RE: Fop performance

2007-06-29 Thread David Morales de Frias
Try to use cached stylesheets... it can improve performance.


See at bottom.


From: Jason Timmins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: viernes, 29 de junio de 2007 11:58
Subject: RE: Fop performance


Hi There,


I had much the same problem myself. I needed to create PDFs quickly for
the web but also Postscript for high-volume laser printers. It was
taking seven seconds to run Saxon, run FOP and get the PDF/PS. This was
way too slow for my application.


To be fair, FOP is pretty quick, the slow part seems to be the
initialisation of the JavaVM (which I was doing once for Saxon and again
for FOP.) I'm in the .NET environment so I gave up on Saxon and switch
to a .NET implementation. I also used IKVM to translate FOP (0.20.X)
into a .NET component so that now Windows doesn't have to use the JavaVM
and all the code runs in the same IIS execution environment.


The result of all this effort was that the generation time dropped from
seven seconds to two seconds.


I'd like to use the native Java version of FOP but how can I make it run
really quickly for lots of small PDFs?


Bye for now



Jason Timmins (Technical Director) InterLinx  Ltd.

 Geo: West Mids, UK
000icon=x . Tele: +44 8707 430999. Fax: +44 8707 460999.

Beyond here there be dragons!


From: Laurent Berthelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 June 2007 06:57
Subject: Fop performance




I try to optimize FOP performance.

I make litlle dynamical PDF (2 pages) on the fly for a web site, and i
need several second to generate PDF.
FOP need a lot of CPU...


Have you the same problem ?




Laurent Berthelot

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Crimson +FOP + Tomcat

2007-02-02 Thread David Morales

Hi all...

I'va a problem with FOP in a web application environment with Tomcat

If I run only with jdk (1.4.2), fop works with 
org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl as SAXParserFactory and 
works well but when i call this same class from a web app in tomcat, 
it throws this exception

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException Exception: can't declare any more prefixes 
in this context.

As i can see, it isn't a XSL problem as i can run this same class 
without problems in jdk...
And if i remove Xerces from TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed it works well 
and this exception desappears...

How can i fix it? anybody knows?

How can i set a different SAXParserFactory to Driver (with FOP 0.20)??

I've tried to do this 
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl); but it doesn't work,


driver.setXMLReader(new FOInputHandler(new 

doesn't work...

Thanks in advance

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Distribute fonts in jar

2007-01-26 Thread David Morales

Hi all...

I need to distribute all xsl-stuff in a jar file, including fonts 
(userconfig.xml, fonts.xml, and ttf files)... but can fop read fonts 
from a URL?? I mean, fop will try to read font from something like 

This is the problem if i try to do something like that

[ERROR] Failed to read font metrics file 
C:\lib\lib1.jar!\fuentes\ComicSansMSBold.xml (The system cannot find the 
path specified)

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Re: Font metrics, AWT vs. PDF and a possible workaround

2007-01-24 Thread David Morales

Hi Daniel...

I have the same problem as yours, where i must show pdf files in a 
something-like-swing environment. Finally, i'm trying with SWT (Eclipse) 
with ActiveX components embedding

Look at

And give a try to embed a explorer and navigate to a pdf file

I don't know if your problem is like this...

Daniel Noll escribió:

Cheffe wrote:

I know of a java pdf-viewer that is gpl
I tested it some time ago. That viewer allows to load TT T1C T1 fonts 

are shown
in a awt-panel. Perhaps you find a solution in this source-code.

Shame it's GPL... and also slower (3 seconds per page compared to 
around 2 seconds per page for FOP.)  I've tried a number of other 
libraries for convering PDF to TIFF, and as yet nothing has come close 
to Ghostscript which can do about 6 pages a second (and unfortunately 
Ghostscript is GPL too.)

PDFBox had great promise but it renders every word on the line at the 
start of the line, which is a real mess. :-D

To make matters worse all these companies which sell the PDF to TIFF 
conversion software have prohibitive per-computer licencing fees (most 
of them are above 10% of the cost of our own product) which seem to 
indicate that they are assuming we will be using the library in a 
server-based application (which we're not. :-/)


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Re: AWT transparency

2007-01-22 Thread David Morales

Thanks it solves my problem.

As i can see, there are several developers with the same problems, and
there are also several requests to improve awt-renderer (this is a cool
feature and very neccesary for open-source community...).

Thanks for your efforts.

Jeremias Maerki escribi:

  Here's my explanation of the problem:

So, yes, you can turn it off if you hack the source code. A proper fix
has to wait until we can do the image package redesign.

On 18.01.2007 18:54:55 David Morales wrote:
As i can see... fop-awt preview shows images and text lighter than 
pdf... can i turn off this feature??


Jeremias Maerki

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2007-01-18 Thread David Morales


Can anybody tell me how can i change fonts in fop-awt preview?? i mean, 
if i create a pdf with fop i can configure fonts, but when i do the same 
operation in awt fonts aren't the same...

Does Fonts used in fop-awt are system/jdk fonts?? are they fop 
user-config's file fonts??

I've tried to set system properties to different values but it doesn't 

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english

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2007-01-18 Thread David Morales


Can anybody tell me how can i change fonts in fop-awt preview?? i mean, 
if i create a pdf with fop i can configure fonts, but when i do the same 
operation in awt fonts aren't the same...

Does Fonts used in fop-awt are system/jdk fonts?? are they fop 
user-config's file fonts??

I've tried to set system properties to different values but it doesn't 

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english

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Fonts AWT

2007-01-18 Thread David Morales


Can anybody tell me how can i change fonts in fop-awt preview?? i mean, 
if i create a pdf with fop i can configure fonts, but when i do the same 
operation in awt fonts aren't the same...

Does Fonts used in fop-awt are system/jdk fonts?? are they fop 
user-config's file fonts??

I've tried to set system properties to different values but it doesn't 

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english

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Re: Fonts AWT

2007-01-18 Thread David Morales

Sorry... i had problems in other apache mailing lists...

And then... can't i set my own fonts when using awt?? i mean, awt-fop 
stablishes fonts?, or awt-java?

Thanks again.

Chris Bowditch escribió:

David Morales wrote:


Can anybody tell me how can i change fonts in fop-awt preview?? i 
mean, if i create a pdf with fop i can configure fonts, but when i do 
the same operation in awt fonts aren't the same...

Why do you keep posting the same question. I already answered you here:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If that doesn't help you then please re-phrase the question.



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Re: Fonts AWT

2007-01-18 Thread David Morales

Hi Adrian,

And there isn't a programmatic way to achieve this???

I'va tried to set sun.java2d.fontpath system property... and also 
copying mt fonts to $jdk/jre/lib/fonts...

What about org.apache.fop.render.java2d.FontSetup class can i extend 
this funcionality or anyother to add fonts??


Adrian Cumiskey escribió:

Hi David,

This looks to be reasonably helpful on the subject :-

Basically you just need to install the missing fonts on your operating 
system.  If this doesn't work you might have to try tweaking your file that sits in the jre/lib folder of your java 


David Morales wrote:

Sorry... i had problems in other apache mailing lists...

And then... can't i set my own fonts when using awt?? i mean, awt-fop 
stablishes fonts?, or awt-java?

Thanks again.

Chris Bowditch escribió:

David Morales wrote:


Can anybody tell me how can i change fonts in fop-awt preview?? i 
mean, if i create a pdf with fop i can configure fonts, but when i 
do the same operation in awt fonts aren't the same...

Why do you keep posting the same question. I already answered you here:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If that doesn't help you then please re-phrase the question.



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AWT transparency

2007-01-18 Thread David Morales
As i can see... fop-awt preview shows images and text lighter than 
pdf... can i turn off this feature??

Thanks in advance.

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