
>>and passing them to the server for distribution to all players do the
>>trick? (filtering by range if that's how you decide to do it).
> I *think* that the flightgear client is kind of to big and this kind of 
> program (lets call it "injector") does not need all of its functions. Eg. 
> there is no rendering, ATC(?), Autopilot, Audio and others needed. Maybe a 
> stripped down version of the flightgear client would be just what we need.
>>We should be aiming for the server to co-ordinate the whole environment -
>>traffic, weather, time. We need to be clever about bandwidth though - and
>>only send this kind of background data strictly when needed. The client
>>FGFS will have to do much of the work, I suppose.
> There are arising some questions about it.
> First of all: what can and what should be handled by the server?
> Currently it knows only very few things about what it is actually serving. It 
> knows a little bit about callsigns, will know a bit about distances and 
> different kinds of clients in the near future. 
> Adding "knowledge" to the server adds lines of code which have to be changed 
> in order to improve things (code changes have to be done in the client _and_ 
> the server).
> What about letting a scriptable client (i.e. a striped down version of fgfs) 
> do most of such things?
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> 2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Wouldn't it be easier to just have a switch in fgfs that tells it to
skip the bits regarding the FDM and rendering? That would cut out most
of the CPU usage.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Josh Babcock
Oliver Schroeder wrote:

> I don't think it's a good idea to handle chat messages in another way then 
> messages from ATC (or any other type of "conversation"). There should be one 
> interface for all types of messages and every "module" (currently ATC and 
> maybe chat messages in the near future) should use it.
> Oliver
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list
> 2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

I agree, we already have to model radios, so if people want to talk, let
them talk on the radios. Type a message and whoever is on your freq gets
that text the same way they would get it from ATC. The only problem I
see is that inexperienced players might not have their radios set
properly. Perhaps a hint from the server about what the local ATC freq
is would be enough to solve that.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Vivian Meazza
Oliver Schroeder

> Am Tuesday 19 July 2005 18:05 schrieb Vivian Meazza:
> > Oliver Schroeder
> > > 3) artificial life at airports
> > > [...]
> > Would a dedicated instance of FlightGear running all the AI traffic
> needed
> > and passing them to the server for distribution to all players do the
> > trick? (filtering by range if that's how you decide to do it).
> I *think* that the flightgear client is kind of to big and this kind of
> program (lets call it "injector") does not need all of its functions. Eg.
> there is no rendering, ATC(?), Autopilot, Audio and others needed. Maybe a
> stripped down version of the flightgear client would be just what we need.

Yes FG is big, and would have unused functions. Against this has to be
balanced the time and risk in developing and maintaining a stripped down
version. I don't have a handle on the size of that task or the risks
I suggested some time ago that the first player's system might handle all
the admin tasks - that way you get the AI traffic, carrier movements etc.
virtually free. However, there are significant questions surrounding that
idea: in particular what happens when the first player leaves. It ought to
be possible for the 2nd player to take up the task, because both systems
should be aligned. There is also the load on the individual client to be
taken into account.

This is beginning to look like some of the NATO data links where there was
no central server, but each unit contributed to the whole environment. Hmm
> > We should be aiming for the server to co-ordinate the whole environment
> -
> > traffic, weather, time. We need to be clever about bandwidth though -
> and
> > only send this kind of background data strictly when needed. The client
> > FGFS will have to do much of the work, I suppose.
> There are arising some questions about it.
> First of all: what can and what should be handled by the server?
> Currently it knows only very few things about what it is actually serving.
> It
> knows a little bit about callsigns, will know a bit about distances and
> different kinds of clients in the near future.
> Adding "knowledge" to the server adds lines of code which have to be
> changed
> in order to improve things (code changes have to be done in the client
> _and_
> the server).
> What about letting a scriptable client (i.e. a striped down version of
> fgfs)
> do most of such things?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by a scriptable client. Does this mean
that it has pre-scripted AI traffic, carrier movements, weather etc.? A
little crude perhaps, but effective, but see my comments above. On the other
hand we could tell each client what the AI traffic should be and let the
client do all the updating. Less bandwidth required, at the trade-off of a
build up of errors. Good enough for AI traffic, but perhaps not for the
carrier. Of course, this is what happens with the player aircraft - they
must already exist on the client system, and this could also be the case for
the AI traffic flightplan.

If you are saying that the server should have as little "knowledge" as
possible, then I would go along with that. I think the server probably needs
to coordinate the network time but beyond that ... there is a case for the
server to filter by range, but this could also be done by the client.

I have no strong view on how this should be achieved. We should build on
what we already have in order to achieve a fully coordinated environment. We
should not be re-inventing wheels, flaps or anything else :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Re: suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Oliver Schroeder
Am Wednesday 20 July 2005 03:46 schrieb Pigeon:
> I suppose using an invisible aircraft would work now as an observer.
> If the server could handle something like if someone connecting with a
> callsign "observer", then it would simply send packets to the observer
> about other real players, but don't need to get another info from the
> observer itself, except, perhaps, logging on or off. That will also mean
> the server needs to be happy with multiple connection with the same
> callsign. So I'd say it might be better to just treat them as a special
> class of clients.

I was thinking about oberservers, too. So it will be possible to build radar 
stations (human operated) and tower controll etc, without disdurbing the 
other clients (which would try to render the observer).
Using the callsign "observer" to mark observers is possibly the best approach 
for the moment, as it will work with the current client (unless there are 
more then other 10 clients). But then again the question about "reach" 
arises. Does an observer only get information about clients in its reach or 
about all clients connected to the server?

For generating a map of current clients connected to the server this way is 
not appropriate. The map generator would have to listen some seconds to the 
server in order to get information of (hopefully all) clients. A better way 
is to implement some kind of "admin protocol" in the server based on TCP 
rather then UDP to get (and maybe set, too) information on connected clients.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Oliver Schroeder
Am Tuesday 19 July 2005 18:05 schrieb Vivian Meazza:
> Oliver Schroeder
> > 3) artificial life at airports
> > [...]
> Would a dedicated instance of FlightGear running all the AI traffic needed
> and passing them to the server for distribution to all players do the
> trick? (filtering by range if that's how you decide to do it).

I *think* that the flightgear client is kind of to big and this kind of 
program (lets call it "injector") does not need all of its functions. Eg. 
there is no rendering, ATC(?), Autopilot, Audio and others needed. Maybe a 
stripped down version of the flightgear client would be just what we need.

> We should be aiming for the server to co-ordinate the whole environment -
> traffic, weather, time. We need to be clever about bandwidth though - and
> only send this kind of background data strictly when needed. The client
> FGFS will have to do much of the work, I suppose.

There are arising some questions about it.
First of all: what can and what should be handled by the server?
Currently it knows only very few things about what it is actually serving. It 
knows a little bit about callsigns, will know a bit about distances and 
different kinds of clients in the near future. 
Adding "knowledge" to the server adds lines of code which have to be changed 
in order to improve things (code changes have to be done in the client _and_ 
the server).
What about letting a scriptable client (i.e. a striped down version of fgfs) 
do most of such things?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] feature request: MultiPlayer's Callsigns in Viewport

2005-07-20 Thread Roberto Inzerillo

 what about a callsign identifier being displayed for each MultiPlayer 
airplane in the viewport of FGFS (and maybe a keyboard shortcut or an 
option menu for enabling/disabling the callsign visibility)?

I'm thinking about something like the City-Popup discussed earlier in 
the ML. So we know who's the pilot flying the airplane we have around :-)
It will be very usefull when multiplayer chat system will be available 
for team flight coordination.
Airplanes still do not have other distinctive visual dientifier so a 
bunch of c172 look all the same.

The future MP Networking code will of course have other kind of features 
and possibility but right now it seems to be the simplest way to 
identify other users in VFR.

 have a nice day,

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] suggestions/questions regarding multiplayer

2005-07-20 Thread Oliver Schroeder
Am Tuesday 19 July 2005 19:27 schrieb Harald JOHNSEN:
> Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> >1) "out of reach"
> >[...]
> I think the range should be user configurable.

So it's possibly a good idea to include a similar check in the flightgear 
client. The server does a precheck, i.e. does not send packets from clients 
which are for sure out of reach, and flightgear decides for itself if it is 
worth building up a property tree and display the other client or not. This 
would mean that flightgear is capable of building a property tree on the fly. 
But that way we can improve the multiclient capability of flightgear. It does 
not need to do any rendering of clients which are not in sight, but can 
bravely display them eg. on radar.
The other way would be to implement special network packets which tell the 
server the, erm, "range of reach" of the client (and possibly other values 
which might be usefull). But for these packets we need a 
data-received-confirmation mechanism to make sure the server really got that 

> >2) chat messages
> >[...]
> As Pigeon said, make that a separate window, because the ATC line is
> allready nearly impossible
> to read ;) It should not be hard to code but the atc code is not good
> for that (anyway it does not
> queue messages).

I don't think it's a good idea to handle chat messages in another way then 
messages from ATC (or any other type of "conversation"). There should be one 
interface for all types of messages and every "module" (currently ATC and 
maybe chat messages in the near future) should use it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list