Re: TTFReader not working with some TTF fonts?

2001-11-27 Thread emmanuel . ponette

Could you please forward it to me privately ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67


"Hoang Nam"


.fr> cc:   

 Subject: Re: TTFReader not working with 
some TTF fonts?   


Please respond 

to fop-dev 



Sorry, I found the answer for the following problem  in the mail archives .
Please delete this following question. Thanks !

- Original Message -
From: "Hoang Nam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: TTFReader not working with some TTF fonts?

> I have the same problem : an exception  when I try to add Windings font
> Word

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TTFReader not working with some TTF fonts?

2001-11-26 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I'd like to create the font xml file with the TTFReader. If I do it with a
standard windows font (like Verdana), it works. But when I try with some
freefont (TTF), I always have an EOFException... Is it supposed to work
with every TTF fonts?



Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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Font in FOP

2001-11-22 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I don't know if it is a FOP problem or just my skills in xsl-fo, but I can
set a font type (like Arial or Times) to a block. Any help?




Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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Break after page with no white page after

2001-08-24 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I use FOP to create many tables in a row, and I want every table to be on a
different page. I put a break after page on each table (because the same
table is used many times) but I always find  blank page at the end. Quite
annoying (but just annoying). How can I get rid of these blank pages?


Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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Different result on Win2K and win98!!!

2001-08-07 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I designed an xsl-fo at work with win2k. It works nice and smooth, the
result is exactly what I want.
I wanted to do some work at home (on a win 98 PC) and the result is

My xml file is someting like this:

 John Smith

the xsl process gives table for each group with all the teacher, and tables
for each teacher with all the groups he is in. I need to use a for-each
with a key to have the list with having multiple row with the same values:

With win2k, I have the tables as I want to. In win98, I have the groups as
many times as there are teachers in the group.

I use FOP this way:

c:\jdk1.3.1\bin\java -cp e:\Fop-0.19.0-CVS\fop.jar org.apache.fop.apps.Fop
-xsl e:\testxml\school.xsl -xml e:\testxml\school.xml -pdf e:

any idea what's wrong? The rendering is good but it seems that the xsl
processing sucks with FOP and win98. I have the same version of java (SUN
jdk 1.3.1), the same version of Xalan (j2.2.D6). I even upgradded the msxml
on my win98 (useless but how knows...). I checked my path and classpath.
I'm lost and the FOP FAQ is not yet available to me... ;o)


Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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display-align in table-header!!! is this a bug?

2001-08-01 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I have a cell in a table-header that is quite high (because of an image in
the previous cell) and I want the text to be centered vertically. I used
display-align="center" to center it. OK, It works fine, but if the table is
longer than a page, therefore the table continues on the next page with the
header, but it is not vertically centered anymore... Something like this



What can I do?

By the way, do I have to report it as a bug?

Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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tables on multiple pages

2001-07-31 Thread emmanuel . ponette


sorry if it was asked many times before, but I'm waiting for Alex to sort
the FAQ problem out ;o)
What should I do for my tables to go to another page (with title if
possible) if it is bigger than the page size? Private answer can be done if
it is a common question.


Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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Question and FAQ

2001-07-31 Thread emmanuel . ponette


Sorry for this may-be very common question, but I can't reach the FAQ
because it is on the 8090 port and our firewall doesn't let us use this
port. Is there another way to reach the FAQ (through a 'normal' port)?

Therefore here is my qustion:

I tested my xsl-fo with FOP using the -awt option to preview it. Very nice
and handy. But I realised that the 'real' PDF doens't appear the same as
the awt preview!!! Manly with the table borders! How come the rendering is
better on the previewer than on the pdf file? Is there a way to change it
(except waiting for you guys who make a fabulous job to finish it)?

Thanks and cheers

Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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image in table title row

2001-07-25 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I have a table (4 columns), with the first row spanned to put the title.
The title is centered and I'd like to add a logo (an image) in this title
row at the left. I did this:


The image is at the left side but the title is not centered anymore. Also,
I'd like to put the title in the vertical center also but can find how. Any

Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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RE: rows spanning

2001-07-20 Thread emmanuel . ponette

Sorry, I read 'span' and I thought it was 'number-rows-spanned'. Not yet
implemented then... :o(


"eric.deandrea">  cc:
Subject: RE: rows spanning 
20/07/2001 16:23   
Please respond to  

I don't think that this has been implemented yet. Go to to see what has been


Eric Deandrea (978) 698-6351
Software Engineer[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inforonics, Inc
30 Porter Rd.
Littleton, MA 01460

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:19 AM
Subject: rows spanning


I'm new to FOP and I can't reach the FAQ. Therefore  I ask the question

I tryed to rowspann a table but it is not working. I downloaded the last
available version (0.19) and even the examples ( is not working
(but no error message is shown). What about it? It is put in the features
as implemented.!!

Any help? thanks

Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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rows spanning

2001-07-20 Thread emmanuel . ponette


I'm new to FOP and I can't reach the FAQ. Therefore  I ask the question

I tryed to rowspann a table but it is not working. I downloaded the last
available version (0.19) and even the examples ( is not working
(but no error message is shown). What about it? It is put in the features
as implemented.!!

Any help? thanks

Emmanuel Ponette
Euro DB
Place de l'Université, 16
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

Phone: +32 10 47 67 44
Fax:  +32 10 47 67 67

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