Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread Finn Bock
Somehow, in our current design, the information must be stored in an 
object that exists:

IIRC that's what the layout context was meant for.
Perhaps, but I doubt it. If they was change to always get a reference to 
the parent layout context when they are created, and if they had a 
reference to the FObj, and if they was made available to the property 
subsystem, then they could properly be used for it.

I still think it is easier to use either the FOs or the LMs .


Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread Finn Bock
[Simon Pepping]

If in the re-use the layout would not change, the area tree could be
reused. OTOH, if the layout would change, e.g. because another
renderer would use a font with a different font metric, the layout
information in the FO tree cannot be reused.
The layout dimension that is stored in the FO tree is constantly updated 
during discovery of BreakPoss'es and is never reused, not even when a 
block is split over a break where new values are assigned.

The solution I propose makes it impossible to run two different 
renderers concurrently, but it does not in any way prevent the FO tree 
from being reused with another renderer after the first rendering is 

This is another argument
to separate FO tree and layout information.
No, not really IMO.


Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
Finn Bock wrote:
> Perhaps, but I doubt it. If they was change to always get a reference to
> the parent layout context when they are created, and if they had a
> reference to the FObj, and if they was made available to the property
> subsystem, then they could properly be used for it.
The layout context has the actual IPD MinOptMax. There is no
inherent reason it should have a link to a parent context or the
property subsystem, it's only necessary to have a method to
resolve a property expression given a set of MinOptMax for
the various traits which can be used as references for
percentages. Like
> I still think it is easier to use either the FOs or the LMs .



Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread Finn Bock

 > Perhaps, but I doubt it. If they was change to always get a reference to
 > the parent layout context when they are created, and if they had a
 > reference to the FObj, and if they was made available to the property
 > subsystem, then they could properly be used for it.

The layout context has the actual IPD MinOptMax. There is no
inherent reason it should have a link to a parent context or the
property subsystem, it's only necessary to have a method to
resolve a property expression given a set of MinOptMax for
the various traits which can be used as references for
percentages. Like
Right, but it doesn't have all the base lengths. For some base lengths 
it is one of the parent layout contexts that has the trait, like ipd of 
the containing reference area. How could we get hold of that trait if 
the LayoutContexts isn't linked together?

Whatever object that is passed to the resolve() method must also AFAICT 
also have a reference to the FO so that the resolve() can find the right 
LayoutContext in the LayoutContext tree to use as base.

Perhaps I'm missing something fundamental in your suggestion, but I just 
can see how there is enough information in a single LayoutContext to 
resolve relative lengths that is inherited from a parent fo:element.

 > I still think it is easier to use either the FOs or the LMs .

Well, the approach using FOs are here already. It can't get easier than 


Re: [PATCH] Support for percentages and table-units

2004-02-17 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Finn Bock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The layout dimension that is stored in the FO tree
> is constantly updated 
> during discovery of BreakPoss'es and is never
> reused, not even when a 
> block is split over a break where new values are
> assigned.

I don't know enough to comment too much on which
implementation would be better here, but the spec does
not appear to have much problem (see [1], also Finn's
earlier reference to the spec's conceptual procedure
[2]) with back-and-forth processes, updates, etc.
between the FO Tree and Area Tree.  Indeed, it seems
to indicate that this kind of interaction does need to
occur for the process to work correctly.

Now if would be faster or more efficient to do so,
that may be another issue.  But Finn's ideas seem to
be sufficiently in agreement with the spec.


> The solution I propose makes it impossible to run
> two different 
> renderers concurrently, but it does not in any way
> prevent the FO tree 
> from being reused with another renderer after the
> first rendering is 
> finished.
> > This is another argument
> > to separate FO tree and layout information.
> No, not really IMO.

I think I agree with Finn on this issue.  Reuse of the
FOT/AT, i.e., re-rendering from the same input FO, but
with a different output type, would probably be only a
few percent of all usages of FOP.  It is trivial
enough that it should not weigh into the architectural
decision, especially if doing so would (1) create a
messier, hard-to-perfect design, or (2) slow things
down for bulk of users not requiring this

Stated another way, if those wanting both PCL and PDF
for the same input FO would have to have the FOT & AT
regenerated from scratch, we can live with that.  For
one thing, that's probably the current situation with
the commercial renderers anyway.  Also, a requirement
for the FOT and AT to stay-in-memory and be
reenterable may end up resulting in a rather buggy
