Re: Need your HELP - Compile Error

2002-05-29 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
At 9:16 pm +0200 28/5/02, J.Pietschmann wrote:
I am new in XMl and XSL, I want to produce PDF output from XML and XSL using
FOP. I tried to compile source code (Shakespearean Sonnet) that i found in :

here are the result when i tried to compile :
i attached xml, dtd and xsl source code  ---
Please i need your advise 

The XSL file in question is defective. Perhaps it
has been corrupted during download.


This elements requires a master reference attribute. Use
 fo:page-sequence master-reference=simple

I don't think that it has been corrupted. I think that
it is out of date, and the XSL-FO specification has
changed. If memory serves, I sent feedback to the IBM
site, though I think that the author of those (otherwise
very well written pages) has moved on.


Re: Entity references in FOP

2002-02-11 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
ewitness - Ben Fowler wrote:
   [ big snip ]
You are stating that the document contains an 'example' tag
as the root element, but not stating what the root element
contains is an error.
The following XML is valid:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1 standalone=yes?
!DOCTYPE example [
!ELEMENT example (title,para)
!ENTITY ldquo  #x201C; !--  --
 titleA Canonical Greeting/title
 paraldquo;Hello World!rdquo;/para
[ snip ]
A validating parser should read the external DTD, whereas a
non-validating may, but is not required to, even if
standalone is set to no.
Basically this means that if the external subset contains
declarations with consequences for a document's content, the
document's content depends on the parser in use and how it
is configured.
There are a couple of points.
1. What I was hoping to do is have entities but no external
DTD. Is this impossible? Or alternatively possible only at
the penalty of putting a reasonable DTD in the internal
I don't see why my orignal request cannot be satisfied? Is
it something that has been true of SGML all along and is
therefore grandfathered into XML. If so, there is a distinction
that could be made in that since a DTD is required for SGML
nobody would have noticed that this was part and parcel of
declaring ENTITYs.
What I would like would be to independently switch on
or off validation and general entities?
2. I have never seen a parser that does not switch into
validating mode when there is an external subset. Reading
an external DTD is a sine qua non for accessing the
ENTITYs in it.
At least this adds colour to my assertion that it is
sometimes easier to use a numeric form of entity rather
than a general entity.
Note that this does not apply to HTML because in HTML
a lot of entities are made available without there
being a DTD at all.

Re: Entity references in FOP

2002-02-09 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
David Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be curious to find a list of what entities are in and what aren't.
  Also, I presume I can use a numeric code (#number; - or amp;#number;) to
 reference the character directly. However, it seems like a list of those
 numbers and their corresponding characters is a little too basic for the
 FOP documentation or the usual reference materials. I assume there's a
  relevant ISO document - anybody know what it is?
 [ snip ]
Of course, whether the characters are displayed correctly depends
on the fonts installed for FOP, the font selected, and perhaps
the fonts installed on the machine where the resulting PDF is
finally viewed. Whether a HTML entity is defined for a particular
is irrelevant.
Yes, you can use #number;, and this sometimes proves easier.
I have met this problem as well, and I would like to ask a
supplementary question. Wuth full SGML (and HTML for that matter),
a large number of entities are pre-defined in the sense that they
are accessed through the DTD. Of course this is in general not
done in XML.
I had assumed that the correct solution was to create an internal
subset URL: .
I don't suppose that SKS could post a short complete file would
have this as its meat.
 paraldquo;Hello World!rdquo/para

Java 1.1.8 was Re: Lock generated PDF

2002-02-06 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
  My 'platform' is a slot loading iMac.
I guessed right then. :-) You could install MacOSX which has a decent
JDK 1.3.1.
Apart from the fact that I would be making a leap of faith that
all else I want to do, would be effective (id est not too slow)
once I have OS X (note that it is quite hard to return to classic
Mac OS), it remains a goal for my project to run on systems
three years old. I feel that I should not force my customers
to upgrade.
  It should be a general goal of Open Source projects to be backwards
 compatible. My understanding is that it should be possible to
 use a tool like ant to extract a Java 1.1 subset.
Should it? To a certain extent, yes. But I think it would be best if
Steve Jobs held his promise to fully support the Java2 platform even on
his older systems.
You bet. I have to explain to people (or rather, explain away)
why there was phraseology on the front of the mac Java page
stating that the Mac was the best platform for developing java,
exempli gratia,
URL: ,
... the Mac OS is the best platform for developing Java products.
This was so out of accord with reality, that I suspect that those
people thought I must be soft in the head for not being able to
work miracles with Java. No doubt, the Jobs RDF is so strong that
in Cupertino a dual G4 Powermac can finish an infinite loop in 7
and a half seconds allowing its users to grab the best seats for
Farmer MacGregor's Flying Circus.
My point is that however undesirable, it is understandable that
commercial organisations need to keep people upgrading. The
reverse should be the case for OS software In our case the only
issue is the cost of support, and since even niche products can
be made essentially self-supporting, there should be no artifical
limit established. Or do you look forward to a day when, say, vi
(which is well past its use by date) in the form of its popular
workalikes enter its EOL phase.
I've found a notice in the ant documentation:
For the current version of Ant, you will also need a JDK installed on
your system, version 1.1 or later. A future version of Ant will require
JDK 1.2 or later.
Quite so. As time goes by more and more of the good stuff becomes
(in my experience) JDK 1.3 or better, and obviously each of us
will reach a point when we can no longer handle older platforms
or protocols. Metrowerks has recently, for example, stopped delivering
68k Assemblers and Pascal compilers with its Mac desktop products.
I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide what the
users of these tools felt about it.

Lock generated PDF was Re: Security on FOP

2002-02-05 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
I have a question:
with FOP, Is possible to lock with a password
the PDF Document generated???
[ snip ]
You will have to do some post-processing with other software.
Is this something that is not implemented? Or something
that is thought to be not possible or not desirable?
My understanding is that is is possible to both digitally
sign and encrypt PDF files.
This is described in the 'ppk_pdfspec.pdf' downloadable.
Is it known that digital signing needs some form of authorit
not available to authors of FOP/Apache?
If so, it should surely be still possible to encrypt/lock
a document.

Re: Lock generated PDF was Re: Security on FOP

2002-02-05 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
At 6:08 am -0800 5/2/02, Carlos Araya wrote:
On 02/05/02 3:08, ewitness - Ben Fowler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My understanding is that is is possible to both digitally
 sign and encrypt PDF files.
Using Acrobat you can do that and a lot more. However I don't think that's
what Fop was designed for. You can always use Acrobat to polish a document
produced with Fop.
If it is outside the design domain for FOP, then we ought
not to spend too much time on it.
See below. I am actually quite keen to use a fully automated
system, dispensing with the need for Acrobat, and actually locking
the documnent (output from a database) against its author, as in
  This is described in the 'ppk_pdfspec.pdf' downloadable.
The fact that it is on the spec doesn't mean that it has to be implemented
by Fop. Before worrying about encryption and digital signatures, Fop needs
to achieve full conformance to the basic FO specification. Remember, Fop
deals primarily with XSL:Fo and PDF is only one of the output methods.
Fair enough, but if it is in an open spec. It is likely
possible, which is what the OP was asking.
I do of course agree that conformance, possibly full conformance
to FO should be achieved before concentrating on minutiae
such as this, which are probably only of interest to a minority.
Standards conformance is in the interests of all.
I think, though, that it is also true that the majority
of people here have a greater interest in PDF than any other
application of FOP. Furthermore there is already a high
quality FO - TeX pathway, so I don't think that people
would be inconvienced by an effort to 'polish' the PDF
arm of this project.
  If so, it should surely be still possible to encrypt/lock
 a document.
Do I hear you volunteering to write the code to do it?
Yes. I am not sure that I will get started full before the end of
February, but I intend to contribute to
1. Java 1.1.8 version
2. keep-with
3. Encryption
All of those are things that I potentially need.

Re: SVG Problem with FOP

2002-01-31 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
Title: Re: SVG Problem with FOP

At 10:43 am -0500 25/1/02, Scott Moore wrote:
I'm trying to embed the following SVG
into my XSL-FO and run it thru
FOP (0.20.3rc). Although the SVG looks fine using Adobe's SVG
viewer and Batik's viewer, I get an
error (below) from FOP. Apparently, it doesn't like the url()
to the radialGradient. How can I get this to work?

Thanks for any help,

svg width=3.5in height=1in
viewBox=0 0 680 200 xmlns=

 radialGradient id=PurpleToWhite
cx=.5 cy=.5 r=.5
 stop offset=5%
 stop offset=100%
 rect fill=black stroke=black
x=0 y=0 width=680
 circle r=80 cx=270
cy=100 fill=url(#PurpleToWhite)/
 text font-family=Times
font-size=135pt x=213 y=160

An I/O error occured while processing the URI
specified on the element circle

Are you sure that file that you have requested exists? You might
able to step through the code in a debugger and get a clearer
of exactly what I/O error occured. Also check the bug lists as
it is
possible that FOP has special requirements for specifying


RE: SVG Problem with FOP

2002-01-31 Thread ewitness - Ben Fowler
Title: RE: SVG Problem with FOP

At 5:41 am -0500 31/1/02, Scott Moore wrote:
Thanks for the

The file does not
exist, except in memory. I create the XSL-FO from a
transformation and then directly feed that Document to FOP in my
servlet (I'm not using the command-line version of FOP). The
SVG is contained in the document and the url reference is local to
the document.

Note: It takes time and effort to attempt to undo the formatting
to wrap your mail, and I haven't yet worked out how to remove
blue colouring.



The other answer you received subsumes mine, it is correct
in every respect and more detailled. You should work along
the lines lines suggested there, to wit, you need to adjust
your code so that the URI looks something like:

