Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-19 Thread Chris Bowditch
Victor Mote wrote:
Simon Pepping wrote:

I sympathize with this goal as well. I realize that that is 
not quite in line with my reaction to Glen's recent patch. I 
agree with Chris and Glen that it is not currently a key goal 
for FOP. And since we do not have a strong proponent and 
architect of a modular design, there is little point in 
leaving bits and pieces in the code. But in the longer run, I 
consider putting the FOP code in a modular structure as a 
desirable thing.

If you guys are as close to having LayoutManager working as has been stated
in this thread (and I hope you are), then I agree that modularization would
not be the top priority. It is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
When FOP was internally forked 2 1/2 years ago, the only thing that needed
to be rewritten from scratch was layout, but the whole project was forked
instead. Modularization would have prevented that, and allowed releases to
continue even though a chasm was being created and filled simultaneously.
The whole nature of refactoring anything is that you do it before you do the
real work. That is where FOray starts.
That decision 2.5 years ago has cost FOP dearly. It is also much easier to see 
in hindsight. Given where FOP is today, I just want to see the last 5 issues 
fixed/implemented and we can do a release and get FOP back on track.

The real question on modularity was never whether it should be a priority,
but whether it hurt the project. On open-source projects, priorities are
really set by each individual. You fix the thing that hurts the most at the
moment, and that might be different for each developer. If I am working on
A, and you are working on B, as long as your work on B isn't bad for the
project as a whole, I have no right to complain. Nobody has yet put forth a
good argument against modularization, but it was opposed anyway. So now
we'll have a chance to test it in the real world.
I dont recall modularizarion being opposed. It was more a case of Joerg saying 
it would be a challenge and no one else stepping up to support your proposals. 
 From my point of view this was mainly due to me thinking FOPs priority is to 
get the last few bits of layout done so a release is possible. I'm certainly 
not against modularization, I think it would be beneficial, but would prefer 
to see effort going into finishing layout at this time. Once weve done an 
initial release from the development code, then modularization will be a more 
attractive proposal.

Generally you are right in what you say that priorities are down to 
individuals. But given the situation FOP is currently in, I hope most people 
can see why I think No.1 priority is to finish layout.

Consider this -- what if the XSL spec hadn't been split into two pieces?
Would the part that we call Xalan today have its development stalled because
layout is stalled? If XSL-T and XSL-FO were all in one spec, would we be
smart enough to break the implementation into the two projects that it is in
today? All we are really talking about here is the principle of
encapsulation writ large.
Modularization is in general a good idea, I just think its not the right time 
to be doing this within FOP. Perhaps modularization should have been done 2.5 
years ago before branching the project.


RE: ANN: FOray

2004-05-19 Thread Victor Mote
Arnd Beißner wrote:

 Peter B. West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 19.05.2004 00:12:41:
  I think you are talking about different modularisation 
 contexts here. 
  You might want to clarify this part of the discussion with Victor.
 I really thought it was about the pluggable layout that 
 Victor brought up a long time ago. If not, just forget what I 
 said. 8-)

You are correct that LayoutStrategy, aka pluggable layout was at the heart
of the topic. And Peter is correct that the scope of modularization in LS
was at a different level than you were talking about. But I don't understand
Peter's point at all. If separation of concerns between page layout and
block layout is beneficial, then how much more so that neither of them
should be embedded in the FOTree??!! (Which FOP developers decided to redo
just last week). The fact that you are successfully modularizing trees into
branches and leaves is no argument against FOP modularizing the forest into

Victor Mote

RE: ANN: FOray

2004-05-19 Thread Victor Mote
Chris Bowditch wrote:

 I dont recall modularizarion being opposed. It was more a 
 case of Joerg saying 
 it would be a challenge and no one else stepping up to 
 support your proposals. 

When I left the project, there were 5 active developers, 1 for, 2 against, 2
neutral or silent. Joerg and I never disagreed on the difficulty of the
project, and it was not an impediment to me that others were busy doing
other things. But when active opposition emerged, it was time to cut bait.
This is all water under the bridge, and I only mention it because you
challenged my assertion. If FOray has any success at all, you all will have
another opportunity to address the issue.

Victor Mote

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Victor Mote wrote:
Dear FOP Developers:
Hi Victor - welcome back. I was saddened by your decision to leave FOP.
After considering a return to FOP development, and briefly discussing the
pros and cons with those whom I consider to be the FOP development leaders,
I have decided to partially fork FOP into a sourceforge project called
Ive taken a look and it all seems to make sense.
The main reason for this is that, at the moment anyway, my development goals
are quite different from those of FOP's development team. It is likely that
my return to FOP development would be a net disruption to the project, which
is not my intent. Instead, my hope is that this vehicle will allow me to
continue to get my real work done and still cooperate with the FOP
development team.
I do understand why you have decided to start FOray. Although modularisation 
is a nice feature, I dont see it as a key goal for FOP. FOP's primary 
objective is to achieve a working layout. The main things needed to achieve 
this are listed here:
I hope that no one will think that I am recruiting here. I simply thought it
would be rude for you to hear about this some other way. I wish you all
No I dont think that, it is very polite of you to let us know. I cant speak 
for the team as a whole, but I hope that we will be able to cooperate to a 
high extent.


Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread arnd . beissner
Peter B. West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 18.05.2004 05:59:20:

 project.  The situation with FOray is more complicated.  I don't know 
 whether it is Victor's intention to fork from HEAD and continue the 
 development along the lines he has previously discussed, or to attempt 
 to integrate HEAD and the maintenance branch in some way.  In any case, 
 what Victor is doing will closely parallel the HEAD development, and 
 this, combined with the possibility of some financial support, has a 
 great potential to de-stabilise FOP.  I'm not saying this as a criticism 

 of Victor, but as a bald statement of the reality.

Some elaborations on this from my side. Please feel free to ignore it

About 18 months ago, I was in a situation similar to Victor's.

I wanted to get a few things done in FOP and did some patches. Like
all of you here I realized that FOPs (maintenance) internal structure
wasn't all that great. However, unlike the committers here I thought
that refactoring the maintenance branch would have been the way to go.
My gut feeling was that, given the time available to the committers
and the non-existence of a strong head developer, the
re-implementation would either take extremely long or fail.

Since this was really a gut feeling based on the discussions here and
my professional experience, I didn't really speak up, because I didn't
really have anything in my hands to prove my point and I also wasn't
a stakeholder - so to speak. Maybe that was wrong, maybe not. Well,
I discussed a little with Nicola as another interested bystander at
that time. Here's an excerpt from my mail that I think still applies:

 Truth to tell, my greatest fear concerning FOP right now is not the 
 but that the people involved in the redesign take too long because they 
 have enough time. In commercial projects, I've seen the following happen 
many times:

1. Project A starts and is moderately successful
2. Implementation learnings from A and new requirements toggle
   the decision for a complete redesign.
3. Project B is kicked off as a result, but progresses slowly (for 
whatever reasons)
4. A is still in use but needs fixes and some small enhancements, 
yielding A'
5. Time goes on, A' and B progress further.
6. Someone comes up with a carefully refactored version of A' and B is 

I truly hope this doesn't happen with the seemingly long ongoing FOP 

This was two years ago, but I think I can still subscribe to it.

About 18 months ago, my options were:

1. Get into the hot-headed discussions an try a turn-around to refactoring
2. Fork off an 0.20.3 branch (at that time) on SourceForge (like Victor 
did now)
3. Write my own XSL formatter.

I pretty soon discarded 1. and toyed with 2. However, since sometimes I 
have a let's storm that hill attitude and were also pretty familiar with 
text formatters and PS and PDF emitters, I opted to do 3, but to do it as 
fun project with an open goal since I didn't have all that much spare time 
my business. Kind of a let's just see what happens project.

So what happened was: I now have an XSL formatter that is in my estimation 
along than the FOP redesign and that does most things that 0.20.5 does and 
a lot of
things that 0.20.5 does not. I confess that so far, I did borrow the 
TrueType font
reader from FOP. What am I going to do with it? Well, it's not really 
decided yet.
The most likely scenario is to make it a commercial product. BTW: why was 
I fast?
I'm good (like you), I had experience in many of the areas involved, and - 
important - I didn't need to discuss my architectural decisions because I 
did it
alone. I had fun.

So why am I writing this?

First, I very much wish the FOP team and the project to succeed. Even I my 
project is ultimately successful and even if it's a commercial success I 
believe that we need an open source XSL formatter under the Apache 

Second, maybe to give you second thoughts about what you and Victor are 
My personal impression and also my recommendation is to:

Model A: Let one strong developer with resonable time on his hands drive 
development of the redesign until it has so far progressed that it's 
for people currently using 0.20.5.

Model B: Refactor the maintenance branch. This keeps more users and 
more possible contributors on the bandwagon. Refactoring is tedious and 
experience, but you get that experience quickly and the motivation stays 
time. Also, the maintenance branch source code is not *that* bad. Yes, it
badly needs refactoring in most places, but it's not beyond repair.

Since I don't see Model A for FOP currently (no strong developer WITH 
time on the horizon), I believe Model B is what would work best. Your 
development model for FOP 1.0 is taking too long IMO. This is not a 
of any of you, but a personal assessment of what I think can be achieved 
the time 

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Some elaborations on this from my side. Please feel free to ignore it
Thanks for speaking up. Just because you are not a committer, doesnt mean your 
opinion doesnt matter. This is open source way. The project is owned by everyone.

5. Time goes on, A' and B progress further.
6. Someone comes up with a carefully refactored version of A' and B is 
This is very true, I also have the same concerns, which is why I have set out 
some simple objectives that must be met before the redesign is ready for an 
initial release. See here:
We have in fact completed the first item. Once we have completed the other 
tasks the redesign wont be far behind 0.20.5. Once we do a release, I believe 
the project will gain some momentum.

So what happened was: I now have an XSL formatter that is in my estimation 
along than the FOP redesign and that does most things that 0.20.5 does and 
a lot of
things that 0.20.5 does not. I confess that so far, I did borrow the 
TrueType font
reader from FOP. What am I going to do with it? Well, it's not really 
decided yet.
The most likely scenario is to make it a commercial product. BTW: why was 
I fast?
I'm good (like you), I had experience in many of the areas involved, and - 
important - I didn't need to discuss my architectural decisions because I 
did it
alone. I had fun.
I'm impressed. You must have a lot of spare time, and be a very talented 
programmer. I would be grateful if you could help with any of the tasks listed 
above, so we can get a release of the redesign and overcome FOP's current dilema.

Model A: Let one strong developer with resonable time on his hands drive 
development of the redesign until it has so far progressed that it's 
for people currently using 0.20.5.

Model B: Refactor the maintenance branch. This keeps more users and 
more possible contributors on the bandwagon. Refactoring is tedious and 
experience, but you get that experience quickly and the motivation stays 
time. Also, the maintenance branch source code is not *that* bad. Yes, it
badly needs refactoring in most places, but it's not beyond repair.
The redesign project is further along than you might think. 2003 was really 
bad for the redesign, absolutely zilch progress was made on layout. However, 
there has been some progress since the end of last year. So if we can just 
finish the tasks listed above, FOP should be back on the road to success. I'm 
certainly not keen to drop the redesign so close to the finish line. Perhaps 
12 months ago I would have been inclined to agree, but not now.

Like two years ago, I still don't feel all that comfortable about speaking
up on this. After all, it's *your* project, and what the f*** do I have to
say about it. Ok, this time I decided to do it. Please don't be offended
- it's really meant as a personal opinion from an interested bystander.
I hope you can accept it as such.
I'm glad you have spoken up. And this goes for any other silent folks out 
there considering the same options. Please speak up - every opinion counts, 
the project belongs to the community, not just to the committers.


Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread arnd . beissner
Chris Bowditch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 18.05.2004 12:03:33:

 This is very true, I also have the same concerns, which is why I have 
set out 
 some simple objectives that must be met before the redesign is ready for 
 initial release. See here:

One comment on the todos:

- border-collapse is both important and difficult. I am still fiddling 
details of the spec. I suggest ugrading the priority. Not supporting
border-collapes yields ugly output.

 We have in fact completed the first item. Once we have completed the 
 tasks the redesign wont be far behind 0.20.5. Once we do a release, I 
 the project will gain some momentum.

That I agree with. May I was too pessimistic regarding the progress.
 I'm impressed. You must have a lot of spare time, and be a very talented 

 programmer. I would be grateful if you could help with any of the 
 tasks listed 
 above, so we can get a release of the redesign and overcome FOP's 
 current dilema.

Well, unfortunately not so much spare time, but as I said, doing it
alone really, really helps. And I very much tried to aggregate as
much spare time as possible into full dev-only days. That helps, too.
With the same background, most of you committers could have done the
same. If you look at it, most successful projects initially had
1 or 2 people at the start who did the core work, and then others
joined to make it complete. If I had joined the redesign team, FOP
wouldn't be much farther than it is now, because most of my time
would have gone to discussions, which in turn would also have taken
up other committer's time.

What I *can* offer to contribute is discussion about the FO spec or about
implementing PS oder PDF output. This is a concern that we probably share
and that needs discussion in any case. However, for actual implementation
discussions I feel a little reluctant. If my pet project becomes a product
in the future, we will have the same issues coming up here that we had 
the RenderX guy speaking up here recently. This is not what I want - 
I think what he did was perfectly ok, well-meaning and to be applauded. If
I recall correctly, the uproar was resolved, the RenderX guy got his 
apology, but the consensus was that the FOP code should be kept clean 
competitor's code or even ideas. If I remember that correctly and this 
stands, then I would rather not discuss algorithms here.

Have a nice day out there,

Arnd Beißner
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Chris Bowditch
Chris Bowditch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 18.05.2004 12:03:33:
This is very true, I also have the same concerns, which is why I have 
set out 
some simple objectives that must be met before the redesign is ready for 
an initial release. See here:
One comment on the todos:
- border-collapse is both important and difficult. I am still fiddling 
details of the spec. I suggest ugrading the priority. Not supporting
border-collapes yields ugly output.
What I forgot to say is that I think we should do an initial release of FOP 
after doing just High priority TODO items.
Yes, ugly output can be caused without border collapse, but yet RenderX's XEP 
doesnt have border collapse,
so I dont see an immediate need for it. After all, output only looks ugly if 
you specify borders on every cell edge,
with careful writing of the FO, the output can still look good without border 

Well, unfortunately not so much spare time, but as I said, doing it
alone really, really helps. And I very much tried to aggregate as
much spare time as possible into full dev-only days. That helps, too.
With the same background, most of you committers could have done the
same. If you look at it, most successful projects initially had
1 or 2 people at the start who did the core work, and then others
joined to make it complete. If I had joined the redesign team, FOP
wouldn't be much farther than it is now, because most of my time
would have gone to discussions, which in turn would also have taken
up other committer's time.
Perhaps, but perhaps not. As long as you dont make major changes, then its 
possible to proceed without seeking group consent on every little item. Thats 
what I'm trying to do. Work towards a working layout a bit at a time using the 
existing redesigned framework.

What I *can* offer to contribute is discussion about the FO spec or about
implementing PS oder PDF output. This is a concern that we probably share
and that needs discussion in any case. However, for actual implementation
discussions I feel a little reluctant. If my pet project becomes a product
in the future, we will have the same issues coming up here that we had 
the RenderX guy speaking up here recently. This is not what I want - 
I think what he did was perfectly ok, well-meaning and to be applauded. If
I recall correctly, the uproar was resolved, the RenderX guy got his 
apology, but the consensus was that the FOP code should be kept clean 
competitor's code or even ideas. If I remember that correctly and this 
stands, then I would rather not discuss algorithms here.
Fair enough. That was an unfortunate affair, and one I'm keen not to repeat.

border-collapse WAS: Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread arnd . beissner
Chris Bowditch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on: 18.05.2004 14:31:39:

 What I forgot to say is that I think we should do an initial release of 
 after doing just High priority TODO items.

Ok, that changes things, of course.

 Yes, ugly output can be caused without border collapse, but yet 
RenderX's XEP 
 doesnt have border collapse,
 so I dont see an immediate need for it. After all, output only looks 
ugly if 
 you specify borders on every cell edge,
 with careful writing of the FO, the output can still look good without 

True. Well, partially so. If you have, for example, tables with small 
and lots of narrow columns and horizonal space is scarce, then it gets
increasingly difficult to create good-looking table borders between 
without border-collapse. Maybe my focus is shifted a little too much on 
actual problems that I have with my customer's requirements.

Also, in my formatter, I want to implement the collapsing model early, 
it's default in FO and because I want to get everything out of the way 
I don't have an immediate solution for. Makes me nervous otherwise.

As for FOP, ok, I do agree that getting a formatter out that is at least 
good as 0.20.5 may take priority.


Arnd Beißner
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 3, 71063 Sindelfingen, Germany
Tel.: +49-7031-763863-11, Fax: +49-7031-763863-99
Mobile: +49-173-3016917

Chris Bowditch [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 18.05.2004 

  Chris Bowditch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 18.05.2004 
 This is very true, I also have the same concerns, which is why I have 
 set out 
 some simple objectives that must be met before the redesign is ready 
  an initial release. See here:
  One comment on the todos:
  - border-collapse is both important and difficult. I am still fiddling 

  details of the spec. I suggest ugrading the priority. Not supporting
  border-collapes yields ugly output.
 What I forgot to say is that I think we should do an initial release of 
 after doing just High priority TODO items.
 Yes, ugly output can be caused without border collapse, but yet 
RenderX's XEP 
 doesnt have border collapse,
 so I dont see an immediate need for it. After all, output only looks 
ugly if 
 you specify borders on every cell edge,
 with careful writing of the FO, the output can still look good without 
  Well, unfortunately not so much spare time, but as I said, doing it
  alone really, really helps. And I very much tried to aggregate as
  much spare time as possible into full dev-only days. That helps, too.
  With the same background, most of you committers could have done the
  same. If you look at it, most successful projects initially had
  1 or 2 people at the start who did the core work, and then others
  joined to make it complete. If I had joined the redesign team, FOP
  wouldn't be much farther than it is now, because most of my time
  would have gone to discussions, which in turn would also have taken
  up other committer's time.
 Perhaps, but perhaps not. As long as you dont make major changes, then 
 possible to proceed without seeking group consent on every little item. 
 what I'm trying to do. Work towards a working layout a bit at a 
timeusing the 
 existing redesigned framework.
  What I *can* offer to contribute is discussion about the FO spec or 
  implementing PS oder PDF output. This is a concern that we probably 
  and that needs discussion in any case. However, for actual 
  discussions I feel a little reluctant. If my pet project becomes a 
  in the future, we will have the same issues coming up here that we had 

  the RenderX guy speaking up here recently. This is not what I want - 
  I think what he did was perfectly ok, well-meaning and to be 
applauded. If
  I recall correctly, the uproar was resolved, the RenderX guy got his 
  apology, but the consensus was that the FOP code should be kept 
  competitor's code or even ideas. If I remember that correctly and this 

  stands, then I would rather not discuss algorithms here.
 Fair enough. That was an unfortunate affair, and one I'm keen not to 

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Simon Pepping
On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 09:16:23AM +0100, Chris Bowditch wrote:
 Victor Mote wrote:
 Dear FOP Developers:
 Hi Victor - welcome back. I was saddened by your decision to leave FOP.
 After considering a return to FOP development, and briefly discussing the
 pros and cons with those whom I consider to be the FOP development leaders,
 I have decided to partially fork FOP into a sourceforge project called
 Ive taken a look and it all seems to make sense.

I agree.

Goal 1. provide a place where enhancements can continue to be made to
the working branch of FOP.

I sympathize with this goal. The position of the FOP team over the
past years w.r.t. the maintenance code is rather strict. It sort of
disallows commits to the maintenance branch, even if non-team members
come up with a patch. In view of the long time it takes to release a
usable version of the development code, it may be wiser to relax this
policy, and cooperate on improvements to the maintenance code.
2. modularize FOP's design

 I do understand why you have decided to start FOray. Although 
 modularisation is a nice feature, I dont see it as a key goal for FOP. 
 FOP's primary objective is to achieve a working layout. The main things 
 needed to achieve this are listed here:

I sympathize with this goal as well. I realize that that is not quite
in line with my reaction to Glen's recent patch. I agree with Chris
and Glen that it is not currently a key goal for FOP. And since we do
not have a strong proponent and architect of a modular design, there
is little point in leaving bits and pieces in the code. But in the
longer run, I consider putting the FOP code in a modular structure as
a desirable thing.

Meanwhile I will keep adding my small contribution to the layout
system of the development code.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page:

RE: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Victor Mote
Simon Pepping wrote:

 2. modularize FOP's design
  I do understand why you have decided to start FOray. Although 
  modularisation is a nice feature, I dont see it as a key 
 goal for FOP.
  FOP's primary objective is to achieve a working layout. The main 
  things needed to achieve this are listed here:
 I sympathize with this goal as well. I realize that that is 
 not quite in line with my reaction to Glen's recent patch. I 
 agree with Chris and Glen that it is not currently a key goal 
 for FOP. And since we do not have a strong proponent and 
 architect of a modular design, there is little point in 
 leaving bits and pieces in the code. But in the longer run, I 
 consider putting the FOP code in a modular structure as a 
 desirable thing.

If you guys are as close to having LayoutManager working as has been stated
in this thread (and I hope you are), then I agree that modularization would
not be the top priority. It is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
When FOP was internally forked 2 1/2 years ago, the only thing that needed
to be rewritten from scratch was layout, but the whole project was forked
instead. Modularization would have prevented that, and allowed releases to
continue even though a chasm was being created and filled simultaneously.
The whole nature of refactoring anything is that you do it before you do the
real work. That is where FOray starts.

The real question on modularity was never whether it should be a priority,
but whether it hurt the project. On open-source projects, priorities are
really set by each individual. You fix the thing that hurts the most at the
moment, and that might be different for each developer. If I am working on
A, and you are working on B, as long as your work on B isn't bad for the
project as a whole, I have no right to complain. Nobody has yet put forth a
good argument against modularization, but it was opposed anyway. So now
we'll have a chance to test it in the real world.

Consider this -- what if the XSL spec hadn't been split into two pieces?
Would the part that we call Xalan today have its development stalled because
layout is stalled? If XSL-T and XSL-FO were all in one spec, would we be
smart enough to break the implementation into the two projects that it is in
today? All we are really talking about here is the principle of
encapsulation writ large.

Victor Mote

RE: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread arnd . beissner
Victor Mote [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 18.05.2004 22:12:45:

 The real question on modularity was never whether it should be a 
 but whether it hurt the project. On open-source projects, priorities are
 really set by each individual. You fix the thing that hurts the most at 
 moment, and that might be different for each developer. If I am working 
 A, and you are working on B, as long as your work on B isn't bad for the
 project as a whole, I have no right to complain. Nobody has yet put 
forth a
 good argument against modularization, but it was opposed anyway. So now
 we'll have a chance to test it in the real world.

In my formatter, I have implemented modularized layout. From the start, I
was sceptical, and I was indeed tempted several times to throw the concept
out of the window because it got in the way, but in the end it was always
possible to maintain the separation of concerns between different kinds
of layouters (BlockArea, Table, Page, and List for example) even though
the interaction is admittedly complex. And, yes, it's sometimes hard to
follow the logic by staring just at the code - which I prefer to using

To summarize my impressions from this:
1. I would do it again this way.

2. Maintaining clean separation of concerns *forced* me to redesign my
layouter interfaces several times when I added new functionality, but
I gained an implementation that I still understand clearly in its entirety
even I cannot work on it for a week.

3. The only place where I have difficulties after some time off is my
BlockAreaLayouter which is one very large chunk of code. Maybe it's even
worth factoring out a LineAreaLayouter, though I'm not sure of it - the
interaction is really tight.

4. It's too early to estimate how much modularized layout will hurt
performance in the end. My gut feeling is: not much, and it's probably
wort it.

So, from my own experience I can only encourage you to go forward with
your plan. For me, it worked so far. Let's see if the XSL rec turns
up more nasty surprises...


Arnd Beißner
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-18 Thread Peter B. West

In my formatter, I have implemented modularized layout. From the start, I
was sceptical, and I was indeed tempted several times to throw the concept
out of the window because it got in the way, but in the end it was always
possible to maintain the separation of concerns between different kinds
of layouters (BlockArea, Table, Page, and List for example) even though
the interaction is admittedly complex. And, yes, it's sometimes hard to
follow the logic by staring just at the code - which I prefer to using
To summarize my impressions from this:
1. I would do it again this way.
2. Maintaining clean separation of concerns *forced* me to redesign my
layouter interfaces several times when I added new functionality, but
I gained an implementation that I still understand clearly in its entirety
even I cannot work on it for a week.
3. The only place where I have difficulties after some time off is my
BlockAreaLayouter which is one very large chunk of code. Maybe it's even
worth factoring out a LineAreaLayouter, though I'm not sure of it - the
interaction is really tight.
4. It's too early to estimate how much modularized layout will hurt
performance in the end. My gut feeling is: not much, and it's probably
wort it.
So, from my own experience I can only encourage you to go forward with
your plan. For me, it worked so far. Let's see if the XSL rec turns
up more nasty surprises...
I think you are talking about different modularisation contexts here. 
You might want to clarify this part of the discussion with Victor.

Peter B. West

ANN: FOray

2004-05-17 Thread Victor Mote
Dear FOP Developers:

After considering a return to FOP development, and briefly discussing the
pros and cons with those whom I consider to be the FOP development leaders,
I have decided to partially fork FOP into a sourceforge project called

The main reason for this is that, at the moment anyway, my development goals
are quite different from those of FOP's development team. It is likely that
my return to FOP development would be a net disruption to the project, which
is not my intent. Instead, my hope is that this vehicle will allow me to
continue to get my real work done and still cooperate with the FOP
development team.

I hope that no one will think that I am recruiting here. I simply thought it
would be rude for you to hear about this some other way. I wish you all

Victor Mote

Re: ANN: FOray

2004-05-17 Thread Peter B. West
N.B.  CC'd to [EMAIL PROTECTED] follow-up to fop-dev
Victor Mote wrote:
Dear FOP Developers:
After considering a return to FOP development, and briefly discussing the
pros and cons with those whom I consider to be the FOP development leaders,
I have decided to partially fork FOP into a sourceforge project called
The main reason for this is that, at the moment anyway, my development goals
are quite different from those of FOP's development team. It is likely that
my return to FOP development would be a net disruption to the project, which
is not my intent. Instead, my hope is that this vehicle will allow me to
continue to get my real work done and still cooperate with the FOP
development team.
I hope that no one will think that I am recruiting here. I simply thought it
would be rude for you to hear about this some other way. I wish you all
Without speculating at all about the reasons for Victor's decision, I 
can tell you that I have considered moving alt-design to SourceForge. 
The reasons are two-fold.  Firstly, and most importantly, there is the 
remote possibility of garnering some financial support for alt-design's 
development.  For those of you who may not yet know, SourceForge has 
implemented a means for donating to projects or specific developers. 
The attractions of this idea I need not comment on further.

My second reason was to clear the FOP waters by physically separating 
alt-design from HEAD development.  My approach to testing alt-design's 
layout is to use Java facilities as much as possible.  This will cause 
even further divergence from HEAD, at least initially.  Moving to 
SourceForge will clarify the development lines of FOP HEAD for those who 
are considering involvement in the project.

Such a move would, obviously, have little or no impact on the main 
project.  The situation with FOray is more complicated.  I don't know 
whether it is Victor's intention to fork from HEAD and continue the 
development along the lines he has previously discussed, or to attempt 
to integrate HEAD and the maintenance branch in some way.  In any case, 
what Victor is doing will closely parallel the HEAD development, and 
this, combined with the possibility of some financial support, has a 
great potential to de-stabilise FOP.  I'm not saying this as a criticism 
of Victor, but as a bald statement of the reality.

Many Apache projects seem to me to be wide open to this kind of 
de-stabilisation.  Those projects with a large contingent of paid 
developers will not be affected; those with few of no paid developers 
(e.g. FOP) will be.  I think the Board might better serve Apache by 
addressing this issue rather than some others on its current agenda.

Peter B. West

RE: ANN: FOray

2004-05-17 Thread Victor Mote
Peter B. West wrote:

 Such a move would, obviously, have little or no impact on the 
 main project.  The situation with FOray is more complicated.  
 I don't know whether it is Victor's intention to fork from 
 HEAD and continue the development along the lines he has 
 previously discussed, or to attempt to integrate HEAD and the 
 maintenance branch in some way.  In any case, what Victor is 
 doing will closely parallel the HEAD development, and this, 
 combined with the possibility of some financial support, has 
 a great potential to de-stabilise FOP.  I'm not saying this 
 as a criticism of Victor, but as a bald statement of the reality.

How, if FOray will closely parallel the HEAD development could it possibly
ha[ve] a great potential to de-stabilise FOP. If A = B, there could be no
reason to switch from A to B. There seems to be implicit in your comment a
nascent fear that maybe FOP really would benefit from being modularized.

The initial, relatively small, fork will be from the maintenance branch.
While it is being modularized, I will keep it in sync with my local copy of
the FOP maintenance branch code, and hopefully submit a patch to that branch
for your consideration. It is my hope that the benefits of this approach
will be compelling enough that someone will want to roll it into HEAD as
well, but that is your call, not mine. Depending on the success of this
approach and its reception, I'll decide whether forking other pieces is
needed (there are more extensive comments about this on the FOray home
page.) Some of those forks may well be started with code from HEAD.

WRT FOray's effect on FOP's stability, I don't see a need for any concern:
1. FOray's work is available to FOP (Apache 2 License), and I hope that FOP
(among others) will use it.
2. Most importantly, if I thought that there were FOP developers who shared
my zeal for modularizing FOP, I would a) not have left the project, and b)
would even now be trying to reenter FOP to do the work there. The very brief
review I took of the archives last week led me to believe that instead, the
baby steps I had taken toward my goals are being dismantled. (I'm not
offended, but merely reminded that I'm out of sync with you all.) Now, it is
possible that there are some developers not currently involved with FOP that
will be attracted to FOray. If there are compelling advantages to FOray's
approach, then that is as it should be. Further, if there are people who
see, for example, a benefit in having a freely-distributable alternative to
JAI, who want it for a totally non-FOP related purpose, and who contribute
to FOray, this seems like a net benefit to FOP. A similar situation would
exist for someone who wants to build an FOTree for a voice-related
application, use a well-crafted library of PDF-building routines, or write a
layout engine that was optimized for some particular axis.

There is no explicit intention to reconcile HEAD and maint. However, there
are several sets of circumstances that could have that outcome as a
byproduct. The biggest unknowns are the timing of LayoutManager's
completion, and the speed of progress in FOray.

WRT to the opportunity for funding, that had no part in my decision to use
sourceforge. (I did opt-in to accept contributions -- why not?). And I doubt
that serious funding will materialize through this channel. I would vastly
have preferred to do this within FOP for many reasons. My second best choice
was to find some other home on Apache for the independent modules, but I
frankly don't have time to jump through all of their hoops. The great
benefit to using sourceforge was the easy access. I can still get and
receive the benefits of an open-source approach and let you guys stay on
track with your work.

Victor Mote