Re: [Flightgear-devel] Aircraft modellers - is a grain texture useful?

2013-04-19 Thread Renk Thorsten
 Ive been thinking about this since since you posted, and now i'm curious  
 to  see it.My initial fear was more framerate drop, but if it can be truly
 disabled I think its worth a try

I think one thing we have pretty consistently implemented in the effect 
framework is that all effects can be switched off. The whole model ubershader 
is implemented in such a way that it affects you only if you have a model 
shader on. The grain texture can be implemented such that it affects you only 
if you have the model shader on at high quality and your model has a flag set 
such that it is used.

 reflection used to have nearly zero impact on my framerate , now its
 unuseable over the ocean or large lake.

Which one? We used to have two of them, a silvery one at lower quality and the 
sine wave variant at high quality. Even the high quality variant can be made to 
run almost twice as fast by dropping half the partial wave calculations (this 
is implemented in the lower quality version of Atmospheric Light Scattering). I 
haven't been following the shaders in the default framework so much, but if a 
shader suddenly eats up twice the performance, there usually is a reason worth 

Not sure why but the skydome  
 shader had very little effect on my framerate when it first appeared , now it
 drops fps to 10 from 40 .

Well this at least I know. When the skydome shader first appeared, it did this 
when you didn't have mountains on the horizon:

Your framerate has gone into fixing this problem by providing consistent 
fogging and lighting of the terrain under all conditions such that terrain 
matches with the skydome. And unfortunately, the terrain part is way more 
expensive than the skydome part (and if you run at higher quality, there's a 
gazillion of additional goodies). The skydome code itself is pretty much as 
fast as it used to be (and if you delete all skydome-switched techniques from 
terrain-default.eff and model-default.eff, you can get if back if you really 

* Thorsten
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Improved Basic Weather integration with Atmospheric Light Scattering

2013-04-19 Thread Vivian Meazza

 Having talked about it for months (years?)  I've finally written some
 rules that improve the integration of Basic Weather with the Atmospheric
 In particular the skydome properties are now calculated using formulae
 similar to those of Advanced Weather so there's no need to set
 rayleigh/mie/density properties directly, and appropriate levels of ground
 haze are estimated based on the lowest cloud layer.
 Some of the integration is quite basic, and there's plenty of room for
 improvement in the Basic Weather METAR parsing to set up appropriate
 visibility settings in particular.
 Feedback welcome as always, though I suspect almost everyone these days
 is using Advanced Weather...
 This also removes another roadblock from possibly making the atmospheric
 shader on by (non-Rembrandt) default.  Ooohhh, controversial :)

I still use basic weather with mp so that I get the same clouds in both
clients - is this still the case?

Your most recent change seems to have broken the manual input gui here -
sometimes it works, and sometimes the values revert to the default. 

We seem to have lost the ability to use /NIL as a METAR input - very useful
during fdm development to remove weather effects. I'm not sure when this
broke, I think it might have been something James did.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Improved Basic Weather integration with Atmospheric Light Scattering

2013-04-19 Thread Stuart Buchanan
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Vivian Meazza wrote:
 I still use basic weather with mp so that I get the same clouds in both
 clients - is this still the case?

The clouds are unchanged by this, though I don't think that you will get
the same clouds in MP on both clients unless they are started at the same time.

The only changes I made with this were to ensure that Basic Weather generates
the appropriate properties for the atmospheric shaders.

 Your most recent change seems to have broken the manual input gui here -
 sometimes it works, and sometimes the values revert to the default.

Hmmm, odd - I made the changes specifically to fix the manual input UI
that I thought
your Weather UI changes had broken!  :)

I suspect that you and I are using the UI in a different way and
there's something broken
in the (complex) UI logic.  I'll take a look over the weekend - sorry
for the inconvenience.

If you're able to nail down the specific actions that cause it to
fail, vs. the actions that
make it work that would be useful.

 We seem to have lost the ability to use /NIL as a METAR input - very useful
 during fdm development to remove weather effects. I'm not sure when this
 broke, I think it might have been something James did.

That shouldn't have been changed by anything I've done recently.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [FGx-project] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-19 Thread Theo Armour
Hi Geoff

What equipment are you using? a KC-10 with a 'probe and drogue'?

*The Prize*
 I will offer a VIRTUAL bottle of good Bordeaux rouge to the first pilot
who maintains drogue contact for say a minute

Good luck.

Am I correct in thinking that a sudden movement of a foot or more will
cause the probe to miss the drogue?

And a sudden movement forwards or backwards of, say, ten feet may cause a

If so, consider:

At the equator a degree of latitude or longitude is about 69 miles.
Therefore one foot equals 0.0274483 degrees.

I note that supplies latitude and longitude of
six decimal places - in other words down to a precision of one foot

This kind of appears to be OK. but there are other factors to consider.

For example perhaps the numbers are bogus.

The explanation is hiddden in this complex article:

What it's saying is that if, in determining positions, heading, speed or
delts and if there is a sin, tan or square root used in the calculation,
then you are hosed if there is a 32-bit or longint anywhere in the code.
Intermediate products wreak havoc on accuracy. Playing with big numbers and
little numbers at the same time produces odd results.

[Harking back to the conversation a couple of weeks ago between you and
Peter on 32-bit vs 64-bit: My vote is for 128-bit.]

I could go on and on. 220 knots is over 371 feet per second. At a 10 Hz
interval the planes have moved over thirty feet.

In order to calculate an accurate delta then you need to eight or nine
digits of degree precision

*The easy answer: Cheat*
It would be far easier if you could lock your deltas to those of the probe.
If the probe moves an arbitrary distance forward then your position would
be its position plus X.

Is there some 'over the shoulder view' set of numbers that you could use to
lock your plane's deltas to the movement of the other plane? If so that
would be great. Of course, trying to refuel two planes at the same time
might make the ride a bit jerky for your passengers.

*10 Hz*
I laugh when I see such a number. Do you really expect something as silly
as a computer to be that reliable?

In my highly asynchronous animation world we have no use for setTimeout,
fixed intervals or whatever. Their behavior causes logjams and fails.  The
current device/trick/whatever is a called Request Animation Frame.


Yes, I know this is all browser-based stuff but could work just as well in
an executable - and how about the thought of running FG on a laptop for
hours without draining the battery?

*Why UDP?*
I have asked several times but nobody answers: Why does FG still use UDP
when there are so many easier more modern alternatives - ranging from a
RESTful system to RTC?


I'd love to see some logs of two planes trying to refuel. My guess is that
from a global point of view they are touching, but when it gets down to
inches - the two planes are all over the place. - lost in a rounding-error

In any case, good luck with giving out the Bordeaux!


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Geoff McLane wrote:


 To flyers who fly 'probe' enabled aircraft in Europe... or
 even if NOT...

 I will be flying the 'victor' refueling tanker for the next
 few days from KFPY, south 180 track, then turn around at the
 southern mountains, north on 360, at 12,000 feet – FL120
 STD QNA – and am interested in 'hot' flyers who want to try
 air-to-air REFUELING (AAR) in suitably equiped aircraft,
 well ANY aircraft...

 The tanker will maintain, under autopilot, 220 knots (KTAS),
 at the said 12,000 feet, either 180 or 360, under the callsign

 The flights will commence about noon, or before, UTC, and
 close about 20:00 UTC.

 The track can be followed using, or other mp
 map URLS. Click on 'GA006' to localize...


 (a) I have tried with several aircraft over the last few days, and
 learned that this is QUITE difficult, but I hope NOT impossible!

 (b) The present suggested pps (Hz) is 10 when you set up –multiplay=,
 but FG 2.11 has fill-in extrapolation code when fgfs packets
 do not arrive in time, so maybe this is too high. This is the basic

 So the idea is to reduce this IFF this fill-in code helps, ie does its

 The theoretic idea is that with this code we can reduce the
 bandwidth used by 10 Hz to perhaps 2-4 Hz, but this needs
 to be FULLY tested, and confirmed...

 Now I have tried this over several day, in several aircraft –
 A-10, f-14b, a4 and failed, FAILED to touch the trailing
 drogues... it is TOUGH... autopilots help you get to the 'zone'
 but it needs manual flying to get to the RIGHT 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-19 Thread Geoff McLane
Hi Jano,

Thanks for the video links... these were great...

So far I have had 5 others, aside from myself, trying to get 
to touch the R or L drogue, and while some got quite close 
and were able to maintain a close position, several factors 
came into play which made it difficult, if not impossible...

The tanker used is the 'victor', probe-drogue type, flown on 
autopilot at 12000 feet (STD 29.92), 220 knots on either 180 
from Paris LFPY, or 360 on the return. I usually turn N shortly 
after Toulouse in the south...

So far, as the other aircraft, have had Citation-II, Mirage_F1,
m2000, f16, and ???... A big thank you to them for joining in 
and trying... And I understand some screen shots were posted 
on the PAF forum, but still to find these... a link would 

I also tried with a 2nd victor, running in a 2nd machine...

Oh, and I always use, Switzerland,
and perhaps attempts while using the SAME fgms server may be 
better... but still saw the following assumed due to 'lag' 
problem when flying victor to victor

 where this is the closest you can see the following plane, 
 but in fact he see itself very close to the drogue

This difference between whether you are looking from 
the aircraft to the tanker, or from the tanker to 
the aircraft is certainly ONE of the problems.

Usually the tanker will see the aircraft still back some 
10s of meters behind the drogue, while the pilots sees 
the drogue up very close, perhaps even touching... 

And assume it can be the reverse of this...

Have downloaded and am looking at your wiki lag patches 
with an aim to patch my 2.11... in Windows 7 and 
Ubuntu... but not sure how far I will get...

It would certainly be nice if both pilots saw the 
same scene ;=)) But this is not the ONLY problem...

 basically the mp sending rate is fine with 10 pps

Well yes if the packets flow, but many things do seem 
to interrupt that flow...

One of the biggest is F3 - take a screen shot - This 
seems to stop packets for a seconds or more... 

Loading a new scenery tile can be another... new weather 
metar, although in the victor I usually select simple 
Fair weather... but there seems to be a number of things 
that 'change' the packet flow... I even suspect mp 
chat causes small blips...

There is already some form of predictive code in 2.11, 
but this to not yet very accurate or successful, but 
seems a very good start...

If the aircraft IS maintaining close proximity to the 
drogue, and I press F3 in the tanker, the tanker seems to 
slide forward faster and further than it should! 

So the aircraft pilot sees the tanker quickly move 
away... accelerate and moves forward... quite 
un-nerving... And this can happen even without a 
heavy F3 event... perhaps even due to system thread 
changes, ie nothing to do with the running fgfs...

Now if [s]he does nothing but hold, usually things will 
settle back into close proximity, but the pilot has 
LOST some visual clues aiding to maintain position 
so by the time things resettle [s]he is no longer so 
near the drogue ;=((

So I must take another look at this fill-in code, 
and would like to hear from the person or persons 
who implemented it... and understand why the very 
apparent slide fast forward, and what controls how 
quickly the position returns to that of the current 
packets after such an artificial change... any 
README, links, etc...

And then there is how will your 'lag' correction 
effect this current extrapolation code? If at all...

So lots of things to explore here ;=()

Over the coming days I will try to maintain my 
victor tanker runs... but it too can be quite 
stressful even just watching and chatting...

Maybe later try an E-W run, since you do mention some 
differences depending on direction...

So still invite others to try, but they should read 
and understand the above - it is difficult if not 
impossible - so expect more of the same frustrating 
efforts until some more CODE changes can be put in 

As one trier sort of put it - it is like the tanker 
has some 'shield' around it... things are good while 
you close in, but at very close proximity all HELL 
breaks loose ;=))

Have FUN!


On Thu, 2013-04-18 at 08:18 +0200, jean wrote:
 Hi Geoff
 i guess you are seing something like that:
 where this is the closest you can see the following plane, but in fact 
 he see itself very close to the drogue
 and what you want is like this:
 you should have a look at this page, wip but working fine for the few 
 pilots testing it :
 basically the mp sending rate is fine with 10 pps, but you need a way to 
 compensate for the lag.
 I can't try a refuel with you before this WE, but i will if you are 
 still flying the victor somewhere.
  To flyers who fly 'probe' 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] multiplay refuel test

2013-04-19 Thread jean pellotier
hi Geoff ,
 And I understand some screen shots were posted
 on the PAF forum, but still to find these... a link would
 Oh, and I always use, Switzerland,
 and perhaps attempts while using the SAME fgms server may be
yep, that's the rule we are following during our formation flight: to be 
on the same mpserver. Being on different servers give more jitter and 
lag, and there's no way to compensate for the inter-server lag now, as 
we have no information about them.
 Have downloaded and am looking at your wiki lag patches
 with an aim to patch my 2.11... in Windows 7 and
 Ubuntu... but not sure how far I will get...
good luck :) , for your information, a patched 2.11 windows binary is 
available and updated once a week, if you can't compile it yourself, see 
detail on the wiki.

 It would certainly be nice if both pilots saw the
 same scene ;=)) But this is not the ONLY problem...

 basically the mp sending rate is fine with 10 pps
 Well yes if the packets flow, but many things do seem
 to interrupt that flow...

 One of the biggest is F3 - take a screen shot - This
 seems to stop packets for a seconds or more...
i never use F3 for screenshots, as it freeze fg , instead i use the os 
printshot feature, much better and harmless  (and it has the 
antialiasing from the gpu)

 Loading a new scenery tile can be another... new weather
 metar, although in the victor I usually select simple
 Fair weather... but there seems to be a number of things
 that 'change' the packet flow... I even suspect mp
 chat causes small blips...
those are not change in paquet flow, but 'freeze' in FG itself, when 
some frame take time to render, being stuck on a model loading, or a 
metar change, or a F3 etc
To avoid mipmap generation hang, I use dds texture for all the planes in 
my aircraft folder (with a script), the mipmap are not generated on the 
fly and the loading is faster (taking less space in ram too). that's why 
in the paf hangar we are providing both a .png and  a .dds version of 
the planes.
 So the aircraft pilot sees the tanker quickly move
 away... accelerate and moves forward... quite
 un-nerving... And this can happen even without a
 heavy F3 event... perhaps even due to system thread
 changes, ie nothing to do with the running fgfs...
we call this the rubber band phenomen  :D, mainly caused by jitter, 
and worse if we are not on the same server.
 So I must take another look at this fill-in code,
 and would like to hear from the person or persons
 who implemented it... and understand why the very
 apparent slide fast forward, and what controls how
 quickly the position returns to that of the current
 packets after such an artificial change... any
 README, links, etc...
the current code in AIMultiplayer.cxx got a prediction system, but try 
to nether use it.
this is done to have only an interpolation between two  packets to do. 
so we display the mp plane at least one packet late to have a margin.
 And then there is how will your 'lag' correction
 effect this current extrapolation code? If at all...
I reused the existing code, with some modifications wich are:
- very slow response to jitter: the rubber band phenomen is just a 
little noticeable, seen as a speed variation of the followed plane.
- i'm sending and using planes's accelerations (only for yasim and 
jsbsim yet), so the position is predicted using position, speed and 
acceleration with a basic equation.
If  some are interested i can detail a little more this on the wiki page.

if you are using the patch, be aware that non patched yasim planes 
transmit a velocity in airmass instead of ecef, so they are very shaky 
if displayed in the futur with some wind.

 Maybe later try an E-W run, since you do mention some
 differences depending on direction...
this is an effect of the patch with jsbsim aircraft, i needed to find an 
acceleration suitable,  so i added one in jsbsim, but aparently this is 
not perfect yet, but at 10 pps, it nearly unnoticeable. I guess this 
should be a jsbsim expert job :)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] defusedxml useful in FG? Provides another way of memory protection.

2013-04-19 Thread Arnt Karlsen
Hi, defusedxml useful in FG?  Provides another way to 
protect memory, summary of wishlist bug #705691:
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Luke Faraone

* Package name: defusedxml
  Version : 0.4.1
  Upstream Author : Christian Heimes
* URL :
* License : Python
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules

The results of an attack on a vulnerable XML library can be fairly
dramatic. With just a few hundred bytes of XML data an attacker can
occupy several gigabytes of memory within seconds. An attacker can also
keep CPUs busy for a long time with a small to medium size request.

This library allows for XML to be parsed in a manner that avoids these

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
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