[Flightgear-devel] fonts...

2005-12-19 Thread syd
Hi all ...one more question . I haven't been able to solve this one 
either.I cant seem to get any fonts to display on a 2d panel other than 
LED and a default font . Ive tried all in the Font directory ,but the 
font doesnt appear to chance . Im trying to get a bold font for  the  
glass cockpit on the Bravo
Has anyone had any luck in this area , or am I trying to do something 
that isnt implemented yet ?

Thanks for any help .

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] b1900d logo

2005-12-19 Thread syd
I see from user screenshots that my idea of a transparent logo for the 
B1900d was a bad idea . I always assume that if it works on my computer 
it must work on everyone else's:).Im learning !


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] jet engine ....

2005-12-19 Thread syd
I guess this question should be direct toward Andy , but is there a way 
to shut down the jet engine yet?Ive seen this question asked myself , so 
Ive been going through the code  trying to figure it out on my own but 
its still a bit of a mystery to me ... I havent yet sorted out how the 
FDM's are tied together. Id be quite happy to work on it myself if 
someone could point me in the right direction.Im working on switches for 
the Citation Bravo , currently have an reasonably accurate electrical 
system and a crude hydraulic system (I want to try landing gear and flap 
failures) .Any tips would be appreciated.Thanks in advance.And Merry 
Christmas all !


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 32, Issue 22

2005-12-07 Thread syd
Hi Curt, the B1900D and Bravo have flight director bars as separate 
movable objects ... just waiting for a flight director :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 101

2005-11-23 Thread syd

The Constellation looks pretty nice, but has a significant drawback:

The author has forgotten to implement the offset between FDM center and
visual reference point. This means the aircraft rotates around it's
nose which makes it almost impossible to accurately rotate for liftoff.
Furtheron it looks really funny when the aircraft wags the whole
body when you use the elevator   ;-) 

Syd, I presume this is your work. Would you mind adding this offset ?


I *think* I know who did this model. I'll notify/ask him abou tit. Thanks for 
noticing the
VRP aspect.


Hi guys  no that one isn't mine.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 100

2005-11-23 Thread syd

Hi Melchior,

OK I understand now. Thanks for the help . Sometimes the documentation 
is a bit tough to follow . do you know anything about this 'chrome 
effect' ? I'm guessing its environment mapping  unless I got that 
all wrong too 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] material animation...

2005-11-22 Thread syd

* Syd Adams:

  > Having some trouble with material animation ... 
> it appears global material changes only affect objects that share the same
> texture file 

 doesn't only look at what ac3d files define in a "MATERIAL" entry,
but at all material parameters, including the texture. It affects all objects
that share the same ssgSimpleState. Every single difference requires us to
clone the ssgSimpleState node, and then the connection between such objects
is lost. You just have to do what you do in all other animations then: list
all objects in  tags.


If I understand you correctly , I need to list all objects that the animation applies to ?
I was doing this before , (without ) and everything worked fine ... but in the documentation it says using an object and global affects all objects that share that material, that is was a faster and preferred method. Unless I misunderstood the documentation , or you :)
Still trying to figure out how to do the exhaust blur I saw from the Hunter, and trying to find out where this 'chrome ' effect is I heard about a week or so ago...
Thanks for the tip, m . Cheers

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] dhc2 instruments...

2005-11-19 Thread syd

I recognized  instrument display errors with the Beaver (a really 
wonderful FG plane!!!).

Have a look at the screenshots, pics can explain more than words:


The instruments also are too dark if you don't have the sun in the back, 
you have to switch on instrument lights  :-( 
Anyone else with the same error? I have got the one of the last CVS data 
and build (source).

If it is a problem, can it be fixed before releasing 0.9.9???

Hi Georg,
I took a look at the images  very strange . I'll look into it as soon 
as Ive sent this email. The darkness should be an easy fix , but I dont 
understand why the texture rotations have changed.Thanks for the note .Cheers 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] compiling Simgear...

2005-11-11 Thread syd

Hi all ...
Had some problems with latest CVS ... so I wiped out and downloaded 
simgear and flightgear again from CVS. I get an error now compiling 
Simgear .

I cant cut and paste from the terminal but make stops at :
[visual_enviro.o]Error 1
Has anyone run across this before?
... I get so much email I may have missed the solution if it was posted 
previously .

Thanks .
I'll send another update for the B1900D today hopefully , but I want to 
compile and test from the latest CVS files first. plus Im having a 
little trouble with a certain nasal file for the GPS , so still a lot of 
work to do . Havent figured out nasal's "undefined symbol at line 1" 
error yet :)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 30

2005-11-09 Thread syd


I didn't intend that to be a criticism of any sort.. I much appreciate
the effort of all involved with the modelling of any of the planes and

Otherwise, it looks and feels great :-) While I haven't seen a b1900d,
it seem around the mark, tend to enter a spin when air speed drops too
low but that's extreme flight dynamics.

George Patterson


Hi George   no, I didnt take it as critisism . Just thought I'd let 
you know that I did run across the same problem ... just not sure how to 
fix it :)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: B1900D fuel/engines

2005-11-08 Thread syd

Andy, (or whoever is maintaining the b1900d), I hate to do this to you,
but I think I have spotted another bug to do with fuel and engines.

When you run out of fuel the engines continue to run, despite 

/engine/engine/out-of-fuel[0]='true' and 

But the both engines are still running. 

I hope this is clearer..

George Patterson

Hi George . I am maintaining the b1900d , and yes I mentioned the same 
problem a while back, I run out of fuel and continue to fly on if I 
understand correctly,the turboprop engine code is fairly new and  still a work 
in progress , so Im sure it will be straightened out  soon.I have thought of 
trying to fix it myself , but I think the engine code is Andy's work and he 
knows FAR more than I do about such things .
Thanks for the note , sometimes I get so far into the modelling aspect I miss 
bugs :)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re:depth buffer problems

2005-10-25 Thread syd

Hi all;
I just tested the Citation II in 16 bit mode and didnt see any problems 
with the panel.My card is a Geforce FX4000.Is anyone else getting this 
problem ?

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] nasal electrical system

2005-10-10 Thread syd

Hi Steve ...I found the file in Aircraft/c172/c172-electrical.nas
It works the way I wanted  0 volts at the outputs when the switch is 

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] electrical systems

2005-10-10 Thread syd
Hi ...thanks for the tip , I hadn't  noticed the nasal electrical system 
before. After playing around with it for an hour or two ,I had a system 
for the B1900D working great !
I never did get a good grip on classes , etc with my c++ programming 
, but I still find nasal much more flexible and easier to understand 
than xml.Thanks again ... I can get at the B1900D again .Cheers

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] electrical systems

2005-10-07 Thread syd

Hi all 
I noticed recently that electrical outputs still show a voltage (frozen) 
when a switch is shut off.Is there a reason for this ... or is it a work 
in progress?
The reason I ask is that I want to animate lights by the voltage rather 
than switch position ... (dimming lights as the battery voltage drops , 
etc...).I just want to know if  this is the way it is going to operate , 
and I can change my animations (I'm currently working on the 
overhead light switch panel in the B1900D).Thanks in advance, I know how 
busy everyone is .Cheers

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 29, Issue 17

2005-09-13 Thread syd
In directory baron:/tmp/cvs-serv4749


Modified Files:
	b1900d-set.xml b1900d-sound.xml b1900d.xml 
Log Message:

Syd Adams:

Here are some updates to the b1900d:

The panel looks pretty nice   it's just that I failed to deliver
appropriate operation. In simple words: May I find a readme which tells
me how to start the engines ? I remember someone made such a readme for
the Beaver, which I couldn't operate without.


I dont have a readme file made  to start the engines push condition 
levers up.They are clickable . Control-C will show you the hotspots.You 
have to push the prop levers up too or you wont get off the ground ... I 
tried ;)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 29, Issue 8

2005-09-08 Thread syd
hi all, Im not sure what tricks you want to know , I never had any 
problems with texture mapping in Blender.
I used to ray trace the panel and used transparent holes for the 
gauges...but that causes problems when designing clickable panels ,any 
transparency in the texture hides the hotspots and radio displays. 
Besides , 3d gauges look much cleaner, and I dont notice any serious 
decrease in framerates. By the way Ive redone the B1900D panel to 3d 
gauges ,should be done by this weekend . Throttles ,condition and prop 
levers are clickable , so you can shut one engine down in flight  I 
even made it back to the airport without crashing on one engine :).
But prop pitch is not implemented yet I dont think , there doesnt seem 
to be any change in thrust when props are at 0 or feathered.
I will try to help with modelling if i can , but Im still learning new 
things as I go (like I just discovered you can have more than one panel 
defined for the 3d cockpit ).I do pretty much everything in Blender from 
modelling to designing gauge faces ,and Gimp for minor touchups.so 
ask away :)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] B1900D

2005-01-18 Thread Syd
Hi all ... I see someone else is having problems with the B1900D.
It was my first attempt  at a yasim aircraft ... and I still cant get it 
to fly right !
I dont know about the counter rotating props ... it was a LOT of guess 
work. So if someone can find a cure for it or give me specs , I'll be 
happy to attempt to fix it . ( It is a long way from being finished).
I did read somewhere that it had a wing incidence of about +3.5 at the 
root and -1 at the tip , but it crashes the program every time I try to 
implement it .
Im currently fixing the panel for plib 1.8.4 , should be able to send an 
update tonight.
Im afraid Ive tweaked the FDm to the point where it crashes FGFS AND 
FGRUN :) ... so I'll leave that out .Cheers

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] alpha layers ...again

2005-01-07 Thread Syd
Hi all me again
I understand about alpha layers and the drawing order , but the problem 
I had was it would work for one version of plib and not for another. I 
had to rearrange the object order in the ac file to get the gauges to 
show when I switched plib versions. Does the dhc-2 that Jim modified 
work with the standard plib ?
Im redoing the gauges for the Beaver for testing ( I hate recompiling 
just to test this problem :) .
And crossing my fingers.Trying to eliminate the transparent panel.If it 
works I  can carry on with the Citation and B1900D.
Anyway ... any other problems ,tips, optimizations would be helpful. I 
was trying to keep polygons to a minimum ... as some planes are barely 
flyable on my system  especially the Concorde ( not sure why ).

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] alpha layers

2005-01-07 Thread Syd
Hi all 
I guess my point was not understood ..
Object order is apperently different in the latest plib...
So visible objects that appear in the latest plib do not  show in the 
previous version and  visa vera 
So Im going with the latest plib until I figure out a solution.

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] which plib ???

2005-01-06 Thread Syd
Just a question to all...
After the issue with the dhc-2 panel , should I be modelling for the 
latest plib?
The ' drawing order ' of objects with transparent textures is different  
...so the .ac files have to be modified ... if that makes sense. I 
haven't found a way to make the models display correctly between the 
different versions.
So should I start using the latest plib and hope everyone upgrades ???

P.S. ...redoing the dhc-2 gauges ...it should work with any plib version 
 just more polygons to deal with :(

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] holes in dhc2f panel

2005-01-06 Thread Syd
Hi all , I designed the Beaver and had the same problem with gauges 
vanishing when I installed CVS plib.
It is done in Blender , and the reason some parts disappear is they are  
parented  together. ie... all cockpit components are grouped together so 
you can unselect  'cabin', and  everything parented to the cabin  also 
I thought I was a great idea because it saved rearranging the '.ac' file 
after every change and makes animating simpler, but apparently not.I 
could do the gauges as separate models I guess , but I'm trying to keep 
the polygons down. Any suggestions? It displays fine in the old plib, 
for me anyway . Should I redo the panel for the newest plib ? I'd like 
to resolve this right away because I'll have to fix the B1900D and the 
Citation-II.Thanks , Syd 

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