
2002-01-29 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: fop.dtd?


I often read articles in this newsgroup asking whether FOP supports this or that feature or not.

Wouldn't it be nice to generate a fop.dtd reflecting all elements and attributes fop supports? This would be a nice format for a feature list ;-)




Jens von Pilgrim

4flow AG, Berlin, Germany

RE: table-cells

2002-01-11 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: RE: table-cells


CM Did you tried using the width and height attributes of a table-cell?

BC My word is written in its cell (which has a fixed width) but also in the next cell.

BC In fact what i would like to do is truncate the word if it is larger than the cell.


I've got the same problem. I've not defined width and height, but used the column definitions:

 fo:table-column column-width=70mm/

 fo:table-column column-width=100mm/

The table is printed correctly, but if a cell content is larger then its cell, it's not clipped.

I've used several ways for clipping, and I guess that FOP can't clip yet, can it?

I tried to insert the cell's content into a block and defined several attributes, like

   fo:block clip=auto overflow=scroll

Running this fo, FOP warns me: Attribute clip is not supported yet.

I also tried other values for overflow without any effect.


table-cells and clipping (overflow=hidden)

2002-01-07 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: table-cells and clipping (overflow=hidden)


 I've got a problem with tables and clipping.

 In my document, content of a table cell shouldn't exceed the tabel cell.

For this reason I tried to use the clip or overflow property, but it doesn't work.

Content containing spaces is wrapped, but other content exceed the cell.

 This is a snippet from my code:




 fo:block clip=auto overflow=hidden1.7976931348623157E308/fo:block



 fo:block clip=auto overflow=hiddenyou can't read this/fo:block



 Is this my fault or a bug in FOP? I'm not too good in XSL:FO... is there another way

of defining things matching my needs?

Best regards,


Jens von Pilgrim

4flow AG

Berlin, Germany 

Handling formatter messages

2001-12-11 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: Handling formatter messages


I'm wondering how formatter messages can be handled with FOP.

In JAXP, a listener pattern is used for handling messages and errors occuring while processing, like

javax.xml.transformer.Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(source);


Using FOP, the only way of receiving a little bit more information than a single exception (usually a fatal error)

is using an org.apache.log.Logger class (or subclass).

The advantage of JAXP architecture is, that the listener are called with a TransformerException.

This class defines beside the message string also the position, which caused the message.

BTW, another disadvantage of the Logger class is that it's not an interface...

The XALAN API defines a debugging interface.

Is there someting I haven't seen yet in the FOP API?


Jens von Pilgrim

4flow AG

Berlin, Germany 

RE: Flow of tables please help PLEEEAAASSEE

2001-12-11 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: RE: Flow of tables please help PLEEEAAASSEE


putting tables in a table... How? Never programmed HTML?

BTW: column widths using percantages is not implemented yet... is it comming with the next version 

or is it already in the CVS?


RE: Handling formatter messages

2001-12-11 Thread Jens von Pilgrim
Title: RE: Handling formatter messages


I examined the logkit API:

1) subclasses of org.apache.log.Logger are nonsense...

2) instead: implement interface LogTarget

OK, some architecture questions are solved... but not the main issue.



Jens von Pilgrim 

4flow AG 

Berlin, Germany