Re: Output from NIST test suite

2004-01-03 Thread Bernd Brandstetter

in your GhostScript installation there should also exist a gswin32c.exe 
which runs in console mode and therefore doesn't open a GUI window every 


On Saturday 03 January 2004 00:35, Finn Bock wrote:
> [Jeremias Maerki]
> I drive ghostscript with a bash script like this:
> for f in $*; do
>  r="${f/.pdf/.png}"
>  echo $f $r
>  gswin32 -q -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m \
>   -sOutputFile=$r $f
> done
> and it is quite slow and cause the ghostscript console to flicker and
> grab the focus all the time. Annoying.
> Does anyone here know of a better (and maybe faster) way of using
> ghostscript to convert 615 pdf files to images?

Re: Trying to use the NIST test suite.

2003-12-24 Thread Bernd Brandstetter
On Wednesday 24 December 2003 15:39, Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Finn Bock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was looking for xsl-fo test suites on the net and found
> >
> >
> > but for some reason all the test in the NIST zip file uses master-name
> > instead of master-reference on the fo:page-sequence's.
> >
> >  
> Hi,
> Apparently this was admitted by earlier versions of the spec. Older
> versions of FOP still supported this, but the latest version throws an
> error...


wouldn't it be reasonable to also accept the obsolete 'master-name' and to 
just print out a corresponding warning message instead of throwing an 
error? AFAIK, the attribute has only been renamed to 'master-reference', 
but its meaning and usage remained identically the same.


Re: [PATCH] doc validation fix

2003-01-13 Thread Bernd Brandstetter
On Monday 13 January 2003 11:05, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 12.01.2003 11:40:57 Bernd Brandstetter wrote:
> > After having tried to understand how fop works by just reading the
> > code for a couple of hours now, FOrtress inevitably comes to my mind
> > ;-) (in the sense of: Not easy to get in, at least for a newbie)
> >
> :-) Unfortunately, Fortress is already taken by the Apache Avalon
> project for one their new containers. I bet they wouldn't be happy to
> hear your association with the name.
> Let's be serious again: What do you think could be improved to make FOP
> easier to get in?

Design documentation :-)
When I clicked on the "Architecture" and "Design" links, I had expected a 
bit more than 20 to 30 lines of text. But I must admit that I have totally 
overlooked the "Understanding the design" section which is a bit more 
Still, it would be nice to have something in the style of the "Alt design" 
description - which I think is really great - for the "standard" design 


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Re: FOP logo

2003-01-13 Thread Bernd Brandstetter
On Monday 13 January 2003 11:01, Oleg Tkachenko wrote:
> Bernd Brandstetter wrote:
> > feeling inspired by your's and Oleg's suggestions and also a little
> > bit bored this Sunday afternoon, I thought I'll take the chance and
> > improve my Gimping skills. Here's the result :-)
> Not bad. Something like this I meant. But (sorry for being critical,
> it's art, not coding :): why it's sitting back to us.

No problem :-)
This was in no way meant to be a serious proposal for the logo.

I've also created one with a parrot sitting with it's front to us.
However, I found this one with it's impish look back over the shoulder much 

> F and P are too simple.

Maybe. But IMHO the letters "FOP" should be easily readable and the whole 
logo shouldn't be too overloaded with additional stuff.

> And I'm not sure about scalability - e.g. how it'll look 3cmX2cm?

A vector graphic (preferrably SVG) would of course be better. However, I 
couldn't find a good-looking vectorized parrot clipart.


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Re: FOP logo

2003-01-12 Thread Bernd Brandstetter
On Sunday 12 January 2003 01:35, Peter B. West wrote:
> Clare's designs (see previous post) were based on a quill inking in the
> "P" in a large "FOP" on a page which also contained Chancery-stle text
> in a smaller font.  The quill was originally supposed to be a connection
> with the Apache feather, but apparently that particular feather "didn't
> work", and the Apache colours were too garish.


feeling inspired by your's and Oleg's suggestions and also a little bit 
bored this Sunday afternoon, I thought I'll take the chance and improve my 
Gimping skills. Here's the result :-)

Best regards,

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Re: [PATCH] doc validation fix

2003-01-12 Thread Bernd Brandstetter
On Saturday 11 January 2003 20:13, Victor Mote wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > - Do we like our current logo? :-)
> I hope I am not out of line to ask an even more fundamental question --
> do we like our current name? I never have a problem writing it, but when
> speaking it, I cannot make my mouth say "fop", but invariably say
> "eff-oh-pee" instead. Our root "FO" is a FOrtunate or perhaps FOrtuitous
> one, as there are many English words that start with these letters, and
> probably many more that contain them. FOr(r)est might have been good
> (since we seem to work with trees a lot), but is taken. FOrward, FOcus,
> or even FOreword might each work, or efFOrtless (). How about
> FOliage (with a leaf logo)? Or perhaps a Latin word to reflect our
> international crew -- FOcus (again), or FOrtis, or FOrum. I also like
> Oleg's idea of throwing it out to the user community.

After having tried to understand how fop works by just reading the code for 
a couple of hours now, FOrtress inevitably comes to my mind ;-)
(in the sense of: Not easy to get in, at least for a newbie)


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