PDFGraphics2D, SVGGraphics2D and fonts: Suggestions for new class methods

2001-08-21 Thread Randall Parker

The current way that fonts are handled is hobbled by the fact that the Graphics2D is 
the class that PDFGraphics2D and 
SVGGraphics2D inherit from. 

One problem is that java.awt.Font can only instantiate fonts that the JVM knows about. 
What is needed is a call to tell both 
PDFGraphics2D and SVGGraphics2D which fonts to map each java.awt.Font to. 

There are a few problems that need to be solved:

1) When generating to PDF one needs a way to tell it to map TrueType fonts to 
metrically equivalent Type 1 fonts.
   ie when it sees a particlar java.awt.Font instance it should use Type 1 font XYZ in 
the output. 
   Rather than the F1, F2,. etc sort of nomenclature that is used in 
FontSetup/FontInfo instead the mapping should be between 
particular java.awt.Font instances and some textually described font (eg Helvetica 
or something similar). 
This has to be callable to be set up in advance before some graphics library that 
only knows Graphics2D calls would be 

2) When generating to a format that supports font lists (eg in CSS where if font a 
isn't available then try fonts b and then c) one 
needs a way to specify to generate a list of fonts in the output format. 
   The problem is that the Graphics2D setFont only allows a single font to be 
currently specified. Well, I want to be able to call 
some other method and tell SVGGraphics2D (or whatever similar class that generates to 
other formats) in advance that when it 
sees a set to a particular java.awt.Font then it should look-up and find a list of 
fonts that will serve in its place in the target 
document that is being generated. 
   The interface here would be the same as for what is described in the first problem 
above but there would be a list of fonts 
rather than a single font in the text that the java.awt.Font object got mapped to. 

3) Some of the font family names that Java uses are unwise for general web page and 
CSS use. 
   For example, on my machine running NT4 SP6a if I instantiate a font of type 
sansserif and style Font.ITALIC then the font-
family name that Java assigns to it is sansserif.italic. If one tries to instantiate 
a font of type sansserif.italic and give it style 
Font.ITALIC Java will literally default it to Arial because Java says that the font 
family sansserif.italic does not have an italic 
style. The sansserif.italic font family has its italic style assigned to PLAIN! 
   As a result Batik will generate a style in a font-face tag that looks like:
 style=font-family:sansserif.italic; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal;
   Its dumb to put styles in as part of the font family name. Downstream at some point 
some display device is going to say that 
it doesn't even have a font family of sansserif.italic and will default to some 
other font. Batik or FOP ought to provide a way for 
programmers to prevent this sort of nonsense from mucking things up at some later 
stage of processing. 
   Font family names that get put into generated output files ought not to be made 
into some overly specific name just because 
Sun or Microsoft (not sure who to blame for this) defined a font family in this 
fashion. That information belongs with font-style. Its 
far more easy to start with sansserif and the italic as separate properties and look 
for a font family that puts italic in as part of 
its name than it is to go in the opposite direction. Doing it always in one direction 
for look-ups makes it easier and more 
   Imagine one popped down a combo box on some interface, listed all font families, 
the user chose sansserif.italic, and then the 
user chose the italic property, and then the result was that the display software 
found that that font family used a totally different 

My point in mentioning SVGGraphics2D in this message is that PDFGraphics2D and 
SVGGraphics2D should receive the same 
enhancement in terms of what the added methods should look like. I even think that 
they should inherit from a base class that 
gets these methods (and perhaps supporting other classes to hold the data that gets 
passed to them) defined for them. 

Bottom line: We ought to define some common methods in PDFGraphics2D and SVGGraphics2D 
that will allow a programmer 
to use the same calls in Batik and FOP to handle fonts more intelligently. 

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Re: Ideas about PDFGraphics2D font handling for True Type to Type 1

2001-08-20 Thread Randall Parker

On Mon, 20 Aug 2001 10:31:35 +0200 (CEST), Tore Engvig wrote:

I'm not sure that you always can assume that java fonts are the same as
your system fonts, and I don't think you should map Arial to Helvetica. If
I remember correctly, Helvetica is a nice font, but Arial looks more
like... ugly. 

I am not generating visible documents with Arial. I'm generating PDF. So what Arial 
looks like does not matter as long as it has the same font metrics as Helvetica.

Also Arial exists in dozens of different versions, that goes
for other fonts to.

But the problem is that I need a TrueType font that I can instantiate. I can't 
instantiate a font that doesn't exist. Then I can call 
PDFDocumentGraphics2D.setFont(Font) with it. 

Windows machines have TrueType fonts. They rarely have Type 1 fonts. I want to use 
these ubiquitous fonts since I can count on being able to instantiate them. 

I guess that the simplest solution to your problem is to create
fontmetrics for your java fonts (those found in jre/lib) and add those to
fop with the same name as their java name.

How does that help? I want to specify the 3 font families that are built into Acrobat 
Reader (Helvetica, Times Roman, Courier). But in order to do that one has to be able 
to call 
PDFDocumentGraphics2D (or PDFGraphics2D) with setFont calls to specify them. Well, 
those are Type 1 fonts. I don't believe that Java can load Type 1 fonts from 
jre\lib\fonts on Win32 and 
it probably can't load Type 1 fonts from jre/lib/fonts on Linux or Unix either. But it 
can load TT fonts from jre/lib/fonts. 

Some TT fonts have the same font metrics as those 3 Type 1 fonts. So, since I need a 
way to tell the PDF document generation classes to use fonts that match those Type 1 
font metrics 
the TrueType fonts that are roughly equivalent to them and which have the same font 
metrics seem like the ones to use. 

 You don't have to embed them
in your document (just don't use embed file in your userconfig.xml).

I am not creating a document using XSL FO. I'm calling the PDFDocumentGraphics2D. 

(I'm going to be using XSL FO eventually though I don't see that that affects the 
problem anyhow)

As for sansserif and sans-serif, I don't think it's controversial to add a
mapping for both sansserif and sans-serif in FontSetup

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Ideas about PDFGraphics2D font handling for True Type to Type 1

2001-08-19 Thread Randall Parker

Here's the problem in a nutshell: Java's Font class knows about the True Type fonts 
that it loaded from jre\lib
\fonts and it also seems to know about TrueType fonts that are in the operating 
system's directory of fonts (on
my NT4 box they are in winnt\fonts). But those font names are not going match the Type 
1 font names that
FOP's FontInfo.java and FontSetup.java know about. It appears that FontSetup.java does 
provide a mechanism
for mapping TT fonts to Type 1 PDF core fonts. What I'm arguing here is that more 
calls to
FontInfo.addFontProperties need to be added to FontSetup in order to support mapping 
of more TT fonts to
Type 1 fonts.

Elsewhere I've been told that the TrueType fonts Courier New and Times New Roman are 
supposed to have the
same font metrics as the Type 1 fonts Courier and Times Roman. This same person also 
claimed that Arial
has the same font metrics as Helvetica. If this is really true (anyone know a good way 
to find out?) then it
makes sense to me for FontInfo to map those TrueType fonts to their corresponding Type 
1 metric

So True Type fonts available in Java should be mapped to Type 1 fonts in PDF as 
   Arial  -- Helvetica
  Times New Roman  --  Times-Roman
  Courier New--  Courier
 and when they have bold and italic they should be mapped appropriately as well.

I came across this relevant quote in an article by Thomas Phinney about TrueType and 
PostScript Type 1.

Article excerpts:

According to Dov Isaacs,then Adobe 's Manager
of Quality Assurance,Printing Systems Division,
regardless of whether you are on a Mac or a PC run-
ning Windows ...or above,you can mix TrueType
and Type .with the caveat that you should never
have both TrueType and Type .fonts with the same
exact names on the same system.Indeed,having any
two fonts with identical menu names or PostScript
font names can confuse the operating system or your
applications,with unpredictable results.


When dealing with fonts on the computer 's side,
one needs to be careful about deliberately substitut-
ing Arial for Helvetica and Times New Roman for
Times,or vice versa.Although the basic spacing of
the substituted fonts is identical,their kerning pairs
are not.is can cause text to reflow if one switches
between two different-but-almost-the-same fonts on
the computer doing the typesetting,if the program
supports kerning pairs (graphics and DTP programs,
and some better word processors).In situations in
which exact line breaks are not critical,or applica-
tions in question do not use kerning,problems are

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Test Case FOP and Java don't recognize and name fonts in compatible ways

2001-08-17 Thread Randall Parker

The core fonts for PDF do not have names that match with the names that Java uses for 
what are really the same fonts and font families. So if one tries to initialize fonts 
using names that are 
from the PDF font list as implemented in org.apache.fop.render.pdf.FontSetup the Java 
run-time doesn't recognize the names and maps them to a different default font family 
instead. But that 
font family is not one that is in FontSetup.java.

In the case of sansserif its pretty simple: Java uses sansserif whereas FontSetup uses 
sans-serif. There is code that maps sanserif to sans-serif but sanserif is not spelled 
the same as 
sansserif. (I've pointed this out a week or two ago in a previous message btw)

However, sansserif is not the only font that has this problem. See the initFonts() 
method in the attached TestCase1.java.

One other problem is that Java concatenates the style onto the base name to create the 
name and the family name. This further ensures that FontInfo.java will fail to get a 
match when it does 
font look-ups. This seems like a dumb thing for the Java run-time to do since 
font-style is supposed to be used for that purpose in CSS.

I think FontInfo.java and FontSetup.java have to be smarter to map the font families 
and names that Java's run-time recognizes to font families and font names that are 

I've attached a newer version of my TestCase1.java test case program. This one 
instantiations a variety of fonts and then does System.out.printlns that show what 
Java thinks they are. It also 
shows error messages that org.apache.fop.layout.FontInfo.java generates because does 
not recognize many of these fonts. 


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Re: Test case for PDFDocumentGraphics2D rotated text problem

2001-08-15 Thread Randall Parker

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 09:20:00 +0200, Keiron Liddle wrote:

Thanks for the test.

I'm really not sure how to fix this. I can make it so that the text is
almost in the right position except it is flipped on the horizontal axis
(so you'll have to stand on your head to read it:)


In my real app the text messages that are running vertically (ie the ones that are at 
12 o'clock and 6 o'clock) actually get drawn at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock. The idea is 
to put labels on either side  
of a pie chart or other type of chart.

I think the solution is a bit ugly due to the different coordinate systems.

I need to apply the transform in order to tell the Graphics2D object to draw the text 
running vertically. 

THe font problem is either a problem with FOPs font setup (possibly a
version thing) or something to do with the acrobat viewer. It has no
problem with Acrobat 5.

So then Acrobat can draw the text at 45, 135, 225 and 315 degrees? (ie 1:30, 4:30, 
7:30, 10:30) I don't see any text at those positions in the textAsShapes=false version.

I will try a later version of FOP and Batik. I'll get the latest stuff from CVS and 
try it again today. 

Also, I have Acrobat 4.05 coming as an update but Adobe says it will take 4-6 weeks to 
get it. I guess I could go get the Acrobat Reader plug-in for v5 and try that.

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Test case for PDFDocumentGraphics2D rotated text problem

2001-08-14 Thread Randall Parker

This is a test case to demonstrate problems with how PDFDocumentGraphics2D renders 
text that 
is rotated. The text at 90 and 270 degrees is flipped around in pdfasshapes.pdf as 
compared to 
how it is in svgtest.svg and pdfnotshapes.pdf. 

Also, the text at the angles that start at 45 degrees and then increment at 90 degree 
intervals does 
not show up in the pdfnotshapes.pdf and Acrobat complains when it loads the file about 
 not finding 
a font. The font can be changed in the initFonts() method. 

See the attached file TestCase1.java. It generates an SVG and two PDF files from the 
same set of 
calls to the Graphics2D APIs. 

I am running FOP and Batik as downloaded last Wednesday Aug 8 2001. I'm also using 
1.1.1, Crimson 1.1.1, and Xalan 2.2.D8. Also, building and running on JBuilder 5 Pro. 
Viewing SVG 
with the Batik SVG Browser and viewing PDF with full Acrobat 4.0.

BTW, Acrobat holds a lock on a file it is showing. So you have to close the file in 
Acrobat to write 
out a new version of the PDF. The SVG Browser doesn't hold a lock on the file and it 
has a handy 
button to click to reload it. 

The paths to which the output get written are embedded in the file. Edit these lines 
to change 
  String SvgOutputFileName = new String(\\tmp\\svgtest.svg);
  String PdfTextAsShapesFileName = new String(\\tmp\\pdfasshapes.pdf);
  String PdfTextNotShapesFileName = new String(\\tmp\\pdfnotshapes.pdf);

If anyone wants the 3 output files I can send them. I didn't want to clog up the list 
with too many 


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Re: Why some fonts in FontSetup but not others?

2001-08-13 Thread Randall Parker


If one took the SVG document and parsed it into a DOM tree could one then look at that 
to find out which fonts it used, add an XSL FO set of tags around it that called out 
which fonts 
to embed and then convert that into a PDF? 

BTW, I've posted in a couple of forums elsewhere asking for info about which fonts are 
in each version of Acrobat and Acrobat Reader. I'll let you know if I learn anything.

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:25:01 +0200, Keiron Liddle wrote:

So in particular for the PDFGraphics2D you have two options:
- use shapes to draw text (makes the file much larger and looks bad in the
viewer but prints ok)
- embedd the font using FOP embedding font technique, currently this is not
implemented for svg text

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Questions about FOP, Batik, Java Graphics to PDF, SVG, etc

2001-07-11 Thread Randall Parker

I'm intending to try to use Batik and FOP to convert graphics drawn with 
java.awt.Graphics2D to PDF, SVG, and 
PNG. I'm especially interested in generating PDF. 

The relevant classes appear to be:



1) I've seen these paths used in discussions on this list. But they are not in the 
source downloads. Are they old 
package paths for old versions that are no longer used?

2) Should I be trying to use the release versions of Batik and FOP? Or nightlies?
   Its my impression from reading the lists that important fixes have been getting 
done in this area. I don't need my 
app to be stable enough for production as I'm still developing myself. So it makes 
more sense to me to be on the 
bleeding edge reporting and even debugging what happens in the latest versions of the 
relevant FOP and Batik 
classes so that they work as well as possible in their future versions. 
   So does it make sense to go with the recent FOP nightlies? Kinda seems that way to 

3) Can one use the recent nightlies of Batik with the recent nightlies of FOP? Or does 
Batik need to be customized 
to be workable with FOP? 

4) What's the longer term plan with Batik and FOP integration? Will some of the code 
for doing these things be 
shifted btw FOP and Batik? 

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