Re: [GSoC] BreakingAlgorithm: simplify handling of activeLines

2006-07-17 Thread Finn Bock

Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Hi All,

Good news: before-floats are working. There probably are bugs and place
for improvement but I think it is time to submit a first patch, so that
you may see what I've done.

I'm currently cleaning up and documenting my code, and I think the
handling of the activeLines array may be simplified: currently, for a
line l, activeLines[2*l] points to the first active node for this line,
and activeLines[2*l+1] points to the last node. But the last node is
never directly accessed, only by starting at the first one and following
the links.

Perhaps I misunderstand your question, but I think the last active node 
in a line is used when adding yet another active node for that line at 
the end of the linked list. In BreakingAlgorithm:addNode():

   activeLines[headIdx + 1].next = node;

On the other hand, a different data structure of nodes might very well 
open up different improvement. The current structure of using a linked 
list for each line, is just the best I could come up with at the time.


Re: Error message: "Should be first"

2006-07-11 Thread Finn Bock

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

One of my clients reported to me that he gets a "Should be first" error
message on the log. This happens in (Page)BreakingAlgorithm.removeNode().
I get the impression that the code there is not finished rather than
that is a real error condition.

Correct. In BreakingAlgorithm, at least, I simply didn't bother to 
implement the out-of-order removing because I thought it wouldn't happen.

Adding conditions and flags, such as found in PageBreakingAlgorithm 
seems unnecessary to me.

Just unconditionally remove the node in the single-linked list.


Letter space [was Re: Kerning]

2005-12-11 Thread Finn Bock


A little doubt concerning letter spaces: at the moment, a letter space 
is "assigned" to the preceding character. Is this correct? I don't 
remember any section in the specs stating about the "ownership" of 
letter spaces ... I think that everything is simpler, from the point of 
view of both users and implementors, if each letter space is owned by 
the preceding (or following) formatting object, but this does not mean 
it is what the specs require!

In [7.16.2 "letter-spacing"], I read it as if each alphabetic letter has 
1/2 a letter space preceding and 1/2 a letter space following the 
character. These space-before and space-after trait values are then 
resolved with whatever other spaces that they are up against according 
to space resolution rules.

The same goes for wordspaces which is split into 2 half word spaces.

"A Word" then becomes:

hls 'A' hls hws hws hls 'W' hls hls 'o' hls hls 'r' hls hls 'd' hls

where 'hls' is half a letter-space and 'hws' is half a word-space.

How the "hls hls" and 'hls hws' sequences are resolved depends the 
.precedence and .conditionality values.

OTOH, it is user agent dependant how letter space is resolved with word 
spaces, so I think your implementation is complient, it is just not what 
I think the spec suggest.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 37639] New: - [PATCH] Whitespace handling revised

2005-11-25 Thread Finn Bock


Have a look and let me know if it needs improvement.

Your renaming of whiteSpaceTreatment and whiteSpaceCollapse is a break 
from the automatic naming of all the other property instance vrbl names. 
I capitalized each '-' seperated word in the property name: 
"white-space-treatment" and "white-space-collapse".


Re: Inquiry: conditional inclusion of dev-related debugging?

2005-11-09 Thread Finn Bock


Hi all,

For starters: it's not really a pressing matter ATM, but it may  become 
of relevance if we want to strive for a production-release.  The matter 
is somewhat related to the distinction between developer-  and 
user-directed logging.

It concerns the numerous log.debug() and log.trace() messages  scattered 
around. Just recently, I was reminded of a little Java  trick that 
emulates C's conditional compilation, which inspired me to  pop this 
question here.

As you are most likely well aware, every log.debug() generates  bytecode 
at compile-time, which leads to compiled classes being  unnecessarily 
large for general usage. In Java, there exists this  little trick to 
define a final debug() method:

final void debug(String msg) {
  if (DEBUG) {

The DEBUG boolean constant being defined in a central, easily  
accessible place.

If subsequently, all log.debug() calls are replaced by mere debug(),  
and one sets DEBUG to false, then the result at compile-time is that:

- there is no bytecode generated for the debug() methods (empty body)

That is true.

- since the method is final, and it has an empty body, the compiler  can 
optimize further and no bytecode will be generated for any call  to it. 

Not true for javac from jdk1.4.2. A call to the debug method is included 
in the byte code. Perhaps other compilers does it differently.

Meaning also: possible string literals in the message do not  take up 
space in the internalized string-table, which in turn would  be 
beneficial for eventual runtime-calls to String.intern() (smaller  table 
=> decreased lookup-time)

Also not true for 1.4.2.

public class x {
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new x();

public x() {
int i = 55;
debug("hello " + i + " world");

final void debug(String msg) {
if (DEBUG) {

Compiled from ""
public class x extends java.lang.Object{
public static final boolean DEBUG;

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   throws java/lang/Exception
   0:   new #1; //class x
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #2; //Method "":()V
   7:   pop
   8:   return

public x();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/Object."":()V
   4:   bipush  55
   6:   istore_1
   7:   aload_0
   8:   new #4; //class StringBuffer
   11:  dup
   12:  invokespecial   #5; //Method java/lang/StringBuffer."":()V
   15:  ldc #6; //String hello
   17:	invokevirtual	#7; //Method 

   20:  iload_1
   21:	invokevirtual	#8; //Method 

   24:  ldc #9; //String  world
   26:	invokevirtual	#7; //Method 
   29:	invokevirtual	#10; //Method 

   32:  invokevirtual   #11; //Method debug:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   35:  return

final void debug(java.lang.String);
   0:   return


All the string litterals and string concatination still exists in the 
byte code.

Perhaps the JIT will detect the empty method and avoid the string 
concatination, I have not tested that, but I doubt it.


Fixed block-containers. Was [Bug 37236] - Fix gradients and patterns

2005-10-26 Thread Finn Bock


... the
transformation list is still necessary to recreate the same state after a "break
out" as needed when painting fixed block-containers. I haven't found a better
way to handle this case, yet.

Is there a reason for keeping areas from absolute and fixed 
block-containers in the flow of normal areas?

IIUC absolute and fixed block-containers generates areas with an 
area-class of xsl-fixed and it is hinted that such areas is taken out of 
the flow and placed under the page-area:

""" [7.5.1]
Absolutely positioned areas are taken out of the normal flow.
The area generated is a descendant of the page-area

If I'm right about this, the break-out code can be avoided by placing 
the absolute and fixed block-container differently in the area tree.


Re: Sponsorship

2005-10-06 Thread Finn Bock

[Peter B. West]


That code was alt-design properties code.  It seems to me that many of 
the ideas and implementation details of alt-design are now sitting in 
the FOP code base.  This is true whether Finn ever looked at the 
alt-design properties code.  It ain't over yet.[1]

I did, before I became a committer. Back then I evaluated the different 
branches (0.20, alt and head) and made a decision on which one to work on.

The alt-design property code was, back then, in my eyes, code written by 
a person who did not intuitively create object oriented design. It was, 
IMO, not a good fundation for further work.

I have then later looked at different times, one where I made a 
incorrect description of how alt-design stored references from fo-object 
to properties, an other when I wanted to understand why you though 
alt-designs Property/PropertyValue was any different from head's 

Does any record of any of this remain on the web site?  No.  


Not a single line from alt-design has ever been committed to head by me!


Re: The space resolution examples

2005-10-05 Thread Finn Bock


In general, I have a different idea about the retain
condition. Retained spaces do not appear between areas returned by the
FO; all spaces appear before or after all areas returned by the
FO. This is different from retained padding and borders.


That's the part where I think you are wrong. 4.2.3 and 7.10.5 make it
clear IMO that space-before|-after are applied to every area generated
by an FO. The following sentence is the key: "Specifies the value of the
space-specifier for the space before the areas generated by this
formatting object." (Notice the "areas"!)

So for inlines we get

xxx xx xxx xx xxx x xxx  iii i 
iii iii ii iii  iii  i ii i ii xxx xxx  xxx 
 xxx xxx

xxx xx xxx xx xxx x
xxx iii i
   iii iii ii iii
    iii  i
   ii i ii xxx
xxx  xxx 
xxx xxx

where a retained space-start is applied to each inline area, not just 
the first one generated?

My understanding is more in line with Simon.

I would guess that the key sentence is also true if the space is applied 
to only the first area.


Re: Static methods

2005-09-29 Thread Finn Bock


I noticed that you extracted numeric function methods as statics into a 
class of their own.  Was this for aesthetic or performance reasons?

The methods in NumericOp? They are called from multiple places which 
does not have anything in common. So I put the methods in NumericOp to 
avoid duplication of the few lines in each method.

There was no performance reasons behind that decision.


Re: dominant-baseline property

2005-09-26 Thread Finn Bock


I just discovered something unusual in the spec. It describes the
dominant-baseline property in a number of places as:
'The "dominant-baseline" property is a compound value with three
It then goes on and lists the 3 components as
"dominant-baseline-identifier", "baseline-table" and
"baseline-table font-size" collectively referred to as a
"scaled-baseline-table". Or to put it differently - the computed
value of the "dominant-baseline" property is a value of type


Not exactly. Read 7.13.5:

"The 'dominant-baseline' property is used to determine a
scaled-baseline-table. A scaled-baseline-table is a compound value
with three components..."

So, it's not the property itself which is a compound value, but
rather the property's enum value is used to determine the compound
value of the scaled-baseline-table.


It also says in 7.13: The primary baseline alignment property is the 
"dominant-baseline" property. This property has a compound value with 
three components. 

And in 5.5.7: The value of this property is a compound value with three 
components: a baseline-identifier for the dominant-baseline, a 
baseline-table and a baseline-table font-size.

So there is some evidence in the spec that the authors meant that the 
computed value of the property is of type "scaled-baseline-table".

I agree, the spec does indeed indicate that the value isn't a simple 
enum. OTOH I have no idea how it should be handled in the property 
system. It isn't a normal compound property (no 
"dominant-baseline.baseline-identifier" sub property).

I'm far from being an expert on alignment, but my gut feeling would make 
the "scaled-baseline-table" datatype a class in layoutmgr, accessed from 
LayoutContext and updated at each LM level with the alignment properties.

If you allow me to turn the question around, what would be the benefit 
of having a scaled-baseline-table datatype in the property system? I 
guess that inheritance of values would be the main reason which is easy 
in the property system and somewhat harder in LayoutContext. The 
calculation is the remainging values seems easier to do during layout.


Re: text-altitude/-depth properties

2005-09-20 Thread Finn Bock


This is probably a question for Finn.

I am looking into replacing the use font.getAscender() / 
font.getDescender() in the relevant LMs with the use of the appropriate 
properties text-altitude and text-depth. I would like to avoid having 
to write in all the LMs code like:

int textAltitude;
if (fobj.getTextAltitude().getEnum() == EN_USE_FONT_METRICS) {
   textAltitude = fobj.getCommonFont().getAscender();
} else {
   textAltitude = fobj.getTextAltitude().getValue(this);

What's the best way to move this sort of logic into the property system 
so the LMs only need to call:

textAltitude = fobj.getTextAltitude().getValue(this);
and the enum is resolved as part of the getValue call?

My gut feeling is that it should *not* be moved to the property system. 
Perhaps it should be placed in CommonFont which already has some of the 
intersection of properties and font state info. OTOH CommonFont is well 
defined and does not include text-altitude.

How about putting it on CommonFont as a static method:

static int getTextAltitude(Font font, Length textAltitude,
PercentBaseContext pbc) {
if (textAltitude.getEnum() == EN_USE_FONT_METRICS) {
return fs.getAscender();
} else {
return textAltitude.getValue(pbc);

Or perhaps it should be placed in a "FontHelper" class in layoutmgr.


Re: svn commit: r289865 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop: fo/ fo/flow/ fo/properties/ layoutmgr/table/

2005-09-18 Thread Finn Bock


Author: adelmelle
Date: Sat Sep 17 16:59:25 2005
New Revision: 289865

Implementation for initial values of the column-number property

Modified: xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/
--- xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/ 
+++ xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow/ Sat 
Sep 17 16:59:25 2005


+if( pList.getExplicit(PR_COLUMN_NUMBER) != null ) {
+((TableFObj) parent).setCurrentColumnIndex(

Why is explit specified values different? In all other cases in FOP, the 
fo object only needs the computed values.

Perhaps it is needed here for table objects, but I find it very strange.


Re: Initial values for column-number (commit still pending...)

2005-09-16 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias and Andreas on starts-row & ends-row]

My take is that only a "true" value is used to determine a change in 
row. It makes no difference to the fo-tree or to layout if a default 
"false" or an explicit "false" is found.

The "starts-row" and "ends-row" properties with a "true" value are 
typically used when the input data does not have elements containing the 
cells in each row, but instead, for example, each row starts at elements 
of a particular type.


I found no indication that a "false" value can be used to prevent a row 
change, so there is IMO no real conflict if conflicting values are used 
on sibling cells.


Re: Characters and area traits

2005-09-16 Thread Finn Bock


I am currently looking at adding the missing background and 
border/padding support to fo:character and have run into a co-ordinate 
system issue. In fop text areas and character areas are positioned in 
the bpd direction using the "offset" attribute which refers to the 
character baseline position. However, border/padding and backgrounds 
are positioned everywhere relative to the top left (or should I say 
before/start) corner of the area rectangle. However, in the renderer 
based on the area traits (for a text or character area) I cannot easily 
determine the before edge position of the rectangle based on the 
baseline offset unless I go to the font and ask for its ascender size 
etc.. But that is really stuff for the layout system.

I see two options:

a) We can wrap the character area into an inlineParent area and put the 
background/border/padding for the character on the inlineParent.
b) We add another attribute to the generic fop area being the baseline 
offset called "lead". The meaning of the attributes is then that 
"offset" refers to the distance between the before edge of the parent 
area to the before edge of the area to be rendered and "lead" is the 
distance from the before edge to the baseline for character placement.

Perhaps I misunderstand, but I think it would be better if we defined an
dominant-baseline on the inlines (or even better 
dominant-baseline-identifier on inline and actual-baseline-table on the 
fonts) and a baseline-start-point on the linearea. The semantics of 
these traits are as described in [4.2.6] and [4.5].

Together with bpd, I think that would be enough to find the rest of the 
different rectangles.

I guess it is the same as your suggestion b), but I would rather stick 
with the terms used in the spec.


Re: vertical-align vs baseline alignment properties

2005-09-14 Thread Finn Bock


As a consequence of the recent discussion on the correct bpd for inline 
areas I was looking at actually implementing it. Part of that is 
correct vertical positioning, i.e. baseline alignments, of those areas.

Am I correct in saying that the vertical-align property which is a 
shorthand for a combination of baseline related properties is not 
currently implemented as shorthand, that is the property system doesn't 
do the mapping to the corresponding properties (alignment-baseline, 
alignment-adjust, baseline-shift and dominant-baseline)?


Also those 4 properties, while set on the various fo's, don't seem to 
have getters so are not available to the layout system.

So, the first step in moving away from vertical-align and to the four 
corresponding properties is to fix the property subsystem and the fo 


Finn, the property system already has a notion of corresponding 
properties, etc.. I haven't looked into it in any detail but can that 
be used for the mapping of vertical-align or do we need some custom 
mechanism in this case?

There is also explicit support shorthands. For the 4 properties the 
vertical-align must be specified as a shorthand:


and a new custom ShorthandParser must be written and added to the 
vertical-align maker

m.setDatatypeParser(new VerticalAlignShorthandParser());

which consist of code to implement the rule in [7.29.22]:

if (property.getEnum() == EN_BASELINE)
switch (propId) {
return new EnumProperty(EN_BASELINE)
return new EnumProperty(EN_AUTO)
return new EnumProperty(EN_BASELINE)
return new EnumProperty(EN_AUTO)
} else property.getEnum() == EN_TOP) {
switch (propId) {
return new EnumProperty(EN_BEFORE_EDGE)
return new EnumProperty(EN_AUTO)
return new EnumProperty(EN_BASELINE)
return new EnumProperty(EN_AUTO)

As an aside, the FOP implementation deviates from the spec since 
shorthands should set values for other properties, but our system pulls 
the values out of the shorthand property with the help of a ShorthandParser.


Re: fo:inline bpd

2005-09-14 Thread Finn Bock

some 10pt text

  some 12pt text

more 10pt text

All the inline areas also have a line-height trait of 12000 but that
is only used when lls="line-height" [4.6].


Hmm, the line-height property would be "normal" everywhere which equates 
to "1.2" that means the trait would be "14400" for areas generated from 
fo elements with a font-size of "12pt" and "12000" for areas generated 
from fo elements with a font-size of "10pt". But as you said it doesn't 
matter really unless lss is "line-height".

Your are right, my mistake. I believe the line-height trait should be 
14400 for all the inline areas.

Does it make sense?

Yes it does. Does it also means the bpd doesn't "bubble up" in the case 
of nested inlines? So if we expand on the example of the nested inline 

some 10pt textsome 14 pt textmore 10pt

Does the line-area generated from that have a bpd corresponding to a 
12pt font or 14 pt font (spec [4.5] for lss="max-height": 
"block-progression-direction is the minimum required to enclose both 
the nominal-requested-line-rectangle and the allocation-rectangles of 
all the inline-areas stacked within the line-area")?

I believe the bpd of the line area will correspond to the 14pt font 
because [4.5] talks about "all the inline-areas".

So the bpd on inlines does not bubble up the outer inlines, but it 
(and/or depth & altitude) do bubble up to the calculation of 
line-rectangles on the line-area.

Also, I think that makes sense.

The nominal-requested-line-rectangle corresponds to a 12pt font. But is 
the area generated from the nested inline an "inline-area stacked 
within the line-area" or not? 

Stacked inline-areas must refer to all the desendents, not just the 
immediate children, see [4.6.1].


Re: FOTree test question

2005-09-13 Thread Finn Bock


Very roughly, the new ColumnNumberProperty.make() does something like this:

That should be ColumnNumberPropertyMaker in order to follow the naming 
of all the other custom makers.


Re: fo:inline bpd

2005-09-13 Thread Finn Bock


Any way, back to the topic at hand. Lets assume the following fo:

some 10pt textfont-size="12pt">some 12 pt textmore 10pt 

In this case the line-height everywhere is normal which is equivalent to 
1.2em. The innermost fo:inline will return an area with a bpd of 12pt. 
However, the outer fo:inline has a smaller font and as the line-height 
spec on an inline element is binding it can only return areas of 10pt 
bpd therefore "cutting off" part of the inner fo:inline. So our area 
tree (assuming it all fits on one line) in fop terminology would look 

some 10pt text

  some 12pt text

more 10pt text

Right, except the 1 and 12000 values should be text-altitude + 

some 10pt text

  some 12pt text

more 10pt text

All the inline areas also have a line-height trait of 12000 but that is 
only used when lls="line-height" [4.6].

In my interpretation as there is no explicit line-height spec on the 
inlines we get an area tree like:

some 10pt text

  some 12pt text

more 10pt text

I have no idea whose right or wrong here or even which interpretation 
makes more sense.

From [4.6]:
"""An inline-area with inline-area children has a content-rectangle 
which extends from its dominant baseline (see [4.2.6 Font Baseline 
Tables]) by its text-depth in the block-progression-direction, and in 
the opposite direction by its text-altitude;"""

So it appears that the bpd of an inline depends on the inline's font and 
not on the line-height property or the inline's children.

Does it make sense?

I have no idea what the spec means by [7.15.4]:

"""If the property is set on an inline-level element, it specifies the 
exact height of each box generated by the element."""

because both "set" and "box" is undefined by the rest of the spec. The 
text is copied from CSS where it perhaps makes sense.


Re: fo:inline bpd

2005-09-13 Thread Finn Bock

Manuel Mall wrote:

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005 04:12 pm, Finn Bock wrote:


Inline areas have their own line-height trait which can be
different to the line-height on the containing line area /
containing block. line-height when specified on an inline fo has a
different meaning, i.e. the inline area returned MUST have the
exact line-height as specified, while line-height on a block level
sets the minimum height for all decendant inline areas. We don't do
any of that in the moment. Side note: in layout we don't know any
more if a property is inherited or specified on that element, that
could be a complication here. Finn, any thoughts on this?

You mean the phrases: "If the property is set on an inline-level
element, it specifies ..." is only used when the line-height property
is explicitly set on inline-level? If the line-height is inherited
then that paragraph isn't operative?


Yes that's how I read it because otherwise the sentence "If the property 
is set on an inline-level element, it specifies ..." doesn't make sense 
to me. As the property is always implicitly set so this must mean 

Do you (or anyone else) understand that differently?

Hmm, not speaking english natively puts me in a disadvantage, but 
perhaps the sentence means the same as "If the property is *used* on an 
inline-level element, it specifies ..." ? The focus is merely on the 
element type, not on where the property value comes from.


Re: fo:inline bpd

2005-09-13 Thread Finn Bock


Inline areas have their own line-height trait which can be different to 
the line-height on the containing line area / containing block. 
line-height when specified on an inline fo has a different meaning, 
i.e. the inline area returned MUST have the exact line-height as 
specified, while line-height on a block level sets the minimum height 
for all decendant inline areas. We don't do any of that in the moment. 
Side note: in layout we don't know any more if a property is inherited 
or specified on that element, that could be a complication here. Finn, 
any thoughts on this?

You mean the phrases: "If the property is set on an inline-level 
element, it specifies ..." is only used when the line-height property is 
explicitly set on inline-level? If the line-height is inherited then 
that paragraph isn't operative?

If that is the case, then line-height is the only(?) property that isn't 
using the specified value. Strange. But is it not a big deal, the 
inline-level .bind() method will have to check if the line-height is 
explicit set:

   lineHeightExplicit = pList.getExplicit(PR_LINE_HEIGHT);

which is then non-null is the property is set on the element. However it 
is a huge deviation from the rest of the properties.


Re: fo:inline bpd

2005-09-12 Thread Finn Bock

Manuel Mall wrote:

yes, that is an option. What I am unsure about here is that the 
children, typically text areas, do not take the line spacing into 
account when reporting their bpd, that is the usually 10% space above 
and below the character. So what is the correct bpd for an fo:inline 
which has text area children: is it just the max bpd of its children 
or is it max bpd plus any line spacing settings from its parent?


Oh, yes, the "half-leading" trait ...

If I understand correctly the specs (4.5 Line areas) this line spacing 
must be added to the bpd of each inline area too. As it is the same for 
all inline areas, it could be stored into the LayoutContext by the LineLM.

I don't read it that way, instead the half-leading are set as 
space-[before|after] only on the line area, and are in some cases 
resolved with other surrounding spaces.


Re: Space-resolution doesn't work

2005-09-09 Thread Finn Bock

[Luca on space resolution]

So, my idea for handling space resolution is tho have a LM ask its 
children about their spaces, and create the necessary elements (while at 
the moment each LM creates elements for its own spaces).

For example, if we have this LM tree

   Outer BlockLM
BlockLM 1BlockLM 2BlockLM 3
  BlockLM ABlockLM B

BlockLM1.getNextKnuthElements() would return to the outer BlockLM only 
the elements representing its block content, without any space.

In order to decide which elements it has to create, the outer BlockLM 
could have some lines like:

(currentChild = BlockLM 1
 nextChild = BlockLM 2)

space1 = currentChild.getSpaceAfter();
space2 = nextChild.getSpaceBefore();
if (this.mustKeepTogether()
|| currentChild.mustKeepWithNext() && !nextChild.hasBreakBefore()
|| !currentChild.hasBreakAfter() && nextChild.mustKeepWithPrevious) {
// there cannot be a break between the two children,
createElementsForSpace(resolve(space1, space2, false, false));

Surely there is a possible break here. It just have a very high penalty, 
but even keep-*="always" is allowed to break.


Re: Area Tree XML format as reloadable intermediate format

2005-09-08 Thread Finn Bock


It's time bring this on the table. I've started writing down a proposal
for an intermediate format for FOP. All the details are on the wiki

Thoughts welcome.

Looks fine, but a few things is unclear to me.

- What is "SAX-based serialization"?
- The "wrapper around a PageViewport" is a functional extra that the 
pure area tree doesn't need by itself, right?

- What and where do you mean "no direct painting routines"?


Re: Combined compound and shorthand property specs

2005-09-07 Thread Finn Bock


I must still be misunderstanding something. The above property 
definition does not give the results I expected. All 4 of 
border/padding start/end still have conditionality="discard".

The absolute border-*-width & padding-* are length, not 
length-conditional. So the default values for .conditionality is returned.

OTOH, setting a component like .conditionality on a length should 
definitely cause an error or warning.


Re: Combined compound and shorthand property specs

2005-09-07 Thread Finn Bock


Is the following legal:?


What seems to happen is that for borders it works fine, that is I get 4
solid red 1pt borders with the start and end borders having a conditionality
of "retain". 

Oh, it works exactly the same for borders, you are just seeing the 
default "medium" (=1pt) value for "border-start-with.length" and the 
default "0pt" for "padding-start.length".

However for padding I get padding before and after with length
1pt but start and end padding have a length of 0pt(!) although their
conditionality is correctly set to "retain".

If the above is legal than something is wrong in the property subsystem with
respect to shorthand length and component specs. If the above is illegal
than I am just lucky that it works for borders.

The effect seen occurs because we consider "padding-start" to be 
explicitly set by setting "padding-start.conditionality" and then the 
shorthand is ignored.

From [5.3.1]

If the corresponding relative property is specified on the formatting 
object and the absolute property only specified by the expansion of a 
shorthand, then the computed value of the absolute property is set to 
the computed value of the corresponding relative property.


I don't know if that is the correct interpretation.


Re: [VOTE] Manuel Mall as new FOP committer

2005-09-05 Thread Finn Bock


Manuel Mall has been investing a tremendous amount of time and effort
into making FOP better lately. The results were just great. It's been a
pleasure to apply his patches, even though it ate up a lot of my time.
;-) Manuel has been around since at least late 2002, even submitted a
patch back then. He shows a good understanding of how things work in our
project and is quick to learn in other areas. He doesn't fear diving
into the code of the layout engine. That's exactly the sort of people we
need in the project team. That's why I'd like to nominate him for
committership in Apache FOP.



Re: [Xmlgraphics-fop Wiki] Update of "ExtensionPoints" by JeremiasMaerki

2005-09-02 Thread Finn Bock


Speaking of extensions, I'd like to resurrect the layout extensions 

That isn't exactly use of the term "extension" which I'm using and which 
I think Jeremias is using in the ExtensionPoints wiki. Your extensions 
are additional useful features, when I talk about extensions it is the 
ability to dynamicly load additional behaviour without modifying FOP 

If your features could be implemeted as dynamicly loaded code, the 
result would be a lean FOP with incredible power ...

were part of the code used to start the Knuth branch, but I want to be 
sure I'm allowed to do it.

.. and you wouldn't have to ask. :-)

OTOH, I'm not entirely sure how to design and implement such a system 
that dynamicly loads code into the layout system.

The set of extensions (a couple of new properties, and some new value 
for an existing one) 

New properties are fine, new values to existing properties are bad, I 
think. It basicly makes the fo file into a FOP file, since no other 
processer can handle the 'illegal' values. It would be better to define 
fox:display-align="fill" which when specified will override the value of 

is aimed to give the user more control about the 
page breaking: in particular, via these extensions it is possible to 
give the application a list of properties that can be adjusted in order 
to fill all the available bpd of a region (in addition / substitution to 
the spaces between blocks [1]).

I wonder why you don't mention that line-height is a min/opt/max space. 
Surely that will (when implemented) be usefull way to limit the size og 
empty areas.


Re: Exceptions

2005-09-01 Thread Finn Bock


No surprise, actually. The tables all use the collapsing border model.
But tell me, have they updated the NIST test suite for XSL Rec 1.0? I
remember that at a stand-still in working-draft stage (master-name
instead of master-reference).

Years back, when we last talked about the NIST suite, the author of the 
suite gave a link to a new version of the suite.

Last I checked, it was the old version that was available on their webpage.



2005-09-01 Thread Finn Bock


Running the NIST test suite I get 2 table related exceptions and 1 
KnuthElement related exception:


margin-right="1.0in" margin-bottom="1.0in" margin-top="0.2in" 
margin-left="1.0in" page-width="8.5in" page-height="11in">
margin-top="0.2in" margin-left="1.0in"/>

   This test evaluates the "border-before-color" property on a 
table-body FO. The "border-before-color" property (see red border) for 
the next table-body FO was set to red.


   The border above should be red.


margin-right="1.0in" margin-bottom="1.0in" margin-top="0.2in" 
margin-left="1.0in" page-width="8.5in" page-height="11in">
margin-top="0.2in" margin-left="1.0in"/>

This cell spans one row

This cells spans two rows


margin-right="1.0in" margin-bottom="1.0in" margin-top="0.2in" 
margin-left="1.0in" page-width="8.5in" page-height="11in">
margin-top="0.2in" margin-left="1.0in"/>

"leader-pattern" property of the "leader" FO below was set to 
"use-content"(set to "*").
Entry 1leader-pattern="use-content" leader-length.optimum="1.0in" 
leader-length.maximum="1.0in">*Page 1

Re: svn commit: r264856 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/rtf: rtflib/rtfdoc/

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock


+   private static void attrBaseLineShift(EnumLength baselineShift, RtfAttributes rtfAttr) {
+   String s = baselineShift.getString();

Use baselineShift.getEnum() to get the enum values that is assigned to a 
length. Never ever use the getString() method, it is purely there for 
debugging and for use by the testing frameworks.

I have also fixed this in SVN.


Re: svn commit: r264863 - /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock


Modified: xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/
--- xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/ (original)
+++ xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/ Tue Aug 30 
14:09:41 2005
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@
 // FOP
 import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;
 import org.apache.fop.datatypes.ColorType;
+import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Length;
@@ -83,6 +85,7 @@

 private int textTransform;
 private Property wordSpacing;
 private int wrapOption;
+private EnumLength baselineShift;

That is wrong, EnumLength is an implementation detail which must never 
be used in the fo tree code. Always use Length for properties that is 
defined as .

 // End of property values

@@ -161,6 +164,7 @@
 wordSpacing = pList.get(Constants.PR_WORD_SPACING);
 wrapOption = pList.get(Constants.PR_WRAP_OPTION).getEnum();
 textDecoration = pList.getTextDecorationProps();
+baselineShift = (EnumLength) pList.get(Constants.PR_BASELINE_SHIFT);

Don't use cast, but call the coerce methods pList.get(XXX).getLength();

I have already committed the fix for this.


Re: FOP extension to output custom PostScript instructions

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias on  extensions]

Anybody opposed to my adding this? ...

Not at all, but I assume that you ask because it can't be added as an 
extension that is completely seperated from FOP. That you have to make 
changes to FOP sources in order to add it.

Yes, that's true.

And that is IMO a bit of a failure of FOP and the renderer design.


Why do you think this is a design failure?

I would like if anybody, not just FOP comitters, could add such usefull 
features to FOP. And it is mostly the renderers that can't be extended 
by dynamicly loaded extensions.


Re: FOP extension to output custom PostScript instructions

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias on  extensions]

Anybody opposed to my adding this? ...

Not at all, but I assume that you ask because it can't be added as an 
extension that is completely seperated from FOP. That you have to make 
changes to FOP sources in order to add it.

And that is IMO a bit of a failure of FOP and the renderer design.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36379] New: - [PATCH] Revised percentage resolution system

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock


Agree, and I have a solution for that ready to go.

I think this deserves some further comment / discussion. One, IMO 
important, reason I want to do the evaluation during the FO parsing 
stage is that once we are in the LMs we lost the property inheritance 
information. That is something like:


looks to the LM like:

True, but the percentbase of the second 120% should be the same as the 
base of the first. They are both 120% of a value on . So when 
evaluated, the result values will be the same. All inheritance must be 
resolve by the property system.

Otherwise it is a bug.

The reason for keeping the values as percentage is to support 
font-size="120% + 1pt" and to *really* open the discussion it should be 
noted that the spec does *not* require additive operation on relative 
lengths. Only multiplications are required.

Once the expression engine in fop tried to use that by calculating a 
factor to be applied to relative lengths.

Does svn view have an attic? 

If it does I could propably find the code, it wasn't pretty.


Re: Non-implemented props: border-*-precedence

2005-08-30 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias Maerki]

Perfect, Finn! I've just hacked together a little test extension that
lets me evaluate properties and write failure messages to a singleton
which a JUnit test case could process. It's very rough right now, but
with a little more work this could really be cool for checking the FO

Looks very good.

How about adding a property

   expected-outcome="success|fail" (with a default of "success")

to ,  and  tags and when the value is "fail", 
will either:

   print "Expected failure still fails as expected"
   throw "Expected failure was miraculously solved!!!"

That way test for unimplemented features can be added without having to 
disable the entire test file.


Re: Non-implemented props: border-*-precedence

2005-08-29 Thread Finn Bock

Since I have added a new file to SVN must I do something to make line 
ending right?

[Jeremias Maerki]

I've just added svn:keywords ("Id") and svn:eol-style ("native") to the

Thank you, I'll try to do that next time.

In the meantime I've made good experiences by doing a few settings in
my SVN config file. In Windows under %USERPROFILE%\Application

I've enabled "enable-auto-props = yes".

Furthermore, I've added the following entries under [auto-props]:

*.sh = svn:eol-style=native;svn:executable
*.txt = svn:eol-style=native
*.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
*.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
*.java = svn:eol-style=native;svn:keywords=Id
*.xml = svn:keywords=Id

That takes care of 95% of all cases.

Thanks for that advice.

>>Is there a way in our test system to check the values of properties in
>>the fo tree?

Not yet, I'm afraid. It would really be good to JUnit-test the FO tree
and property subsystem. The layout engine test facility only tests the
layout engine and the visual testing facility only the generated output.
We still have a few gaps WRT testability. Ideas welcome.

Extension elements has access to the propertyList so it can do checks like:


but I'm not sure how it can be made part of a junit suite.


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36379] New: - [PATCH] Revised percentage resolution system

2005-08-29 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias Maerki on ]

Yeah: Wow! Finn, you're the specialist here. Can you take the lead on
this one?

I'm hardly a specialist on the layout system, and that is where a good 
sized part of Manuels patch is, but in the property system I do not like 
the hack to LineHeightPropertyMaker and FontSizePropertyMaker that test 
for a PercentLength since it will not work for expressions. I assume 
that a FixedLength is returned because somebody 
(BlockLM.createLineManager?) tries to resolve line-height before a 
context is available. The solution is to delay resolution of 
line-height, by passing the Length into the LineLM.

Eventually the no-args getValue() and getNumericValue() should be 
removed. And a throws PropertyException added to the Length.getValue() 
signature. But that is for later.

In the layout system, I find to strange to see calls to the initialize() 
method from addAreas() and getParentArea(). I would rather see a public 
initialize() method that was called once from the outside, perhaps from 
AbstractLayoutManager.getChildLM() before a LM is traversed by 
getNextKnuthElements. But not all agree:

Other than that, the patch looks ok.

There is one thing I would have made differently: Instead of setting an 
PercentBase.XXX integer on the PropertyMakers I would set an instance of 
an implementation of PercentBase that implemented the rule by that 
property. So there would be a subclass of PercentBase for each of the 
rules you have identified in the PropertyHandling/Percentages wiki. That 
way the code for dealing with percentage rules can be placed in the 
property package instead of the LM package. The LM package only supplied 
the context that the rules can work on. But since I haven't written that 
code, I don't get to decide.


Re: percentages on i-p-d/b-p-d/height

2005-08-26 Thread Finn Bock

[Manuel Mall]

The spec says: The percentage is calculated with respect to the
corresponding dimension of the closest area ancestor that was generated
by a block-level formatting object. If that dimension is not specified
explicitly (i.e., it depends on content's
block/inline-progression-dimension), the value is interpreted as

The second sentence of the above statement is currently not implemented
resulting in "messed up" output. What is the best way to fix this?
Can we do it on the fo tree when the property is constructed, i.e. walk 
up the tree and see if a corresponding dimension is set explicitly and 
if not not force the property to "auto"? There are complications like

width and height are corresponding properties to i-p-d/b-p-d and
writing mode and reference orientation are also relevant. May be this
is too much for the fo tree / property construction phase?

It sounds just like a job for the property system since it already deals 
with the corresponding properties and knows if a property is explicitly 

I don't think that there is an existing way to check if a fo is 
block-level but that can be added (like generatesReferenceAreas()) or 
just done by hand:

if (fo.getNameId() == Constants.FO_BLOCK || ...

Alternatively, it must be done in the layout managers / percentage
resolution code. But this appears to be non-trivial as well. 

Currently the getValue() call just returns an int. If we want to use an 
int value to signal back "cannot resolve" we need to reserve a value 
for that purpose, may be MIN_INT? But this then has to flow through the

expression validation logic. Reminds me a bit of handling of NULL
values in SQL - nasty.


Or getValue() could throw an exception - but there are many 100's of 
calls to getValue() which all would need to be checked then.

Or we could set a flag on the property (e.g. isResolved()) to be tested 
after calls to getValue().

Or we put more logic into the LMs for this. They would have to test the 
property if it is of type Relative...Property. If so they have to go up 
the LM chain and check if the ancestor block has an explicit b-p-d, 

The knowledge of explicit set properties isn't stored after the fo tree 
is constructed. This is for memory reasons.

yes do normal property resolution, if no behave as if the property was 
set to "auto".

Any one with better ideas / comments?


Re: Non-implemented props: border-*-precedence

2005-08-26 Thread Finn Bock

[Andreas L Delmelle]

Any hint appreciated.

I have added support for the default values in a TableBorderPrecedence 
property maker class.

Since I have added a new file to SVN must I do something to make line 
ending right?

Is there a way in our test system to check the values of properties in 
the fo tree?


Re: Inheritance and percentages in line-height property

2005-08-25 Thread Finn Bock

[Manuel Mall]

I think this is one for Finn :-) at least I am not sure how to fix it.

The line-height property has a special inheritance rule. If it is a 
number (and the enum "normal" is considered a number) inherit the 
specified value otherwise inherit the calculated value. In the current 
system if the specified value is a percentage it still inherits the 
percentage that is the specified value not the calculated value. 

I have committed a fix. The specified value is only stored for numbers.

Now we just need to decide what a number is .


Re: background-position-vertical and -horizontal

2005-08-25 Thread Finn Bock

Manuel Mall wrote:

The safety check in addBackground is already there. This is how I 
stumbled across it as it is triggered by one of the layout engine 

Also note that the percentage handling in addBackground is a rough hack 
that doesn't work when expressions are used: "40% + 1pt".


Re: Percentages in XSL-FO

2005-08-24 Thread Finn Bock

[Jeremias Maerki]

Looks like you made a thorough analysis. What I read made sense to me
although I didn't check everything to the last character. Providing
the Context interface through the LayoutContext didn't occur to me
and I don't know if it's the right way, but if it just clicks in
there without much hassle then it's probably a good idea. I'd have
implemented the Context as an inner class to the LMs but then I
haven't investigated this so thoroughly as you just did. I simply
stumbled over it back in January and what I wrote there was simply
what was occuring to me at the time (having been a newbie to the
layout engine, too, back then).

So. I believe you're on the right course. Your approach seems to be
fine-grained enough to handle every case and still limit the
additional code to where it is needed. 

[Manuel Mall]

I have been working on this for the last couple of days and I am not so 
sure any more about the 'being on the right course' bit. So this is a 
bit of a cry for feedback. I will try to outline the issues.

Most percentages are being resolved in the same way: Find the 
appropriate ancestor area and get the relevant dimension from it. That 
sounds very simple. The current system solves this by a) using the fo 
tree to navigate upwards until an appropriate fo is found which 
generates the type of area we are looking for and b) by the layout 
managers to attach dimension information to the fos. The reason we are 
looking for a redesign is that this doesn't appear to be the right way 
to attach layout information to the fos. The current system is also not 
complete in its implementation but that is a different issue.

The alternative proposed is to use a context which is created by the 
layout managers and passed to the property resolution system, i.e. the 
getValue() call. Sounds good so far as the layout managers have access 
to the dimension information, actually in my code in the moment the 
layout managers are the context, that is they implement the interface I 
have defined for the context. But we still need to move up some form of 
tree or list to find ancestors. The obvious choice would be the area 
tree but that doesn't work as in many cases when we need a resolved 
property value the areas (as objects in fop) haven't been created yet. 
Also the areas are not linked back upwards in the tree although a 
parent pointer could be introduced for that purpose. So, if we can't 
use the area tree and don't want to use the fo tree what then? The next 
thing coming to mind is the layout managers as they form a tree 
structure as well. They even have a parent pointer. So, to find the 
dimensions we are looking for we navigate up the parent links of the 
layout managers until we find one which generates what we are looking 
for and get the dimensions from it. 

That is a very good summary of the issue. Thank you.

But, the parent link is not set 
consistently and sometimes late. There is for example the case where a 
layout manager in its constructor accesses a property value. To be able 
to resolve it would need to know its parent layout manager which isn't 
set yet. The fix for that is to carry the parent layout manager into 
all layout manager constructors.

Or delay all calls to Length.getValue(..) until after the layout manager 
tree is completed and the dimensions are available. So the 
initialization is allowed to store Lengths but only during 
getNextKnuthElement() is it allowed to extract the int values from the 

This is where my problem is. We have a system now which is simple 
(attach dimension information to the fo tree) and we are replacing it 
with something that changes many internal interfaces, virtually 
hundreds of method calls by adding extra parameters, and still does the 
same thing. 

Which is exactly why I didn't complete the work at the time.

Navigate up a tree structure (and I am not 100% sure that 
navigating up the layout manager tree really is the right thing to do) 
to find a suitable node and get the appropriate values from that node.

The information obviously belong in either the LM tree or in the Area 
tree. So it is the right thing IMO to move it out of the fo tree.


Re: Non-implemented props: border-*-precedence

2005-08-23 Thread Finn Bock

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

Hi all,

Back from holiday, and just started work on the collapsing border model 
(something I discussed thoroughly with Jeremias a while ago --don't 
worry, I'm not going to start all over :-) ) Let me just say that, where 
earlier on I didn't have a clear idea on what needed to be done 
code-wise, right now I'm pretty confident that I will be able to offer a 
patch-proposal very soon...
Note that, although it will mean that part of the border-collapsing 
logic will move to the FOTree, I'm still convinced this will make the 
related code in layout much easier to follow --but to get the FULL 
picture, potential devs will need to look at both the FOTree AND the 

On to the topic then: while I'm at it, I would also like to try and 
implement the border-precedence properties (and ultimately also 
collapse-with-precedence), and have the following questions/remarks 
about this:

* What would be the correct property type to use? So far my working 
hypothesis is 'EnumNumber', since the value can be an enum (=force), as 
well as any integer value. Correct assumption?

The type should be a number with added 'force' enum. The number property 
will then coerce a 'force' value into an EnumNumber which is a number 
that also holds a enum value, but only the property subsystem needs to 
know that.

+ Another question concerning the possible value of 'inherit': does it 
suffice to have Maker.setInherited() set the flag to true (in 

* Another issue may be that those properties' default values depend on 
the type of object they are bound to. The most straightforward way of 
dealing with this seems to be to defer determining the actual default 
value until the respective FObj's bind() methods...
Does this sound OK, or does anyone see a better way? 

It was my goal that all the properties should return the correct value 
from the PropertyList. So if it is possible at all, I would prefer to 
see that the inheritance issues is implemented in the PropertyMaker 
classes, instead of the FObjs (or the LayoutManagers).


Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36036] - [PATCH] Support for font-size= and font-size=

2005-08-05 Thread Finn Bock

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-08-05 12:13 ---
Thanks for doing this. Your patch looks good and appears to work.

However, theres one little thing thats puzzling me. Finn, who is our 
properties guru wrote the class CommonFont. If you look at the method
getFontState there is some code that implements the relative keywords for font 
weight and comments that say should do font size relative keywords too. Why 
would he write this if all he needed to do was added some keywords to the 
Property Maker ???

The getFontState() method was copied from somewhere else. I do not 
remember from where.

I believe that the properties should return the documented values 
without a need for postprocessing (as seen in getFontState()), but I 
never got around to do it for the font stuff.

I guess that the maker for font-size would look a bit like the maker for 


Re: svn commit: r201864 - in /xmlgraphics/fop/trunk/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo: ./ flow/ pagination/ pagination/bookmarks/

2005-06-27 Thread Finn Bock

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I don't think the discussion was finished when you did this, Glen.

[Glen Mazza]

Oh no, it wasn't--but we know the status quo *wasn't* acceptable, and 
that the performance argument was no longer valid because of the 
research you did on .equals().  

Not so fast. Measurements are always better than guesses. And there *is* 
a difference in performance.

We should not intern strings, unless we have very special reasons, 
better reasons than performance. Unless SAX promises that the URI 
strings are interned, then we can't depend on receiving interned strings.

But since == *is* faster then .equals and I think we can assume that 
most URIs are in fact from the FO namespace we can get the benefit from 

Measured with jdk1.4.2_02 on winXP:

Equal string
== 141
.equals 1938
== || .equals 203

Different string
== 140
.equals 1844
== || .equals 1891


public class c1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "";;
String s2 = "";;
String s3 = "";;
long before;
long after;

System.out.println("Equal string");
cmp(s1, s2);
cmp(s1, s2);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
cmp(s1, s2);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("== " + (after - before));

equals(s1, s2);
equals(s1, s2);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
equals(s1, s2);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(".equals " + (after - before));

cmpequals(s1, s2);
cmpequals(s1, s2);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
cmpequals(s1, s2);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("== || .equals " + (after - before));

System.out.println("Different string");
cmp(s1, s3);
cmp(s1, s3);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
cmp(s1, s3);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("== " + (after - before));

equals(s1, s3);
equals(s1, s3);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
equals(s1, s3);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(".equals " + (after - before));

cmpequals(s1, s3);
cmpequals(s1, s3);
before = System.currentTimeMillis();
cmpequals(s1, s3);
after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("== || .equals " + (after - before));

public static void cmp(String s1, String s2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
if (s1 == s2) {

public static void equals(String s1, String s2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
if (s1.equals(s2)) {

public static void cmpequals(String s1, String s2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
if (s1 == s2 || s1.equals(s2)) {


Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/area/inline

2005-03-16 Thread Finn Bock
gmazza  2005/03/16 15:18:43
  Changed from addChild(Area) to clearer addChildArea(Area).
Yes, that looks like a good example of the kind of change which Jeremias 
kindly asked you not to do right at this moment.
