Re: FLUXLIST: Please welcome Scott Kuchler/Fluxedo Junction

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
also beware of Eric Andersen's take on Fluxus, right gang? -Don

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Re: FLUXLIST: Josh Thorpe requesting VERY SHORT stories

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
Josh, here is my story, my favorite one about how I got into Fluxus via Ken 

I picked up Ken Friedman at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota airport, April 5, 
1975. He didn't say much on the 50 mile drive north to Brookings where I 
lived. As he walked into our kitchen he exclaimed, "Don, you're Fluxus!" He 
had seen pieces of leather tacked to my kitchen wall. -Don Boyd, 5-30-2003

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: FLUXLIST: Please welcome Scott Kuchler/Fluxedo Junction

2003-05-31 Thread alan bowman

> also beware of Eric Andersen's take on Fluxus, right gang? -Don
>I think we should be wary of eric's take on fluxus via fluxlist.  he was
very scathing of the fluxlist, dismissing us a 'silly', this he said to me
in person - he was also positive about some of the people involved in it.
Eric's take on Fluxus away from the list should be considered* as a valid
opinion - one of many, many, many opinions held about Fluxus by those
involved, directly of indirectly in it.

eric's take on fluxus is surely now of little relevance to the fluxlist as
he's no longer with us.

*please note that i say 'considered'!

FLUXLIST: new fluxus

2003-05-31 Thread alan bowman
last year when i was in new york (was it last year?  chinatown, big
hangover, not my usual sparkling wit, the allen bukoff endurance show ;-) )
emmett williams and rene block were discussing putting together a show of
young artists who work in a fluxus related way, although if my memory serves
me well the work Fluxus was not going to be used.

has anyone heard anything more about this?  Bertrand?

i don't know if it got off the ground, but it would be interesting to see
what william considered suitable.


RE: FLUXLIST: Wednesday: stuffed animal sports day

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

Seems like I missed fun planter day

196 left to read

RE: FLUXLIST: Wednesday: stuffed animal sports day

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

Seems like I missed fun planter day

196 left to read

RE: FLUXLIST: Name Games

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens
I am Absent Tong, a failed air archaeologist and stunt pilot for the
Avocado Cheese Company. My life finally came to have meaning when I
discovered an affinity with intelligent mosskins, a symbiotic life form
from the planet Tramafaldore. In order to appear normal I write poetry
and talk to children in a meaningful but jolly way, occasionally
throwing in jokes for their parents and teachers. However, the mosskins
are coming for me on Thursday and I might be gone for some time.

149 to go

Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus as a boy

2003-05-31 Thread jonah hex

aahh...that seniority 
well then, for the record, i have been 
pounding nails into wood since i was a little kid

Re: FLUXLIST: Please welcome Scott Kuchler/Fluxedo Junction

2003-05-31 Thread jonah hex

thus the previous "precious" 

FLUXLIST: Pierre Restany

2003-05-31 Thread ART ELECTRONICS
I received this night from Pierre Restany's assistent an e-mail message he
dictated for me... with contacts in Paris for my project "Gates".
I 'm touched, and I'm crying.

Pierre, are dedicated to you our "gates", made of bytes, ubiquity,
relatioship among persons, and of things that change, I hope through our
"gates" you can enter and stay with us, in our work, with all the things we
learned from you.
Caterina Davinio & Staff

>   Pierre Restany,
>   Président du Palais de Tokyo,
>   site de création contemporaine
>   est décédé le jeudi 29 juin 2003.
>   Très touchée et très peinée par la mort
>   de cet ami et de cet homme d'exception,
>   l'équipe du Palais de Tokyo partage la tristesse
>   de tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de croiser
>   son chemin et de suivre son intense aventure
>   intellectuelle, artistique et humaine.
>   > Ecouter Pierre Restany

> Madame,
> J'ai la grande tristesse de vous annoncer la
> disparition de Pierre Restany qui est décédé ce jeudi
> matin à son domicile.
> Je l'ai vu hier matin ; il m'avait dicté une réponse
> pour vous, que je vous prie de trouver ci-après.
> Bien sincèrement.
> Dominique, sa secrétaire
> __
> Dear Catherine Davinio,
> Gates : please contact Jérôme Sans, director Palais de
> Tokyo, with the complete documentation about the
> projet.
> Best regards.
> Pierre RESTANY

FLUXLIST: Engage gash

2003-05-31 Thread John M. Bennett
Engage gash

engage the blood sample urination )"cloud"( steam
window open to the birds wind bees
rusty shed corner  ,gaping  ,sneeze phone languid
cup shade before yr eyes stank washing
phased he suds grappled termination crowded dream
willow sloping to the words trimmed knees
.crusty head foamer shaking  ,sheets home sanguine
cluck paid  .shore yr thighs drank cashing
wreck and payment  ,bloody stool  ,trace reaction
in yr jaw leverage  ,dirt soup coupled
specks and raiment  ,muddy pool face impaction
in yr slaw beverage  ,shirt's loop doubled
ash sank  ,pin kite  ,room numbing phone
story gung loom bright  ,thinning crank gash
John M. Bennett
Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Re: FLUXLIST: new fluxus

2003-05-31 Thread Bertrand Clavez
>> emmett williams and rene block were discussing putting together a show of
> young artists who work in a fluxus related way, although if my memory
> me well the work Fluxus was not going to be used.
> has anyone heard anything more about this?  Bertrand?
> i don't know if it got off the ground, but it would be interesting to see
> what william considered suitable.

They did it, and that was the show in wiesbaden in september, where, in
effect, they exhibited lots of young artists. Were those related to Fluxus
or not, is another story...
But I spoke a lot with Emmett about this project on various occasions, and
he was delighted to play such a trick to his old pals!
The funny stuff though, is that Emmett couldn't stand Ken's exhibition Young
Fluxus, and still recalls it 15 years later...


RE: FLUXLIST: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

Spent a long time reading that

Only 71 to go

It's getting late

Must get to bed

Subject: FLUXLIST: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Be sure to scroll all the way down the page and click through to the
"letters from dumb dumbs."

It's all so life affirming.


RE: FLUXLIST: letter

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

Do I have to?





Print this E-MAIL
and eat it.









41 to go

RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus as a toy

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens
Okay can I change my last answer to this one please?

What toy would best represent Fluxus?

A whole load of different ones, just so long as they were there when the
original question was asked.

RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus as a toy

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

Spinning top



toy would best represent Fluxus?  Any toy at all.


17 to go 



(or possibly
elastic mouse)

RE: FLUXLIST: fluxus registry

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens
when is it?

(6 to go)


p.s. anyone going to be in venice for the FFFO show? oh and the

FLUXLIST: Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah

2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens

I’ve read all my Fluxlist e-mails


It’s half past midnight
and I’m off to bed. 

I’m pretty tired. Been
working on the garden all week. And practising the drums which I am
drumsitting for my son

working in Germany
for six months.


So, goodnight and thanks for your company
this evening



Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxus as a toy

2003-05-31 Thread Kathy Forer
Pots 'n' Pans


pots and pans
an old shoe
jack in the box
etch a sketch
jump rope
pick up sticks
52 card pickup deck


2003-05-31 Thread meryl
Well, I had 105 messages but that doesn't even come close to the numbers our
Roger is able to pull in.

On the 4th I'm supposed to be closing on a split-level suburban nightmare
house in West Orange, New Jersey (barring further catastrophes - as I was
actually supposed to have closed today).  This house will be the most
expensive thing I've ever owned (and couldn't afford) aside from a very good
pair of Italian leather boots (still have 'em) and my ex-husband (chucked
him 7 years ago).

I've also got to pack up 15 years worth of concentrated "stuff."  An
undertaking that has upped my nicotine and alcohol intake to the power of

In short (too late!) contact me again when you hit Jersey City and see if
I'm still at all still functional.  I'm far beyond hooting and well into

-- meryl mabey

>From: Crispin Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, May 27, 2003, 9:18 PM

> Hey Anyone who lives in ny or nj say meryl mabey.
> Myself and about four other artists are taking a trip
> to NY and will be staying in jersey city with a
> friend. I thought myself Don Brad Jason and trish
> could meet up with some of you guys who live in the
> city or in nj Meryl. We will be there the 4 thru the
> 8th or 9th. SO if you want to have a hoot of a time
> with us let me know we can make plans for dinner or
> something ordinary like that.
> crispin webb
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

Re: FLUXLIST: GATES: Call for participation/collaboration

2003-05-31 Thread narvis & pez
hi caterina
i'm looking for a place (s)
for the gates paroject
in venezuela
i'll keep you informed
weit a week


> * Apologize for our English *
> Urgent:
> Call for participation/collaboration by experimental
> artists/partners, for a
> global project previewed in Summer July-September 2003.
> A new Caterina Davinio's planetary project is under construction!
> This year Rome University I "La Sapienza" is celebrating its 700 years.
> Among the initiatives, the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea of the
> University (directed by Simonetta Lux), in collaboration with the Art
> History Department, presents the exhibition
> ArtConFusion, in
> which artists will meet, who use a plurality of languages and media,
> numerous art expressions are called to
> interact and coexist in a common context, open to all possible influences.
> In this context the curatorial committee has accepted Caterina Davinio's
> global project GATES, a planetary in progress event, which will develop
> during summer (since July 4, until end of September)
> contemporaneously in Rome La Sapienza Museum and in other places/sections
> decentralized in the world, involving many international artists, as it was
> with the Global Poetry Project 2002.
> See the link below (referred to Global Poetry 2002) to have an idea of what
> the spirit of the project is:
> The "environment" in Rome is identified as space in the meddle between art
> and a
> livable area, in which performances, poetry readings, lectures by
> experimental artists and critics, poets, can happen.
> But GATES has numerous new aspects we are going to create
> together! This is the call for entries to join and participate.
> A quick reply is needed urgently, because La Sapienza
> University Museum has let us know very late the acceptance of the project,
> so we have only one month to organize and coordinate a complex event that
> will involve many persons who live in very far countries and cities.
> The invitation to participate/collaborate is directed to the same artists
> who already collaborated in Global Poetry in 2002, but for every one who has
> ideas and is in
> the spirit of the project it is possible to join. Festival teams, young
> artist galleries and spaces, situations related to experimental poetry and
> performance, and also alternative spaces, are welcome!
> GATES in Rome Museo Laboratorio dell'Università la Sapienza
> is as well:
> 1. an installation that has the aspect of a white gate, open in every
> direction (only the frame of the door),
> 2. a series of performance actions/poetry
> readings/lectures that happen under/in/behind/around the door-installation,
> 3. a series of projections on the wall behind the door,
> 4. Interchange of materials with decentralized spaces of the project:
> digital
> video, e-mail, photos, slides, etc. will be projected.
> We are looking for artists/operators/groups, who can reproduce this
> installation-performance-projection ensemble in places decentralized in the
> world, which will be all part of an unique collective creation of all
> involved artists.
> The central installation in La Sapienza University Museum in Roma:
> It is a white door (only the frame of the door) in a white environment,
> installed in
> a way it is possible to perform all around, in front of it and behind.
> The so installed door has an essential form, creates
> a space rich of symbolic value bound with the concept of communication, but
> also poetic,
> referred to the idea of transit, passage, opening, with computer and
> telematic echoes, with possibility to
> project what arrives from the decentralized spaces (video, CD ROM, slides,
> etc.) on the wall behind the door.
> This installation/environment will be replicated (in real or virtual way) in
> other places in the world, contemporaneously, during summer, by all the
> participating collaborators/partners we are searching with this call for
> entries.
> Among Rome and the decentralized spaces there will be a continuous exchange
> of materials
> (videocassettes, and CD ROM, digital videos, and images, photos, e-mail,
> poems).
> We will realize videos and photos of what happens around or under or through
> the door in Rome (performances, lectures, projections), and we will send it
> to the locations in the world, where a similar door is reproduced.
> We expect you do the same in your city. What happens very far in the
> decentralized gates will be presented in
> Rome in video, what happens in Rome will be projected in the decentralized
> spaces.
> The Gates Project is based on the concept of
> decentralization/dispersion, enlargement of the real / virtual
> space of action, and on the duration in time of a collaborative action
> in progress that will develop 


2003-05-31 Thread Roger Stevens
Meryl wrote -
Well, I had 105 messages but that doesn't even come close to the numbers
Roger is able to pull in.

You just don't read them. They sit there in my inbox, bold as can be,
mocking me. Entreating me. Read us. Read us.

It's general tardiness really.

Meryl also wrote -

On the 4th I'm supposed to be closing on a split-level suburban
house in West Orange, New Jersey 

Good luck! Sounds like you'll need some. 



Re: FLUXLIST: E-poetry info in libraries

2003-05-31 Thread Björn Eriksson
At tinyurl the adress got to be

/björn eriksson

Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: E-poetry info in libraries

> Check this out:
> __
> Dr. John M. Bennett
> Curator, Avant Writing Collection
> Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
> The Ohio State University Libraries
> 1858 Neil Av Mall
> Columbus, OH 43210 USA
> (614) 292-3029
> ___

RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus as a toy

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
A Black baby doll. I had one when I was a toddler. -Don

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Re: FLUXLIST: What's Fluxus. What's Not!

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
Did Christianity die when Christ died? (I know he arose from the dead. No 
chance of George doing that
is there?) -Don

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Re: FLUXLIST: GATES: Call for participation/collaboration

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
Count me in! Maybe Crispin Webb, too. -Don Boyd
Fluxus West, USA no bio)
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Re: FLUXLIST: What's Fluxus.

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
Blood is thicker than water.-Don

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Re: FLUXLIST: new fluxus

2003-05-31 Thread Don Boyd
Dick and Allison and Geoff could stand it, though. They were there. -Don

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