Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 15:57, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

With such an attitude you should remove objfpc (and perhaps all
non-delphi modes) alltogether, and rename Free Pascal to Free Delphi.

The situation with FPC and Delphi is very like to what had happened with 
browsers. Every had it own vision of CSS, JS and HTML. Currently then 
finally understood that these dirrences are bad.

So if I could I would organaize some forum between Delphi and FPC 
developers where all new features before been implemented had been 
discussed first and if accepted nobody could implement it different. I 
tried to contact with some delphi team members on their forum on twitter 
and on some blogs but without result.

Regards FPC, I would indeed remove FPC mode. Those who need it can use 
FPC 2.6. I would also minimize the difference between objfpc and delphi 

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 07:56, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

05.03.13, 14:10, Sven Barth wrote:

ObjFPC mode is not compatible with mode Delphi, because of conscious
decisions. Think for example about the "@" for procedure variable
assignments here or the use of symbolic operator names for overload
declarations, instead of words like Delphi did it. And generics are a
further example.

And I would left (if needed) only those minimal differences. Or even 
tried to reduce (removed own generics implementation and left only 
Delphi compatible). In any case I would not add more incompatibilities.

Many times the main point to have incompatibilites was: "We 
implemented it earlier". But regards generics how we implemeneted it 
earlier? Even now they have some bugs/missing features. And in 2009 
when Delphi announced them they had much more (you know of course). 
That was more a prototype of generics. But inspite of that we did not 
drop our own implementation.
Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic 
implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because 
not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi 
syntax is a nightmare to parse.

Mode ObjFPC is not for Delphi compatiblity. It's there to implement a 
cleaner variant of the (Object) Pascal language (and Michael wrote), and 
if that means higher maintenance burden, so be it. Somewhen in the 
future we should do a rewrite of the parser anyway and then we can learn 
from the problems we faced currently and implement it in a way that we 
can easily extend the language with different implementations (just like 
was done for the backend).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Paul Ishenin wrote:

05.03.13, 15:57, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

With such an attitude you should remove objfpc (and perhaps all
non-delphi modes) alltogether, and rename Free Pascal to Free Delphi.

The situation with FPC and Delphi is very like to what had happened with 
browsers. Every had it own vision of CSS, JS and HTML. Currently then finally 
understood that these dirrences are bad.

You piched a wrong comparison. They are still different in all browsers. 
Each browser has its own extensions of these "standards" as any web developer will tell you.
There is some common ground (and even this is sometimes interpreted differently), 
but that is it.

So if I could I would organaize some forum between Delphi and FPC developers 
where all new features before been implemented had been discussed first and 
if accepted nobody could implement it different. I tried to contact with some 
delphi team members on their forum on twitter and on some blogs but without 

I do not believe they will ever do this. Why would they want to ?
They (think that they) rule the Pascal community. 
They do not care a fig for Lazarus/FPC.

And that is why we have objfpc mode.

Delphi mode is 'Object pascal according to Embarcadero'

ObjFPC mode is 'Object Pascal according to Free Pascal'

There is nothing wrong with having ObjFPC mode, and the bigger the differences 
are, the better.

The only thing it costs you is some extra cases in parsing, so no maintenance whatsoever. 
The rest of the compiler remains the same, as the functionality is equal.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 07:56, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

05.03.13, 14:10, Sven Barth wrote:

ObjFPC mode is not compatible with mode Delphi, because of conscious
decisions. Think for example about the "@" for procedure variable
assignments here or the use of symbolic operator names for overload
declarations, instead of words like Delphi did it. And generics are a
further example.

And I would left (if needed) only those minimal differences. Or even tried 
to reduce (removed own generics implementation and left only Delphi 
compatible). In any case I would not add more incompatibilities.

Many times the main point to have incompatibilites was: "We implemented it 
earlier". But regards generics how we implemeneted it earlier? Even now 
they have some bugs/missing features. And in 2009 when Delphi announced 
them they had much more (you know of course). That was more a prototype of 
generics. But inspite of that we did not drop our own implementation.
Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic implementation and 
I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because not only do we have to 
keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi syntax is a nightmare to parse.

Mode ObjFPC is not for Delphi compatiblity. It's there to implement a cleaner 
variant of the (Object) Pascal language (and Michael wrote), and if that 
means higher maintenance burden, so be it. Somewhen in the future we should 
do a rewrite of the parser anyway and then we can learn from the problems we 
faced currently and implement it in a way that we can easily extend the 
language with different implementations (just like was done for the backend).


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 16:30, Sven Barth wrote:

Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic
implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because

Sven, relax - FPC is not your own project and not mine. We can't simple 
commit or revert what we want.

not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
syntax is a nightmare to parse.

Yes, it is hard to parse but anyway you need to implement it. So this 
argument if false. And regards backward compatibility - it is not too 
much places to fix: some in FPC itself and some in Lazarus components.

Mode ObjFPC is not for Delphi compatiblity. It's there to implement a
cleaner variant of the (Object) Pascal language (and Michael wrote), and
if that means higher maintenance burden, so be it.

That cleaner variants split pascal for nothing - to make 3-5 developers 

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Paul Ishenin wrote:

05.03.13, 16:30, Sven Barth wrote:

Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic
implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because

Sven, relax - FPC is not your own project and not mine. We can't simple 
commit or revert what we want.

Of course we can, if you violate a basic rule: do not undo other peoples work.

not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
syntax is a nightmare to parse.

Yes, it is hard to parse but anyway you need to implement it. So this 
argument if false. And regards backward compatibility - it is not too much 
places to fix: some in FPC itself and some in Lazarus components.

Mode ObjFPC is not for Delphi compatiblity. It's there to implement a
cleaner variant of the (Object) Pascal language (and Michael wrote), and
if that means higher maintenance burden, so be it.

That cleaner variants split pascal for nothing - to make 3-5 developers 

It does not split. It offers people the choice.

This is the basis of open source: Having a choice.

You may think that Delphi is the best thing since sliced bread,
but not everyone thinks so.

There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is doing to
the pascal language. The way Embarcadero treats the Pascal Language I am more 
and more going to this camp. More so with every release of Delphi.

You must live with this fact, as I must live with your love of Delphi.

We do not deny you your work on Delphi mode.

We expect you not to deny us our work on objfpc mode.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 09:59, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic
implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because

Sven, relax - FPC is not your own project and not mine. We can't 
simple commit or revert what we want. 

I'm sorry that it sounded a bit harsh, but I consider the topics 
backwards compatibility and clean language design very serious. And 
parsing Delphi's syntax is everything, but not clean...

not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
syntax is a nightmare to parse.

Yes, it is hard to parse but anyway you need to implement it. So this 
argument if false. And regards backward compatibility - it is not too 
much places to fix: some in FPC itself and some in Lazarus components.

Just for your information: I will implement generic methods will full 
requirement for "generic" and "specialize" in mode ObjFPC (and no, you 
can't change my opinion on that).

And regarding backwards compatibility: we are not only talking about FPC 
and Lazarus. There are enough people around that use FPC's generic 
syntax and that alone is reason enough to keep it.

Mode ObjFPC is not for Delphi compatiblity. It's there to implement a
cleaner variant of the (Object) Pascal language (and Michael wrote), and
if that means higher maintenance burden, so be it.

That cleaner variants split pascal for nothing - to make 3-5 
developers happy.

There seem to be enough persons that use mode ObjFPC and its generics 
and seem to be happy about it. Especially those that don't care about 
Delphi compatibility. Also it seems that those that like to develop in 
Delphi are the only ones complaining... or do you hear from any MacPas 
developer that mode ObjFPC does not support "return", "c" or "$ifc"?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Marco van de Voort wrote:

But even when in theory (which I btw don't even want to consider), you are
equivalent to C in this way, it basically means disabling the unit system,
and users must start to manual maintain dependencies, and learn to
interpretate cryptic errormessages if an incremental build goes haywire.

C users and developers are trained in this, and have their experience in
detangling the web of deps etc, have developed semi-automated helper tools

Inflicting this on the Pascal masses is unrealistic and undesirable.
Sticking to the manual build principles because the FPC devels can handle it
essentially means that nobody else will have parallel builds, or will resort
to a system of doing full builds only. (but that is throwing away the big
savings to gain small ones). Something that big C projects resort to anyway,
I'm told.

And FPC even only in a few critical points.

Manual maintenance is simply too painful (and atypical for modular languages and
its users).

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could disable FPC's 
unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing to pay the price of 
difficult maintenance, it might defuse the criticism coming from certain 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:12, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is 
doing to
the pascal language. The way Embarcadero treats the Pascal Language I 
am more and more going to this camp. More so with every release of 

As this thread clearly shows...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

Marco van de Voort wrote:

But even when in theory (which I btw don't even want to consider), 
you are
equivalent to C in this way, it basically means disabling the unit 

and users must start to manual maintain dependencies, and learn to
interpretate cryptic errormessages if an incremental build goes haywire.

C users and developers are trained in this, and have their experience in
detangling the web of deps etc, have developed semi-automated helper 


Inflicting this on the Pascal masses is unrealistic and undesirable.
Sticking to the manual build principles because the FPC devels can 
handle it
essentially means that nobody else will have parallel builds, or will 
to a system of doing full builds only. (but that is throwing away the 
savings to gain small ones). Something that big C projects resort to 

I'm told.

And FPC even only in a few critical points.

Manual maintenance is simply too painful (and atypical for modular 
languages and

its users).

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could disable 
FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing to pay the 
price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the criticism coming 
from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself as it 
would need to parse them.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-03-04 20:33, Howard Page-Clark wrote:
> You can simulate this in FPC as well as TP by using a local typed 
> constant. e.g.
> function GetValue: integer;
> const value: integer = 0;
> begin
>Result:= value;
> end;

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2013-03-04 20:33, Howard Page-Clark wrote:

You can simulate this in FPC as well as TP by using a local typed
constant. e.g.

function GetValue: integer;
const value: integer = 0;
   Result:= value;

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?

A leftover from the TP days. 
A typed constant acts as an initialized variable.

You can disable this construct with:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:20, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:

On 2013-03-04 20:33, Howard Page-Clark wrote:

You can simulate this in FPC as well as TP by using a local typed
constant. e.g.

function GetValue: integer;
const value: integer = 0;
Result:= value;

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?
In Turbo Pascal these typed constants were used as the poor man's 
visibility managment. You basically had a global variable that only that 
function (and nested ones) can access.

In Delphi the $J switch was introduced which is disabled by default, 
which means that typed constants are not writeable. You can nevertheless 
switch it on.

Note: The important point here is that it is a typed constant. And there 
typed constants and variables are technically the same (both are located 
in the initalized read/write area of the executable file), while true 
constants are either inserted directly into the code (ordinals, floating 
point values) or are located in a read only area of the executable 
(strings) [if the format does not support a readonly area they are 
located in the read/write one as well though].

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

Marco van de Voort wrote:

But even when in theory (which I btw don't even want to consider), 
you are
equivalent to C in this way, it basically means disabling the unit 

and users must start to manual maintain dependencies, and learn to
interpretate cryptic errormessages if an incremental build goes haywire.

C users and developers are trained in this, and have their experience in
detangling the web of deps etc, have developed semi-automated helper 


Inflicting this on the Pascal masses is unrealistic and undesirable.
Sticking to the manual build principles because the FPC devels can 
handle it
essentially means that nobody else will have parallel builds, or will 
to a system of doing full builds only. (but that is throwing away the 
savings to gain small ones). Something that big C projects resort to 

I'm told.

And FPC even only in a few critical points.

Manual maintenance is simply too painful (and atypical for modular 
languages and

its users).

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could disable 
FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing to pay the 
price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the criticism coming 
from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself as it 
would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 17:14, Sven Barth wrote:

Just for your information: I will implement generic methods will full
requirement for "generic" and "specialize" in mode ObjFPC (and no, you
can't change my opinion on that).

Yes, I didn't expect my mails will suddenly change your opinion. And 
even if they would change there are enough fpc team members who will 
protected objfpc generics :) I only hope to stop duplicate 
implementation of other delphi features.

And regarding backwards compatibility: we are not only talking about FPC
and Lazarus. There are enough people around that use FPC's generic
syntax and that alone is reason enough to keep it.

Enough - how much? 50 or 100 projects? What will be needed to make them 
work with dephi syntax? Remove word generic and specialize?

Especially those that don't care about
Delphi compatibility. Also it seems that those that like to develop in
Delphi are the only ones complaining...

Think about component and applications developers who need to care about 
FPC and Delphi. Less incompatibilities FPC will have more 3rd party 
components and applications it will get.

I remember author of Total Commander who had failed to port his project 
to FPC + Laz because of many incompatilities in both projects.

I remember Fib+ developer who stoped his effort to port component to FPC 
after some found incompatibilities.

There is nothing good in incompatibilities.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:41, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

05.03.13, 17:14, Sven Barth wrote:

Just for your information: I will implement generic methods will full
requirement for "generic" and "specialize" in mode ObjFPC (and no, you
can't change my opinion on that).

Yes, I didn't expect my mails will suddenly change your opinion. And 
even if they would change there are enough fpc team members who will 
protected objfpc generics :) I only hope to stop duplicate 
implementation of other delphi features.

I won't remove your hope, but I'll also not do anything to fulfill it :P

And regarding backwards compatibility: we are not only talking about FPC
and Lazarus. There are enough people around that use FPC's generic
syntax and that alone is reason enough to keep it.

Enough - how much? 50 or 100 projects? What will be needed to make 
them work with dephi syntax? Remove word generic and specialize?

Once we support generic functions/procedures (which Delphi does not 
support) it will be more :)

Especially those that don't care about
Delphi compatibility. Also it seems that those that like to develop in
Delphi are the only ones complaining...

Think about component and applications developers who need to care 
about FPC and Delphi. Less incompatibilities FPC will have more 3rd 
party components and applications it will get.
For exactly this purpose we have the mode Delphi. And if something is 
not working there it's either a missing feature, a bug or something that 
we just plain refuse to support... (e.g. in Delphi you can have one set 
element multiple times in the same set constructor: [objectdef, 
objectdef, objectdef])

I remember author of Total Commander who had failed to port his 
project to FPC + Laz because of many incompatilities in both projects.

And some differences are by design. Think about resource string handling 
here. We might provide the LoadResString function/callback, but it's 
just a dummy, because FPC's resource strings work differently. The same 
for Lazarus: some differences are by design, because Lazarus is not 
fixed to the Windows platform (as a Lazarus developer you should know this).

I remember Fib+ developer who stoped his effort to port component to 
FPC after some found incompatibilities.

There is nothing good in incompatibilities.

As already wrote by Michael and me: it's not the purpose of mode ObjFPC 
to provide compatibility.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-03-05 09:12, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> You may think that Delphi is the best thing since sliced bread,
> but not everyone thinks so.
> There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is doing to
> the pascal language.


I think Embarcadero is butchering the Object Pascal language. Stealing
ideas (and worse, the syntax) from other languages verbatim. They don't
put any thought in there language design like Borland did.

For that reason, I love FPC and the objfpc mode. ALL my products are
developer only in objfpc mode. The syntax is much cleaner and true to

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 17:12, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

Of course we can, if you violate a basic rule: do not undo other peoples

Can you imagine me or anybody other in FPC team who do so without total 

It does not split. It offers people the choice.

Again we see one thing from different sides. For me this is not a 
benefit but defect requires elimination.

This is the basis of open source: Having a choice.

Yes, but I'd love to see this choise not inside 1 project.

We do not deny you your work on Delphi mode.

We expect you not to deny us our work on objfpc mode.


Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:41, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

Marco van de Voort wrote:

But even when in theory (which I btw don't even want to consider), 
you are
equivalent to C in this way, it basically means disabling the unit 

and users must start to manual maintain dependencies, and learn to
interpretate cryptic errormessages if an incremental build goes 

C users and developers are trained in this, and have their 
experience in
detangling the web of deps etc, have developed semi-automated 
helper tools


Inflicting this on the Pascal masses is unrealistic and undesirable.
Sticking to the manual build principles because the FPC devels can 
handle it
essentially means that nobody else will have parallel builds, or 
will resort
to a system of doing full builds only. (but that is throwing away 
the big
savings to gain small ones). Something that big C projects resort 
to anyway,

I'm told.

And FPC even only in a few critical points.

Manual maintenance is simply too painful (and atypical for modular 
languages and

its users).

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could disable 
FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing to pay the 
price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the criticism coming 
from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself as 
it would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

In theory you can do it already. Compile each unit with "-Ur" (release 
unit) and the compiler will not attempt to recompile such a unit and 
prefer to fail. And then you do a compilation run for each unit. Good 
luck though for circular dependencies (the legal ones).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Paul Ishenin wrote:

Think about component and applications developers who need to care about FPC 
and Delphi. Less incompatibilities FPC will have more 3rd party components 
and applications it will get.

For this, mode delphi exists.

I remember author of Total Commander who had failed to port his project to 
FPC + Laz because of many incompatilities in both projects.

I remember Fib+ developer who stoped his effort to port component to FPC 
after some found incompatibilities.

There is nothing good in incompatibilities.

There is no incompatibility. There is choice.

People who wish to port Delphi code should use {$mode delphi}.
And from what I see, people that come from Delphi automatically use $mode delphi. 
Good, that is what it is for.

I fully agree with you that Delphi mode should try and be as Delphi compatible 
as possible.

All that is being argued is that there must be the choice to have another mode where people 
that do not care or agree with Delphi, can implement things the way they think it should be done.

FPC is as old as Delphi. 
I think that gives us the right of speech and the right to voice our own opinion.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:53, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:

On 2013-03-05 09:12, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

You may think that Delphi is the best thing since sliced bread,
but not everyone thinks so.

There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is doing to
the pascal language.


I think Embarcadero is butchering the Object Pascal language. Stealing
ideas (and worse, the syntax) from other languages verbatim. They don't
put any thought in there language design like Borland did.

For that reason, I love FPC and the objfpc mode. ALL my products are
developer only in objfpc mode. The syntax is much cleaner and true to

@Paul: see? :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Sven Barth wrote:
> >Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> >>
> >>But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
> >>disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
> >>to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
> >>criticism coming from certain quarters.
> >>
> >Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
> >as it would need to parse them.
> That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
the user doesn't have to do this.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Paul Ishenin wrote:

05.03.13, 17:12, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

Of course we can, if you violate a basic rule: do not undo other peoples

Can you imagine me or anybody other in FPC team who do so without total 

I hope not :)

It does not split. It offers people the choice.

Again we see one thing from different sides. For me this is not a benefit but 
defect requires elimination.

This is your right.

This is the basis of open source: Having a choice.

Yes, but I'd love to see this choise not inside 1 project.

Since it is not your project to begin with, you'll have to learn to live with 
this choice.

Like I have to live with your implementations.

Live and let live.

fpc-devel maillist  -


2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

I find it extremely hard to follow conversations in this mailing list
lately. Everybody seems to disregard simple netiquette guidelines here.

For example: I can't read a message thread any more by just using my
up/down arrow keys [jumping from one reply to the next]. I have to
constantly scroll 50+ lines of quoted text [often 4-6 levels keep
quotes], just to get to a 2-4 line reply!

Please, please, please... trim your quotes to just the relevant lines.
It takes but a second to do, so will not slow you down.

I know I'm not the list moderator, but try and respect some basic
netiquette, and make it easier for everybody to read messages here.

  - Graeme -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 10:58, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
criticism coming from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
as it would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
the user doesn't have to do this.
As this is something we (as in the FPC developers) don't need: patches 
are welcome.

[or you could try whether the ppdep tool still works: ]

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 10:12:04AM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> You may think that Delphi is the best thing since sliced bread,
> but not everyone thinks so.

And with the attitude of, e.g. Boian, we see that it's simply too hard
to please hard-core delphi fanboys.  They're all "take" and no "give".
I look forward to the day when the fpc developers will realise that
playing eternal catch-up is never going to work.

> There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is doing to
> the pascal language. The way Embarcadero treats the Pascal Language
> I am more and more going to this camp. More so with every release of
> Delphi.

Much kudos to Sven for really trying to keep the language sane.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Henry Vermaak wrote:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
criticism coming from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
as it would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
the user doesn't have to do this.

Possibly augmented by timestamp-based validity checking. Yes, but I 
didn't want to muddy the water by suggesting too many things at once :-)

Seriously: if FPC's putting too much internal work into sorting out 
dependencies and somebody is prepared to write his code for an 
alternative build system, then give him enough rope. But it would 
obviously shine a harsh light on the compiler if this turned out not to 
be the major bottleneck.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:58, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
criticism coming from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
as it would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
the user doesn't have to do this.
As this is something we (as in the FPC developers) don't need: patches are 

[or you could try whether the ppdep tool still works: ]

There is a new tool "pas2fpm.pp" which can easily be adapted to do this.
It already calculates the dependencies, but outputs them in fpmake form.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 17:55, Sven Barth wrote:

@Paul: see? :)

I see you, Graeme, Michael and probably some more 5-6 developers.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:05:22AM +0100, Sven Barth wrote:
> Am 05.03.2013 10:58, schrieb Henry Vermaak:
> >On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> >>Sven Barth wrote:
> >>>Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
> disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
> to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
> criticism coming from certain quarters.
> >>>Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
> >>>as it would need to parse them.
> >>That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.
> >Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
> >the user doesn't have to do this.
> As this is something we (as in the FPC developers) don't need:
> patches are welcome.

I'm trying to ascertain if this is even possible (the c-style,
file-at-a-time compilation, using make to handle multiple processes).
Do you think it's possible, then?

I'm not ordering anyone to implement features, I'm exploring solutions
to the depressing fact that my c projects compile quicker than my fpc
projects (simply because my build system can launch parallel jobs).  I
don't think that turning fpc into a multi-threaded compiler is a sane
thing to do.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mattias Gaertner

Michael Van Canneyt  hat am 5. März 2013 um 11:09
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Sven Barth wrote:
> > Am 05.03.2013 10:58, schrieb Henry Vermaak:
> >> On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> >>> Sven Barth wrote:
>  Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> > But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
> > disable FPC's unit handling and use make -j instead, choosing
> > to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
> > criticism coming from certain quarters.
> >
>  Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
>  as it would need to parse them.
> >>> That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.
> >> Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
> >> the user doesn't have to do this.
> > As this is something we (as in the FPC developers) don't need: patches are
> > welcome.
> >
> > [or you could try whether the ppdep tool still works:
> > ]
> There is a new tool "pas2fpm.pp" which can easily be adapted to do this.
> It already calculates the dependencies, but outputs them in fpmake form.

Is this correct:
You need the tool pas2fpm to feed the tool fpmake to feed the tool fpc to feed
linker, lazres 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:09:39AM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> There is a new tool "pas2fpm.pp" which can easily be adapted to do this.
> It already calculates the dependencies, but outputs them in fpmake form.

Ah, I remember that fpmake can build with multiple threads, so perhaps
this is a better solution than to do it with make.  I'll investigate.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt  hat am 5. März 2013 um 11:09

On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:58, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:41:37AM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

Sven Barth wrote:

Am 05.03.2013 10:14, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:

But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
disable FPC's unit handling and use make -j instead, choosing
to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
criticism coming from certain quarters.

Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
as it would need to parse them.

That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.

Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
the user doesn't have to do this.

As this is something we (as in the FPC developers) don't need: patches are

[or you could try whether the ppdep tool still works: ]

There is a new tool "pas2fpm.pp" which can easily be adapted to do this.
It already calculates the dependencies, but outputs them in fpmake form.

Is this correct:
You need the tool pas2fpm to feed the tool fpmake to feed the tool fpc to feed
linker, lazres 

You don't need anything. You can create fpmake.pp yourself.

pas2fpm makes it easier for you.

Just like "configure" and "autoconf" make it easier to create Makefiles if you 
use C.

But because pas2fpm parses your units to do its job, it can go wrong, even on 
legal code.
So using it should be optional.

You could try and integrate all in 1 tool (like in an IDE as lazarus).
fpmake was set up so it can be integrated completely in lazarus if you want it. 
Same for fppkg.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Bernd Mueller

Paul Ishenin wrote:

I remember author of Total Commander who had failed to port his project 
to FPC + Laz because of many incompatilities in both projects.

IMHO, you are not right. the 64-bit version seems to be written in 

The string "FPC 2.5.1 [2011/12/03] for x86_64 - Win64" can be found in 
the binary.

Regards, Bernd.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 11:05, schrieb Henry Vermaak:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 10:12:04AM +0100, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

You may think that Delphi is the best thing since sliced bread,
but not everyone thinks so.

And with the attitude of, e.g. Boian, we see that it's simply too hard
to please hard-core delphi fanboys.  They're all "take" and no "give".
I look forward to the day when the fpc developers will realise that
playing eternal catch-up is never going to work.

Somehow I hope we reach this day sooner than later...

There are several people on the list that do not like what Delphi is doing to
the pascal language. The way Embarcadero treats the Pascal Language
I am more and more going to this camp. More so with every release of

Much kudos to Sven for really trying to keep the language sane.

Thanks, I try my best :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> > IMHO a threading clusterfsck is preferable to a forking clusterfck :-)
> My gut feeling would be that the complexity and potential bugs/races
> don't make up for the speed, but maybe a threaded compiler gains a lot
> more than I imagine.  Are there any multi-threaded compilers around for
> comparison?

Not the normal free ones. But that is not really a metric, but none of them 
were designed for modular
languages, stronger, they don't even use features like precompiled headers
that commercial ones already have for a long time.
Note that strictly only the part of make *must* be multithreaded, the
compilation of a compilation unit is basically the current single threaded
compiler running in its own thread.

So the parts that decide which compilation unit must be loaded, and parts of
the unit loader.

I think the problem is more doing it in a non-trivial production compiler, 
than the principle itself.

> > This means you need to manually specify in the build system which
> > compilation unit depends on which headers. And this is also why in C/C++
> > inline functions are in the header, so that this model is persistent, since
> > most builds are not full, but incremental.
> As you probably know, you can use -MD and variants with gcc, which
> outputs dependency files for make, that you then include in the
> Makefile. 

No, but I did know other tools for that yes. Compiler output is better of

> If you add, e.g. -MMD to the CFLAGS, these dependencies are
> generated as a side effect of the compilation process, so it's not a
> separate step.  As a result, partial builds work really well, and can be
> parallelized as usual.  No manual work involved.

Maybe that works for FPC too. But FPC can currently compile units multiple
times afaik.  (to detangle circular references), FPC afaik also registers
some preprocessor state, and compiles on change.

So basically make is meant for a different execution model IMHO, and it
shouldn't be made a cornerstone. It is only a stopgap till we have something
that fits with the unit system.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> > >>But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
> > >>disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
> > >>to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
> > >>criticism coming from certain quarters.
> > >>
> > >Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
> > >as it would need to parse them.
> > 
> > That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.
> Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
> the user doesn't have to do this.

That does't work, since in FPC an unit is an interface AND an
implementation. And inline functions are in the implementation, not the 

The only way is to simply toss the modular system (units) out, and work with
$i, declare functions as externals in headers, let the compiler spit out

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-03-05 10:31, Henry Vermaak wrote:
> Ah, I remember that fpmake can build with multiple threads, so perhaps
> this is a better solution than to do it with make.  I'll investigate.

I've got that option enabled by default for building FPC 2.7.1 and it
does shave off a few seconds.

I'm also trying to use fpmake for other "hourly build server" tasks,
where I need to do clean compiles of various independent packages first,
then build the test suite that pulls everything together. eg: building
Synapse, FBLib, tiOPF, EpikTimer, fpGUI etc in parallel. Then somehow
wait until they are all done, then build the test suite which uses all
those packages. I still haven't figure this process out yet. If you have
hints or suggestion on this, it would be greatly appreciated [maybe
follow-up in a new message thread in fpc-pascal]

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:
> > when Delphi announced them they had much more (you know of course). 
> > That was more a prototype of generics. But inspite of that we did not 
> > drop our own implementation.
> Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic 
> implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because 
> not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi 
> syntax is a nightmare to parse.

But you need to anyway because of mode delphi, so what is the point?
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Alexander Klenin
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:10 PM, Paul Ishenin  wrote:
> 05.03.13, 17:55, Sven Barth wrote:
> I see you, Graeme, Michael and probably some more 5-6 developers.
The level of Delphi compatibility vs. syntax quality is, as always in
a matter of compromise and cost/benefit analysis.
For example, and trying to return to the topic of this thread,
I think "embedded" anonymous functions should be implemented for both
Delphi and ObjFPC mode --
even if there will be better alternatives in ObjFPC.
This way, at least in one direction compatibility will be preserved,
while people preferring "pure Pascal" style will still be able to
ignore Delphi syntax in their FPC-only projects.
On the other hand, default closure behavior should perhaps be
implemented differently.
There are three choices for anonymous function without additional annotations:
1) No closure
2) By-reference closure
3) By-value closure

Delphi currently implements (2) which is inconsistent with nested
functions and introduces a subtle
and unexpected performance drop. I suggest (1) in ObjFPC mode, but (2)
in Delphi mode,
with additional modeswitch, as usual.

This is why I propose the following plan:

1) Implement Delphi-like anonymous functions syntax, without closures
2) Implement Delphi-like by-reference closures
3) Implement ObjFPC-specific named closures with explicit by-value/by
reference options
4) Implement ObjFPC-specific shortened syntax

Discussion of ObjFPC extension may continue while the implementation
of (1) and (2) is in progress.

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Alexander Klenin
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
>> Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic
>> implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because
>> not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
>> syntax is a nightmare to parse.
> But you need to anyway because of mode delphi, so what is the point?

It is hard to parse for humans as well as for the compiler.

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Alexander Klenin said:
> >> not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
> >> syntax is a nightmare to parse.
> >
> > But you need to anyway because of mode delphi, so what is the point?
> It is hard to parse for humans as well as for the compiler.

That's a matter of taste. I'm not sb who in general favours terse notation,
but I don't really see the benefit of the FPC syntax for humans.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Fuchs

Am 05.03.2013 10:25, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?

A leftover from the TP days. A typed constant acts as an initialized

You can disable this construct with:

This should be the default in ObjFpc mode.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:44:37AM +0100, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> > > >>But on the other hand, if an application programmer could
> > > >>disable FPC's unit handling and use  make -j  instead, choosing
> > > >>to pay the price of difficult maintenance, it might defuse the
> > > >>criticism coming from certain quarters.
> > > >>
> > > >Make can not figure out the dependencies between units by itself
> > > >as it would need to parse them.
> > > 
> > > That's for the user to do, if he thinks he can do a better job than FPC.
> > 
> > Or implement an option that spits out the dependencies for make, so that
> > the user doesn't have to do this.
> That does't work, since in FPC an unit is an interface AND an
> implementation. And inline functions are in the implementation, not the 
> interface.
> The only way is to simply toss the modular system (units) out, and work with
> $i, declare functions as externals in headers, let the compiler spit out
> dependencies.

OK, I'll drop this line of enquiry then :)  Thanks for the information
(and the patience).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

Henry Vermaak schrieb:

I'm trying to ascertain if this is even possible (the c-style,
file-at-a-time compilation, using make to handle multiple processes).
Do you think it's possible, then?

Yes and no. It would mean to create kind of header files for the Pascal 
units, usable to compile the units independently. No problem at a first 
glance, the Interface is the equivalent of an C header file, and the 
Uses lists are equivalent to further #includes. One of the remaining 
problems are the lost unit qualifiers, so that external references in 
the object files cannot be safely resolved.

But in fact above is what FPC already does! When it encounters a Uses 
list, it loads the according PPU or, if not available or outdated, 
compiles the requested unit. Thus the PPU files already *are* the 
equivalent of the C header files. Plus the bonus that every "header" has 
to be loaded only once, not for every single module to be compiled by an 
C compiler.

The problem IMO is the long list of units waiting for their dependencies 
loaded, before the first unit can be compiled at all (top-down). More 
efficient were bottom-up compilation, starting with the units with only 
few dependencies, so that compilation could start while the disk is 
stressed by loading all other PPU files, required for the compilation of 
units with more dependencies.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Pass compiler options to generics [was Delphi anonymous methods]

2013-03-05 Thread ListMember

On 2013-03-05 12:37, Sven Barth wrote:

Thanks, I try my best :)

I know you do.

And, since generics has also been mentioned in this thread, here is 
something I'd like to table/mention (or, rather, use you as a sounding 
board, if I may).

Sometimes writing generic routines that are truly generic is hard since 
the types it needs to handle can be tough to genericise (strings, 
ordinals, objects etc. are not always treatable in generic routines in 
the same way).

The solution to this might be to write different generic routines for 
each offending type but this means duplication plenty of code in the 
process which in turn defeates quite a bit of the purpose of having 

This brings me to wonder if it would be possible to pass some constant 
(or set of constants, or something similar) to generic routine such that 
this/these option(s) would be treated as compiles options within the 
implementation of the generic routine.

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Unicode String Manager on darwin

2013-03-05 Thread Louis Salkind
With the fpc 2.7.1 trunk, the following simple program does not work 
under darwin unless I also include the unit cwstring:

program project1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses sysutils;// also needs the unit cwstring to work under 

function toupper(const s: WideString): WideString;
  result := WideUpperCase(s);

  writeln(toupper('hello world'));


Is this the intended behavior?

Upon running the program above I get the error:

This binary has no unicodestrings support compiled in.
Recompile the application with a unicodestrings-manager in the program 
uses clause.

An unhandled exception occurred at $0001EECB:
ENoWideStringSupport: SIGQUIT signal received.
  $0001EECB  GENERICUNICODECASE,  line 2181 of 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Michael Fuchs

Am 05.03.2013 11:10, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

@Paul: see? :)

I see you, Graeme, Michael and probably some more 5-6 developers.

That is the problem with mailing lists. Not everybody sends a mail, just 
saying "+1 from me too". And so it could be "probably some more 500-600 

And btw: actual Delphi vs. ObjFPc -> +1 for ObjFpc from me ;)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> > That does't work, since in FPC an unit is an interface AND an
> > implementation. And inline functions are in the implementation, not the 
> > interface.
> > 
> > The only way is to simply toss the modular system (units) out, and work with
> > $i, declare functions as externals in headers, let the compiler spit out
> > dependencies.
> OK, I'll drop this line of enquiry then :)  Thanks for the information
> (and the patience).

No problem at all, writing it down helped me see things more clearly too.

I before never thought about the incremental build aspect.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Marcos Douglas
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Paul Ishenin  wrote:
> 05.03.13, 17:55, Sven Barth wrote:
>> @Paul: see? :)
> I see you, Graeme, Michael and probably some more 5-6 developers.

So now we have 7!  ;-)
I want to keep the language sane too.

Marcos Douglas
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unicode String Manager on darwin

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 03.03.2013 22:23, schrieb Louis Salkind:
With the fpc 2.7.1 trunk, the following simple program does not work 
under darwin unless I also include the unit cwstring:

program project1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses sysutils;// also needs the unit cwstring to work 
under darwin

function toupper(const s: WideString): WideString;
  result := WideUpperCase(s);

  writeln(toupper('hello world'));


Is this the intended behavior?

Yes, this is intended behavior on Unix based systems, because this will 
cause the code to link to the C library (though one can debate whether 
this makes any difference on Mac OS X, where we link to the C library 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 12:44, schrieb Michael Fuchs:

Am 05.03.2013 10:25, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?

A leftover from the TP days. A typed constant acts as an initialized

You can disable this construct with:

This should be the default in ObjFpc mode.

Two words: backwards compatibility.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 12:29, schrieb Alexander Klenin:

This is why I propose the following plan:

1) Implement Delphi-like anonymous functions syntax, without closures
2) Implement Delphi-like by-reference closures
3) Implement ObjFPC-specific named closures with explicit by-value/by
reference options
4) Implement ObjFPC-specific shortened syntax

Discussion of ObjFPC extension may continue while the implementation
of (1) and (2) is in progress.

I basically agree. Though for now anonymous functions should be either 
bound to mode Delphi or at least a modeswitch (enabled by default in 
mode Delphi and disabled everywhere else). [or maybe we should add such 
newer extensions to mode DelphiUnicode?] The type "reference to ..." 
should be available in either mode though (independantly of anonymous 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 12:24, schrieb Marco van de Voort:

In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:

when Delphi announced them they had much more (you know of course).
That was more a prototype of generics. But inspite of that we did not
drop our own implementation.

Just to say one thing clear: I will NOT drop FPC's generic
implementation and I'll revert every commit that tries to do so, because
not only do we have to keep backwards compatibility, but the Delphi
syntax is a nightmare to parse.

But you need to anyway because of mode delphi, so what is the point?
Because in mode Delphi the following will not work for quite some time 
(because it is so damn hard to parse):

=== example begin ===

SomeVar := SomeFunc - SomeType.SomeMethod * 

=== example end ===

while this will be much easier to implement:

=== example begin ===

SomeVar := specialize SomeFunc - specialize 
SomeType.SomeMethod * specialize 
SomeOtherType.specialize SomeMethod;

=== example end ===

(though "specialize SomeType" and "specialize 
SomeOtherType" are more likely to stay in type sections for 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Alexander Klenin
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Sven Barth  wrote:
> SomeVar := SomeFunc - SomeType.SomeMethod *
> SomeOtherType.SomeMethod;
> === example end ===
> while this will be much easier to implement:
> === example begin ===
> SomeVar := specialize SomeFunc - specialize
> SomeType.SomeMethod * specialize
> SomeOtherType.specialize SomeMethod;
> === example end ===
> (though "specialize SomeType" and "specialize
> SomeOtherType" are more likely to stay in type sections for
> now...)

BTW, does anybody know why on earth the "sane" objFPC syntax still have
those angle brackets instead of normal round ones?

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 14:23, schrieb Alexander Klenin:

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Sven Barth  wrote:

SomeVar := SomeFunc - SomeType.SomeMethod *

=== example end ===

while this will be much easier to implement:

=== example begin ===

SomeVar := specialize SomeFunc - specialize
SomeType.SomeMethod * specialize
SomeOtherType.specialize SomeMethod;

=== example end ===

(though "specialize SomeType" and "specialize
SomeOtherType" are more likely to stay in type sections for

BTW, does anybody know why on earth the "sane" objFPC syntax still have
those angle brackets instead of normal round ones?

I don't know why the one who first implemented them chose them, but now 
the reason is backwards compatibility.

Please note that I wouldn't have choosen round brackets either 
(potential conflicts with type casting) but more something like this:

=== snippet begin ===

specialize SomeType with (Something)

=== snippet end ===

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Mattias Gaertner

Sven Barth  hat am 5. März 2013 um 14:27
> Please note that I wouldn't have choosen round brackets either
> (potential conflicts with type casting)

Can you give an example?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Alexander Klenin
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Sven Barth  wrote:
> I don't know why the one who first implemented them chose them, but now the
> reason is backwards compatibility.
> Please note that I wouldn't have choosen round brackets either (potential
> conflicts with type casting)

Is not "specialize" keyword there to prevent exactly this?

> specialize SomeType with (Something)

I would like to propose a modification to one of the principles we brought up
in this thread: "prefer keywords to punctuation ... but not to the
point of becoming COBOL" :)

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 14:50, schrieb Alexander Klenin:

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Sven Barth  wrote:

I don't know why the one who first implemented them chose them, but now the
reason is backwards compatibility.

Please note that I wouldn't have choosen round brackets either (potential
conflicts with type casting)

Is not "specialize" keyword there to prevent exactly this?

Right... I forgot :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

Am 05.03.2013 14:41, schrieb Mattias Gaertner:

Sven Barth  hat am 5. März 2013 um 14:27

Please note that I wouldn't have choosen round brackets either
(potential conflicts with type casting)

Can you give an example?
Forget what I wrote... As I've written in my mail to Alexander, I've 
forgotten that we have the "specialize" as an introductory keyword.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Vasiliy Kevroletin

On 03/05/2013 05:34 AM, waldo kitty wrote:
It is as I thought about closures before. But this is useless without 
of variables by value. During creation of anonymous method you *can 
not bind any
values* to it. Anonymous method have only references to captured 
Pascal don't allows to create static variables inside function like 
in c-like
languages. So you also not able to create unique static variable 
which available
only to one instance of same anonymous method. Even if implementation 
create many separate objects for one anonymous function then all 
instances will

be equivalent. Because all instances will refer to same data.

i'm trying to understand what you mean by

> Pascal don't allows to create static variables inside function like 
in c-like

> languages.

i've done something that i think is what you speak of but it was in 
Borland's Turbo Pascal... at least TP6... i don't remember how we did 
it though and can't find any sample code in my library :(

what happened is that the value did not get cleared between 
invocations of the routine and subsequent executions could use the 
value already stored... this breaks, of course, if the memory area for 
the routine is cleared first...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Word "static" is mistake here, sorry. It should be "local" variable instead.
As it was said in this thread: closure is a way to create object (no 
mean named closure or anonymous). Closure is a routine with all 
variables which it accesses (or "captures" in terminology of Delphi or 
C++). So closure is routine + captured data. I expected that Delphi will 
create one object for one closure.
In example below I was expecting to see creation of 10 different 
objects. But Delphi creates only 1 object. I was surprised.

=== example
for i := 1 to 10 begin
arr[i] := procedure begin
All arr[i] have same value(same reference).

Actually Delphi creates object(called FrameObject in Delphi's docs) for 
closure otherwise it will not work. But Delphi creates this object not 
for every closure but only for procedure where closure defined. This 
details described in pdf file which I attached in first message of 
thread. Also Sven created good comments which describes how Delphi 
implements closures and how capturing by value should work

My confused comment can be reformulated:  Delphi doesn't create object 
for each closure because there is no need to do it. But why many other 
languages should create object for each closure but Delphi need not ? 
Because Pascal allows to declare local variables only in beginning of 
routine. But many c-like languages allows to declare local variables in 
middle of routine. I will describe on example.

Imagine that you want to create many similar objects in loop like this:

=== example

type TWriter = class
   data: Integer;
   constructor Create(i: Integer);
   procedure Execute;
constructor TWriter.Create(i: Integer); begin data := i; end;
procedure TWriter.Execute; begin Writeln(data); end;

var i: Integer;
arr: array[1..10] of TWriter;
  for i := 1 to 10 do
arr[i] := TWriter.Create(i);
  for i := 1 to 10 do

=== output
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

If someone will try to make same trick using Delphi's anonymous 
methods(Delphi's implementation of closures) he may try to do this

=== wrong

  for i := 1 to 10 do
procArr[i] := procedure begin

  for j := 1 to 10 do

=== output
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Why? Because all procedures from procArr captured variable 'i' by 
reference. They access same variable. So this is a problem to simply 
create "private" data for closure. But you can do it like this:

=== right

function Factory(data: Integer): TProc;
  Result := procedure begin


  for i := 1 to 10 do
procArr[i] := Factory(i);
  for j := 1 to 10 do


=== output
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Just as expected.
Now about local variables and why in other languages simple creation of 
"private" variable for closure is not a problem.

=== perl
for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
my $stored = $i;
$f[$i] = sub { printf $stored }

for (my $j = 0; $j < 10; ++$j) {

=== output

This is works because:
  - each loop iteration creates new variable $stored
  - closure captures $stored
  - variable $stored is accessible only in it's declaring block { .. } 
; at end of loop iteration only closure will save link to it.

So Perl have to create new object for each closure because each closure 
may contains private d

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Ishenin

05.03.13, 21:00, Marcos Douglas пишет:

So now we have 7!  ;-)
I want to keep the language sane too.

I wrote not about sane/insane. Delphi adds features to pascal the way 
they want - this is reality. We can't do anything with this. If they add 
a feature not the sane way we can't undo their feature. From that moment 
language become so - with this feature. Whether we want or no. Sooner or 
later we will have to deal with this feature exactly as Delphi 
developers see it.

What I was against is to add the second implementation for already 
existent language feature.

But after mail of Michael I already look at this more tolerant now. So 
please let's stop this endless dispute about nothing. We have different 
vision and this is good after all.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Florian Klaempfl

Am 05.03.2013 11:10, schrieb Paul Ishenin:

05.03.13, 17:55, Sven Barth wrote:

@Paul: see? :)

I see you, Graeme, Michael and probably some more 5-6 developers.

Even if those are the only ones, from the beginning, FPC tried to 
support all niches. And if someone maintaines a certain niche, the niche 
will be continued to be support. Actually, I think FPC lives from niches 
and developers working on niches.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Marcos Douglas
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Paul Ishenin  wrote:
> 05.03.13, 21:00, Marcos Douglas пишет:
>> So now we have 7!  ;-)
>> I want to keep the language sane too.
> I wrote not about sane/insane. Delphi adds features to pascal the way they
> want - this is reality. We can't do anything with this. If they add a
> feature not the sane way we can't undo their feature. From that moment
> language become so - with this feature. Whether we want or no. Sooner or
> later we will have to deal with this feature exactly as Delphi developers
> see it.

But if something isn't good enough, why spend time to codify this?

> What I was against is to add the second implementation for already existent
> language feature.

Why follow the Delphi even knowing that is the wrong way to implement something?

> But after mail of Michael I already look at this more tolerant now. So
> please let's stop this endless dispute about nothing. We have different
> vision and this is good after all.


Best regards,
Marcos Douglas
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 3/4/2013 15:33, Howard Page-Clark wrote:

On 04/03/13 6:34, waldo kitty wrote:

i'm trying to understand what you mean by

> Pascal don't allows to create static variables inside function
> like in c-like languages.

i've done something that i think is what you speak of but it was in
Borland's Turbo Pascal... at least TP6... i don't remember how we did it
though and can't find any sample code in my library :(

You can simulate this in FPC as well as TP by using a local typed constant. e.g.

function GetValue: integer;
const value: integer = 0;
Result:= value;

Successive calls to GetValue() will return 1, 2, 3 etc.

yes, that is exactly what i was thinking of... i just could not find any sample 
code in my library... as noted, i have used it and it sounds similar to what the 
OP is looking to do... one thing i used to use it for was counting the number of 
time that a routine was called during the course of execution... other times i 
used it were in relation to recursion IIRC...

NOTE: i've never done this with strings but i would guess it would work, too...
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Pass compiler options to generics [was Delphi anonymous methods]

2013-03-05 Thread Alexander Klenin
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:13 PM, ListMember  wrote:
> This brings me to wonder if it would be possible to pass some constant (or
> set of constants, or something similar) to generic routine such that
> this/these option(s) would be treated as compiles options within the
> implementation of the generic routine.

Ugh, that is definitely not the right solution.
Some alternatives:
1) Make sure "is" and "as" work with generic types --
  maybe they already are?
2) Since currently the specialization has to be named anyway,
  write non-generic versions for "inconvenient" types,
  and use inheritance to factor out common code.
3) Implement partial specialization, in C++ style --
  fundamental solution, but perhaps an overkill
  in the light of the above.

Alexander S. Klenin
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 3/5/2013 04:20, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2013-03-04 20:33, Howard Page-Clark wrote:

You can simulate this in FPC as well as TP by using a local typed
constant. e.g.

function GetValue: integer;
const value: integer = 0;
Result:= value;

I've seen this before, and always been baffled by this. How can you
increment a "constant"? If you can, it is then a variable, no?

yep... i also call all named storage items variables even if they are 
constants... what else do you call them in a generic sense? ;)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Boian Mitov

Agree :-) .
A native Linux version is planned. It will be however done with either 
Lazarus or Delphi if its Linux version becomes available next year, or our 
own non Pascal compiler in the next couple of years if that one gets ready.

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Mitov Software
-Original Message- 
From: Michael Van Canneyt

Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 11:51 PM
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

A pity.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread waldo kitty

On 3/5/2013 05:50, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

I'm also trying to use fpmake for other "hourly build server" tasks,
where I need to do clean compiles of various independent packages first,
then build the test suite that pulls everything together. eg: building
Synapse, FBLib, tiOPF, EpikTimer, fpGUI etc in parallel. Then somehow
wait until they are all done, then build the test suite which uses all
those packages. I still haven't figure this process out yet. If you have
hints or suggestion on this, it would be greatly appreciated [maybe
follow-up in a new message thread in fpc-pascal]

on another system i work with, we use disk-based breadcrumb semaphore files for 
the different stages and parts of those stages... one is created when the 
section is entered into and another when the section is successfully compiled... 
it is mostly all C stuff and uses make... it is all pretty much FM to me as i 
only start it and wait for it to reach my modules and see if they compile or 
fail... if they fail, i (w)hack at them some more... the breadcrumbs allow the 
compilation environment to pick up where it left off instead of spending two 
hours recompiling everything again up to the point of failure...

maybe this can give you some ideas?

FWIW: the above breadcrumb system that i speak of is in the development version 
of an open source firewall product that i work with ;)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Ivanko B
so that compilation could start while the disk is stressed by loading
all other PPU files, required for the compilation of units with more
Disk I/O is a huge low-down to avoid on any price (like databases do
with their indexing). Today me tested building LINUX kernel 3.8.0 on
8*SMT=16 CPU system (Corei7 2G) + 32G DDR3 + 175(wr)/350(rd)MB/s
RAID1. And this monster outperformed another cheap E8400 + 4G machine
by only 2 times and most probably because the cheap machine was
non-RAIDed.  And because Core i* arch can't have proper DMA.
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Ivanko B
"make -j 16 deb-pkg" vs "make -j 2 deb-pkg", sure :)
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Boian Mitov

Hi Henry,

Interesting that you consider me a Delphi fanboy :-D .
I don't like it much, but I surely love the anonymous methods :-D .
I love the C++11 implementation of anonymous methods more however, but I 
hate the lack of extensive RTTI in C++ (and FPC).
I am hard to please, and no fan of any specific language. I hate them, and 
love them equally with only one exception, well maybe 2. I highly dislike 
Java, and I hate Scheme! :-D .
And BTW: I hate my products too, so that is why I keep working to improve 
them all the time :-D, they are never good enough for me! I am equal 
opportunity hater!

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Mitov Software
-Original Message- 
From: Henry Vermaak

Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 2:05 AM
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

And with the attitude of, e.g. Boian, we see that it's simply too hard
to please hard-core delphi fanboys.  They're all "take" and no "give".
I look forward to the day when the fpc developers will realise that
playing eternal catch-up is never going to work.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Ivanko B wrote:

so that compilation could start while the disk is stressed by loading
all other PPU files, required for the compilation of units with more
Disk I/O is a huge low-down to avoid on any price (like databases do
with their indexing). Today me tested building LINUX kernel 3.8.0 on
8*SMT=16 CPU system (Corei7 2G) + 32G DDR3 + 175(wr)/350(rd)MB/s
RAID1. And this monster outperformed another cheap E8400 + 4G machine
by only 2 times and most probably because the cheap machine was
non-RAIDed.  And because Core i* arch can't have proper DMA.

I've not had an opportunity to try this, but my understanding is that on 
a Sun E10K with something like 256 400MHz processors the Linux kernel 
built in around 20 seconds. I've had it build in about 3 minutes on a 
system with 16x 80MHz processors, but that was in the days of kernel 2.2 
and there was probably less than half today's number of files involved.

make -j has a dramatic effect on an SMP system, particularly if it can 
find groups of jobs without too much interdependence. If there's a lot 
of shared input files etc., then my experience is that it tends to level 
out at around -j 8 since it's extremely difficult to improve the cache 
architecture beyond that point.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Boian Mitov
Hmm... you are running on the assumptions that humans are parsers. I for one 
do analyze the logic not the sequence, maybe because I usually write code 
for parallel execution. Humans do not think and follow code as computers, 
and often code that is easy to parse is difficult to follow by human IMHO. 
Otherwise we all would have been writing in Assembler ;-) .

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Mitov Software
-Original Message- 
From: Alexander Klenin

Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 3:30 AM
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

It is hard to parse for humans as well as for the compiler.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Daniël Mantione

Op Tue, 5 Mar 2013, schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:

I've not had an opportunity to try this, but my understanding is that on a 
Sun E10K with something like 256 400MHz processors the Linux kernel built in 
around 20 seconds. I've had it build in about 3 minutes on a system with 16x 
80MHz processors, but that was in the days of kernel 2.2 and there was 
probably less than half today's number of files involved.

Well... I put that into question. I don't have a 256 core system, but I 
have a quad Opteron 6376 system, 64 cores @ 2.4 GHz is quite a bit of 
compute power. Compiling kernel 3.3.2:

[root@node016 linux-3.3.2]# time make -j 64


sys 11m32.109s

To minutes to build a kernel is still fast though :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-03-05 15:24, Marcos Douglas wrote:
> Why follow the Delphi even knowing that is the wrong way to implement 
> something?

Because like the FPC team have said a million times to me because
they follow Delphi blindly, and WILL do everything to stay "delphi

Good thing is, most of these are kept in the 'delphi' compiler mode. The
'objfpc' mode normally get some more pascal love.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
On 2013-03-05 17:09, waldo kitty wrote:
> on another system i work with, we use disk-based breadcrumb semaphore files 
> for 
> the different stages and parts of those stages...

Thanks for you input. It sounds similar to what I was planning. Simply
create an empty file in /tmp when each independent package is compiled
successfully. Another process keeps checking /tmp for all the 0 byte
files in expects. If they all exist, then build the test suite. Once
that is complete, remove all the 0 byte files, and run the test suite.

Now the question is, how good is fpmake? Will it can do something like
that, or must I build my own system using scripts or console apps etc.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Sven Barth

On 05.03.2013 20:58, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2013-03-05 17:09, waldo kitty wrote:

on another system i work with, we use disk-based breadcrumb semaphore files for
the different stages and parts of those stages...

Thanks for you input. It sounds similar to what I was planning. Simply
create an empty file in /tmp when each independent package is compiled
successfully. Another process keeps checking /tmp for all the 0 byte
files in expects. If they all exist, then build the test suite. Once
that is complete, remove all the 0 byte files, and run the test suite.

Now the question is, how good is fpmake? Will it can do something like
that, or must I build my own system using scripts or console apps etc.

I didn't yet experiment that much with fpmake, but considering that 
fpmake.pas files are just plain Pascal programs...


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] fpc 2.7.1 segfault in writestr?

2013-03-05 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 15 Feb 2013, at 23:38, Martin wrote:

> RTL build with OPT="-gl -gw -godwarfsets -O-1"
> compiler build with OPT="-gl -O3 -Or -CpPENTIUMM -OpPENTIUMM"
> Lazarus  -WC -gh -Criot -gw2 -godwarfsets -O-1 -gt
> The following line crashes with SigSegV
>writestr(BaseConf, AType,':',
> ' IMode=', dbgs(AIndentMode), ' IMax=', AIndentFirstLineMax, ' 
> IExtra=', AIndentFirstLineExtra,
> ' CMode=', ACommentMode, ' CMatch=', AMatchMode, ' CLine=', 
> AMatchLine,
> ' M=''', AMatch, ''' R=''', APrefix, ''' CIndent=', ACommentIndent
> Stepping through the disassembler it happens in a cass to
> 0046E95B e8e03efaff   call   0x412840 

As mentioned before: please post a compilable example that demonstrates the 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Failed to compile ios-headers from fpc's trunk

2013-03-05 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 16 Feb 2013, at 15:18, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

> When I try to parse & compile the ios-headers as supplied in cocoaint/utils, 
> I get the following error:
>,18) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "identifier 
> The offending code is: 
> function countByEnumeratingWithState_objects_count(state: 
> NSFastEnumerationStatePtr; buffer: id __unsafe_unretained; len: NSUInteger): 
> NSUInteger;
> Apparently the parser does not handle the __unsafe_unretained identifier 
> properly. I used fpc-trunk and the ios 5.1 sdk. 

"As packages/cocoaint/utils/Make iPhone Headers.txt" mentions, that conversion 
script + patches only supports the iOS 3.2 SDK. For newer iOS SDK support, see

At one point these may be integrated in FPC's svn. The person who creates the 
parser scripts even has svn access, but he doesn't use it often unfortunately.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 07:26:19PM +0100, Daniël Mantione wrote:
> Op Tue, 5 Mar 2013, schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:
> >I've not had an opportunity to try this, but my understanding is
> >that on a Sun E10K with something like 256 400MHz processors the
> >Linux kernel built in around 20 seconds. I've had it build in
> >about 3 minutes on a system with 16x 80MHz processors, but that
> >was in the days of kernel 2.2 and there was probably less than
> >half today's number of files involved.
> Well... I put that into question. I don't have a 256 core system,
> but I have a quad Opteron 6376 system, 64 cores @ 2.4 GHz is quite a
> bit of compute power. Compiling kernel 3.3.2:
> [root@node016 linux-3.3.2]# time make -j 64
> ...
> real1m54.823s
> user77m14.178s
> sys 11m32.109s

Damn.  My custom config kernel compiles stable kernels in 3-5 minutes on
a quad core Xeon, which isn't bad.  Did you build with the standard

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Kylix 3

2013-03-05 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 04 Mar 2013, at 13:38, Daniël Mantione wrote:

> 2. Layered code generation
> The split of the code generation in a high-level and low-level layer, means 
> that for every node that is processed, first the high-level virtual method is 
> called, which in turn calls the lower level virtual method. Thus you have an 
> addition virtual method call for evey node processed.
> The low level code generator, which is still mostly CPU independent, again 
> calls virtual methods from the abstract assembler layer to generate the 
> actual opcodes.
> The abstract assembler in turn, has again to worry about multiple assemblers 
> which can emit the final object file.

Note that the release compilers are compiled with WPO and those optimizations 
change most of those virtual calls into static calls. Not all of them, but e.g. 
the entire code generator (both high and low level) does get devirtualized for 
most platforms (except for ARM, because it contains multiple low level code 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Henry Vermaak
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 09:56:21AM -0800, Boian Mitov wrote:
> Hi Henry,
> Interesting that you consider me a Delphi fanboy :-D .
> I don't like it much, but I surely love the anonymous methods :-D .
> I love the C++11 implementation of anonymous methods more however,
> but I hate the lack of extensive RTTI in C++ (and FPC).
> I am hard to please, and no fan of any specific language. I hate
> them, and love them equally with only one exception, well maybe 2. I
> highly dislike Java, and I hate Scheme! :-D .
> And BTW: I hate my products too, so that is why I keep working to
> improve them all the time :-D, they are never good enough for me! I
> am equal opportunity hater!

You sure have a lot of smiley faces for a person so full of hate :)

In all seriousness, what were you thinking when you used all the latest
features of a language that's closed source?  I can understand that it
makes your code better (arguably, perhaps), but you've locked yourself
into the Delphi world now, and it's unlikely that freepascal will ever
satisfy you if you chase after the latest features, since it will take
too long to implement and stabilise.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Boian Mitov
I equally love and hate the tools (spare Scheme and Java) :-D . So hence the 
smiling faces.

I needed the performance boos and speed of development they are giving me. 
The development before that was way too slow :-( .
I have increased the productivity multiple times by doing that. I also did 
more insane things to do that, like writing my own Design time API on top of 
the Delphi one. This virtually eliminated the need to develop design time 
editors, as I do it with just adding few attributes now.
Second, I am financing the development of our own proprietary development 
language, and in few years may port everything to it.
I also have the option to pay some developers to add the necessary features 
to FPC if it comes to that :-D .

So I am not short on options :-P .
I am insane, but not "that" insane :-D .

With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Mitov Software
-Original Message- 
From: Henry Vermaak

Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 2:20 PM
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

You sure have a lot of smiley faces for a person so full of hate :)

In all seriousness, what were you thinking when you used all the latest
features of a language that's closed source?  I can understand that it
makes your code better (arguably, perhaps), but you've locked yourself
into the Delphi world now, and it's unlikely that freepascal will ever
satisfy you if you chase after the latest features, since it will take
too long to implement and stabilise.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi anonymous methods

2013-03-05 Thread Frank Church
I have observed a lot of Delphi developers who have written code that
needs or depends on the features like anonymous methods, generics,
RTTI give up porting to FPC because it proved too difficult, but then
it turns out those libraries could greatly enhance FPC usage.

So I think this bullet must be bitten once to enable those libraries
to be ported over, by FPC achieving parity or syntax compatibility in
that area. Once that is done the FPC development team should make it
clear where they don't agree with Embarcadero's approach, so
developers who want to port to FPC don't depend on any funny stuff
Embarcadero might concoct in the future.

It may even turn out that in the future Delphi will be the one that
has to follow FPCs lead or accommodate it, if this issue is
successfully resolved, just as Microsoft has had to accommodate Linux.

The more developers can accomplish with FPC and Linux the less
relevant the restrictive and proprietary Windows and Mac environments
become and that is what FPC devs should keep in sight.

Frank Church

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

2013-03-05 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Henry Vermaak wrote:

On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 07:26:19PM +0100, Daniël Mantione wrote:

Op Tue, 5 Mar 2013, schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:

I've not had an opportunity to try this, but my understanding is
that on a Sun E10K with something like 256 400MHz processors the
Linux kernel built in around 20 seconds. I've had it build in
about 3 minutes on a system with 16x 80MHz processors, but that
was in the days of kernel 2.2 and there was probably less than
half today's number of files involved.

Well... I put that into question. I don't have a 256 core system,
but I have a quad Opteron 6376 system, 64 cores @ 2.4 GHz is quite a
bit of compute power. Compiling kernel 3.3.2:

[root@node016 linux-3.3.2]# time make -j 64


sys 11m32.109s

Damn.  My custom config kernel compiles stable kernels in 3-5 minutes on
a quad core Xeon, which isn't bad.  Did you build with the standard

Noting that for this test to be valid you obviously have to start from 
e.g.  make clean  and might usefully consider a reboot to make sure that 
all caches are empty.

My point however was that a kernel build parallelises to very good 
effect, even where each processor is "implausibly slow" by today's 

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-devel maillist  -