FLUXLIST: singn me off

2005-08-19 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

please signe me off the list!

FLUXLIST: out of town for 3 days

2005-08-13 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

August 13, 2005
... out
of town ... "A voyage ordinarily implies that one leaves a
familiar shore to confront the unknown. [...] In fact the very thing
one always expects of a voyage is that it will deliver 'the other' 
the unexpected, a type of defamiliarization if not adventure or
exoticism. [...] The event that abducts the traveler's identity and
allows an opening to alterity to become experience of the world in
general must occur by surprise and remain incalculable. But since this
event is the condition of possibility of any authentic voyage, it obeys
a type of programmed chance."  Catherine Malabou and
Jacques Derrida, Counterpath : Traveling with Jacques Derrida, Perface,
p. 2


ralph li

FLUXLIST: TV Filter for Joseph Beuys (1921-1986)

2005-08-12 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

Dear All,

check out my new video: 

TV Filter for Joseph Beuys (1921-1986)


ralph li

FLUXLIST: Turntable (for Marcel Duchamp)

2005-08-11 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

Dear All,

check out my new video: Turntable (for Marcel Duchamp) |
Video/animation  music by Ralph Lichtensteiger  

"I am actually
not at all a man of science, not an observer, not an experimenter, not
a thinker. I am by temperament nothing but a conquistador-an
adventurer, if you want it translated-with all the curiosity, daring,
and tenacity characteristic of a man of this sort"  Sigmund Freud,
letter to Wilhelm Fliess, Feb. 1, 1900


ralph li

FLUXLIST: Silence page 187

2005-08-10 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

Dear friends,

This is a anima-typographic realisation of on sentence by John Cage. 
Music by Ralph Lichtensteiger.


ralph li

FLUXLIST: SILENCE Natural Mineral Water

2005-08-09 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

 Dear All,

yesterday my wife bought mineral water, because we were thirstily. She
surprised with the "Apollinaris SILENCE  Natural Mineral Water"...

see image here:



ralph lichtensteiger
musique trouv

FLUXLIST: musicroom stream today at:

2005-08-09 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

espace sonorit |
music  environmental sound  live-electronics  voyage acoustique
sound lectures  interviews  travelling sound  sonic places  sound
assemblage crisscrossing  software instruments  larchologie
sonorit  non-arrival dissociation  consonance  dpolarisation 
interspace  drivation and exploration paysage musicaux  mmoires
sonorit  complex virtualities  the listener
August 8/9, 2005


ralph li

FLUXLIST: musicroom link (.pls) for August 8th program

2005-08-08 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

dear all, new musicroom link (.pls) for August
8th program:
best  ralph li

August 8, 2005


requires : 
iTunes  QuickTime Player
versions available]

Walter Cianciusi
Musica Inaudita I 3:53 [info]
Cyrill Duneau [info]
dolmen sniper-clichejudio 5:02
Ion Sessions by Alan Sondheim [info one]
[Recorded with a 1900 larson parlor guitar, nylon strings, refitted
with a tailpiece and saddle bridge]
The Ion Sessions #1 3:25
The Ion Sessions #2 1:43
The Ion Sessions #3 1:49
The Ion Sessions #4 2:19

Danilo Girardi
Crisi di lamelle meccaniche 7:46
Hairesis 6:09
John Saylor
Vexations 0840 excerpt I 11:12
[realization of Erik Satie's Vexations that outputs a midi
file, 180 min] 
"It's All Good"  Fluxedo Junction 11:37
[words: John Sinclair]

la mia anima by Gruppo Sinestetico 24:30 [info]

James Drew [info]
Metal Concert for Four Percussionists 6:56
Almost Stationary 9:23
Cantolobosolo 11:25
Jacopos sub-harmonic hymns 10:39

Music by by Jeremy Hight
Signal Leakage 3:40
Untitled Soundscape #1 6:29

Text pieces by Jesse Glass [info]
A crow with scissor wings 0:41
A good cure for wounds 1:04
Go ha ha ha 1:40
He brings the honey 1:13
Heliotrope 0:57
How to recover stolen goods 1:28
In ears of crusted flirt 1:18
In the realm of the mothers 4:12
Skull Seed 1:23
Swallow wort 1:42
They 0:45
To prevent the worst 1:15
Words to be spoken 0:38
judsoN [info]
Majlesi (02) 3:16
and Koehler
Monolog (no. 1) 10:38
>From here to emptiness no. 2 8:46
Lothar Reitz [info]
Birdscape 4:39
Chomu 6:31
Etude 1 12:13
Glass Mountain Dances I 5:10
Glass Mountain Dances II 5:40
Glass Mountain Dances III 7:53
Piano piece 7:16
Yuki Akari 10:20
Can 1:59
central X 10:53
Configuration III (tapemachines and electronics) 11:13
drivation exploration no. 1 10:18
dissemination no. VI 10:03
ecriture chiffree I for James
Drew 21:21
fLOW Study (July 2005) 9:39
gloria X 9:33
interlude no. 1 (Cage) 1:00 [info]
interlude no. 2 0:25
interlude no. 3 0:27
interlude no. 4 0:58
d'emission (no. 1 for J. D.) 17:47
montage piece (no. 7) 7:21
Toy Piano Study no. 1 2:22
montage piece no. 3a 3:00
SkyPhase for guitar solo 2:34
Study for guitar and double bass 8:17
Study for trumpet, gong  electronics 4:54
Supplement collage 25:59 [info]
Stasick [info]
FourthDegreeSawagashii 20:34
Chrysakis [info]
Elixir sonore 5:00
Inscapes 1-2 (cnv 16) 28:09
Klangfarbenmelodien 5:24
Layton [info]
Electroderesonators 6:48


musique trouv [espace sonorit] musicroom
is a non-profit  uncommercial broadcast station.

open call | invitation for submissions
all artists, composers, musicians, sound investigators and
researchers are welcome to contribute to this musicroom
[espace sonorit]. please send your work/files with the AGREEMENT
form to the following address [CD-R, DVD-R, Digital Audio
Tape (DAT), MiniDisk, mp3, aiff, wav, mov (QuickTime) are welcome.
please include your name, title of composition/s, date of origin,
instrumentation, musician/s, short statement] :
Ralph Lichtensteiger
musique trouv
Ludwigshafenerstrasse 36
65929 Frankfurt  Germany
as mp3 via internet :
musique trouv [espace sonorit] musicroom
is a non-profit  uncommercial broadcast station. 

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: musicroom | august 4

2005-08-07 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

Dear Georg,

Thanks for your nice reaction about the musicroom. I'll keep you 
informed about the changing program.

kind regards,
ralph li
musique trouvé

Re: FLUXLIST: musicroom | august 4

2005-08-07 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

Dear Sol,

Thank you for the welcom and your warm words about the musicroom
project. I'll keep you posted about the changing program. 

kind regards,

ralph li
musique trouv

FLUXLIST: new musicroom link (.pls) for August 6th program

2005-08-06 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

dear all, new musicroom link (.pls) for August
6th program:
best  ralph li

August 6, 2005


requires : 
iTunes  QuickTime Player
versions available]

track list :
Ion Sessions by Alan Sondheim
The Ion Sessions #1 3:25
The Ion Sessions #2 1:43
The Ion Sessions #3 1:49
The Ion Sessions #4 2:19

Music by Danilo Girardi
Crisi di lamelle meccaniche 7:46
Hairesis 6:09
"It's All Good"  Fluxedo Junction 11:37
[words: John Sinclair]

la mia anima by Gruppo Sinestetico 24:30 [info]

Music by James Drew [info]
Almost Stationary 9:23
Cantolobosolo by 11:25
Jacopos sub-harmonic hymns 10:39

Music by by Jeremy Hight
Signal Leakage 3:40
Untitled Soundscape #1 6:29

Text pieces by Jesse Glass [info]
A crow with scissor wings 0:41
A good cure for wounds 1:04
Go ha ha ha 1:40
He brings the honey 1:13
Heliotrope 0:57
How to recover stolen goods 1:28
In ears of crusted flirt 1:18
In the realm of the mothers 4:12
Skull Seed 1:23
Swallow wort 1:42
They 0:45
To prevent the worst 1:15
Words to be spoken 0:38
Vexations 840
(midi realisation) by John Saylor 23:43
Majlesi (02) by judsoN
Monolog (no. 1)
Lichtensteiger and Koehler 10:38
Music by Lothar Reitz [info]
Birdscape 4:39
Chomu 6:31
Etude 1 12:13
Glass Mountain Dances I 5:10
Glass Mountain Dances II 5:40
Glass Mountain Dances III 7:53
Piano piece 7:16
Yuki Akari 10:20
Music by Ralph
Can 1:59
central X 10:53
drivation exploration no. 1 10:18
dissemination no. VI 10:03
ecriture chiffree I for James Drew 21:21
fLOW Study (July 2005) 9:39
gloria X 9:33
interlude no. 1 (Cage) 1:00 [info]
interlude no. 2 0:25
interlude no. 3 0:27
interlude no. 4 0:58
d'emission (no. 1 for J. D.) 17:47
montage piece (no. 7) 7:21
Monolog (no. 1) 10:38
Toy Piano Study no. 1 2:22
montage piece no. 3a 3:00
SkyPhase for guitar solo 2:34
Study for guitar and double bass 8:17
Study for trumpet, gong  electronics 4:54
Supplement collage 25:59 [info]
Music by
Rod Stasick [info]
FourthDegreeSawagashii 20:34
Music by
Thanos Chrysakis
Elixir sonore 5:00
Inscapes 1-2 (cnv 16) 28:09
Klangfarbenmelodien 5:24
by Zach Layton 6:48


open call | invitation for submissions
all artists, composers, musicians, sound investigators and
researchers are welcome to contribute to this musicroom
[espace sonorit]. please send your work/files with the AGREEMENT
form to the following address [CD-R, DVD-R, Digital Audio
Tape (DAT), MiniDisk, mp3, aiff, wav, mov (QuickTime) are welcome.
please include your name, title of composition/s, date of origin,
instrumentation, musician/s, short statement] :
Ralph Lichtensteiger
musique trouv
Ludwigshafenerstrasse 36
65929 Frankfurt  Germany
as mp3 via internet :
musique trouv [espace sonorit] musicroom
is a non-profit  uncommercial broadcast station. 

FLUXLIST: new musicroom link for todays program

2005-08-05 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

dear all, new musicroom link (.pls) for
today's program:
best  ralph li

August 5, 2005


requires : 
iTunes  QuickTime Player
versions available]

track list :
Ion Sessions by Alan Sondheim
The Ion Sessions #1 3:25
The Ion Sessions #2 1:43
The Ion Sessions #3 1:49
The Ion Sessions #4 2:19

Music by Danilo Girardi
Crisi di lamelle meccaniche 7:46
Hairesis 6:09
"It's All Good"  Fluxedo Junction 11:37
[words: John Sinclair]

la mia anima by Gruppo Sinestetico 24:30 [info]

Music by James Drew [info]
Almost Stationary 9:23
Cantolobosolo by 11:25
Jacopos sub-harmonic hymns 10:39

Music by by Jeremy Hight
Signal Leakage 3:40
Untitled Soundscape #1 6:29

Text pieces by Jesse Glass [info]
A crow with scissor wings 0:41
A good cure for wounds 1:04
Go ha ha ha 1:40
He brings the honey 1:13
Heliotrope 0:57
How to recover stolen goods 1:28
In ears of crusted flirt 1:18
In the realm of the mothers 4:12
Skull Seed 1:23
Swallow wort 1:42
They 0:45
To prevent the worst 1:15
Words to be spoken 0:38
Vexations 840
(midi realisation) by John Saylor 23:43
Majlesi (02) by judsoN
Monolog (no. 1)
Lichtensteiger and Koehler 10:38
Music by Lothar Reitz [info]
Birdscape 4:39
Chomu 6:31
Etude 1 12:13
Glass Mountain Dances I 5:10
Glass Mountain Dances II 5:40
Glass Mountain Dances III 7:53
Piano piece 7:16
Yuki Akari 10:20
Music by Ralph
Can 1:59
central X 10:53
drivation exploration no. 1 10:18
dissemination no. VI 10:03
ecriture chiffree I for James Drew 21:21
fLOW Study (July 2005) 9:39
gloria X 9:33
interlude no. 1 (Cage) 1:00 [info]
interlude no. 2 0:25
interlude no. 3 0:27
interlude no. 4 0:58
d'emission (no. 1 for J. D.) 17:47
montage piece (no. 7) 7:21
Monolog (no. 1) 10:38
Toy Piano Study no. 1 2:22
montage piece no. 3a 3:00
SkyPhase for guitar solo 2:34
Study for guitar and double bass 8:17
Study for trumpet, gong  electronics 4:54
Supplement collage 25:59 [info]
Music by
Rod Stasick [info]
FourthDegreeSawagashii 20:34
Music by
Thanos Chrysakis
Elixir sonore 5:00
Inscapes 1-2 (cnv 16) 28:09
Klangfarbenmelodien 5:24
by Zach Layton 6:48


open call | invitation for submissions
all artists, composers, musicians, sound investigators and
researchers are welcome to contribute to this musicroom
[espace sonorit]. please send your work/files with the AGREEMENT
form to the following address [CD-R, DVD-R, Digital Audio
Tape (DAT), MiniDisk, mp3, aiff, wav, mov (QuickTime) are welcome.
please include your name, title of composition/s, date of origin,
instrumentation, musician/s, short statement] :
Ralph Lichtensteiger
musique trouv
Ludwigshafenerstrasse 36
65929 Frankfurt  Germany
as mp3 via internet :
musique trouv [espace sonorit] musicroom
is a non-profit  uncommercial broadcast station. 

FLUXLIST: musicroom | august 4

2005-08-04 Thread Ralph Lichtensteiger

dear all, my name is ralph lichtensteiger, i'm
a composer/artist from germany. i'm new to this list. maby some of you
like to enjoy my musicroom program...
you are invited to send material of any kind to musique trouv...
ralph li

August 4, 2005

requires : 
iTunes  QuickTime Player
versions available]

 track list :
Ion Sessions by Alan Sondheim
The Ion Sessions #1 3:25
The Ion Sessions #2 1:43
The Ion Sessions #3 1:49
The Ion Sessions #4 2:19

Music by Danilo Girardi
Crisi di lamelle meccaniche 7:46
Hairesis 6:09

la mia anima by Gruppo Sinestetico 24:30 [images]

Music by James Drew [images]
Almost Stationary 9:23
Cantolobosolo by 11:25
Jacopos sub-harmonic hymns 10:39

Music by by Jeremy Hight
Signal Leakage 3:40
Untitled Soundscape #1 6:29

Text pieces by Jesse Glass [images]
A crow with scissor wings 0:41
A good cure for wounds 1:04
Go ha ha ha 1:40
He brings the honey 1:13
Heliotrope 0:57
How to recover stolen goods 1:28
In ears of crusted flirt 1:18
In the realm of the mothers 4:12
Skull Seed 1:23
Swallow wort 1:42
They 0:45
To prevent the worst 1:15
Words to be spoken 0:38
Vexations 840
(midi realisation) by John Saylor 23:43
Majlesi (02) by judsoN
Monolog (no. 1)
Lichtensteiger and Koehler 10:38
Music by Lothar Reitz [images]
Birdscape 4:39
Chomu 6:31
Etude 1 12:13
Glass Mountain Dances I 5:10
Glass Mountain Dances II 5:40
Glass Mountain Dances III 7:53
Piano piece 7:16
Yuki Akari 10:20
Music by Ralph
Can 1:59
central X 10:53
drivation exploration no. 1 10:18
dissemination no. VI 10:03
ecriture chiffree I for James Drew 21:21
fLOW Study (July 2005) 9:39
gloria X 9:33
interlude no. 1 (Cage) 1:00 [images]
interlude no. 2 0:25
interlude no. 3 0:27
interlude no. 4 0:58
lieu d'emission (no. 1 for J.D.) 17:47
montage piece (no. 7) 7:21
montage piece no. 3a 3:00
SkyPhase for guitar solo 2:34
Study for guitar and double bass 8:17
Study for trumpet, gong  electronics 4:54
Supplement collage 25:59 [images]
Music by
Rod Stasick [images]
FourthDegreeSawagashii 20:34
Music by
Thanos Chrysakis
Elixir sonore 5:00
Inscapes 1-2 (cnv 16) 28:09
Klangfarbenmelodien 5:24
by Zach Layton 6:48


call | invitation for submissions
all artists, composers, musicians, sound investigators and
researchers are welcome to contribute to this musicroom
[espace sonorit]. please send your work/files with the AGREEMENT
form to the following address [CD-R, DVD-R, Digital Audio
Tape (DAT), MiniDisk, mp3, aiff, wav, mov (QuickTime) are welcome.
please include your name, title of composition/s, date of origin,
instrumentation, musician/s, short statement] :
Ralph Lichtensteiger
musique trouv
Ludwigshafenerstrasse 36
65929 Frankfurt  Germany
as mp3 via internet :
musique trouv [espace sonorit] musicroom
is a non-profit  uncommercial broadcast station. 
