cmyk2rgb color convension

2007-01-13 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi folks,

a long while ago (2001) Thomas Kübler posted a source to this list  
(  to convert rgb images to cmyk with icc  
200111.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

(becuse this is more a jai question i post it to jai list, too)

I tryed to change all cmyk to rgb and all rgb to cmyk to do the other- 
way-round. But i faild with an
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Numbers of source Raster bands  
and source color space components do not match
at java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp.filter( 

at nextgen.cmyk2rgb_ICC.main(

can someont tell me how to do the trick cmyk2rgb?? I need it because  
i have to display cmyk images in a renderd png, but png output of fop  
can not handle cmyk, so i need to transfer them into rgb.

Thank you in advanced,

PS my code so far:

* Created on January 13, 2007, 11:20 PM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.

package nextgen;

import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.color.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;

* @author kriswolff
public class cmyk2rgb_ICC {

private static boolean invert = false;
private static String cmykdatei = /tmp/myimage.jpg;

/** Creates a new instance of cmyk_handles */
public cmyk2rgb_ICC() {

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] bitsRGB = {8,8,8};

String cmykProfile = /Library/Application Support/Adobe/ 
Color/Profiles/Photoshop4DefaultCMYK.icc; // icc-profile cmyk
String rgbProfile = /Library/Application Support/Adobe/ 
Color/Profiles/Recommended/AppleRGB.icc;// icc-profile rgb

// Dateiname f?r die Ausgabe
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cmykdatei,.);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {

try {

RenderedImage inputCMYK = JAI.create(fileload,cmykdatei);

// Create a RGB Color Space from rgbProfile
ICC_Profile p = ICC_Profile.getInstance(new  

ColorSpace csRGB = new ICC_ColorSpace(p);

ColorModel colorModelRGB = new ComponentColorModel 

ImageLayout rgbLayout = new ImageLayout();
RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints 


java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock pb = new  

// convert the image from rgb-colorspace to cmyk- 
colorspace with icc

PlanarImage out = JAI.create(ColorConvert,pb,hints);

// Damit photoshop die Bilddaten nicht invertiert  
anzeigt erfolgt

// eine invertierung der Daten
//pb = new java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock();
//PlanarImage out2 = JAI.create(invert,pb);

WritableRaster rgbRaster = out.copyData();
// ?ffnen des Output-Streams
OutputStream datei = new FileOutputStream(buffer.toString 

JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder 
JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam 

param.setQuality(1, false);
encoder.encode(rgbRaster, param);
System.out.println(Bild erfolgreich gespeichert);

} catch (Exception e) {

Tiff cmyk

2007-01-10 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi all,

i searched the list a few hours by now, trying to get help on my tif  
problem and i can now import a tif saved in rgb color.

But for print i need a cmyk tiff.
The Problem is, that the cmyk is renderd with batik, why? for rgb fop  
takes teh right jimi...

The result from the cmyk is just a black image!

does anybody has imported a cmyk succsessfully?

Please help! i am running mad!

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Re: Tiff cmyk

2007-01-10 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi Jeremias,

now i am running into an error, that terminates the rendering:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.lang.RuntimeException:  
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemLiteralResult.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemApplyTemplates.execute 
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transformNode 
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform 
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform 
at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.transform 

I saved the tif with Photoshop CS 2 as JPEG Compression, best  
Quality.   the image is CMYK/8Bit.

I don't know if this is a following error, or an other mistake of mine.

thank you in advanced,

On Jan 10, 2007, at 10:06 PM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

CMYK TIFF is currently only supported if the image itself is  
encoded as

a DCT image (with is the same compression JPEG uses). Otherwise, FOP
will process the image data wrongly, thinking it is RGB data. I  

you convert your images into a CMYK JPEG images. That is probably the
easiest work-around until one of us has time to do the image package

On 10.01.2007 21:39:54 Kris Wolff wrote:

Hi all,

i searched the list a few hours by now, trying to get help on my tif
problem and i can now import a tif saved in rgb color.
But for print i need a cmyk tiff.
The Problem is, that the cmyk is renderd with batik, why? for rgb fop
takes teh right jimi...
The result from the cmyk is just a black image!

does anybody has imported a cmyk succsessfully?

Please help! i am running mad!

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: Tiff cmyk

2007-01-10 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi Jeremias,

i try to follow you in the code... hm, lost at some point.  I  
definetly need cmyk, so i start to begin looking for some jai  
examples rendering tiff2jpeg without loosing the color theme. All i  
get by now is some ugly image in compleate diferent colors

so i think other api, other site, maybe other list :-)

for understanding you and get deeper into fop-development (i really  
like it, but i am comming from business-logic-applications, short  
from plain numbers on the screen :-) and lots of web-services (lots  
of text and numbers, too) so i see a chance for me getting into image- 
things here, trying to understand what is going wrong in fop. So, you  
say: the image class decompress the image to find out the size and  
than can not process in the next steps because it expected jpeg- 
compression but get raw data, am i right?


On Jan 10, 2007, at 11:21 PM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hmm, TIFFImage16 is one of those error messages that should actually
be resolved into an understandable error message. Looking at the  

code, it means as much as: I don't support CMYK images with DCT
compression. I that is the TIFF codec in XML Graphics Commons.
Unfortunately, the image adapter for that codec currently seems to
decode the whole image to determine the image size and can therefore
later not use the raw image data. I thought that used to work at some
point. But then the image package really is a mess.

I really have no other option for you than using JPEG instead of TIFF
for now if you absolutely need CMYK support.

On 10.01.2007 23:00:52 Kris Wolff wrote:

Ok, of course, here is the full error: (long list)


java.lang.RuntimeException: TIFFImage16
 at org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.codec.tiff.TIFFImage.init
 at org.apache.fop.image.TIFFImage.decodeImage 

 at org.apache.fop.image.AbstractFopImage.load


Jeremias Maerki

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Re: Question to Repository

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff


actually i removed to 90 his morning, but I can rememer 2 Things:
1. There is a part where the 14Base fonts are loaded, its going like
new Helvetica(configurationParameter);

for me it works only if i remove the Parameter.

2. i get the Don't know how to handle application/pdf as an output  
format. Neither an FOEventHandler, nor a Renderer could be found for  
this output format. Error.

Thanx a lot.

On Dec 13, 2006, at 6:00 AM, Jay Bryant wrote:

I downloaded and built from the SVN source this week, and it all  
worked fine for me.

What troubles are you having?

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

- Original Message - From: Kris Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:33 PM
Subject: Question to Repository


the HEAD from Repository, should it work? (0.92)
I have a lot of trouble...


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Font Question

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi folks,

i try very hard to enable a font but without any result. This morning  
i went to bed and hoped it helps.. but today i stuck in the same  
place. Font is not working.

Maybe you can help me.

I am using Fop 0.90 with Tomcat 5.5. on a Mac.
I graped a ttf font and build the xml:
# java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /tmp/calligra.ttf  ./ 

TTF Reader for Apache FOP SVN tags/fop-0_90-alpha1

Parsing font...
Reading /tmp/calligra.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 247
3 cmap tables
CMAP format: 4
Creating xml font file...
Creating CID encoded metrics...
Writing xml font file ./calligra.xml...
This font contains no embedding license restrictions.

XML font metrics file successfullly created.

than i moved the font and the generated xml to a dir names /fonts  
inside my Web-Tree.

I Edited the conf for FOP

Basedir ist the WEB-INF/classes directory.

in renderer mime=application/pdf under fonts i build a tag like:

font metrics-url=../../fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed- 

font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal weight=normal/

I edit the xsl:
  fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt
   xsl:value-of select=text()/


I run the app and get:
Dec 13, 2006 12:46:21 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo  
WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting with  
default font.


Do i have somthing forgotten?

Thanks in advanced.

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Re: Font Question

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff


thanx, but this is not working for me. I set the font-base ans strip  
down the font-tag, checked it, triesd with metrics-url and metrcs  
file. tryed with the full path, and with /path_to_font and file:/// 

always replacing to default-font.

i recreated the metrix with -enc ansi
I spezify the fo:block like you suggested.

 WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting  
with default font.

Any othe idea?

On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:09 PM, s.schwanitz wrote:

Hi Kris,

try to set the font-base attribute in fo config file. It's right  
under the root. You might need to specify font-weight and font- 
style in directly your stylesheet, too so that it exactly matches  
the config settings. e.g..
fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt font- 
weight=normal  font-style=normal

  xsl:value-of select=text()/
Good luck.


Kris Wolff schrieb:

Hi folks,

i try very hard to enable a font but without any result. This  
morning i went to bed and hoped it helps.. but today i stuck in  
the same place. Font is not working.

Maybe you can help me.

I am using Fop 0.90 with Tomcat 5.5. on a Mac.
I graped a ttf font and build the xml:
# java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /tmp/calligra.ttf  ./ 

TTF Reader for Apache FOP SVN tags/fop-0_90-alpha1

Parsing font...
Reading /tmp/calligra.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 247
3 cmap tables
CMAP format: 4
Creating xml font file...
Creating CID encoded metrics...
Writing xml font file ./calligra.xml...
This font contains no embedding license restrictions.

XML font metrics file successfullly created.

than i moved the font and the generated xml to a dir names /fonts  
inside my Web-Tree.

I Edited the conf for FOP

Basedir ist the WEB-INF/classes directory.

in renderer mime=application/pdf under fonts i build a tag  


font metrics-url=../../fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed- 
font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal  


I edit the xsl:
  fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt
   xsl:value-of select=text()/


I run the app and get:
Dec 13, 2006 12:46:21 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo  
WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting  
with default font.


Do i have somthing forgotten?

Thanks in advanced.

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Re: Font Question

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff


font-base does not do anything in my project wonder why.
but this works:

font metrics-url=/Users/kriswolff/Projects/PHYRE-dtp/build/web/ 
fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed-url=file:///Users/kriswolff/ 

font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal weight=normal/

How can i set the Path to the WEB-INF? Is there is any posibility to  
abstract the config?

Thanx again.

On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Kris Wolff wrote:


thanx, but this is not working for me. I set the font-base ans  
strip down the font-tag, checked it, triesd with metrics-url and  
metrcs file. tryed with the full path, and with /path_to_font and  

always replacing to default-font.

i recreated the metrix with -enc ansi
I spezify the fo:block like you suggested.

 WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting  
with default font.

Any othe idea?

On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:09 PM, s.schwanitz wrote:

Hi Kris,

try to set the font-base attribute in fo config file. It's right  
under the root. You might need to specify font-weight and font- 
style in directly your stylesheet, too so that it exactly matches  
the config settings. e.g..
fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt font- 
weight=normal  font-style=normal

  xsl:value-of select=text()/
Good luck.


Kris Wolff schrieb:

Hi folks,

i try very hard to enable a font but without any result. This  
morning i went to bed and hoped it helps.. but today i stuck in  
the same place. Font is not working.

Maybe you can help me.

I am using Fop 0.90 with Tomcat 5.5. on a Mac.
I graped a ttf font and build the xml:
# java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /tmp/calligra.ttf  ./ 

TTF Reader for Apache FOP SVN tags/fop-0_90-alpha1

Parsing font...
Reading /tmp/calligra.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 247
3 cmap tables
CMAP format: 4
Creating xml font file...
Creating CID encoded metrics...
Writing xml font file ./calligra.xml...
This font contains no embedding license restrictions.

XML font metrics file successfullly created.

than i moved the font and the generated xml to a dir names /fonts  
inside my Web-Tree.

I Edited the conf for FOP

Basedir ist the WEB-INF/classes directory.

in renderer mime=application/pdf under fonts i build a tag  


font metrics-url=../../fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed- 
font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal  


I edit the xsl:
  fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt
   xsl:value-of select=text()/


I run the app and get:
Dec 13, 2006 12:46:21 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo  
WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting  
with default font.


Do i have somthing forgotten?

Thanks in advanced.


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Font in Images

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi again,

ok my last question is: how do i enable fonts for images?

i render a pdf and a image (currently png, but it is not fixed, so if  
it possible only in tiff, its ok for me). the pdf works with fonts 
(see last post), but the png does not.

i try:

renderer mime=image/png
font metrics-url=/Users/kriswolff/Projects/PHYRE-dtp/build/web/ 
fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed-url=file:///Users/kriswolff/ 

font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal weight=normal/

in configuration, but without any effects.

Thanx, you are very kind.


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Re: Font Question

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff

Hi Sabine,

thanx a lot,
i'll try it this way.

do you know any class to render pdf2image? maybe i should try it this  


On Dec 13, 2006, at 2:02 PM, s.schwanitz wrote:

i'm setting the font-base in my java app using  
fopFactory.setFontBaseURL(etc/fonts/) (using fop trunk); Add  
your current web/fonts folder to your classpath .  Then  the simple  
reference to calligra.ttf should work.

I don't know anything about integrating fonts with images.


Kris Wolff schrieb:


font-base does not do anything in my project wonder why.
but this works:

font metrics-url=/Users/kriswolff/Projects/PHYRE-dtp/build/web/ 
fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes embed-url=file:///Users/ 
font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal  


How can i set the Path to the WEB-INF? Is there is any posibility  
to abstract the config?

Thanx again.

On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:27 PM, Kris Wolff wrote:


thanx, but this is not working for me. I set the font-base ans  
strip down the font-tag, checked it, triesd with metrics-url and  
metrcs file. tryed with the full path, and with /path_to_font and  

always replacing to default-font.

i recreated the metrix with -enc ansi
I spezify the fo:block like you suggested.

 WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found.  
Substituting with default font.

Any othe idea?

On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:09 PM, s.schwanitz wrote:

Hi Kris,

try to set the font-base attribute in fo config file. It's right  
under the root. You might need to specify font-weight and font- 
style in directly your stylesheet, too so that it exactly  
matches the config settings. e.g..
fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt font- 
weight=normal  font-style=normal

  xsl:value-of select=text()/
Good luck.


Kris Wolff schrieb:

Hi folks,

i try very hard to enable a font but without any result. This  
morning i went to bed and hoped it helps.. but today i stuck in  
the same place. Font is not working.

Maybe you can help me.

I am using Fop 0.90 with Tomcat 5.5. on a Mac.
I graped a ttf font and build the xml:
# java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /tmp/calligra.ttf  ./ 

TTF Reader for Apache FOP SVN tags/fop-0_90-alpha1

Parsing font...
Reading /tmp/calligra.ttf...
Number of glyphs in font: 247
3 cmap tables
CMAP format: 4
Creating xml font file...
Creating CID encoded metrics...
Writing xml font file ./calligra.xml...
This font contains no embedding license restrictions.

XML font metrics file successfullly created.

than i moved the font and the generated xml to a dir names / 
fonts inside my Web-Tree.

I Edited the conf for FOP

Basedir ist the WEB-INF/classes directory.

in renderer mime=application/pdf under fonts i build a  
tag like:


font metrics-url=../../fonts/calligra.xml kerning=yes  
font-triplet name=Calligrapher style=normal  


I edit the xsl:
  fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt
   xsl:value-of select=text()/


I run the app and get:
Dec 13, 2006 12:46:21 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo  
WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting  
with default font.


Do i have somthing forgotten?

Thanks in advanced.

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Strage: Image and font

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff


if i do this:
fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt font- 
weight=normal  font-style=normal

   xsl:value-of select=text()/

it works. The font is enabled in pdf.
But if i add a image like:

fo:block font-family=Calligrapher font-size=72pt font- 
weight=normal  font-style=normal

   xsl:value-of select=text()/
  fo:external-graphic src=url(http://localhost:8084/PHYRE- 


the font will not be displayed.

I do not understand this!


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Re: Question to Repository

2006-12-13 Thread Kris Wolff
I reduild from the repository and build a clean setup, while  
compailing i notice the fonts folder is empty:

/VOL2/src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/ package  
org.apache.fop.fonts.base14 does not exist

import org.apache.fop.fonts.base14.Helvetica;

How do you compaile? What is missing?


On Dec 13, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Kris Wolff wrote:


actually i removed to 90 his morning, but I can rememer 2 Things:
1. There is a part where the 14Base fonts are loaded, its going like
new Helvetica(configurationParameter);

for me it works only if i remove the Parameter.

2. i get the Don't know how to handle application/pdf as an  
output format. Neither an FOEventHandler, nor a Renderer could be  
found for this output format. Error.

Thanx a lot.

On Dec 13, 2006, at 6:00 AM, Jay Bryant wrote:

I downloaded and built from the SVN source this week, and it all  
worked fine for me.

What troubles are you having?

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

- Original Message - From: Kris Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:33 PM
Subject: Question to Repository


the HEAD from Repository, should it work? (0.92)
I have a lot of trouble...



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Question to Repository

2006-12-12 Thread Kris Wolff


the HEAD from Repository, should it work? (0.92)
I have a lot of trouble...


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