Re: [fpc-devel] RussianlocaleinformationnotcompatiblewithFPClocalevariables

2008-07-31 Thread Ales Katona

Boian Mitov  wrote / napísal(a):
Generics can't implement conceptual programming. As example for 
conceptual programming you can perform the same algorithm on simple 
arrays such as char Array[ 1000 ] as you can on any STL compliant 
container. The integrator concept is implemented different way but 
since it is concept as Sort algorithm will work. Generics do not allow 
that. With generics you can do Generics based programming but not 
concept based programming.

 With best regards,
   Boian Mitov

Mitov Software

I also thought you ment generics.

Please provide (for example C++) code example, I still don't get what 
you mean.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RussianlocaleinformationnotcompatiblewithFPClocalevariables

2008-07-31 Thread Ales Katona

Boian Mitov  wrote / napísal(a):

Sort for example:

It can work with C type array:

int a[7] = {23, 1, 33, -20, 6, 6, 9};
sort(a, a+7);

or it can work with a container such as linked list:

listSomething v1;

sort(v1.begin(), v1.end());

 With best regards,
   Boian Mitov

Mitov Software

This you mean?

template class RandomAccessIterator
 void sort ( RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last );

You can do this with generics. Just use sizeof() to get to next element 
and overloaded comparator functions for base types. I don't really see 
much new here, it's a bit non-typical generics usage.

Here's a pascal example (OOP, true but that's a current limitation, 
afaik generic function should be possible):

program Project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


 { TSorter }

 generic TSorterT = class
   procedure Sort(var First, Last: T);

{ TSorter }

procedure TSorter.Sort(var First, Last: T);
 x, y: ^T;
 z: T;
 x := @First;
 y := @First;

 while x^  Last do begin
   while y^  Last do begin
 if x^  y^ then begin
   z := x^;
   x^ := y^;
   y^ := z;
   y := x;

 TIntSorter = specialize TSorterInteger;

 s: TIntSorter;
 a: array[1..5] of Integer = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
 i: Integer;
 s := TIntSorter.Create;

 s.Sort(a[1], a[5]);

 for i := 1 to 5 do


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RussianlocaleinformationnotcompatiblewithFPClocalevariables

2008-07-31 Thread Ales Katona

Boian Mitov  wrote / napísal(a):
And the same code will work both with normal array and with object 
implementing iterators ?

I am not sure it will.
How I can call your sort for a linked list container instead on array?
Am I missing something or your code works with arrays only.
The STL sort will work with arrays or with STL containers or with any 
class that implements the concept (I.E. defines iretator and reference 
types, and has iterator generating function etc.)

As the best of my knowledge this is not doable with generics.
C++ is doing it, but there is no validation mechanism aside from just 
plain old testing all possible combinations ;-) .

 With best regards,
   Boian Mitov

Was just a case example.

I looked at their code, and it's full of hacks. Practically, they do 
what I did for basic types (e.g: arrays) with overloads. For classes 
they do a runtime detection wether it is a container implementing the 
interface and then procede that way.

I'd be doable in pascal too, but I'm still dizzy from looking at their 
code :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RussianlocaleinformationnotcompatiblewithFPClocalevariables

2008-07-31 Thread Ales Katona
Note that I'm not trying to do a who can piss further thing here. Just 
saying that IMHO the way C++ does this isn't exactly great.

The idea behind it is nice, however apart from pure OOP approach I don't 
see much choice of how to do this nicely.

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] GetAppConfigDir confusion

2008-07-29 Thread Ales Katona

It seems that currently, GetAppConfigDir performs rather incosistently.

On Unix, it returns path with trailing pathdelim, on windows it returns 
path with random trailing path delim (depends on which branch, see code).

What should it be then?

Considering the importance of this function to programs, it's changes 
along versions (e.g: 2.2.0 vs 2.2.2 vs soon-to-be-trunk) I think we need 
to document the behaviors per-version so people can decide if it's even 
viable to use atm. (I got burned).

So.. questions are:
1. trailing pathdelims, yes or no? (of course only if there's something 
to return)

2. can I  update the doc with per-version peculiarities info?


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] GetAppConfigDir confusion

2008-07-29 Thread Ales Katona

Michael Van Canneyt  wrote / napísal(a):

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, Ales Katona wrote:


It seems that currently, GetAppConfigDir performs rather incosistently.

On Unix, it returns path with trailing pathdelim, on windows it returns path
with random trailing path delim (depends on which branch, see code).

What should it be then?

Considering the importance of this function to programs, it's changes along
versions (e.g: 2.2.0 vs 2.2.2 vs soon-to-be-trunk) I think we need to document
the behaviors per-version so people can decide if it's even viable to use atm.
(I got burned).

So.. questions are:
1. trailing pathdelims, yes or no? (of course only if there's something to

What is the most logical according to you ?

I think the pathdelim should be there so people can simply add name of 
their file to it. That's how it currently works in unix, and I think 
it's the most logical solution. Loesje said he'll look into it but I can 
help, after someone confirms which way to go :)


2. can I  update the doc with per-version peculiarities info?

I'll take care of this.



fpc-devel maillist  -


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] The usage of Include() doesn't work any more in 2.3.1

2008-07-16 Thread Ales Katona
I think this is also same in Delphi, but I agree that passing pure 
properties (without getter/setter) to var should possibly be reduced to 
warning or even hint.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] 32 and 64 bit fpc.cfg file

2008-06-25 Thread Ales Katona

Peter Vreman  wrote / napísal(a):

You can use:

#ifdef CPU64

Note that this won't work with /usr/local as prefix, because there's 
only one lib (by default) there.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] 32 and 64 bit fpc.cfg file

2008-06-25 Thread Ales Katona

Marco van de Voort  wrote / napísal(a):

What happens if you have a bunch of 32-bit and 64-bit packages then?
Packages go to /usr/lib not /usr/local/lib, and /usr/lib is either 
symlink or the main one (depends on distro if it's 64 or 32 I guess).

/usr/local is completely untouched by all packages (at least on ubuntu).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] 32 and 64 bit fpc.cfg file

2008-06-23 Thread Ales Katona

Joost van der Sluis  wrote / napísal(a):

Hi all,

On Fedora 64-bit libraries are installed in /usr/lib64 and 32 bit
libraries are in /usr/lib. The fedora fpc-packages also use these
directories. The fpc.cfg file contains the following:

# 32-bits
# 64-bits

This works, but is not ideal offcourse. Is there a way to detect if the
compiler is 32 or 64 bit in the fpc.cfg file? So that it's possible to
define these options depending on compiling for 32 or 64 bit?


You're making it just specifically for fedora right? Because for example 
Ubuntu 64bit has it inverted, /usr/lib is a symlink to /usr/lib64.

Perhaps 64bit fpc.cfg should have explicit libbits dirs.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] 32 and 64 bit fpc.cfg file

2008-06-23 Thread Ales Katona
Oh wait sorry other way around /usr/lib64 is a symlink to /usr/lib 
on ubuntu, it's inverted to fedora in any case.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Summer of Code 2008

2008-03-07 Thread Ales Katona

I've got a goole mail
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] GetText's GetLanguageIDs()

2008-03-01 Thread Ales Katona

Graeme Geldenhuys  wrote / napísal(a):

I use getText in my game and I strip anything after 2 chars since I 
consider only the 2 char lang codes to be valid. Depends I guess...



I'm working on localization for the fpGUI project.  My idea is for the
fpGUI toolkit to look for fpgui.%s.po files.  Where %s is the
language ID. e.g.:  'en' or 'af_ZA' or 'en_GB' etc.

Under Ubuntu Linux, if I call GetLanguageIDs() it returns the following two IDs.

SystemLanguageID1 = en_ZA.UTF-8
SystemLanguageID2 = en

The problem here is the '.UTF-8' part.  Normally the translation (.po)
files look like the following. 'fpgui.en.po' or 'fpgui.af_ZA.po' etc.
It never contains the '.UTF-8' part in the po files. So in the case of
the Afrikaans translation (af_ZA), the .po file is never found.  Am I
supposed to handle that, by maybe looking for the '.UTF-8' part and
stripping it, or can we extend GetLanguageIDs() to return 3 IDs

SystemLanguageID1 = en_ZA.UTF-8
SystemLanguageID2 = en_ZA (stripping anything from the . onwards)
SystemLanguageID3 = en(stripping anything from the _ onwards)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-devel maillist  -


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] In FPC written FPC Debugger

2008-02-22 Thread Ales Katona

Paul Ishenin  wrote / napísal(a):

And we need:
1. abstraction layer to use gdb or native debugger or any other debugger
2. program interface which can satisfy fpc ide, mse ide, and lazaraus ide
I agree 100% on this, unless gdb people don't accept patches at all I 
think this is the way to go. Writing our own debugger would be an 
unfinished endless process riddled with bugs anyhow. Of course Marc has 
more to say about gdb than most of us :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap continued

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona
On st , 2006-11-08 at 07:35 +, Vinzent Hoefler wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 November 2006 16:10, Ales Katona wrote:
  As for general use, you can't do a Timer this way.
 Believe me, I can. :)
  You can't just put
  a TTimer in which works in it's own thread and then calls some
  callback in it's own thread,
 I even call the callback of another thread. :P
No you can't.
  unless the users are informed, and-or
  the thing is locked and protected but you can't do that from within a
  TThread (because you don't know what the callback code is).
 Well, in Turbo Pascal I could write interrupt handlers the wrong way, 
 without locking code/data in question and nobody cared about that 
 simple fact.
 But if that's so complex: Why don't you use the usual synchronization 
 stuff then to put the asynchronous timer event in a message queue using 
  In case of gui TTimer this cannot happen because it's not threaded,
  so the userloop would first finish, then the user function returns
  and the main gui loop does it's stuff (this is my oh-so-complicated
  part, done by the gui).
 The problem in a portable general solution is that the may be no main 
 gui loop and you can't just write one and force anyone to use it, 
 So why don't you use Synchronized/CheckSynchronize (or whatever it's 
 called) then?
 If you'd do that, the timer event callbacks would be queued and then 
 executed in the context of the main thread.
 The user is only required to call CheckSynchronized from time to time, 
 but because the accuracy of the time of execution of any associated 
 handler is in the hands of the user anyway as long as you stick to a 
 synchronous solution to avoid putting the burden of locking data to the 
 As long as you don't want to implement real-time behaviour, I don't even 
 see a problem in that. If the user decides to not call/execute any 
 provided message event loop, the execution of the timer handler code 
 will be deferred until the end of the universe anyway.

This is exactly the oh-so-complex solution I use in lNet, and is
basicly the only solution.
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CSuspendThread/CResumeThread

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona
Jonas currently fpc2.1.1 doesn't compile on 2.1.1 with:

rtl/units/i386-freebsd -di386 -dRELEASE ../unix/cthreads.pp
cthreads.pp(252,42) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got
LongInt, expected Pointer

unixtypes thread_t = pointer thread_t (BSD and linux) = cInt {linux is Longint but
that's just bug) thread_t (Darwin) = pointer

Result of pthread_most = cInt
Result of ThreadManager.Killfunctions = DWord

This is some serious mess. First the threadmanager functions need to
return a signed result, second the pointer vs cInt stuff has to be
properly cleaned, remove thread_t from unittypes etc.

I'd do it myself but am asking for reasons against.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CSuspendThread/CResumeThread

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona
A cleaner naming of problematic parts:

1. TThreadID is defined stand-alone not as a pthread_t, should be fixed.
2. TThreadHandler (the callback for resume, suspend) has result as DWord
while posix stuff (pthread_kill etc.) usualy return cInt
3. in linux I saw pthreads functions return longint, I think this is
also investigation worthy.

Question about #1. How should this be handled? Not sure if I can use
unixtypes in

Question about #2. Well.. this is a tough nut? I suspect it's because of
various threading backends, but we need to handle those -1 properly if
nothing else but this implies going over by all used pthread functions
and seeing all possible values (which might be OS specific)

#3 is to be investigated.

Will look at it later.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap continued

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona
You can call a callback in same thread, but since you can't ensure what
the callback does from your lib you can't make it threadsafe in any
way. Even if you put the callback itself into a criticalsection it
might eg: change some variable which was just in use by the main
thread, and once the callback finished the main thread booms.

This is an old problem, and not fixable by wishing it. If you want a
good async. timer, sure make one, but don't expect it to work safely by
magic. Make sure to inform users that certain things are simply not a
good idea to be done from their callbacks, or tell them to ensure
thread-safety in main thread too.

That's what I ment, it won't simply just work without implications
like TThread SEEMS to.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CSuspendThread/CResumeThread

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona

 Just define an opaque type TThreadResult:
  TThreadResult = DWord // Windows
  TThreadResult = cInt  // Unices
I don't like this solution for several reasons:

1. What if one OS has more backends for threading available, which
differ in this?

2. How are we going to handle error states on cross-platform
TThreadManager using code?

Ofcourse, in a perfect world I'd come up with something nice by now
myself.. well surprise surprise I haven't.

I don't think there's a 100% clean solution but IMHO we should pick one
internal scheme and go with it. For example say we choose to use a
signed integer, -1 for error and specific values for specific situations

Back-ends which follow it would just be used like now (result:=...)
while those which differ would be translated (eg: if ...  xxx then

As I said it's far from perfect, but it gives a consistent interface


P.S: I do realize that there might be functions which result value
returns eg: something which needs to be taken and passed along, or which
value is variable (not constant). In case we abstract the return value,
we limit this, so I say we abstract it to something BIG

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] lNet telnet

2006-11-08 Thread Ales Katona
Whoever first told me about bad input from lNet telnet example, could
you please try again to see if it still persists?

I did some fixes related to input and certain telnet commands recently
which might fix it.

Thanks (sorry I forgot who it was and deleted the mail since then)


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap continued

2006-11-07 Thread Ales Katona

 This is how lNet already works, no ? Where's the difference ?

Indeed but it's only there because there's no other way, if I could just
make it magicly work without CallAction I'd love to.

You can't call callbacks in threads (you can but only in one thread, not
between threads), and you can't magicly jump into execution if
something happens, with the exception of OS signals (which use a hack in
hardware afaik).

So eg: if you want to do something every 1000ms, you could put a TThread
based timer in, and make it Sleep(1000) and then call the code, but you
must be sure that your main thread cannot have conflicts if this code is
called at any time (eg: variable writes etc.).

My point was that making a non-blocking or blocking event based
main-loop-hooked mechanism for polling events is IMHO overkill in most
cases (there are obvious exceptions but they need obvious specifics
anyhow). It's easier for the user to simply check some times and see if
the interval is hit and then call the function in his main loop mostly.

IMHO ofcourse.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap continued

2006-11-07 Thread Ales Katona

 Of course, because the common concept of a timer is as asynchronous as 
 in multi-threaded or even interrupt.
 You're not seriously trying to work around that simple fact, do you?
Actualy I am, because lNet is single-threaded non-blocking.

As for general use, you can't do a Timer this way. You can't just put a
TTimer in which works in it's own thread and then calls some callback in
it's own thread, unless the users are informed, and-or the thing is
locked and protected but you can't do that from within a TThread
(because you don't know what the callback code is).

Basicly a solution might be a thread which CriticalSections the callback
part, but that still doesn't protect from wrong stuff: eg the user is in
a loop and the code inside the OnTimer callback modifies something which
breaks or loopies the loop.

In case of gui TTimer this cannot happen because it's not threaded, so
the userloop would first finish, then the user function returns and the
main gui loop does it's stuff (this is my oh-so-complicated part, done
by the gui).
 fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CSuspendThread/CResumeThread

2006-11-07 Thread Ales Katona
On ut , 2006-11-07 at 18:39 +0100, Jonas Maebe wrote:
 Does anyone see a problem with the following CSuspendThread/ 
 CResumeThread implementations?
function  CSuspendThread (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword;
result := pthread_kill(threadHandle,SIGSTOP);
function  CResumeThread  (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword;
result := pthread_kill(threadHandle,SIGCONT);
Not sure how the signal handling is done per-thread in pthreads, will
need to study on this.
 Those routines are currently empty, and called for *bsd/Darwin in  
 case you try to tthread.suspend one thread from inside another one.  
 FWIW, I guess Linux should be changed to also use the above (it  
 currently uses the regular kill, which may have unintended side  
 effects with NPTL).
Indeed, linux should follow this principle too as any unix with


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Mutex!

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
There's no visible mutex interface in fpc right now. ATM all
non-windows platforms have semaphores in the ThreadManager but the
windows ones afaik don't.

I think you can simply use CriticalSection instead of mutex to achieve
what you need.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
 - lnet (Ales, will you do this or not, I was actually waiting with my 

I mailed you yesterday, I get this error trying to compile fppkg:

Target OS: FreeBSD/ELF for i386
Compiling fprepos.pp
Fatal: Can't find unit streamcoll

Seems it's either not installed with fcl or there's a ppu mismatch so it
looks for the source of it, didn't investigate yet (might be related to
my lNet makefile changes perhaps).

I do however have most things done as far as going without testing can
be :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
On so , 2006-11-04 at 18:17 +0100, Marco van de Voort wrote:
 My make all install on freebsd of this morning installed a unit
 streamcoll, so probably already fixed.

I confirm, latest 2.1.1 works.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
Ok I tested it and I got an odd bug.

When I writeln the buffer contents before writing them to the Dest
stream, they are ok. But the resulting file is a garbage of xterm crap
(mostly symbols) with exactly same size as the thing I downloaded
(completly different data).

I've no idea where to look, since writeln of the buffer looks 100% ok...

Any idea what this might cause? I can commit it so you can test.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
Oh DOH thanks, it was the pointer stuff. Sometimes I wished fpc warned
if you pass a pointer to untyped var.

In any case pkglnet.pas is in now, I tested with the example and it
worked. Only HTTP yet, but I'll do FTP ASAP.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-04 Thread Ales Katona
Wanted to ask, how should I process the URL?

Should I also understand : as separator for port eg: ?

Shouldn't this be parsed by some common function? Eg:
procedure ParseURL(var Host, URI: string; var Port: string);

This way we can save the hassle for all the backends and ensure same
things will get understood.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-03 Thread Ales Katona
I've noticed Michael just added a wget package getter to the new

We already had a small discussion about using lNet in the new packaging
system and it comes down to this:

The packager needs pure fpc solution, which lNet now is, but won't be
later (eg: when openSSL is added)

I'm willing to add the required networking support to the packager if
you guys tell me how. I mean, should I add lNet as a choice to
package/base or fcl (not sure on which the packager actualy depends), or
just inside the packager (eg: not in packages or fcl)?

Personaly, I don't give a damn, I'm going to put lNet in packages/extra
later and you need a stripped down version anyhow (eg: you don't need no
openSSL support which forces a libc inside).

Please don't start a flamewar about this, all I need to know if you want
to use lNet for it, and how should I integrate it with the packager, no


Description: Toto je digitálne	 podpísaná časť	 správy
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] About the new package manager and networking

2006-11-03 Thread Ales Katona

 I am already adding lnet and synapse support to fppkg.  
 (to WST too, BTW ;) ) The wget is a fallback and proof 
 of concept implementation.

I've got a skeleton lNet/fppkg done localy now, will finish it tomorrow
(and hopefuly find a way to test :) )

I've put lNet to fcl for local setup too but am open to suggestion.

Btw, do you plan to add support for concurrent downloads and compiling
while downloading later?


Description: Toto je digitálne	 podpísaná časť	 správy
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap

2006-10-16 Thread Ales Katona
I've implemented the semaphores stuff (with a big bad bug, btw thanks
Jonas for fixing).

Right now I'm thinking about how to go next.

The choices I see right now are:

1. Basicly just clean the current pthreads implementation, make sure
types are not redefined in baseunix/unixtypes and pthreads etc. and be

2. Add proper interface style pthreads with chosable (how is a
question) backend lib (eg: freeBSD has 3 libs to which a pthread
interface can link).

There's also a choice #3 which is a complete threading design overhaul,
but since that'd break old code I don't even consider it to be an option
(I actualy do but I know you wouldn't).

There's also still the hackish NPTL vs processes linux situation in
TThread 2.4 vs 2.6 kernel. Not sure if it's considered clean enough
now that pipes are gone or if that should be somehow addressed as well.

If the linux could be cleaned, I'm 100% sure that could be merged into one file and put into rtl/unix.

Write your ideas on the subject please.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap

2006-10-16 Thread Ales Katona
On po , 2006-10-16 at 22:21 +0200, Daniël Mantione wrote:
 Op Mon, 16 Oct 2006, schreef Ales Katona:
  Write your ideas on the subject please.
 Short answer: Kick pthreads and use kernel threads.

That's a nice idea but there are a few problems.

Kernel threads for example in freeBSD require a scheduler in userlevel
along with other userlevel stuff which is normaly implemented by one of
the pthreads libs. This means we'd have to implement a full blown
threading lib.

I already added kse_ syscalls in freeBSD, if we want to go this route,
these can be used to add proper SMP support to our threads, but I think
using pthreads would be more sane.

 ___ fpc-devel maillist -

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Threads and alot of crap

2006-10-09 Thread Ales Katona
I've had the honor of looking at current TThread/pthreads/cthreads
implementation in unix (FreeBSD to be precise) and found it extremely

Not to criticize, I'm here to ask for permission/toughts on adding a few
standard methods to TThreadManager.

I would like to add semaphore functions to it, to be able to use them in
Classes/TThread implementation. The reason for this is, that Classes is
compiled BEFORE pthreads and as such I cannot use pthreads directly (and
shouldn't for linking issues to libc) to implement threading in TThread.

I see basicly 3 approaches:

1. add semaphore/mutex functions to TThreadManager record
2. add a new semaphores record
3. move the TThread - threading specific functions out of tthread and
into a TThreadTThreadManager kind of thing. Eg: start thread with
this callback and such which are currently used in

Not sure which one is best..

Another thing.

I noticed that FreeBSD has 3 implementations of pthreads.

libpthread, Libc_r (reentrant) and libthr (1:1 kernel threads).

Currently fpc does some sort of automagical descision between libc and
libpthread. I think users should be able to specify this somehow.

I've cleaned up unices I know off old {$IFDEF Linux} but I also want to
add proper threading and remove the idiotic pipe/semaphore hack.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Old sockets stuff and SSockets...

2006-10-04 Thread Ales Katona
I'm currently about to fix certain issues with old sockets functions.

I'm talking about Accept and Connect functions with Text parameters.
These are currently only present in win32 sockets and are basicly a
leftover from an old idea gone wrong.

I want to remove them but if someone feels that that's a real
requirement for them to stay (remember, currently they remain only in
windows sockets) tell me.

Secondly there's some new SSockets bugreps/feature requests come up. I
understand MvC made SSockets right?

Is the unit to be considered atleast viable? I didn't look much at it
but from what I hear it's rather old.

I'm not sure what to do about SSockets tbh (wether to update/accept user
extentions and features or tell them it's deprecated or even delete
the thing)


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Suggestion for change: Overly strict check

2006-10-02 Thread Ales Katona
Having same function names as parameter names per se isn't a biggy but
the biggest problem is:

TFirst = class
  FFirst: Integer;
  property First: Integer read FFirst write FFirst;

TTest = class(TFirst)
  FSomething: Integer;
  procedure DoWithFirst(a, First: Integer);


procedure TTest.DoWithFirst(a, First: Integer);
  First:=a; // ???
  FSomething:=First; // ???

Ofcourse the intention was setting FSomething to value of argument First
and setting FFirst to value of First. It CAN be achieved with FFirst
or self.First but it's just a stupid example of how easily you can
overlook things especialy if some parts are hidden in another unit
somewhere in an ancestor.

Also notice that in mode delphi there's not a single warning about this.

And believe me things like this CAN happen and will take you 3 days to
find out...

I name my arguments aName since this incident and not because

PS: there are worse cases but I can't remember a better example now


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Suggestion for change: Overly strict check

2006-10-02 Thread Ales Katona

 Ales, there is _no_ confusion here.

Oh believe me there is. Especialy if you're writing just some little
overriden method in a class which doesn't even have property visible
anymore. You don't think about it and bang, error and a very neatly
hidden one at that.

It's not that I don't know what the assignments mean, it's that when you
write code in haste (and 99% of the time you do, unless you write new
original stuff) you don't think much about it and sometimes do these

I'd atleast like to have warning or at minimum hints point these things

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Suggestion for change: Overly strict check

2006-10-02 Thread Ales Katona
Here's the better example:

  TTest = class
FField: Integer;
procedure Helper(Field: Integer);
property Field: Integer read FField write FField;

{ TTest }

procedure TTest.Helper(Field: Integer);
  with Self do


It's rather idiotic but there are implications..


P.S: the result is:

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] gtk1 linklib directive under FreeBSD

2006-05-18 Thread Ales Katona
On ut , 2006-05-09 at 09:35 +0200, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
 I heard that the gtk1 libs under FreeBSD are, and
 But at the moment the linklib directive for FreeBSD defines
 {$ifdef FreeBSD}
   {$linklib gtk12}
 without the '-'.
 Can someone with FreeBSD please test if changing
 fixes the issue.

A but old I know but I think we should remake the glib and friends
unit to lazy linkers. Anyone using them uses libc anyhow (which = ld in
fBSD) so once they use lazy linking, a simple try the old name, then
the new name in initialization section would fix this and other future
freeBSD-porters fuckups.

I tried converting them, I even talked Loesje into giving me his tool
but I didn't find the time for it yet. If anyone has anything which can
simply do this, or has the time to do it manualy it'd be great.


P.S: I'm ofcourse willing to test it once it's done/ and or help with
the init part.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Unix sockets for Windows

2006-05-05 Thread Ales Katona

Alexander Todorov wrote:

I have an application that uses TCP sockets nut it is going to be
changed with UNIX sockets.
Can you point me to some easy and clean approach how to emulate UNIX
sockets for Windows.
The only thing I can think of is using named pipes and encapsulate the
functionality in some class. Any other alternative are welcome.

fpc-devel maillist  -

You could use lNet. It's an asynchronic non-blocking, single-threaded 
OOP net lib for FPC. You can find it at 
(svn version is in fpcprojects branch on FPC svn).

If nothing else, you can see how I abstracted socket calls to get both 
windows and unix working.


P.S: look in lnet.pas and lcommon.pas. The second one abstracts calls 
like select and FD_SET stuff. The first one has some ifdefs on recv 
and send.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-12 Thread Ales Katona

Daniël Mantione wrote:

I don't like to do the abstraction at the syscall level, but one level 
higher, i.e. the Tstream implementation. The reason is that the operating 
system abstraction happens at this level:

- OS abstraction wis present here.
- Emulating missing system calls is often much more inefficient than 
 a higher level workaround.

I never wanted to emulate missing syscalls.

Adding an extra layer of abstraction without a good technical reason greatly 
increases the danger of overdesign and code bloat.


The reason is


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-12 Thread Ales Katona

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

How does this make it a reason ?

libfprtl will always be specific to the distribution it was compiled on.
If tuned, it should be tuned to that system. 

Just like libc or any library close to the system is. Don't try to copy 
a binary from a SuSE to a Fedora system, it won't work. 
Just like you shouldn't copy kernel32.dll from Windows XP to Windows 2003.


I don't think this is feasible. It would be if you'd get it into those 
distroes but people will want to take their own  1mb with 
them rather than copy 30mb fpc on various distroes with their apps.

Ofcourse the question is, do we want to utilize at all?
How do we want to cope with new features in OSes?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-12 Thread Ales Katona

Daniël Mantione wrote:

You can safely use the new select; it is at least present since Linux 2.2 
and more likely 2.0.


Hmm I'll update the RTL then. Thanks

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-10 Thread Ales Katona

First: only Linux has the main problem. BSD never renumbers ABI calls, newer
abi calls have a different prototype.

No even BSD adds new stuff from time to time, like kqueue, altho that's 

As long as only syscall nrs change. This rarely happens. Usually something
gets 64-bit, or has an extra param, or different structure etc.


Well yes but there are other implications, see winsock1 vs winsock2 
problem in windows.

That is a nice trick, but IMHO only important for that hand full of
problematic calls that are urgently needed but recently added.


Yes I agree.

ABI compat is way more than using the right syscall nrs.


Indeed. That's why I included the libc parts too. It just illustrates 
some uses.

* more complicated, thus more bugprone.
* case that this (except libc trick) actually saves anybody is IMHO near
* All binary compability must be prepared in the binaries that go onto the
field. That makes them legacy binaries anyway.

So in short: yes, some of the techniques are usefull if there indeed is such
huge problem with dynlinking, that can't be solved with some form of
lazy linking. 

But the workaround should be kept to those functions _only_, and only if
there is a real chance that anything actually might go wrong.


Yes indeed. I should perhaps clearly state that it shouldn't be the 
standard for all units etc.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-10 Thread Ales Katona

This is manifestly wrong:

Sure, there are new syscall numbers in linux, but the old numbers
still work as they always have. Proof:

The current set of numbers already works since 10 years.

I'm not saying you'll have the latest features with the old numbers,
but that is irrelevant.

Windows has the same issue. For almost each and every OS XYZ call,
there is a XYZex call. It's normal if you want to maintain backward
compatibility, but also want to give new version numbers.

IMHO all we need to do is to decide which call (number) we want to
use, and warn people that some things may not work on older systems.


Yes but this is more than about syscalls. Ofcourse I didn't mean to say 
that the whole RTL should be done this way but stuff like winsock1/2 and 
epoll/kqueue calls are a nice example IMO. + it also fixes FPC_USE_LIBC 
for those things.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OS aware RTL proposal

2006-03-10 Thread Ales Katona

Tomas Hajny wrote:

That's the main point, I guess. As it is now, we have to decide and either
sacrifice the new features, or compatibility with slightly older
platforms. My understanding is that the proposal of Ales was related to
exactly this situation.

If I understand it correctly, his suggestion basically allows to extend
the support for older platforms (i.e. keeping your binaries working
properly on those platforms) while still supporting the new
functionalities if they are available (i.e. if running on a newer system

It's obvious that this approach cannot work correctly under all
circumstances. In some cases there's just no fallback solution available,
so you might end up with an exception while trying to use the binary on
some old system version. However, your application can still handle this
situation and present it to the end-user in friendly way (e.g. notifying
him of this fact, but still allowing him to use the other functionalities
not relying on the particular new API call).


Yes that's the idea. IMHO the question is not if such a solution is the 
right thing to do in these situations but if it's POSSIBLE to do. I've 
looked at the uname syscall (which logicly cannot be modernized this 
way and there's no need to either).
I must say POSIX sux hard. The people who made this standard could save 
everybody lots of trouble by not doing it. As it stands out, I don't 
think there's any reliable way of finding out a version of OS in the 
unix world. They simply didn't bother with format specification.

Even if a parser is made which will fall back to compiled-by-version 
if the numbers don't make sense, there's still a possibility that you 
end up parsing it wrong thinking it's right, making the resulting binary 
malfunction. This is the biggest problem I see.

I guess Unix won another round of Stupidity vs ABI compaibility.

10:0 so far.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Type definition

2006-03-04 Thread Ales Katona

Paul Davidson wrote:

If there compelling reason why type definitions cannot be included in 
class/object definitions?

Make it mode FPC to keep folks happy :)

Quite often a type is defined in INTERFACE part, but only used within 
class/object defined in same unit.
1)  This means that type is public.  This is not always good thing in 

2)  Unit must be specified in child's child's USE list.

P Davidson
Corax Networks Inc.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  This message is intended only for the use of the 
individual or entity to which it is addressed. The message may contain 
information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from 
disclosure under applicable law.  If the reader of this message is not 
the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for 
delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are notified 
that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication 
is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this communication in 
error, please notify Corax Networks immediately by email at 

fpc-devel maillist  -

I second this request. Throw in const fields too..

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] MSEide + MSEgui - FPC Wiki

2006-03-03 Thread Ales Katona

Looks like a pretty cool widgetset for lazarus to me...


would the FPC team mind if we'd use the FPC Wiki to
document the use of the MSEGui library and the Ide ?

It is completely written in pascal, voiding the need
to endlessly update bindings to gtk/qt etc :-)

kind regards,

Den Jean

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] samplecfg patch

2006-02-08 Thread Ales Katona

This patch makes samplecfg use $fpcversion instead of hard versioning.


P.S: it works even with primitive /bin/sh on bsd so I guess nothing was 
Index: compiler/utils/samplecfg
--- compiler/utils/samplecfg	(revision 2478)
+++ compiler/utils/samplecfg	(working copy)
@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@
   echo Found libgcc.a in $GCCDIR
+# set right path to FPC with $fpcversion
+FPCPATH=`dirname $1`/\$fpcversion
 # Write the file
 echo Writing sample configuration file to $thefile
 cat EOFCFG  $thefile
@@ -195,16 +199,16 @@
 # path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override
 # the default language
 # searchpath for includefiles
 # searchpath for units and other system dependent things
 # searchpath for libraries
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] [Fwd: Kqueue update + Sendfile support for FreeBSD]

2006-02-03 Thread Ales Katona

Try 2...

This is an update kqueue and a sendfile support for freeBSD with example.
Kqueue will run on all BSDs (I've added other syscall_nrs for it) but 
sendfile is specific to FreeBSD.


Description: application/gzip
---End Message---
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] lNet in packages

2006-02-03 Thread Ales Katona
I was wondering if I could put lNet library (for those who don't know, 
go to ) into packages.

What do you think?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] lNet in packages

2006-02-03 Thread Ales Katona
I'll be honest to say that I don't care much if it's in FCL or 
Packages/Bare or Extra but the fp is not going to happen.

Names are already done and they are used, I can't rename the API.

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] FreeBSD/kqueue

2006-01-31 Thread Ales Katona
These files add kqueue to the FreeBSD rtl. the new FreeBSD.pas file 
will need to be put in rtl/freebsd dir. I think the files 
should be in common BSD dir as 3 out of 4 major bsds (darwin being one) 
now support it. demo-kqueue1.pas is a simple process watching example.


P.S: the 2 syscall numbers should be added to freeBSD syscalls

Description: application/gzip
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FreeBSD/kqueue

2006-01-31 Thread Ales Katona

peter green wrote:

if 3 out of the 4 major bsds support it shouldn't it be in a generic bsd

It should be split into include which belong to BSD and specific OS 
units which belong to specific OS dirs which use those includes.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FreeBSD/kqueue

2006-01-31 Thread Ales Katona
It will force users into {$ifdefs} anyhow because older versions 
(especialy macosX where it's only since 10.3) won't work with it.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] using sockets on linux and win32

2006-01-26 Thread Ales Katona

Stefan Kisdaroczi wrote:


im trying to use sockets in a unit which should work on linux and win32.

I use the sockets unit, but for things like SOL_SOCKET, TTimeval (for 
setsockopt), SO_RCVTIMEO, fpgeterrno
I finally had to use unix,unixtype,baseunix. This on Linux.

Now I try to compile it on windows:
It seems I need SocketError and not fpgeterrno ( there is a thread about that 
some days old ).
But where do I find SOL_SOCKET for windows? using winsock did not help.
I searched for a good example using google, searched the fpc docs... there 
seems to be a lot of outdated information.

And now the question:
Has someone an uses-clause compatible with linux and windows for an app really using 
sockets and not only for a simple hello socket?

thank you

fpc-devel maillist  -


Hello, you need to use WinSock in windows and get error with WSAGetError 
(IIRC) function from the winsock unit. Note that the winsock unit in FFC 
RTL is winsock1 (deprecated, obsolete). I'd strongly advise for a 
Winsock2 unit (there are some flying around in the net).

Also not ment as an advertisment but I've made a networking library 
which works cross platform on windows and unix including PPC platform. 
You can get it at
If nothing else you can view the source and see how I coped with 
cross-platform networking problems.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] patch for unit sockets

2006-01-16 Thread Ales Katona

Marco van de Voort wrote:

SocketError should be a threadvar, I think

Socketerror is legacy. Use fpgeterrno (or errno) to get the error.

1.0.x had no threadsupport
fpc-devel maillist  -


I use socketerror on unix still. Altho luckily I don't use threads anymore.

The unix fp naming convention is a bit sad.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] patch for unit sockets

2006-01-16 Thread Ales Katona

I propose to make SocketError a function with hidden OS specific get-ers.

This will make it threadsafe and cross-platform.
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Errors patch, c'est la vie

2006-01-06 Thread Ales Katona

Ok a bit strange topic..

this is the latest gratest version.

The archive contains rtl subdir with added .inc files for platforms 
I'm sure of and the diff to change errors.pp.

Someone who has access to other platforms will have to fill in their 
.inc files.


Description: application/gzip
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Errors patch AGAIN

2006-01-03 Thread Ales Katona
-'Timer expired',{ ETIME }
-'Out of streams resources', { ENOSR }
-'Machine is not on the network',{ ENONET }
-'Package not installed',{ ENOPKG }
-'Object is remote', { EREMOTE }
-'Link has been severed',{ ENOLINK }
-'Advertise error',  { EADV }
-'Srmount error',{ ESRMNT }
-'Communication error on send',  { ECOMM }
-'Protocol error',   { EPROTO }
-'Multihop attempted',   { EMULTIHOP }
-'RFS specific error',   { EDOTDOT }
-'Not a data message',   { EBADMSG }
-'Value too large for defined data type',{ EOVERFLOW }
-'Name not unique on network',   { ENOTUNIQ }
-'File descriptor in bad state', { EBADFD }
-'Remote address changed',   { EREMCHG }
-'Can not access a needed shared library',   { ELIBACC }
-'Accessing a corrupted shared library', { ELIBBAD }
-'.lib section in a.out corrupted',  { ELIBSCN }
-'Attempting to link in too many shared libraries',  { ELIBMAX }
-'Cannot exec a shared library directly',{ ELIBEXEC }
-'Illegal byte sequence',{ EILSEQ }
-'Interrupted system call should be restarted',  { ERESTART }
-'Streams pipe error',   { ESTRPIPE }
-'Too many users',   { EUSERS }
-'Socket operation on non-socket',   { ENOTSOCK }
-'Destination address required', { EDESTADDRREQ }
-'Message too long', { EMSGSIZE }
-'Protocol wrong type for socket',   { EPROTOTYPE }
-'Protocol not available',   { ENOPROTOOPT }
-'Protocol not supported',   { EPROTONOSUPPORT }
-'Socket type not supported',{ ESOCKTNOSUPPORT }
-'Operation not supported on transport endpoint',{ EOPNOTSUPP }
-'Protocol family not supported',{ EPFNOSUPPORT }
-'Address family not supported by protocol', { EAFNOSUPPORT }
-'Address already in use',   { EADDRINUSE }
-'Cannot assign requested address',  { EADDRNOTAVAIL }
-'Network is down',  { ENETDOWN }
-'Network is unreachable',   { ENETUNREACH }
-'Network dropped connection because of reset',  { ENETRESET }
-'Software caused connection abort', { ECONNABORTED }
-'Connection reset by peer', { ECONNRESET }
-'No buffer space available',{ ENOBUFS }
-'Transport endpoint is already connected',  { EISCONN }
-'Transport endpoint is not connected',  { ENOTCONN }
-'Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown',{ ESHUTDOWN }
-'Too many references: cannot splice',   { ETOOMANYREFS }
-'Connection timed out', { ETIMEDOUT }
-'Connection refused',   { ECONNREFUSED }
-'Host is down', { EHOSTDOWN }
-'No route to host', { EHOSTUNREACH }
-'Operation already in progress',{ EALREADY }
-'Operation now in progress',{ EINPROGRESS }
-'Stale NFS file handle',{ ESTALE }
-'Structure needs cleaning', { EUCLEAN }
-'Not a XENIX named type file',  { ENOTNAM }
-'No XENIX semaphores available',{ ENAVAIL }
-'Is a named type file', { EISNAM }
-'Remote I/O error', { EREMOTEIO }
-'Quota exceeded',   { EDQUOT }
-'No medium found',  { ENOMEDIUM }
-'Wrong medium type');   { EMEDIUMTYPE }
+{$i} // BSD or Linux ones
 Function  StrError(err:longint):string;
 Procedure PError(const s:string; Errno : longint);
This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
Copyright (c) 2005 by Ales Katona

Contains BSD specific errors for error.pp in rtl/unix

See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
for details about the copyright.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  sys_errlist:array[0..sys_errn-1] of pchar = (
'Success',  { 0 }
'Operation not permitted',  { EPERM }
'No such file or directory',{ ENOENT }
'No such process',  { ESRCH

[fpc-devel] Patch for bug #4641

2005-12-29 Thread Ales Katona

This isn't exactly a patch but a changed errors.pp file.

It's for all BSDs (AFAIK, it seems even darwin has errors this way) so 
someone from rtl maintainers needs to decide how to split errors.pp (the 
current one in rtl/unix is Linux specific)

This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team.

See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
for details about the copyright.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without even the implied warranty of


Unit errors;


uses strings;

  sys_errlist:array[0..sys_errn-1] of pchar = (
'Success',  { 0 }
'Operation not permitted',  { EPERM }
'No such file or directory',{ ENOENT }
'No such process',  { ESRCH }
'Interrupted system call',  { EINTR }
'I/O error',{ EIO }
'No such device or address',{ ENXIO }
'Arg list too long',{ E2BIG }
'Exec format error',{ ENOEXEC }
'Bad file number',  { EBADF }
'No child processes',   { ECHILD }
'Resource deadlock avoided',   { EDEADLK was EAGAIN }
'Out of memory',{ ENOMEM }
'Permission denied',{ EACCES }
'Bad address',  { EFAULT }
'Block device required',{ ENOTBLK }
'Device or resource busy',  { EBUSY }
'File exists',  { EEXIST }
'Cross-device link',{ EXDEV }
'No such device',   { ENODEV }
'Not a directory',  { ENOTDIR }
'Is a directory',   { EISDIR }
'Invalid argument', { EINVAL }
'File table overflow',  { ENFILE }
'Too many open files',  { EMFILE }
'Not a typewriter', { ENOTTY }
'Text (code segment) file busy',{ ETXTBSY  Text file busy.  The 
new process was
a pure procedure (shared 
text) file which was
open for writing by another 
process, or file
which was open for writing 
by another process,
or while the pure procedure 
file was being
executed an open(2) call 
requested write access
requested write access.}
'File too large',   { EFBIG }
'No space left on device',  { ENOSPC }
'Illegal seek', { ESPIPE }
'Read-only file system',{ EROFS }
'Too many links',   { EMLINK }
'Broken pipe',  { EPIPE }
'Math argument out of domain of func',  { EDOM }
'Math result not representable',{ ERANGE }
'Resource temporarily unavailable',{ EAGAIN }
'Operation now in progress',  { EINPROGRESS }
'Operation already in progress', { EALREADY }
// ipc/network software -- argument errors
'Socket operation on non-socket',{ ENOTSOCK }
'Destination address required', { EDESTADDRREQ }
'Message too long', { EMSGSIZE }
'Protocol wrong type for socket', { EPROTOTYPE }
'Protocol not available',   { ENOPROTOOPT }
'Protocol not supported',  { EPROTONOSUPPORT }
'Socket type not supported', { ESOCKTNOSUPPORT }
'Operation not supported', { EOPNOTSUPP }
'Protocol family not supported',  { EPFNOSUPPORT }
'Address family not supported by protocol family',  { EAFNOSUPPORT }
'Address already in use',{ EADDRINUSE }
'Can''t assign requested address',  { EADDRNOTAVAIL }
// ipc/network software -- operational errors
'Network is down',{ ENETDOWN }
'Network is unreachable', { ENETUNREACH }
'Network dropped connection on reset', { ENETRESET }
'Software caused connection abort',   { ECONNABORTED }
'Connection reset by peer', { ECONNRESET }
'No buffer space available',{ ENOBUFS }
'Socket is already connected',{ EISCONN }

Re: [fpc-devel] Benchmark for FreePascal

2005-12-22 Thread Ales Katona

Marco van de Voort wrote:

(small post note in this discussion:

a customer complained that his app was a lot slower (till 3 times) with

I'm still investigating, and it seems that somehow FastMM must more often
copy when reallocating than the old MM for large blocks (big as in
the 100kbs or even MB size)

fpc-devel maillist  -


Did I get it right that the new FastMM in new delphi is 3 times slower 
than the old delphi one (which is on par with FPC AFAIK)?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR: What sites to spam for 2.0.2 release?

2005-12-09 Thread Ales Katona

Don't forget to tell PGD.

Why is OSNews and /. out ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR advancement

2005-12-03 Thread Ales Katona

Reading FPC and Lazarus mailing lists, and I don't see such problems. 
And I understood the FAQ, even though IANAL. There's a text

Read again. Lazarus list had a very long discussion about LCL and LGPLv2

  It is therefore possible to create closed source or proprietary 
software using Free Pascal.

I think that this is even more explicit (and understandable to 
non-programmers) than your proposed Yes you can static link with our 
enhanced LGPL.

Perhaps, but people evidently don't get it.

So what answer would you propose for the FAQ question Are there any 
real world applications made with Free Pascal/Lazarus ? A huge list 
of every program that was ever compiled with FPC ? A short list of 
chosen projects ? Who will decide and maintain the list of most 
bright projects developed using FPC+Lazarus ?

This selection is done already. See news on main fpc page.

Then propose a better text / feature list for Advantages page...

I will try my best.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR advancement

2005-12-03 Thread Ales Katona

So I fully agree to Ales that the FPC homepage needs a wow style.
Despite I do like clear, simple homepages I don't think that this gives
us good PR. Without offending Michael and others for their effort
creating and maintaining the website, I think these pages induce the
impression that FPC is a tiny project, has unreliable release cycles and
progress, it is just from hobbyists for their own pleasure and FPC is
only used by some frugal enthusiasts.

I wouldn't say it needs to be complicated or flash-full. I personaly 
hate the full-of-flash crappy slow
sites no matter how cool they look. But the current page simply looks 
like some 15 year old's homepage made
as school project. Nothing personal here, I mean the whole thing is HUGE 
and there's really nice technical
functionality but the look is simply ugh. It needs a bit more edgy 
and colorful look.

I think word can make it better: CSS

The main disadvantage of the current website are the bad navigation
scheme and the simplistic layout. I'd therefore propose to take the
following steps:
1. Collect what information should be on the main page: focus on
   managers and busy visitors, but do not forget on technicians,
   enthusiasts, purists. Do not classify this list, don't
   concentrate on structure, hierarchy, ..., just collect.
2. sort this list, give it a structure
3. work out a navigation scheme of the new website (from the
   structured list)
4. work out a design and look-and-feel for the new website which is
   clear, stylish, wow, but not loaded.
5. bring structure, content and design togehter
6. enjoy and watch interrests

Ok, this is a very simple path, I'm not sure it if works and if enough
man power can be raised. OTOH I'm sure most ideas for the hard part (1)
have already been said and/or can be found on the current web site.

Any suggestions, comments, ideas?


Agreed to an extent. Some things are good as they are only change 
required is the style.

Some are truly hidden behind not-so-logical paths(links).

This is all a huge IMHO ofcourse, by no means do I wish to undermine the 
works of all people

who already did what is done for FREE.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] PR advancement

2005-11-23 Thread Ales Katona
I think the simplest and perhaps most important change to get better PR 
for both Lazarus and FPC is the web page. It needs to be more wow 
style. News have to be a bit propagandistic. A FAQ is IMHO required with 
first questions like:

1. Is Free Pascal/Lazarus really free?
2. Can I use Free Pascal/Lazarus for commercial development?
3. Are there any real world applications made with Free Pascal/Lazarus?
4. Why should I use Free Pascal/Lazarus?
5. Isn't Free Software equal to crappy software?

In other words, FAQ for managers. I'm not saying you should scrap the 
old one. Just put the technical questions a bit lower.

I can write a few FAQ entries in plain text but I can't make a dynamic 
webpage(perhaps CGI? :) )

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PR advancement

2005-11-23 Thread Ales Katona

Michalis Kamburelis wrote:

Ales Katona wrote:

1. Is Free Pascal/Lazarus really free?

The freeness of FreePascal is already advertised in a lot of places, 
including the very name FreePascal. Current FAQ mentions (more than 
once) that the compiler is GPLed. I don't think there's any need to 
advertise this more.


2. Can I use Free Pascal/Lazarus for commercial development?

This is the 4th question of current FAQ. And I assume that you 
actually wanted to say closed source, this is not the same thing as 

If you look at forums and mailing lists, NO people DON'T get it. You 
need to explicitly tell them YES YOU CAN STATIC LINK WITH OUR ENHANCED 
LGPL. Honestly the thing in the FAQ is good for lawyers only.

3. Are there any real world applications made with Free Pascal/Lazarus?

I guess that even a manager is able to type fpc or lazarus into 

And he'll find a bunch of fanboy websites.

4. Why should I use Free Pascal/Lazarus?

Which is horribly outdated and utterly useless. Also it only specializes 
on comparing FP dialect of Pascal with other languages.
One half of currently listed advantages is basicly a pissing contest 
against C/C++ and the other is saying we got OOP/other features too you 

5. Isn't Free Software equal to crappy software?

Of course it's total crap. But we're just a bunch of poor windoze 
lusers and we can't do anything better. So we devote our full time to 
maintain this miserable piece of software, this ugly webpage and this 
lousy FAQ.

I'm sorry, I could not resist to say this. :)

Seriously: I think that it's obvious (even to the managers) that if 
you maintain a FAQ for some software, then you don't think it's crappy.

I'll add a FAQ to my page and see.

The FAQ on FPC currently is relativly good for technical questions. But 
some basic questions asked over and over on forums and lists simply 
aren't there or are answered inapropriatly(for the masses..)
Also note I speak for BOTH projects. IMHO they should merge a bit more 
as Lazarus requires a certain RTL of compiler to be able to produce things.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Templates / Generics

2005-11-08 Thread Ales Katona


You stated that we could know already what the delphi-syntax will be,
if they add generics over two years. 

But we can't, since we don't know what 'pascal-styled' way they will

I would say that a pascal-way is adding the 'interface' keyword. Like in
array's and such. This is already mentioned.

The chances that Borland will choose another pascal-styled-syntax is huge.

Besides of that, I don't find that delphi-incompatibility is a
no-go-area. Especially if we (or they - the core team)  are the first ones
who implement this feature.

And incompatibilities can be solved in Delphi mode.

And in general: If we can do something better then Delphi, I choose for
loosing the compatibility.


You have my absolutly insignificant voice on that one. I fully agree.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: Thread REVERT (Ales Katona)

2005-11-07 Thread Ales Katona

Thomas Schatzl wrote:

From: Ales Katona [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What about simply disabling such -Ct compiler switch (with nice error
message) under Windows ? Or maybe it should do nothing under 
Windows ?

I have no idea how -Ct works. It seems there are also report(by Pavel 
to be more precise) that -Ct causes problems with threads in Linux 
too(Pavel uses his own thread manager so who knows..).
Unless someone can explain to me how the stack checker knows the 
right size of stack it should be a rule to turn it off with threads. 
I'm actualy not sure wether -Ct works ok as-is.


Unfortunately the stack checker doesn't know the right size of the 
stack (yet; due to similar problems I am working on that at atm). It 
assumes that the stack is of fixed size, stored in the global 
stacklen (or so) variable.

When stack checking is enabled, the compiler generates some extra code 
in the function prolog which checks whether the current stack pointer, 
decreased by the amount of stack space this method requires and some 
safety margin, is below the bottom of the stack (a value calculated at 
program start from the initial stack pointer, and the stacklen 

If this is the case, it gives a RTE 202.

Problems with that:
  * the __stacklen variable is a predetermined (at compile time) fixed 
  * the safety margin is quite high, e.g. 16k, which immediately RTEs 
in threads, because their default stack size is quite low (= 16k...).

I hope this answers your question.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Thanks, yes it does and it also is a valid point to turn it off with 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Thread REVERT

2005-11-06 Thread Ales Katona

What about simply disabling such -Ct compiler switch (with nice error
message) under Windows ? Or maybe it should do nothing under Windows ?

Boguslaw Brandys


I have no idea how -Ct works. It seems there are also report(by Pavel to 
be more precise) that -Ct causes problems with threads in Linux 
too(Pavel uses his own thread manager so who knows..).
Unless someone can explain to me how the stack checker knows the right 
size of stack it should be a rule to turn it off with threads. I'm 
actualy not sure wether -Ct works ok as-is.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] win32 patch for threads

2005-11-05 Thread Ales Katona

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Aplied, also for wince and netware.

Sorry, it seems I broke Unix and all non-stdcall-using platforms. This 
patch fixes that(apply after the first one) but it only {ifdefs} 
windows, not netware or others, so please add those as necessery.

Index: rtl/inc/
--- rtl/inc/ (revision 1652)
+++ rtl/inc/ (working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
+{$ifndef win32}
+  {$define cc = //}
+  {$define cc = stdcall;}
 {$ifdef mswindows}
   { on windows, use stack size of starting process }
@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@
   PEventState = pointer;
   PRTLEvent   = pointer;   // Windows=thandle, other=pointer to record.
-  TThreadFunc = function(parameter : pointer) : ptrint; stdcall;
+  TThreadFunc = function(parameter : pointer) : ptrint; {$cc}
   trtlmethod  = procedure of object;
   // Function prototypes for TThreadManager Record.
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Thread REVERT

2005-11-05 Thread Ales Katona
Please remove ALL of my win32 thread patches(not the stacksize ones 
tho). Thanks to neli, I now know that ThreadFunc is not called directly 
by the OS, but my ThreadMain which already IS stdcall. My bug with 
threads was actualy cause by a -Ct (check stack) switch which in win32 
always causes a runtime error 202 (stack overflow) because of the 
default value for stack size which is 0.

So to sum it up, no patches required, bug is not a bug but a feature(the 
feature should get fixed IMO but I have no idea how stack checking works)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Templates / Generics Syntax

2005-11-04 Thread Ales Katona

Micha Nelissen wrote:

Marc Weustink wrote:

what woud be the problem with

  TMySpecificClass = TGenericClass(TObject, Integer);


  TGenericCollection = generic(T: TCollectionItem) class(TComponent)
  ...implement TCollection and use T

  TCollection = TGenericCollection of (TCollectionItem);
  TFieldDefs = TGenericCollection of (TFieldDef);


  TGenericList = generic(T: PtrInt) class(TObject)
  ...implement TList and use PtrInt size for code generation

  TList = TGenericList of (Pointer);

Combining some of the wiki ideas, and has no evil  characters :-). 
Probably TFieldDefs adds functionality to TCollection, but it was 
first example I came up with.

Implementation of TGenericCollection can be compiled as if (T: 
TCollectionItem) were used.

Would this solve the circular dependency ? It seems so to me, because 
one knows at least as much as in current implementation of these 
classes, but I'm no compiler engineer.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Are the () required? Why not TSomeList = TGenericList of Pointer; ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Templates / Generics Syntax

2005-11-04 Thread Ales Katona


procedure MyProc(T); // generic procedure without parameters
ver i: T;

procedure MyProc(T: TClass); // non generic procedure



What will happen?


Sky will reign fire:

procedure (var T);
 // generic or not??
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Threads patch PS

2005-11-04 Thread Ales Katona

I forgot to mention it's against 2.0.1
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] fpNanoSleep vs Select()

2005-10-07 Thread Ales Katona
Hello, I'd like to ask why Sleep() function in unix world uses Select() 
instead of fpNanoSleep()? Is there a particular reason? After a somewhat 
riggid discussion on the channel yesterday I came up testing threading 
using sleep() and nanosleep(). The difference in speed is huge. I'm 
prepared to make a patch for Sleep() to use NanoSleep but I'd like to 
know if there are any reasons again such approach.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Libc patch 2

2005-09-23 Thread Ales Katona

Apply after the 1st one. This patch fixes crypto function in libc unit.

---  (revision 1156)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 { defined earlier in
-function crypt(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 
-procedure setkey(__key:Pchar);cdecl;external clib name 'setkey';
-procedure encrypt(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint);cdecl;external clib name 
+function crypt(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external cryptlib name 
+procedure setkey(__key:Pchar);cdecl;external cryptlib name 'setkey';
+procedure encrypt(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint);cdecl;external cryptlib 
name 'encrypt';
Pcrypt_data = ^crypt_data;
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 initialized : longint;
-function crypt_r(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar; 
__data:Pcrypt_data):Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 'crypt_r';
-procedure setkey_r(__key:Pchar; __data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external clib name 
-procedure encrypt_r(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint; 
__data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external clib name 'encrypt_r';
+function crypt_r(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar; 
__data:Pcrypt_data):Pchar;cdecl;external cryptlib name 'crypt_r';
+procedure setkey_r(__key:Pchar; __data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external cryptlib 
name 'setkey_r';
+procedure encrypt_r(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint; 
__data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external cryptlib name 'encrypt_r';
 { -
 Borland compatibility types
---  (revision 1156)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
   RTLD_NEXT = Pointer(-1);
   RTLD_DEFAULT = nil;
-function dlopen(__file:Pchar; __mode:longint):pointer;cdecl;external clib name 
-function dlclose(__handle:pointer):longint;cdecl;external clib name 'dlclose';
-function dlsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external clib 
name 'dlsym';
-function dlvsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar; 
__version:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external clib name 'dlvsym';
+function dlopen(__file:Pchar; __mode:longint):pointer;cdecl;external dllib 
name 'dlopen';
+function dlclose(__handle:pointer):longint;cdecl;external dllib name 'dlclose';
+function dlsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external dllib 
name 'dlsym';
+function dlvsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar; 
__version:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external dllib name 'dlvsym';
 function dlerror:Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 'dlerror';
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 dli_saddr : pointer;
-function dladdr(__address:pointer; __info:PDl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
clib name 'dladdr';
+function dladdr(__address:pointer; __info:PDl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
dllib name 'dladdr';
 { -
 Borland compatibility types
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
   TDLInfo = Dl_info;
   PDLInfo = ^TDLInfo;
-function dladdr(__address:pointer; var __info: Dl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
clib name 'dladdr';
+function dladdr(__address:pointer; var __info: Dl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
dllib name 'dladdr';
Index: libc.pp
--- libc.pp (revision 1156)
+++ libc.pp (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
   clib = 'c';
+  dllib = 'dl';
+  cryptlib = 'crypt';
   threadslib = 'pthread';
 {$i}   // C to Pascal type mappings
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Libc patch 2

2005-09-23 Thread Ales Katona

Ales Katona wrote:

Apply after the 1st one. This patch fixes crypto function in libc unit.


---  (revision 1156)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@

{ defined earlier in
-function crypt(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 
-procedure setkey(__key:Pchar);cdecl;external clib name 'setkey';
-procedure encrypt(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint);cdecl;external clib name 
+function crypt(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar):Pchar;cdecl;external cryptlib name 
+procedure setkey(__key:Pchar);cdecl;external cryptlib name 'setkey';
+procedure encrypt(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint);cdecl;external cryptlib 
name 'encrypt';
   Pcrypt_data = ^crypt_data;
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
initialized : longint;

-function crypt_r(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar; 
__data:Pcrypt_data):Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 'crypt_r';
-procedure setkey_r(__key:Pchar; __data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external clib name 
-procedure encrypt_r(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint; 
__data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external clib name 'encrypt_r';
+function crypt_r(__key:Pchar; __salt:Pchar; 
__data:Pcrypt_data):Pchar;cdecl;external cryptlib name 'crypt_r';
+procedure setkey_r(__key:Pchar; __data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external cryptlib 
name 'setkey_r';
+procedure encrypt_r(__block:Pchar; __edflag:longint; 
__data:Pcrypt_data);cdecl;external cryptlib name 'encrypt_r';

{ -
Borland compatibility types
---  (revision 1156)
+++  (working copy)
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
  RTLD_NEXT = Pointer(-1);

-function dlopen(__file:Pchar; __mode:longint):pointer;cdecl;external clib name 
-function dlclose(__handle:pointer):longint;cdecl;external clib name 'dlclose';
-function dlsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external clib 
name 'dlsym';
-function dlvsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar; 
__version:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external clib name 'dlvsym';
+function dlopen(__file:Pchar; __mode:longint):pointer;cdecl;external dllib 
name 'dlopen';
+function dlclose(__handle:pointer):longint;cdecl;external dllib name 'dlclose';
+function dlsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external dllib 
name 'dlsym';
+function dlvsym(__handle:pointer; __name:Pchar; 
__version:Pchar):pointer;cdecl;external dllib name 'dlvsym';
function dlerror:Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 'dlerror';

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
dli_saddr : pointer;

-function dladdr(__address:pointer; __info:PDl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
clib name 'dladdr';
+function dladdr(__address:pointer; __info:PDl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
dllib name 'dladdr';

{ -
Borland compatibility types
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@
  TDLInfo = Dl_info;
  PDLInfo = ^TDLInfo;

-function dladdr(__address:pointer; var __info: Dl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
clib name 'dladdr';
+function dladdr(__address:pointer; var __info: Dl_info):longint;cdecl;external 
dllib name 'dladdr';

Index: libc.pp
--- libc.pp (revision 1156)
+++ libc.pp (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@

  clib = 'c';
+  dllib = 'dl';
+  cryptlib = 'crypt';
  threadslib = 'pthread';

{$i}   // C to Pascal type mappings

fpc-devel maillist  -

Hups sorry, it's a clear patch, apply only the second one.

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Sockets patch for the patch :)

2005-07-26 Thread Ales Katona
Sorry I looked at the wrong unix part (it was in ifdef cpu64) so I used 
int64 in windows. This patch (apply after the 1st one) changes ssize_t 
to cint32 as it should be on 32bit systems.

Sorry again,

Index: sockets.pp
--- sockets.pp  (revision 749)
+++ sockets.pp  (working copy)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   size_t =cuint32;
-  ssize_t=Int64;
+  ssize_t=cint32;
   cint   =longint;
   pcint  =^cint;
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Win32 sockets patch

2005-07-25 Thread Ales Katona

There is an ugly type bug in win32 sockets.pp.
This patch fixes it.

ssize_t = cuint16 -- this caused a bug with fprecv/fprecvfrom and 
fpsend/fpsendto calls because winsock.recv[from]/winsock.send[to] calls 
return a longint while fprecv used an unsigned int as return value.

This caused the recv call to recieve loads of rubbish when an error occured.

I changed ssize_t to Int64(as it is in unix).
Index: rtl/win32/sockets.pp
--- rtl/win32/sockets.pp(revision 744)
+++ rtl/win32/sockets.pp(working copy)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   size_t =cuint32;
-  ssize_t=cuint16;
+  ssize_t=Int64;
   cint   =longint;
   pcint  =^cint;
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] TFPObjectList patch

2005-06-22 Thread Ales Katona

This patch adds TFPObjectList to contnrs.
It's a descendent of TFPList and uses same tricks to gain speed.(inline 

I've tested with bubblesort and it was 1/3 faster.

P.S: I wanted to get rid of inherited calls too but FCount is private in 
TFPList ;(

Index: fcl/inc/contnrs.pp
--- fcl/inc/contnrs.pp  (revision 468)
+++ fcl/inc/contnrs.pp  (working copy)
@@ -21,7 +21,29 @@
+{$inline on}
+  TFPObjectList = class(TFPList)
+  private
+FFreeObjects : Boolean;
+  protected
+function GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; {$ifdef HASINLINE} 
+procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); {$ifdef HASINLINE} 
+  public
+constructor Create;
+constructor Create(FreeObjects : Boolean);
+function Add(AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef HASINLINE} inline;{$endif}
+function Extract(Item: TObject): TObject;
+function Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer;
+function IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer;
+function FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; AStartAt: 
Integer): Integer;
+procedure Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); {$ifdef HASINLINE} 
+function First: TObject;
+function Last: TObject;
+property OwnsObjects: Boolean read FFreeObjects write FFreeObjects;
+property Items[Index: Integer]: TObject read GetItem write SetItem; 
+  end;
   TObjectList = class(TList)
 ffreeobjects : boolean;
@@ -131,6 +153,92 @@
+constructor TFPObjectList.Create(FreeObjects : boolean);
+  inherited Create;
+  FFreeObjects:=Freeobjects;
+constructor TFPObjectList.Create;
+  inherited Create;
+  FFreeObjects:=True;
+function TFPObjectList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; {$ifdef HASINLINE} 
+  Result:=TObject(inherited Get(Index));
+procedure TFPObjectList.SetItem(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); {$ifdef 
HASINLINE} inline;{$endif}
+  O : TObject;
+  if OwnsObjects then
+  Put(Index,Pointer(AObject));
+function TFPObjectList.Add(AObject: TObject): Integer; {$ifdef HASINLINE} 
+  Result:=inherited Add(Pointer(AObject));
+function TFPObjectList.Extract(Item: TObject): TObject;
+  Result:=Tobject(inherited Extract(Pointer(Item)));
+function TFPObjectList.Remove(AObject: TObject): Integer;
+  Result:=inherited Remove(Pointer(AObject));
+function TFPObjectList.IndexOf(AObject: TObject): Integer;
+  Result:=inherited indexOF(Pointer(AObject));
+function TFPObjectList.FindInstanceOf(AClass: TClass; AExact: Boolean; 
AStartAt : Integer): Integer;
+  I : Integer;
+  I:=AStartAt;
+  Result:=-1;
+  If AExact then
+while (ICount) and (Result=-1) do
+  If Items[i].ClassType=AClass then
+  else
+  else
+while (ICount) and (Result=-1) do
+  If Items[i].InheritsFrom(AClass) then
+  else
+procedure TFPObjectList.Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject); {$ifdef 
HASINLINE} inline;{$endif}
+  inherited Insert(Index,Pointer(AObject));
+function TFPObjectList.First: TObject;
+  Result := TObject(inherited First);
+function TFPObjectList.Last: TObject;
+  Result := TObject(inherited Last);
+{ TObjectList }
 constructor tobjectlist.create(freeobjects : boolean);
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] GetText patch #2

2005-06-22 Thread Ales Katona
This patch (ment for 2.1.1) cleans some of my old unnecessery mess but 
more importantly adds the GetLanguageIDs() method. This way, you can see 
what language was/will be autodetected. Good for those special holiday 
occasions. Works on win32 as well as POSIX.


P.S: sorry, I didn't think about it earlier.
Index: fcl/inc/gettext.pp
--- fcl/inc/gettext.pp  (revision 482)
+++ fcl/inc/gettext.pp  (working copy)
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
   EMOFileError = class(Exception);
+  procedure GetLanguageIDs(var Lang, FallbackLang: string);
   procedure TranslateResourceStrings(AFile: TMOFile);
   procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const AFilename: String);
@@ -259,8 +260,6 @@
-procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const AFilename: String);
 {$ifdef win32}
 procedure GetLanguageIDs(var Lang, FallbackLang: string);
@@ -284,15 +283,11 @@
 Lang := FallbackLang+'_'+Country;
-  mo: TMOFile;
-  lang, FallbackLanguage: String;
+procedure GetLanguageIDs(var Lang, FallbackLang: string);
-  {$ifdef win32}
-  GetLanguageIDs(Lang, FallbackLanguage);
-  {$else}
   lang := GetEnv('LC_ALL');
   if Length(lang) = 0 then
@@ -305,7 +300,15 @@
   FallbackLanguage := Copy(lang, 1, 2);
-  {$endif}
+procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const AFilename: String);
+  mo: TMOFile;
+  lang, FallbackLanguage: String;
+  GetLanguageIDs(Lang, FallbackLanguage);
 mo := TMOFile.Create(Format(AFilename, [FallbackLanguage]));
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] OpenGL patch, final(I hope)

2005-06-21 Thread Ales Katona

Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Ales Katona wrote:


Ok this patch does the following:

Removes the writeln() in case the library fails to load.
If the whole library is not found, it throws an exception which tell the
library name. If any method within the library is not found it throws an
exception with the given method name.


P.S: it's packed because of size

Applied. Shall we merge it back to 2.0.x?

fpc-devel maillist  -


IMHO yes, but I haven't tested it much. I know that GL and GLu work with 
it, and I know that if I get missing/renamed dll it exceptions as 
advertized. The other goodies are pretty hard to test.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] OpenGL library loading

2005-06-20 Thread Ales Katona
I've noticed that openGL libraies are loaded in the initialization 
section and if the loading fails it writelns something and halts.

I think this is innapropriate. I've made some changes but first I want 
to know your opinion.

Do you think it's better to let the user load the library(via some 
simple procedure) or have it initialized automaticly. If so, IMHO an 
exception should be used(because of windows crashing with writeln).

I've currently made it to try and load the library in the initialization 
but without any failure notice. I've added a GL[u[t]]IsLoaded function 
so the users can see and also TryLoadGL[u[t]].

Tell me which way to go and I'll implement it.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] OpenGL patch

2005-06-20 Thread Ales Katona
Ok so here's the patch. If you feel some things should change, tell me 
about it.
This patch adds TryLoadGL[u[t]] and GL[u[t]]IsLoaded methods and 
also fixes the crash on win32 if opengl is not present. (but it will 
still crash later, if the user doesn't check)

Index: packages/extra/opengl/gl.pp
--- packages/extra/opengl/gl.pp (revision 446)
+++ packages/extra/opengl/gl.pp (working copy)
@@ -1534,15 +1534,26 @@
params: PGLint); extdecl;
params: PGLfloat); extdecl;
+function GLIsLoaded: Boolean;
 procedure LoadOpenGL(const dll: String);
+procedure TryLoadGL;
 procedure FreeOpenGL;
+  GLLoaded: Boolean;
 {$ifdef win32}
 function WinChoosePixelFormat(DC: HDC; p2: PPixelFormatDescriptor): Integer; 
extdecl; external 'gdi32' name 'ChoosePixelFormat';
+function GLIsLoaded: Boolean;
+  Result:=GLLoaded;
 procedure FreeOpenGL;
@@ -1887,7 +1898,7 @@
+  GLLoaded:=False;
 procedure LoadOpenGL(const dll: String);
@@ -2240,15 +2251,11 @@
   if not Assigned(ChoosePixelFormat) then
 @ChoosePixelFormat := @WinChoosePixelFormat;
+  GLLoaded:=True;
-  {$IFDEF WIN32}
-  Set8087CW($133F);
-  {$ENDIF WIN32}
+procedure TryLoadGL;
 {$IFDEF Win32}
@@ -2260,10 +2267,19 @@
-writeln('Error opening OpenGL library');
+  {$IFDEF WIN32}
+  Set8087CW($133F);
+  {$ENDIF WIN32}
+  GLLoaded:=False;
+  TryLoadGL;
Index: packages/extra/opengl/glu.pp
--- packages/extra/opengl/glu.pp(revision 446)
+++ packages/extra/opengl/glu.pp(working copy)
@@ -363,14 +363,22 @@
+function GLuIsLoaded: Boolean;
 procedure LoadGLu(const dll: String);
+procedure TryLoadGLu;
 procedure FreeGLu;
   hDLL: THandle;
+  GLuLoaded: Boolean;
+function GLuIsLoaded: Boolean;
+  Result:=GLuLoaded;
 procedure FreeGLu;
@@ -428,7 +436,7 @@
   @gluEndPolygon := nil;
+  GLuLoaded:=False;
 procedure LoadGLu(const dll: String);
@@ -492,11 +500,11 @@
   @gluBeginPolygon := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'gluBeginPolygon');
   @gluNextContour := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'gluNextContour');
   @gluEndPolygon := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'gluEndPolygon');
+  GLuLoaded:=True;
+procedure TryLoadGLU;
 {$IFDEF Win32}
@@ -508,10 +516,14 @@
-writeln('error opening libGLU');
+  GLuLoaded:=False;
+  TryLoadGLu;
Index: packages/extra/opengl/glut.pp
--- packages/extra/opengl/glut.pp   (revision 446)
+++ packages/extra/opengl/glut.pp   (working copy)
@@ -390,14 +390,22 @@
   glutLeaveGameMode : procedure; extdecl;
   glutGameModeGet : function (mode : GLenum) : integer; extdecl;
+function GLutIsLoaded: Boolean;
 procedure LoadGlut(const dll: String);
+procedure TryLoadGLut;
 procedure FreeGlut;
   hDLL: THandle;
+  GLutLoaded: Boolean;
+function GLutIsLoaded: Boolean;
+  Result:=GLutLoaded;
 procedure FreeGlut;
@@ -507,7 +515,7 @@
   @glutVideoResize := nil;
   @glutVideoPan := nil;
   @glutReportErrors := nil;
+  GLutLoaded:=False;
 procedure LoadGlut(const dll: String);
@@ -626,11 +634,11 @@
   @glutEnterGameMode  := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutEnterGameMode');
   @glutLeaveGameMode  := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutLeaveGameMode');
   @glutGameModeGet:= GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutGameModeGet');
+  GLutLoaded:=True;
+procedure TryLoadGLut;
 {$IFDEF Win32}
@@ -642,10 +650,14 @@
-writeln('Can''t load glut library');
+  GLutLoaded:=False;
+  TryLoadGLut;
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Library and unit search paths under MacOSX with fpc 2.0.0?

2005-06-15 Thread Ales Katona
Your fpc.cfg file is ether not existing, in the wrong place or wrongly 
configured. I don't know where it should be on MacOSX but if you find it 
fix the -Fu entries so they point to right locations(note: $fpcversion 
etc. are variables, leave them as they are: for example in here:



Tom Verhoeff wrote:

I have a standard release installation of fpc 2.0.0 under Mac OS X.

I installed GTK through fink (as explained in the Lazarus wiki).
This has given me GTK 1.2.10.  No problems so far.

When I try to compile the following simple GTK Pascal tutorial program


USES gtk;

VAR window : pGtkWidget;

 gtk_init(@argc, @argv); { Initialise GTK }
 window := gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);  { Create a new window }

with fpc, I need to add the following command-line options

-Fl/sw/lib -Fl/usr/X11R6/lib

as well as


The first two caught me by surprise, but some tracking resolved this.
However, under Linux, I don't need to specify further library locations.
How come?

Is there any documentation where this can be found?  Is there a place
where I can put this info in the FPCWiki?

But the need for -Fu is downright strange, because the standard /etc/fpc.cfg
(which I have not changed) has the line


Why does it not find the gtk directory?  Under Linux it simply works.

In fact, when I try to compile Lazarus under Mac OS X with

make clean all

it dies with

Fatal: Can't find unit Contnrs

It should find the Contnrs unit in


which should be searched because of the -Fu line shown above in /etc/fpc.cfg.

What is the problem?  And how can it be repaired?

Best regards,


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Library and unit search paths under MacOSX with fpc 2.0.0?

2005-06-15 Thread Ales Katona

Micha Nelissen wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 08:29:54 +0200
Ales Katona [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Your fpc.cfg file is ether not existing, in the wrong place or wrongly 
configured. I don't know where it should be on MacOSX but if you find it 

It's not so simple, I think, because otherwise he also wouldn't find RTL units 
like system and sysutils. It seems the '*' construct doesn't work on MacOSX ?


fpc-devel maillist  -


Actualy I get contnrs missing too if I put fpc.cfg away..


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] GetText patch

2005-06-08 Thread Ales Katona
This patch makes GetText/TranslateResourceStrings(FileName) work in 
win32. (it didn't detect the right language under win32 before it worked 
only in POSIX enviroments)

GetLanguageIDs is used with permission from Vincent(it's his code in 

Index: fcl/inc/gettext.pp
--- fcl/inc/gettext.pp  (revision 285)
+++ fcl/inc/gettext.pp  (working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-$Id: gettext.pp,v 1.9 2005/03/15 16:27:04 peter Exp $
 This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
 Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by the Free Pascal development team
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
-uses dos;
+uses {$ifdef win32} windows, {$endif}dos;
   GettextUsed: Boolean;
@@ -261,10 +260,39 @@
 procedure TranslateResourceStrings(const AFilename: String);
+{$ifdef win32}
+procedure GetLanguageIDs(var Lang, FallbackLang: string);
+  Buffer: array[1..4] of char;
+  Country: string;
+  UserLCID: LCID;
+  //defaults
+  Lang := '';
+  FallbackLang:='';
+  UserLCID := GetUserDefaultLCID;
+  if GetLocaleInfo(UserLCID, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, @Buffer, 4)0 then
+FallbackLang := lowercase(copy(Buffer,1,2));
+  if GetLocaleInfo(UserLCID, LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME, @Buffer, 4)0 then begin
+Country := copy(Buffer,1,2);
+// some 2 letter codes are not the first two letters of the 3 letter code
+// there are probably more, but first let us see if there are translations
+if (Buffer='PRT') then Country:='PT';
+Lang := FallbackLang+'_'+Country;
+  end;
   mo: TMOFile;
   lang, FallbackLanguage: String;
+  {$ifdef win32}
+  GetLanguageIDs(Lang, FallbackLanguage);
+  {$else}
   lang := GetEnv('LC_ALL');
   if Length(lang) = 0 then
@@ -276,8 +304,8 @@
 exit;   // no language defined via environment variables
   FallbackLanguage := Copy(lang, 1, 2);
+  {$endif}
 mo := TMOFile.Create(Format(AFilename, [FallbackLanguage]));
@@ -306,14 +334,3 @@
   if GettextUsed then
-  $Log: gettext.pp,v $
-  Revision 1.9  2005/03/15 16:27:04  peter
-* use dispose instead of freemem to also release the initialize types
-  Revision 1.8  2005/02/14 17:13:15  peter
-* truncate log
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: [fpc-l] type discussion

2005-06-02 Thread Ales Katona

Jamie McCracken wrote:

Marc Weustink wrote:

What is easier to read is a matter of taste.
Being a pascal devel for years now, it takes time to decode a  a := b
:= c := d := 0  line. There might be a ; inbeween which results in a
complete different assignment. With such lines I've to read them over 

over to see what is going on.
Where a line like a := 0; b := 0; c := 0; d := 0; is clear to me.
This also counts for the proposed c-isms.

For me I prefere clarity above less typing (besides if you want to write
realy short code, you sould use APL)

I totally agree with you in this case - we dont want or need cryptic c 
stlye syntax in any version of Pascal.

However, in general Pascal has poor developer productivity when 
compared to modern languages like python and C#. Ironically python is 
perhaps the most popular language on Linux and most of its syntax is 
derived from object pascal whereas pascal on linux is virtually 
non-existant. Of course Python is piss poor in both performance and 
memory usage but it does point the way to a revitalised pascal. 
Adopting less verbose but still clean and clear syntax ala python is 
IMHO the way to make Pascal great again.

Consider the developer unfirendly nature of pascal/Delphi atm:

1) Forward declarations - they sux! Why should the developers have the 
burden of making the code totally sequential declaration wise. All 
other modern compilers dont need this. Sure your code might take a bit 
longer to compile but thats peanuts compare to the time saved in extra 
typing and reordering your code

2) I have touched on manual memory managaement of tobjects before so I 
wont rehash it here (in summary ref count tobjects and they should 
have good performance with c++ style exception handling).

3) loads of small and pointless additional syntax like EG for creating 
an object you should just be able to say:


and not

myobject := Tobject.create;

also Begin..End blocks should IMO be replaced with python's indenting.

Yeah I know this sounds like a hybrid pascal/python but I believe 
thats the way to go - marry Delphi's speed and component framework 
with less verbose python style syntax and you will have the best RAD 
language ever written.


fpc-devel maillist  -

MyObject.Create is impossible with classes on the heap. You need to 
assign MyObject a pointer but you can't do that from within create.

Forward declarations are IMHO required because otherwise the compiler 
would have to make additional passes(it does 3 AFAIK).

Besides, they are seldom enough to be a problem.

How does python handle modularity btw?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: [fpc-l] type discussion

2005-06-02 Thread Ales Katona

Marco van de Voort wrote:

Also, I simply don't see the use of it. Borland Pascal's have the forward
directive for those really few cases where it is annoying.

Also, forward declarations mostly mean shitty code / design.
Atleast in my case it does.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: [fpc-l] type discussion

2005-06-01 Thread Ales Katona

Gerhard Scholz wrote:

x : type1,  y : type2 ;

  x *:= y ;

in my humble opinion(IMHO):

:= is based on the fact that A: is written normaly in math etc. where it 
means  this is a fact about A 

So when someone writes A:=5; it means it's a fact that A equals 5
Writing A*:= is stupid. If nothing else do it like this:
But IMHO it's useless in ANY case. Even C people tend to not use it when 
they want readible code(especialy * which is so ambiguos)

As to the ASM:

in C if you do a+=b; and a is int b is longint it does this actualy:
a = a + (int)b;

which is stupid and unsafe.

Just my 0.05 euros

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] integer, cardinal

2005-04-18 Thread Ales Katona
Vinzent Hoefler  wrote / napísal (a):
On Sunday 17 April 2005 10:45, Ales Katona wrote:

First of all Integer should be size independent, that is, xy bits
depending on the platform.

I second that.

Second, we should force people in a friendly way to use more
readible names like:
sint32, uint64, etc. than cardinal

No. Such stuff is only needed when you do hardware-interfacing. And 
that's the _only_ reason someone would need types with defined 


In a few years when 64 bits are normal, what will cardinal become?
who knows..

That's why Pascal has range types. Define the range you need, and don't 
use just some type which has the range you think you will need.

fpc-devel maillist  -

And how about ABI and API compatibility?
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] integer, cardinal

2005-04-17 Thread Ales Katona
Jonas Maebe  wrote / napísal (a):
On 17 Apr 2005, at 09:38, Yury B. wrote:
  for 32-bit x86... or does 64-bit platform also uses 32-bit integers
  as default, so that longint would be good?

JM It would break a lot of existing code if we did that. You can 
JM define integer to be whatever you want yourself.

I want a kind of standard.

I don't understand why.
If I don't need classes then I would prefer
not using objfpc or delphi mode (in order not to include huge fcl

They don't include any fcl stuff by default. And with smartlinking 
turned on, the only extra thing you get from the objpas unit is a 
procedure called ResetResourceTables (and the ResourceStringTable 

but i want integer to be natural to the platform.

Even C is now moving more and more to types with a predictable size 
(see all the types in C99). I think knowing how large a type is, is 
much more important in order to create good programs than some 
perceived speed gain (especially since you can easily redefine any 
type to be whatever you want).

fpc-devel maillist  -
I think that pascal typesystem requires a bit overhaul when it comes to 

First of all Integer should be size independent, that is, xy bits 
depending on the platform. All others should be specific.

Second, we should force people in a friendly way to use more readible 
names like:
sint32, uint64, etc. than cardinal
In a few years when 64 bits are normal, what will cardinal become? who 

just one big IMHO
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Friend classes?

2005-03-20 Thread Ales Katona
DrDiettrich  wrote / napísal (a):
Ales Katona wrote:

C++ requires friend only because it lacks the idea of modularity.
Since all classes are apart they need some way to tell each other I
can use you
In pascal you simply put them into 1 unit.

That's why the C++ model is better, there exists no requirement to
implement related classes in a single module.
In porting C++ code to Pascal I often stumbled into circular unit
references. Then the only solution is a monster unit, that implements
all the related classes at once, where the C++ implementation can be
split into appropriate modules. Even in Java it's possible to implement
every class in a dedicated unit, regardless of class relationships, and
without a need for separate header files. That's what I call a good
modular concept.
Perhaps I dislike Pascal include files only because they are poorly
supported by the Delphi IDE. With better support it were possible to
split the implementation into multiple dedicated include files, which
could be thought of as implementation files, according to e.g. the
Modula model. Lazarus offers better support for included files, but
unfortunately it currently groups the types, constants etc. overview
together by the according clauses; I hope for better grouping options in
the near future, so that e.g. all types of an unit can reside in a
single group. I already considered to contribute to the Lazarus
development, but currently I have other projects with higher priority...
fpc-devel maillist  -

This is actualy a C problem. If you imagine the outcome any bigger C 
program is one big piece of code. If C/C++ had proper modularity 
support, things like this wouldn't happen.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Friend classes?

2005-03-18 Thread Ales Katona
Michael Van Canneyt  wrote / napísal (a):

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, DrDiettrich wrote:
Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
type TFriendClass = class(TNotMyClass);

This is a simple descendent.

Yes and no. The only purpose of this declaration is to get access to the
protected members of the class, not to extend the class in any way.

Yes. This is OK, no  ?

3) What alternatives could be used, so that not all class members must
be made public, when they shall be used only in specific related 

? Please explain.

protected members of a class are for internal use only, not for public
use. IMO it's against the spirit of visibility levels, when the
protected and even private members of a class become accessible from
outside the class, throughout the whole unit in which a class is
defined. But sometimes multiple classes are designed for cooperation,
where one class needs access to not normally accessible methods or
properties of another class. When now the required methods are made
public, they become available for abuse by everybody. With the above
trick instead it's possible to gain access to the internals of a class,
without making everything public.
Such a backdoor does not prevent
abuse, but as the (C++) term friend class suggests, it exists only for
the sake of cooperation, and at the responsibility of the implementor.
That's why I would like to know how such cooperative functionality can
be implemented, by perhaps less tricky means.

sorry, but I fail to see the problem ? The above makes all protected
members of a class visible. This is normal, that is why they are
protected. If you want to avoid that, make the members private. Then
they are visible only in the same unit, even for other classes (for
'cooperation'), but not outside the unit, even with a descendent.
fpc-devel maillist  -
C++ requires friend only because it lacks the idea of modularity. 
Since all classes are apart they need some way to tell each other I 
can use you
In pascal you simply put them into 1 unit.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RE: Hint: Parameter sender not used

2005-03-12 Thread Ales Katona
Jeff Pohlmeyer  wrote / napísal (a):
This is not a big issue, anyway could we avoid the endless list
of such similar hints compiling Lazarus and our program?

I frequently find a similar annoyance with c library callbacks.
For instance, most gtk functions have a user_data parameter that
is often unused. 

Maybe there could be a procedure directive and/or compiler switch to
ignore unsused parameter hints on prototyped functions, or perhaps to
turn this particluar hint off completely? 

Or even a dummy function like: Ignore(Sender);

- Jeff


I agree. Something to turn of only parameter unused variables checks. 
It's not critical or anything but I think it might be good if it made it 
to 2.0
I'm not sure but doesn't Delphi actualy ignore unused parameters?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Modernising Pascal

2005-02-25 Thread Ales Katona
Jan Ruzicka  wrote / napísal (a):
Enough guys
each camp can make distinct implementation.
Use this forum to discuss an interface.
Let the results speak for themselves.
Lets discuss test code.
Lets discuss benchmark code.
Instead of discussing bunch of what-ifs
let's see how the implementation does.
Is there some wiki[1] where we can collect mentioned ideas?
[1] (like or
On Feb 25, 2005, at 13:11, Sebastian Kaliszewski wrote:
On Friday 25 February 2005 17:29, Eric Grange wrote:
1. This is not entirely true (the cost is at best logarithmic on the
number of objects or your allocator has terrible fragmentation)

Not really, you can use a memory map and achieve much lower
fragmentation than classic memory managers

1. Memory map brings no quarantees of const time.
2. Same applies to GC managers. BTW GC can use the very same
allocation/deallocation algorithm.
(cf. FastMM submissions
in the FastCode project in the b.p.d.basm borland ng).
In practice, you're memory usage will be a lot lower than that
of a GC.

You're forgetting internal fragmentation. It typical allocator 
block with power of 2 sizes (4, 8, 16, 32, up to page size or small
multiply of page size) assuming flat size distribution you have ~33%

2. You have to initialise your allocated data anyway.

That's not a practical issue because:
- initialization may be a task of the user's code, thus doesn't
   fall to the memory manager

But must happen anyway.
- you can use virtual memory facilities and have the initialization
   to zeroes happen automagically, no need to trash the CPU cache
   by explicitly filling with zeroes.

No way. It does not. At best it's delayed up to the point when memory 
used actually rather than being just allocated. But then OS has to clear
the page.

3. In real life often you have virtual memory system underneath and
there is no guarantee whatosoever.

The management costs of the VM system are typically negligible

Neglibile but not const (they're mostly linear -- as memory must be 
before porcess might use it -- due to basic security requirements).

if you
don't enter the realm of disk swapping, at which point the performance
of GC schemes completely collapses during garbage collections

Modern generational GC's are less suspectible to such problems.

Not every GC is compacting GC.
while a classic allocator can live perfectly happily with
part of its memory swapped out.
GC allocation (in case of compacting collecotr) is constant time

Allocation is alway constant time whatever the allocator if you do it

Nope. See above  below.
And even of you artificially restrict yourself to small span of small 
sizes yuo have to check quite a bunch of conditions, and conditional
branches are not free. It's allwayes order or two of magnitude slower 
adding constant to a heap pointer.

that's not a comparison point, however, GC linear allocation isn't
CPU-cache friendly, meaning that if you get that memory fast, the first
actions you'll do on that memory will typically be an order of 
slower than if you had been returned cached memory (particularly
noticeable for allocations of a few hundreds of kB of temporaries, 
concatenations, growing arrays, etc.).

1. ever heard of memory prefetch? You can do that explicitly, but most
current CPU uarchitectures does that implicitly for simple access 
(and linear walki is one of the simplest).
2. sorry but if you allocate few hundred of KB or more at once it 
won't be
cached anyway, regardless of the allocator.
3. temporaries should come from stack anyway.

Another drawback of linear allocation is interleaving, which often
reduces the cache efficiency by placing heterogeneous data together
(depends on the application of course, but it can hit you rather 
on some composite data structures).

Sorry, but this goes the opposite way.  Randomly scattered 
allocations are
worse than using large compact block. Those, who have to optimise their
data for cache use know that, and allocate large memory pools and then
arrange data the way they want. Cache colloring and stuff is easier 
to do
when you do not have to deal with stuff scattered everywhere.

This is one of the *advantages* of compacting allocators, that they 
with no internal fragmentation and that after compacting frequently used
parts are close together, and with just somwehat smart design of 
algorithm things used together are also placed together. This is 
good for cache not bad (it's obvious when you look at typical CPU cache
algorithm -- this minimises the amount of cache-line conflicts).

all the cost is in compacting which is linear.

Compacting might be linear, but it's cache unfriendly, which on a 
CPU means an order of magnitude slower memory operations, and that
happens practically on the whole allocated memory.

Prefetch is your friend. 

[fpc-devel] fpc/fcl/image buggy

2005-02-14 Thread Ales Katona
Reading certain JPEGs results in a JPEG error.
One such is
Just try to convert it to a PNG by imgconv(also present in fpc/fcl/image)
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] XMLCfg leaking

2005-02-06 Thread Ales Katona
Try this program with a corrupted xml file(just delte part of a tag or 
Compile with -ghl and you'll get a few bytes leaked.

program xmltest;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
 SysUtils, XMLCfg;
function LoadXML(var axml: TXmlConfig; const filename: string): boolean;
   axml:=TXMlConfig.Create(filename); // try to parse the file
   on E: Exception do
   writeln('Error: '+ E.Message);
 if not result then
var xml: TXMLConfig;
 if LoadXML(xml, 'test.xml') then
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 1.9.6 (a.k.a. 2.0.0-RC1) is out

2005-01-04 Thread Ales Katona
Jonas Maebe wrote:
On 4 jan 2005, at 15:27, peter green wrote:
lazarus is essentially what completes the cloning of delphi by 

I prefer to think that we're much more than just a clone of Delphi :) 
In fact, I've never even used Delphi in my entire life (nor really 
used Lazarus, for that matter).

fpc-devel maillist  -
By the qotes I ment that someone might think so. I view lazarus as 
sometimes more important than FPC itself when it comes to spreading the 

fpc-devel maillist  -

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