Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Marina Zhurakhinskaya

2014-05-20 Thread Oliver Propst
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 Name: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 Emails: and
 Affiliations: Community Engagement Lead at Red Hat, Advisor and Director at 
 the Ada Initiative

 Dear Foundation,

 I'm running for a second term on the board to lend my organizing skills and 
 my interest in reaching out to people to the Foundation and ensure its 
 growth. We have an amazing community and high quality technology. My 
 interests as a board member are to enable face-to-face work, development in 
 the areas of interest to donors and advisory board members, and better 
 external visibility of GNOME. Most recently, I've been helping organize 
 sponsorship materials and process for GNOME.Asia and GUADEC, and contacting 
 prospective sponsors.
What have you learned the past year as a Director?

How does a Board position help you become more effective in your contributions?

-mvh Oliver Propst
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Oliver Propst
On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
 Affiliation: Software Freedom Conservancy. I'm also pro bono General Counsel
 of QuestionCopyright.Org, and an advisor of The Ada Initiative and sometimes
 help other orgs (like the FSF) on legal and other free software related

 As promised when I left the position of Executive Director, I'd like to
 throw my hat in the ring for the Board of Directors. I think I can help
 bring continuity to the board (Stormy was incredibly helpful on the board
 when I started as ED). Also, as a lawyer I sometimes have an additionally
 useful perspective. I'm still doing volunteer work for GNOME both as pro
 bono counsel and as a volunteer on nonlegal matters for GNOME. I've been
 helping with fundraising, collecting on outstanding invoices and generally
 wherever I can.
You are a very busy person with many responsibilities, if you get
elected to the Board do you feel confident that you can spend the
necessary time on Board work?

-mvh Oliver Propst
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for the candidates: finances

2014-05-20 Thread oliverp
On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 23:08 +0200, oliverp wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 11:19 -0700, Jim Nelson wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  My questions for the candidates is:
  Aside from corporate sponsorship and personal donations, what area(s)
  would you investigate to increase and stabilize GNOME's finances?  (Or
  do you feel these two methods are the only or best way to achieve this
Good question, thanks for asking.

I think the first priority for the Board must be to focus on stabilizing the 
current sensitization. 
make sure invoices are paid for the OPW etc. 

Then I think much work can be done together with the community in both
areas you mention (corporate sponsorship and personal donations). Long
term, more methods can be considered. 

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for the candidates: finances

2014-05-20 Thread oliverp
On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 10:48 +0200, oliverp wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 22:02 -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
  I think we can do more with organization sponsorship and individual 
 donations than we are doing right now. We have a product that is naturally of 
 interest to a lot of consumers and corporate users, and of interest to 
 hardware and application developers to be compatible with. We also have 
 technology that is of interest to people to build their own products with or 
 create services around. When it became known that the GNOME Foundation was in 
 a difficult financial situation, we received an unprecedented number of 
 individual donations. These were previously untapped donors who are very 
 supportive of GNOME. I think we should aim to increase how much we get in 
 private donations, and we can do that by reporting to our donors how their 
 money is being used and having yearly fundraising campaigns. We need to 
 dedicate our fundraising energy to these two sources because they are 
 complimentary to the goals we have for advancing our technology. As a 
 Foundation, even with an ED, we have 
  limited resources, so we need to consider how to allocate them most 
  I'd like to share a great article about fundraising by the Ada Initiative 
  founders which has informed some of my views on it.
That is a great article thanks for sharing! The Engagement Team have started a 
discussion [1] about how the Foundation
can become more effective in the fundraising, and as part of that effort
set-up a wiki page [2] with some resources on the subject (have added
the post it to the wiki). 

I hope you are interested in joining this effort, the Engagement Team
want to collaborate closely with the Board in this.


foundation-list mailing list

Upcoming deadline - candidates please answer the question from the foundation

2014-05-20 Thread Andreas Nilsson

We're five days away from voting opening.
While some candidates have been very active in answering questions from 
the foundation, other are falling behind. I will be unable to vote for 
you if I have no idea where you're standing.

In addition to that, board-list is a high traffic list so keeping up 
with these questions is a good test drive for candidates :)

Thank you for taking the time!
- Andreas
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread David King

Hi Dave

On 2014-05-19 16:14, Dave Neary wrote:

On 05/19/2014 04:31 AM, David King wrote:

Right now (taking into account the poor financial situation that the
Foundation is facing), I think that a candidate for the executive
director position would be someone who has experience of raising funds
for not-for-profit organisations. For GNOME, the board does not exert
strong control over the project, but tries to steer it in the right
direction by ensuring that funding is directed appropriately, making the
executive director role particularly challenging.

My follow-on question, then: raising money for what?

Initially, I think that much of the money raised by an executive 
director would go towards financially supporting the executive director 
role. If the Foundation's revenues continue to drop (as has been the 
case over the last few years), an executive director role would become 
untenable without increased funding from sponsors.

Once the executive director role is securely funded, I think that there 
would be more time to spend growing the Foundation, which is the more 
traditional role of the executive director. If there is an abundance of 
funding available, the board should work with the executive director and 
the Foundation to use the money effectively to further the Foundation's 
goals, such as by funding hackfests, outreach (possibly with a 
particular emphasis on local outreach, as this has come up as part of 
other discussions) and sponsoring contributions (such as with the 
accessibility and privacy campaigns).

I do not think that
technical proficiency is an essential quality for an executive director,
if by that you mean ability to code.

I meant understanding of the technology, ability to explain it, and
ability to be articulate about what the GNOME project needs to do to
stay relevant.

In that case, I think technical proficiency is of critical importance, 
as fundraising would be extremely difficult without an ability to 
explain on a technical and social level about the importance of 
sponsors' (and potential sponsors') support of GNOME. This is what I 
meant when I mentioned that an executive director would need to 
understand GNOME's position in the Free Software and wider communities 
in order to raise funds effectively, so thanks for giving me the 
opportunity to clarify.


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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 Hi Emily,

 On 17 May 2014 19:42, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 Name: Emily Gonyer
 Affiliation: None

 Dear Foundation,

 I'm interested in serving on GNOME's board of directors for the first
 time, in order to help steer GNOME in a more open and community led
 direction. It is my opinion that GNOME has strode too far towards a
 corporate-driven project and away from its community-led roots. As of
 now, GNOME is, in my opinion too beholden to a small handful of large
 corporations which forces the project to ignore large swaths of our
 users in preference to them. The end result being that GNOME has lost
 a tremendous portion of its respect and goodwill in the wider free
 software community. As a member of the GNOME board of directors I will
 actively work against this tide and towards the more open,
 community-driven project that GNOME once was and I hope will be again.

 I understand your concerns with regards to corporate involvement in
 the project direction.

 Based on the available financial information, the corporate
 sponsorship enables the Foundation to employ an executive director and
 an administrative assistant. Without this sponsorship, much of the
 administrative work would need to be taken over by the Foundation
 membership and the current board is already facing the challenges
 resulting from having only one employee at this time.

 How do you aim to achieve your goals without alienating the companies
 that enable the Foundation to have employees to do the administrative
 work and offer financial support to our membership?

 GNOME is Free software, with a broad base of unpaid and paid
 contributors. It seems that you wish to change the proportions of
 GNOME contributors from the two backgrounds, how do you aim to achieve

I think we need to take a good, hard look at what we're spending money
on and evaluate what is truly needed vs wanted. Once we figure out how
much money we need to be spending, we can evaluate our current funds,
where they are coming from and how to raise more.

Donating to GNOME as an individual is not as easy as it could, indeed
should, be. We don't currently have a specific 'campaign' going on,
and as a result, a cursory glance at the website reveals no obvious
way to donate to GNOME's general fund (as far as I can tell the only
way to do so is to find the tiny 'Support GNOME' link at the very
bottom of the page). Additionally, I still don't understand why the
only way to donate to GNOME is through PayPal. Why don't we allow
people to donate via google or amazon? Why not accept bitcoins? Why
not encourage people to support GNOME via AmazonSmile and similar

These are just the first handful of ideas for alternative, and largely
untapped funding options that occur to me at first glance. I'm sure
there are myriad other funding options which we have not investigated
fully, and which do not include asking for corporate sponsorship.

Finally, I believe the board needs to be far more transparent than it
has been of late as to its activities  finances. The board in the
past has been resistant to allowing non-board members to 'sit in' on
meetings - even as a means for Engagement team members to take notes
and report minutes. As I understand it, the board represents and works
on behalf of the membership and their meetings ought to be public.

Emily Gonyer

 I have been a long time user of GNOME since the 1.x days, and an
 active contributor for the last 2+ years, primarily in
 Marketing/Engagement with limited development and design
 contributions. I actively promote free
 software whenever and wherever I can, and feel strongly that it is
 only through free software that we will be able to keep the freedoms
 that we all cherish both online and off. Those freedoms are being
 actively obstructed and eroded by corporations and governments around
 the world. As a member of the board of directors I will actively work
 against these forces, in order to ensure a free and open internet for

 Good luck to all!

 Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
 power and magic in it. -  Goethe

 Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
 matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

 Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
 counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
 foundation-announce mailing list
 foundation-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because 

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread David King

Hi Michael

On 2014-05-19 18:48, Michael Catanzaro wrote:

On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 16:55 +0100, David King wrote:
I have a follow-up question (for David and incumbents): why do you want
(or not want) to hire a new executive director? What responsibilities do
you think the executive director role should entail? Can the foundation
afford to wait to hire a new executive director?

I partially answered this in my responses to Dave Neary:

In short, the executive director needs to bring in enough money to fund 
the position, grow the revenues of the Foundation to keep its financial 
situation secure, and to grow the Foundation as a whole.

Much of the process for this will be administrative, such as helping the 
administrative assistant with accounting and other necessary work. Part 
of the role will be evangelizing for GNOME at conferences and to 
existing and future sponsors. Some of the role would be acting as a 
figurehead, answering questions about GNOME and making sure that GNOME 
is presented well in the press. Stormy Peters wrote a very useful blog 
post about what she saw as the role of the executive director when she 
was in that position:

I think that is broadly true of the executive director role, just that 
the proportions differ depending on the needs of the Foundation at the 

I'm asking because most of Karen's work was not highly-visible. I'm
aware that she worked on recruiting new advisory board members and spoke
at conferences, both of which seem important. But I'm sure there must be
more to the job that I am unaware of, to justify the significant

I think that, in future, the Foundation cannot afford an executive 
director who is more costly to employ than the income gained from 
advisory board revenues. I think that Emily Gonyer's proposal to scale 
back corporate sponsorship would make it more difficult to continue to 
employ an executive director in the traditional role.


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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for the candidates: finances

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
In my previous email responding to Kat, I touched on this very
subject. First and foremost we need to determine two things: 1) How
much money we are currently spending on what, and what is truly
needed. 2) How much money is currently coming in, and from where -
this should be broken down into categories - individual donations, and
at least the top 5-10 corporate donors ought to be listed along with
how much they have been and are giving.

Then we should move on to determining how we can raise donations from
individuals and small businesses. Donors should not have to search the
website to figure out how to do so - a small, but prominent link to
'Contribute to GNOME!' would not be out of place on the site.
Currently it takes at least 3 clicks to arrive at a site where you can
donate - and your only choice for doing so is via paypal. Why don't we
accept other payment options? Is it just that nobody has bothered to
set it up? If that is the case, we should be asking for help doing so.
At the very least, we should accept payments from google, facebook and
amazon, and we should at least consider accepting bitcoins as well.

Finally, there are other funding options available online - a quick
search reveals numerous websites with ideas on how to more effectively
raise funds. Utilizing every tool available to us to raise money from
individuals should be our first priority. Only after we have fully
explored these options should we go back to asking for yet more
corporate money.

Emily Gonyer

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 5:28 AM, oliverp wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 10:48 +0200, oliverp wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 22:02 -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
  I think we can do more with organization sponsorship and individual 
 donations than we are doing right now. We have a product that is naturally 
 of interest to a lot of consumers and corporate users, and of interest to 
 hardware and application developers to be compatible with. We also have 
 technology that is of interest to people to build their own products with or 
 create services around. When it became known that the GNOME Foundation was 
 in a difficult financial situation, we received an unprecedented number of 
 individual donations. These were previously untapped donors who are very 
 supportive of GNOME. I think we should aim to increase how much we get in 
 private donations, and we can do that by reporting to our donors how their 
 money is being used and having yearly fundraising campaigns. We need to 
 dedicate our fundraising energy to these two sources because they are 
 complimentary to the goals we have for advancing our technology. As a 
 Foundation, even with an ED, we have
  limited resources, so we need to consider how to allocate them most 

  I'd like to share a great article about fundraising by the Ada Initiative 
  founders which has informed some of my views on it.
 That is a great article thanks for sharing! The Engagement Team have started 
 a discussion [1] about how the Foundation
 can become more effective in the fundraising, and as part of that effort
 set-up a wiki page [2] with some resources on the subject (have added
 the post it to the wiki).

 I hope you are interested in joining this effort, the Engagement Team
 want to collaborate closely with the Board in this.


 foundation-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Emily Chen wrote:

 I would like to ask below questions to future board:

 1. For GNOME big event, call for sponsor is really important, what is your
 plan to call for more sponsors for conference like GUADEC and GNOME.Asia ?

I think it is of utmost importance that big events have numerous
sponsors, both large and small. Local businesses ought to be
encouraged to support events. I'm not sure what sorts of local
business organizations exist in Europe and Asia but something similar
to the Chambers of Commerce here in the USA likely do, and would be
useful as primary contact points to reach out to for donations.

 2. What is the top 3 goals for GNOME Foundation in the next year, in your
 opinion ?

I think that it will be extremely important in the next year to reach
out to related projects. Since the advent of GNOME 3 we have seen a
severe fracturing in the ecosystem, which is not benefiting anyone.
Reaching out to related projects (Unity, Cinnamon, Mate, ElementaryOS,
XFCE, etc) and asking them to participate in GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, the
Boston Summit is vitally important. GNOME is about more than just the
shell and recognizing that everyone who uses GNOME technologies is, or
should be welcomed into the project.

 3. How to raise and increase the fund for GNOME Foundation ?

I've touched on this elsewhere, so I'll be brief: We need to increase
individual and small-business donations. There are many ways to do so
which we have left untapped including Facebook  Google Wallet
donations, encouraging the use of AmazonSmile and similar programs,

 4. How many hours you work in GNOME Board related work each week?



 Emily Chen

 foundation-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 19 May 2014 18:55, Andrea Veri wrote:
 On Mon, 19 May 2014, Max wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Hey Max!

 My question to all of you:

 * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
 -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
  Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?(  I
 saw it last GUADEC but not start to use)
  Other idea?

 Two OPW interns have been working for several months to provide a
 valid event management system for all the major GNOME events. The
 software is currently based on OSEM (the Open Source Event Manager
 [1]) and a test-bed is privately available on one of our testing
 machines at OSUOSL. Part of the upcoming GUADEC organizers have been
 granted access to the istance, if you are missing access to it please
 let me know.

 We should definitely find out what has gone wrong with it and why it
 has not been declared ready for production yet. I will make sure to
 follow-up on this as one of my goals for the next term if elected.

 -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
  What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?
  How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for promote
 it with more country in Asia?

 While OPW has had a great success in India (thanks to english being
 widely spoken there) it did not have the same success on other Asia
 regions probably because of the language barrier. What we can probably
 do is localizing the content of the OPW flyer so that more women can
 be aware of the Outreach Program for Women and apply for it. (I will
 make sure to discuss about this with Marina if elected and propose the
 idea to the relevant localization team)

 That would hit another language barrier though which mainly relates to
 the fact none of the current mentors are Chinese speakers. Max, did
 you try interacting with any local university already? if yes, is
 there anyone (both english and chinese speaker) who might be
 willing to mentor a chinese-speaking student during one of the next OPW

 -- GNOME Foundation member in Asia?
  How do we know our other member in Asia?( I suggest tobi last year, if
 they want to fill their country when foundation member renew or new )
  How do we get these member / resource together?

 I'm not sure whether adding a country field on the foundation
 database would be enough to achieve the proposed goal given someone
 might just decide to not specify that information at all (for
 protecting the privacy for example), additionally there is no real
 need for the Membership Committee (and the Foundation generally) to
 know where a contributor is based. But that's not all the Committee is
 very busy lately and increasing the information to manage for each
 single member would not be ideal. (I'm also sure the country field
 would become inconsistent within a few months from it being introduced
 for the simple fact someone might just forget to send an update to the
 committee specifying he just moved to a new country)

 What we can probably do is populating the apply form some more
 including more information about how new or existing members can reach
 their localized communities. (by suggesting the new member to
 subscribe to (Country Code) for example or if
 missing to ask the creation of a new list in case that specific community
 is growing in number)

 -- Are you interesting to involve Asia event? and how do you involve?

 -- Anything you plan with Asia.

 I've not been following very closely what the current situation for
 GNOME.Asia is but Dave and Kat's emails clearly state the Foundation
 is totally oriented on improving the current situation for the next
 term and they will be personally there at the upcoming event to
 instruct participants on the multiple ways to be engaged to the GNOME
 project as contributors.

 Max, how much the events that were organized and sponsored by the
 GNOME Foundation did benefit the Asia region as a whole? how many new
 contributors joined your ranks? what do you think could help you
 improve the organization of the GNOME.Asia event?

There were no funding requests to the current board for organisation
of events in Asia, with the exception of GNOME.Asia. There was one
request for attendance to a non-GNOME conference, where a talk about
GNOME was given.

 During the past GUADEC we discussed the creation of an additional
 planet to aggregate all the chinese-speaking feeds to help
 non-english-speaking contributors to be aware of what's going on
 behind the scenes of events like GNOME.Asia but generally any other
 initiative happening in that area (the Planet GNOME rules currently
 disallow localized content to be posted and while that keeps the
 planet polished from mixed content to be published it also restricts
 non-english-speakers to read it), do you think such addition would
 still make sense? if yes, do you have a list of feeds to aggregate
 there already? is a planet really needed or would a news feed on the

Re: Questions for the candidates: finances

2014-05-20 Thread David King

Hi Jim

On 2014-05-19 11:19, Jim Nelson wrote:

Aside from corporate sponsorship and personal donations, what area(s)
would you investigate to increase and stabilize GNOME's finances?  (Or
do you feel these two methods are the only or best way to achieve this

I think that corporate donations are an effective way to raise funds for 
the Foundation, as they traditionally have dwarfed personal donations. 
While personal donations are secondary in terms of absolute value, the 
sheer number of individual donors is an indication of the high level of 
support from a wide range of people.

Perhaps there is room for a middle ground, where interested parties 
(individuals or companies) could contribute to specific goals, and 
interested maintainers or contributors could pick up tasks and work on 
improving GNOME based on the goal ideas. To me, this is somewhere 
between the current fundraising campaigns, such as those for 
accessibility and privacy, and the idea of bug bounties. I think that 
the idea might have too much overhead, but it could work well at getting 
both new contributors and donors involved in the project.

I am sure that there are lots of potential problems with it, but I hope 
the idea can spark some discussion.


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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 01:55, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Max
 To: foundation-list
 Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:18:33 PM
 Subject: Question for candidates

 Hi everyone,

 Thanks for run the board.
 This is the most busy time for GNOME.Asia summit(4 days to go).
 GNOME.Asia team and Beijing team are busy for the summit.

 My question to all of you:

 * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
 -- GNOME.Asia summit ?

 The GNOME.Asia team is doing a fantastic job organizing the conference and it 
 will undoubtedly boost the interest in GNOME. It would be great to have 
 meetups of people working on GNOME and free software in Beijing throughout 
 the year, so that more people who learned about GNOME at the conference are 
 interested in travelling to the next year's location.

Local meetups are a great idea and have proven to be popular when
organised, even if only for GNOME Beers around releases. As the
question is about plans for the future, how are you planning to help
this happen?

  Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?( I saw
 it last GUADEC but not start to use)

 I created a new activities to track page for the board and added it there. 
 We will find out what is going on with it and encourage development.

There are many issues that the board tracks and works on, why do you
think that the board should take over the tracking of this rather than
let those who created it (OPW interns and mentors) and those who would
benefit from it (GUADEC and GNOME.Asia organisers) keep track?

Given that the board rarely interferes in development, how do you
propose to encourage further work on this project?

  Other idea?

 -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
  What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?

 We should continue to provide materials and encouragement for past OPW and 
 GSoC participants to run introduction to free software / GNOME / GSoC / OPW 
 sessions and host meetups in their cities throughout the year, so that we 
 have more applicants from Asia applying for these programs who have 
 experience contributing to free software. There are materials available for 
 OpenHatch Open Source Comes to Campus and GNOME Newcomers Workshop, which 
 can be used for such events.

  How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for promote it
 with more country in Asia?

 Of 39 interns GNOME has this summer, 14 are from India, 1 from China, and 1 
 from Philippines. As I mentioned above, we need to encourage these people and 
 other community members to promote the internship programs and help people 
 become contributors before they apply.

 -- GNOME Foundation member in Asia?
  How do we know our other member in Asia?( I suggest tobi last year, if
 they want to fill their country when foundation member renew or new )

 There is , which we can encourage 
 people to fill out. There are also translators, whose information you can get 
 from Git or on Also there are localization and 
 regional mailing lists.

  How do we get these member / resource together?

 I think you already do a lot of this by organizing GNOME.Asia! Perhaps you 
 can have a BoF at the conference to figure out what are the resources you 
 want to put together and what are the activities you want to see happen.

 -- Are you interesting to involve Asia event? and how do you involve?

 The GNOME Foundation sponsored Sindhu to go to FOSSASIA this year, where she 
 ran contributing to GNOME workshop, did a talk about documentation, and 
 participated in a panel about women in IT. We should have more people 
 proposing talks and going to FOSSASIA next year. We should also have people 
 proposing talks and going to LinuxCon Japan. Identifying and participating in 
 any other free software conferences in Asia would be great.

 -- Anything you plan with Asia.

 Thanks for all the great questions! I'm excited about growing our presence in 
 Asia and I'm sure we will succeed.


 GNOME.Asia team member

 Max Huang

 foundation-list mailing list

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Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
In regards to paid and unpaid contributors to GNOME, I honestly feel
that unpaid contributions should be favored. I realize that is
probably unlikely to occur, but it ought to. Why? Because GNOME is, at
least in theory, a free software 'project'. As such, it is supposedly
run, and worked on largely by volunteers. Unfortunately of course, we
all know this is not true. In practice most of the top contributors
are paid to work on GNOME - as a result, most of their work is
directed by corporations, and their wants/needs and not by the
thousands of individual users who have different wants/needs. But
because they are paid to work on it, they have more time to do so and
rise faster and receive more respect and admiration than those of us
who do so 'just for fun'. This creates a lopsided portrait of the
wants/needs of users. And, of course, the corporations who are paying
for the work don't care what individual users think - why would they?
As a result, users are ignored and the larger free software community
alienated. This is, IMHO why the GNOME ecosystem has fractured so
fully over the last couple of years. Where we once had GNOME we now
have GNOME Shell, Unity, Elementary, Cinnamon and Mate all competing
for the same handful of users.

I'm not going to pretend that I know how to fix this problem. I don't.
But I do know it exists, and that it has been largely, if not
completely ignored by the majority of GNOME developers and certainly
by the Board of Directors thus far. Perhaps most striking is the very
composition of the Board of Directors itself. How many are not paid to
work on GNOME by an Advisory Board member? Isn't this in some way a
conflict of interest? Shouldn't the board be independent and not tied
to corporate interests? Shouldn't the needs of the project come first,
and not the needs of any individual corporation?

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 On 20 May 2014 12:10, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 Hi Emily,

 On 17 May 2014 19:42, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 Name: Emily Gonyer
 Affiliation: None

 Dear Foundation,

 I'm interested in serving on GNOME's board of directors for the first
 time, in order to help steer GNOME in a more open and community led
 direction. It is my opinion that GNOME has strode too far towards a
 corporate-driven project and away from its community-led roots. As of
 now, GNOME is, in my opinion too beholden to a small handful of large
 corporations which forces the project to ignore large swaths of our
 users in preference to them. The end result being that GNOME has lost
 a tremendous portion of its respect and goodwill in the wider free
 software community. As a member of the GNOME board of directors I will
 actively work against this tide and towards the more open,
 community-driven project that GNOME once was and I hope will be again.

 I understand your concerns with regards to corporate involvement in
 the project direction.

 Based on the available financial information, the corporate
 sponsorship enables the Foundation to employ an executive director and
 an administrative assistant. Without this sponsorship, much of the
 administrative work would need to be taken over by the Foundation
 membership and the current board is already facing the challenges
 resulting from having only one employee at this time.

 How do you aim to achieve your goals without alienating the companies
 that enable the Foundation to have employees to do the administrative
 work and offer financial support to our membership?

 GNOME is Free software, with a broad base of unpaid and paid
 contributors. It seems that you wish to change the proportions of
 GNOME contributors from the two backgrounds, how do you aim to achieve

 I think we need to take a good, hard look at what we're spending money
 on and evaluate what is truly needed vs wanted. Once we figure out how
 much money we need to be spending, we can evaluate our current funds,
 where they are coming from and how to raise more.

 This information is publicly available for up to the end of 2013 at . What conclusions
 have you drawn from it?

 Donating to GNOME as an individual is not as easy as it could, indeed
 should, be. We don't currently have a specific 'campaign' going on,
 and as a result, a cursory glance at the website reveals no obvious
 way to donate to GNOME's general fund (as far as I can tell the only
 way to do so is to find the tiny 'Support GNOME' link at the very
 bottom of the page). Additionally, I still don't understand why the
 only way to donate to GNOME is through PayPal. Why don't we allow
 people to donate via google or amazon? Why not accept bitcoins? Why
 not encourage people to support GNOME via AmazonSmile and similar

 There is a big link in the 

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Oliver Propst

2014-05-20 Thread Oliver Propst
On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 13:19 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 Hi Oliver,
 On 15 May 2014 20:51, Oliver Propst wrote:
  Name: Oliver Propst
  Affiliation: None
  Dear foundation members I want to announce my candidacy for the GNOME
  Board of Directors.
  I have been contributing as part of the Engagement Team since 2010,
  recently I have been involved with the GUADEC 2015 Gothenburg bid and
  the Annual Report.
  I think that free software never have more important then now and if
  we as a community can get together and do the necessary work the
  greatest future of GNOME lay ahead of us.
  I have two years of experience of being on the non-for profit FSCONS
  board (FSCONS, the free software conference in Gothenburg that Karen
  keynoted last year). More info about me (including occupation) can be
  found here [1].
  In the upcoming year I like to continue explore growth/collaborations
  opportunities for the foundation and investigate the benefits of a
  possible WC3 membership [2].
 In early 2013, the board briefly investigated W3C membership, 
Interesting, any notes about this?

 The cost of a W3C membership is 7,900 USD and there is
 extensive information available on their website at . 

 What benefits do you feel
 that joining the W3C will bring to GNOME and how would you approach
 sustainable raising the funding for the membership fees?

While I have not done any extensive investigation about benefits, I have some
thoughts about this.

If more free software entities where to join WC3, proponents of a open
unrestricted and Web would have a stronger voice thus be able to making
a lager impact and ultimately shaping the future of the Web in a free
software friendly direction (for those who wants to have more info about
WC3 and its work I recommend this video [1]).

Right now to my knowledge Mozilla are only the free software foundation
that are a W3C member[2], as the events of the past week have showed
fighting for a Open Web in that environment is hard [3], They have
to carry a very heavy load. 

Its also brings up a point that we as a free software project are
used to tell a story from a outside perspective when there is value of
to join others and collaborate across organizational boundaries
(something are very used to do within the project and on the technical
side ). 

Also as you (and others) may know GNOME are maintaining its own WebKit
implementation and browser [4] [5], I'm sure contributors to those
efforts could provide valuable inputs to WC3 and learn much from other

I understand of course a that a membership fee should never threaten the
financial situation of the foundation. With that said I hope that the
Foundation will have larger revenue in the future, thus be able to pay
the membership fee or find other founding opportunities.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 09:30, Emily Gonyer wrote:

In regards to paid and unpaid contributors to GNOME, I honestly feel
that unpaid contributions should be favored. I realize that is
probably unlikely to occur, but it ought to. Why? Because GNOME is, at
least in theory, a free software 'project'. As such, it is supposedly
run, and worked on largely by volunteers. Unfortunately of course, we
all know this is not true. In practice most of the top contributors
are paid to work on GNOME - as a result, most of their work is
directed by corporations, and their wants/needs and not by the
thousands of individual users who have different wants/needs. But
because they are paid to work on it, they have more time to do so and
rise faster and receive more respect and admiration than those of us
who do so 'just for fun'. This creates a lopsided portrait of the
wants/needs of users. And, of course, the corporations who are paying
for the work don't care what individual users think - why would they?
As a result, users are ignored and the larger free software community
alienated. This is, IMHO why the GNOME ecosystem has fractured so
fully over the last couple of years. Where we once had GNOME we now
have GNOME Shell, Unity, Elementary, Cinnamon and Mate all competing
for the same handful of users.

I'm not going to pretend that I know how to fix this problem. I don't.
But I do know it exists, and that it has been largely, if not
completely ignored by the majority of GNOME developers and certainly
by the Board of Directors thus far. Perhaps most striking is the very
composition of the Board of Directors itself. How many are not paid to
work on GNOME by an Advisory Board member? Isn't this in some way a
conflict of interest? Shouldn't the board be independent and not tied
to corporate interests? Shouldn't the needs of the project come first,
and not the needs of any individual corporation?

When people serve on the board of directors they have a duty of care and 
a duty of loyalty to the organization. We have asked that board members 
use their personal email addresses for communication, for example. Still 
conflicts do come up and in those cases the board members recuse 
themselves from any decision making for the organization. I think the 
board has been nicely conservative about this, at least in the time I 
was Executive Director (even in one case having a board member not 
present for any of the conversation about an issue their company had an 
interest in). Also, not every board member who is employed at an 
advisory board member is paid to work on GNOME. You're right that the 
needs of the project must come first for board members when they are 
acting in that capacity, which is why we have disclosure of affiliation 
and treat conflicts carefully (and can't in any case have more than two 
people from any particular employer). I do think it would be unfair if 
we excluded candidates who happen to be employed at our adboard members. 
That all said, it is nice that we have such a diverse set of candidates 
this time!


On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
On 20 May 2014 12:10, Emily Gonyer wrote:
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
Hi Emily,

On 17 May 2014 19:42, Emily Gonyer wrote:
Name: Emily Gonyer
Affiliation: None

Dear Foundation,

I'm interested in serving on GNOME's board of directors for the first
time, in order to help steer GNOME in a more open and community led
direction. It is my opinion that GNOME has strode too far towards a
corporate-driven project and away from its community-led roots. As of
now, GNOME is, in my opinion too beholden to a small handful of large
corporations which forces the project to ignore large swaths of our
users in preference to them. The end result being that GNOME has lost
a tremendous portion of its respect and goodwill in the wider free
software community. As a member of the GNOME board of directors I will
actively work against this tide and towards the more open,
community-driven project that GNOME once was and I hope will be again.

I understand your concerns with regards to corporate involvement in
the project direction.

Based on the available financial information, the corporate
sponsorship enables the Foundation to employ an executive director and
an administrative assistant. Without this sponsorship, much of the
administrative work would need to be taken over by the Foundation
membership and the current board is already facing the challenges
resulting from having only one employee at this time.

How do you aim to achieve your goals without alienating the companies
that enable the Foundation to have employees to do the administrative
work and offer financial support to our membership?

GNOME is Free software, with a broad base of unpaid and paid
contributors. It seems that you wish to change the 

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 14:30, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 In regards to paid and unpaid contributors to GNOME, I honestly feel
 that unpaid contributions should be favored. I realize that is
 probably unlikely to occur, but it ought to. Why? Because GNOME is, at
 least in theory, a free software 'project'. As such, it is supposedly
 run, and worked on largely by volunteers. Unfortunately of course, we
 all know this is not true. In practice most of the top contributors
 are paid to work on GNOME - as a result, most of their work is
 directed by corporations, and their wants/needs and not by the
 thousands of individual users who have different wants/needs. But
 because they are paid to work on it, they have more time to do so and
 rise faster and receive more respect and admiration than those of us
 who do so 'just for fun'. This creates a lopsided portrait of the
 wants/needs of users. And, of course, the corporations who are paying
 for the work don't care what individual users think - why would they?
 As a result, users are ignored and the larger free software community
 alienated. This is, IMHO why the GNOME ecosystem has fractured so
 fully over the last couple of years. Where we once had GNOME we now
 have GNOME Shell, Unity, Elementary, Cinnamon and Mate all competing
 for the same handful of users.

 I'm not going to pretend that I know how to fix this problem. I don't.
 But I do know it exists, and that it has been largely, if not
 completely ignored by the majority of GNOME developers and certainly
 by the Board of Directors thus far. Perhaps most striking is the very
 composition of the Board of Directors itself. How many are not paid to
 work on GNOME by an Advisory Board member? Isn't this in some way a
 conflict of interest? Shouldn't the board be independent and not tied
 to corporate interests? Shouldn't the needs of the project come first,
 and not the needs of any individual corporation?

Thank you for your reply.

I would like to point out that there has been outreach to the projects
which were forked from GNOME, but with poor results. I encourage you
to address the issues that you see regardless of whether you join the
board or not.

There are also precautions in place to ensure that no single corporate
entity employs a majority (over 40%) of board members. At the moment,
this means that a maximum of 2 out of 7 board members can share an

 On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 On 20 May 2014 12:10, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 Hi Emily,

 On 17 May 2014 19:42, Emily Gonyer wrote:
 Name: Emily Gonyer
 Affiliation: None

 Dear Foundation,

 I'm interested in serving on GNOME's board of directors for the first
 time, in order to help steer GNOME in a more open and community led
 direction. It is my opinion that GNOME has strode too far towards a
 corporate-driven project and away from its community-led roots. As of
 now, GNOME is, in my opinion too beholden to a small handful of large
 corporations which forces the project to ignore large swaths of our
 users in preference to them. The end result being that GNOME has lost
 a tremendous portion of its respect and goodwill in the wider free
 software community. As a member of the GNOME board of directors I will
 actively work against this tide and towards the more open,
 community-driven project that GNOME once was and I hope will be again.

 I understand your concerns with regards to corporate involvement in
 the project direction.

 Based on the available financial information, the corporate
 sponsorship enables the Foundation to employ an executive director and
 an administrative assistant. Without this sponsorship, much of the
 administrative work would need to be taken over by the Foundation
 membership and the current board is already facing the challenges
 resulting from having only one employee at this time.

 How do you aim to achieve your goals without alienating the companies
 that enable the Foundation to have employees to do the administrative
 work and offer financial support to our membership?

 GNOME is Free software, with a broad base of unpaid and paid
 contributors. It seems that you wish to change the proportions of
 GNOME contributors from the two backgrounds, how do you aim to achieve

 I think we need to take a good, hard look at what we're spending money
 on and evaluate what is truly needed vs wanted. Once we figure out how
 much money we need to be spending, we can evaluate our current funds,
 where they are coming from and how to raise more.

 This information is publicly available for up to the end of 2013 at . What conclusions
 have you drawn from it?

 Donating to GNOME as an individual is not as easy as it could, indeed
 should, be. We don't 

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya

- Original Message -
 From: Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
 To: Oliver Propst
 Cc: foundation-announce, Foundation-List,
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:17:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler
 Hi Karen,
 On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Oliver Propst
  On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
  Affiliation: Software Freedom Conservancy. I'm also pro bono General
  of QuestionCopyright.Org, and an advisor of The Ada Initiative and
  help other orgs (like the FSF) on legal and other free software related
  As promised when I left the position of Executive Director, I'd like to
  throw my hat in the ring for the Board of Directors. I think I can help
  bring continuity to the board (Stormy was incredibly helpful on the board
  when I started as ED). Also, as a lawyer I sometimes have an additionally
  useful perspective. I'm still doing volunteer work for GNOME both as pro
  bono counsel and as a volunteer on nonlegal matters for GNOME. I've been
  helping with fundraising, collecting on outstanding invoices and generally
  wherever I can.
  You are a very busy person with many responsibilities, if you get
  elected to the Board do you feel confident that you can spend the
  necessary time on Board work?
 While I think you do a lot for Free Software and your passion and work
 inspires many, I'm afraid I do share Oliver's concern here.

It's not just the time commitment we are looking for in the board members, but 
also experience. Karen has a tremendous amount of experience in free software 
non-profit space. In the last two months, she has been very generous with her 
time as a volunteer for GNOME.


 Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
 Befriend GNOME:
 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Oliver Propst

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 09:48, Oliver Propst wrote:

On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 13:19 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
Hi Oliver,

On 15 May 2014 20:51, Oliver Propst wrote:
 Name: Oliver Propst
 Affiliation: None

 Dear foundation members I want to announce my candidacy for the GNOME
 Board of Directors.

 I have been contributing as part of the Engagement Team since 2010,
 recently I have been involved with the GUADEC 2015 Gothenburg bid and
 the Annual Report.

 I think that free software never have more important then now and if
 we as a community can get together and do the necessary work the
 greatest future of GNOME lay ahead of us.

 I have two years of experience of being on the non-for profit FSCONS
 board (FSCONS, the free software conference in Gothenburg that Karen
 keynoted last year). More info about me (including occupation) can be
 found here [1].

 In the upcoming year I like to continue explore growth/collaborations
 opportunities for the foundation and investigate the benefits of a
 possible WC3 membership [2].

In early 2013, the board briefly investigated W3C membership,
Interesting, any notes about this?

The cost of a W3C membership is 7,900 USD and there is
extensive information available on their website at .

Actually, I was able to get most of the way towards the discounted fee 
for the fist years of WC3 membership when I was Executive Director, but 
we just didn't have the bandwidth to participate in it. If the new board 
thinks it's valuable, I can help pick up that conversation (whether I am 
on the board or not of course).


What benefits do you feel
that joining the W3C will bring to GNOME and how would you approach
sustainable raising the funding for the membership fees?

While I have not done any extensive investigation about benefits, I 
have some

thoughts about this.

If more free software entities where to join WC3, proponents of a open
unrestricted and Web would have a stronger voice thus be able to making
a lager impact and ultimately shaping the future of the Web in a free
software friendly direction (for those who wants to have more info 

WC3 and its work I recommend this video [1]).

Right now to my knowledge Mozilla are only the free software foundation
that are a W3C member[2], as the events of the past week have showed
fighting for a Open Web in that environment is hard [3], They have
to carry a very heavy load.

Its also brings up a point that we as a free software project are
used to tell a story from a outside perspective when there is value of
to join others and collaborate across organizational boundaries
(something are very used to do within the project and on the technical
side ).

Also as you (and others) may know GNOME are maintaining its own WebKit
implementation and browser [4] [5], I'm sure contributors to those
efforts could provide valuable inputs to WC3 and learn much from other

I understand of course a that a membership fee should never threaten 

financial situation of the foundation. With that said I hope that the
Foundation will have larger revenue in the future, thus be able to pay
the membership fee or find other founding opportunities.


foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Oliver Propst

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 14:48, Oliver Propst wrote:
 On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 13:19 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 Hi Oliver,

 On 15 May 2014 20:51, Oliver Propst wrote:
  Name: Oliver Propst
  Affiliation: None
  Dear foundation members I want to announce my candidacy for the GNOME
  Board of Directors.
  I have been contributing as part of the Engagement Team since 2010,
  recently I have been involved with the GUADEC 2015 Gothenburg bid and
  the Annual Report.
  I think that free software never have more important then now and if
  we as a community can get together and do the necessary work the
  greatest future of GNOME lay ahead of us.
  I have two years of experience of being on the non-for profit FSCONS
  board (FSCONS, the free software conference in Gothenburg that Karen
  keynoted last year). More info about me (including occupation) can be
  found here [1].
  In the upcoming year I like to continue explore growth/collaborations
  opportunities for the foundation and investigate the benefits of a
  possible WC3 membership [2].

 In early 2013, the board briefly investigated W3C membership,
 Interesting, any notes about this?

 The cost of a W3C membership is 7,900 USD and there is
 extensive information available on their website at .

 What benefits do you feel
 that joining the W3C will bring to GNOME and how would you approach
 sustainable raising the funding for the membership fees?

 While I have not done any extensive investigation about benefits, I have some
 thoughts about this.

 If more free software entities where to join WC3, proponents of a open
 unrestricted and Web would have a stronger voice thus be able to making
 a lager impact and ultimately shaping the future of the Web in a free
 software friendly direction (for those who wants to have more info about
 WC3 and its work I recommend this video [1]).

 Right now to my knowledge Mozilla are only the free software foundation
 that are a W3C member[2], as the events of the past week have showed
 fighting for a Open Web in that environment is hard [3], They have
 to carry a very heavy load.

 Its also brings up a point that we as a free software project are
 used to tell a story from a outside perspective when there is value of
 to join others and collaborate across organizational boundaries
 (something are very used to do within the project and on the technical
 side ).

 Also as you (and others) may know GNOME are maintaining its own WebKit
 implementation and browser [4] [5], I'm sure contributors to those
 efforts could provide valuable inputs to WC3 and learn much from other

Have you checked whether those contributors are interested, or have
the time for this?

 I understand of course a that a membership fee should never threaten the
 financial situation of the foundation. With that said I hope that the
 Foundation will have larger revenue in the future, thus be able to pay
 the membership fee or find other founding opportunities.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 09:49, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:

On 20 May 2014 14:30, Emily Gonyer wrote:
In regards to paid and unpaid contributors to GNOME, I honestly feel
that unpaid contributions should be favored. I realize that is
probably unlikely to occur, but it ought to. Why? Because GNOME is, at
least in theory, a free software 'project'. As such, it is supposedly
run, and worked on largely by volunteers. Unfortunately of course, we
all know this is not true. In practice most of the top contributors
are paid to work on GNOME - as a result, most of their work is
directed by corporations, and their wants/needs and not by the
thousands of individual users who have different wants/needs. But
because they are paid to work on it, they have more time to do so and
rise faster and receive more respect and admiration than those of us
who do so 'just for fun'. This creates a lopsided portrait of the
wants/needs of users. And, of course, the corporations who are paying
for the work don't care what individual users think - why would they?
As a result, users are ignored and the larger free software community
alienated. This is, IMHO why the GNOME ecosystem has fractured so
fully over the last couple of years. Where we once had GNOME we now
have GNOME Shell, Unity, Elementary, Cinnamon and Mate all competing
for the same handful of users.

I'm not going to pretend that I know how to fix this problem. I don't.
But I do know it exists, and that it has been largely, if not
completely ignored by the majority of GNOME developers and certainly
by the Board of Directors thus far. Perhaps most striking is the very
composition of the Board of Directors itself. How many are not paid to
work on GNOME by an Advisory Board member? Isn't this in some way a
conflict of interest? Shouldn't the board be independent and not tied
to corporate interests? Shouldn't the needs of the project come first,
and not the needs of any individual corporation?

Thank you for your reply.

I would like to point out that there has been outreach to the projects
which were forked from GNOME, but with poor results. I encourage you
to address the issues that you see regardless of whether you join the
board or not.

I agree with what Kat says here and it's true for all candidates and 
everyone asking questions and reading this too: you don't need to be a 
board member to effectuate change in GNOME!

In my last email I should have pointed out that that we did reach out to 
those projects. While there were some poor results for some things as 
Kat says, I think the cross desktop events and efforts that have been 
going on have been really positive.


There are also precautions in place to ensure that no single corporate
entity employs a majority (over 40%) of board members. At the moment,
this means that a maximum of 2 out of 7 board members can share an

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
On 20 May 2014 12:10, Emily Gonyer wrote:
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
Hi Emily,

On 17 May 2014 19:42, Emily Gonyer wrote:
Name: Emily Gonyer
Affiliation: None

Dear Foundation,

I'm interested in serving on GNOME's board of directors for the first
time, in order to help steer GNOME in a more open and community led
direction. It is my opinion that GNOME has strode too far towards a
corporate-driven project and away from its community-led roots. As of
now, GNOME is, in my opinion too beholden to a small handful of large
corporations which forces the project to ignore large swaths of our
users in preference to them. The end result being that GNOME has lost
a tremendous portion of its respect and goodwill in the wider free
software community. As a member of the GNOME board of directors I will
actively work against this tide and towards the more open,
community-driven project that GNOME once was and I hope will be again.

I understand your concerns with regards to corporate involvement in
the project direction.

Based on the available financial information, the corporate
sponsorship enables the Foundation to employ an executive director and
an administrative assistant. Without this sponsorship, much of the
administrative work would need to be taken over by the Foundation
membership and the current board is already facing the challenges
resulting from having only one employee at this time.

How do you aim to achieve your goals without alienating the companies
that enable the Foundation to have employees to do the administrative
work and offer financial support to our membership?

GNOME is Free software, with a broad base of unpaid and paid
contributors. It seems that you wish to change the proportions of
GNOME contributors from the two backgrounds, how do you aim to achieve

I think we need to take a good, hard look at what we're spending money
on and evaluate 

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 09:17, Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) wrote:

Hi Karen,

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Oliver Propst wrote:

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Karen Sandler wrote:
Affiliation: Software Freedom Conservancy. I'm also pro bono General 
of QuestionCopyright.Org, and an advisor of The Ada Initiative and 

help other orgs (like the FSF) on legal and other free software related

As promised when I left the position of Executive Director, I'd like to
throw my hat in the ring for the Board of Directors. I think I can help
bring continuity to the board (Stormy was incredibly helpful on the 
when I started as ED). Also, as a lawyer I sometimes have an 
useful perspective. I'm still doing volunteer work for GNOME both as 
bono counsel and as a volunteer on nonlegal matters for GNOME. I've 
helping with fundraising, collecting on outstanding invoices and 

wherever I can.
You are a very busy person with many responsibilities, if you get
elected to the Board do you feel confident that you can spend the
necessary time on Board work?

While I think you do a lot for Free Software and your passion and work
inspires many, I'm afraid I do share Oliver's concern here.

I am extremely busy. I was just reading through all of the emails to 
board candidates this morning, as the time I've had in the last few days 
for GNOME I've spent volunteering on time sensitive things that I think 
must be done. This includes following up on outstanding invoices and 
also tracking a GNOME trademark matter. I also reviewed and commented on 
the contract for the GUADEC local organization (there may have been 
other things that I'm forgetting).  And this is all in the last week, 
and not counting recording the voice over for the cool documentation 
video that Bastian is putting together :)

I have to say: being on the GNOME board takes a lot of time. It's not a 
small commitment that the candidates are offering to make! Most boards 
meet quarterly at most, so meeting every other week is really a lot. 
However, I think it's worth the time expenditure. I just recorded an 
oggcast on this topic (what it means to serve on a board of directors 
and whether you should want to do it), which unfortunately won't come 
out until next week.

If elected, I'll probably use my time for GNOME by participating in the 
meetings and working on things like I've been doing as a volunteer 
mentioned above and am less likely than some other candidates to engage 
in lengthy discussions on mailing lists, but I think that's ok provided 
that some of the other board members focus on that important role (I 
will chime in on discussion, it just might not be right away or in great 


foundation-list mailing list

Re: About possible participation in Rest the Net campaign

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
I agree whole heartidly that this is a valuable and good use of GNOME
time and resources. As a free software project ostensibly committed to
freedom, privacy and security, it behooves us to participate.

Emily Gonyer

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 6:39 AM, Oliver Propst wrote:
 Hi, its great to see the all the activities around the upcoming Board
 election, I hope we still are able to focus on day-today things.

 There is right now a campaign, Reset the Net [1] about remind people
 about government surveillance and the the importance of privacy on June
 5 [2], one year after the NSA/Snowden revelations.

 Some participants include: Demand progress,, Free
 Software Foundation, Open Technology Institute, Reddit and
 Duck Duck Go.

 With our commitment to privacy and recently improved tools in this
 area (the new privacy setting panel and new privacy
 features in Web for exemple) [3] I think its makes sense for GNOME to

 This would include:
 Display a banner on, 5 June with link to
 Promote our participation on the campaign website
 Promote our our participation  and our work in this area in our own
 channels ( och twitter).

 On the last Engagement Team Meeting [4] we agreed that this something
 interesting. What do you foundation members think?  If there is no
 serious concerns I plan to ask the Board for approval.


 foundation-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that
counts can be counted. - Albert Einstein
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Foundation budget (was: Re: Question for candidates)

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 14:21, Dave Neary wrote:

 Apologies in advance for a question that will take us away from the main
 thread topic...

 On 05/20/2014 06:15 AM, David King wrote:
 Initially, I think that much of the money raised by an executive
 director would go towards financially supporting the executive director
 role. If the Foundation's revenues continue to drop (as has been the
 case over the last few years), an executive director role would become
 untenable without increased funding from sponsors.

 I have not been paying close attention in the past 3-4 years, but when I
 was, we had:
 * Added new members to the advisory board
 * Increased advisory board membership to $10,000 for small companies and
 $20,000 for large companies

 The executive director was, at the time I was on the board, the only
 salary outgoing, but advisory board revenues should be $140,000 unless
 I'm mistaken from my reading of the advisory board page - which ad board
 members have we lost? HP, Nokia, Motorola, Oracle from the looks of
 it... am I missing anyone?

The revenues from advisory board fees since 2006 are as follows (I do
not have access to any financial information before that time):

2006: USD 69000 (USD 5000 for smaller companies, USD 1 for larger
companies and some in between)
2007: USD 105000 (same as above)
2008: USD 11 (same as above)
2009: USD 132000 (same as above, although a number of companies paid more)
2010: USD 18 (the USD 1/2 pricing structure was introduced)
2011: USD 135000
2012: USD 12
2013: USD 12
2014: USD 13

All figures from 2006-2013 are what the Foundation actually received
in the bank account. All of the figures are against the years in which
they were incurred, not necessarily paid, so there may be differences
from the annual reports. 2014 figures are what the Foundation has
invoiced and is expecting to receive by the end of the year.

Rosanna has been in the Foundation payroll since 2006 as an employee.

 The theory at the time I was on the board was that ad board revenues
 paid for employees with a little margin for error, and we fundraised for
 everything else. Has that principlegone by the wayside?

Unfortunately, yes. I'm not sure whether this was a concious decision
or just tended in that direction as the boards changed, but I am
hoping to reverse this trend in the future. I think this is possible
as any new employee can be hired on new terms.

 Also, at the time we had started to build up some cash reserves after a
 few years when we really did not have a lot of room to manoeuver - have
 we depleted those? I did not notice any budgets proposed that were in
 deficit, but I was not paying very close attention.

At the moment, yes, but that is because we are still waiting on
invoices to be paid. The Foundation is waiting for $38 in unpaid
invoices, many of which I am expecting to see paid in the upcoming
month. Around 75% of those are related to the OPW, and most of the
rest to advisory board fees for 2013.

Once those invoices are paid, the Foundation will have reserves of
around $15. Ideally, the Foundation should hold reserves of
$35 if it never pays out OPW costs before the associated
sponsorship is received (which is what the board has currently voted


 Dave Neary, Lyon, France
 foundation-list mailing list
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Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread David King

Hi Marina

On 2014-05-20 11:17, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:

In my view, having immediate feedback and ideas from someone with lots of 
experience during the board meetings is very valuable, and can't be substituted 
with occasional consulting. The board and the Foundation benefit from a 
diversity of skills and experiences of the board members. As both Karen and I 
mentioned, she has been dedicating her time volunteering on critical matters. 
Being on the board provides the best view into what these matters are, which 
she is able to help us with. I think the composition of the board and the 
skills and time commitments people can offer need to be considered together to 
create the best balance.

Indeed, and there is no reason that the immediate feedback cannot be 
gained from Karen as an adviser if she is invited to board meetings. I 
do not think that a board composed of some members who are able to 
devote time to taking on many action items and some who are not able to 
take on many is a good balance, and certainly not the best balance.

Karen, how much time would you have available to dedicate to board 
matters above and beyond your existing volunteering commitments? You 
mentioned elsewhere that you have been spending 5 hours per week on your 
volunteering efforts for GNOME. Would you be able to dedicate time above 
that to board duties, or would your board duties negatively impact your 
existing efforts?


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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread meg ford
Hi Karen,

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Karen Sandler wrote:

 I am extremely busy. I was just reading through all of the emails to board
 candidates this morning, as the time I've had in the last few days for
 GNOME I've spent volunteering on time sensitive things that I think must be
 done. This includes following up on outstanding invoices and also tracking
 a GNOME trademark matter. I also reviewed and commented on the contract for
 the GUADEC local organization (there may have been other things that I'm
 forgetting).  And this is all in the last week, and not counting recording
 the voice over for the cool documentation video that Bastian is putting
 together :)

 I have to say: being on the GNOME board takes a lot of time. It's not a
 small commitment that the candidates are offering to make! Most boards meet
 quarterly at most, so meeting every other week is really a lot. However, I
 think it's worth the time expenditure. I just recorded an oggcast on this
 topic (what it means to serve on a board of directors and whether you
 should want to do it), which unfortunately won't come out until next week.

 If elected, I'll probably use my time for GNOME by participating in the
 meetings and working on things like I've been doing as a volunteer
 mentioned above and am less likely than some other candidates to engage in
 lengthy discussions on mailing lists, but I think that's ok provided that
 some of the other board members focus on that important role (I will chime
 in on discussion, it just might not be right away or in great detail).

It seems, from the other responses, that the other candidates plan to
spend  5 - 10 hours per week on board-related duties. How many hours per
week do you plan to spend?

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 11:30, David King wrote:

Hi Marina

On 2014-05-20 11:17, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
In my view, having immediate feedback and ideas from someone with lots 
of experience during the
board meetings is very valuable, and can't be substituted with 
occasional consulting. The board
and the Foundation benefit from a diversity of skills and experiences 
of the board members. As
both Karen and I mentioned, she has been dedicating her time 
volunteering on critical matters.
Being on the board provides the best view into what these matters are, 
which she is able to help
us with. I think the composition of the board and the skills and time 
commitments people can

offer need to be considered together to create the best balance.

Indeed, and there is no reason that the immediate feedback cannot be
gained from Karen as an adviser if she is invited to board meetings. I
do not think that a board composed of some members who are able to
devote time to taking on many action items and some who are not able
to take on many is a good balance, and certainly not the best balance.

Karen, how much time would you have available to dedicate to board
matters above and beyond your existing volunteering commitments? You
mentioned elsewhere that you have been spending 5 hours per week on
your volunteering efforts for GNOME. Would you be able to dedicate
time above that to board duties, or would your board duties negatively
impact your existing efforts?

I'm not sure Dave, it's a tough question. To be honest, if I'm not a 
board member I probably won't regularly join the board meetings. For 
reference, I was not invited to board meetings when I was just pro bono 
counsel to GNOME (from my SFLC days) and I'm unaware of any pro bono 
counsel being regularly invited to the meetings. While it's possible to 
join it's not really part of that role.

I try to give the maximum amount of time I have free to GNOME (much to 
the annoyance of my family, it's actually some weeks been much more than 
5 hours since I left as ED but I wanted to give a more conservative view 
of my time commitments).

The volunteer work that I've been doing is in part driven by the 
momentum I've had as ED and being a part of the board meetings in the 
past. I would expect that to diminish if I'm not on the board. On 
helping to collect invoices and asking for sponsorship (I've done both 
for GNOME even in the last 2 weeks), it will be much easier if I am a 
board member, as I'd have the authority to represent the org.

As I said in an earlier email, being on the board is a lot of work - I 
want to make myself available to serve, but am happy to leave it to 
others if the membership so chooses. I think I'd be an asset to the 
Foundation in this position which is why I've chosen to run.  It's also 
hard for everyone to make promises about availability going forward.  
I've seen a lot of people promise to do a lot during the elections 
period and then fail to step up over the course of the term. I've 
avoided other boards in the past (I've been asked to serve on a lot of 
them) but I am making an exception this time as GNOME is special :)

The current board has been really great, and very active. I've been glad 
to work with them. If elected, I will indeed have to readjust my 
priorities and overall commitments. And it might mean that I miss a 
marketing meeting in favor of a board meeting if I am very busy that 
week. I think that's probably true for every board member though.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Karen Sandler

On 2014-05-20 11:42, meg ford wrote:

Hi Karen,

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Karen Sandler wrote:

I am extremely busy. I was just reading through all of the emails to 
board candidates this morning, as the time I've had in the last few 
days for GNOME I've spent volunteering on time sensitive things that I 
think must be done. This includes following up on outstanding invoices 
and also tracking a GNOME trademark matter. I also reviewed and 
commented on the contract for the GUADEC local organization (there may 
have been other things that I'm forgetting).  And this is all in the 
last week, and not counting recording the voice over for the cool 
documentation video that Bastian is putting together :)

I have to say: being on the GNOME board takes a lot of time. It's not a 
small commitment that the candidates are offering to make! Most boards 
meet quarterly at most, so meeting every other week is really a lot. 
However, I think it's worth the time expenditure. I just recorded an 
oggcast on this topic (what it means to serve on a board of directors 
and whether you should want to do it), which unfortunately won't come 
out until next week.

If elected, I'll probably use my time for GNOME by participating in the 
meetings and working on things like I've been doing as a volunteer 
mentioned above and am less likely than some other candidates to engage 
in lengthy discussions on mailing lists, but I think that's ok provided 
that some of the other board members focus on that important role (I 
will chime in on discussion, it just might not be right away or in 
great detail).

It seems, from the other responses, that the other candidates plan to
spend  5 - 10 hours per week on board-related duties. How many hours
per week do you plan to spend?

I just wrote about this in greater detail but didn't want to leave a 
direct email to me unanswered.

The short answer is 5 or more, possibly more like 2 (hopefully) when 
traveling or very busy :)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread David King

Hi Karen

On 2014-05-20 12:27, Karen Sandler wrote:

On 2014-05-20 11:30, David King wrote:

Indeed, and there is no reason that the immediate feedback cannot be
gained from Karen as an adviser if she is invited to board meetings. I
do not think that a board composed of some members who are able to
devote time to taking on many action items and some who are not able
to take on many is a good balance, and certainly not the best balance.

Karen, how much time would you have available to dedicate to board
matters above and beyond your existing volunteering commitments? You
mentioned elsewhere that you have been spending 5 hours per week on
your volunteering efforts for GNOME. Would you be able to dedicate
time above that to board duties, or would your board duties negatively
impact your existing efforts?

I'm not sure Dave, it's a tough question. To be honest, if I'm not a
board member I probably won't regularly join the board meetings. For
reference, I was not invited to board meetings when I was just pro bono
counsel to GNOME (from my SFLC days) and I'm unaware of any pro bono
counsel being regularly invited to the meetings. While it's possible to
join it's not really part of that role.

I try to give the maximum amount of time I have free to GNOME (much to
the annoyance of my family, it's actually some weeks been much more than
5 hours since I left as ED but I wanted to give a more conservative view
of my time commitments).

The volunteer work that I've been doing is in part driven by the
momentum I've had as ED and being a part of the board meetings in the
past. I would expect that to diminish if I'm not on the board. On
helping to collect invoices and asking for sponsorship (I've done both
for GNOME even in the last 2 weeks), it will be much easier if I am a
board member, as I'd have the authority to represent the org.

As I said in an earlier email, being on the board is a lot of work - I
want to make myself available to serve, but am happy to leave it to
others if the membership so chooses. I think I'd be an asset to the
Foundation in this position which is why I've chosen to run.  It's also
hard for everyone to make promises about availability going forward.
I've seen a lot of people promise to do a lot during the elections
period and then fail to step up over the course of the term. I've
avoided other boards in the past (I've been asked to serve on a lot of
them) but I am making an exception this time as GNOME is special :)

The current board has been really great, and very active. I've been glad
to work with them. If elected, I will indeed have to readjust my
priorities and overall commitments. And it might mean that I miss a
marketing meeting in favor of a board meeting if I am very busy that
week. I think that's probably true for every board member though.

Thank you very much for the detailed response. I do not feel that my 
concerns have been completely addressed, but I think that everyone 
reading will be able to clearly understand your position.


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Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Oliver Propst

2014-05-20 Thread Oliver Propst
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Ekaterina Gerasimova 
 On 20 May 2014 14:48, Oliver Propst wrote:
 Also as you (and others) may know GNOME are maintaining its own WebKit
 implementation and browser [4] [5], I'm sure contributors to those
 efforts could provide valuable inputs to WC3 and learn much from other

 Have you checked whether those contributors are interested, or have
 the time for this?

As I have stated I intend to to do a investigation,I have not done any so far.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Oliver Propst

2014-05-20 Thread Oliver Propst
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 On 20 May 2014 15:00, Karen Sandler wrote:
 Actually, I was able to get most of the way towards the discounted fee for
 the fist years of WC3 membership when I was Executive Director, but we just
 didn't have the bandwidth to participate in it. If the new board thinks it's
 valuable, I can help pick up that conversation (whether I am on the board or
 not of course).
Great, thanks for the info!

 foundation-list mailing list

-mvh Oliver Propst
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question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Andy Tai
Hi, I would like to post this question to the candidates:

GNOME's core toolkit, gtk+, is used by numerous projects.  Currently gtk+
development seems to be driven mainly by the GNOME desktop.  However, gtk+
also play critical roles in other free software projects, like MATE, XFCE,
and the Cinnamon desktop, and large applications like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.

What are your views on the participation of the people of these projects,
as stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME Foundation?  Should
the GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to) these people to get them
involved in the GNOME Foundation so they also have a say and even
contribute to gtk+ so gtk+ can continue to serve their needs well,
important for the continuing successes of gtk+ in the free software world?

Andy Tai,
Year 2010 民國99年
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 00:58, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 11:18 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
 one of the options that I want the board to investigate
 is to tie in the executive director's wage and travel budget with
 adboard fees in such a way that the executive director will only be
 compensated up to a maximum of what the Foundation receives in adboard
 fees. This would free up some of the donations to be spent on
 sponsoring the Foundation members to attend events and do outreach.

 I understand the value of performance-based bonuses, but this sounds
 like it would create the possibility that a new company joins the
 adboard and its fee goes entirely to the executive director.

Not necessarily: for example it would be possible to assign a
specified portion to a bonus, some portion to travel and possibly
some portion to other spending. My point is that the total
compensation for an executive director must not exceed the income from
the advisory board.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: About possible participation in Rest the Net campaign

2014-05-20 Thread Michael Catanzaro
On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 12:39 +0200, Oliver Propst wrote:
 This would include:
 Display a banner on, 5 June with link to
 Promote our participation on the campaign website
 Promote our our participation  and our work in this area in our own
 channels ( och twitter).
 On the last Engagement Team Meeting [4] we agreed that this something
 interesting. What do you foundation members think?  If there is no
 serious concerns I plan to ask the Board for approval.

I support joining this campaign, but their website says:

Pledge to add SSL, HSTS  PFS protection this year; it matters! Then,
on June 5th, run the splash screen to promote free software for
end-to-end encryption. Already rocking SSL  HSTS? Consider approaches
to end-to-end crypto.

Currently does not even use HTTPS by default, let alone HSTS
or PFS. If we are planning to endorse this campaign, I think we should
also implement their recommendations.

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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Tobias Mueller

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2014-05-20 1:32 GMT+02:00 Michael Catanzaro

 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 15:28 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
  As the board minutes show from a few weeks ago, the board has been in
  touch with some advisory board members to find out if they could
  donate some person time towards the upgrade. Since then, the sysadmin
  team has also been in touch with someone who may be able to port the
  only customisation that we really need. What resources would you steer
  towards the goal?

 Is this customization the Splinter patch review system?

Splinter is currently being actively maintained upstream so bringing in the
latest Bugzilla release will also bring a newer Splinter. The major
customization that still needs porting and is currently being looked at is
related to the attachments statuses (it being the attachment status you can
set on the Create New Attachment page) which is custom to the GNOME
Bugzilla istance. The changes there are huge and spread over several files
as you can see by diffing the 3.4 upstream branch against the branch hosted on LP. (the header at [1] has the
instructions for generating the diff)

We are in contact with someone who might be able to help on this matter,
let's hope we'll finally be able to make some progress on this matter. As
of today the only service that needs some polishing is our Bugzilla
installation, sadly a lot of customizations and changes were added to stock
BZ and we ended up having a lot of customizations and extensions without
anyone properly maintaining them. We are currently evaluating whether we
should just drop some of the old / useless extensions and bring our BZ
installation as close to the stock installation as possible to prevent any
delay when a newer release will be out. We don't want this situation to
happen ever again.



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Karen Sandler

2014-05-20 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 20 May 2014 19:35, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
 On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:

 It's not just the time commitment we are looking for in the board members, 
 but also experience. Karen has a tremendous amount of experience in free 
 software non-profit space. In the last two months, she has been very 
 generous with her time as a volunteer for GNOME.

 Time commitment is an elusive beast.  I put about 5 hours as director,
 but put a lot more for engagement and QA.  Other times I might spend
 more.  It depends.  Having Karen on the board will create a sense of
 continuity.  Karen's experience in both being in ED and continuing to
 be an ED for another foundation will be benificial, on the ground
 experience.  Sometimes you don't actually know WHEN to ask for an
 opinion.. I know that we've been bitten by our own experience from
 time to time.

 I don't think we should be putting too much stock on the question how
 much time do you have as a director?  II expect somone who is a
 professional will be able to gauge how much time they have and are
 willing to do it.  If you are going to apply for a position on the
 board, I expect that you've done the research and is able to commit to
 the time to be a director.

 Let's not ponder on whether someone has the time, let's focus on
 whether they are an asset on the board.

As a current board member, I think that being able to put in the time
goes a long way towards making one an asset to the board. There have
been too many silences at meetings when action items came up for the
taking. I find the lack of response from some board members when
contracts need reviewing also rather disappointing. The Foundation
board is unusual in that the board members do take an active role in
the running of the Foundation, and I do not see this as changing in
the near future, unless the Foundation takes on multiple new

If I am voted onto the board for the next year, I do not want to be
volunteering other board members to take on action items, as I have
had to do on occasion this year. Therefore, this is a very relevant
question for me, and one that I expect every candidate who would take
their duty seriously to answer.

I am glad that so many of the candidates did take the time to respond
to this question. Going by the current responses, I honestly think
that some of the candidates are underestimating the time that board
duties take and that they may not be flexible enough to put in the
hours in times of need (such as the current financial situation).

 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Gonyer
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Andy Tai wrote:

 Hi, I would like to post this question to the candidates:

 GNOME's core toolkit, gtk+, is used by numerous projects.  Currently gtk+
 development seems to be driven mainly by the GNOME desktop.  However, gtk+
 also play critical roles in other free software projects, like MATE, XFCE,
 and the Cinnamon desktop, and large applications like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.

 What are your views on the participation of the people of these projects,
 as stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME Foundation?  Should
 the GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to) these people to get them
 involved in the GNOME Foundation so they also have a say and even
 contribute to gtk+ so gtk+ can continue to serve their needs well,
 important for the continuing successes of gtk+ in the free software world?

They are (or ought to be) just as involved in the development of GTK+ as
the developers of GNOME Shell are, and their opinions, wants, needs etc
ought to be valued. The GNOME project is not (or at least, should not) be
exclusively about GNOME Shell, but include anyone and everyone who uses
GNOME technologies. The sever fracturing of the community which has taken
place over the last 3-4 years is not healthy for our community, nor for
theirs. Everyone who is using GTK+ ought to be included in ongoing
discussions as to its development. They should be invited to GUADEC and
encouraged to submit talks, and become foundation members. As a member of
the board, I will do my best to engage with them and encourage them to do
so, while also doing my best to ensure that their voices, thoughts,
concerns, etc are heard, understood and thought of in any and all changes
going forwards.

Emily Gonyer

 Andy Tai,
 Year 2010 民國99年

 foundation-list mailing list

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power
and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts
can be counted. - Albert Einstein
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2014-05-18 18:58 GMT+02:00 Dave Neary

 Hi everyone,

Hey Dave!

 For me, the defining thing the next board will do is hire a successor to
 Karen Sandler as executive director of the foundation.

 So my question to all of you is: what are the main characteristics you
 will be looking for in the next executive director?

 when looking for a profile, there are a number of dials to twiddle:
 * Technical proficiency  reputation in the community, including free
 software cultural alignment
 * Strategy experience - the ability to formulate and communicate a
 direction for GNOME
 * Administrative and organizational experience
 * Business acumen and experience growing a commercial ecosystem
 * Communication/marketing/evangelism experience
 * Cost

 Of these, which do you feel are the most important for GNOME right now,
 and why? Are there other criteria which you think are important that I
 didn't list?

Hiring a new ED has never been so important to the GNOME Foundation than it
is now for the reason that many have outlined already, it being the current
financial status of the Foundation.

So while the Strategy experience would be a nice to have in the new ED
(but easily delegable to the Board of Directors), I feel we should aim at
other skills (like Business acumen and experience growing a commercial
ecosystem and Communication/marketing/evangelism experience) that might
be of help to the current financial situatiation. The next ED should have
great communication skills, it should help the GNOME Foundation gathering
some more attention from corporate sponsors by explaining them why they
should invest their money on the GNOME Project. Looking for corporate
sponsors won't be easy especially during the current terribly bad economic
situation. Investing your money as a company into a free software project
requires you to either have strong ideals on the FOSS movement or some
other sort of interest. (i.e you are developing a customized GNOME release
to be of use in your company and you want to give back to the project
either directly by being an Advisory Board member or indirectly by
forwarding patches upstream, the latter would not be of help increasing the
Foundation's finances though or you just want some publicity for your
products by showing up your logo on the various organized events etc.)

Another good point you introduced is related to the stipend the next ED
should earn yearly. It's clear the invested resources on this matter won't
be as high as they have been in the past. Said that I'm wondering how high
is our percentage to find someone capable of such position (and with such
responsibilities) without promising a relatively high stipend? also is it
still true that higher you pay someone higher their skills and productivity
should (and will) then be?

What I would aim for is someone with great communication / marketing skills
for attracting new advisory board members but most of all a strong passion
and dedication for the free software movement, with these feelings being
stronger than the desire to earn an high stipend. (at least until the
Foundation finances are back on track again)



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2014-05-20 14:37 GMT+02:00 Ekaterina Gerasimova

 Hi Andrea,

 On 19 May 2014 18:55, Andrea Veri wrote:
  On Mon, 19 May 2014, Max wrote:
  My question to all of you:
  * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
  -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
   Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?(  I
  saw it last GUADEC but not start to use)
   Other idea?
  Two OPW interns have been working for several months to provide a
  valid event management system for all the major GNOME events. The
  software is currently based on OSEM (the Open Source Event Manager
  [1]) and a test-bed is privately available on one of our testing
  machines at OSUOSL. Part of the upcoming GUADEC organizers have been
  granted access to the istance, if you are missing access to it please
  let me know.
  We should definitely find out what has gone wrong with it and why it
  has not been declared ready for production yet. I will make sure to
  follow-up on this as one of my goals for the next term if elected.
  -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
   What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?
   How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for
  it with more country in Asia?
  While OPW has had a great success in India (thanks to english being
  widely spoken there) it did not have the same success on other Asia
  regions probably because of the language barrier. What we can probably
  do is localizing the content of the OPW flyer so that more women can
  be aware of the Outreach Program for Women and apply for it. (I will
  make sure to discuss about this with Marina if elected and propose the
  idea to the relevant localization team)

 Both of the above seem to be something which can be done now and does
 not require you to be on the board. Why do you say that you would need
 to be elected to the board to do these?

I'm sure anyone out there would be able to achieve a lot of what the
current Board does without being part of the Board themselves. The Board of
Directors is primarily a team, a team of people that take care of
particular areas within the GNOME Project. When their particular action
items have been fulfilled they report back their findings / results to the
next meeting. Decisions are taken by the team as a whole, actions are
something Board members take care of personally, thus the theoretical
possibility to accomplish the majority of tasks out there without being
part of the Board itself.

That said the decision on whether we should keep working on a customized
version of OSEM is something I'd love to discuss with the Board as a whole,
last time I heard of it several people were not happy about how the
software was getting along. My plan for this is to first hear all the
opinions from the current / next GUADEC (and GNOME.Asia) organizers, then
discuss the proposed changes with the Board and finally find someone to be
able to look into the code again. (maybe another OPW intern?)

What I want to avoid is building a software that organizers won't use and
finding out what the current needs are is something that requires planning,
time and coordination between the involved teams.



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2014-05-20 20:56 GMT+02:00 Andy Tai

 Hi, I would like to post this question to the candidates:

 GNOME's core toolkit, gtk+, is used by numerous projects.  Currently gtk+
 development seems to be driven mainly by the GNOME desktop.  However, gtk+
 also play critical roles in other free software projects, like MATE, XFCE,
 and the Cinnamon desktop, and large applications like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.

 What are your views on the participation of the people of these projects,
 as stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME Foundation?  Should
 the GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to) these people to get them
 involved in the GNOME Foundation so they also have a say and even
 contribute to gtk+ so gtk+ can continue to serve their needs well,
 important for the continuing successes of gtk+ in the free software world?

Indeed yes, although GNOME has its own roadmap, design and views which
obviously differ from what other GNOME forks are providing to users we will
never ever think about closing the door to anyone willing to contribute and
provide their opinions back upstream. (with GNOME still being the upstream
for those forks)

One of the free software beauties is its malleability, like you can shape a
metal the way you want the same can be achieved with the code licensed
under a free software license. Some users and communities were not happy
about the direction GNOME was taking, that's legit, someone should be free
to use the DE of their choice, the DE that helps them being more
productive, the DE that makes them feel at home, the DE that has all the
features they need where they need them.

I will be more than happy to welcome back those communities and
contributors, try to engage them and hear their opinions finding a common



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Tobias Mueller

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
And the missing URL:


2014-05-20 22:04 GMT+02:00 Andrea Veri

 2014-05-20 1:32 GMT+02:00 Michael Catanzaro

 On Mon, 2014-05-19 at 15:28 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
  As the board minutes show from a few weeks ago, the board has been in
  touch with some advisory board members to find out if they could
  donate some person time towards the upgrade. Since then, the sysadmin
  team has also been in touch with someone who may be able to port the
  only customisation that we really need. What resources would you steer
  towards the goal?

 Is this customization the Splinter patch review system?

 Splinter is currently being actively maintained upstream so bringing in
 the latest Bugzilla release will also bring a newer Splinter. The major
 customization that still needs porting and is currently being looked at is
 related to the attachments statuses (it being the attachment status you can
 set on the Create New Attachment page) which is custom to the GNOME
 Bugzilla istance. The changes there are huge and spread over several files
 as you can see by diffing the 3.4 upstream branch against the branch hosted on LP. (the header at [1] has the
 instructions for generating the diff)

 We are in contact with someone who might be able to help on this matter,
 let's hope we'll finally be able to make some progress on this matter. As
 of today the only service that needs some polishing is our Bugzilla
 installation, sadly a lot of customizations and changes were added to stock
 BZ and we ended up having a lot of customizations and extensions without
 anyone properly maintaining them. We are currently evaluating whether we
 should just drop some of the old / useless extensions and bring our BZ
 installation as close to the stock installation as possible to prevent any
 delay when a newer release will be out. We don't want this situation to
 happen ever again.



 Debian Developer,
 Fedora / EPEL packager,
 GNOME Sysadmin,
 GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: About possible participation in Rest the Net campaign

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
2014-05-20 21:47 GMT+02:00 Michael Catanzaro

Currently does not even use HTTPS by default, let alone HSTS
 or PFS. If we are planning to endorse this campaign, I think we should
 also implement their recommendations.

Assuming stands for I'm asking you whether it makes
sense to abuse the use of SSL even when not really needed? the main GNOME
website hosts news, articles, Foundation and Foundation Membership
information, no sensitive information is being sent over the wire
unencrypted and eavesdropping such information would be harmless. That said
except the whole website being covered with SSL on demand if the user
really wants every single byte encrypted the relevant areas (being wp-login
and wp-admin) are automatically redirected to HTTPS for secure logins to

It has to be said a few other websites (like and are currently being served through HTTPS by default (even
if they are serving static pages with no sensitive information or login
form exposed to the public) but the reason behind it is merely related to
the fact we have a permanent redirect rule on our proxies that forward all
the requests being sent to the unencrypted wires to a SSL-enabled vhost
which then reverse proxies the requests to the internal network.

Honestly I don't think SSL should be abused when it's not really needed and
most of all I still think the GNOME Infrastructure would care deeply about
the privacy and security of its users even without serving the planet, the
documentation website and the main GNOME website with HTTPS by default.



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Dave Neary
Thanks Andrea,

On 05/20/2014 05:23 PM, Andrea Veri wrote:
 What I would aim for is someone with great communication / marketing
 skills for attracting new advisory board members but most of all a
 strong passion and dedication for the free software movement, with these
 feelings being stronger than the desire to earn an high stipend. (at
 least until the Foundation finances are back on track again)

So, how would you distribute your 25 pebbles? Seems like 7 each on
fundraising, cheap and promotion, and 4 on philosophical alignment?


Dave Neary, Lyon, France
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Andrea Veri
Yes, the pebbles distribution you made is what makes more sense to me at
this time!

thanks Dave for your question!

2014-05-21 0:36 GMT+02:00 Dave Neary

 Thanks Andrea,

 On 05/20/2014 05:23 PM, Andrea Veri wrote:
  What I would aim for is someone with great communication / marketing
  skills for attracting new advisory board members but most of all a
  strong passion and dedication for the free software movement, with these
  feelings being stronger than the desire to earn an high stipend. (at
  least until the Foundation finances are back on track again)

 So, how would you distribute your 25 pebbles? Seems like 7 each on
 fundraising, cheap and promotion, and 4 on philosophical alignment?


 Dave Neary, Lyon, France



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership  Elections Committee Chairman

foundation-list mailing list

Re: About possible participation in Rest the Net campaign

2014-05-20 Thread Michael Catanzaro
On Wed, 2014-05-21 at 00:33 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
 Assuming stands for I'm asking you whether it
 makes sense to abuse the use of SSL even when not really needed?

From your response, I can see that you're concerned primarily with
protecting users' personal information. From that perspective, I'm
basically satisfied as long as our Bugzilla uses SSL, and it does, so

In contrast, Reset the Net is interested in countering pervasive
surveillance, which really does require HTTPS/HSTS to be used on all
pages. Their goal is not to protect users' passwords, it's to prevent
the NSA from determining whether our users are visiting or It's an
encrypt the web campaign, and it'd be silly for GNOME to sign up if we
don't really mean it.

(It'd also be a bit silly to run a $2 privacy campaign and then not
participate in this, but I guess there are real disadvantages to
abusing SSL: increased power costs, correct?)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya

- Original Message -
 From: Ekaterina Gerasimova
 To: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 Cc: foundation-list
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:12:35 AM
 Subject: Re: Question for candidates
 On 20 May 2014 01:55, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: Max
  To: foundation-list
  Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:18:33 PM
  Subject: Question for candidates
  Hi everyone,
  Thanks for run the board.
  This is the most busy time for GNOME.Asia summit(4 days to go).
  GNOME.Asia team and Beijing team are busy for the summit.
  My question to all of you:
  * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
  -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
  The GNOME.Asia team is doing a fantastic job organizing the conference and
  it will undoubtedly boost the interest in GNOME. It would be great to have
  meetups of people working on GNOME and free software in Beijing throughout
  the year, so that more people who learned about GNOME at the conference
  are interested in travelling to the next year's location.
 Local meetups are a great idea and have proven to be popular when
 organised, even if only for GNOME Beers around releases. As the
 question is about plans for the future, how are you planning to help
 this happen?

I would generally just like to encourage people to organize these locally. Meg 
Ford's blog is a great source of inspiration and ideas on what to do to foster 
a local community, as she and Jim Campbell started the Chicagoan Hacking on 
GNOME group. One of the findings she made was for a larger turn-out, it's good 
to have broader events that include hacking on various free software projects.

For running newcomers workshops, I already recommended OpenHatch resources and 
GNOME Newcomers Workshop and Tutorial resources, which I created. I'd like to 
invite people to help out with the Newcomers Workshop at GUADEC and then 
replicate it locally.

Myself and the board are available to answer any questions about hosting local 

   Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?( I
  it last GUADEC but not start to use)
  I created a new activities to track page for the board and added it
  there. We will find out what is going on with it and encourage
 There are many issues that the board tracks and works on, why do you
 think that the board should take over the tracking of this rather than
 let those who created it (OPW interns and mentors) and those who would
 benefit from it (GUADEC and GNOME.Asia organisers) keep track?

This relates to organizing events, which is one of the key functions of the 
Foundation the board needs to facilitate.

 Given that the board rarely interferes in development, how do you
 propose to encourage further work on this project?

This particular project is an infrastructure project, rather than GNOME 
technology development project. Even with GNOME technology projects, it's 
sometimes appropriate for the board to get involved to encourage development, 
such as in the areas of privacy and accessibility, for which we had fundraising 

For this work, we can ask people who worked on the system about their 
availability to continue the work and/or ask them to make a call on Planet 
GNOME for new volunteers, along with the explanation of the work that has been 
done and that yet needs to be done. If no volunteers step up, the board can 
investigate allocating resources to this project.

   Other idea?
  -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
   What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?
  We should continue to provide materials and encouragement for past OPW and
  GSoC participants to run introduction to free software / GNOME / GSoC /
  OPW sessions and host meetups in their cities throughout the year, so that
  we have more applicants from Asia applying for these programs who have
  experience contributing to free software. There are materials available
  for OpenHatch Open Source Comes to Campus and GNOME Newcomers Workshop,
  which can be used for such events.
   How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for promote
  with more country in Asia?
  Of 39 interns GNOME has this summer, 14 are from India, 1 from China, and 1
  from Philippines. As I mentioned above, we need to encourage these people
  and other community members to promote the internship programs and help
  people become contributors before they apply.
  -- GNOME Foundation member in Asia?
   How do we know our other member in Asia?( I suggest tobi last year,
  they want to fill their country when foundation member renew or new )
  There is , which we can encourage
  people to fill out. There are also translators, whose information you can
  get from Git or 

Re: question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Jeff Fortin
Le mardi 20 mai 2014 à 11:56 -0700, Andy Tai a écrit :

 What are your views on the participation of the people of these
 projects, as stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME
 Foundation?  Should the GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to)
 these people to get them involved in the GNOME Foundation so they also
 have a say and even contribute to gtk+ so gtk+ can continue to serve
 their needs well, important for the continuing successes of gtk+ in
 the free software world?

I am unaware of the GTK+ project actively discouraging* participation,
and I'm not sure that downstreams are choosing not to fix GTK+ because
they specifically don't want to - rather, they're undermanned just the
same, and busy enough with their own amount of bugs (just look at how
long release cycles are for apps like GIMP, Inkscape, PTV...).

It is not a problem easily fixed by marketing/outreach (and I say this
from experience as the PTV marketing machine!). I think anyone will
agree that GTK+ needs help, but whether or not that happens is a
technical matter, heavily dependent on available skilled manpower.

GTK+ is, as far as I know, an open meritocracy like any other
respectable Free Software project and I'm pretty sure the maintainers
are overjoyed when potential new contributors show up, which I suspect
is a very rare occurrence.

The way I see it (with my downstream/community hat on), GTK+ is a
big/complex codebase, with an overloaded infrastructure (in this case,
the bug tracker) leading to an unclear course of action, lagging
community interaction, somewhat foggy roadmap and maintainers being in
survival mode, which is perfectly understandable given the
circumstances. The infrastructure (or process) side of things is
something I'd like to help address (I touched upon the subject in one of
my GUADEC 2013 talks), but it's really not going to happen overnight,
especially as we are all volunteers.

Related reading: the comments section of

*: I posit that it is simply a side-effect of all I've mentioned above,
   which makes it kind of a chicken-and-egg situation.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Marina Zhurakhinskaya

- Original Message -
 From: Richard Stallman
 To: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:25:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Question for candidates
 [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
 [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
 [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
 One possible idea would be to have joint events with KDE.  One joint
 event could cost less, in total, than two separate events.
 I don't know what practical obstacles there might be, but in principle
 I think it is ok.

Hi Richard,

As other people mentioned, we've had joint events with KDE, which logistically 
worked out well. However, GUADEC is a 200-300 person event, and our goal for it 
is to have GNOME community members meet each other and have a chance to 
interact and work face-to-face. This becomes more difficult in a group twice 
the size, where not everyone is a GNOME user or contributor. This is why it was 
decided to host GUADEC separately and to have dedicated freedesktop hackfests 
that contributors involved with common technologies can attend, despite the 
financial attractiveness to sponsors of a joint event.

As you know, GNOME.Asia is co-located with FUDCon this year, and it would be 
interesting to know how that works out. GNOME.Asia has been much smaller than 
GUADEC in the past, and having many people attend it because of the co-location 
is definitely a positive outcome, so our interest in co-locating it might be 
different from co-locating GUADEC.

Hope you enjoy your trip to Beijing and thank you for speaking at this joint 


 Dr Richard Stallman
 President, Free Software Foundation
 51 Franklin St
 Boston MA 02110
 Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
   Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
Pardon my late reply.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Andy Tai wrote:

 Hi, I would like to post this question to the candidates:

 GNOME's core toolkit, gtk+, is used by numerous projects.  Currently gtk+
 development seems to be driven mainly by the GNOME desktop.  However, gtk+
 also play critical roles in other free software projects, like MATE, XFCE,
 and the Cinnamon desktop, and large applications like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.

I think inclusivity of these projects are very important.  Embracing these
other projects is an important step in making sure that GTK+ and GLib are
healthy eco-systems that projects downstream can depend on.

 What are your views on the participation of the people of these projects,
 as stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME Foundation?  Should
 the GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to) these people to get them
 involved in the GNOME Foundation so they also have a say and even
 contribute to gtk+ so gtk+ can continue to serve their needs well,
 important for the continuing successes of gtk+ in the free software world?

We are already reaching out and we've made a little progress.  During the
West Coast Hackfest, thanks to Allan Day, we were able to invite one of the
ElementaryOS designers over, and he was able to spend a couple days with
us.  One of the positive outcomes was that we are hopefully set to
eliminate ElementaryOS's private widget set library and use GNOME's.  In
turn, there are several widgets that Matthias have identified that was
useful for GTK+.  So here is an excellent example of how diversity solves
problems.  I can say that both GNOME and ElementaryOS folks were quite
enthusiastic afterwards from my conversations with them.[1]

A couple comments on the West Coast Hackfest - the hackfest is geared to be
outward facing.  Most of our conferences and hackfests are quite insular
and internal.  You want GNOME hackers to be exposed to people who use our
software or might want to use our software.  In turn, we want to really
highlight the benefits of using the GNOME stack. We don't do enough of
this.  I hope the next year, we can work on a more aggressive conference
instead of a hackfest that will bring more attention to the GNOME
eco-system to people who are developing either software solutions or
turnkey hardware appliances like kiosks.  In general, thanks to the hard
work of Tiffany, Christian Hergert, and Cosimo we had successful hackfest
and is a good base.

Now regarding foundation and these other projects. I've long thought that
need to find a way to support these projects.  I have a proposal in the
works that will suggest that the Foundation will help pay for hackfests
that does not benefit GNOME the product (e.g. the desktop) but does benefit
GNOME the eco-system.  The idea is that in exchange for the money, that
everyone would participate in working in the lower levels of the stack and
not necessarily the design.  This is controversial because of using our
finances, but there are questions on whether this will dilute the brand.
But that is a separate discussion.

Nothing excites me more than seeing GNOME partner wtih more people and
organization, being diversified will help hopefully attract more adboard
members as well.  We live in interesting times, we have many projects that
have pick up the design the desktop as a product bug, and they have
choosen GNOME as the basis of it.  I think that is  fantastic.


[1] See my blog post on West Coast Hackfest, the release notes for the last
GTK+ release, and Matthias's post on West Coast Hackfest

 Andy Tai,
 Year 2010 民國99年

 foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Max wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Thanks for run the board.
 This is the most busy time for GNOME.Asia summit(4 days to go).
 GNOME.Asia team and Beijing team are busy for the summit.

 My question to all of you:

 * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
 -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
  Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?(  I saw
 it last GUADEC but not start to use)
  Other idea?

Growth in Asia has been a bit of a puzzle for me.  But let's think
strategically on how we could promote and grow in asia.  Now, I think
there are a couple of things that we can do in terms of promotion.
Let's first talk about Tizen.  Tizen stack is the basis of the mobile
phone stack which interestingly enough contains many pieces of GNOME
technologies.  So by extension people who use Tizen use GNOME
technologies and there is a wealth of companies specifically in Asia
that are using Tizen for IVI, Mobile, and IOT.  There is probably some
fundraising opportunities there and a way to get our name out.

How about partnering with Asian based distros and make sure that we
have a specific asian experience on GNOME?  Recruiting folks who might
be interesting to do this?

Most of these ideas require a stable platform to do volunteer
recruitiment.  So while they maybe good ideas, you need to make sure
that we put in an infrastrucutre in place that immediately makes them

 -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
  What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?

Should there be a plan?  We should take applicants who are interesterd
regardless of race, creed, or color.  In general, we seem to have good
representation from Asia in tehse programs.

  How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for promote
 it with more country in Asia?

I think the same thing applies as above.  Now, if you're talking about
highlighting the program in Asia, the best place to start is to put
posters in universities or popular cultural events.  For instance, in
SXSW, we put a lot of posters out there talking about teh next round
of OPW.  We even had some responses of that.  Having presentations
from GNOME OPW students in Asia is another good way to do this.  At
Linuxcon, there are a number of OPW kernel who are doing BOF and
presentation and they are coming as a group to talk about the work
tehy are doing.  We did something similar at GUADEC last year, but we
should really expand that to other areas.

While tech conferences and universities are a good place, don't be
afraid to go to places that are unusual.  Open air markets for
instance might be interesting.  Pay a kid to walk around handling
fliers to out to people outside a store? Or maybe do it yourself.

 -- GNOME Foundation member in Asia?
  How do we know our other member in Asia?( I suggest tobi last year, if
 they want to fill their country when foundation member renew or new )
  How do we get these member / resource together?

This isn't something the board itself can solve.  This is really
something that you want the engagement team to be working on.  The
board can help fund, and provide logistical support.  But ultimately,
we want to get enthusiastic people recruit others.  Sometimes that is
really easy.  For instance, I knwo at least two people we brougiht
into the foundation simply because we noticed that they were
doingpro-bono support on #gnome.  Sending them a t-shirt and
sponsoring their inclusion into GNOME Foundation is a great way to
reward people like them.

 -- Are you interesting to involve Asia event? and how do you involve?

I would love to be involved, but my opportunities to travel is quite
small due to job constraints and time constraints.  But I would love
to help logistically if I can.  In fact, I encouraged at least one
person in the foundation to help GNOME Asia with the conference
logistics as an event planner.

Max, it's unfortunate you did not run for the board this year.  I hope
you or Emily Chen will consider running next year.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
Full disclosure - I wrok for Intel as the Tizen SCM architect.  Since
I brought up Tizen, I wanted to make it known that there is a

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
 On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Max wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Thanks for run the board.
 This is the most busy time for GNOME.Asia summit(4 days to go).
 GNOME.Asia team and Beijing team are busy for the summit.

 My question to all of you:

 * What's your plan for Promote / Growth GNOME in Asia
 -- GNOME.Asia summit ?
  Central event management system for both GUADEC and GNOME.Asia?(  I saw
 it last GUADEC but not start to use)
  Other idea?

 Growth in Asia has been a bit of a puzzle for me.  But let's think
 strategically on how we could promote and grow in asia.  Now, I think
 there are a couple of things that we can do in terms of promotion.
 Let's first talk about Tizen.  Tizen stack is the basis of the mobile
 phone stack which interestingly enough contains many pieces of GNOME
 technologies.  So by extension people who use Tizen use GNOME
 technologies and there is a wealth of companies specifically in Asia
 that are using Tizen for IVI, Mobile, and IOT.  There is probably some
 fundraising opportunities there and a way to get our name out.

 How about partnering with Asian based distros and make sure that we
 have a specific asian experience on GNOME?  Recruiting folks who might
 be interesting to do this?

 Most of these ideas require a stable platform to do volunteer
 recruitiment.  So while they maybe good ideas, you need to make sure
 that we put in an infrastrucutre in place that immediately makes them

 -- Google Summer of code / Outreach Program for Women
  What's your plan for GsoC and OPW in Asia?

 Should there be a plan?  We should take applicants who are interesterd
 regardless of race, creed, or color.  In general, we seem to have good
 representation from Asia in tehse programs.

  How many country get GsoC / OPW in Asia? What's your plan for promote
 it with more country in Asia?

 I think the same thing applies as above.  Now, if you're talking about
 highlighting the program in Asia, the best place to start is to put
 posters in universities or popular cultural events.  For instance, in
 SXSW, we put a lot of posters out there talking about teh next round
 of OPW.  We even had some responses of that.  Having presentations
 from GNOME OPW students in Asia is another good way to do this.  At
 Linuxcon, there are a number of OPW kernel who are doing BOF and
 presentation and they are coming as a group to talk about the work
 tehy are doing.  We did something similar at GUADEC last year, but we
 should really expand that to other areas.

 While tech conferences and universities are a good place, don't be
 afraid to go to places that are unusual.  Open air markets for
 instance might be interesting.  Pay a kid to walk around handling
 fliers to out to people outside a store? Or maybe do it yourself.

 -- GNOME Foundation member in Asia?
  How do we know our other member in Asia?( I suggest tobi last year, if
 they want to fill their country when foundation member renew or new )
  How do we get these member / resource together?

 This isn't something the board itself can solve.  This is really
 something that you want the engagement team to be working on.  The
 board can help fund, and provide logistical support.  But ultimately,
 we want to get enthusiastic people recruit others.  Sometimes that is
 really easy.  For instance, I knwo at least two people we brougiht
 into the foundation simply because we noticed that they were
 doingpro-bono support on #gnome.  Sending them a t-shirt and
 sponsoring their inclusion into GNOME Foundation is a great way to
 reward people like them.

 -- Are you interesting to involve Asia event? and how do you involve?

 I would love to be involved, but my opportunities to travel is quite
 small due to job constraints and time constraints.  But I would love
 to help logistically if I can.  In fact, I encouraged at least one
 person in the foundation to help GNOME Asia with the conference
 logistics as an event planner.

 Max, it's unfortunate you did not run for the board this year.  I hope
 you or Emily Chen will consider running next year.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Emily Chen wrote:

 I would like to ask below questions to future board:

 1. For GNOME big event, call for sponsor is really important, what is your
 plan to call for more sponsors for conference like GUADEC and GNOME.Asia ?

I've read some of the responses of the other candidates, and I would
say that I largely agree that having diversified group both local and
corporate is a good starting point.  But for that we need to create
relationships with these companies.  Our advisory board mainly
consists of tech giants like Google who support Free Software.  But it
would be interesting to use our existing set of regional mailing lists
to brainstorm ways to talk with local companies.  For instance, we
have very few companies that are purely European, Latin American or
Indian.  Why is that?  Those are good questions to ask.  Who are using
our stack?  Did you know?  If you use DBus, you're using our stack?
GLib is a dependency.  Start with that conversation to the companies
you talk with at a local conference.

Max alluded to this question a bit but he focused purely on activity
in Asia.  But that answer needs to be answered globally.   The plan
really rests on having a competent Executive Director who can make
cogent arguments to propspective donors.  Let me give you an example,
go through all the projects on, how many of those
projects depend on DBus? Gstreamer?  How many blu-ray players depend
on libxml2?  Have you ever looked at the packaging of various common
consumer devices like your SmartTV?  Read the licenses?  Identify any
of the libraries?  Free Software is ubquitous.  Every large company
has some kind of plan for Free Software/Open Source, some of them have
a community manager.

 2. What is the top 3 goals for GNOME Foundation in the next year, in your
 opinion ?

I think getting our finances in order is a good start.  Secondly, I
really like to continue working on volunteer capture.  Volunteers are
the lifeblood of an open source project, and we want to be able to get
diversified set of talents.  Not necessarily talking about coders, but
people who have background in marketing, technical writing, video
editing, and so forth.  If you didn't have people like Bastian
Hougaard, you wouldn't have that awesome release video for GNOME 3.12.
 Those people don't come easily.  Finally, we really do need to find a
good Executive Director, one is saavy and can build the financial net
to fund these important initiatives.

 3. How to raise and increase the fund for GNOME Foundation ?

I think I answered this above.  Increasing our value to our current
adboard members, by showing improvement on the stack, show how we are
improving the Linux (the kernel) eco-system are examples that I think
will resonate with our adboard member.  Obviously, we will need to
find new sources of income, and that could be micro-payment system.
For instance, if a bug is fixed on bugzilla, then a donation button
could be presented so that money can go back into the foundation.
Continue working on getting specific fundraising like we've done for
privacy.  These are all good ways to get revenue.  Finally, build the
best damn desktop out there.  Money will come if we are successful in
our endeavor.

 4. How many hours you work in GNOME Board related work each week?

I generally work about 5-7 hours a week on GNOME Foundation.  It's
been fluctuating lately because Ive been putting efforts in
engagement and the qa team.



 Emily Chen

 foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Anish Patil

2014-05-20 Thread Sindhu S

 On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 9:22 PM, anish patil

  I did try to run hackfest in India couple of times but real problem is
  raising, i did reach few Indian companies to sponsor for events/hackfests
  but unfortunately that did not go that well.

In Bangalore, we have four GNOMEies as I know of (Arun Raghavan, Aruna S,
Ragavan and myself). Aruna is involved and is an active FMSK person. FSMK
is very
keen on bringing FOSS to students and Bangalore people. Though each of us
have our own time commitments to take care of, the planned talk/hackfest
at FSMK did not go through. Anish, would you be interested in picking this
from where it was left off?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Emily Chen
2014-05-21 3:08 GMT+00:00 Marina Zhurakhinskaya

 - Original Message -
  From: Richard Stallman
  To: Marina Zhurakhinskaya
  Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 6:25:22 AM
  Subject: Re: Question for candidates
  [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
  [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
  [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
  One possible idea would be to have joint events with KDE.  One joint
  event could cost less, in total, than two separate events.
  I don't know what practical obstacles there might be, but in principle
  I think it is ok.

 Hi Richard,

 As other people mentioned, we've had joint events with KDE, which
 logistically worked out well. However, GUADEC is a 200-300 person event,
 and our goal for it is to have GNOME community members meet each other and
 have a chance to interact and work face-to-face. This becomes more
 difficult in a group twice the size, where not everyone is a GNOME user or
 contributor. This is why it was decided to host GUADEC separately and to
 have dedicated freedesktop hackfests that contributors involved with common
 technologies can attend, despite the financial attractiveness to sponsors
 of a joint event.

 As you know, GNOME.Asia is co-located with FUDCon this year, and it would
 be interesting to know how that works out. GNOME.Asia has been much smaller
 than GUADEC in the past, and having many people attend it because of the
 co-location is definitely a positive outcome, so our interest in
 co-locating it might be different from co-locating GUADEC.

I second what Marina said about GNOME.Asia.

The goal of GNOME.Asia is to promote GNOME in Asian region. Most of the
audience are GNOME/Linux users, FOSS community people. only 20% are core
developers and leads from GNOME community. This is different from GUADEC.

Then co-host with other conference like FUDCon is working very well this
way, because our audience is the same, we have common speakers, local
organizers are already familiar with each other.

This year, in GNOME.Asia/ FUDCon 2014, we bring more speakers, attract more
audience, find more local sponsors, at the same time, we reduce the cost by
share with FUDCon.

Hope you enjoy your trip to Beijing and thank you for speaking at this
 joint event!

Yes, we are looking forward to RMS's speech this Sunday.



  Dr Richard Stallman
  President, Free Software Foundation
  51 Franklin St
  Boston MA 02110
  Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Upcoming deadline - candidates please answer the question from the foundation

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
Yes, sorry, it's been a little busy with personal projects at home, so
I haven't had as much time to answer.  I've been working on answering
them as I go. :)

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
 We're five days away from voting opening.
 While some candidates have been very active in answering questions from the
 foundation, other are falling behind. I will be unable to vote for you if I
 have no idea where you're standing.

 In addition to that, board-list is a high traffic list so keeping up with
 these questions is a good test drive for candidates :)

 Thank you for taking the time!
 - Andreas
 foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Anish Patil

2014-05-20 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Sindhu S wrote:
 On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 9:22 PM, anish patil

  I did try to run hackfest in India couple of times but real problem is
  raising, i did reach few Indian companies to sponsor for
  but unfortunately that did not go that well.

 In Bangalore, we have four GNOMEies as I know of (Arun Raghavan, Aruna S,
 Ragavan and myself). Aruna is involved and is an active FMSK person. FSMK is
 keen on bringing FOSS to students and Bangalore people. Though each of us
 have our own time commitments to take care of, the planned talk/hackfest
 at FSMK did not go through. Anish, would you be interested in picking this
 from where it was left off?

I randomly joined the list last week, mostly because I was
working on an article regarding hackfests and saw that you were
organizing it, there was a lot of traffic on the mailing list last
year, but then nothing since.  I was planning on posting just to
invigorate the list to see if we could bring some discussion back as I
was somewhat interested in seeing what happened?

I have a events planner if you need help. :-)  Just ask!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question for candidates

2014-05-20 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

for downstream, there's the SUSE
conference or the Fedora Flock;

To cooperate formally with the SUSE conference would pose an ethical
problem because SUSE contains lots of nonfree software.

To have the event in proximity to the SUSE conference, without
any public relationship with it, would not have such a problem.

for accessing the commercial side
there's the Linux Foundation.

To cooperate formally with a Linux Foundation event would run into a
problem -- they would probably want to call the GNU/Linux system
Linux, and we should not accept that.

However, having the event in proximity to one of their events,
without any public relationship, would not have such a problem.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board of Directors Elections 2014 - Candidacy - Emily Gonyer

2014-05-20 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

Why? Because GNOME is, at
least in theory, a free software 'project'. As such, it is supposedly
run, and worked on largely by volunteers.

Free software does not mean that the developers have to be volunteers.
It means that the users have the essential freedoms so that they
have control over the software that does their computing.


We're happy when the developers of free software get paid.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call.

foundation-list mailing list