Re: [Flightgear-devel] FrameRate !!

2002-04-07 Thread jwpolley


 How about a reproductible way to benchmark FlightGear ? Something like
 q1test or
 q2test in Quake. That is : an automated sequence of flight during, say 30s
 to 2mn,
 along a predetermined path from KSFO with different views. This could be
 has a demo and at the end, a summary on framerate and performance numbers
 will be displayed.
 This could be controlled by command line options
 ( --start-demo-mode=once|loop,
 --display-perf-summary )

 Just a thought,


I think a series of demos would be a great idea.  It would also be nice if
there were demos for various terrain types (stress testing).  I fly around
the Seattle area simply because the mountains drastically impact frame
rate.  If I fly around where I live, I can get rates of upwards of 150 FPS,
but Seattle gives me 35-50.  I also like seeing what'e left of Mt. St.
Helen ;).

Jonathan Polley

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Problems Building JSBSim using MSVC 6.0

2002-03-24 Thread jwpolley

 Adding an ugly cast fixes the problem:

   PropertyManager-Tie(forces/fbx-aero-lbs, this,1,
 (double (FGAerodynamics::*)(int) const)

 I'll roll that change into my copy until it gets made permanently.

We'll do a little investigating, first. I want to understand why MSVC is
having problems, first, when no other compiler appears to be complaining.
want to remain as cross-platform/cross-compiler compatible as possible,
as a matter of policy, I am extremely hesitant to make crutches in our
to fix a crippled compiler - if, indeed, it turns out to be a problem with
MSVC. Do you have any explanatory backup for why MSVC isn't working with
this? I know this sounds rude of me, but I hope you can see where I am
coming from.


I'm sending this from work, since I am filling some process documentation
holes and need a break.  I know that MSVC can be quite strict about what is
consider to be 'valid' C.  The one thing that struck me when you asked your
question is that some compilers are very strict about matching parameter
types.  What would happen if the class that defines 'PropertyManager-Tie'
did not take a 'const' as the last parameter?  Since I am at work, I don't
have access to CVS and can not give it a try.

This behavior with 'const' is not new, but it is one that I keep
forgetting.  Other compilers (i.e., Rational Apex's C compiler) seen to
take the approach that the parameter is 'close enough' and don't raise an
error.  Does specifying '--pedantic' on the gcc command line cause any
other warnings?


Jonathan Polley

Flightgear-devel mailing list