RE: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-14 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:
Jon S Berndt writes:
 Curtis L. Olson wrote:
  Andy Ross writes:

and the code to calculate the scenery center for each tile can
simply go away.
 This however isn't true.  You still need to have an 'origin' for each
 scenery tile so you know how to translate it relative to your scenery
 center point (now perhaps they eye.)  The scenery center point defines
 our (0,0,0) for our world as opengl sees it.  If this point is always
 coincident with the eye point, then we would have to continually be
 reshifting each of the scenery tile transforms.
 I don't know if this applies at all, but it worries me to 
 hear what Andy wrote about the code going away. Will this 
 have any impact on the ability to calculate the location, 
 height, and orientation of an aircraft on a tile given the 
 tile may have a non-vertical normal?
 This stuff sounds like a candidate for a branch in the 

Ahhh, Jon, that's a good point.  If we make changes that affect the
scenery center and all the terrain transforms we definitely will need
to make sure that we don't break the line/terrain intersection code.

I think all that is needed is the transform that will take the points
returned by the line/terrain intersection code to where they would
have been if we were using the original VIEW transform and 
still doing the individual 'preptile()' translates before making the 
sgGeocToGeod() call inside fgCurrentElev().

However exactly what this transform 'will be' I am not sure of

Studying Dave's profiling statistics leads me to believe that resetting
all the transforms with in the SceneGraph,  what we essentially end up 
doing when we translate all the individual tiles in tilemgr::prep_tiles is 
in the neigborhood of ~2% of the total time taken per frame.  So even
if we had to do this twice, once for terrain intersection and once for
rendering it wouldn't be catastrophic and may be a cheap enough price
to pay, if needed, for the cleaner 'VIEW'



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Andy Ross

Andy Ross wrote:
  Model coordinates (that is, the reference frame of the local aircraft,
  into which the model and panel geometry will be drawn):
Origin = nose of the aircraft (?)
X = backwards
Y = up
Z = left

First confusion: the /sim/view/pilot/{x,y,z}-offset properties don't
use this system.  They use (I think, at least this is what YASim
exports and it seems to work):

  X = back
  Y = right
  Z = up

I got the original numbers by looking at the model file.
Can someone tell me where the mixup is?  Does the ac3d model loader
change coordinates, perhaps?


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Andy Ross

Norman Vine wrote:
  Andy Ross wrote:
   The location of the scenery origin is another.
  I thought I that this would have been self evident apon reading the
  code sections I pointed out yesterday.
  But just to be clear

Norman, stop it.  The world may be full of idiots, but I am not one of

I'm fully aware of the problem with using floats for global
coordinates.  Which begs the question (posed above, and still
unanswered): what *is* the location of the scenery origin when the
tile is drawn?  Where does it come from?  What must it be set to?
Since it cannot be the center of the earth, it must be somewhere else;

  The code that does this can be just thought of as a 'black box' as it
  is all handled for you transparently and is made available as

Why do we consistently go in circles on this?  It (where it means
everything rendered under the modelview matrix, including the scenery
tiles) is certainly not a black box, since it requires modifications.
To do those modifications, I need to figure out how it works.  To
figure it out, I ask questions.  To answer my questions, you tell me
that I don't need to know how it works?

Regardless, I think I've got this one now.  Thanks for your (not
terribly polite, but helpful nonetheless) assistance.  The scenery
center is set out of the main loop, and looks to me like it can be
easily replaced with the eyepoint with no loss of function.  This has
two nice side effects: the view matrix generation is no longer
dependant on data stored in scenery tiles, and the code to calculate
the scenery center for each tile can simply go away.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:

Norman Vine wrote:
  Andy Ross wrote:
   The location of the scenery origin is another.
  I thought I that this would have been self evident apon reading the
  code sections I pointed out yesterday.
  But just to be clear

Norman, stop it.

Whoa there ..

Obviously we have a hard time communicating but I don't
understand how I could have been any clearer then what
I posted yesterday

Hence my somewhat glib answer today.

Please enlighten me has to how I could have been
more helpful


== below snipped from yesterdays post ===

and see -
void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
// calculate our current position in cartesian space
scenery.set_center( scenery.get_next_center() );

int FGTileMgr::update( double lon, double lat ) {

if ( tile_cache.exists( current_bucket ) ) {
current_tile = tile_cache.get_tile( current_bucket );
scenery.set_next_center( current_tile-center );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_WARN, Tile not found (Ok if
initializing) );
scenery.set_next_center( Point3D(0.0) );

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Andy Ross writes:
 Which begs the question (posed above, and still unanswered): what
 *is* the location of the scenery origin when the tile is drawn?
 Where does it come from?  What must it be set to?  Since it cannot
 be the center of the earth, it must be somewhere else; where?

It wouldn't necessarily have to be this way, but for historical
reasons, the 'origin' of the tile is defined at the time that the tile
is created.  This way we can find a point that is 'most' central to
that tile for some definition of 'most'.  It would probably work just
fine to pick the actual center lon/lat of the tile and zero elevation
for the tile center, but again, historically that's not how we did it.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

  The scenery center is set out of the main loop, and looks to me
  like it can be easily replaced with the eyepoint with no loss of
  function.  This has two nice side effects: the view matrix
  generation is no longer dependant on data stored in scenery tiles,
  and the code to calculate the scenery center for each tile can
  simply go away.

That sounds like an excellent idea.  Are there any hidden gotchas?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Jon S Berndt writes:
 On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 16:46:17 -0600 (CST)
   Curtis L. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Andy Ross writes:
and the code to calculate the scenery center for each tile can
simply go away.
 This however isn't true.  You still need to have an 'origin' for each
 scenery tile so you know how to translate it relative to your scenery
 center point (now perhaps they eye.)  The scenery center point defines
 our (0,0,0) for our world as opengl sees it.  If this point is always
 coincident with the eye point, then we would have to continually be
 reshifting each of the scenery tile transforms.
 I don't know if this applies at all, but it worries me to 
 hear what Andy wrote about the code going away. Will this 
 have any impact on the ability to calculate the location, 
 height, and orientation of an aircraft on a tile given the 
 tile may have a non-vertical normal?
 This stuff sounds like a candidate for a branch in the 

Ahhh, Jon, that's a good point.  If we make changes that affect the
scenery center and all the terrain transforms we definitely will need
to make sure that we don't break the line/terrain intersection code.

That's a chunk of code that I definitely don't have my head around and
am not excited about the prospects of needing to figure it out.

However, scenery center is currently designed to be changed to
arbitrary values to moving it to the eye point might not hurt

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Andy Ross

David Megginson wrote:
  Andy Ross writes:
   The scenery center is set out of the main loop, and looks to me
   like it can be easily replaced with the eyepoint with no loss of
  That sounds like an excellent idea.  Are there any hidden gotchas?

None yet.  Code that doesn't exist can't have bugs. :)


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Andy Ross

Jon S. Berndt wrote:
  I don't know if this applies at all, but it worries me to hear what
  Andy wrote about the code going away. Will this have any impact on the
  ability to calculate the location, height, and orientation of an
  aircraft on a tile given the tile may have a non-vertical normal?

Really, this is just changing the place where we do addition.  Right
now, (someone correct me if I've goofed something up) the tile renders
all the vertices on all the tiles relative to the centroid of one of
them, and expects the view code to put the origin at that centroid.

My proposition has the view code placing the origin at the eyepoint
(about which it must know something) instead of the tile centroid
(about which it can be clueless), and the tile renderer doing the
appropriate magic to move the origin based on the eyepoint exported by
the view code.  That way, the tile renderer depends on the view code
(it has to, if you think about it), but the view code can live
completely independant of the tile renderer.

And the normal will always be vertical, at least for some point on the
tile.  Actually, this is another spot where I think we can slice the
view code apart from the tile renderer.  Right now, the tile renderer
gets its up vector as the local up vector for the aircraft.  But why
not just cache an up vector at the tile centroid instead?  All
locations on the tile have a valid up vector, that's just a normal
property of being, er, uh, a place on earth. :)

You could even argue that this is more correct if we start rendering
far-off tiles.  A tile 60nm away should have an up vector off by 1
degree from the aircraft's, for example.


Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one.
  - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Andy Ross writes:
 Good point, I overstated.  The code to compute an exact center is not
 longer an issue (any vertex on the tile will do) but clearly it has to
 be stored somewhere.  Still, getting it out of the way of the view
 code can't do anything but help modularity.

Right, but at some point we have to convert from earth centered
cartesian coordinates into local tile centered cartesian coordinates
so that we can place the opengl view in the correct place relative to
the scenery.

   view_pos = world_pos - current_scenery_center

 I think this is OK, no?  The vertices are stored as a big float
 table inside the tile, relative to the (global, double-valued)
 centroid location.  Just push a tile-centroid-to-viewpoint offset
 matrix onto the stack before rendering each tile, and things should
 work.  I may have missed something, but this sounds right to me.
 It's basically the same operation that happens already, but done
 inside the tile relative to the viewpoint, rather than in the view
 code relative to the tile centroid.  You say potato, I say...

Yah, pretty much ... too late for me to be splitting hairs here. :-)

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program   FlightGear Project

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-12 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:

While I'm thinking about it, can someone with knowlege please let me
know that I've got the right facts for the following coordinate systems:

  What I'm fuzzier on is where
the origin is when the scenery tiles are drawn (it has to be local, as
floats don't have sufficient precision).  I can probably figure it out
from reading the code, but yell if there are nasty subtleties here.

Reread my post from yesterday about how the VIEW is created

and see -
void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
// calculate our current position in cartesian space
scenery.set_center( scenery.get_next_center() );

int FGTileMgr::update( double lon, double lat ) {

if ( tile_cache.exists( current_bucket ) ) {
current_tile = tile_cache.get_tile( current_bucket );
scenery.set_next_center( current_tile-center );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_WARN, Tile not found (Ok if
initializing) );
scenery.set_next_center( Point3D(0.0) );

void FGTileMgr::prep_ssg_nodes()

void FGTileEntry::prep_ssg_node( const Point3D p, float vis) {

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