[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-30 Thread Luis Abreu
Thanks James. That should do what I need! J


From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: quinta-feira, 29 de Janeiro de 2009 22:35
To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


Luis: I've just committed a change that'll affect this. I've added LazyLoad
to subclass, and I've updated everything to use a Not property instead of
explicit NotXXX methods; that way we won't forget about doing a Not
something in the future.


So it's now: LazyLoad() and Not.LazyLoad(), these are available wherever
LazyLoad was before, and also on the subclass.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

Yeah, and if i recall correctly, the default is lazy loading, which is not
working for meJ 


Thanks again.


From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:36

To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


That sounds correct, although there should be a NotLazyLoaded method.


By not setting any lazy load, FNH leaves the attribute off all together;
this makes it fall back onto NHibernate's defaults.


I shall add that method to my list of changes.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

Oh, just remembered…and what about the lazy attribute on the other
properties (references)?


For instance, on collections…I see there is a LazyLoad method but there
isn't a NoLazyLoad method. So, I assumed that if I don't call that method I
wouldn't get lazy loading and would get the lazy=false on the roperty
mapping. This isn't happening. Any reason for that?


Thanks again



From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:26

To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


Excellent! Glad we got there in the end.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

James, thanks for your time! As always, the mistake was mine: the error were
coming from the snapshot classes which also had inheritance.


Thanks again. 



From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:12

To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


That looks right to me, and you have NotLazyLoaded set on the main class


In my setup I've got default-lazy to true, the parent class set to false,
and all the subclasses also set to false. That works for me.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm seeing the lazy=false on the XML but I'm still getting the same error
if I don't set the default-lazy to false. Btw, here's the mapping of one of
the subclasses:


DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn(TipoEntidade, (Int32) (EntityKind.Single))

.SubClassIndividual((Int32) (EntityKind.Single),

  e =


  e.Map(ind = ind.BirthDate,

  e.ComponentBIInfo(ind =

  bi =


bi.Map(b = b.Archive, Arquivo)


bi.Map(b = b.EmissionDate, DataEmissao)


bi.Map(b = b.Number, BI)



  e.SetAttribute( lazy,
false  );


.SubClassCompany((Int32)(EntityKind.Company), e =
e.SetAttribute(lazy, false) );


See anything wrong?





From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 11:49

To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


You didn't mention it was a subclass that was failing! Subclasses also have
their own lazy attribute as well as their parent class, and I can now see we
haven't mapped a way to handle this in FNH.


You SHOULD do something like this (but can't right now):



  .SubClassIndividual(subclass =






However, as you can't do that currently, you can use SetAttribute instead

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-27 Thread Luis Abreu
No, I'm not talking about relationships here.just a simple class. I had a
working project with a previous version of fluent. At the time, it didn't
set default-lazy. When I updated to a recent release, I started getting
several errors on my test complaining about not having virtual properties.
It was then that I've checked the generated xml and I saw that now fluent nh
sets the default-lazy attribute to true. What I don't understand is why
putting the lazy=false on the class element is not enough for cancelling
lazing loading on a class. The only way I solved it was to access the
Conventions property of the mapping visitor and put its defaultlazyload to
false. Now, this probably is not a fluent issue (though it only surfaced due
to its use on my project), but I've already asked on the NH forum and nobody
answered it.




From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: segunda-feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2009 18:46
To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


What relationship are you talking about Luis? One-to-many? Many-to-many?


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

Guys, pause please!

Ok, I can see that adding the notlazyloaded method call will put lazy =
false on my class on the generated xml. Now the problem is that when this
xml is loaded I get exceptions saying that my properties aren't virtual (and
no, they're not and no I don't want lazy lozading on myt class).

Can anyone help and tell me why NH insist in using lazy when the lazy
attribute on the class is set to false and the default-lazy attribute on the
nhibernate element is set to true?


 -Original Message-
 From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:fluent-

 nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of VisualHint
 Sent: segunda-feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2009 15:58
 To: Fluent NHibernate
 Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 I understand a bit better now but note that:

 1. When I generate the hbm from FNH and both LazyLoad and
 NotLazyLoaded are not set on the class, then no lazy attribute is
 added to the hbm file which maybe contradicts what you say (Fluent
 NHibernate always sets something)

 2. If your explanation is right, LazyLoad() on the association is
 absolutely of no use.


 On Jan 26, 10:23 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes
  over what you set in the relationship.
  HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent
  always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value. So the
 lazy on
  the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind of
  setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on the
  relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always
 overrides the
  No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the references
 method is
  perhaps redundant.
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
   ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to
   classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
   lazy loaded.
   If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes
   and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
   So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
   maybe (I'm with
   On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate?
should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
 If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new
 I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you
 that I
 got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced
 it. The
 various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for
 the 2
 versions of LazyLoad() methods.
 I don't touch to the conventions.
 Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it
 only the minimum:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
 hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-
property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
 \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property

property name

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-27 Thread Luis Abreu

Hello again.

You're not going to like this answer... it works for me!

Yep, I don't like that answer :)

Ok, back to my code. First, I'm not using sessionsource because the assembly
is not signed and since it has dependencies on non-signed assemblies I
cannot sign it here. So, I'm just getting the XML from the mappings by using
code similar to this:  

var currentTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();

var methodsThatReturnXmlDocs = currentTypes
.Where(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType)
!= null)
.Select(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType))
foreach (var method in methodsThatReturnXmlDocs) {
var mappingVisitor = new MappingVisitor();
mappingVisitor.Conventions.DefaultLazyLoad = false; //HAD TO ADD THIS
var doc = method(mappingVisitor);

Ok, here's the XML my mappings are generating:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
hibernate-mapping xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2 default-lazy=false
assembly=Sra.Core.Entities namespace=Sra.Core.Entities
  class name=Entity table=Entidades xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2
lazy=false discriminator-value=0
id name=Id column=IdEntidade type=Int32 unsaved-value=0
  generator class=identity /
discriminator column=TipoEntidade type=Int32 /
version column=Version name=Version /
property name=Name column=Nome length=200 type=String
  column name=Nome /
property name=Nif column=NIF length=9 type=String
  column name=NIF /
property name=Nifap column=Nifap length=50 type=String
  column name=Nifap /
many-to-one cascade=save-update name=Action column=IdAccao /
set name=Branches access=field.camelcase-underscore cascade=all
  key column=IdEntidade /
  one-to-many class=Sra.Core.Entities.Branch, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Company, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
discriminator-value=1 /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Individual, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
  property name=BirthDate column=DataNascimento
column name=DataNascimento /
  component name=BIInfo insert=true update=true
property name=Number column=BI length=20 type=String
  column name=BI /
property name=EmissionDate column=DataEmissao length=50
  column name=DataEmissao /
property name=Archive column=Arquivo length=100
  column name=Arquivo /

Now here's the XML when I don't set the default lazy convention (which means
it's set to true by default, right?):

hibernate-mapping xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2 default-lazy=true
assembly=Sra.Core.Entities namespace=Sra.Core.Entities
  class name=Entity table=Entidades xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2
lazy=false discriminator-value=0
id name=Id column=IdEntidade type=Int32 unsaved-value=0
  generator class=identity /
discriminator column=TipoEntidade type=Int32 /
version column=Version name=Version /
property name=Name column=Nome length=200 type=String
  column name=Nome /
property name=Nif column=NIF length=9 type=String
  column name=NIF /
property name=Nifap column=Nifap length=50 type=String
  column name=Nifap /
many-to-one cascade=save-update name=Action column=IdAccao /
set name=Branches access=field.camelcase-underscore cascade=all
  key column=IdEntidade /
  one-to-many class=Sra.Core.Entities.Branch, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Company, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
discriminator-value=1 /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Individual, Sra.Core.Entities,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
  property name=BirthDate column=DataNascimento
column name=DataNascimento /
  component name=BIInfo insert=true update=true
property name=Number column=BI length=20 type=String
  column name=BI /
property name=EmissionDate column=DataEmissao length=50
  column name=DataEmissao /
property name=Archive column=Arquivo length=100
  column name=Arquivo /

And in here's the exception I'm 

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-27 Thread James Gregory
That looks right to me, and you have NotLazyLoaded set on the main class
In my setup I've got default-lazy to true, the parent class set to false,
and all the subclasses also set to false. That works for me.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm seeing the lazy=false on the XML but I'm still getting the same
 error if I don't set the default-lazy to false. Btw, here's the mapping of
 one of the subclasses:

 DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn(TipoEntidade, (Int32) (EntityKind.Single))

 .SubClassIndividual((Int32) (EntityKind.Single),

   e =


   e.Map(ind = ind.BirthDate,

   e.ComponentBIInfo(ind =

   bi =


 bi.Map(b = b.Archive, Arquivo)


 bi.Map(b = b.EmissionDate, DataEmissao)


 bi.Map(b = b.Number, BI)



   e.SetAttribute( lazy,
 false  );


 .SubClassCompany((Int32)(EntityKind.Company), e =
 e.SetAttribute(lazy, false) );

 See anything wrong?


 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 11:49
 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 You didn't mention it was a subclass that was failing! Subclasses also have
 their own lazy attribute as well as their parent class, and I can now see we
 haven't mapped a way to handle this in FNH.

 You SHOULD do something like this (but can't right now):


   .SubClassIndividual(subclass =





 However, as you can't do that currently, you can use SetAttribute instead.

 subclass.SetAttribute(lazy, false);

 I'll look into getting this implemented properly. Let me know if the set
 attribute hack works.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello again.

 You're not going to like this answer... it works for me!

 Yep, I don't like that answer :)

 Ok, back to my code. First, I'm not using sessionsource because the
 is not signed and since it has dependencies on non-signed assemblies I
 cannot sign it here. So, I'm just getting the XML from the mappings by
 code similar to this:

 var currentTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();

 var methodsThatReturnXmlDocs = currentTypes
.Where(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType)
 != null)
.Select(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType))
 foreach (var method in methodsThatReturnXmlDocs) {
var mappingVisitor = new MappingVisitor();
mappingVisitor.Conventions.DefaultLazyLoad = false; //HAD TO ADD THIS
var doc = method(mappingVisitor);

 Ok, here's the XML my mappings are generating:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

 hibernate-mapping xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2 default-lazy=false
 assembly=Sra.Core.Entities namespace=Sra.Core.Entities
  class name=Entity table=Entidades xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2
 lazy=false discriminator-value=0
id name=Id column=IdEntidade type=Int32 unsaved-value=0
  generator class=identity /
discriminator column=TipoEntidade type=Int32 /
version column=Version name=Version /
property name=Name column=Nome length=200 type=String
  column name=Nome /
property name=Nif column=NIF length=9 type=String
  column name=NIF /
property name=Nifap column=Nifap length=50 type=String
  column name=Nifap /
many-to-one cascade=save-update name=Action column=IdAccao /
set name=Branches access=field.camelcase-underscore cascade=all
  key column=IdEntidade /
  one-to-many class=Sra.Core.Entities.Branch, Sra.Core.Entities,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Company, Sra.Core.Entities,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
 discriminator-value=1 /
subclass name=Sra.Core.Entities.Individual, Sra.Core.Entities,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7559314325872dac
  property name=BirthDate column=DataNascimento
column name

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-27 Thread James Gregory
Excellent! Glad we got there in the end.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

  James, thanks for your time! As always, the mistake was mine: the error
 were coming from the snapshot classes which also had inheritance.

 Thanks again.

 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:12

 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 That looks right to me, and you have NotLazyLoaded set on the main class

 In my setup I've got default-lazy to true, the parent class set to false,
 and all the subclasses also set to false. That works for me.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm seeing the lazy=false on the XML but I'm still getting the same error
 if I don't set the default-lazy to false. Btw, here's the mapping of one of
 the subclasses:

 DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn(TipoEntidade, (Int32) (EntityKind.Single))

 .SubClassIndividual((Int32) (EntityKind.Single),

   e =


   e.Map(ind = ind.BirthDate,

   e.ComponentBIInfo(ind =

   bi =


 bi.Map(b = b.Archive, Arquivo)


 bi.Map(b = b.EmissionDate, DataEmissao)


 bi.Map(b = b.Number, BI)



   e.SetAttribute( lazy,
 false  );


 .SubClassCompany((Int32)(EntityKind.Company), e =
 e.SetAttribute(lazy, false) );

 See anything wrong?


 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 11:49

 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 You didn't mention it was a subclass that was failing! Subclasses also have
 their own lazy attribute as well as their parent class, and I can now see we
 haven't mapped a way to handle this in FNH.

 You SHOULD do something like this (but can't right now):


   .SubClassIndividual(subclass =





 However, as you can't do that currently, you can use SetAttribute instead.

 subclass.SetAttribute(lazy, false);

 I'll look into getting this implemented properly. Let me know if the set
 attribute hack works.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello again.

 You're not going to like this answer... it works for me!

 Yep, I don't like that answer :)

 Ok, back to my code. First, I'm not using sessionsource because the
 is not signed and since it has dependencies on non-signed assemblies I
 cannot sign it here. So, I'm just getting the XML from the mappings by
 code similar to this:

 var currentTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();

 var methodsThatReturnXmlDocs = currentTypes
.Where(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType)
 != null)
.Select(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType))
 foreach (var method in methodsThatReturnXmlDocs) {
var mappingVisitor = new MappingVisitor();
mappingVisitor.Conventions.DefaultLazyLoad = false; //HAD TO ADD THIS
var doc = method(mappingVisitor);

 Ok, here's the XML my mappings are generating:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?

 hibernate-mapping xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2 default-lazy=false
 assembly=Sra.Core.Entities namespace=Sra.Core.Entities
  class name=Entity table=Entidades xmlns=urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2
 lazy=false discriminator-value=0
id name=Id column=IdEntidade type=Int32 unsaved-value=0
  generator class=identity /
discriminator column=TipoEntidade type=Int32 /
version column=Version name=Version /
property name=Name column=Nome length=200 type=String
  column name=Nome /
property name=Nif column=NIF length=9 type=String
  column name=NIF /
property name=Nifap column=Nifap length=50 type=String
  column name=Nifap /
many-to-one cascade=save-update name=Action column=IdAccao /
set name=Branches access=field.camelcase

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-27 Thread James Gregory
That sounds correct, although there should be a NotLazyLoaded method.
By not setting any lazy load, FNH leaves the attribute off all together;
this makes it fall back onto NHibernate's defaults.

I shall add that method to my list of changes.
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

  Oh, just remembered…and what about the lazy attribute on the other
 properties (references)?

 For instance, on collections…I see there is a LazyLoad method but there
 isn't a NoLazyLoad method. So, I assumed that if I don't call that method I
 wouldn't get lazy loading and would get the lazy=false on the roperty
 mapping. This isn't happening. Any reason for that?

 Thanks again


 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:26

 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 Excellent! Glad we got there in the end.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 James, thanks for your time! As always, the mistake was mine: the error
 were coming from the snapshot classes which also had inheritance.

 Thanks again.

 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 12:12

 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 That looks right to me, and you have NotLazyLoaded set on the main class

 In my setup I've got default-lazy to true, the parent class set to false,
 and all the subclasses also set to false. That works for me.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm seeing the lazy=false on the XML but I'm still getting the same error
 if I don't set the default-lazy to false. Btw, here's the mapping of one of
 the subclasses:

 DiscriminateSubClassesOnColumn(TipoEntidade, (Int32) (EntityKind.Single))

 .SubClassIndividual((Int32) (EntityKind.Single),

   e =


   e.Map(ind = ind.BirthDate,

   e.ComponentBIInfo(ind =

   bi =


 bi.Map(b = b.Archive, Arquivo)


 bi.Map(b = b.EmissionDate, DataEmissao)


 bi.Map(b = b.Number, BI)



   e.SetAttribute( lazy,
 false  );


 .SubClassCompany((Int32)(EntityKind.Company), e =
 e.SetAttribute(lazy, false) );

 See anything wrong?


 *From:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *James Gregory
 *Sent:* terça-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 2009 11:49

 *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

 You didn't mention it was a subclass that was failing! Subclasses also have
 their own lazy attribute as well as their parent class, and I can now see we
 haven't mapped a way to handle this in FNH.

 You SHOULD do something like this (but can't right now):


   .SubClassIndividual(subclass =





 However, as you can't do that currently, you can use SetAttribute instead.

 subclass.SetAttribute(lazy, false);

 I'll look into getting this implemented properly. Let me know if the set
 attribute hack works.

 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello again.

 You're not going to like this answer... it works for me!

 Yep, I don't like that answer :)

 Ok, back to my code. First, I'm not using sessionsource because the
 is not signed and since it has dependencies on non-signed assemblies I
 cannot sign it here. So, I'm just getting the XML from the mappings by
 code similar to this:

 var currentTypes = GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();

 var methodsThatReturnXmlDocs = currentTypes
.Where(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType)
 != null)
.Select(existingType = GetMethodForExecution(existingType))
 foreach (var method in methodsThatReturnXmlDocs) {
var mappingVisitor = new MappingVisitor();
mappingVisitor.Conventions.DefaultLazyLoad = false; //HAD TO ADD THIS
var doc = method(mappingVisitor

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread VisualHint

If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new

I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
versions of LazyLoad() methods.
I don't touch to the conventions.
Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
only the minimum:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
\SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/
property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
property name=adonet.batch_size500/property

property name=show_sqltrue/property
property name=generate_statisticstrue/property


On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every mapping
 created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using the
 conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this infers
 the class level setting.
 How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out your
 mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel, then we
 can see what's actually being generated.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

  I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to explicitely
  set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
  I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I don't
  understand when you say:

   however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
   to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't have

  Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it or
  not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
  If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
  association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was possible
  on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?

  About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before HBM
  so this is not something I can immediately try.


  On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
   @Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally it was
   default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your copy is
   then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
   The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different things, the
   lazy load on the class sets it at the entity level, so whenever that
   is referenced anywhere it's lazy loaded, the other sets it for that
   relationship; however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't
   to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't have

   As Seb said, the reason the class lazy load requires virtual methods is
   because it creates a proxy of the entity. If your methods aren't already
   virtual, then your lazy loading won't be working because NHibernate won't
   know how to track it.

   So what do you need to do? Update your copy of FNH and try again, failing
   that, explicitly set lazy loading in your class and use virtuals; that's
   recommended approach.

   Please note, this isn't a Fluent NHibernate specific issue, you'd be
   the same behaviour for standard xml mapping too.

   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Paul Batum paul.ba...@gmail.com
When it comes to issues such as this I am somewhat of a broken record -
suggestion is always the same:

See if you can get the desired behavior using HBM xml. Once you have
working xml, we can compare it to what fluent nhibernate is generating
see where the problem lies.

Paul Batum

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Chris Marisic ch...@marisic.com

I noticed this also but I assumed I was handling the session
incorrectly making it fully load the object but maybe this actually is
an issue.

On Jan 25, 9:20 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes I know that Seb (thx anyway). This was just telling a fact.
 My question is about LazyLoad and why it has no effect when called
 a References() call.


 On Jan 25, 3:44 am, Sebastien Lambla s...@serialseb.com wrote:

   But doing that has a consequence: All my properties in the
model must be virtual, even the ones that are not related to fields
  in my

  That's because the 

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread Luis Abreu
Btw, this is a problem I've faced in my mappings. Shouldn't the lazy
attribute that you apply to a class element override that mapping? I'm
asking this because I've had to change the default convention on my mappings
so that I could discard the lazy loading options since it always insisted in
using that when it read the xml generated by the mappers.


From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
[mailto:fluent-nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of James Gregory
Sent: segunda-feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2009 14:45
To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method


By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every mapping
created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using the
conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this infers
the class level setting.


How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out your
mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel, then we
can see what's actually being generated.


On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to explicitely
set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I don't
understand when you say:

 however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
 to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't have

Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it or
not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was possible
on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?

About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before HBM
so this is not something I can immediately try.


On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 @Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally it was the
 default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your copy is
 then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
 The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different things, the
 lazy load on the class sets it at the entity level, so whenever that
 is referenced anywhere it's lazy loaded, the other sets it for that
 relationship; however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't
 to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't have

 As Seb said, the reason the class lazy load requires virtual methods is
 because it creates a proxy of the entity. If your methods aren't already
 virtual, then your lazy loading won't be working because NHibernate won't
 know how to track it.

 So what do you need to do? Update your copy of FNH and try again, failing
 that, explicitly set lazy loading in your class and use virtuals; that's
 recommended approach.

 Please note, this isn't a Fluent NHibernate specific issue, you'd be
 the same behaviour for standard xml mapping too.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Paul Batum paul.ba...@gmail.com wrote:
  When it comes to issues such as this I am somewhat of a broken record -
  suggestion is always the same:

  See if you can get the desired behavior using HBM xml. Once you have
  working xml, we can compare it to what fluent nhibernate is generating
  see where the problem lies.

  Paul Batum

  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Chris Marisic ch...@marisic.com

  I noticed this also but I assumed I was handling the session
  incorrectly making it fully load the object but maybe this actually is
  an issue.

  On Jan 25, 9:20 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
   Yes I know that Seb (thx anyway). This was just telling a fact.
   My question is about LazyLoad and why it has no effect when called on
   a References() call.


   On Jan 25, 3:44 am, Sebastien Lambla s...@serialseb.com wrote:

 But doing that has a consequence: All my properties in the one
  model must be virtual, even the ones that are not related to fields in

That's because the object is created as a proxy. Any of your
  may have access or rely on other properties that need to be hydrated
  the db. They all need to be virtual so that the first cal can trigger
  load. This is an nhibernate thing.

Windows Live Messenger just got better .Video display pics, contact
  updates  more.http://www.download.live.com/messenger


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Fluent NHibernate group.
To post to this group, send email to fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
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[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread James Gregory
How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate? default-lazy
should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

 If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new

 I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
 got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
 various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
 versions of LazyLoad() methods.
 I don't touch to the conventions.
 Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
 only the minimum:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
 hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
 \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/
property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
property name=adonet.batch_size500/property

property name=show_sqltrue/property
property name=generate_statisticstrue/property


 On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every mapping
  created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using the
  conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this
  the class level setting.
  How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out your
  mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel, then
  can see what's actually being generated.
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
   I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to explicitely
   set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
   I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I don't
   understand when you say:
however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't
   Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it or
   not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
   If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
   association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was possible
   on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?
   About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before HBM
   so this is not something I can immediately try.
   On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
@Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally it
default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your copy
then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different things,
lazy load on the class sets it at the entity level, so whenever that
is referenced anywhere it's lazy loaded, the other sets it for that
relationship; however, the class gets precedence, so if your class
to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't
As Seb said, the reason the class lazy load requires virtual methods
because it creates a proxy of the entity. If your methods aren't
virtual, then your lazy loading won't be working because NHibernate
know how to track it.
So what do you need to do? Update your copy of FNH and try again,
that, explicitly set lazy loading in your class and use virtuals;
recommended approach.
Please note, this isn't a Fluent NHibernate specific issue, you'd be
the same behaviour for standard xml mapping too.
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Paul Batum paul.ba...@gmail.com
 When it comes to issues such as this I am somewhat of a broken
 record -
 suggestion is always the same:
 See if you can get the desired behavior using HBM xml. Once you
 working xml, we can compare it to what fluent nhibernate is
 see where the problem lies.
 Paul Batum
 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Chris Marisic ch...@marisic.com
 I noticed this also but I assumed I was handling the session
 incorrectly making it fully load the object but maybe this
 actually is
 an issue.
 On Jan 25, 9:20 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
  Yes I know that Seb (thx anyway). This was just telling a fact.
  My question is about LazyLoad and why it has no 

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread VisualHint

ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to my
classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
lazy loaded.
If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes precedence
and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
maybe (I'm with


On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate? default-lazy
 should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

  If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new

  I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
  got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
  various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
  versions of LazyLoad() methods.
  I don't touch to the conventions.
  Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
  only the minimum:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
  hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
     property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
  \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
     property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/
     property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
     property name=adonet.batch_size500/property

     property name=show_sqltrue/property
     property name=generate_statisticstrue/property


  On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
   By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every mapping
   created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using the
   conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this
   the class level setting.
   How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out your
   mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel, then
   can see what's actually being generated.

   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to explicitely
set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I don't
understand when you say:

 however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
 to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't

Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it or
not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was possible
on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?

About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before HBM
so this is not something I can immediately try.


On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 @Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally it
 default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your copy
 then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
 The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different things,
 lazy load on the class sets it at the entity level, so whenever that
 is referenced anywhere it's lazy loaded, the other sets it for that
 relationship; however, the class gets precedence, so if your class
 to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call won't

 As Seb said, the reason the class lazy load requires virtual methods
 because it creates a proxy of the entity. If your methods aren't
 virtual, then your lazy loading won't be working because NHibernate
 know how to track it.

 So what do you need to do? Update your copy of FNH and try again,
 that, explicitly set lazy loading in your class and use virtuals;
 recommended approach.

 Please note, this isn't a Fluent NHibernate specific issue, you'd be
 the same behaviour for standard xml mapping too.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Paul Batum paul.ba...@gmail.com
  When it comes to issues such as this I am somewhat of a broken
  record -
  suggestion is always the same:

  See if you can get the desired behavior using HBM xml. Once you

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread James Gregory
That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes precedence
over what you set in the relationship.
HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent NHibernate
always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value. So the lazy on
the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind of lazy
setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on the
relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always overrides the

No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the references method is
perhaps redundant.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

 ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to my
 classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
 lazy loaded.
 If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes precedence
 and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
 So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
 maybe (I'm with


 On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate? default-lazy
  should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
   If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new
   I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
   got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
   various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
   versions of LazyLoad() methods.
   I don't touch to the conventions.
   Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
   only the minimum:
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
   hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
  property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
   \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
  property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/
  property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
  property name=adonet.batch_size500/property
  property name=show_sqltrue/property
  property name=generate_statisticstrue/property
   On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every
created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using
conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this
the class level setting.
How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out
mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel,
can see what's actually being generated.
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
 I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to
 set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
 I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I
 understand when you say:
  however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
  to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call
 Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it
 not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
 If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
 association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was
 on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?
 About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before
 so this is not something I can immediately try.
 On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  @Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally
  default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your
  then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
  The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different
  lazy load on the class sets it at the entity level, so whenever
  is referenced anywhere it's lazy loaded, the other sets it for
  relationship; however, the class gets precedence, so if your
  to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call
  As Seb said, the reason the class lazy load requires virtual
  because it creates a proxy of the 

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread VisualHint

I understand a bit better now but note that:

1. When I generate the hbm from FNH and both LazyLoad and
NotLazyLoaded are not set on the class, then no lazy attribute is
added to the hbm file which maybe contradicts what you say (Fluent
NHibernate always sets something)

2. If your explanation is right, LazyLoad() on the association is
absolutely of no use.


On Jan 26, 10:23 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes precedence
 over what you set in the relationship.
 HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent NHibernate
 always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value. So the lazy on
 the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind of lazy
 setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on the
 relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always overrides the

 No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the references method is
 perhaps redundant.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

  ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to my
  classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
  lazy loaded.
  If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes precedence
  and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
  So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
  maybe (I'm with


  On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
   How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate? default-lazy
   should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.

   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new

I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
versions of LazyLoad() methods.
I don't touch to the conventions.
Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
only the minimum:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
   property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
\SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
   property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/

   property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
   property name=adonet.batch_size500/property

   property name=show_sqltrue/property
   property name=generate_statisticstrue/property


On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every
 created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using
 conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this
 the class level setting.
 How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out
 mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel,
 can see what's actually being generated.

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com

  I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to
  set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
  I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I
  understand when you say:

   however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
   to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call

  Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it
  not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
  If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
  association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was
  on the association, then this one would make a difference. No?

  About trying with hbm, unfortunately, I tried to learn FNH before
  so this is not something I can immediately try.


  On Jan 26, 7:14 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
   @Nicolas: How old is your copy of Fluent NHibernate? Originally
   default that all entities would be not lazy loaded; so if your
   then, you won't see the lazy load behaviour.
   The two different lazy load methods you spoke of do different

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread VisualHint

And anyway, my first issue persists. I was able to reset default-lazy
to false by using conventions. I don't put LazyLoad() on my class map
and set it to my association only. I used WriteMappingsTo wo check
that no lazy attribute is defined on the class and lazy=proxy is
defined on my association. With all that, my association is still
eager loaded.

So would it be a NH issue instead of a FNH one ?


On Jan 26, 10:57 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
 I understand a bit better now but note that:

 1. When I generate the hbm from FNH and both LazyLoad and
 NotLazyLoaded are not set on the class, then no lazy attribute is
 added to the hbm file which maybe contradicts what you say (Fluent
 NHibernate always sets something)

 2. If your explanation is right, LazyLoad() on the association is
 absolutely of no use.


 On Jan 26, 10:23 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:

  That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes precedence
  over what you set in the relationship.
  HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent NHibernate
  always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value. So the lazy on
  the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind of lazy
  setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on the
  relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always overrides the

  No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the references method is
  perhaps redundant.

  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

   ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to my
   classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
   lazy loaded.
   If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes precedence
   and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
   So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
   maybe (I'm with


   On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate? default-lazy
should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

 If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new

 I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you that I
 got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced it. The
 various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for the 2
 versions of LazyLoad() methods.
 I don't touch to the conventions.
 Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it contains
 only the minimum:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
 hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2
    property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
 \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
    property name=dialectNHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2005Dialect/

    property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
    property name=adonet.batch_size500/property

    property name=show_sqltrue/property
    property name=generate_statisticstrue/property


 On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on every
  created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden this using
  conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I understand, this
  the class level setting.
  How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write out
  mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the PersistenceModel,
  can see what's actually being generated.

  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com

   I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to
   set LazyLoad on the classmap to get this behavior.
   I understand the difference between the 2 lazyload methods but I
   understand when you say:

however, the class gets precedence, so if your class isn't set
to lazy load (which was the default) then the references call

   Logically, if the entity is not forced to LazLoad then calling it
   not on the association WOULD MAKE a difference.
   If you force it on the classmap then calling LazyLoad on the
   association would not change anything. If a NotLazyLoaded was
   on the association, then 

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread James Gregory
Good point, I'll look into that.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:09 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for all James.

 I will just add that there is something missing in the FNH API. Since
 one have to set the class as LazyLoad to really get lazy loading
 working on an association, one also needs a way to invalidate the lazy
 loading on a single association, something like:


 which would add the lazy=false on the association (I tried it
 manually with a SetAttribute and it works well).

 On Jan 26, 12:53 pm, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
  In this case yes, because References/many-to-one isn't a collection;
  NHibernate needs the properties to be virtual so it can create a proxy to
  detect when something tries to access the referenced object, at which
  it can go fetch the actual data.
  On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 5:25 PM, android...@gmail.com wrote:
   So it's not possible to only lazy load associations/collections, the
   entire class has to be marked lazy load with every property set to
   On Jan 26, 12:07 pm, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
I don't think this is an issue, you just have to set lazy on the
that's just how it's done. If you don't set lazy on the class,
has no way of lazy loading it as it won't know how to create the
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
 And anyway, my first issue persists. I was able to reset
 to false by using conventions. I don't put LazyLoad() on my class
 and set it to my association only. I used WriteMappingsTo wo check
 that no lazy attribute is defined on the class and lazy=proxy is
 defined on my association. With all that, my association is still
 eager loaded.
 So would it be a NH issue instead of a FNH one ?
 On Jan 26, 10:57 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
  I understand a bit better now but note that:
  1. When I generate the hbm from FNH and both LazyLoad and
  NotLazyLoaded are not set on the class, then no lazy attribute is
  added to the hbm file which maybe contradicts what you say
  NHibernate always sets something)
  2. If your explanation is right, LazyLoad() on the association is
  absolutely of no use.
  On Jan 26, 10:23 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com
   That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes
   over what you set in the relationship.
   HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent
   always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value.
 lazy on
   the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind
   setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on
   relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always
   No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the
   perhaps redundant.
   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint 
ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added
   to my
classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it
lazy loaded.
If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes
and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy
So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault
maybe (I'm with
On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com
 How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate?
 should definitely be true if you're running on the latest
 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint 
  If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new
  I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure
 that I
  got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and
  various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file
  versions of LazyLoad() methods.
  I don't touch to the conventions.
  Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and
  only the minimum:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
 property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-26 Thread James Gregory
What relationship are you talking about Luis? One-to-many? Many-to-many?
On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Luis Abreu lab...@gmail.com wrote:

 Guys, pause please!

 Ok, I can see that adding the notlazyloaded method call will put lazy =
 false on my class on the generated xml. Now the problem is that when this
 xml is loaded I get exceptions saying that my properties aren't virtual
 no, they're not and no I don't want lazy lozading on myt class).

 Can anyone help and tell me why NH insist in using lazy when the lazy
 attribute on the class is set to false and the default-lazy attribute on
 nhibernate element is set to true?


  -Original Message-
  From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com [mailto:fluent-
  nhibern...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of VisualHint
  Sent: segunda-feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2009 15:58
  To: Fluent NHibernate
  Subject: [fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method
  I understand a bit better now but note that:
  1. When I generate the hbm from FNH and both LazyLoad and
  NotLazyLoaded are not set on the class, then no lazy attribute is
  added to the hbm file which maybe contradicts what you say (Fluent
  NHibernate always sets something)
  2. If your explanation is right, LazyLoad() on the association is
  absolutely of no use.
  On Jan 26, 10:23 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
   That sounds correct to me. Whatever gets set on the class takes
   over what you set in the relationship.
   HBM allowed you to not set anything for lazy load, while Fluent
   always sets something; there's no way not to specify a value. So the
  lazy on
   the relationship is used when the entity doesn't have any kind of
   setting, but if it does then it overrides whatever is set on the
   relationship; because FNH always sets a lazy value, it always
  overrides the
   No bug here as far as I can tell, but the lazy on the references
  method is
   perhaps redundant.
   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:16 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
ok, so now that the default is lazy=true, I added NotLazyLoaded to
classmap. I set LazyLoad on my association only and again it is not
lazy loaded.
If however, I remove NotLazyLoaded, then the default takes
and with or without LazyLoad on my association, it is lazy loaded.
So I suspect something is wrong in the first case. The fault to NH
maybe (I'm with
On Jan 26, 10:09 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com wrote:
 How are you getting your fluent mappings into nhibernate?
 should definitely be true if you're running on the latest trunk.
 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:54 PM, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com
  If I call System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = CreateMapping(new
  I get an hbm that has default-lazy=false and I can assure you
  that I
  got the latest FNH from the trunk, rebuilt it and referenced
  it. The
  various lazy settings are correctly added in the xml file for
  the 2
  versions of LazyLoad() methods.
  I don't touch to the conventions.
  Configuration is done through the hibernate.cfg.xml and it
  only the minimum:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
  hibernate-configuration xmlns=urn:nhibernate-configuration-
 property name=connection.connection_stringServer=.
  \SQLEXPRESS;Database=mydb;Integrated Security=True;/property
 property name=connection.release_modeauto/property
 property name=adonet.batch_size500/property
 property name=show_sqltrue/property
 property name=generate_statisticstrue/property
  On Jan 26, 9:45 am, James Gregory jagregory@gmail.com
   By default the default-lazy attribute is set to true on
   created by Fluent NHibernate, so unless you've overridden
  this using
   conventions, that's what's getting set. As far as I
  understand, this
   the class level setting.
   How are you configuring your session factory? Could you write
   mappings using the WriteMappingsTo method of the
   can see what's actually being generated.
   On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM, VisualHint
I use the latest FNH and it still doesn't work. I have to

[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-25 Thread Sebastien Lambla

 But doing that has a consequence: All my properties in the one model must 
 be virtual, even the ones that are not related to fields in my database.
That's because the object is created as a proxy. Any of your property may have 
access or rely on other properties that need to be hydrated from the db. They 
all need to be virtual so that the first cal can trigger the load. This is an 
nhibernate thing.
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[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-25 Thread VisualHint

Yes I know that Seb (thx anyway). This was just telling a fact.
My question is about LazyLoad and why it has no effect when called on
a References() call.


On Jan 25, 3:44 am, Sebastien Lambla s...@serialseb.com wrote:
  But doing that has a consequence: All my properties in the one model 
  must be virtual, even the ones that are not related to fields in my 

 That's because the object is created as a proxy. Any of your property may 
 have access or rely on other properties that need to be hydrated from the db. 
 They all need to be virtual so that the first cal can trigger the load. This 
 is an nhibernate thing.

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[fluent-nhib] Re: Need some explanations about LazyLoad method

2009-01-25 Thread Chris Marisic

I noticed this also but I assumed I was handling the session
incorrectly making it fully load the object but maybe this actually is
an issue.

On Jan 25, 9:20 am, VisualHint cadil...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes I know that Seb (thx anyway). This was just telling a fact.
 My question is about LazyLoad and why it has no effect when called on
 a References() call.


 On Jan 25, 3:44 am, Sebastien Lambla s...@serialseb.com wrote:

   But doing that has a consequence: All my properties in the one model 
   must be virtual, even the ones that are not related to fields in my 

  That's because the object is created as a proxy. Any of your property may 
  have access or rely on other properties that need to be hydrated from the 
  db. They all need to be virtual so that the first cal can trigger the load. 
  This is an nhibernate thing.

  Windows Live Messenger just got better .Video display pics, contact updates 
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