Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stand-alone ATC client and Canvas

2012-10-09 Thread Fernando García Liñán
Since there was some problem with the wiki article, I'll just say that
there is some on-going work on a stand-alone ATC client and I'll keep
working on it.

And taking the opportunity... if someone wants to join the project, give
ideas, requests or opinions, feel free to do so. The repository is here: .


2012/10/8 Martin Spott

 Fernando García wrote:

  But I guess it is not that useless.

 Well, but the wording You are advised not to start working on anything
 directly related to this is highly inappropriate.  Apparently someone
 has completely failed to understand the topic.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Stand-alone ATC client and Canvas

2012-10-08 Thread Fernando García Liñán
Hello everyone,

Since mid-summer I've been working on a free and open-source stand-alone
ATC client written in C++, totally from scratch with the help of the GTKmm
GUI toolkit ( and the Cairo 2D graphics library ( I started this as a project to learn from
and take some practice while developing it at the same time, as well as
satisfying my needs of a complete and more professional ATC client for

I knew about the ongoing development of the Canvas system (it is looking
awesome, keep going!), but I didn't think about its possible application to
current ATC aircrafts in FlightGear.

I've already seen opinions about the subject. Some people think it is just
useless to start something from scratch when you have a huge framework such
as SimGear, or when you can work directly in FlightGear with Nasal. Me, and
other people's opinion is that a stand-alone client is a good idea. I've
heard of many people who want to ATC properly in FG, but their computers
can't run it, and if they can, really badly. Also a program designed
specially for something is usually much better than a patch on another

So as said in the FlightGear's wiki article about the subject, I would like
to coordinate my ideas with the core developers.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Stand-alone ATC client and Canvas

2012-10-08 Thread Fernando García Liñán

2012/10/8 Martin Spott

 Fernando García Liñán wrote:

  So as said in the FlightGear's wiki article about the subject, [...]

 Do you have an URL available ?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cessna 172p cockpit improvement

2011-12-14 Thread Fernando García Liñán
Hello Stephan,

It looks nice so far! But someone has already improved it, you can find
more info here:

You don't need to upload it to GIT by yourself, you can pack it in a .zip
and a FGData committer can upload it for you.

If you run a more recent version of FG, much better! You can use the latest
tools and options. But I recommend to switch to the development version
(GIT). More info here


2011/12/14 Stephan Bourgeois

  Hello everybody,

 I have been looking at improving the Cessna 172p cockpit. I have been
 mostly focusing on the instruments. I am creating new 256px textures, and
 modifying the geometry and xml files when required. All the work is based
 on pictures of Cessna cockpits and pictures of instruments posted by
 avionics resellers. So far I have been working from the latest c172p
 model from the website, and running Flightgear 1.9.1-1 on Ubuntu.

 You can see the work done so far on
 ( The next picture shows a close-up. This album also contains older tests
 I made in 2010 )

 Here are some questions:
 1. Should I work from a c172p model more recent than on the website? If
 so, where can I find the Aircrafts in gitorious?
 2. How do I contribute? Do I learn to use git and create a branch? Do I
 post the aircraft as a .zip file for someone to look at?
 3. Should I run a more recent flightgear version? (e.g. compile 2.4.0 from

 Thank You. Please give feedback and comments on the changes.

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 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Cloud Computing - Latest Buzzword or a Glimpse of the Future?
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Creating a dark quad in Effects

2011-11-13 Thread Fernando García Liñán
Hi all,

I am trying to cover the screen with a dark quad via Effects/shaders
without any successful result. I tried with geometry shaders but it needs a
lot of perfomance requirements and doesn't have OpenGL functions available.
It would be just adding a few lines in OpenGL, but I have no idea how to do
this via Effects.

Is there any way to include OpenGL code in Effects? Or, at least is there
any other method I can try?

Any help is much appreciated,
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] PolygonOffset implementation

2011-10-29 Thread Fernando García Liñán

This is my first try with mailing-list, I am icecode in IRC, Icecode GL in
forum and a few time ago I've been involved in trying to return shadows
back in FlightGear, exploring the big world of shaders and effects. But
when Z-fighting ( problem appeared,
I needed glPolygonOffset ( After
reading the OSG documentation (,
I got this code at Simgear's Effect.cxx:

struct PolygonOffsetBuilder : public PassAttributeBuilder
 void buildAttribute(Effect* effect, Pass* pass, const SGPropertyNode*
 const SGReaderWriterXMLOptions* options)
 if (!isAttributeActive(effect, prop))

 const SGPropertyNode* pfactor
 = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, factor);
 const SGPropertyNode* punits
 = getEffectPropertyChild(effect, prop, units);

 ref_ptrPolygonOffset polyoffset = new PolygonOffset;

 int factor, units;

 if (pfactor)
 factor = pfactor-getIntValue();
 if (punits)
 units = punits-getIntValue();




 I correctly did the #include osg/PolygonOffset at the start of file.
Compilation goes OK, but when I run FG, this message appears a couple of

skipping unknown pass attribute polygon-offset

 What can be the problem? Sorry if it is a silly mistake, but I am a newbie
in the effects things etc. If you want to know anything more about the
shadows, I am trying to implement the shadow volumes ( technique, using stencil. Info
of progress, .vert and .eff at forum topic:

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