Re: Contact information

2001-09-19 Thread Baltus, C.J.M.

My details

Name: Cor-Jan Baltus
Designation: DCS Engineer
Company: KH-Engineering b.v. 
City  Country: Bergen op Zoom / Netherlands
Phone:   +31 164 271 449
Fax:+31 164 271 499

Our sympathies goes out to all who have been affected bij the tragic events
of September 11, 2001.
Our special toughts goes out to the victims, their family, their friends and

Kind Regards

KH-Engineering b.v.
Cor-Jan Baltus

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Variable selection in a sequence

2000-10-17 Thread Baltus, C.J.M.

Hi All, (I think this is the standard opening)

I will introduce myself first, I am a DCS engineer working for 2 years with
Foxboro IA, in a small wet country.

I am following this list since I started with Foxboro IA and I saw many
problems solved. Now here is my problem (perhaps its a stupid one, but I'm
breaking my wooden shoe on it).

I want to make a variable selection in a sequence, its written in SFC.

First I made a macro called:

Then I made a variable called:
PUMP and attached to BOOL

In the first selection I want
the following step:

and when I return to the beginning I perhaps want PUMP select to:
the following step:

But what I tried, it didn't work, has someone got a solution ?? This will be
written for a selection of 32 posibilties 

With Kind Regards,
Cor-Jan Baltus
DCS Engineer

KH-AMEC Engineering
Bergen op Zoom
the Netherlands

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