Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-04 Thread Martin Schreiber

Am 04.04.2011 07:29, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

But It seems to me, that DataChanged is now called 2 times

First in TDataSet descendants in SetFieldData method (see
bufdataset.pas, dbf.pas, paradox.pp, meds.pp) and second in above
mentioned place.

So it would be good remove this call from TDataSet descendants. For
example for bufdataset.pas:

1860 if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
1861 DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));

Hm. No, we'll remove the call from TField.

There may be other descendants (AnyDac, Zeos and whatnot) that also call
and OnValidate, and we cannot apply this change on them.

Thanks. For example the code in tmsebufdataset:

procedure tmsebufdataset.setfielddata(field: tfield; buffer: pointer);

 po1: pointer;
 datasize: integer;
 po1:= getfieldbuffer(field,buffer = nil,datasize);
 if buffer  nil then begin
 else begin

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Behavior of conversion between vardate variants and string in fpc and delphi

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

Running this code in Delphi 7 gives the exception below:

  V: Variant;
  D: TDateTime;
  ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/'; // the problem occurs regardless of 
the format option

  V := '20/04/2011';
  D := V;
  Memo1.Lines.Add('Date: ' + DateToStr(D)); // required to avoid dead 
code elimination


raised exception class EVariantTypeCastError with message 'Could not 
convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)'

Can someone check with more recent Delphi if this is still true?

In DelphiXE:
raised exception class EVariantTypeCastError with message 'Could not 
convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Double)'


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Behavior of conversion between vardate variants and string in fpc and delphi

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

So, what should be done?

1) Be totally compatible with Delphi: convert date to string with 
hardcoded format and raise exception when doing the conversion back?
2) Use the hardcoded format used to convert from vardate variant to 
string and vice versa?
3) Use shortdateformat to convert from vardate variant to string and 
vice versa?

Point 3 sounds to me as best and logical.

This code in DelphiXE:

  ShortDateFormat := 'dd#mm#'; // the problem occurs regardless of 
the format option

  V := '20#04#2011';
  v1:=varAsType(V, varDate);
  Writeln('Date: ' + DateToStr(D));

Date: 20#04#2011

So it seems, that DelphiXe also uses ShortDateFormat, DateSeparator

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Changes in Makefile-system

2011-04-04 Thread Vincent Snijders
2011/4/1 Joost van der Sluis
 Hi all,

 I've just committed a change in the Makefiles for the fcl-web package.
 The Makefile now calls fpmake to build and install the package.

 It's a first test, so please try and report any problems you have when
 building the fcl-web package. (Or all packages, or just a complete
 fpc-checkout) I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.

Cross compiling is broken, the crosscompiler is used to compile fpmake
and the resulting fpmake is not for the host but the target os/cpu.
-Twince -Parm -XParm-wince- -Xr -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -S2h
-FDc:\lazarus\source\binutils\arm-wince -FE. -FUunits/arm-wince -darm
-dRELEASE  src/fastcgi.pp
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
c:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/install/binw32/make.exe -C fcl-web all
make.exe[2]: Entering directory
fpmake.pp -Twince -Parm -XParm-wince- -Xr -Ur -Xs -O2 -n
-FDc:\lazarus\source\binutils\arm-wince -FE. -FUunits/arm-wince -darm
./fpmake build --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=wince
--cpu=arm -o -Twince -o -Parm -o -XParm-wince- -o -Xr -o -Ur -o -Xs -o
-O2 -o -n -o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/rtl/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/hash/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/paszlib/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/fpmkunit/units/arm-wince
-o -FDc:\lazarus\source\binutils\arm-wince -o -FE. -o
-FUunits/arm-wince -o -darm -o -dRELEASE
./fpmake build --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=wince
--cpu=arm -o -Twince -o -Parm -o -XParm-wince- -o -Xr -o -Ur -o -Xs -o
-O2 -o -n -o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/rtl/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/hash/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/paszlib/units/arm-wince
-o -FuC:/lazarus/source/fpcbuild/trunk/fpcsrc/packages/fpmkunit/units/arm-wince
-o -FDc:\lazarus\source\binutils\arm-wince -o -FE. -o
-FUunits/arm-wince -o -darm -o -dRELEASE
...) failed.
make (e=193): Error 193make.exe[2]: *** [all] Error 193
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
make.exe[1]: *** [fcl-web_all] Error 2

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Changes in Makefile-system

2011-04-04 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Vincent Snijders said:
  Hi all,
  I've just committed a change in the Makefiles for the fcl-web package.
  The Makefile now calls fpmake to build and install the package.
  It's a first test, so please try and report any problems you have when
  building the fcl-web package. (Or all packages, or just a complete
  fpc-checkout) I'll try to fix them as soon as possible.
 Cross compiling is broken, the crosscompiler is used to compile fpmake
 and the resulting fpmake is not for the host but the target os/cpu.

For me normal win32 building doesn't even work.

I suspect setting -O- in the OPTS is the cause for this, fpmake transforming
that into a -o no param or so.

make[3]: Entering directory `d:/repo/fpc/packages/fcl-web'
d:/repo/fpc/compiler/ppc386.exe fpmake.pp -Ur -Xs -O2 -n
-Fud:/repo/fpc/packages/fpmkunit/units/i386-win32 -FE.
-FUunits/i386-win32 -O-gl -dUse_MINGW_GDB -di386 -dRELEASE
./fpmake build --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=win32 --cpu=i386
-o -Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o -Fud:/repo/fpc/rtl/units/i386-win32 -o
-Fud:/repo/fpc/packages/hash/units/i386-win32 -o
-Fud:/repo/fpc/packages/paszlib/units/i386-win32 -o
-Fud:/repo/fpc/packages/fcl-process/units/i386-win32 -o
-Fud:/repo/fpc/packages/fpmkunit/units/i386-win32 -o -FE. -o
-FUunits/i386-win32 -o -O-o -gl -o -dUse_MINGW_GDB -o -di386 -o
-dRELEASE --compiler=d:/repo/fpc/compiler/ppc386.exe -o -XX
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
make[3]: *** [smart] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `d:/repo/fpc/packages/fcl-web'
make[2]: *** [fcl-web_smart] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `d:/repo/fpc/packages'
make[1]: *** [packages_smart] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `d:/repo/fpc'
make: *** [build-stamp.i386-win32] Error 2
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-04 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt  wrote / napísal(a):

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

This fix 
fixes mising call to TField.Validate (before data are written into record 
buffer) and adds also call to TField.DataChanged (after data are written)

But It seems to me, that DataChanged is now called 2 times

First in TDataSet descendants in SetFieldData method (see bufdataset.pas, 
dbf.pas, paradox.pp, meds.pp) and second in above mentioned place.

So it would be good remove this call from TDataSet descendants. For 
example for bufdataset.pas:

1860   if not (State in [dsCalcFields, dsFilter, dsNewValue]) then
1861 DataEvent(deFieldChange, Ptrint(Field));

Hm. No, we'll remove the call from TField.

There may be other descendants (AnyDac, Zeos and whatnot) that also call 

and OnValidate, and we cannot apply this change on them.

Yes it seems, that we must do it in this way.
(Although I do not understand why Borland introduces this strange behavior)

Then please move approprate code at least into TCustomBufDataset.SetFieldData

This code was already there.

Should the 'Validate' code be moved there too ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Behavior of conversion between vardate variants and string in fpc and delphi

2011-04-04 Thread Luiz Americo Pereira Camara

On 4/4/2011 04:34, LacaK wrote:

So, what should be done?

1) Be totally compatible with Delphi: convert date to string with 
hardcoded format and raise exception when doing the conversion back?
2) Use the hardcoded format used to convert from vardate variant to 
string and vice versa?
3) Use shortdateformat to convert from vardate variant to string and 
vice versa?

Point 3 sounds to me as best and logical.

Agree. my second patch does that

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] OpenCL/Cuda/PTX Support ?!?

2011-04-04 Thread Skybuck Flying


I tried searching the archives manually but this is a bit time consuming, I 
also tried the search function on the website but it seems broken.

Anyway my question is the following:

Are there any plans to add OpenCL/CUDA/PTX support for the future ?

With this question I do not mean DLL api/loading support... but pascal 
language/compiler to ptx assembler support.

PTX is the instruction set for OpenCL/CUDA, especially CUDA (for nvidia 
cards and perhaps other manufacturers in future).

PTX seems to have become mature enough with the basic functionalities such 
as integer and floating support and branching/looping support.

So I envision a free pascal compiler which can be simply used to compile 
pascal code to PTX code (assembler/intermediate code).

This PTX code (kernels?) can then be used by pascal applications to feed it 
to the CUDA/OpenCL dll's/api's for execution.

So in short this would make pascal an alternative language for writing 
OpenCL/CUDA kernels.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Adding a new assembler to Free Pascal Compiler

2011-04-04 Thread Skybuck Flying


I would like to experiment with the pascal programming language at the 
binary/assembler/machine level.

For example compile pascal sources to virtual machine instruction sets.

I took a look at the free pascal sources and there seem to be some 
assemblers inside the folders.

I see classes with names like TExternalAssember and TInternalAssember

I also see files called: aasmcpu, aasmtai.

Some processor architectures seem to derive from TExternalAssembler but then 
still implement lot's of stuff themselfes inside the class instead of 
calling a real external assembler (perhaps a trick ? ;))

This is confusing me a little bit so I have some question about what free 
pascal exaclty is, how it functions and what it does and can do or cannot 

So some questions:

1. Are all assemblers compiled into the final free pascal executable ? Or is 
only one assembler possible which is selected by conditional defines ?

Suppose the answer to question 1 is: yes, multiple assemblers are supported.

(This seems to be the case since free pascal has the -a and -A directive 
with different asm output options... (?!?))

Then my next question is 2:

2. This would mean free pascal is by default a cross compiler, which can 
cross-compile to any assembly/intermediate code.

So then my main/subject question: How to add a new assember to free pascal 
compiler makes sense...

Assuming it makes sense I continue my story:

I searched the documentation about how to do this... but there seems to be 
no documentation for this ?

So if somebody could create some (short?) documentation for this or some 
tips how/where to start and how to proceed that would be helpfull.

Perhaps a simple dummy assembler or template might be nice... concerning 
this adding for a new assembler my main question would be where to add this 
unit, how to make free pascal notice it and use it and such ? Where to add 
the compiler directive and perhaps initialization and finalization of 
classes/create/destroy that sort of thing.

3. Assuming free pascal is a cross compiler, and looking at the code... it 
seems free pascal actually compiles pascal code into an abstract assembler 
structure, is this indeed correct ? Can free pascal be considered a pascal 
to abstract assembler compiler ? (which would be pretty cool) (which 
ultimately gets assembled into real assembler...)

So in short what I am looking for is a pascal compiler which takes care of 
all the work like lexing/tokenizing/parsing/parse tree/syntax tree/symantec 
checks/perhaps even optimizing the intermediate code and gives me something 
to work with like a syntax tree or some form of abstract assembler 
(structures) like free pascal seems to do...

To me it seems free pascal could be the correct choice... either by 
modifieing it or by extending it... So if I have to modify it... I would for 
example modify the intel or powerpc or sparc source code and pretend it's my 
own thing... but it would probably be better if I can stuff my own 
assembler/platform/units into it to start from scratch just to play nice 
with free pascal and prevent confusing things later on...

So I think I need to some help with: is this possible and how to do 
it/documentation/short tutorial/some tips ?!?


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Adding a redcode assembler to Free Pascal Compiler

2011-04-04 Thread Skybuck Flying


I kinda forget to mention something in my previous posting to this mailing 
list, but perhaps it should go into a seperate thread anyway:

As I mentioned in the previous posting with subject: Adding a new assembler 
to Free Pascal Compiler... I am interested in using free pascal compiler to 
create support for virtual machines and perhaps new hardware in the future.

As a learning exercise I would like to start with writing a little redcode 
assembler for Free Pascal Compiler to be able to compile Pascal Source Code 
to Redcode/PMARS95 instructions/assembler. (Redcode is the assembly 
code/language for PMARS95 which is the virtual machine).

I already have a virtual machine for the redcode assembly/instructions, 
there is also the open source pmars virtual machine which you can have a 
look at to see what I am writing about ;)

So I wonder what is involved in supporting a new platform... be it real 
hardware or virtual machines.

One thing which comes to mind is the RTL ?

Do new targets (as it's called ?) require their own RTL as well ? I did 
see a mention about a dummy RTL as a possibility (Not sure if that's needed 
but I would guess so ;)).

So it would be cool if free pascal compiler could compile pascal sources 
into redcode assembly, which can then be further compiled by the PMARS 

So I just need free pascal compiler to output redcode assembly... it 
probably doesn't have to link anything or assemble anything further, though 
a little bit of linking support for using multiple pascal sources would be 
cool as well... not sure how that would work at assembly level... maybe 
that's a good question too... would free pascal compiler simply perform some 
kind of linking/syntax checking for uses clausule based on assembly files 
(*.s) ? Or perhaps it does it via interface/header files ? (probably last 
one). So as long as all headers are present then assembly of those files 
don't matter and compiler knows what it's doing... So linking of assemblies 
only happens later by other tools (?). So for example: a call to a routine 
of some unit is outputted as a call to a label... and then the external 
assembler tool will hopefully know what to do with those labels ;) (User 
will probably have to supply multiple assembly files in such a case ;) that 
probably what make files are for ;))


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-04 Thread Luiz Americo Pereira Camara

On 4/4/2011 10:28, wrote:

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt  wrote / napísal(a):

On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, LacaK wrote:

Then please move approprate code at least into 


This code was already there.

Should the 'Validate' code be moved there too ?

Yes. TDataset descendants are responsible to calling Validate, e.g., 
zeos call it inside TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData.

One of the reasons of letting descendants call it it's too improve 
granularity so Validate can be called in the middle of the routine, as 
is in zeos, instead to  force the call before the TDataset routine.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] helper feature finished

2011-04-04 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.04.2011 3:51, Sven Barth wrote:

Both class helpers and record helpers are implemented and work as
Delphi compatible as reasonably possible.


Some notes regarding the tests:
* three record helper tests (trhlp*) fail, because nested types are not
supported by (advanced) records (two should fail nevertheless, because
they try to access (strict) private helpers, the third should succeed)

Nested types in records are supported actually. Maybe you found a bug?

* three more record helper tests fail, because the abbreviated syntax to
access default properties is not supported

Indeed, I forgot about this feature during the implementation.

Regarding performance:
For projects that don't use helper types (like currently all code
provided by FPC) there isn't much speed difference, because
1. I check whether a symtable contains a helper at all (using the new
symtable options) before searching through it when it's pushed on the
symtable stack
2. I check whether the current module contains helped types at all

We probably can extend these tricks for other types and may be speedup 
the compiler.

I think your branch should be reviewed either by Florian or by Jonas 
before the merge.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Delphi 64bit compiler sneak peak available now

2011-04-04 Thread ABorka

We can check it out and do some comparisons now.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Adding a new assembler to Free Pascal Compiler

2011-04-04 Thread Skybuck Flying

Answering my own question ;)

I guess the answer to my question is more or less the same as the following 

How to add a new target to free pascal compiler.

And I found this webpage which explains it a bit:

I'll quote webpage here in case it ever goes lost ;)

Bellow is a example of how a new target is added. This Patch was responsible 
for adding SymbianOS target to the compiler. Be careful that this adds a 
i386-symbian target. If your target is for another architecture of course 
you should change the files on the directories for your particular 

Index: compiler/compiler.pas
--- compiler/compiler.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/compiler.pas (working copy)
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@
{$ifdef win32}
{$endif win32}
+{$ifdef symbian}
+  ,i_symbian
+{$endif symbian}

function Compile(const cmd:string):longint;
Index: compiler/i386/cputarg.pas
--- compiler/i386/cputarg.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/i386/cputarg.pas (working copy)
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
+  ,t_symbian

Index: compiler/systems.pas
--- compiler/systems.pas (revision 6039)
+++ compiler/systems.pas (working copy)
@@ -136,7 +136,9 @@
 system_x86_64_embedded,{ 55 }
 system_mips_embedded,  { 56 }
 system_arm_embedded,   { 57 }
- system_powerpc64_embedded  { 58 }
+ system_powerpc64_embedded, { 58 }
+ system_i386_symbian,   { 59 }
+ system_arm_symbian { 60 }

   tasm = (as_none
Index: rtl/Makefile.fpc
--- rtl/Makefile.fpc (revision 6038)
+++ rtl/Makefile.fpc (working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@

Index: utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini
--- utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini (revision 6038)
+++ utils/fpcm/fpcmake.ini (working copy)
@@ -908,6 +908,12 @@

+# Symbian OS
+ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),symbian)
# long version for 1.0.x - target specific extensions

Index: utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp
--- utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp (revision 6038)
+++ utils/fpcm/fpcmmain.pp (working copy)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
o_amiga,o_atari, o_solaris, o_qnx, o_netware, o_openbsd,o_wdosx,

  TTargetSet=array[tcpu,tos] of boolean;
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
'amiga','atari','solaris', 'qnx', 'netware','openbsd','wdosx',

  OSSuffix : array[TOS] of string=(
'_amiga','_atari','_solaris', '_qnx', 


  { This table is kept OS,Cpu because it is easier to maintain (PFV) }
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
{ wince}( true,  false, false, false, false, true,  false),
{ gba}  ( false, false, false, false, false, true,  false),
{ nds}  ( false, false, false, false, false, true,  false),
-{ embedded }( true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true)
+{ embedded }( true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true),
+{ symbian } ( true,  false, false, false, false, true,  false)

You will also need to add a i_target.pas and t_target.pas files to the 
compiler directory. Just copy an existing file for a similar platform and 
start working from there.

If you want your target to use an internal linker (ELF, COFF, etc.) you need 
to add your target to that one, too. For the target i386-nativent the 
following change was done in the COFF output generator:

Index: compiler/ogcoff.pas
--- compiler/ogcoff.pas (Revision 14564)

Re: [fpc-devel] Adding a new assembler to Free Pascal Compiler

2011-04-04 Thread Skybuck Flying
Hmm... one of the reasons why I might not have found this documentation is 
because of this:

At the wiki/documentation link:

Online documentation

Remark:you must have javascript and style sheets enabled in order to view 
the html documentation correctly.

The following documents are online available:

(Followed by nothing)

I guess either javascript or style sheets are disabled on my IE8 browser 
because of security risks :|


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent changes to TField.SetData

2011-04-04 Thread LacaK

Then please move approprate code at least into 


This code was already there.

Should the 'Validate' code be moved there too ?

Yes. TDataset descendants are responsible to calling Validate, e.g., 
zeos call it inside TZAbstractRODataset.SetFieldData.
I agree, but I do not like idea, that SAME piece of code must be 
repeated in many descendants of TDataSet (TCustomBufDataSet, TParadox, 
TMemDataset,  TFixedFormatDataSet,  TDbf, TCustomSqliteDataset etc.)

So it would be good, if we can put 'validate code' into any new method? 
and call it once from descendants (be precise only from descendants, 
which are intended for use in FPC, because components which are also for 
Delphi must do it in Delphi compatible way and can not use this new method)

One of the reasons of letting descendants call it it's too improve 
granularity so Validate can be called in the middle of the routine, as 
is in zeos, instead to  force the call before the TDataset routine.
Yes, but I think, that in many cases can be expected, that 'validate' 
will be called before any other action,

It seems, that TDataSet descendants never call inherited 
TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

(because it is empty method)
So if we move 'validate code' there then in 'our' descendants we put only
at first line. This does not affect existing tdataset descendants, and 
FPC dataset descendants can be adjusted to benefit from this.
(I know, it is not perfect solution ;-) but I very dislike repeat same 
'validate'  code in X places)

introduce any new method (ValidateFieldData ? ;-))) and let tdatsset 
descendants use it:

ValidateFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer);

some smarter solution ?


fpc-devel maillist  -