Re: tables with margins and borders

2001-08-07 Thread Koen . Handekyn

Hello Karen,

I tried it with the snapshot of the night before yesterday (due to the firewall I 
cannot get into CVS directly). It was not rendered correctly.

I have included the document (doc.xml) and the stylesheet (doc2pdf.xsl) that lead to

If rendered to awt few borders are rendered and those rendered are not aligned with 
the table.
If rendered to pdf all borders ara rendered but all are not aligned with the table.

The version I'm using is from a file called xml-fop_20010806101537.tar.gz (it is 
stating FOP 0.19.0-CVS at startup)

Kind regards,


Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| |
|   To:
| |
|   cc:
| |
  |   (bcc: Koen HANDEKYN/BE/ALCATEL)  
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|   Subject:   
| |
  |   Re: tables with margins and borders  

Hi Koen,

There are some table-border fixes in both PDF and AWT in the latest CVS
which probably fix this problem. Try using one of the recent source
snapshots if you can't wait for the 0.20 release. Or you can send your
.fo file and I'll see whether it still looks bad with the current

Hope that helps,
Karen Lease



 I'm using version 0.19.0 from the distribution directory. 

running without batik (was logging)

2001-08-07 Thread Keiron Liddle

This would require the element mappings to handle things a bit better,
fairly easy.
The other part is to setup some sort of render factory for foreign data
handling (in fo:instream-foreign-object and external graphics). This would
need a bit of work and time.

Another issue might be the size of the hyphenation (about 1.1Mb) in

On Mon, 06 Aug 2001 17:35:25 Alistair Hopkins wrote:
 +1 to that
 And while we're here, is there any way to switch OFF SVG support so the
 batik jar is dispensible?  I'm using fop as the printing API for a
 desktop/Swing app and it is brilliant (proper print preview, high quality
 saved and printed documents, easy format to build with) but the size of
 jars is quite a big issue: it's about 80% of the size of the application
 right now!  More jars are not needed.

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Different result on Win2K and win98!!!

2001-08-07 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I designed an xsl-fo at work with win2k. It works nice and smooth, the
result is exactly what I want.
I wanted to do some work at home (on a win 98 PC) and the result is

My xml file is someting like this:

school name = Don Bosco
 teacher rank = level3John Smith/teacher

the xsl process gives table for each group with all the teacher, and tables
for each teacher with all the groups he is in. I need to use a for-each
with a key to have the list with having multiple row with the same values:

xsl:for-each select=key('teacher-group', teacher)[not(concat(teacher,
group)=concat(preceding::teacher, preceding::group))]

With win2k, I have the tables as I want to. In win98, I have the groups as
many times as there are teachers in the group.

I use FOP this way:

c:\jdk1.3.1\bin\java -cp e:\Fop-0.19.0-CVS\fop.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop
-xsl e:\testxml\school.xsl -xml e:\testxml\school.xml -pdf e:

any idea what's wrong? The rendering is good but it seems that the xsl
processing sucks with FOP and win98. I have the same version of java (SUN
jdk 1.3.1), the same version of Xalan (j2.2.D6). I even upgradded the msxml
on my win98 (useless but how knows...). I checked my path and classpath.
I'm lost and the FOP FAQ is not yet available to me... ;o)


Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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Re: Newbie attempting to help

2001-08-07 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Total agreement to everything Keiron just said.

However, that's not to say that we can't work up something that meets your 
needs for 'keep-together' on fo:list-item. It's usually possible to take 
care of a specific; as Keiron says it's the general case (making keeps work 
everywhere that they are supposed to) that is rather more of an obstacle. I 
have some ideas in regard to how you might want to tackle the problem you 
describe and will elaborate this evening.

Arved Sandstrom

At 09:38 AM 8/7/01 +0200, Keiron Liddle wrote:

Your help is very welcome.

Unfortunately the the solution to the problem is not that easy. This is one
area that fop does not handle very well and we are in search of a solution.

The problem of keeps (and space resolution etc.) is one that spans across
the fo heirarchy in a number of directions. This makes it difficult to
handle without a rehash of how the layout is organised.

An effort is underway in this direction but there seems to be a fair amount
of resistance to change (from fop).

Hope this doesn't put you off.

On Tue, 07 Aug 2001 03:21:14 Don Wellington wrote:
 Well, I am trying to make my first contribution to
 FOP. By working on bug 2988 which I submitted.  I
 willingly accept any and all help.
 I tried forcing the status return from
 ListItemLabel.layout to keep-with-next in an attempt
 to force other code to handle keeping the
 list-item-label and list-item-body together. That
 didn't work, but keep-with-next is broken anyways, so
 that is probably not  unexpected.  My thought right
 now is to change 
 the end of ListItemLabel.layout to:
 if(status == Status.OK) {
status = new Status(Status.KEEP_WITH_NEXT);
 return status;
 At least temporally, until I figure how to get FOP to
 obey the keep_with_next when there is an
 external-graphics as the first element in the
 Anything wrong with that?  Any pointers in the right
 Don Wellington

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Different Header Content

2001-08-07 Thread ektan

hi all,

I have used FOP 0-19-0.CVS in generating of pdf file from xml. And, I have
a problem here, that is how can I put different header content in
bibliography page and the rest pages of a document?

The attactment is the xsl that I have generated, any problems?

Thanks for any help you can give.

best rgds,

(See attached file: diffHeader2.xsl)


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Re: tables with margins and borders

2001-08-07 Thread Ralph LaChance

Hello Koen

I may be able to help with ~part~ of this.

The latest version of AWTRender fails to draw a border at all
for your .fo file.  However, the border re-appears if you increase
the border-size to 1.0pt.  This may be a (bad) side effect of
changes we recently made to the awt render to respect
border-size (previously it drew all borders 1 pixel thick regardless
of the value of border-size.)  My hunch is the thickness calculation
is rounding down to zero.

[ aside: We will investigate and supply a patch later today if appropriate.

   The awt renderer should probably render a border one pixel thick
   when the math rounds to zero.

   Any comments?  ]

As for the ~placement~ of the borders, others will need to comment
on that.  At first glance, it looks to me that the pdf and awt renderers
both put the borders in the same wrong place.  Which suggests the
problem is not in the renderers themselves.

One more comment, however, it looks like your table is buried
3 or 4 levels deep in fo:blocks.  While that is probably legal, my own
experience is that nesting fo:blocks too deeply can lead to spacing
and placement problems.  As a workaround, you might want to
try embedding your table in a single level fo:block -- perhaps
that would improve the border placement.

 ' Best,
 -Ralph LaChance

At 08:19 AM 8/7/01 +0200, you wrote:

I tried it with the snapshot of the night before yesterday (due to the 
firewall I cannot get into CVS directly). It was not rendered correctly.

I have included the document (doc.xml) and the stylesheet (doc2pdf.xsl) 
that lead to

If rendered to awt few borders are rendered and those rendered are not 
aligned with the table.
If rendered to pdf all borders ara rendered but all are not aligned with 
the table.

The version I'm using is from a file called xml-fop_20010806101537.tar.gz 
(it is stating FOP 0.19.0-CVS at startup)

Kind regards,


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Tree class: advice please.

2001-08-07 Thread Peter B. West

Dear Listners,

I have attached the latest iteration of  I saw that Mark was 
bypassing part of the FO tree, I think it was.  At any rate, with 
dynamic rendering, there was a need to be able to delete a subtree.  The 
methods are deleteSubTree and delete.

Looking at applying Tree to the FO tree, I quickly ran into the 
limitations of my Java knowledge.  Tree at the moment is a top-level 
class with a member class Node.  Node, in turn, has member classes which 
  provide the various Iterators.  It seemed a good idea at the time, 
Iterators being all the rage.

When I came to look at the application of this, I thought that making 
classes FOTree and FONode, where FONode is a member class of FOTree, 
would be useful.  The problem is that I can't seem to arrange to inherit 
from a member class unless I that inheritance occurs within the context 
of an enclosing class which inherits from the parallel enclosing class. 
  I.e., given Tree with a member class Node, I can have a class FONode 
inherit from Node, provided FONode is a member class of FOTree, which 
inherits from Tree.

Currently FONode is an abstract class, the foundation of all of the FObj 
classes.  Every time I want to subclass FONode, I would have to do it as 
an member class of a subclass of FOTree.

There seems to be two alternatives.

One is to split Tree and Node, prohibiting orphan Nodes by having only 
constructors with a reference to a Tree as an argument.  Node can then 
be inherited, with all of the tree manipulation being done back in the 
superclass.  One advantage of this is that Object contents can be 
ignored, and FONode and its subclasses defined in much the same way. 
(Except that all the implicit tree operations must be re-specified in 
terms of Tree and Node.)  One question that arises from this is whether 
to retain the classes which implement the tree traversal iterators, of 
to recast them as Node methods.

The other alternative is to use the generic Tree/Node class directly to 
define both the FOTree and the AreaTree.  All of the inheritance would 
then be done throught the contents object, which would require a 
reference to its enclosing Node.  The object and its wrapper Node would 
have to be created in two operations at the time of creation of the object.

As I write this, the former option sounds better.

Any comments?

Lord, to whom shall we go?

 * $Id:,v 1.20 2001-08-07 15:43:57+10 pbw Exp pbw $
 * Copyright (C) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
 * For details on use and redistribution please refer to the
 * LICENSE file included with these sources.

//package org.apache.fop.datatypes;

import java.util.*;

// TODO:
// Should I provide a separate or supplementary exception for CoMods appends
// on the trailing edge of the tree?  I.e., for each append, check if it is an
// append to a node which is the final sibling at any level of the tree.
// If so, set a copy the modCount value as the trailingEdgeModAge.
// If a ConcurrentModificationException is about to be thrown, check whether
// the trailingEdgeModAge is the same as the modCount.  If so, throw a
// ConcurrentTreeAppendException instead.  Probably, make that a subclass of
// ConcurrentModificationException so that the check can be done on the
// catch of the CoModEx.

 * The ttTree/tt class is analogous to one of the ttCollection/tt
 * classes.  It provides a bag with a certain structure into which objects
 * may be collected for manipulation.
 * The outer class, Tree, is the level at which are defined those fields
 * and methods which are provided for the manipulation of the tree as a
 * whole.  The tree is actually comprised of a collection of ttNode/tt
 * elements.
 * The primary reasons for the existence of a separate ttTree/tt
 * class is to provide an object for tree-wide synchronization, and to
 * have a home for ttmodCount/tt for the provision of
 * ifast-fail/i iterators.  For more details, see the
 * discussion of ttmodCount/tt in ttAbstractList/tt.
 * @author a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED];Peter B. West/a
 * @version

public class Tree {

 * The number of times the tree has been istructurally modified/i.
 * See the discussion of the ttmodCount/tt field in
 * ttAbstractList/tt.
protected int modCount = 0;
protected int nodeCount = 0;

protected Node root;

public Tree() {}

public int modified() {
// In the Tree class, this function updates the modCount
// N.B. This method is always called from within a synchronized
// method.
synchronized (this) {
return ++modCount;

public int getModCount() {
synchronized (this) {
return modCount;

public boolean modCountEqualTo(int value) {
synchronized (this) {
return value == 

[Bug 1952] - color attribute to table content overflowing on next page

2001-08-07 Thread bugzilla


*** shadow/1952 Fri Jun  1 08:04:59 2001
--- shadow/1952.tmp.15845   Tue Aug  7 04:32:58 2001
*** 4,13 
  |Bug #: 1952Product: Fop |
  |   Status: NEW Version: all |
  |   Resolution:Platform: PC  |
! | Severity: Critical OS/Version: |
! | Priority:   Component: pdf renderer|
! |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
  |  CC list: Cc:  |
--- 4,13 
  |Bug #: 1952Product: Fop |
  |   Status: NEW Version: all |
  |   Resolution:Platform: PC  |
! | Severity: Critical OS/Version: All |
! | Priority: High  Component: pdf renderer|
! |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
  |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
  |  CC list: Cc:  |

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[Bug 2491] - footnote can't fit remaining space and crash

2001-08-07 Thread bugzilla


*** shadow/2491 Fri Jul  6 17:28:08 2001
--- shadow/2491.tmp.15858   Tue Aug  7 04:34:43 2001
*** 7,13 
  | Severity: Critical OS/Version: Other   |
  | Priority: Other Component: pdf renderer|
! |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  |  CC list: Cc:  |
--- 7,13 
  | Severity: Critical OS/Version: Other   |
  | Priority: Other Component: pdf renderer|
! |  Assigned To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
  |  Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  |  CC list: Cc:  |

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Nesting tables in FOP

2001-08-07 Thread Victoria . Beeby

I am using FOP 0-19-0.CVS and having problems nesting tables.  Just as 
a simple test I am trying to place one table inside a block, within a 
single outer table cell.  The PDF output does display the values, but 
entirely ignores the inner table structure by placing the values on a 
single row.

I have seen some of the other discussions on this issue, eg, setting 
column widths, yet have not been able to resolve the problem.  Attached 
is the xsl fragment.

Does anyone know how to overcome this, or have an example of code that 
will give me something to work from?

Many thanks


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Pb running FOP

2001-08-07 Thread Arnaud Carrard


I cannot access the FOP-FAQ on the web
site, concerning the use of FOP, so I write directly
to this list.
I would like to apologise in advance because I am a
real beginner in this field and I might not be using
the right channel to ask my questions (let me know if
this is the case).

I have installed sun java v 1.31. I have transformed
an .xml document into a .fo document using an .xsl
document (with msxsl command line). I now try to
transform this .fo document into a.pdf document. I
have also installed msxml v 3.

To do the transformation, I am using this command:
java -jar fop.jar doc.pdf -d
I then got a lot of error messages (Using SAX Parser
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser - Building
formatting object tree - Warning: Unknown formatting
object- ERROR: nul).

Is this the right way to process an .fo file?
Do I need to install something else to make things
What else should I do?

Thank you in advance and sorry if this question has
nothing to do on this list.

Arnaud Carrard.

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AWTRenderer patch

2001-08-07 Thread Ralph LaChance


Below is a patch to prevent AWTRender from drawing an invisible
border when the value for border-width is too small.  The patch
basically says that no matter how small the border-width is, it will
always render at least 1 pixel on the target graphics context.

I leave it to others to rule on the correctness of this approach
(makes sense to me) and thereby commit the patch or not.

Note however that for the sample fo attached,
(border-width is 0.1pt) both -awt and -print
fail to render a border, while -pdf does.

[Separate problem that the borders are in the wrong place
for all renderers..]

The attached sample fo was submitted to this list earlier by

' Best,
-Ralph LaChance

--  patch 
  * draw a filled rectangle in the current color.
  * Force 1 pixel wide area if the size rounds to zero.
  * @param x the x position of left edge in millipoints
  * @param y the y position of top edge in millipoints
  * @param w the width in millipoints
  * @param h the height in millipoints
  * @param drawAsOutline true for draw, false for fill

 // helper function by aml/rlc to correct integer roundoff problems
 protected void addRect(int x, int y, int w, int h,
boolean drawAsOutline) {
 int startx = (x + 500) / 1000;
 int starty = pageHeight - ((y + 500) / 1000);
 int endx = (x + w + 500) / 1000;
 int endy = pageHeight - ((y + h + 500) / 1000);
 if (drawAsOutline)
 graphics.drawRect(startx, starty, endx - startx, endy - starty);
   //don't round down to zero
   if (w != 0  endx == startx) endx++;
   if (h != 0  endy == starty) endy++;
   graphics.fillRect(startx, starty, endx - startx, endy - starty);


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 margin-right=1cm margin-left=1cm margin-bottom=1cm margin-top=1cm 
margin-right=1cm margin-left=1cm margin-bottom=1cm margin-top=1cm 
master-name=plain-pagefo:region-body margin-right=1.5cm margin-left=1.5cm 
margin-top=14pt/fo:region-before extent=1.5cm/fo:region-after 
 master-name=coverfo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-bodyfo:block 
text-align=centerDocument Title/fo:blockfo:block text-align=center/fo:block 
master-name=tocfo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-bodyfo:blockTable of 
Contents:/fo:blockfo:block1 part titlefo:leader 
leader-pattern=dots/fo:page-number-citation ref-id=N11/fo:block1.1 Part 
Titlefo:leader leader-pattern=dots/fo:page-number-citation 
ref-id=N19/fo:block1.1.1 Part Titlefo:leader 
ref-id=N3F//fo:block/fo:blockfo:block1.2 Part Titlefo:leader 
ref-id=N88//fo:block/fo:blockfo:block2 part titlefo:leader 
master-name=bodyfo:static-content flow-name=xsl-region-afterfo:block 
p. fo:page-number/ / 
fo:page-number-citation ref-id=terminator//fo:block/fo:static-contentfo:flow 
flow-name=xsl-region-bodyfo:block id=N11/
fo:block space-after.optimum=8pt space-before.optimum=8pt 
color=white background-color=black end-indent=0cm padding-bottom=0pt 
padding-top=2pt text-align=center font-size=16pt start-indent=0cm1 part 
fo:block space-after.optimum=6pt space-before.optimum=6pt 
text-align=justifyA paragraph./fo:block
fo:block id=N19 margin-left=1cm#10;   
fo:block space-after.optimum=8pt space-before.optimum=8pt 
color=white background-color=black end-indent=0cm padding-bottom=0pt 
padding-top=2pt text-align=center font-size=16pt start-indent=1cm1.1 Part 
fo:block space-after.optimum=6pt space-before.optimum=6pt 
text-align=justifyThis is paragraph./fo:block
fo:block text-align=centerfo:external-graphic 


2001-08-07 Thread Gregor N. Purdy


I'm using the docbook-xsl-1.14 tools from to
convert a DocDook XML file into xsl:fo and then using FOP to convert
that into PDF. I've noticed FOP printing messages like this:

  warning: property - linefeed-treatment is not implemented yet.

it turns out that docbook-xsl is using that attribute on the fo:block
elements it creates out of my screen DocBook elements.

Is linefeed-treatment handling on the radar screen?
I'm getting the correct output, so I'm wondering if by setting
white-space-collapse='false' in the fo:block, docbook-xsl is causing
FOP to do the right thing? Is it true that white-space-collapse='false'
implies the same effect as linefeed-treatment='preserve'?


-- Gregor
/ \
   Gregor N. Purdy  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Focus Research, Inc.
   8080 Beckett Center Drive #203   513-860-3570 vox
   West Chester, OH 45069   513-860-3579 fax

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Re: Pb running FOP

2001-08-07 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Arnaud,

That's about right, but try putting the -d argument before the
and doc.pdf. Hopefully you will get a better debugging message. It
sounds like your .fo file has an unknown object in it, although the
message isn't very helpful. You might want to include your .fo file with
your message so one of us can take a look at it.

Karen Lease

Arnaud Carrard wrote:
 I cannot access the FOP-FAQ on the web
 site, concerning the use of FOP, so I write directly
 to this list.
 I would like to apologise in advance because I am a
 real beginner in this field and I might not be using
 the right channel to ask my questions (let me know if
 this is the case).
 I have installed sun java v 1.31. I have transformed
 an .xml document into a .fo document using an .xsl
 document (with msxsl command line). I now try to
 transform this .fo document into a.pdf document. I
 have also installed msxml v 3.
 To do the transformation, I am using this command:
 java -jar fop.jar doc.pdf -d
 I then got a lot of error messages (Using SAX Parser
 org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser - Building
 formatting object tree - Warning: Unknown formatting
 object- ERROR: nul).
 Is this the right way to process an .fo file?
 Do I need to install something else to make things
 What else should I do?
 Thank you in advance and sorry if this question has
 nothing to do on this list.
 Arnaud Carrard.
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Re: Different result on Win2K and win98!!!

2001-08-07 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Emmanuel,

As you say, the problem seems to be in processing the XSL. That isn't
really done by FOP, except by calling Xalan (or some other kind of Trax
compliant transformer.) 
Sounds like one of two things: obscure classpath problem or problem with
the Sun JDK 1.3.1 itself on Win98. Do you have any jars in the ext
directory (c:\jdk1.3.1\lib\ext)? What is your CLASSPATH environment
variable set to? If all else fails, you might try generating the FO file
separately (maybe with MSXML for example if that works) and then just
using FOP directly on the FO file.


 I designed an xsl-fo at work with win2k. It works nice and smooth, the
 result is exactly what I want.
 I wanted to do some work at home (on a win 98 PC) and the result is
 My xml file is someting like this:
 school name = Don Bosco
  teacher rank = level3John Smith/teacher
 the xsl process gives table for each group with all the teacher, and tables
 for each teacher with all the groups he is in. I need to use a for-each
 with a key to have the list with having multiple row with the same values:
 xsl:for-each select=key('teacher-group', teacher)[not(concat(teacher,
 group)=concat(preceding::teacher, preceding::group))]
 With win2k, I have the tables as I want to. In win98, I have the groups as
 many times as there are teachers in the group.
 I use FOP this way:
 c:\jdk1.3.1\bin\java -cp e:\Fop-0.19.0-CVS\fop.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop
 -xsl e:\testxml\school.xsl -xml e:\testxml\school.xml -pdf e:
 any idea what's wrong? The rendering is good but it seems that the xsl
 processing sucks with FOP and win98. I have the same version of java (SUN
 jdk 1.3.1), the same version of Xalan (j2.2.D6). I even upgradded the msxml
 on my win98 (useless but how knows...). I checked my path and classpath.
 I'm lost and the FOP FAQ is not yet available to me... ;o)
 Emmanuel Ponette
 Euro DB
 Place de l'Université, 16
 B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
 Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
 Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67
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Re: tables with margins and borders

2001-08-07 Thread Karen Lease

Koen (and Ralph and others),

There is a problem, but it's not a border-drawing problem.

You have a left-margin specified as 2cm on a block which is containing
the paragraphs before the table and the table itself. This property is
inherited and is therefore used on both the fo:table and the fo:blocks
inside the fo:table-cell objects.

What isn't normal is that the table itself should be indented by 2cm and
it isn't. But that in itself won't fix the cell text alignment, since
the margin (or start-indent which is the same thing) is being inherited
by all the content inside the table. So the cell content would still be
badly positioned.

Assuming that FOP handled indent correctly on the table, you would want
to set it back to a smaller value, on table-body for example.

In the meantime, there is an ugly workaround involving an empty first
column whose width is equal to the current indent and which only has
borders on the right side.

As Arved has just suggested focusing on tables, this problem will be a
good place to start and I'll try to put it on the high priority list.


 Hello Karen,
 I tried it with the snapshot of the night before yesterday (due to the
 firewall I cannot get into CVS directly). It was not rendered
 I have included the document (doc.xml) and the stylesheet
 (doc2pdf.xsl) that lead to
 If rendered to awt few borders are rendered and those rendered are not
 aligned with the table.
 If rendered to pdf all borders ara rendered but all are not aligned
 with the table.
 The version I'm using is from a file called
 xml-fop_20010806101537.tar.gz (it is stating FOP 0.19.0-CVS at
 Kind regards,
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Re: tables with margins and borders

2001-08-07 Thread Ralph LaChance

At 06:53 PM 8/7/01 +0200, you wrote:
Koen (and Ralph and others),

There is a problem, but it's not a border-drawing problem.


Sorry, I wasn't clear -- I'm suggesting there are ~two~ separate problems
here.  The first is what you describe below. The second is: given
the fo such as it is, it renders differently for -print and -awt versus
-pdf.  On both -awt and -print no border is drawn for the table cells.
The pdf renderer ~does~ draw the table borders.

The awt/print problem is due to AWTRenderer attmpting to fill a rectangle
with either the width or height of zero.  This happens when the border size
drops below a threshold (i.e., 500 millipts)  This all stems from a patch 
to AWTRender I supplied a few weeks ago in which, among other things, we
made AWTRenderer honor actual border sizes.

(The original 0.19.0 AWTRenderer drew ~all~ borders 1 pixel thick,
regardless of border-size.)

Does this make sense to you ?  If so, I supplied a patch earlier today to 
fix it.

You have a left-margin specified as 2cm on a block which is containing
the paragraphs before the table and the table itself. This property is
inherited and is therefore used on both the fo:table and the fo:blocks
inside the fo:table-cell objects.

What isn't normal is that the table itself should be indented by 2cm and
it isn't. But that in itself won't fix the cell text alignment, since
the margin (or start-indent which is the same thing) is being inherited
by all the content inside the table. So the cell content would still be
badly positioned.

Assuming that FOP handled indent correctly on the table, you would want
to set it back to a smaller value, on table-body for example.

In the meantime, there is an ugly workaround involving an empty first
column whose width is equal to the current indent and which only has
borders on the right side.

As Arved has just suggested focusing on tables, this problem will be a
good place to start and I'll try to put it on the high priority list.

 ' Best,
 -Ralph LaChance

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Table Status (was Re: problems with height of cells in tables)

2001-08-07 Thread Karen Lease

Hi Arved (and other interested parties),

Lots of other bugs (like the inline-area height) show up well in tables
because the grid makes things visible. That's the case with the trailing
white-space bug I saw the other day, resulting in an empty table row.
Some of these can also be shown by using border, padding and background
on fo:block, which also needs more test cases.

I think base-level table functionality has gotten considerably better,
and we need to publicize that with the next release, since there have
been so many problems in the past releases. Of course, I know there are
still a number of bugs, but I think the row-spanning, vertical alignment
and general border-handling improvements should help lots of people.

Off the top of my head, here are major areas for work:

1. border-collapse=collapse. There is a partial bandaid for this now.
I've written a lot of pseudo-code for this, as the general case is quite
complex. It should take into account cell, row and column borders
(though I'd like to see the final word in the PR on this). As often, I
ran up against the problem of handling the break conditions, since that
can affect the borders. But unless someone else has done lots of work
here or has some easy improvements, I'd like to keep it on my plate
(after vacation).

2. Keeps and breaks. There are some cases where breaks cause problems;
as I recall the culprit is in table-body. I know the general problem of
keeps can't really be handled, but tables are a particularly sore point
for that. It's worth trying to do keep-together for table-row; actually
I think I did a first pass on this when I did spans.

3. Handling limit conditions, like table-row with keeps but which
doesn't fit on the page.

4. Indents. Just looked at Koen's bug, which involves the indents not
affecting the table itself, but rather the cell content. My reading of
the CR is that the areas created by fo:table are block areas and should
be positioned by indents. Lots of people also want to center their
tables; I can't figure out how this is supposed to happen, unless it's
in table-and-capation.

5. The table-and-caption fo.

6. Row-less tables using start-row and end-row properties on the cells.
I think this can be handled in addChild for the table-body by creating
fake TableRow objects as needed.

7. Automatic table layout style (this is a fairly big deal). Or at least
really implement the percentage stuff, which would be simpler and still
quite flexible. This needs some work in calculating the column widths
once the size of the containing reference area is known.

8. The relative-align style for vertical alignment. Needs
post-processing once all cells in the row are done. Might as well wait
until we get our line-stacking straightened out.

That should keep people thinking for a while...
There are also a few remarks below. I'll be away from my Internet access
for a while, so this is probably it for now. Overall the idea seems
good. Obviously if I've temporarily let go of bottom-up layout, it was
to try to reduce the volume of table-related complaints.

Regards and a bientot

Arved Sandstrom wrote:
 Hi, Karen (and other interested parties)
 A thought occurred to me just now. A high percentage of our bandwidth (and
 bug reports) are devoted to tables. There are so many table-related bug
 reports mainly because so many folks want to use tables, I believe, not
 because there are more bugs in tables than elsewhere.
 I'm thinking that perhaps we can use table support as the centrepiece for
 all of our FOP efforts. In order to have tables be fully supported, and work
 properly, a really big percentage of the XSL specification (and FOP
 mechanics) gets exercised. Redesign of layout is something of a fuzzy goal;
 making tables work isn't.
 You've currently got probably the best perspective on tables. What I am
 thinking would be useful would be a report concerning table FOs, with a
 property-by-property breakdown, that assesses what works, and what doesn't,
 and what needs to happen in order to make things work. This could drive a
 whole bunch of tasks that people could take on. It would be easier to gauge
 the progress of FOP, because table support would be a bellwether for FOP as
 a whole.
 This doesn't mean that everything else would be ignored. But the shift of
 emphasis would be as follows: if I want to work on markers, I make sure that
 they work inside fo:table-and-caption, fo:table, fo:table-caption,
 fo:table-header, fo:table-footer, fo:table-body, and fo:table-cell. If
 someone wants to make sure FO X works, they make sure it works also as a
 descendant of fo:table-cell. Keiron has laid the groundwork for testing - a
 really suitable area for a first comprehensive set of test-cases could be
 (you guessed it) tables! :-)

KL: Agreed. I started to do some test cases, but then discovered I
needed to add more properties to the AreaTree concerning borders and
padding. I didn't get around to doing this, so we can put 

RE: Pb running FOP

2001-08-07 Thread Darren Munt

I had a similiar problem to this when running an FO file output from MSXML
through FOP. If my memory serves correctly, it was caused by the encoding,
which is UTF-16 by default. You need to set it to UTF-8. This may be because
MSXML by default places some binary data in the first byte or two of the
file that FOP doesn't like. 

Sorry I don't have more precise details on this - I had the problem, I tried
changing the encoding, it worked, I moved on.

-Original Message-
From: Arnaud Carrard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2001 6:18 
Subject: Pb running FOP


I cannot access the FOP-FAQ on the web
site, concerning the use of FOP, so I write directly
to this list.
I would like to apologise in advance because I am a
real beginner in this field and I might not be using
the right channel to ask my questions (let me know if
this is the case).

I have installed sun java v 1.31. I have transformed
an .xml document into a .fo document using an .xsl
document (with msxsl command line). I now try to
transform this .fo document into a.pdf document. I
have also installed msxml v 3.

To do the transformation, I am using this command:
java -jar fop.jar doc.pdf -d
I then got a lot of error messages (Using SAX Parser
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser - Building
formatting object tree - Warning: Unknown formatting
object- ERROR: nul).

Is this the right way to process an .fo file?
Do I need to install something else to make things
What else should I do?

Thank you in advance and sorry if this question has
nothing to do on this list.

Arnaud Carrard.

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