Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Bennett

2001-05-24 Thread ann klefstad

jason pierce wrote:

> if bennett continues to post his poetry instead of just providing
> links and there are no objetions then there should'nt be any objections when FAPA
> defends itself against bennetts poetic aggression with bad
> poetry counter measures...

Ah come on. There's nothing agressive about John posting his writing, and to respond
as if there was is not appropriate, especially if you respond with what you regard as
bad work. Bad coinage drives out good. This is insulting to John, and in a way to
everyone who enjoys his writing. Please reconsider.


Re: FLUXLIST: re: Bennett on fluxlist

2001-05-24 Thread ann klefstad

I prefer vetting things for curiosity and kindness rather than etiquette. I eat with 
my hands and
blow my nose on the ground.


jason pierce wrote:

> fair enough..the request by the "faction" jokingly named
> FAPA (fluxlisters against poetic agression) issue this request
> to mr Bennet if you will note the request was not to cease his poetry
> activities but to more provide links to his poetry instead of posting his
> actual poems.this isn't unreasonable as we feel it is only proper
> ettiquette to  provide links to personal aesthetic material:
> >hello,
> >
> >i have been designated by a faction of fluxlisters that have complaints about
> >the extensive volume of poetry that you are posting to the list, to ask you
> >to please perhaps compile your poetry on a web page or something and maybe
> >provide sparingly a link once in a while for the fluxlisters that desire to read 
>your poetry.
> >as some of us feel it is a little uncool or inconsiderate to kind of force people 
>subscribing to
> >the list to have to read or delete your poetry.  going against a few suggestions,
> >i didn't want to resort to a public attack situation. but we feel that it is only
> >proper etiquette to only post links to personal aesthetic material and to keep the
> >flux dabates on a social level. this is not an unreasonable request so if you will
> >kindly
> >
> >thanks,
> >
> >Jason Pierce

FLUXLIST: Re: Bennett

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

furthermore the "compromise" was intially presented despite
the fact that the request became somewhat distorted seeing
as we never requested that he quit posting completely.
nor did we want to prevent people that enjoy bennetts
poetry from being able to read it. we felt links to his
poetry would be amiable to both ourselves and mr bennett.
in the private request i issued my intent wasn't to be "undemocratic"
about it...and it wasn't undemocratic. it was just a private request.
but if mr bennett wants to make a public issue of it, so be it.
i personally have no problems with that.

if bennett continues to post his poetry instead of just providing
links and there are no objetions then there should'nt be any objections when FAPA
defends itself against bennetts poetic aggression with bad
poetry counter measures..bad poetry warfare if you will.
as that was one of the initial proposals of at least 1 FAPA

Jason Pierce
rep. Fluxlisters Against Poetic Aggression

At 9:42 AM -0700 5/24/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
>Hi all,
>There have been some complaints about the volume and frequency of John's
>posting his work to FLUXLIST and a faction has given him notice and asked
>him to cease and desist. While I agree that no one should be allowed to use
>FLUXLIST to disemminate their own work if it becomes a situation of the
>majority reading one person who dominates the bandwidth for his/her own
>purposes, I would just like to point out why I think John's poetry belongs
>on FLUXLIST and why the splinter faction might reconsider their position
>and try to come to some compromise re: John's participation.
>John Bennett is the Lautreamont of mail art. His magazine "The Lost and
>Found Times" is a shining example of  a democratic editorship which
>translates Joseph Beuys' proposition that "Everyone is an artist." into a
>new channel where "Everyone is a poet." I got interested in poetry because
>of John's magazine. When I first received it I was fascinated and amused at
>a piece of printed matter that represented so many voices all playing the
>same game which was "The Lost and Found Times". It was a community all
>joined together by John in the same way that Fluxus was a group all joined
>together by George M.
>I would just like to ask the so-called "faction" group to reconsider their
>request and to begin a dialogue so that somehow an agreement can be reached
>as to how John can continue to participate in FLUXLIST without some feeling
>that he is using it to promote his own work only. Also, one must take into
>account that poetry is what poets do. Maybe he could post larger
>installments less frequently or just cut back to an acceptable volume for
>the rest of the list?
>Reed Altemus

FLUXLIST: re: Bennett on fluxlist

2001-05-24 Thread jason pierce

fair enough..the request by the "faction" jokingly named
FAPA (fluxlisters against poetic agression) issue this request
to mr Bennet if you will note the request was not to cease his poetry
activities but to more provide links to his poetry instead of posting his
actual poems.this isn't unreasonable as we feel it is only proper
ettiquette to  provide links to personal aesthetic material:

>i have been designated by a faction of fluxlisters that have complaints about
>the extensive volume of poetry that you are posting to the list, to ask you
>to please perhaps compile your poetry on a web page or something and maybe
>provide sparingly a link once in a while for the fluxlisters that desire to read your 
>as some of us feel it is a little uncool or inconsiderate to kind of force people 
>subscribing to
>the list to have to read or delete your poetry.  going against a few suggestions,
>i didn't want to resort to a public attack situation. but we feel that it is only
>proper etiquette to only post links to personal aesthetic material and to keep the
>flux dabates on a social level. this is not an unreasonable request so if you will
>Jason Pierce