Re: Free Desktop Communities come together at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit

2009-08-13 Thread Quim Gil
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:43 AM, john wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Quim Gil wrote:

 So I guess there is no way back.

 Speaking clearly, I wonder what weight in people's opinions (in the
 polls and the board meembers) had the Qt branding in badge, towel,
 roll-up ad in the main entrance, etc. Many GNOME people said they
 didn't felt 'at home' in such context. But that is something easy to
 solve in future editions.

 For me that was a huge part of it (though I was not part of the final
 vote).  Some parts felt hijacked and need thought on how to avoid it in the
 future.  I still think there is value to co-locate but I personally felt
 some of the pitfalls I wanted to avoid, such as identity issues got
 steamrolled by those who had other agendas.

Thanks, this helps understanding.

The decision of putting Qt in the badge was made in little else than 2
lines of an email thread with the organizers, where GNOME, KDE and
local representatives were involved. At that time I couldn't care less
since sponsors logos in GUADEC badges hadn't ever been an issue. Can
you recall whether there were sponsors logos in the badges you wore in
previous GUADECs? I don't.

The only discussion had been about the logo(s) to be put there. Nokia
was deemed as too corporate. is actually the logo of the
Maemo (independent) community, as Maemo-the-platform has no logo
currently. Having all three was not even proposed by us because it
looked like willing to abuse with triple branding. This is why Qt was
left. That logo in the badge was actually the most visible difference
in the sponsors packs between cornerstone and Gold. Qt paid more than
half of the Nokia bill so it actually made sense in those days.

The problem was visible only when the conference had started and we
were getting our badges, and we were just as unhappy that the little
detail turned out to be an unforeseen problem.

Solutions: design a badge according to your identity needs (e.g. one
side GNOME and one side KDE, double paper people can fold to the side
they will...) and share the samples on PDF among the organizers and
sponsors with time to get feedback and make modifications. You can
also make more prominent the conference  projects branding, and less
prominent the sponsors branding since the average GUADEC / aKademy /
Summit sponsor is quite flexibke compared to the sponsored packs
detailed to the millimetre available in commercial fairs.

Then there was the towel, which I found a funny surprise myself. If
people has more problems of identity with a Qt beach towel than with a
Google plastic bottle, that's another thing. :)

Also people told me that they were expecting more Maemo iconography
present. Well, if I tell you that we sent 3 roll-ups that the
organization could only find few days after finishing the event, you
will see that we are even less happy about that. Actually I found that
gold and silver sponsors shouldn't have many reasons to be happy since
their roll-ups were quite spread and relatively not-visible here and

Solution: put all those banners and roll-ups in the entrance where the
Qt developer roll-up was and everybody happy. Again, the average
GUADEC/aKademy/Summit sponsor would be just as happy since we are all
used to be more in the mood of collaboration and co-presence than in
brand  product location battles. Have a floor plan where all the
locations of banners can be seen. have drafts of the banners shared in
advance so organizers and sponsors can get an idea and have a say.

Nothing that could not be fixed in a second Summit and nothing a
successful single GUADEC shouldn't do anyway.

All this makes me think: have the sponsors of the Summit and the GNOME
Foundation advisory board members been asked their opinions about
col-location vs single conferences? I don't know for companies like
Novell, Canonical or Google, but at least for Nokia it was easier to
put up a bigger sponsorship budget having one bigger desktop
conference in one go. Also why the Linux Foundation (Gold in GUADEC
2008) didn't come back in the Summit? Was this a consequence of the
co-location or would have happened anyway with the Global Crisis? And
Intel, and ARM...? Are there chances to get them back? And if so,
would a co-location help or not?

 If GNOME and KDE are going to
 have a more united front it needs to happen slowly in an organic manner, not
 abruptly with agendas.  Speaking for myself and not the board I felt there
 was an arrogance in some peoples thought that a co-located event was going
 to happen again next year even before this year's was over.   It made some
 of the important details, such as the badges, fall by the wayside.  I had
 specifically stated in the initial meetings that I felt badges went a long
 way to preserving the identity of each conference.

Arrogance? To me the convergence of free desktop events makes a lot of
sense... since the days I knew how hard

Re: Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

2008-07-28 Thread Quim Gil
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Vincent Untz wrote:
 Btw, we need people to help organize the event, especially some local
 help to find a good place for this. Is there any volunteer?

 Didn't Quim offer sharing the CCC facility with the Maemo Summit? That
 seems like a good idea to me.

Place to hack is not a problem but place to sleep is.

Please forward this message to the relevant people: fill and
departures asap. If people don't know for sure yet, guessing is ok. If
some people want to arrive earlier and leave later this is also ok (as
far as they do some hacking and not pure tourism).

There are some apartments available some days and we need to figure
out the exact need and availability. I will know tomorrow the plan of
available apartments.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

2008-07-23 Thread Quim Gil

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Quim Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Proposal: Desktop Search Hackfest.

Only a note to say that the proposal goes forward, more projects are
willing to join (Strigi, Nepomuk) and is the place to watch
and ask more information.

Thanks to everybody. Now we _just_ need to make it happen...

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

2008-07-22 Thread Quim Gil
Good, we seem to have a rough consensus. I have reposted the proposal
for those not in the foundation-list.

Since the people is spread in several mailing lists, you can use the
comments or the wiki page proposed for coordination. Or whatever space
you prefer.

foundation-list mailing list

Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

2008-07-21 Thread Quim Gil
Proposal: Desktop Search Hackfest.
Calling to: Xesam, Beagle, Tracker projects and whoever else is involved.
When: September 19 + the days the developers decide before  after.
Where: Berlin.
Why: The Board made a call to organize hackfest around events and the
Maemo Summit has answered.
Budget: Funded by Nokia within reasonable terms.

But why?

Ok, let me explain. We have some budget to sponsor participants to . We want to find a balance
between Maemo community contributors, related upstream developers and
core developers of the Maemo SW team at Nokia. We think organizing a
GNOME hackfest is a win-win.

Desktop search is an interesting area. Federico explained in GUADEC
the problems of Oralia finding her stuff and there are many more
things unsolved. It is becoming a critical area, considering that
users are getting more volumes of data, more types of files and they
have them spread through several devices and the Internet.

We also find interesting to support areas that are not seen as mobile
only. There are many, and in fact mobile companies like Nokia are
supporting the development of features and components that many people
don't even see as mobile related since they find them in their PCs and
laptops. Desktop search affects everybody, even if it's perhaps more
demanding in mobile devices (less processing power, different form
factors, probably different input methods, surely less patience from
the user on-the-go --- higher chances to FAIL).

In the GNOME family this is a delicate topic: ask the Beagle, Tracker
or Xesam hackers why. Yet there must be a possibility to find a common
mission and specific objectives for a Hackfest. The first Desktop
Search Hackfest ever? Each project can find also the time to meet and
get some progress in their own areas. It is up to the developers to
define the goals of the hackfest.

Maemo has some developers working on Tracker and they like the idea.
It has been discussed briefly in the gnome-movile-devel list and at
least Behdad and Vincent agree (in fact this was their idea, I was
proposing a Tracker hackfest but the Desktop Search idea is cooler).
We are looking for more opinions and support for a consensus.

The time runs fast and September is around the corner.  Feedback welcome NOW!

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Desktop Search hackfest

2008-07-21 Thread Quim Gil
Thanks all for the quick answers!

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 6:52 PM, Jamie McCracken
 I would prefer it if it was Desktop search and *Metadata* as the search
 aspect is already well covered in Xesam but the use of a centralised
 metadata is critical to having a well integrated desktop.

The details are up to you guys. I have driven the idea until the point
of proposing one broad topic and having some budget to cover it. I'm
almost done.  ;)

To tell you the truth, now I'm more worried about the finantial
details. Once the hackfest is confirmed with a rough estimation of the
budget I will be able to make decisions on other Maemo Summit related

You could agree on a broad idea about the mission and objectives. This
would help the right people to decide to come. Then we know more or
less how many people from which origins we have, and we can make a
rough estimation (by Friday?)

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME and KDE to Co-locate Flagship Conferences on Gran Canaria in 2009

2008-07-15 Thread Quim Gil
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Paul Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi John,

 On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 07:05 -0400, john palmieri wrote:
 The idea is that they are two separate events with the exception of a
 room reserved for and other crossover talks.  Also
 keynotes should most likely be joint as well as the after parties.
 Everything else should remain separate as to not drastically change
 the culture of each event.

When it comes to the program, in fact we are talking about joint bug
sessions + specific tracks. The sensible approach is: some keynotes to
be decided in common (Like e.g. Linus Torvalds in the opening session
and Richard Stallman in the closure). Some other chosen by each side.
Track owners could work out their own selection process. tracks don't necessarely mean all together since they
might be just as technical and focused to especialized audiences.

On the other hand, you might have tracks based on topics like
location, touchscreen UI, widgets and etc interesting for both
audiences regardless of the specific technologies underneath.

Then surely you have many topics interesting only to GNOME or KDE
members, but still you will find an aKademy attendee interesting in
that specific GUADEC session at that time of the day and the other
way round.

In practice this means that participants will have access to almost
all areas and sessions, having probably the same fee scheme. Which
means a common registration process, something really boring to setup
that brings more or less the same critical work for 400 or 1000

Accounting. You definitely want a single professional accountant
service and a single bank account, independent from the GNOME and
aKademy foundations. At the end of the event the result should be 0,
or have a revenue to be split as agreed (see below).

Social events, they tend to be better with more people. In some cases
there are obvious limitations (you don't want a boat to sink with a
representation of the best free desktop hackers inside). Call it The
Cute KDE Love Boat or The GNOME BareFoot Tanga Contest and you will
choose your audience. There is plenty of nights for everything.

Sponsors. GUADEC has the initiative here moving much more support and
budget than aKademy (which doesn't mean that they don't do amazing
stuff with the budget they get). Looking at the names the answer is
clear: Nokia, Linux Foundation, Novell, HP, Canonical, Google,
Mandriva... You want a common pool. Increase the numbers for
cornestone and gold since at the end most of the companies at that
level are working with both events and likely will want to get the
visibility of both communities. Keep the affordable Silver level as it
is for those companies that have been silver until now in any of the

My only serious concern about sponsors is how to make the back of the
shirts not-ugly.  ;)

One delicate aspect might be how to share the resources for sponsoring
participants and revenue, if any. Of course losses should be
considered but a conservative business approach should prevent that
due to the reasonable expecations to get sponsors. A solution could be
that both organizers of GUADEC and aKademy in 2008 share the
information on what have they got from sponsors and how much from that
did they invest inviting participants. Find how the numbers correlate
between both events and find the right % that would correspond to
each. 50/50 is a nice number and something to consider, but at least
until now the numbers have been (I believe) different and bigger in
the GUADEC side. I'm sure the right peoplefrom both projects  can
agree on the right terms pretty easily.

PS: Now I see Dave has sent an email getting into more details on
separate sponsored participants etc. Yes, this is just common sense.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME and KDE to Co-locate Flagship Conferences on Gran Canaria in 2009

2008-07-15 Thread Quim Gil
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 8:41 PM, john palmieri
 The one thing we have made clear to our Advisory Board is we do not want
 this to be an excuse for companies to invest less in either events.  That
 would be disastrous.

Sure, but who talked about getting less corporate money? In fact it
would be reasonable to get more since in terms of marketing and

(GUADEC + aKademy)  GUADEC + aKademy

Let's look at the numbers.

GUADEC and aKademy have very similar sponsorship schemes, which is
unsurprising considering that both marketing teams have been
collaborating on this topic since 2006. See (I could only find GUADEC 2008 brochure
in an attachment).

GUADEC Cornerstone = aKademy Platinum = 25.000€
Gold is same in both = 15.000€
Silver is same in both = 5.000€
aKademy has also Bronze = 1.000€

Do the math and put 3 levels at 50.000€, 30.000€ and... 5.000€

Looking at the past editions of both events, reasonable candidates for
a Gold are Nokia, Novell, Canonical the Linux Foundation and perhaps
Google. One of them to be pushed to the top level. There are some
GUADEC silvers that could be tempted to upgrade to gold.

The current Silvers come mainly from the GNOME side, which makes sense
due to the decentralized corporate nature of the GNOME project. This
is why I'm suggsting to keep Silver at 5000€ or do an upgrade to 6000€
at most in exchange of a much higher visibility. In fact many of these
companies work on components compatible with KDE technologies and/or
in the domain.

It would be also reasonable to think that more silvers might appear
since we are getting more new ones in every GUADEC and most of the
current sponsors repeat. The whole mobile stuff might bring new names
e.g. those around the LiMo foundation.

Conclusion: same or more money to be invested with less organizational
costs (thanks to sharing instead of doubling overheads) -- more money
to sponsor contributors from more remote places and work better on the
social side of the events.

 This is not a joint event.  The GNOME Board and KDE eV
 agreed on this with the understanding that we are co-located, not one
 conference.  Some details can be shared but most of it should be treated as
 we just happen to show up at the same time and place.  Its buisness as usual
 for the most part.  If we wanted a joint conference we would have just
 thrown a event.

For what we have seen in this thread there are some coincident
opinions among the coordinators of GUADEC 2006 and 2007 + the main
hunter of sponsors and keynotes in the past years (Baris is excused
for being afk). There must be something to consider here.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Akademy+GUADEC *2009* Hosting Proposals

2008-07-03 Thread Quim Gil
Are you reading the (very good!) materials the three candidates have prepared?

What makes the Boston Summit expensive is the travel (for Europeans)
and accommodation (for everybody), but this is well covered by the
three candidates.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Lennart Poettering [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are there even any direct flights to Tampere, except from HEL?

Ryanair in Tampere operates to Frankfurt, London, Bremen, Dublin,
Milan and to Riga.

Blue 1 operates to Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Food, at
there is a list of restaurants with many options starting from meals
at 5€. Remember that Tampere is a city full of (public) university
students, including Erasmus from all Europe. 5€ is a competitive price
in the Spanish Summer, specially in the coast.

Coping with parties every night is a problem for the economy of many.
This was raised in previous editions and should be taken into account
next year, no matter where. 3 sponsored social events with drinks
reasonably covered + a couple of nights covered by a visit to the
supermarket + a couple of nights actually sleeping well and drinking
very healty water... Sounds like a plan?

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Akademy+GUADEC *2009* Hosting Proposals

2008-07-02 Thread Quim Gil
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Murray Cumming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd want some reassurance about the accommodation. It can be insanely
 expensive in Helsinki. Is there some place where lots of people can stay

From the materials available at

7 Accommodation and food
 There are numerous accommodation options near the meeting area.
Accommodation in a
 nearby school will be arranged and this will be the lowest cost
option. The Tampere Student
 Housing Foundation (TOAS) provides rentable student housing. In
the summertime some of
 these houses work as a summer hostels. TOAS is able to provide us
around 200 beds in the
 student houses. There houses will also be in the walking
distance. The costs for these rooms
 will be low.
 Hotel Omenahotelli is one of the most cost-effective choices,
there is accommodation for
 400 people and it is within walking distance. The Sokos Hotel
Villa can be found nearest to
 University of Tampere. Many other hotels are within a short
walking distance. Please see the
 list of the hotels and the map of the area.

Hotel prices in Tampere are availabe in the materials, ranging from
Room from 71 €/night (1-4 people) to Single from 129 €/night if you
are that type of guy.  ;)

Finland is not a cheap country but is not the crazy e.g. Norwegian
thing. :) Tampere has average prices compared to the more expensive
Helsinki. Food, beer, restaurants and stuff are also cheaper in
Tampere for the same products.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-24 Thread Quim Gil
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:42 AM, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Helsinki, anyone?

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-24 Thread Quim Gil
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Quim Gil wrote:
   On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:42 AM, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Helsinki, anyone?

  Are you feeling like becoming our first recidivist?

I wouldn't be the first one helping out in more than one GUADEC and
I'm definitely not proposing to coordinate a second one.

Helsinki is not a bad place for a joint GUADEC/aKademy. Being in
Summer, you can hack during the day (and that's about 20h) and sleep
all night long. ;) It would be nice to have some local guy i.e. Linus
Torvalds for the opening keynote...

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Quim Gil

Proposed location for the first joint GUADEC/aKademy: ;)

(Alternative, sunny locations come to mind though)

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Hubert Figuiere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Note also that Summer is probably the
  worst period to get cheaper travel, so all in all it seems to be made to
  prevent people out of Europe from attending en masse.

Note also that Summer is probably the best period to get one week off
for students, and also for professionals. There are other possible
gaps in the calendar (Christmas, Easter) but you would get the same
high season prices.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Re-considering expectnation web service

2007-12-30 Thread Quim Gil
Sorry, I understood Expectnation solved the issue of the registration
payments and related accounting. This is one of the main pita and
critical areas organizing GUADEC. For Vilanove we developed a custom
made application that made the trick at some extent but was really
hard to be reused in further events.

If the registration payments are problematic to handle in Turkey a
possibility would be to handle them in the USA directly through the
Foundation, perhaps with the exception of Turkish participants that
could use an internal channel to avoid moving money accross the
borders. The event organization relies mostly on the money from
sponsors and the registratioon bit hasn't been critical in the past
years afaik.

If this bit is solved then all the rest can be solved either improving
the current Drupal website or interfacing with preexisting
modules/apps used by or whoever willing to collaborate
(in Vilanova there was some discussion about using the soft developed
for the W3C activities but after some mails nothing happened at the

Baris, your list of features can we accomplished with Drupal alone.
Some of them might require some extra work but as someone said perhaps
it can be contracted if you don't find any volunteers. Or you can
always drop the extra improvements that are not that essential and
concentrate on the couple of things that really matter.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Re-considering expectnation web service

2007-12-29 Thread Quim Gil
On 12/29/07, Edd Dumbill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's all proprietary right now. Open sourcing is a possibility for the
 future, but it's not likely to happen in 2008.

Is expectnation then more or less as proprietary as the software
powering Sourceforge, Launchpad, the Google or Yahoo! services? Fine
with me, specially if it's good and by using it we might be helping
Edd getting a sustainable business model and eventually opensourcing

GUADEC organizers need to concentrate in the event organization and
the content and communication. This is complex enough. Developing
conference software is out of scope. The website itself shouldn't
bring much time nor hassle.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Executive director [was: Re: OOXML]

2007-11-07 Thread Quim Gil
On 11/6/07, David Bolter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is perhaps of interest to some that the Mozilla Foundation has not
 found it easy to find a new Executive Director

I believe the GNOME project needs more an executer than a director.

Looking for the perfect candidate can be a long, expensive race that
perhaps brings no result. We have tried this, didn't work, don't think
it will work.

Note that in most cases you need a strong professional context to hire
a strong professional. The Mozilla Foundation can offer that strong
professional context. GNOME can't, and I'd even say doesn't want to.

There are some people in our community that would make wonders
executing and directing in the GNOME Foundation, if we would set
humble objectives, humble approach and pay a decent salary for that.

Hint: if that person hired among us is a good team player able to
engage the community, after 1-2 years the results obtained in total
wouldn't be humble at all.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Who would be a good member? [Was: About the coming election]

2007-11-07 Thread Quim Gil
My 2 cents

  That in effect perhaps raises the important question So who would be a
  good member of the Board?.

- Avoid the 'popularity contest' syndrome. Popular contributors tend
to be busy and you don't want a board of busy members.

- Give a chance to newcomers. I'm planning to vote for something like
3 or less 'sure bets' and 4 or more 'surprises' if there are enough
candidates to choose from. I'm no expert in statistics but I bet it
can be proved that 4 surprises multiplied by hundred voters results
in something not that surprising anyway. If everybody assures the bet
then the result tend to be even more conservative than most people

- Don't trust much the introduction written by the candidates when
running for election. It's not that they are lying, they just might be
too optimistic on that moment - and they are marketing themselves.
Trust their path in GNOME, their actions and contributions.

- Don't fear voting wrong. There are no wrong candidates because all
Foundation members have proved a dose of GNOME love. Even a wrong
board could not do much more wrong things than a right board. In
reality the margins of power and action are not that big. I insist the
wrongest mistake is to vote people that is going to be extremely busy
next year. But there is no easy way to predict that, so relax and

- Shall I add 'trust your feelings'?

PS: I won't run for (re)election this year. I feel I haven't been able
to respond to the great backing I got from the last election, mainly
due to... being busy and not dedicating enough time to my GNOME
duties. I feel bad about this and I apologize to those who put any
expectations on me. You see, I'm a good example of someone running for
election with time available and optimistic perspectives, then
something happens and you end up in a very different situation.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Executive director [was: Re: OOXML]

2007-11-06 Thread Quim Gil
fwiw I also think that an executive director would be good for the
GNOME project,  more needed than a business developer. At least GNOME
gets the resources that needs for doing what is capable to do. This
was not clear a year ago but as Jeff points out things evolve and we
learn in the process.

The profile could be someone already in the GNOME community with an
open professional career a love for GNOME and open source, community
development skills, good communication, able to travel and somewhat
interested and skilled in money related stuff.

I'm sure this person exists already in GNOME, and is reading these
lines (or at least would read then in Planet GNOME). The secret is to
start humble and small, and improving something every quarter.

The problem is _only_ to find the name and surname, sending the offer
on the right time. Perhaps opening the position publicly without a
pressure of time, waiting for candidates?

Anyway, stuff for the brains of the next board.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: board [was Re: OOXML [was Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07]]

2007-11-03 Thread Quim Gil

Things I have learned during this time at the board:

1 - Voting busy candidates is risky if not counterproductive.
2 - Running for election when you are busy is risky if not counterproductive.
3 - Seven members is what you need to run efficiently a board.
4 - Even a board of busy members can be a good board, but needs to
concentrate on the essentials.
5 - You concentrate on the essentials by *not doing* other things,
either because you delegate, you drop or you don't even start new
6 - It is difficult to point out publicly and even internally when
something/someone is wrong concentrating on the essentials,
delegating, dropping, starting new things. We are (too?) respectful
with each other.

In fact 6 is more complex: you can point when you are not inside, if
you are inside you can't point. Because you are outside you don't have
all facts, which makes difficult to point accurately, effectively.
Because you are inside you have more facts, but this makes difficult
to point issues because you put someone and yourself in evidence.
Breaking respect in exchange of efficiency isn't easy - probably not
even appropriate in an organization of volunteers.

Full stop.

If Luis runs for election I'll vote him, no doubt about this. He has
been pinging and pushing on legal matters as a champion.

I feel that we at the board have failed integrating his voluntarism in
a delegation. I still wonder what has failed and why though. All the
elements were in place: a Legal area in the board with 2 people
responsible, public and private mailing list, relatively regular
contact with lawyers and people around legal matters, regular presence
of legal related topics in the board meetings and agenda... Should I
make a conclusion I would probably end up thinking that personal
differences had more weight than they should, but who knows.

The board hasn't been proactive enough delegating again, that's my
feeling. Because we don't want to delegate? I don't think so. The
problem starts when people is lacking time to assume the most basic
responsibilities and feels overwhelmed only to follow the basic
routines. If you have been into the Art of Delegating before you know
the paradox: in theory delegating will let you do more things in less
time, in practice the process of delegating takes time in itself -
which is a trap when people feel like not having time.

Is the 7 member board the root of the problem? I strongly disagree. I
think the current board of 7 has been extremely efficient in the first
half of the year considering the total amount of personal time
invested. I bet a board of more people couldn't beat that. The second
half is being more dramatic,. and it is painful to reckon that many
deep issues could have been avoided or at least dealt with more
properly if all the board members could have been around with some
time available for collaboration and quick response.

Also, looking backwards we also see that our time and issues could
have been invested much better. What is left from the 10th
anniversary? Imagine if some of that time would have been put in a
Boston Summit planning. How much time did we put in aligning the
election period with GUADEC? Imagine if instead we had been dealing
with this poisoned OOXML discussion.

Of course this is easy to say now, the problem is always to foresee
things before they happen. This is an art that can be better performed
having more time and calm in our minds, btw. And even if you foresee
issues there is still that problem of being difficult to point them
out without being not as respectful as we use to be.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Suggestion for coming elections

2007-10-17 Thread Quim Gil
After more thinking...

On 10/16/07, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Picking 11 from 12 is a farce.

Picking N from N+1 or anything closer to N than to 2N is going to be a
farce or a light decision no matter what election procedure you

I agree with Vincent: the current system already allows to vote 6 or
less candidates, no need to change a tool that we know it works.

I'm not even sure we want to promote people to vote just for 3
candidates instead of a broader number i.e. 6-7. In the way we are
organized it doesn't matter how many votes you got once you are in the
board: every board member counts as one. I don't see where does it
help to have bigger differences in votes received between elected
board members.

About the specific case of not reaching 7 people, the situation is of
total crisis: elected board members should choose people for the
remaining seats either from candidates with 0 votes or GNOME
contributors that didn't even run for election.

So in fact I would recommend otherwise: picking 3 candidates is
generally easy for everybody, but make the effort to find 7 names
from, the candidates because at the end this is the number of people
that will run the Foundation board. In fact the dubious votes pointing
to newcomers or not so popular contributors can make a bigger change
than the sure bets to the well know rock stars that get elected ijn
the first 3 choices.

What needs improvement is the fact of getting at least 14 candidates,
so there is really variety to choose from.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Suggestion for coming elections

2007-10-16 Thread Quim Gil
What happens when you get less than 7 people with votes?
On 10/16/07, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have a suggestion for the coming board elections which I think might
 make things more interesting (and, coincidentally, better).

 We've always proceded by giving members N votes, where N is the number
 of seats available. What this results in is a very strong yes vote for
 one, two, maybe three people, and a tepid meh, why not for another few
 candidates. At least, that's my experience.

 I suggest that forcing people to choose more tightly who they're voting
 for would be a good thing. If there are 10 candidates, picking 7 from 10
 is no good. A few years ago, we had 12 candidates for 11 places. Picking
 11 from 12 is a farce.

 Members could be limited to 3 votes, a nice balance between
 first-past-the-post and preferential voting.

 The number of seats stays the same, the election mode stays the same,
 from my reading of things, there is no need for any change to by-laws,
 all that's needed is a decision from the board as to how the election
 will be run.


 Dave Neary
 foundation-list mailing list

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

About Planet GNOME

2007-09-10 Thread Quim Gil
Hello everybody,

The board received a request from Valek Filippov about the
administration of . We accepted it for
discussion and this is the conclusion we have got:

- Planet GNOME is an official GNOME subsite and for that reason it is
good to have more than one person administering it.

- The content of Planet GNOME is good and it reflects the good editorial
work that Jeff has been doing accepting feeds. The board is happy with
any improvement on the current situation keeping Jeff's editorial

- The more mundane administration of the Planet is less critical from
an editorial point of view and is in fact the cause of most criticism.
The board thinks that these administrative tasks will be better
handled by a team, and probably also through better channels than
private emails.

- Although some board members had several ideas to improve the current
management of Planet GNOME in more transparent and decentralized ways.
board-list is not the place to discuss or agree on those. We recommend
Jeff and anybody interested in this topic to discuss and get to
conclusions openly in gnome-web-list.


Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Shift election cycle back six months

2007-08-10 Thread Quim Gil
The current board was elected for one year and there is no exceptional
reason to change this. The next board can be elected for an extended
period and then voters and electors know what is going on beforehand.

On 8/10/07, Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quote who=Andy Tai

  OK, simply, the stated reason for the extraordinary measure (face to face
  meeting timing) is not a strong one to justify touching the term limit of
  the board.

 In that case -- let's try for productive input here, if possible -- how do
 you suggest we solve the problem? (Or describe why it's not a problem that
 needs to be solved.)

 - Jeff

 -- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
 foundation-list mailing list

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Proposal: Shift election cycle back six months

2007-08-10 Thread Quim Gil
First things first:

1. Make sure that from a legal point of view we can have board mandate
not coinciding with budget terms. If legally we can't do it the rest
is pointless.

2. Check if the current board members would be willing to continue for
an extended period. If the current board members are not willing to go
further the rest is pointless.

3. If 1 and 2 are met then we can talking about something as
exceptional as a referendum.

Really, the GNOME Foundation doesn't *need* urgently that change. We
are used to plan and execute changes that have a mid term impact. The
newly elected board would have to wait until Istanbul to meet. What is
the so big issue with that? Until now this has been the rule and we
seem to have survived.

I don't understand really why all this hurry now.

On 8/10/07, Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quote who=Vincent Untz

  Sorry, I'm going to dive into boring details...
  Is this something from the by-laws (I couldn't find a reference to the
  10 days notice there, but I only gave a quick look), or something you
  are suggesting?

 Yes. See under VII: 3-8.

  And by vote, do you mean referendum or something else (the only other
  type of vote I know is elections :-))?

 Just a vote of the membership.

 - Jeff

 Open Source in Mobile 2007: Madrid, Spain

 The Unix Way: Everything is a file.
  The Linux Way: Everything is a filesystem.
 foundation-list mailing list

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Idea: GNOME event in Beijing 2008

2007-08-03 Thread Quim Gil
This is a call for volunteers and interested GNOME lovers in Beijing /
China / East Asia. Please forward to friends and contacts that might
be interested.

There is this initial idea of organizing a GNOME event in Beijing next
year. Emily Chen and other developers of the Sun Desktop in Beijing
have started pushing the idea and now they are in the task of having
an initial organization team with volunteers from other organizations,
companies and individuals.

There is a lot of GNOME related development going on in Beijing, China
and East Asia in general. This conference could be a great opportunity
to provide more visibility to the ideas, people, teams etc. We are
starting the discussion in the GNOME marketing-list.


GNOME calling to Beijing / China / East Asia

Quim Gil
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Code of Conduct on foundation-list

2007-07-31 Thread Quim Gil
The foundation-list is a channel of communication of the GNOME
Foundation membership and therefore is ruled by the charter and
by-laws of the foundation.

See and

There you have established rules agreed by all of us, some of them
referring to measures to take when members of the Foundation show a
poor conduct. The board has authority to decide in such cases.

In this context, and in the foundation related lists, an additional
code of conduct is just redundant.

On 7/31/07, Behdad Esfahbod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to suggest opting in for Code of Conduct [1] on foundation-list.
 See the Applies to section of CoC for what this means in practical


Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07

2007-06-11 Thread Quim Gil
About the KDE  GNOME event, probably the best way to progress is by
doing progressive approaches. Jumping from the current situation to a
joint conference sounds a bit like going from self-esteem to the 32nd
position of the Kama Sutra in one go.

As others have suggested, a successful combined room in FOSDEM would
be already a big (and useful) step. Trying to put together GUADEC and
aKademy befor trying smaller challenges in save contexts would be very

And combining both events is complicated only from the organizational
point of view. The KDE and GNOME community don't meet in random
places, or where the software/events industry decides to organize
something. The organization of each event rlies on local communities.
It is not that easy for each project to find brave teams and good
venues every year (how many candidates for GUADEC 2008 have we got?).
Now think about the challenge of searching for a place with GNOME 
KDE critical mass

I wouldn't spend much time discussing about mixing/approaching GUADEC
 aKademy. Steps towards combined sessions and programs in the main
free (and also non-free) software events is probably more fruitful.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Towards more collaboration between the academic world and the GNOME community

2007-04-28 Thread Quim Gil
On 4/25/07, Ted Gould [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They'd prefer to say
 that they have a project from Novell/Redhat/Intel/etc.

This shouldn't be a problem for GNOME.

Sounds like there is an opportunity for collaboration with the
companies in the advisory board at the GNOME Foundation. The big ones
have surely university programs, and people working (full time?) on
them. They might find interesting ways to play at a GNOME level. Once
the doors are open and the branding is in place finding projects for
GNOME research might be easier. Co-branding with GNOME logos too,
these projects love logos!

Nobody i.e. in a university department wants to help kicking off this
initiative? This looks like one of these projects progressing once
someone decides to pull it firmly.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Special GNOME event in California next week

2007-04-14 Thread Quim Gil
To Dan and the rest of GNOME lovers.

Some privacy (not secrecy) has been needed to bring this idea into a
reality. Trust the promoters 5 days more and you will most probably

Look the topic of the conference. If you are into this topic you
probably know what's going on, or know who will be most probably
involved. All the main GNOME players in this topic were invited sinnce
the very beginning and have been active since then.

If you are not into this topic you can probably wait these 5 days. :)
Like I wait fir whatever novelties about GNOME projects I can't follow
other beyond Planet GNOME

Really, I understand your concerns today but there is nothing to be
concerned about. Can we resume this debate in 6 days and save some
burnt energies?

You won't regret. Trust us.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: an open-audit voting system for GNOME elections

2007-03-13 Thread Quim Gil
Interesting, thanks for your interest in the GNOME democratic space.

Is your project based in a specific voting system or can it integrate
different ones? For instance, now we are using in GNOME a simple
system of most-voted-get-elected, although there have been discussions
about integrating a preferential voting system.

If we were going to think of using better voting tools, it would be
worth to discuss and agree whether we are happy with the current
voting system or we prefer to go for another one.

Not big deal, but I think that a preferential system would respond
better to our will and needs. Perhaps too much for a chance if we need
to do the implementation, but if someone if offering his expertise
willing to develop a great voting tool...

On 3/12/07, Ben Adida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 My name is Ben Adida, I'm a postdoc fellow at Harvard working on crypto
 and public policy. I spend a bunch of my time on voting systems,

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Our annual meeting at GUADEC

2007-01-09 Thread Quim Gil
Your idea sounds good but I wonder how efficient is the average human
being after 8h meeting in a day.

What about:

- 10h-15h board meeting with a sandwich break in between (at 12h30 or so)
- 15 - 16h real break
- 16 - 18/19h AGM

And then 2h board wrap up another day i.e. after the Core days to get
common conclusions and assign tasks. I like the idea of a
dinner+discussion after the AGM but why not doing it informally with
other attendants.  :)

Last year we were so tired at the end of the all-day meeting that it
wasn't clear who had to do what, which IMO affected the output of that
meeting. For example, we spent a long time discussing issues and
elaborating possible alternatives that weren't discussed again anymore
after the GUADEC  summer.

PS: the main point here at foundation-list is that we would be going
for a 2-3h AGM the afternoon before the Core days, non-board opinions
are needed.

On 1/9/07, Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One note of caution - the all-day board meeting generally does need to
 be all-day.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Our annual meeting at GUADEC

2007-01-06 Thread Quim Gil
The GUADEC2007 team is working on a very first draft schedule for the
Core days. Maybe it's a good time to start discussing how we want to
celebrate the GNOME Foundation annual general meeting.

I've been only in the last two editions and therefore I have a strong
lack of perspective. However, both meetings at Stuttgart and Vilanova
could be improved.


GUADEC Core days is when  more GNOME Foundation members are around,
therefore it's the best time to meet.


Because it's the Core days the schedule is very busy, there are lots
of talks and everybody is finding ol' friends in the corridors. Night
life is also intense specially these days. The AGM is located in a
whole in the schedule, 1h at midday. The result is that just a few
people come by, there is not much time for participation after the
board has reported what needs to report in an AGM and not much
energies anyway. At the end of the AGM everybody leaves the room going
to the next talk with a kind of unsatisfactory feeling.


- Let's schedule the AGM the afternoon or even early evening before
the Core days start.

- Let's have at least 2h scheduled with a possibility to extend the
time for those enjoying the conversation.

- Let's work together the agenda, forwarding to this mailing list most
of the information that can be better delivered here in order to
discuss more and better those topics that can better approached live 

PS: this is a personal proposal, not something agreed or discussed
previously by the board.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Free call board meetings (was Re: Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO)

2007-01-05 Thread Quim Gil
On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 13:29 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

 * The Foundation will not reimburse you for the conference calls.  The
   calls are invariable hosted in the USA, so you may have to do
   long-distance calls every two weeks.  We haven't done any work to
   make the calls through VOIP or anything.

We had our first 2007 meeting last Thursday. Every board member was able
to call to a free phone number in her country and the conference
happened somewhere in telecom space. This will be the system for the
rest of meetings this year.

Thanks Glynn  Sun for the service. Also thanks to RedHat for the
conferencing infrastructure provided in previous years.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Code of conduct (bis)

2006-12-12 Thread Quim Gil
I forgot to say that I can be arrogant myself. Arrogance is always
better perceive by the others.

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: membership

2006-12-05 Thread Quim Gil
Could you describe your philosophy and your computer usage? It would
help seeing where are we changing and perhaps failing.

A description of the candidate profile you were expecting might help
other people present candidacy next year.

Thank you

2006/12/5, Andreas J. Guelzow [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I don't mind at all. The reason is really a combination of many.
 Primarily, over the last years the philosophy of the GNOME community has
 shown itself to be incompatible with my philosophy. As a side effect,
 the GNOME desktop has become, in many instances, inappropriate for our

Quim Gil ///
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions

2006-11-28 Thread Quim Gil
On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 14:26 +0100, Robert Staudinger wrote:

 (i) Concerns can be heard throughout the community every now and then,
 that the increasing corporate interest and investment makes it harder
 and harder to contribute code for volunteers.
 Q: What is your feeling about that?

I don't have the technical background to judge this, since I'm not in
the CVS side of GNOME. Of course I have heard about patches being queued
for ages but I have also heard different reasons for that, not only
corporate vs volunteering interests.

My feeling as board candidate is that if this is a concern in the
community and the ground of this concern goes beyond technical aspects,
it should be raised up and discussed here in the foundation-list. Or
perhaps someone wants to address directly a question or complaint to the
board. This is how issues hit the agenda.

 (ii) Are you interested in working on making it easier for people
 willing to contribute code?

Oh yes, I'm interested. A lot of my time invested in GNOME goes to tasks
related to attract new people and make it easier to contribute. If code
contributors want to discuss issues beyond technical aspects, I'll be
happy to help finding solutions - no matter if I'm in the board or not
(I think the board should be a last resort)

 (iii) What measures will you conduct to make contribution of code
 easier for volunteers. (E.g. it can be rather frustrating having an
 unreviewed patch in bugzilla for months.)

It looks like you have in mind a specific problem (I'm not aware of). If
so, I recommend you to air it up so we (community) can find specific
solutions to it. 

I think the board needs to make sure the channels of contribution are
open and functioning well. That they are properly documented and actions
to bring new contributors to the project are open. There are teams
working on this under their capacity. If there are issues, probably
these teams can help. If the issue is big and controversial it can scale
up to the board.

 (iv) The GNOME Advisory has been formed to handle communication
 between partys with commercial interest and the GNOME project.
 Q: Do you think that a similar institution should be formed to handle
 community feedback in an organised manner or will community
 contributors have to communicate back using mailing lists and IRC as
 it always was?

Isn't the Foundation the institution to get the community organized?
What are you suggesting exactly? What channels of communication are you
missing to provide feedback? As a community contributor I think a quite
open and non-moderated foundation-list is perfect to raise an issue
hitting the core of the community with a single email.

Quim Gil ///

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME and the free software movement

2006-11-28 Thread Quim Gil
I'm not sure if these questions are closely related to board
responsibilities, but anyway. It's probably good to know what candidates
think about colateral aspects as well.

On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 18:23 +, Ciaran O'Riordan wrote:
 To build awareness among GNOME _users_, what do candidates think about
 putting an About free software button, by default, in the Help memu?

Honestly, I think this would be almost futile.

Isn't that Help menu being customized radically by each GNOME-based
distribution? In my laptop the System  Help menu have 5 links, all of
them pointing to Ubuntu stuff. No trace of what GNOME/upstream is
offering there.

 Any better ideas?

Introducing free software in . Considering users not aware
about software freedom in our wgo target audience. Already working on

Quim Gil ///

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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Endorsement for Joachim Norieko

2006-11-28 Thread Quim Gil
However big and central the philosofical gap might be, I don't see it's 
affecting Joachim's passionate contributions to GNOME in important aspects of 
the project where others just don't go through. Besides, he is always open to 
discussion, active search of agreement and acceptance of well founded arguments.

I strongly disagree with his recent opinions about software freedom. Still, I 
think he can be a good board member if elected, being as useful and efficient 
as he is in the doc and web teams (two areas that several candidates have 
identified as very important).

Jeff, I understand your will of having a well integrated board. Personally I'm 
also tempted of posting my opinions about the candidates, since I have been 
working with most of them. But being so transparent and pushy might have a 
counterproductive effect the day the board is elected and I'm there together 
with some members that were not in my recommendations. Willing to favour a 
strong and united board, I might seed unconfidence and mistrust since the first 

It looks like we candidates have in effect less freedom to express ourselves 
than the average Foundation members, and current board members have even less 
freedom than the new candidates. Being a fan of productive and explicit 
(self)critique, I'm not that happy with this situation but I can't find a 
better negotiation between freedom, responsibility and the stability board 
members are supposed to provide at the end of their exercise.

Ideas are welcome.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME and the free software movement

2006-11-25 Thread Quim Gil
On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 01:58 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
 I would like to ask the candidates for the board to state their views
 on how GNOME can work with the broader free software movement
 for the advance of computer users' freedom.

Thinking out loud...

Even considering all our problems and imperfections, GNOME is one of the
big, strong and consolidated projects in the free software community. A
leading player with a wide and diverse representation of interests and
stakeholders that go from social liberation to fair business, from
individual volunteers to transnational corporations. In this position,
GNOME should keep helping free software becoming mainstream.

We need to work on quality, standards, documentation and good
integration with other projects/products needed by GNOME that need GNOME
themselves in order to offer a rock solid and competitive free desktop
covering efficiently all the basic functionality users demand. 

We need to be wise cooperating with our competition in the free software
community (other desktop environments, other applications) keeping in
mind that we are still in the catacombs and that no free project alone
can probably beat the non-free competition nowadays. 

We need to become a essential player offering the best alternative to
individuals and social organizations (we are almost there), to the
public sector (doing great advances as well) and also the business
world, starting by the companies that have software development
integrated in their production and services (we have a good collection
of precedents and we are starting to be seen as a serious-serious

This trend should increase exponentially the quantity of free software
users, probably not-100% aware of the freedom component and surely not
using 100%-free software (codecs, drivers etc). Strategically I prefer
this approach. I think that more quantity of users will bring easier a
wider awareness of the beauty and advantages of Freedom and will make
easier the liberation of code or the development of 100% alternatives to
non-free code. 

I'm not sure if I'm answering your question, but this is what you
message made me write.  :)

Quim Gil ///

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foundation-list mailing list

multi-culti board

2006-11-16 Thread Quim Gil
How nice would be to have Asian, American and African candidates!


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foundation-list mailing list

Potential candidates to the board

2006-11-14 Thread Quim Gil
Responses from the 7 persons I had invited to run for election:

- Busy / Short of time but thinking seriously on becoming candidate.

- Already invited to be part of the release team, better not combine
both responsibilities.

- Getting top involvement in GNOME local group, better not to combine
both responsibilities.

- I don't think I fit, I better contribute hacking.


Q - How much time does this require?
A - I think someone can be a good board member investing 2h for board
meetings every 2 weeks + 2h a week for tasks assigned to you + following
foundation-list, which has sometimes more and sometimes less traffic,
but generally low-traffic. You generally work on stuff you are
interested in anyway.

Q - What does exactly the board?
A - 
The board mainly acts in the areas where there are no technical teams,
or in transversal issues that involve several teams or in issues that
are not being (properly) pushed and are considered important. The board
itself doesn't get into technical tasks, but can assign GNOME
contributors to do so.


- I'm not known in GNOME 
Although this is an exaggeration (the people I contacted have visibility
in their areas) it is clear that most people don't want to run for
election unless they see a probability of being elected. It would be
good that rock stars and vets in general insist (as Federico did) that
the board elections are not a popularity contest but an exercise to find
the people that can work better for the board and the Foundation. Fopr
instance, time and hands-on attitude are probably more important than
years in GNOME or Planet karma.

- I want to enjoy GUADEC
Me too! The elected board should work in collaboration with Birmingham
2007 in order to find a way to combine agendas. It is possible.

Quim Gil ///

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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

2006-11-12 Thread Quim Gil
On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 13:29 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
   We haven't done any work to
   make the calls through VOIP or anything.

On the other hand, VoIP conference calls imply broadband, which
depending on countries and personal economies can be a higher barrier
than a cheap call with a normal phone and one of those prefixes. 

This is probably an issue each new board should consider ad hoc to see
if there are issues with the elected members. This year this was not an
issue afaik.

It would be a good incentive to offer broadband sponsorship for one year
to those needing it to perform properly their board tasks. In any case
the bottom line is that money or technology shouldn't be a barrier to
become a board member.

Quim Gil ///

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Candidacy: Quim Gil

2006-11-10 Thread Quim Gil
Name: Quim Gil
E-mail: qgil AT desdeamericaconamor DOT org

Corporate affiliation: currently none (but see below) 

Why: I joined the board in June in substitution of Luis Villa. It took
me a while to know the basics of boarding and now that I kind of feel
comfortable comes the end of the year... I think I can do more and
better in 2007.

There are some things I would like to help improving from the board:

- Transparency of the board activities. Yeah, the old topic. After being
outside and inside a pre-diagnose could be made and some measures could
start being applied in 2007. I'm obsessed about transparency.

- Delegation and collaboration with non-board contributors. Another old
topic, connected to the previous one. We keep discussing and some
progress is done, but there is still a long way to go. I enjoy

- Areas and board members responsible of each area. Although there is
some specialization in board tasks, the areas are not well defined. A
lot of discussion and work could be optimized if there would be i.e. a
responsible for legal stuff, responsible of events, responsible of local
groups etc.

- Advisory Board. We can get a lot more (from both sides). Also, the
advisory board activity is totally unknown by the membership. Of course
there is a concern about confidentiality but probable we all can find a
productive way in between.

- In general... Plan less and do more. There are some many good ideas
around... But we better put just some in the agenda and make sure they
are completed at the end of the year. Otherwise we get overwhelmed by
dozens of intense debates that at the end come up with... almost no
concrete result. I'm a doer, discussion without action keep my interest
lower as I grow older.

There are other issues or tasks that go across several GNOME teams where
the board might help (and is helping). My preferred one is the GNOME
websites: what comes after the wgo revamp. Web integration and also a
better dialog between web team, sysadmin/infrastructure and all the
subsites webmasters around.

That's it. There are other things where I could... but I'd rather stay
concentrated with the topics mentioned. It's more than enough to keep
more than one board member entertained during the whole year.

IMPORTANT: I'm actively looking for work and I could get an affiliation
before the election comes. I will keep you updated. 

MORE IMPORTANT: I'm a candidate for the position of business
development director of the GNOME Foundation. I think that Foundation 
employees shouldn't be Foundation board members simultaneously and I 
wouldn't make an exception with myself. I will resign as board candidate 
or member if I get this position. More at

Quim Gil ///

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foundation-list mailing list

A good moment to promote the GNOME Foundation

2006-11-02 Thread Quim Gil
-- The GNOME Foundation is better with more members --

All we are surrounded by GNOME contributors that aren't members of the
Foundation. They probably don't know much about it, don't think it's for
them, don't dare to ask, leave it for next year (again?)... Bring them
on board!

The Foundation members are the first and best resources to get new
members. In principle everybody investing time, brain and sweat in GNOME
should be part of the Foundation, this is why it was created. Please
help convince your projects neighbors, your mailing list colleagues,
your IRC mates, your blog readers... 

As an example here is an attempt:

A good moment to join the GNOME Foundation

-- The Board of Directors Election is better with more candidates --

All we have thought once that contributor X could be a great board
member. Tell him/her! It's so easy to send an email saying I think you
could be a good board member, have you considered running for

As an example, I received one of these a year ago from someone I highly
respect, which was a strong reason to be a candidate weeks later. I have
sent already a couple of emails, and will send some more. There is so
many great people around. Try it! It feels good. 

PS: Just to make things clear, I'm sending this email personally, not as
an initiative of the board. Of course the board invites everybody to
promote the Foundation and the elections.

Quim Gil ///

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foundation-list mailing list

Foundation Board Activity Watch

2006-10-25 Thread Quim Gil
If you ever thought the board needs more transparency you should have a
look at

Hopefully this page will help communicating better the board activities.
All the information is taken from the publicly available meeting
minutes. There is no additional data, just the same data packaged in a
different way.

Feel free to suggest and apply improvements. Anybody can edit the page.
In principle a Board Watch should be maintained better by non-board
members - this is how watching normally works...

I will tune this page with the minutes of the meeting held today as soon
as they are sent to foundation-list. From that point every update based
on new minutes shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. An optional
exercise, a bit more time consuming, is to dig in the minutes and mail
archives in the search of more decisions and completed tasks that went
off the minutes.

Quim Gil ///

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Re: Substituting Linux with GNU/Linux or GNU

2006-10-21 Thread Quim Gil
The decision of the board was reported in the last minutes - (at 
the end):

* Where Linux is mentioned on the GNOME site, try to rephrase to avoid
mentioning any specific operating system. Where we refer to platforms on
which GNOME is available, replace with GNU/Linux (commonly called Linux)


- There are very few reasons to mention a specific operative system in
the GNOME documentation, program strings or GNOME websites. As someone
proved back in August, most current references are wrong since GNOME is
compatible with several operative systems, including GNU/Linux (commonly
called Linux), Solaris, HP-UX, BSD and Apple's Darwin (ref: )

- GNOME is not a GNU/Linux desktop or a Linux desktop. It is a free
desktop. Make sure everybody writing documentation, news or other texts
about GNOME understand this clearly.

- In the very few cases where the operative systems need to be
enumerated, we recommend the use of the formula GNU/Linux (commonly
called Linux), that has already been used i.e. in the release notes.

Amen  :)

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 23:19 +0300, Yavor Doganov wrote:
 This is a request to the the GNOME Foundation Board for
 action/decision regarding this matter.
 There are some strings in some GNOME programs and very few in the
 GNOME documentaion that refer to the operating system as Linux.  We
 would like the Board to vote and decide for a policy to substitute all
 these references to GNU/Linux or GNU, where appropriate.
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Re: Substituting Linux with GNU/Linux or GNU

2006-10-21 Thread Quim Gil
Sorry for my Spanglish. The conclusions are the same, though.

 If you refer 'operative system' as 'operating system', it has only one name: 

Others differ and we don't want to get into this old debate. See i.e. the 
beginning of

If you find a real example in the GNOME software, documentation or websites 
where the recommendations of the board would be wrong or not applicable please 
let us know.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Local user groups

2006-08-11 Thread Quim Gil
El dv 11 de 08 del 2006 a les 13:46 +0200, en/na Rodrigo Moya va

  My question is: how we can have marketing materials easily?
 that is also my question :)

What do you have in mind when you talk about 'marketing materials'? The
answer possibly differs depending on the materials. Stickers, t-shirts,
banners etc have different problematics. 

The starting point is . Any help
updating/improving this list is appreciated.

We plan to work at least with Killermundi to have a GNOME shop. That
said, the problem is not just to pay the production of, say, t-shirts
but also the transport to, say, Chile. 

In your case self-production is an important part of the strategy, as
previously discussed.

  or is possible for the invited Rock Star to bring some gift below his
  arm?   ;)

If the rock star can afford them and they are easy to carry...

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Content and Intent [Was: Code of Conduct final draft?]

2006-08-04 Thread Quim Gil
El dv 04 de 08 del 2006 a les 08:49 +0200, en/na Murray Cumming va

   * be firm, but lighthearted - I didn't suggest Be Excellent To Each
 Yes. My only objection to that phrase (which I tried in the draft before
 people complained about it) is that it's a cultural reference that isn't
 fully understood by many eople whose first language is not English.

There is a deeper cultural problem this sentence has that goes beyond
language or film background: in many cultural contexts excellent people
is not supposed to request others to be excellent. If you do, you are
somehow failing at being excellent yourself.

I believe nobody thinking in English and having seen Bill  Ted's
Excellent Adventure will get this feeling at all. Translate the
sentence to your language, link it to your own background of Be ...
recommendations and you probably get a result pretty different from what
Jeff or Glynn would like to express with their best intentions.

We better concentrate on pragmatic recommendations where we are more
likely to get univoque meanings, even if this is not as funny as
building cool rhetoric.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

2006-08-04 Thread Quim Gil
El dv 04 de 08 del 2006 a les 22:11 +1000, en/na Jeff Waugh va escriure:

 Hold on... You're suggesting that instead of creating a document with this
 content, we should update another document with this content.

Not with this content i.e. adding an extra chapter, but making sure
the principles and recommendation we are missing in the current
documents appear there.

My basic point is: the GNOME Foundation charter has already everything
we need to behave, be respectful and productive. 

It is not a coincidence that the community that came up with that
charter and this Foundation is doing well behaving, being respectful and
productive. It is possible that after these years the charter needs
updating to keep being a valid referent for the GNOME project nowadays.
If this is the case, let's update it. 

Doing the process of updating the charter would be a failure? I don't
see why, this process could be healthy for the community, and the result
would be stronger and more sounded. In the meantime the list of
recommendations could be discussed, tested, improved, applied (it was
being applied before being written in a wiki page anyway).

 idea [1], and certainly food for thought, but... totally dodging the point
 of the discussion!

I tried to nail precisely the point of the discussion: it is the
backbone of the GNOME Foundation that needs to be healthy, adding a rib
doesn't solve the problem (if there is a problem). 

 Can we stop arguing about *where to put it* and *what to call it*, and go
 back to talking about what should go in it, and the shared values we want to
 express? :-)

Jeff, it is normal that people wonders what is this box and what you
want to do it in order to help providing the content you want for that

To me these principles can stay at ,
they are fine. But since you are asking for acceptance from the
Foundation and blessing of the board I think the content and the label
needs to be diferent. And the idea of integrating these principles to
the current principles of the Foundation is pertinent and sensible, I

But it seems I keep missing the point. Sorry for making you waste extra
time, all we have better things to do than reading long threads leading
nowhere. I give up. Good luck with the document. Really.

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Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

2006-08-03 Thread Quim Gil
Bypassing the wording thing and also the content of the CoC, two
questions I think we should agree on in order to move forward:

- Do we aim to have an official GNOME list of behavior principles
approved and assumed by the GNOME Foundation or is it enough with a
list of behavior principles people can point to if needed?

- In a worst case scenario, do we expect the GNOME Foundation board to
arbitrate if someone violates the list of behavior principles or do we
think that one thing is not related to the other and the board should
refer only to the GNOME Foundation charter and by-laws.

I'm in favor of improving the existing tools of the GNOME Foundation to
enforce dialog, diversity and respect, and to prevent abuse and act
effectively against it. 

I'm against adopting an official netiquette-alike set of behavior
principles at a GNOME Foundation level.

I'm not against producing a list of useful recommendations like Murray
is doing, to be as accepted as the community wants to accept it.

El dj 03 de 08 del 2006 a les 12:12 +1000, en/na Jeff Waugh va escriure:
 I haven't really answered the rest of your mail, because it all
 comes down to Code of Conduct vs let's write a document that demonstrates
 our shared vision and expectations to ourselves and others.

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Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

2006-08-03 Thread Quim Gil

El dj 03 de 08 del 2006 a les 12:06 +0100, en/na Alan Cox va escriure:
 You are the caveman arguing that
 since it was ok to whack people on the head with a club during
 disagreements last month, its clearly a good idea to continue that way.

Not at all. I am a GNOME contributor thinking that real principles are
not written, and writing down behavior recommendations doesn't make them
stronger. I didn't come up with this idea myself, this is a fact for
many psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists analyzing human

Different things: behaving well -- writing down that we must behave

Different things: not wanting to write down a list of principles to
follow -- not following principles.

I haven't seen cave(wo)men in this debate, nor I find them usually in
the GNOME community. I see people following principles. I see people
behaving, and asking others to behave when there is an exception. Some
would accept this CoC, some wouldn't. Most share already a form-less set
of unwritten principles. Where is the club whacking in GNOME?

There is this (recursive) suggestion that people against the proposed
CoC are against principles. I think we are open to a broader, wider and
more diverse collection of principles than the ones you can get by
writing down a list. 

Also, there is this association of people against the proposed CoC with
anarchism. If It Works, Don't Fix It is perhaps a most common
denominator, which has to do with efficiency and not ideology. For what
I have read, people against the CoC agree that it is probably not going
to serve the purpose for what it is being created, and it will surely
add trouble where there was no trouble.

GNOME needs to standarize software, development processes, interfaces...
but do we need to standarize behaviors? I joined a free software project
with a common goal, not a country or a civilization. 

Every time a GNOME contributor is performing an action in this community
has already on the shoulders several layers of adopted and accepted
moral principles and legal rules, written and unwritten, different from
the principles and rules of others. Do we really need to add a written
GNOME layer? Are we in such a crisis or menace that we need to create
and agree upon an additional ethical layer to behave? 

Do you really think that writing down Be nice makes us nicer and makes
us look nicer to the outsiders? 

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Code of Conduct final draft?

2006-08-02 Thread Quim Gil
El dc 02 de 08 del 2006 a les 21:07 -0500, en/na Jonathon Jongsma va
 On 8/2/06, Quim Gil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In that context, I don't believe it's aggressive or inappropriate in
 the way that you interpreted it.

You are right, now I see. Thank you.

Sorry for providing a bad example, and specially sorry to Telsa and Anne
for my misinterpretation. It is clear that If something seems
outrageous, check that you did not misinterpret it. Ask for
clarification, but do not assume the worst.

Although this gives me a somewhat better impression about the CoC
debate, it doesn't affect my positioning about the CoC itself and my
proposal to rely on the GNOME Foundation charter instead.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: GNOME Local user groups

2006-07-28 Thread Quim Gil
El dv 28 de 07 del 2006 a les 09:45 +0200, en/na Dave Neary va escriure:
 Felipe Barros S. wrote:

  3. To resolve in part the expenses of the meetings that we make. We can
  sell some stuffs like a stickers, mugs, pencils or whatever, using GNOME
  logos and fonts?
 1. In general, no. The foundation has a couple of agreements with
 vendors selling GNOME merchandise (and more on the way). Selling GNOME
 merchandise for-profit (even as a fundraiser) is explicitly forbidden in
 the user group agreement I referred to earlier.

Also my personal take, not knowing most of the legal stuff implied.

Conceptually, I think self-sustainability of GNOME user groups must be a
principle stronger than the commitments and dependencies of the GNOME
Foundation with merchandising vendors. In case of conflict we should
look first after the GNOME user groups.

With this concept clear, coherent practices could be:

- If we can have agreements with several vendors because we sell no
exclusivity, we could set something like vendor agreements with GNOME
user groups.

- These agreements would make sense specially in countries with strong
problems of distribution, where buying a t-shirt to an official vendor
would imply paying more for the transport than for the t-shirt itself.
Reasonable vendors should understand this.

- In places with no distribution problems i.e. with a vendor and a user
group in the same country we would enforce coordination instead,
requesting vendors to offer special prices to user groups. Reasonable
vendors should be interested on this deal with a good customer.

- Note that an agreement with the GNOME Foundation implies that the user
group has a legal entity. This makes sense: a group wanting to move
money needs to account their finances legally. This is what i.e. GNOME
Hispano is doing. The same issue applies if you want to get money from
sponsors, apply to public funds, and so on. If you don't want to go
through the process of creating an association you probably don't want
to go either through the process of getting serious on fundraising.

- If you are out of the main GNOME distribution channels, your group has
no legal entity and you still want to raise some money selling GNOME
merchandising... as Dave says we can't really stop you from doing this.
Just make sure what you do is fully compliant to the first principle of
GNOME user group self-sustainability. Don't do anything that could upset
the GNOME Foundation (community or board) and, please, don't get in
competition with our vendors. 

If the latter is your case don't except much more official help from
us...  but bring some t-shirts to the next GUADEC / GNOME event because
we GNOME merchandise collectors will pay for them as anybody else.   ;)

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: GNOME Local user groups

2006-07-26 Thread Quim Gil
El dc 26 de 07 del 2006 a les 07:36 +0200, en/na David Neary va

 You mean like

Definitely, this is a very good start. I searched local by title (no
relevant results) and by text (too much results) and din't find this

A first step into certification would be to agree a name for these
groups.  :)

Another step could be to agree on a checklist of required + desirable
points. Some of them are already there as recommendations.

- Active mailing list for coordination
- Website up to date
- Responsive IRC channel 
- GNOME Foundation members in the group
- Agreed contact with the GNOME Foundation
- Local press contact
- Democratic and non-profit structure (legal existence desirable)

Perhaps a first question would be whether we need to have something like
an official list of GNOME groups and a checklist to know if your group
is official or not. I think some kind of certification is needed to
avoid conflicts like i.e. which is the real Russian GNOME website (or
are both as real?) or risks like some guys linked to a profit company
weaving the GNOME flag for selfish interests in a part of the planet
where it is difficult to us to check what's going on.

In the new we want to map all the official GNOME subsites,
and the local groups are related to a big percentage of them: . This one reason to have
an official list with some kind of control from the GNOME Foundation.

And one more thing that perhaps could help in the coordination Fernando
was requesting. 

Since organization of meetings, participation in events and fundraising
for such activities are a common and primary mission of the local
groups, I wonder if it would be useful to have a gnome-local or
gnome-events mailing list to exchange ideas and experiences. Now this is
supposed to go to marketing-list but, really, I think many people very
active in local activities can be not interested in many discussions
going on in marketing-list.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: GNOME Local user groups

2006-07-25 Thread Quim Gil
El dj 06 de 07 del 2006 a les 12:47 -0400, en/na Fernando San Martín
Woerner va escriure:

 On the other hand i would like to hear ideas on how we can coordinate 
 this efforts, and how the board and the foundation can help, having 
 strong user groups it is signal of good health of our community.

What about creating a wiki page in order to define:

- What is a GNOME local group, including minimal requirements to be
recognized as an official local group by the GNOME Foundation. 

- List of current GNOME local groups.

This is important because we want to put more trust and responsibilities
on the local groups (inviting new foundation members, press contacts,
local web maintainers etc). Therefore we need to know what and who are
we talking about.

It will also be useful for contributors wanting to create a new local
group: what do we request them, what can they expect from us.

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Re: GUADEC/GNOME build machines

2006-07-17 Thread Quim Gil
El dl 17 de 07 del 2006 a les 14:04 +0200, en/na Dave Neary va escriure:

 So, it's complicated, but here's the summary:

Taking a decision in this list should be easy. Once the decision is made
the administrativia to make the moves legal are not necessarily simple,
but they don't need to be done here in the list.

Legal aspects apart, we all seem to agree that these 4 boxes will be
owned by the GNOME Foundation and will stay in Fluendo's office to do
some building work. 

Once this is confirmed Chema from GNOME Hispano and I will take care of
the rest.

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Re: Required: Administrator for the Foundation

2006-06-19 Thread Quim Gil
El dg 18 de 06 del 2006 a les 12:26 -0400, en/na Richard Stallman va

 (Quim Gil pointed out that it may be necessary to hire someone
 who isn't GNU/Linux literate, just to get someone soon.

Just to avoid confusion, I didn't meant to hire someone who isn't free
software literate to use non-free software tools as a GNOME
administrator, but come and learn the usage of the free tools the
Foundation is already using (detailed by Jonathan).

A good administrator knowing the concepts and knowing to use non-free
tools is very likely to learn the usage of the free tools easily. That's

As Dave has pointed out, we have already at least one candidate able to
use the current free tools.

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Re: Temporaray enlargement of the GNOME Board with 2 persons

2006-06-10 Thread Quim Gil
Hi Dom,

El dv 09 de 06 del 2006 a les 11:31 -0400, en/na Dominic Lachowicz va
 problems is the board facing that cannot be handled by the current
 members plus delegation as appropriate?

This is a good question (the other ones as well, but at least I can say
something about this one). In the board meeting of last Wednesday we
discussed possible and easy to implement ways to improve the
communication and collaboration between the board and people willing to
have a higher implication and participation in foundation/board tasks. 

Good communication eases collaboration, and good collaboration eases
trust. Trust is the root of many problems of delegation: sharing or
delegating a private task to someone you trust and collaborate takes 5
minutes (ok, maybe more). The same action without regular
communication-collaboration-trust takes more time, and risk.

Jeff is preparing a proposal. I just wanted to provide some informal and
personal feedback so you don't think that the board is keeping the
temporary enlargement as the only or primary option to consider.

 IMHO, history now repeats itself.)

Another interesting point, that brings an issue... In our current
setting it is very unlikely that the current board is going to criticize
openly something specific about the last board.

I believe the way the board is mounted and unmounted every year makes
difficult to make (self)criticism openly. It's not like one party losing
an election and a new party coming in (system that has its defects but
at least assures criticism and review of the past actions).

This is not something unique to the GNOME Foundation, this is a problem
intrinsic in any organization voting for individuals that suddenly need
to work as a compact team, and then be renewed quite often (like once a
year). The problem is clearer when some individuals repeat, and some
come in for the first time.

Maybe a solution would be that the team leaving the board makes not only
a meeting with the new board members, but also a last internal meeting
to write up a public report of which things went well and why, and which
things went bad and why. And/or a summary of the same questions answered
individually by each board member.

Hackers know that documenting is the best way to avoid known mistakes.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Women in GNOME (Was: Code Of Conduct)

2006-06-05 Thread Quim Gil
El dj 01 de 06 del 2006 a les 10:51 -0500, en/na Shaun McCance va
 there tends to
 be a reasonably high percentage of women in technical jobs
 that aren't necessarily programming (though they may involve
 some programming), such as project management, tech writing,
 graphic design, and quality assurance.
 All of these positions tend to be under-represented in the
 free software world, at least among volunteer efforts.

Good point. 

We can try to find and convince the very few geek women out there for
free software hardcore programming. But if we miss people in all the
non-programming tasks, wouldn't be easier to find new types of
contributors through these gateways?

Documentation, marketing, web publishing, graphic design, journalism,
project coordination, community management... are tasks that involve
both women and men in the professional world. We have difficulties
recruiting volunteers, any kind of volunteers, in these tasks and I
think the reason is not some kind of gender or minority discrimination
but, put simply, the predominant geek culture (which I bet some
sociologist has already found out to be based mainly on male and western

It is probably good to promote geek-ism in those aspects of free
software related to programming but... is it useful to promote it in the
rest of tasks? I don't think so, unless we want to develop a desktop and
a bunch applications successful between geeks only.

I bet this geek culture is stopping many women from being interested in
the free software phenomena (in fact I asked several computer-friendly
women and this is the answer I got). Being myself not a programmer, it
stopped me from finding a place to contribute until I learned to be
geek-friendly. And this culture is still stopping many of my non-geek
colleagues (both women and men) to come and give a hand. Ask your
It is clear that women in general are happy investing their personal
time in social activities without a monetary or even a clear benefit.
Women have been key in any process of social change (even if their names
don't appear in the history books). Have a look on social,
non-commercial activities around the world and you will find women
everywhere, many times challenging the gender percentages or simply
having a clear superiority over men. 

If we fail involving women (and other majority groups in other social,
non-commercial organizations and activities) it's because something
else, an the geek culture is in the top of the suspicious list. We can
work making the geek paradigms more feminine or less gender-determined
but changing a paradigm takes time and there is no manual for it.
Working on less geek-ish gateways and environments for the
non-programming tasks seems to be a more tangible challenge that can
make a change in the short term.

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Re: Code Of Conduct

2006-05-31 Thread Quim Gil
I really like this debate, pity I don't have the time to take part in it
properly these days.

I think GNOME would be a less exciting place with a Code of Conduct.
Sometimes (like probably in the Ubuntu momentum) you need to lose some
excitement in order to get some stability but... are we having this

Has someone felt abuse? I'm talking about real cases. Then we need to
have visible channels to report abuse and have the means to act against
it. We have a Foundation (legal identity), a Board, and Advisory Board,
webmasters, sysadmins... I mean, we have all the means to respond to
abuse when it happens. The mentioned bodies don't need a Code of Conduct
to act, they have ways to discuss and agree on actions on each case.

The existence of a Code of Conduct doesn't guarantee the diminishing of
abuse either. Historically, their existence is due either to an
overwhelming situation or a will to difficult the access to an elite.
None of this applies to GNOME. 

The most efficient codes of conducts are those that don't need to be

El dt 30 de 05 del 2006 a les 13:04 +0200, en/na Murray Cumming va

 Here's a simple start:

Isn't this just common sense? I don't see the need to push a long debate
to end up having a list of points based on common sense. 

Common sense (aka the least common of the senses) makes more sense and
it's more effective when it's not written. Try to put it in words and
you will get power relations, cultural differences, generation gaps,
gender issues...

The concept itself of Code of Conduct shows IMO a mainstream Western
liberal mentality, I'd say with a clear male component as well (Murray,
nothing personal  :)  ). I don't see how the existence of a Code of
Conduct encourages the participation of i.e. Eastern traditional women,
or any other combination of minority groups. 

If we want to promote specific sectors or goals, let's promote them. A
Code of Conduct is not useful for that, apart from the rhetoric. An
officially assumed and signed roadmap, list of priorities or social
contract puts an active and tangible compromise to an organization. 

We could invest our time in such active compromises instead of a passive
Code of Conduct we don't really need as for today.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Code Of Conduct

2006-05-31 Thread Quim Gil
El dc 31 de 05 del 2006 a les 20:38 +0100, en/na Bill Haneman va
 On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 19:25, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
  Nobody will be driven away by that, people might be driven away by
  us stating that you now are part of a community with a code of conduct.
 I don't agree.  Every community has a code of conduct, implied or
 explicit, IMO.  Anyhow, there's no real enforcement mechanism, so I
 don't see this as a realistic concern.

There is a big difference between implied or explicit. Implied allows
several personal lectures. Explicit allows only one lecture. 

In a project where freedom is a key pole of attraction I find really
risky to introduce an explicit Code of Conduct. As many have said, it
won't probably solve any existing problem and it will probably create
new ones.

 ANY change or statement with a policy feel carries the risk of
 alienating *somebody*, but that doesn't mean that embracing anarchy is

Do you think GNOME has been embracing anarchy all these years? I mean, I
came here for the freedom but I never found the anarchy.

There is a big difference between introducing a Code of Conduct in GNOME
or doing the same in, say, Ubuntu. The Ubuntu project introduced a Code
of Conduct in their earliest stages and it was quickly accepted and
assumed by the almost foundational community. Now it's an intrinsic part
of the Ubuntu project. 

But GNOME has lived many years without a Code of Conduct and it is
currently a well consolidated community. With problems, sure. But also
with mechanisms available to solve problems. Why not work on improving
the current mechanisms? Instead, introducing a Code of Conduct at this
stage might create division (as you see) instead of consensus, and
consensus is the solid foundation of any real change.  

 Members of a community rarely understand the
 aspects of their culture that cause others to be alienated or
 disinterested, even if they understand why they themselves feel included
 and motivated.

This very good sentence you have written about gender issues can be
equally applied to the matter of the Code of Conduct as well. You don't
know how alienating or disturbing a Code of Conduct can be until you
feel alienated or disturbed by one. 

For instance, have you thought that the sole concept of Code of
Conduct might be perceived as 'something normal' more probably in
countries/groups/individuals with an English background/influence? A
quick survey in my Latin/Mediterranean context shows that the main
impression is that a free software community with a written Code of
Conduct is almost a contradiction per se.

Nobody is wrong, nobody is right. This is how diversity works. 

I believe Codes of Conduct are more unifiers than diversifiers, and I
believe GNOME needs now more diversity than union. 

What keep us under a same umbrella is not a conduct but a principle
(free software) and an objective (a great desktop powered with amazing

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: GNOME Event Box for North America

2006-05-17 Thread Quim Gil
I wonder if GUADEC 2006 could help in any way to the creation of more
event boxes contributing some materials.

We don't have the time  RAM available to think much about it but if
someone has ideas we are listening. 

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Notes from the Desktop Architects Meeting

2006-05-16 Thread Quim Gil
Some comments with a GUADEC perspective (I'm capable of having other
perspectives but apparently these months I'm a one-topic guy)  :)

On Tue, 2006-05-16 at 08:34 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:

  + Portland project

Waldo Bastian is going to lead a session about the Portland project in
the main venue of GUADEC 2006 on Thursday 29th, during the After Hours
Workshops. This is a way to say that we are giving importance to this
project and we want to discuss it openly.

In fact we had invited Waldo to organize that Desktop Architects Meeting
during the GUADEC days, but it was too late to consider any chenge in
their schedule.

- we should try to send people in asian regional events to show that
  we're interested in what's happening there (they don't seem to know
  that we're interested in that)
- inviting some managers from asian projects to events such as GUADEC
  might be a good idea

We have a Farsi team very active in GUADEC 2006, we have also a Novell
team from Bagalore and Sun is sending 2 developers from Beijing. Iran,
India and China have possibly just one common denominator, being Asian
countries, but we could have a BOF session lead by them during the AHW
to see how an Asian coordinated effort can be addressed. Apart from
GUADEC there is at least a GNOME Korea local group, many translation
teams and advisory board companies' offices there (you know this much
better than me).

What is clear to me is that any real move in Asia or wherever needs to
be promoted mainly by the local gnomers of these countries, with
assistance of the rest of the Foundation. Starting dynamics i.e. dealing
directly with the board without counting with the locals or counting
with them when everything is arranged and agreed is not a desirable

  + aKademy will try to have a track on standards.
- it's in Dublin, at the end of September.
- maybe we should send some people there?

We offered free registration to 10 KDE developers (to put a number) and
the same travel and accommodation sponsorship options that we were
offering to the rest of GUADEC participants. Sadly, we haven't got any
affirmative response, although a couple of KDE members apologized for
not being able to come. 

I fear the proposal of having a football match GNOME - Rest Of The World
just for fun scared some of them (seriously). Maybe at the end we get at
least some of the KDE developers based in Catalonia · Spain...

Quim Gil /// |

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foundation-list mailing list

overwhelmed board + lack of employees

2006-04-20 Thread Quim Gil
There was a comment in the minutes about board members being
overwhelmed. The Foundation is also looking for an executive director
and there seem to be not many responses. The combination of these two
factors must be a pain, specially when the GNOME project and Foundation
itself seem to be in a good momentum.

During the board election and the resize board referendum there was some
discussion about what the board members are and aren't supposed to do,
and also how much time they should invest in tasks. Can you give a brief
feedback of the current situation in the context of those discussions
(if you have the time)?  ;) 

About hiring someone, maybe the profile required is just too complex.
Not for the complexity of each requirement but the combination of both.
Speak on behalf the Foundation, sign checks, send mugs and live in
Boston are a fairly diverse set of skills / features. Put that on the
top of the fact that the person to be hired needs to be competent but
available and you get an equation difficult to solve.

Wouldn't be better to hire an accountancy company to deal with all the
money  tax  legal related stuff and then liberate a GNOMEr to do the

Thanks to GUADEC I'm being half-liberated and it's being a very
interesting experience. Maybe liberating someone with a
sysadmin/infrastructure background would be really useful to solve this
and more problems. 

Quim Gil /// |

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foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/22

2006-04-19 Thread Quim Gil
On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 10:12 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

 Dave to request Quim for a copy of a contract with the Generalidat
 describing what they are paying for this GUADEC.

Waiting for Vilanova to deliver this copy. The biggest chunk of the
costs is clear but they are still refining some details, in part because
of the changes in the own GUADEC scenario i.e. needing probably the big
marquee the whole week instead of only the Core days as initially

This is a Vilanova top priority and I'm visiting them next week.
Hopefully I can deliver this copy by then.

 Need to look for more keynote speakers.

Currently the keynotes for the 3 Core days are agreed in
guadec-planning. Kathy Sierra, Jim Gettys and Simon Phipps have been
already announced in We will announce officially that
Federico's talk - How Much Faster - has been
chosen as a plenary session. Linex + Guadalinex will have a shared
keynote (speakers to be confirmed) and we are looking for a local
speaker for the 6th keynote (to be confirmed as well).

Other keynotes might be scheduled during WarmUp and After Hours. It's
still under discussion but if we go for this the sessions will come very
probably from the hundred proposals submitted in the Call for

 Decided to wait until GUADEC to request volunteers for helping out.

What about an After Hours session to discuss this and work on the
delegation of tasks on these potential volunteers.

Quim Gil /// |

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Re: Summer of Code

2006-04-19 Thread Quim Gil
Not sure if this is the right place and time to ask this, but I was
curious anyway...

I haven't followed Glom closely. However, I wonder if you plan to make
it like part of the GNOME Office suite. 

On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 18:56 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 I have some Glom tasks that are quite involved. They seem suitable
 a) They need some investigation and hacking time
 b) They don't need development of any fundamentally new techniques or
 It's not an official part of GNOME, but I wonder if it would be OK to
 add them to the GNOME list?
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Re: How to get involved and may be train for future board service

2006-03-24 Thread Quim Gil
On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 15:40 +0100, Anne Østergaard wrote:

 Some of us on the board are nice persons:) -so don't hisitate to contact

Agreed.  ;)   

However, it would be helpful a page under
explaining who is currently in the board, who assumes what
responsibilities, what are the current tasks being done, for which
topics it is good to contact the board, and so on.

If there are already pages in or somewhere else
explaining this (i.e. links to the minutes), you could simply link them.

This page should be visible from the Foundation homepage i.e. having a
link in the right column navigation block.

Sometime I also think it would be good for the board to have a ticketing
system like the sysadmins have, so sender  receiver know that all
requests are stored somewhere. But I don't know if it's worth for the
amount of requests the board gets (do you receive many? or am I the only
spammer?)  ;)
Quim Gil /// |

foundation-list mailing list

GUADEC participation and registration fees

2006-03-20 Thread Quim Gil
Just as a reminder, the GUADEC 2006 Call for Participation is open until
March 31st: 

Don't leave it for tomorrow trying to write the perfect paper. In order
to submit a proposal you just need to explain the raw details of the
session you are suggesting. You may edit the details of your session
afterward. What we need before the end of this month is a description
good enough to help us placing your session in the most appropriate slot
of the GUADEC schedule.

Also, we have just published the GUADEC 2006 registration fees:

If you are a student/hobbyist GNOME Foundation member you get a 100%
discount (free as in beer). If you register as professional you get a
50% discount (75€).

The model is sustainable when Foundation members are so passionate and
excited about GUADEC that the rest of the World just feel an
irresistible desire to meet the gnomites as well. 

So please, get loudly excited about GUADEC 2006. ;) (seriously)

The online registration will be ready hopefully soon and will integrate
affordable accommodation in the bungalow-based GNOME Village.

Thank you.

Quim Gil /// |

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting 2006/Feb/15

2006-02-24 Thread Quim Gil
The Advisory Board info at needs an
update as well.

En/na Federico Mena Quintero ha escrit:

 Advisory Board:
   * welcome to new members.
   * Inform about the new board members: names and functions

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Re: Minutes of the Board meeting 2006/Feb/15

2006-02-23 Thread Quim Gil

En/na Claudio Saavedra ha escrit:
 I am looking forward to get one in GUADEC if I can
 go, so it would be certainly a good idea if they have a stand during the

This is doable. The GUADEC organisation can provide a space to sell
T-Shirts and merchandising, next to the sponsors stands and the Media Zone.

If someone is interested making this happen please go to guadec-list to
define the details.

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Re: Minutes of the Board meeting for 2006/01/18

2006-02-03 Thread Quim Gil
Some comments on the events related subnotes...

En/na Federico Mena Quintero ha escrit:

  Summit: a small event; Board not very involved in organization
  (mainly Tim).  The Foundation paid USD 5000 for the venue and food,
  so it was pretty cheap.  There were about 100 participants.

If we get sponsorship to cover the costs of venues (not food) of +500
people in Europe, perhaps we could get also sponsored venues for 100
people in the US...

 - Anne thinks we should stretch out to the parts of the world we
   haven't emphasized.  Luis mentions talk of GUADLAC in Latin
   America.  We got a proposal for a Southeast Asia conference, and

This is the way to go.

 - We should probably have Quim on every other board call or so, to
   keep up with GUADEC organization.

No problem. Maybe the recently started GUADEC weekly update (see Planet)
is enough in some cases though.

 24-25 is Spanish days,

Just to start marketing the audience of this list  ;)

Not only this, it's locale / warm up days. Spanish and Catalan
actibities are already planned but i.e. thos talked about the
possibility of a UK meeting and this weekend is perfect for that. Maybe
fr, de, it and others would also like to take advantage of this
opportunity. We are in the process of concretising a Fluendo social
event on Saturday or Sunday night. There is also a plan for a GNOME-KDE
football match (US: soccer, no helmets nor cheerleaders).

   26-28 is GUADEC proper, 29-30 is hackfest.


 - Need to start making reservations, etc.

We are about to define packages for the most economic lodgers: youth
hostel and camping. More next week.

 - Web side of things: need update from the sysadmin team.  Need to
   re-setup the registration infrastructure.

The sysadmin team is assisting us on most of our requests (there is a
PHP server upgrade request, I guess this is more complex). But the
website and the registration falls completely into the GUADEC
organisation responsibility. More next week as well.

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Community marketing for the Foundation

2006-02-03 Thread Quim Gil
Two very small steps you could do to help the GNOME Foundation being
more noticeable and alive:

- If you use IRC, add #foundation to your list if usual channels. Having
lots of people there could make us feel better, isn't it?

- If you are registered in the GUADEC website, go to and tick the box I am member of the GNOME
Foundation when editing your profile. Having lots of people at could make us feel better,
isn't it?

Quim Gil -

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Freunde von, Amigos de (etc) GNOME?

2005-12-31 Thread Quim Gil
Damian Keogh reports [1] from a GNOME desktop localised in German:


Right-click the horizontal panel  Info zu GNOME (About GNOME)  GNOMES
Freunde (Friends of GNOME) link.

Link is in US, is there an equivalent German site to point to?


In the same bug Claus Schwarm comments:


The Friends of GNOME Program has no German site but the German GNOME
User Group accepts new members and member payments; maybe also
donations. However, that is not the same.

Somebody needs to find out whether we should localize the link in the
about GNOME dialog where possible or internationalize the friends of
GNOME program.


Has this topic been discussed in the past? What is he current status?


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Re: gnome-logos package

2005-12-17 Thread Quim Gil
About Ray's package and Luis Villa's post:

I think the Foundation needs official logos owned by the Foundation to
be used by the official GNOME projects in order to give consistancy to
the GNOME brand.

But I also think that we should make a more extensive use of the right
to implement authorised modifications stated in . For instance, the GUADEC needs a
logo, the foot is a good starting point but the word GNOME conflicts
with GUADEC, and a designer will have a hard time to come up with a
cool proposal that fully keeps the original logo.

And I definitely think we should encourage the community to express
themselves with logo variations that will be clearly unnofficial but
respected by the Foundation unless we find they are offensive or
something, and then we'll lart you publicly (if you deserve it).

I'm not sure about the legal implications of this (is this a lesser
trademark license?), but from a marketing perspective sounds like the
consistant and useful way to proceed.

En/na Ray Strode ha escrit:

 The reason I'm bringing this up is because gnome-screensaver has
 recently gained a floaters screensaver that depends on having  a
 scalable version of the gnome-foot logo.

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Re: gnome-logos package

2005-12-17 Thread Quim Gil

En/na Luis Villa ha escrit:
 * give up the legally enforceable mark and use a political party
 approach- accept that there will be some uses we don't like and can't
 control, but use the mechanisms of party (speech, platform creation,
 etc.) to control the mark as much as possible outside of traditional
 trademark law.


¡Vota Luis!  (starting my 'political party approach')  ;)

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Re: GNOME Foundation Elections - Preliminary results

2005-12-14 Thread Quim Gil
Following the concerns about these statistics...

En/na Federico Mena Quintero ha escrit:

 So, www and planet *are* our most efficient vehicles for communication.

Volume is not necessarely related to efficiency. Look at the most
visited pages in November:

The first real page is the homepage, this is normal. But then... where
do all these users go after hitting the homepage? Strictely in (the corporate site) they go to three pages we mostly
agree they are unnefficient: (missing screenshots or the visual
tour, mentioned in the marketing and gnome-web lists) (being discussed in marketing, we agree that
this page doesn't reflect what GNOME is about and needs a remake) (a gift of hundreds of users to

Which is weird is that the own stats page gets more hits than these.
This fact makes me think that the whole stats may be altered by
non-human processes.

The following most visited pages are jdub and seth's blogs.
Congratulations to them, but there is no merit for the wgo efficiency
here. Most of the other hits come from the projects pages: Dia,
Evolution, Gnumeric, Totem... Since there is no easy way to go from the
homepage to the projects' subsites (nor to people's blogs) it is
feasible to assume that they get their hits by their own merits. Also it
is feasible to assume that most people landing in the homepage don't go
much further (stats of user tracks page by page would be very useful).

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Re: Questions to the candidates

2005-11-24 Thread Quim Gil
Hi there,

En/na Curtis Hovey ha escrit:
 1. How much time can you dedicate to the board each week?

In the first half of 2006 I will be part time dedicated to GUADEC
coordination - . Part of
this time can drop easily to board related tasks.

 2. How flexible is your time; can you dedicate extra time one week and
 less the next?

I'm self-employed and I work from home. I 'only' need to negotiate
scheduler with my partner and my son (I take care of him mainly
afternoons, so her mother can work also).

 3. Please rank your interests:
   a. GNOME evangelizing to government, enterprise, small 
  business, and individuals
   b. GNOME marketing and merchandising of branded items 
  nationally and internationally
   c. GNOME legal issues like copyright and patents
   d. GNOME finances and fund raising
   e. Alliance with other organizations.

Answered in the 'official' questions.

 4. Explain how you expect to meet you goals.

Being pragmatical defining the goals. Sometimes an organisation needs to
dream in order to move forward. The good thing about GNOME is that the
community is full of dreamers. This means the board don't need to dream
but to be pragmatical an efficient, finishing what has been started and
not starting (yet) what can't be properly finished.

 6. Please assess GNOME:
   a. What are its strengths

Products (desktop  GTK+ apps), community, vision, philosophy, gnu,
brand, art, i18n

   b. What are its weaknesses

identity, dependency of distros, public voice,, welcoming
newbies, distance from users, opacity, foundation, board, sound, games

   c. What are its opportunities

FOSS reference, public  corporate big deployments and migrations,
accessibility, multilingüism, triumph of standards,,
P2P, FOAF, Web 2.0.

   d. What are its threats

division, corporativisation, hidden agendas, misuse of resources,
patents, winning the empire becoming the empire

 7. Name the best album you purchased in the last year.


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Re: Additional questions for the board candidates

2005-11-24 Thread Quim Gil

 How important are desktop standards for you. How will you attempt to let
 the GNOME developers cooperate even more with the
 movement? Or do you dislike that movement? In in general: What should
 GNOME do with

Standards are useful for allowing big and distant projects collaborate
and complement each other. Standards are useful for industries that move
slower but any step they do is a solid step. Following the standards and
contributing to building and improving them may be in te short term a
pain in the ass and  a very expensive investment of time. But in the
long term I imagine myself explaining to my grandchildren: piano 
cello and the best thing I have possibly done to make this a better
world is to follow, promote and improve open and public standards
/piano  cello   ;) is one of our best opportunities, because still nowadays
 perhaps half od the problems new GNU/Linux users encounter are related
to desktop unsolved issues.

 What will you do to further enhance cooperation with the KDE developers?
 Will you invite them to our conferences? Will you pay their travel
 expenses? Will you let them talk on GUADEC? Will you visit their
 conferences and will you do a talk about cooperation at their
 conferences? Or will you simply disregard them and think GNOME is
 superior yadiyada (in which case I wont vote for you, by the way)?

From a board perspective I think we should have good relations with the
KDE people as well as the Xfce and any other project trying to come up
with great ideas about free desktops. The place to meet is, we have a lot to share and learn from each other.

Full stop.

From a GUADEC perspective, I'm not going to talk as a board candidate
but as a GUADEC coordinator. There is a plan to have three tracks being
one of them dedicated to the Toughest Bones Collection - . A good bunch of tough
bones in GNOME just happen to be tough bones for the rest of free
desktops, and they are also putting efforts on to solving them. Anybody
can present any paper for the GUADEC and, yes, since knowing their works
and their thoughts would be interesing we could make more explicit this
openness in the call for papers. Good idea!

Also I was thinking of introducing more formats for sessions apart from
the speaker-speaks-to-audience. For instance, round tables and debates.
This would be an even more obvious gateway from the outside to GUADEC.

Going to their conferences, if they invite us why not.

 In my opinion, GNOME lacks strong leadership that steers development


 Yet there's no real leadership telling the GNOME app developers what
 direction to go.


 Will the GNOME Foundation fill this gap? Or will the GNOME
 Foundation create a solution? How will you, provided you become board
 member, address this. Or isn't this important enough for the Board to
 discuss? Or isn't it the focus of the Board?

If the GNOME project needs leaders they should not be on the board.
Leaders tend to be really busy with exciting things and there is a lot
of unexciting but necessary work to do in the board.

If the GNOME project needs technical discussion and consensus about all
the topics you mention, the board is not the body to lead this
discussion. Maybe the board should put in on the table if nobody does
and this is important for the project. Maybe the board should push for
consensus if the debate is dividing dangerously the community or is
beating about the bush wasting energies and not getting any result.

But definitely it is not the board who decides technical issues, and
even a board formed by the most prominent GNOME leaders should shut up
on this, and this very prominent leaders should go to the appropriate
lists (out of the GNOME Foundation) to discuss and decide.

One more thing. Personally I dont think we need a leader here. When a
movement has a leader, it is too easy for a strong oppositor to chop of
this head and convert the leader into a (passed away) hero, or into a
(sold out) traitor, getting as a result a headless community. Call me
paranoid or conspirationist, but I expect serious attempts to chop off
heads in the free software community, so we'd better don't have any, or
have many.

 Because I can imagine it's going to be an important project for the
 GNOME desktop and infrastructure, how will you involve yourself in the
 One Laptop Per Child concept?

From a board perspective we should make sure they obtain the best
results from using GNOME and they have a good communication with the
parts of the GNOME project indirectly involved. As we should do with any
big deployment involving GNOME.

OT: I have a personal interest in the development of this project, but
my main questions about it fall in fact out of the GNOME desktop. If you
are interested:

Quim Gil -

Description: OpenPGP digital

Re: [Fwd: Re: Beginning of the 2005 GNOME Foundation elections]

2005-11-16 Thread Quim Gil

 If the announce was not clear or if the informations can not be easily
 found, please send a mail to the committee so it can be improved next

An improvement would be to include some comments on the campaign. I
don't know if it should be about rules or netiquette. For instance:

- Recommendation to send a brief email announcing the will to present
- Allowed use of lists and etc to introduce and promote candidacies.
- Access to (at least during the eection period) to
those candidates with blog.
- Cool and uncool (?) ways to introduce and promote your candidacy.

This would help disoriented new candidates (like myself) moving
appropriately between silence and abuse or offtopic.

Not that I'm giving much importance to campaign, nor that I think we
should spent much energies campaigning. It's just that there are no
comments about this part of the election process, in contrast to other
parts that are so well defined.

Quim Gil |

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Beginning of the 2005 GNOME Foundation elections]

2005-11-16 Thread Quim Gil

 But I would like to say this sooner and not later that I think that you
 as a candidate yourself should not at the same time be sitting on the
 election committee- for your own sake as a serious and very skilled
 candidate to a seat on the board.

I didn't comment anything about Vincent's concerns about being a
candidate and in the comittee as well because I saw clearly no problem
with it.

If there is any kind of incompatiblity, I very much prefer Vincent
leaving the comittee and staying as a candidate.

Gosh, we are not the EU Parliament or the US Congress. Neither have we
28 candidates to choose from. If we keep kicking off candidates for
procedural reasons we will end up not needing to vote at all.

Quim Gil |

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Re: Beginning of the 2005 GNOME Foundation elections

2005-11-11 Thread Quim Gil

En/na Jeff Waugh ha escrit:
 So, I'm planning to run again this year, but I'm all caught up in the middle
 of the BadgerBadgerBadger tour, so haven't had time to sit down and write my
 candidacy mail. Just for some context. :-)

Thanks! Three lines written in a rush like these help *a lot* to the
election process and the democratic health of the Foundation.

I encourage anyone having in mind to run for election to drop a couple
of lines announcing the intention as soon as possible. Then you will
have time to write the proper introduction (I understand this, it took
me a while to write mine).

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Re: Some perspective on the relative importannce of the board.

2005-10-30 Thread Quim Gil
How much time do you think a director should dedicate to board tasks in
order to be efficient?

Please suggest an estimate of [minimum - average] hours par week or month.

Humans are not robots and efficiency doesn't rely only in time. But
factors related to 'lack of time for the board tasks' have been
mentioned as a major problem by many people in this debate.

Lack of new candidates in board elections has been also exposed as a
major problem. An orientation of the amount of time expected from future
board members is one of the factors that could help other members
thinking of becoming new candidates.

Quim Gil |

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Re: What is GUADEC?

2005-09-14 Thread Quim Gil

 Let's be very clear- we have a conference for hackers that interests
 several hundred people, and we have a separate conference for business
 and government that interests dozens, and there is very little overlap
 between those two groups. I'm not clear why we continue to insist that
 they be done together, when doing them separately would allow us to do
 each of them much better than we currently do them.

I agree with this reasoning in general terms.

But referring to the GUADEC7 @ Barcelona it just happen we have an event
 for business and government going on next to the GUADEC, but not
overlapping it. A former weakness convertd in a strength.

So please, let's think of a GUADEC track dedicated to business /
government / IT managers happening physically in the IGC's heart focused
on enlighten / exorcise them.

During the weekend Jordi Mas and the local groups are already thinking
of activities for the local users, grow their interest and get them

This means the 2 outsiders' fronts are covered. The we can feel free to
dream about great tracks and activities usefulinteresting to the GNOME

Quim Gil |

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Re: What is GUADEC?

2005-09-07 Thread Quim Gil

 Deciding what GUADEC is for is harder. Changing the name should be easy.

As you see is not that easy. :)

Also, what is most important about a change is not the fact of being
easy or harder, but being useful and worth to change.

I don't think it's worth deciding a change for GUADEC's name before
deciding the type of event we want. Or need.

From a classical marketing perspective, first you find a concept and
then you find a name to package it. Although contemporary
marketing-for-the-masses is becoming extremely successful starting with
the packaging and then finding whatever to fill it and get big profits
(after huge investments).

Then I would suggest starting with the name and then discussing the
concept just if we want a GUADEC for the masses, and we have at least
$100M to invest in advertising-for-the-masses.  ;)

 The problem is that lots of people have said that we need to improve
 GUADEC, and that's much more important than the name. Very few people
 have actually said what they think GUADEC should be.

I think the answer comes mainly through this question:

What are the weaknesses of the GNOME project that could be improved by
organizing an international event?

For some the GUADEC is an opportunity to meet, for others is a way to
get new contributors, for others is a way to get some money for the
Foundation, for others is a way to enhance a common vision of GNOME, for

No single person have the complete answer, although most of us have
parts of it. Therefore, a suggestion could be:

1. Spread this question through the GNOME community, the free software
world, the software development industry, the IT sector. Ask for
feedback and be prepared to get it.

2. Make a list with the items.

3. Discuss and prioritise the list.

4. Design an event that covers perfectly the top 5 priorities (or so)
and is strong in the 6th to 10th (or so). Don't get obsessed about the
rest. Save the full list of priorities in a cupboard.

5. Change the GUADEC name if it doesn't fit in the new design and there
is a better alternative.

6. Once the event is finished and it's time to get some conclusions,
take the list out of the cupboard and check the priorities, its related
weaknesses and the impact the event have had on them.

Quim Gil |

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Re: What is GUADEC?

2005-09-07 Thread Quim Gil

 That's a fair summary of what the board has discussed, as recently as
 June.  Jonathan Blandford once termed GUADEC as GNOME's mothership, an
 annual place to meet and recharge batteries.

This is an insiders' point of view and this is possibly a reason why the
GUADEC satisfy generally insiders but attract generally few outsiders.

If we want to attract and satisfy outsiders (do we?) I think it would be
worth to ask people out there as well:

What are the weaknesses of the GNOME project that could be improved by
organizing an international event?

But I also think that this same question asked in general to the
community could give us some good ideas.

Asking guadec-list could be a first step.

Quim Gil |

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