Re: [fossil-users] Weird cross-contamination between two fossil repositories (and not even talking to server!)

2016-05-28 Thread Andy Gibbs
On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 6:39 PM, Andy Gibbs wrote:
>>File 3rdparty/chromium/third_party/sqlite/sqlite-src-3080704/manifest -
>> part of check-in [079a920cf4] at 2016-03-13 00:00:00 on branch trunk - **
>> message elided **
>>File 3rdparty/chromium/third_party/sqlite/src/manifest - part of
>> check-in [079a920cf4] at 2016-03-13 00:00:00 on branch trunk - ** message
>> elided **
> That's the source of your... troubles is not quite the word (see below). In
> fossil, any content which looks like a manifest, is a manifest and will be
> treated as such. There is no marking of "that is a manifest" - it's
> determined by checking "can it be parsed as a manifest?"
> To quote:
> "Any artifact in the repository that follows the syntactic rules of a
> manifest is a manifest. Note that a manifest can be both a real manifest
> and also a content file, though this is rare."
> [...]
>> So, I certainly don't want to shun this artifact because then I'll lose a
>> file from a valid check-in -- isn't that right?
> i believe that's correct.
>> But how can I fix it?
> This is how fossil behaves, so there's nothing to fix :/.


Thanks, that was exactly the set of answers I was looking for.  I now 
understand the problem and can avoid it in future.  Having done some tests it 
seems that the "fossil rebuild" actually caused the problem -- fossil doesn't 
cause the manifest file to appear as a timeline entry on commit itself.  But 
Richard, since...

> Just to be clear, I consider anything involving shunning to be
> out-of-the-ordinary.

what then is the best way to clear up the repository history, in particular 
these to rogue (but it turns out entirely expected) timeline entries?
Branch hiding?


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Weird cross-contamination between two fossil repositories (and not even talking to server!)

2016-05-27 Thread Andy Gibbs

Hi again,

I've just discovered something and maybe it is helpful.  I checked the 
"artifact" webpage for both of these rogue artifacts, and I get multiple 
sources for the artifact in question, e.g.:


Artifact f66f7a17b78ba617acde90fc810107f34f1a1f2e:

   File 3rdparty/chromium/third_party/sqlite/sqlite-src-3080704/manifest - 
part of check-in [079a920cf4] at 2016-03-13 00:00:00 on branch trunk - ** 
message elided **
   File 3rdparty/chromium/third_party/sqlite/src/manifest - part of 
check-in [079a920cf4] at 2016-03-13 00:00:00 on branch trunk - ** message 
elided **

Also Manifest of check-in [f66f7a17b7] - Version by drh on 
2014-12-09 01:34:36.

   C Version\s3.8.7.4
   D 2014-12-09T01:34:36.054
   F Makefile.arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc 

   F cf57f673d77606ab0f2d9627ca52a9ba1464146a
   F Makefile.linux-gcc 91d710bdc4998cb015f39edf3cb314ec4f4d7e23
   F Makefile.msc e31dee24038965fb6269d6d61073fd6b7e331dec
   F Makefile.vxworks 034289efa9d591b04b1a73598623119c306cbba0
   F 64f270c43c38c46de749e419c22f0ae2f4499fe8
   F VERSION d7e46e14bd7393d54d19ad900222e5f20d41ea1b

And the other artifact is the similar.  Could this account for the odd 
behaviour?  Fossil has somehow got confused about an actual commit and a 
manifest file that has been checked in?

So, I certainly don't want to shun this artifact because then I'll lose a 
file from a valid check-in -- isn't that right?  But how can I fix it?

Thanks again for your help in my hour of need :o)


- Original Message - 
From: "Andy Gibbs" <>

To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 6:26 PM
Subject: Weird cross-contamination between two fossil repositories (and not 
even talking to server!)


I've just had a very, very odd experience with fossil.  I'm running 
version 1.34.

Let me first explain what I have done.

I cloned a respository off our server.  I then went into the clone's web 
UI and disabled the auto-sync feature.  I then made 7 commits, the first 
of which caused a trunk fork which I then "repaired" by branching the old 
tip-of-trunk that caused the fork.  I then committed two commits to the 
new branch, then realised that I'd committed the wrong code, so shunned 
the last two commits, rebuilt the respository, unshunned the sha1 
signatures, rebuilt, then recommitted the last two commits using the 
correct code.

Ok, a little complicated but nothing too out-of-the-ordinary, I hope.

Except ... now I have two utterly random commits in my cloned repository - 
both seemingly from the sqlite repository:

2014-12-09 [f66f7a17b7] Version (user: drh, tags: release, 

2011-05-19 [ed1da510a2] Version release candidate 1. (user: drh)

Now, it is true that I have a clone of the sqlite respository on my server 
too ... but I haven't yet synced with the server.  Absolutely no server 
communication has happened since my initial clone.  And these odd 
artifacts were definitely not there (or, rephrased, definitely not 
showing) when I was mid-way through all of this work, and are not there on 
the server's copy of the repository either.

Unfortunately, I cannot say exactly when these artifacts appeared, but my 
hunch would be somepoint around the shunning/rebuilding process?  Does 
this even make sense?!?

Worse, I am left not sure whether to simply shun the two random artifacts 
and then push the changes to the repository up to the server.  It has 
taken the best part of a day to get all these commits in and it represents 
about 6GB of source files (the repository has doubled from ~700 MB to ~1.5 
GB) requiring a lot of manual "fossil mv"s to synchronise many moved files 
(fossil doesn't yet support a git-like auto-mv-detection sadly).

Any idea how I can easily check the validity of my repository?  I have 
done the obvious which is to check out each of the recent check-ins and 
compare them with the original source folders, but what I don't know is 
whether the structure of my respository is damaged in some way...

Help :o)


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Weird cross-contamination between two fossil repositories (and not even talking to server!)

2016-05-27 Thread Andy Gibbs


I've just had a very, very odd experience with fossil.  I'm running version 

Let me first explain what I have done.

I cloned a respository off our server.  I then went into the clone's web UI 
and disabled the auto-sync feature.  I then made 7 commits, the first of 
which caused a trunk fork which I then "repaired" by branching the old 
tip-of-trunk that caused the fork.  I then committed two commits to the new 
branch, then realised that I'd committed the wrong code, so shunned the last 
two commits, rebuilt the respository, unshunned the sha1 signatures, 
rebuilt, then recommitted the last two commits using the correct code.

Ok, a little complicated but nothing too out-of-the-ordinary, I hope.

Except ... now I have two utterly random commits in my cloned repository - 
both seemingly from the sqlite repository:

2014-12-09 [f66f7a17b7] Version (user: drh, tags: release, 

2011-05-19 [ed1da510a2] Version release candidate 1. (user: drh)

Now, it is true that I have a clone of the sqlite respository on my server 
too ... but I haven't yet synced with the server.  Absolutely no server 
communication has happened since my initial clone.  And these odd artifacts 
were definitely not there (or, rephrased, definitely not showing) when I was 
mid-way through all of this work, and are not there on the server's copy of 
the repository either.

Unfortunately, I cannot say exactly when these artifacts appeared, but my 
hunch would be somepoint around the shunning/rebuilding process?  Does this 
even make sense?!?

Worse, I am left not sure whether to simply shun the two random artifacts 
and then push the changes to the repository up to the server.  It has taken 
the best part of a day to get all these commits in and it represents about 
6GB of source files (the repository has doubled from ~700 MB to ~1.5 GB) 
requiring a lot of manual "fossil mv"s to synchronise many moved files 
(fossil doesn't yet support a git-like auto-mv-detection sadly).

Any idea how I can easily check the validity of my repository?  I have done 
the obvious which is to check out each of the recent check-ins and compare 
them with the original source folders, but what I don't know is whether the 
structure of my respository is damaged in some way...

Help :o)


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-03 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Thursday, December 03, 2015 9:48 AM, Andy Bradford wrote:

Thus said Andy Gibbs on Thu, 03 Dec 2015 08:56:42 +0100:

For reference, a single commit may lead to around 100 "round-trips" to
then sync with the server (assuming no commits coming back as well).

If you  are using autosync (the  default) then Fossill will  first pull,
before it pushes. Are these the ``round-trips'' you mean? If so, what is
more  important to  know is  how many  round-trips are  made during  the
``push''  synchronization  part  of  the autosync.  Though,  again,  the
max-download may have just been a  red-herring, and just another clue in
the puzzle that helped discover the actual problem.

"round-trips" being during the push (i.e. post commit).  Sorry I was using
the terminology of what was being shown on screen -- not combining the pre
and post commit numbers.

Ok, this produced a very long list starting thusly:

170716 unreachable artifacts:

Should I be worried?!

Not yet...   Please run:

fossil rebuild
fossil test-clusters

Then we'll get the true picture of  whether or not you have something to
be worried  about. The clusters are  only used for sync  operations, not
clone, so if one  goes missing, then it makes it  so clients cannot pull
new content (the original bug that was fixed).

So... doing fossil rebuild then test-clusters on the server results in
"all artifacts reachable through clusters".

Hooray!  However... doing then a sync on my clone, then doing the
fossil test-clusters again on the server results in:

170931 unreachable artifacts:
 127299 17df491816cdbd40fcbca031950decdf9532
 150554 67ad9657662b33a669d87934b6df91a62f71
 134125 91fa0dc5528c0595b16c4cc56f9365bfbba0
 68008 cc81620bd3ff86379b744e4dae91df8f6175

However, on my clone I get:

$ fossil test-clusters
all artifacts reachable through clusters

Both server and client are running 1.34.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-02 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Wednesday, December 02, 2015 4:40 PM, Andy Bradford wrote:

Thus said Andy Gibbs on Tue, 01 Dec 2015 19:14:13 +0100:

I  am syncing  with a  single server,  and I  have made  sure all  the
clients  have the  same fossil  version as  the server  (actually I've
upgraded them  all to the  latest released  version). I have  even run
"fossil  rebuild" on  all  checked-out repositories  and  also on  the

Did  you upgrade  them prior  to the  problem happening  or after?  What
version were they before the upgrade?

I upgraded after the problem occurred.  I was running 1.32 on the server
and 1.32 or 1.33 on the clients.  All are running 1.34 now.

Stupidly, I didn't think to keep a copy of the repository files before
using --verily.

I can certainly let you know when (if?) it happens again.  What can I say
about my usage patterns? ... I am certainly doing large check-ins, for
example, modifying 100s of files at once.  A raw check-in manifest file
could easily be in the order of 4 MB in size.  I am not, however, using
private branches or shunning artifacts.  I have around 20 public branches,
but most are closed.  Branch check-ins tend to be small in comparison.

Does this help?

There  was  a  known  bug  where   a  large  commit  (by  large  I  mean
the  number  of artifacts  in  the  commit)  would cause  sync  problems
because  some  cluster artifacts---which  are  primarily  used for  sync
optimization---would get  lost in the  chain on the server.  Because the
server lost track of a cluster  artifact, some subset of artifacts would
never be requested for synchronization by the client.

This was fixed and  as far as we know it hasn't  happened again. Here is
the previous discussion which eventually led to a fix:

If you can  cause it to happen  while running the latest  Fossil on both
the server and  clients (after having used --verily to  bring in all the
artifacts) it would be appreciated if you can provide steps to reproduce


TAI64 timestamp: 4000565f112a

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-02 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Wednesday, December 02, 2015 5:06 PM, j. van den hoff wrote:

On Wed, 02 Dec 2015 16:56:35 +0100, Andy Gibbs

I upgraded after the problem occurred.  I was running 1.32 on the server
and 1.32 or 1.33 on the clients.  All are running 1.34 now.

which at least means they were all post 1.30 (in which version the sync 
bug presumably was fixed) so I would take this as a strong indication that 
there still is a problem, right?

Yeah, I try to keep up to date on the client side.  The server is not so
regularly updated, but had been running 1.32 since (maybe?) April/May.

Before that, maybe it was running 1.28?  But my memory is a little shady.



fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-02 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Thursday, December 03, 2015 5:21 AM, Andy Bradford wrote:

Thus said Andy Gibbs on Wed, 02 Dec 2015 16:56:35 +0100:

I can certainly let  you know when (if?) it happens  again. What can I
say about my usage patterns? ... I am certainly doing large check-ins,
for example, modifying 100s of files at once.

That certainly is  similar to the criteria for  the previous conditions.
Before the previous fix I had  reproduced it with 1,500 changed files in
a single commit, thus resulting in a manifest with a lot of F-cards.

I saw in the referenced threads  that max-download also had something to
do with it:

I had a look at the description for max-download (download packet limit)
and I'm not sure.  The limit is 5MB (M not Mi!) by default it would seem.
What I'm not sure about is what this limit exactly applies to - from the
description given (I haven't looked in the source code) - i.e. I am pretty
sure an individual check-in could easily exceed 5MB of uncompressed diffs
for example.  Worst case, a single file could have 5MB of changes (or be
a new 5MB+ file).  I can check further and get concrete numbers if this
would help, but I'm assuming this shouldn't be a factor.

For reference, a single commit may lead to around 100 "round-trips" to
then sync with the server (assuming no commits coming back as well).

Though I'm not  sure that is actually a requirement  for reproducing the
problem. At any rate, I had default values for max-download.

One thing you can do on the server is run:

fossil test-clusters /path/to/project.fossil

Ok, this produced a very long list starting thusly:

170716 unreachable artifacts:
 127299 17df491816cdbd40fcbca031950decdf9532
 150554 67ad9657662b33a669d87934b6df91a62f71
 134125 91fa0dc5528c0595b16c4cc56f9365bfbba0
 68008 cc81620bd3ff86379b744e4dae91df8f6175
 121858 00018c2a5a32810f19ee140a12eaa9e32bec06cd
 99123 00022cc63cd3dabb4fcfc62a501994f785c2327d

Should I be worried?!

Do you have multiple servers to which clients synchronize content before
it makes  it back to  the server where you  noticed the problem?  Or any
other synchronization that  happens between peers before  making it into
the server where you noticed the problem?  If so, are all the servers in
between 1.30 or newer?

Only one server, but about 15 clones spread across development machines
and buildbots.  I don't know if this helps, but the buildbots sync (i.e.
really just pull, but use the sync command) fairly regularly and should
generally sync at the same points in the tree.  What I notice is that I've
only ever had the issue once on one (maybe two) buildbots, but possibly
long enough ago that I was using pre-1.30 software then.  Generally the
buildbots are fine.  The development machines are where the problem more
often occurs and it seems to happen more often when there is a number of
check-ins on the server to be replicated in the clone.  I don't remember
it happening as part of a sync after a commit, but this could simply be
because a repository is synced and checked in the ui *before* doing any
major work and so any problems would already be apparent.

I am sorry this is awfully vague - it honestly doesn't happen enough that
I have a clear memory of all the details!  I hope it helps though.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-01 Thread Andy Gibbs


I'm having an issue which recurs from time to time which is that "fossil 
sync" doesn't actually do anything, by which I mean I get an output 
something like this --

Sync with https://.
Round-trips: 1  Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Sync done, sent: 342250 bytes  received: 376  ip: .

-- and the latest checkins on the server are not replicated in the local 

I am syncing with a single server, and I have made sure all the clients have 
the same fossil version as the server (actually I've upgraded them all to 
the latest released version).  I have even run "fossil rebuild" on all 
checked-out repositories and also on the server.

What is really weird is that some clients are managing to sync correctly, 
while others have got stuck at different places.  They don't get stuck at 
the same date, so it doesn't seem to be a problematic checkin for example. 
But once stuck, there doesn't seem to be a way of unsticking them.  Of 
course, deleting the cloned repository and cloning again "fixes" the problem 
(for a few months or so) but it is a real pain since all the checkouts need 
to be redone.

The repository in question only has about 750 checkins and is about 220Mb 
large, so this shouldn't be something particularly unusual.

Any help gratefully received!


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil sync doesn't sync

2015-12-01 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Tuesday, December 01, 2015 7:17 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:

On 12/1/15, Andy Gibbs wrote:


I'm having an issue which recurs from time to time which is that "fossil
sync" doesn't actually do anything,
deleting the cloned repository and cloning again "fixes" the problem

Next time this happens, try running:

   fossil sync --verily

And then let us know if that clears the problem.

Yes, wow, thanks!

I imagine "verily" as in "truely, really, please, do it!!" :o)

One worth remembering, certainly.  Could it be documented in the sync help 


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Code beauty

2015-06-19 Thread Andy Gibbs


As an admirer of DRH's code beauty stance, and having been kicking
around long enough to remember the markdown debacle, I was a little
surprised to see the s-word (!) appear in the fossil repository
(src/linenoise.c line 216).

Please don't misunderstand me, this is not being facetious, not is
it meant to be some sort of weird troll.  It is, honestly, just a
noise of surprise on my part.  :o)

I expect it was simply over-looked during import from a 3rd-party.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Regression in fossil info command in v1.30

2015-01-24 Thread Andy Gibbs

Recently updated to fossil v1.30.  I've noticed an unfortunate regression that 
the fossil info command doesn't work with the -R switch.

I don't know whether this has been spotted by anyone else, but it doesn't seem 
to be fixed in trunk.  The following patch, partially reverting commit 
74ac0c925a, fixes the problem in the interim (but probably not in the best 

--- src/info.c
+++ src/info.c
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void info_cmd(void){
   /* We should be done with options.. */
-  verify_all_options();
   if( g.argc==3  (fsize = file_size(g.argv[2]))0  (fsize0x1ff)==0 ){

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Creating a commit without a parent

2015-01-22 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 11:16 AM, Jan Nijtmans wrote:

2015-01-22 10:43 GMT+01:00 Andy Gibbs
I am trying to create a commit without a parent, effectively so that I 
create a separate stream inside my repository, in no way linked to trunk 

all its branches.

Use fossil open --empty .

Thanks!  That's the one!

Thanks also to Stephan and Baruch -- I saw your replies after Jan's came in.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Creating a commit without a parent

2015-01-22 Thread Andy Gibbs


I am trying to create a commit without a parent, effectively so that I can 
create a separate stream inside my repository, in no way linked to trunk and 
all its branches.

I cannot find in the documentation how to do this, but I know that it is 
possible because Jan Nijtmans has managed to do it here:

Please can someone help me in the right direction?!


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Automatic password remembrance in fossil clone

2014-08-28 Thread Andy Gibbs

On Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:41 AM, Andy Bradford wrote:

Thus said Andy Gibbs on Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:58:21 +0200:

Is there  a rationale behind  this? Could there be  a flag (e.g.  -q /
--quiet would work!) that can do an automatic yes at this point?

I'm not sure  about the rationale except perhaps it  could be ambiguous.
There are potentially other prompts that could be issued during cloning.
So simply echoing y into the fossil clone command could be ambiguous.

Yes, this is the worst-case high-maintenance option, but surprisingly 

Would the  -q / --quiet  apply an  implied y to  the username/password
prompt only or would others be impacted?

Ordinarily a quiet option would take the default value for any prompts. 
The prompts have default values already (in this case, simply hitting return 
means yes).  This would actually be quite a neat solution since it seems 
fossil factors out prompts into their own functions, so on entering the 
function it can determine whether the -q option has been given and return 
the default value for that prompt.  I would assume, that would mean a blank 
password where the password is prompted, for example.

I would advocate the quiet option being global for all fossil commands.

Maybe a --keep-password option would be less ambiguous?

Alternatively, if  you're scripting the clone  with a username/password,
have you considered scripting the syncs with the same username/password?

I did, but there are a number of different scripts.  From a script 
durability point of view, it would be good, since fossil *can* remember 
passwords, for it to do so during clone.

Andy (another one)

TAI64 timestamp: 400053feb33a

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Automatic password remembrance in fossil clone

2014-08-27 Thread Andy Gibbs


It seems (at least in v1.29) that it is not possible to do a fossil clone 
with a username and password in the url and automatically remember the 
password via a command line switch or other approach.  What is really 
interesting is that if you pipe y into the fossil clone command, then 
fossil doesn't even ask to remember the password.  It seems that the user 
must be prompted, which is a problem when scripting!

I've tracked it down in the source code in url.c, function 
url_parse_local(...) where it explicitly checks isatty(fileno(stdin)) and 
otherwise doesn't apply the URL_REMEMBER_PW flag at all.

Is there a rationale behind this?  Could there be a flag (e.g. -q / --quiet 
would work!) that can do an automatic yes at this point?



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Problem with fossil sync / pull

2012-11-15 Thread Andy Gibbs


I've recently had the following recurrent problem, namely that using fossil 
sync or pull does not fully sync or pull from the server.  This means 
branches do get pulled (i.e. it doesn't seem to be an access restriction or 
network problem), but notably the trunk does not, leaving it at an older 
version than is held on the server.  Doing a fossil rebuild does not fix the 
problem and each time I have to reclone from scratch.  This particularily 
happens with the one repository, but I may have seen it with another (I 
can't remember, sorry!).

Both server and local machine use the same fossil version: 1.23

I expect I have missed something really obvious!

Thanks for any help!


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] ERROR: file is different on disk compared to the repository during commit

2012-08-25 Thread Andy Gibbs
On Friday, August 24, 2012 10:35 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
 Fossil keeps track of which files have changed (by default) by looking
 at the file size and the mtime.  If neither the file size nor the mtime
 have changed, fossil (by default) assumes that the content of the file
 is also unchanged.

 Perhaps your edit somehow preserved both the file size and mtime and so
 Fossil didn't realize that the file had been editing as it started the

 If that ever happens, you can always fix it by doing:

fossil status --sha1sum

 You can also do fossil setting mtime-changes off and afterwards Fossil
 will always check the complete file content rather than relying on the
 mtime and file size.  That will be a little slower, but it avoids
 confusion such as the above.

Thanks for the pointers, I've managed to get a commit through!

I've looked a little more into how the problem came about:

I had merged a branch into trunk, then modified quite a number of the
files prior to commit.  Among these, one was a new file created during
the branch.  This one was modified but fossil status showed ADDED_BY_MERGE
rather than EDITED.  What didn't help was that it was modified, not by
hand but by overwriting it with a copy from a backup folder -- this meant
that it had a timestamp older than the version merged by fossil (but you
were right: by coincidence, the file size *was* the same).

(So when I said, I'd not done anything out of the ordinary, I'm afraid I
was not so accurate -- I had forgotten all these things, my apologies!)

So, anyway, I tried your suggestion re fossil status --sha1sum but this
didn't work.  I also tried touching the file to give it a more recent
timestamp -- this also didn't work.  I also tried the fossil setting...
but this didn't help directly (but I've left it on for the future!).

I also tried modifying the file in a random location (not totally random,
but one of the changes made, I un-made), but this didn't cause fossil to
realise the file had been modified -- this surprised me.

I then modified the *first* line of the file, and then did a fossil
status and *now* the file was marked as EDITED so I unmodified the
first line, and was able to make the commit without error.

So, thanks again for the help: I know what to do next time! (as does
anyone else who stumbles across this thread with the same problem!)

I am certainly glad of the backup check, though, since otherwise I
may have ended up with an incorrect commit and never realised :o)


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] ERROR: file is different on disk compared to the repository during commit

2012-08-24 Thread Andy Gibbs
Hi all,

I've had the following error, and I don't know why and I don't know what it 
really means and I don't know what to do about it!  (yes, I really don't know!)

ERROR: [mefs1a.c] is different on disk compared to the repository
NOTICE: Repository version of [mefs1a.c] stored in [file-15c57bdd987a757d]
c:\fossil\fossil.exe: working checkout does not match what would have ended
up in the repository:  e641896af05b54f1481aa9d556a5c24d versus

In terms of how this has come about: nothing out of the ordinary, I assure you: 
simply editing and committing.

Does this mean there is a hash conflict?  And what can I do about it?

Thanks for any and all help :o)


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] ERROR: file is different on disk compared to the repository during commit

2012-08-24 Thread Andy Gibbs
On Friday, August 24, 2012 6:57 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Andy Gibbs wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've had the following error, and I don't know why and I don't know what
 it really means and I don't know what to do about it!  (yes, I really
 don't know!)

 ERROR: [mefs1a.c] is different on disk compared to the repository
 NOTICE: Repository version of [mefs1a.c] stored in 
 c:\fossil\fossil.exe: working checkout does not match what would have 
 up in the repository:  e641896af05b54f1481aa9d556a5c24d versus

 In terms of how this has come about: nothing out of the ordinary, I
 assure you: simply editing and committing.

 Does this mean there is a hash conflict?  And what can I do about it?

 When you do a fossil commit, Fossil starts a transaction on the 
 relational database.  Then it starts making changes to the database to
 insert your new check-in.  After it thinks it has finished, it goes back
 and does lots of double-checks to make sure that what it added to the
 database is the same is what you have on disk.  It is one of these
 double-checks that failed.

 After the failure was detected, the database transaction was rolled back 
 that no harm comes to the repository.  This is a safety feature of Fossil.

 Apparently when it looked at the file that was committed to the repository
 as mefs1a.c that file was different from what it saw on disk.  The
 version of the file that it tried store in the repository is now copied
 into file-15c57bdd987a757d.  Can you run a diff on mefs1a.c and
 file-15c57bdd987a757d and let us know how they differ?

Well, it is certainly good to have the safety checks; I wonder how I've
tripped it!

I did do a quick diff before I posted the original question, and the two
files were noticeably different, not in a corruption way, but in a way to
imply two different versions of the same file.  It was the end of my day so
I didn't have a chance to really delve into which older version was causing
the conflict (I can check this tomorrow and post again regarding this), but
I can certainly say for sure that no file changing was going on while doing
the commit (at least as far as I am able to control: i.e. no editor open,

Is it possible that fossil would try to commit a version not actually on
the hard-drive?  I would have thought not, but the differences were not in
terms of line endings or whitespace but really different words (macros
were renamed and mefs1a.c had the correct names and file-15c57bdd987a757d
had the incorrect/old names).

This is what made me think of a hash conflict (however unlikely that may
be in actual practice).

Does this help?  I can get more info tomorrow when I pop into work.

Other info: I'm using the latest version of fossil downloaded from the
website (1.23 from 8/8/2012) on Windows XP.

Thanks! :o)


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] fossil cp?

2012-07-20 Thread Andy Gibbs
Hi there,

Is there a fossil copy command?  There's add, mv, rm but no cp?

It's a neat feature of subversion that you can copy a file either from the 
current checked-out tree or from somewhere else in time and space from the 
repository, thereby keeping a tracable history intact.

At the moment, please forgive me if I've overlooked it, when a file is copied 
its link to its previous versions is lost and therefore diffs are not easily 
available, unless the user knows where the previous version is.

Would this be a feature worth considering?  As a test, I did a bit of a hack in 
terms of manually updating the vfile table via sqlite and setting 'origname' to 
the original file, and this sort-of worked, although it probably doesn't work 
for pulling a copy directly from the repository which may or may not exist as 
such in the current checked-out branch, and the timeline of course didn't link 
it correctly either.

If it doesn't already exist, and were to be added, in my opinion the copy 
command should at least support the same syntax as fossil mv, but with an 
optional --from option:

fossil cp ?OPTIONS? ORIG... DIR

where OPTIONS can be:
  --from REVISION  = copy from the specified check-in

Good idea / bad idea?

I'm happy to have a go at patching fossil to support this, if someone can give 
me an quick overview of how to go about it in the correct way since I'm not to 
familiar with fossil's internals yet.


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