[foreman-dev] Notifications / monitoring for infra

2017-12-05 Thread Greg Sutcliffe
Lukas asked me to raise this after Koji ran out of space, so ... :)

Currently there are two forms of notification from our infra. Firstly
there is the private infra Google Group, but no-one seems to know who
maintains is (Dominic?). Secondly, there is a list of email addresses
written by Puppet to /etc/aliases (current it's me, Ohad and Michael).

While notifications from Koji would have at least reached more people if
it was in Puppet (which we discussed briefly, but no one had time for),
I think it makes sense to think about what we want to do more generally
about this stuff.

My *long term* preference would be proper monitoring - something like
Icinga or Zabbix, properly deployed with the appropriate checks, and the
ability to alert the right people if a check fails. That's the right
thing to do, and is flexibile in who gets a particular alert.

In the short term, though, we could use either *another* mailing list
(since the existing Google Group seems lost) or a private infra group on
Discourse (I tested it briefly, you can email in to a group and keep the
messages private to the group members). Either of these would work in
the short term. We could also use an alias on the root DNS
(in...@theforeman.org or something) but I don't think Ohad can set up
multiple forwards for that very easily... and it's harder to manage when
the list of forwards changes (only Ohad can do it).

Thoughts? I lean to a temporary solution on Discourse (but not strongly,
a mailing list is fine here), and proper monitoring to be added to
Eric's infra roadmap for later on.


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Re: [foreman-dev] RFC: File audit for template rendering

2017-12-05 Thread Marek Hulan

I like this.

I agree the renderred template should not be stored along audit records we 
have today, it does not represent any data change. Also it would be a lot 
of data in our db and would make searching of other audit records hard. 
Having long kickstart files in log files is neither a good idea.

One small comment, Foreman must remain operational if directory can't be 
written to and a directory must be configurable (developer setups). The 
only downside is related to HA Foreman setups. Users must share the dir 
among all Foreman instances.

We should probably limit this to provisioning templates and partition 
tables only in terms of templates rendering. Job templates can grow 
rapidly, thousands of files per one invocation. The job template result is 
different for each host.

Btw this would be also great for host classification auditing. That answers 
the question, what parameter values were available for the host when 
ENC/info method was called during provisioning.

It'd also be great if foreman-debug would be gathering this, but I suppose 
that's already on your radar.


On December 5, 2017 6:02:14 PM Lukas Zapletal  wrote:


Foreman does have a nice audit trail for many operations, what's
missing is ability to find how a template (e.g. kickstart) was
rendered. Storing whole template text in audit table is probably not
the best thing to do, production.log is also not a good fit, so here
is a proposal.

I want to create a small API called File audit (*) with ability to
store arbitrary files into
/var/log/foreman/file_audit/id/text-timestamp where "id" is record id
(or multiple ids concatenated with dots), "text" is arbitrary alphanum
text and "timestamp" is unix epoch number. Example:


That API will be used to store contents of all templates rendered, so
users can easily go "back in time" and see how templates are being
rendered. The directory would be root-only reading and files will be
created with restricted permissions (foreman user rw only). On system
with SELinux, security would be more tightened allowing writing only
to foreman_t domain and reading to nobody. For the example above, this
would mean:


1 - file audit type (static list, 1 stands for "template audit entry")
33 - host id
7 - template id
my.host.lan-pxelinux - extra data so users can work and search from command 

1512492603 - UNIX epoch timestamp

Everytime new record is added, a log entry is created into
production.log containing file path. By default, there will be a cron
job deleting all files older than one month. In documentation, we will
ask users to rsync the directory to different location if long-term
archival is needed.

This API could be used for other audit logging, for example when user
uploads a manifest ZIP file in katello or new version of RPM/Puppet
file. This will be the first step to improve audit around templates,
later on we can create a plugin showing the data in audit/host pages
if needed. But in the first phase, administrators could easily
search/grep/diff those files when necessary.

(*) if you have a better name, please do propose

  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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Re: [foreman-dev] RFC: File audit for template rendering

2017-12-05 Thread Timo Goebel
I don't think, this is a good idea. Storing files on the local 
filesystem is generally consideres an anti-pattern imho. Both for web 
applications and expecially in a container world.

In a clustered setup, you'd have to attach some kind of shared-storage 
to the foreman hosts to make this work. Possibly via NFS or something. 
This is meant to cause trouble. I generally advise not to have any state 
on an application server.

I think, this can and should be done with a database. I agree, that the 
audit model might not be the best place for this. But a database 
definitely is.

Just my 2 cents.

- Timo

Am 05.12.17 um 18:01 schrieb Lukas Zapletal:


Foreman does have a nice audit trail for many operations, what's
missing is ability to find how a template (e.g. kickstart) was
rendered. Storing whole template text in audit table is probably not
the best thing to do, production.log is also not a good fit, so here
is a proposal.

I want to create a small API called File audit (*) with ability to
store arbitrary files into
/var/log/foreman/file_audit/id/text-timestamp where "id" is record id
(or multiple ids concatenated with dots), "text" is arbitrary alphanum
text and "timestamp" is unix epoch number. Example:


That API will be used to store contents of all templates rendered, so
users can easily go "back in time" and see how templates are being
rendered. The directory would be root-only reading and files will be
created with restricted permissions (foreman user rw only). On system
with SELinux, security would be more tightened allowing writing only
to foreman_t domain and reading to nobody. For the example above, this
would mean:


1 - file audit type (static list, 1 stands for "template audit entry")
33 - host id
7 - template id
my.host.lan-pxelinux - extra data so users can work and search from command line
1512492603 - UNIX epoch timestamp

Everytime new record is added, a log entry is created into
production.log containing file path. By default, there will be a cron
job deleting all files older than one month. In documentation, we will
ask users to rsync the directory to different location if long-term
archival is needed.

This API could be used for other audit logging, for example when user
uploads a manifest ZIP file in katello or new version of RPM/Puppet
file. This will be the first step to improve audit around templates,
later on we can create a plugin showing the data in audit/host pages
if needed. But in the first phase, administrators could easily
search/grep/diff those files when necessary.

(*) if you have a better name, please do propose

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[foreman-dev] RFC: File audit for template rendering

2017-12-05 Thread Lukas Zapletal

Foreman does have a nice audit trail for many operations, what's
missing is ability to find how a template (e.g. kickstart) was
rendered. Storing whole template text in audit table is probably not
the best thing to do, production.log is also not a good fit, so here
is a proposal.

I want to create a small API called File audit (*) with ability to
store arbitrary files into
/var/log/foreman/file_audit/id/text-timestamp where "id" is record id
(or multiple ids concatenated with dots), "text" is arbitrary alphanum
text and "timestamp" is unix epoch number. Example:


That API will be used to store contents of all templates rendered, so
users can easily go "back in time" and see how templates are being
rendered. The directory would be root-only reading and files will be
created with restricted permissions (foreman user rw only). On system
with SELinux, security would be more tightened allowing writing only
to foreman_t domain and reading to nobody. For the example above, this
would mean:


1 - file audit type (static list, 1 stands for "template audit entry")
33 - host id
7 - template id
my.host.lan-pxelinux - extra data so users can work and search from command line
1512492603 - UNIX epoch timestamp

Everytime new record is added, a log entry is created into
production.log containing file path. By default, there will be a cron
job deleting all files older than one month. In documentation, we will
ask users to rsync the directory to different location if long-term
archival is needed.

This API could be used for other audit logging, for example when user
uploads a manifest ZIP file in katello or new version of RPM/Puppet
file. This will be the first step to improve audit around templates,
later on we can create a plugin showing the data in audit/host pages
if needed. But in the first phase, administrators could easily
search/grep/diff those files when necessary.

(*) if you have a better name, please do propose

  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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[foreman-dev] Speed up Foreman development booting by 50%

2017-12-05 Thread Lukas Zapletal
I just filed this PR which speeds booting up quite a lot, from 10s to
6s on my system:


Feel free to test, I haven't tested with Katello but it should give
even bigger boost with it.

  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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Re: [foreman-dev] Firefox 57 and noVNC

2017-12-05 Thread Lukas Zapletal
This is Sat 6.3 install (Katello 3.4), no changes here:

# Websockets
:websockets_encrypt: on
:websockets_ssl_key: /etc/pki/katello/private/katello-apache.key
:websockets_ssl_cert: /etc/pki/katello/certs/katello-apache.crt

# SSL-settings
:ssl_certificate: /etc/foreman/client_cert.pem
:ssl_ca_file: /etc/foreman/proxy_ca.pem
:ssl_priv_key: /etc/foreman/client_key.pem

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 09:43:20AM +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>> I was trying noVNC the other day on FF 57. Imported katello CA (it was
>> a katello intance), but it didn't work until I flipped flag
>> "network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS" on and then it worked.
>> I remember that Firefox always worked out of box - when server CA was
>> imported, it worked like charm. In the documentation we have "FF might
>> need to turn on this flag". Anyone knows under which circumstances we
>> need to flip this on?
>> Any luck setting up FF 57 without any hacking with noVNC?
>> https://theforeman.org/manuals/1.15/index.html#7.1NoVNC
> There are settings (websockets_ssl_{key,cert}) to choose which certificate
> is presented by the VNC websockets proxy. Are you sure the correct
> certificates are used by it?
> --
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  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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Re: [foreman-dev] Firefox 57 and noVNC

2017-12-05 Thread Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 09:43:20AM +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:

I was trying noVNC the other day on FF 57. Imported katello CA (it was
a katello intance), but it didn't work until I flipped flag
"network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS" on and then it worked.

I remember that Firefox always worked out of box - when server CA was
imported, it worked like charm. In the documentation we have "FF might
need to turn on this flag". Anyone knows under which circumstances we
need to flip this on?

Any luck setting up FF 57 without any hacking with noVNC?


There are settings (websockets_ssl_{key,cert}) to choose which 
certificate is presented by the VNC websockets proxy. Are you sure the 
correct certificates are used by it?

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Re: [foreman-dev] Koji Space on /

2017-12-05 Thread Lukas Zapletal
My 2C:

1) We need to setup foreman-infra mailing list, we had one set by
Dominic but I am not sure we still have access to this. Greg, can you
set up something for us and add our infra team? Whatever this is, but
personally I'd prefer emails :)

I had an email about this on Saturday but I haven't read it until
today. I am bad in this.

2) By default httpd rotation has delayed compression so on busy day,
it can create one or two huge files until this is compressed. Although
we can tune logrotate, I've done this:

I moved and symlinked the following directories to local ephemeral volume:

* /var/cache/mrepo -> /mnt/tmp/cache/mrepo
* /var/log/httpd -> /mnt/tmp/log/httpd

Restarted httpd making sure there are no open jobs. Everything is fine
now, report issues.

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Eric D Helms  wrote:
> Today Koji filled up its root partition which is designed to be small. In
> part, there was 2.0 GB of httpd logs due to the API intensive use of Koji.
> These logs are currently rotated and not compressed in anyway.
> How should we handle this? A few ideas for discussion:
>  1) Modify logrotate configuration to try to compress the logs
>  2) Setup a cron job to compress the rotated logs
>  3) Rotate the logs less
> We also noticed about 850MB of mrepo cache.
> --
> Eric D. Helms
> Red Hat Engineering
> --
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  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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[foreman-dev] Firefox 57 and noVNC

2017-12-05 Thread Lukas Zapletal

I was trying noVNC the other day on FF 57. Imported katello CA (it was
a katello intance), but it didn't work until I flipped flag
"network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS" on and then it worked.

I remember that Firefox always worked out of box - when server CA was
imported, it worked like charm. In the documentation we have "FF might
need to turn on this flag". Anyone knows under which circumstances we
need to flip this on?

Any luck setting up FF 57 without any hacking with noVNC?


  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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