[Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-09 Thread Jungshik Shin

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Michael B. Allen wrote:

> Roland  Mainz  has  released  a  new  version  of  Xprint and appears to be
> actively  working  on  another.  The mozilla website has some nifty looking
> internationalized  screenshots  displaying Turkish, Chinese, etc. I've been
> using  an Xprint CUPS setup for sometime now with great success.

>   http://xprint.mozdev.org/screenshots.html

 Yeah, Xprint works great (it can even be used to
print out old Korean page with U+1100 Hangul Jamos) It solved a
long-standing problem in X11(well, commercial Unix have some solutions
for this), the enormous gap between what you see on the screen and what
you get on paper(especially for non-European scripts).  Because Xprint
is an Xserver specialized for printing and  shares many things with
the main X server for screen rendering, what you see on the screen is
faithfully replicated in what you print out with Xprint as long as two
X servers(one for screen and Xprint) have access to the common set of
fonts. However, the fact that Xprint is a specialized form of X*server*
is also a weakness. You may know that the whole Linux (and FreeBSD and
other Unix that rely on XFree86) community is moving away from the server
side font and toward client-side font technology (fontconfig and Xft.
http://fontconfig.org) With fontconfig and Xft, Unix/X11 finally got
on par with Windows and MacOS in terms of font support. Arguably,
this is the greatest development in X11 that happened in the last
10years. Mozilla-Xft is finally able to support CSS at the same level
with Mozilla-Win and Mozilla-MacOS(no more need to tinker with XLFD
and things like that).  The problem of the server-side font becomes
very obvious when you search for some Japanese(Chinese, Korean) words
in Google (they don't have to be CJK, but to make sure that you get a
truly multilingual page in UTF-8 that requires multiple fonts to render)
and see Mozilla-X11core struggle (sometimes it can take almost 10 seconds
at my PIII 750MHz with 384MB) to render the page. (Or, open up the font
selection dialog box in Mozilla-X11core and compare that with the font
selection dialog box in Mozilla-Xft/Mozilla-Windows/ Mozilla-MacOS.
You can repeat the experiment with Mozilla-Xft.) Mozilla-Xft renders the
page instantaneously.  Also try to print the page with Xprint. Mozilla
doesn't respond for as long as 30 seconds (depending on the complexity
and the length of pages) until Xprint is done with searching for fonts to
'render' the page.

  Even with this weakness, Xprint is by far the best printing solution
available at the moment for Mozilla under Unix/X11 because postscript
printing module of Mozilla does not work very well yet(it works but
is far behind what you can get with Mozilla-Windows and Mozilla-MacOS
where the OS-level printing infrastructure  is far superior to that
under Unix/X11. Well, on some commerical Unix, it may be better.)
It would be even greater if it's possible to combine Xprint somehow
with fontconfig(although not likely). Better still is to write something
like XftPrint(or XftPS) which would do to printing what Xft does to the
screen rendering . There's an on-going project in Mozilla to directly use
Freetype2 and embed type42 truetype fonts in PS output.  This might be
where fontconfig can come in to better support CSS in Mozilla printout
as is done on the screen by fontconfig+Xft in Mozilla-Xft.

> I hope the Linux  distros  jump  on  the bandwagon and start shipping
> it along with an
> Xprint enabled Mozilla (Red Hat's mozilla RPMs do not have Xprint enabled).

  I'm not sure  why RH disabled Xprint in their Mozilla RPM.
Xft, Xprint and PS printing module can coexist in Mozilla without
much problem as far as I can tell. Perhaps, that blocking I mentioned
above may not be acceptable?

   Jungshik Shin

P.S. I'm CCing to fonts list of XF86.

Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
JS>   Even with this weakness, Xprint is by far the best printing
JS> solution available at the moment for Mozilla under Unix/X11
JS> because postscript printing module of Mozilla does not work very
JS> well yet

Xprint might work for CJK fonts, although I'm a little bit suprised at
your enthusiasm for the thing.  There is no way, though, how Xprint
could work for complex scripts without standardising on glyph
mappings.  There is also no way[1] how Xprint could implement
dynamically generated fonts, as required for example by CSS2.

The right approach is obviously to do incrememtal uploading of fonts
to the printer at the PS level, as the Mozilla folks are trying to do.
I'm a little bit suspicious about their choice to use Type 42 CIDFonts
for that, though, as it will require many users to rasterise every-
thing with ghostscript on the host, with all the ensuing performance
and printing quality issues.


[1] Without a major protocol extension.  Way, way more complex than
what Xft does -- basically you'd have to duplicate the most complex
part of PS, the font interfaces, at the X11 protocol level.
Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-10 Thread Jungshik Shin

On 10 Dec 2002, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

JS>   Even with this weakness, Xprint is by far the best printing
JS> solution available at the moment for Mozilla under Unix/X11
JS> because postscript printing module of Mozilla does not work very
JS> well yet

JC> Xprint might work for CJK fonts,

  It does work for CJK now. Especially version 0.8 of Xprint with
truetype font support works pretty well. Even the PS output
produced by 0.7 with X11 bitmap fonts doesn't look that bad.

JC> although I'm a little bit suprised at  your enthusiasm for the thing.

  I'm not so  enthusiastic about it as you may think. A better
word to characterize what I think about it is
ambiguity.  See my postings to mozilla-i18n newsgroup
. When I wrote
'by far the best', I meant _as of now_ it gives the best match between
the print out and the screen rendering. For CJK web pages, Mozilla PS
module can't do that because only *one* PS font for each language can be
specified. That is, on the screen, Mozilla(especially Mozilla-Xft) can
be a  good implementation of CSS, but on the print out, it cannot.
Xprint is not perfect, but it's better than printing out everything(CJK
and non-Western European) in a single font (specified in pref. file
which has to be hand-edited
by end-users.). Besides, complex script cannot be printed out at all by
Mozilla under Unix without Xprint. With Xprint, it's possible to print
out web pages in complex scripts  provided that  you can render them
on the screen with Mozilla-X11core. That's a big difference.

JC> There is no way, though, how Xprint
JC> could work for complex scripts without standardising on glyph
JC> mappings.

  As I understand it, Xprint is a specialized form of X11 server
combined with some X clients. Therefore, I think it has all sorts of
weakness found in server-side font model we have been moving away from.
It's not fast and nor efficient (compared with client-side font technology)
and it doesn't support 'modern' CSS-based font selection/resolution at
the same level as provided by fontconfig. Nonetheless, it works _now_.

  As for complex script rendering, it's possible to print them out
as I wrote above and my test with Old Korean showed. (see
 http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=176315). Standardizing
on glyph mapping is not a requirement if we just deal with a single
application program(e.g. Mozilla). Mozilla-X11 has a way to map the last
two fields of XLFD to a  mapping between a string of Unicode characters
and a sequence of glyphs. That's what Mozilla-X11 uses to render Indic
scripts, Thai and Hangul Conjoining Jamos. (Mozilla doesn't yet support
opentype fonts at least under X11. Some Pango code was borrowed but
that's not from pango-xft but from pango-x). Because Xprint module of
Mozilla shares many things with Mozilla-X11corefont/Mozilla-Gtk, without
doing anything, Xprint just works when it comes to printing out web pages
in Indic scripts, Thai and Old Korean.

  Of course, I'm well aware that we have to use opentype fonts with
gsub/gpos tables for complex script rendering.  However, we also need a
short-term solution that works now.  For instance, there is not a single
opentype font freely available for old Korean. The situation is much
worse than that for Indic scripts for which free opentype fonts began
to emerge. In the meantime, we have to resort to font-specific-encoding

JC> There is also no way[1] how Xprint could implement
JC> dynamically generated fonts, as required for example by CSS2.

 I'm a bit confused as to what you meant by 'dynamically generated
fonts'. Did you mean 'web fonts'?  Can you tell me what you meant?

JC> The right approach is obviously to do incrememtal uploading of fonts
JC> to the printer at the PS level, as the Mozilla folks are trying to do.

  I totally agree with you provided that the font resolution mechanism
is tied with fontconfig.

JC> I'm a little bit suspicious about their choice to use Type 42 CIDFonts

  Given that truetype fonts are much easier to come by than genuine
CID-keyed fonts for CJK (which is also true of truetype fonts vs PS
type 1 fonts for European scripts although to a lesser degree), I guess
the choice is all but inevitable(perhaps OpenOffice also adopted this
approach). Do you have a better idea?  Judging from your reservation about
the rasterization on the host side, what you're thinking of cannot be
converting all the glyphs into bitmap and putting them in the PS output.
Anyway, I believe this 'mini-project' for Mozilla printing has be 'glued'
with fontconfig in CSS2 font resolution so that the screen rendering
and PS output use the same set of fonts.

What I can think of as an alternative to embedding type 42 PS font(type
2 CIDFont) is just to refer to CID-keyed fonts/type 1 fonts in the
PS output and let a real PS printer or ghostscript do the rest of the
job. This is similar to what the present PS module for Mozilla does.
However, in order to get 

Re: [Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
JC> although I'm a little bit suprised at  your enthusiasm for the thing.

JS> I'm not so enthusiastic about it as you may think.

Sorry for mis-reading your mail, then.  (For my defence, I did state
my surprise.)

JS> Nonetheless, [Xprint] works _now_.

Point taken.

JS>   As for complex script rendering, it's possible...

You'll doubtless agree with me that what you're describing are a
workarounds for the intrinsic limitations of Xprint -- more usually
known as hacks.  Cunning schemes such as that have existed under X11
for decades now -- it's high time to move on.

JC> There is also no way[1] how Xprint could implement dynamically
JC> generated fonts, as required for example by CSS2.

JS>  I'm a bit confused as to what you meant by 'dynamically generated
JS> fonts'.

Fonts that are not permanently installed in the system, but are
dynamically generated by the application from e.g. data downloaded
through HTTP (as with ``web fonts''), data embedded within data
structures (as with PDF) or even dynamically computed data.

So yes, we did think of the same thing.

JC> incrememtal uploading of fonts to the printer at the PS level

JS> provided that the font resolution mechanism is tied with fontconfig

Goes without saying.

JC> I'm a little bit suspicious about their choice to use Type 42 CIDFonts

JS> Given that truetype fonts are much easier to come by than genuine
JS> CID-keyed fonts for CJK (which is also true of truetype fonts vs PS
JS> type 1 fonts for European scripts although to a lesser degree), I guess
JS> the choice is all but inevitable...

I may have misunderstood something, but last time I checked the
approach was to use Type 42 CIDFonts *only*.  These are currently a
fairly rare beast (only supported since version 3012, if memory serves).

PostScript supports a dozen or so font formats, but the only ones that
are supported on all implementations are Type 1 and Type 3 fonts (not
CIDFonts).  I think that nowadays Type 1 and Type 3 CIDFonts can be
taken for granted.

There are at least four ways of dealing with TTFs in PS.  Type 42
CIDFonts is the most efficient, and should most definitely be used by
folks with new printers.  Type 42 fonts (not CIDFonts) are supported
since version 2017 and are barely slower than Type 42 CIDFonts.
Conversion to Type 1 fonts works everywhere, gives excellent results,
and the code is readily available (ttftpt1).  Finally, if everything
else fails, you can always download a Type 3 bitmap version; this
should only happen at the user's explicit request.

As you see, I am not arguing against support for CIDFonts; I'm merely
stating that making Type 42 CIDFonts the only download format for TTFs
makes me er... suspicious.

JC> [using Type 42 CIDFonts] will require many users to rasterise
JC> everything with ghostscript on the host, with all the ensuing
JC> performance and printing quality issues.

JS>  Well, that's not so bad as you think. What percentage of
JS> average Linux(or other free Unix) users do you think own a
JS> postscript printer?

I don't know, and I don't care.  I'm opposed to the private ownership
of the means of production.

Seriously, though: where I live, most people don't own a printer at
all.  For printing, they take a floppy to their place of work or
study, or carry it to the closest print shop.  As people don't usually
know what kind of printer they will end up printing on, portable
PostScript is needed.

JS>   How about something like XftPS on 'the client side'?

Absolutely.  It's a mere matter of hacking.

Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-11 Thread Jungshik Shin
On 11 Dec 2002, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:

> Sorry for mis-reading your mail, then.

  No problem :-)

> JS>   As for complex script rendering, it's possible...

> You'll doubtless agree with me that what you're describing are a
> for decades now -- it's high time to move on.

  Yes, I agree with you, but somebody needs to do the work.
Actually, the most difficult part may  not be programming but may be
getting/making some intelligent fonts (opentype or AAT) for complex
scripts. For Indic scripts, things are going pretty well and the number
of freely available opentype fonts for Indic scripts are increasing. For
Korean, it's not so good as I wrote before. I have yet to see a single
free opentype font.

  BTW, you'll be surprised to read comments made by some people at
. They want
to kill PS module in mozilla in favor of Xprint.

> JC> I'm a little bit suspicious about their choice to use Type 42 CIDFonts

> JS> Given that truetype fonts are much easier to come by than genuine
> JS> CID-keyed fonts for CJK (which is also true of truetype fonts vs PS
> JS> type 1 fonts for European scripts although to a lesser degree), I guess
> JS> the choice is all but inevitable...
> I may have misunderstood something, but last time I checked the
> approach was to use Type 42 CIDFonts *only*.  These are currently a
> fairly rare beast (only supported since version 3012, if memory serves).

 I also thought that's the case. However, Brian Stell changed the plan
(see http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=144663. ) and he's now
gonna use type 8 (neither type 11=what you're calling type42 CIDFont =
CIDFont type2 nor type 42). What's type 8 font, btw?

> JC> [using Type 42 CIDFonts] will require many users to rasterise
> JC> everything with ghostscript on the host, with all the ensuing
> JC> performance and printing quality issues.

Because you wrote the above, I thought that you had reservation about
doing everything on the host side regarding printers as dumb devices which
may sacrifice the printing quaility. I also thought that you prefer to
leave as much as possible for PS printers to take care of. That's why I
didn't even mention the most certain way to produce portable PS output
(type3 bitmap) and I wrote about the percentage of end-users owning
PS printers.

> Conversion to Type 1 fonts works everywhere, gives excellent results,
> and the code is readily available (ttftpt1).  Finally, if everything

   Does this conversion code also work for large CJK ttf fonts(with more
than 256 glyphs)? Or, does it also support conversion to composite

> As you see, I am not arguing against support for CIDFonts; I'm merely
> stating that making Type 42 CIDFonts the only download format for TTFs
> makes me er... suspicious.

  I'm not against producing portable PS, either :-).  However,
I think the portability of PS output doesn't matter much considering
the way printing is handled these days in Unix/Linux.


Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: Xprint

2002-12-12 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
I think we've strayed from the initial subject.  I've got no objection
to Mozilla using Type 42 CIDFonts, Type 100 halftones, Type 4 images
and an embedded APL interpreter.  Whatever.

As long as they don't use Xprint.

JC> their choice to use Type 42 CIDFonts

JS> Given that truetype fonts are much easier to come by than genuine
JS> CID-keyed fonts

It's funny how we come to opposite conclusions from the very same
facts.  Because TTFs are plenty, one needs to support them well on all
printers.  Thus, one should not require the support for Type 42

But I really have no problem with that.  Font format conversion can
always be added at a later stage.

JS> I also thought that's the case. However, Brian Stell changed the
JS> plan (see http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=144663. )
JS> and he's now gonna use type 8 (neither type 11=what you're calling
JS> type42 CIDFont = CIDFont type2 nor type 42).

Yes, the terminology is confusing.  To be pedantic, I was speaking of
serialised CIDFont resources with a CIDFontType of 2 and a FontType
of 11, which happens to contain Type 42 charstrings.

JS> What's type 8 font, btw?

No idea.  I can't find them either in either PLRM 3 or the 3012

Are you sure you're not thinking of Type 0 fonts (composite fonts)
with a FMapType of 8, which is what Adobe used in the Japanese market
before they came up with CIDFonts?  These will work on all level 2
devices (possibly requiring that a proprietary Adobe procset be
downloaded) and on Japanese level 1 devices.

In my humble opinion, Type 0 fonts are a hack for doing in the PS
interpreter something that really ought to be done in the host (font

But then, Mozilla is written in C++, and it may be simpler to
implement font switching in PostScript ;-)

JS> I also thought that you prefer to leave as much as possible for PS
JS> printers to take care of.

There's a compromise to make between how much information you want to
give the PS interpreter and how portable you want to be.  I think that
using Type 42 CIDFonts (whatever you may think of my terminology) with
an option to use Type 1 base fonts is the sweet spot.

>> Conversion to Type 1 fonts works everywhere, gives excellent results,
>> and the code is readily available (ttftpt1).

JS>Does this conversion code also work for large CJK ttf fonts(with more
JS> than 256 glyphs)? Or, does it also support conversion to composite
JS> font(OCF?)?

Yes.  Yes.

Although with very large fonts you may run out of memory on very old
PS devices if you're not careful.

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