Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Proposal: Enhanced replacement for assignment operators

2010-08-06 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Adem,

Friday, August 6, 2010, 6:48:22 PM, you wrote:

A> IOW, write a small/simple utility that converts a given source to/from
A> those shorthand operators to/from their long form.
A> If there was such a thing and if it produced code that compiled to give
A> identical results, I would have no problems with the proposal.

Sone questions, what's the result of:




Algebra says one thing, and C a different one. Are ++ operators right
to left ?

And how about non commutative operators ?

a:=2 div a;

How to write it shorter ?

a*=b - 2;

How is this resolved ? a:=a*b-2 or a:=a*(b-2) ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-04 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

I find a problem that I'm unable to resolve, with my limited skills.
In TReader when a property is a TClass it is being added to be
resolved after all components are loaded, but the "Loaded" call is
performed before this fixup, so when a component receive the "Loaded"
signal some fields are still not completly filled in.

This is terrible in the SQLQuery (from Lazarus) as if you left anyone
"Active" it always complaint in runtime with "Database not set". :(

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-05 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Martin,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 9:56:41 AM, you wrote:

>> I find a problem that I'm unable to resolve, with my limited skills.
>> In TReader when a property is a TClass it is being added to be
>> resolved after all components are loaded, but the "Loaded" call is
>> performed before this fixup, so when a component receive the "Loaded"
>> signal some fields are still not completly filled in.
MS> Use
MS> "
MS> procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
MS> procedure NotifyGlobalLoading;
MS> procedure EndGlobalLoading;
MS> "

I see, but there is still a problem, I think. Let me explain:

1) Component is being read, it reads Active property, if set and
csLoading then the "active" is postponed to "afterload".
2) The "Database" property is being read, but as it is a TClass it is
added to LocalFixups.
3) The remaining properties are beign read.
4) Component is notified with "Loaded" signal, so it tries to active
itself, but database is not set.
5) Fixups are performed.
6) Component is notified again with "Loaded" signal.

I do not know how to instruct the component to skip the first "Loaded"
signal and wait for the next one, specially because if "Database" is
not set (trully error) the second "Loaded" signal will not be fired.
Maybe a component state like "csFixupsPending" ?

I do not have too much experience with components, but calling
"Loaded" several times does not look very fine.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[3]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-05 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 1:10:43 PM, you wrote:

>> I do not have too much experience with components, but calling
>> "Loaded" several times does not look very fine.
MVC> To the best of my knowledge: it should be called once only, after the 
MVC> If it isn't so, this is a bug.

Extracted from "", comments below...

procedure TReader.FixupReferences;
  i: Integer;
  for i := 0 to FLoaded.Count - 1 do

function TReader.ReadRootComponent(ARoot: TComponent): TComponent;
  if Assigned(GlobalLoaded) then
FLoaded := GlobalLoaded
FLoaded := TFpList.Create;

if FLoaded.IndexOf(FRoot) < 0 then
FOwner := FRoot;
FRoot.FComponentState := FRoot.FComponentState + [csLoading, csReading];
Exclude(FRoot.FComponentState, csReading);

if not Assigned(GlobalLoaded) then begin
  for i := 0 to FLoaded.Count - 1 do

if not Assigned(GlobalLoaded) then
FLoaded := nil;

procedure TReader.ReadData(Instance: TComponent);
  { Fixup references if necessary (normally only if this is the root) }
  If (Instance=FRoot) then

As you can see the "Loaded" event is called (marked with some //-)
before calling "GlobalFixupReferences", I'll try to add some writeln's
here and there to catch the event sequence and post it here for
further comments.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-05 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 4:08:08 PM, you wrote:

>> As you can see the "Loaded" event is called (marked with some //-)
>> before calling "GlobalFixupReferences", 
MS> Not if GlobalLoaded is set.

Yes, but it is not set, because BeginGlobalLoading is not called at
all from any point in the code, nor in fpc/rtl nor in Lazarus lcl, nor
in Lazarus IDE, but the IDE is not the important thing as the main
problem is at runtime. Only LNet httpsvlt is calling the
"BeginGlobalLoading" unless some other call it using some kind of
opaque pointer :-?

F:\Lazarus>find "begingloballoading" *.pas;*.pp;*.inc /s

  0 lines in  0 files


F:\fpc\svn>find "begingloballoading" *.pas;*.pp;*.inc /s


procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
  { Free the memory occupied by BeginGlobalLoading }

procedure BeginGlobalLoading;

  4 lines in  3 files

Is each component which must call "BeginGlobalLoading" ? or is the
read logic which must decide when activate the globalloading ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-06 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 8:37:44 AM, you wrote:

>> Yes, but it is not set, because BeginGlobalLoading is not called at
MS> Avoid circular component references in the forms and adjust the creation 
MS> that the referencing forms are created later or use
MS> Lazarus:
MS> "
MS>  begingloballoading;
MS> [...] create the forms
MS>  notifygloballoading;
MS>  endgloballoading;
MS> "
MS> (not tested).

I think I can see your point, but from the "end user" point of view
this is not a possibility. How to tell to the user, "Remeber you must
call beginglobal... and notifyglobal... and finally endglobal... when
you create forms with components that need a global loading link
reference fixup" :-?

Moreover user can not take care of creation order, it is not
deterministic (AFAIK), there is no way to change it in Lazarus and
finally it defeats the drag/drop/design paradigm. I have a form with
25 SQLQuery, 23 of them are chained in some way, if I need a new one
at the beginning I must delete 23, add the new one, create or paste
the 23 again and relink manually again ?

So the final question, should this moved from fpc-devel to Lazarus
mailing list ? Is it not considered a bug in the TReader ?

Thank you.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-07 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, October 7, 2010, 8:27:23 AM, you wrote:

MS> Maybe you mix up component creation order and form/datamodule creation 
MS> I wrote about form/datamodule creation order.

The datamodule is created just in program load, before any dependent
component is created, so my execution layout is:

1) Main form create (only a bunch of visual options).
2) Datamodules are being created and will keep loaded up to main form
3) When user selects an option in main form, the new form, with some
SQLQuery components inside linked with the already loaded
datamodule(s), is being created and the problem happends.

MS> MSEide does not create the code for loading additional forms and datamodules
MS> exactly because it is necessary that the user knows what is going on there.
MS> Please have a look into the program file of your application. I repeat:
MS> If there are interlinked forms/datamodules either:
MS> - Avoid circular component references.
MS> - Create the referencing forms/datamodules after the referenced 
MS> forms/datamodules.

I'm not using MSEide, but of course all referenced objects (databases
in this case) are being created before the conflictive

MS> Or:
MS> - Call msebegingloballoading.
MS> - Create the forms/datamodules.
MS> - Create mseendgloballoading.

I'll check this approach, but just to circunvent the problem. A
different thing is that maybe the bug/problem is in SQLQuery, in
TReader, in Lazarus logic or in any other piece of code.

MS> A Lazarus adept may write the necessary steps for Lazarus.
MS> If you get the exception in a single form without external component
MS> references, that would be another story...

I'm not sure 100%, changed the database connections to datamodules to
keep forms a bit cleaner, but I'm quite sure that the same problem
happends using a single form with all needed components in the form
(as in the past).

As you are the only one replaying (a lot of thanks) this makes me
think that other developers think that this behavior is OK in TReader,
so I'll try to post a simple form code in the Lazarus list and ask for
feedback about how it should work.

Thank you again for your support.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-07 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, October 7, 2010, 8:30:06 PM, you wrote:

MS> Aha. In MSEgui application.createform()/createdatamodule() must be called in
MS> order to allow component linking with already loaded modules, 
MS> is not enough. I don't know how this works in Lazarus.

Thank you, I'll try to gather more information from Lazarus list, but
if that's the case it completly defeats the advantages of a datamodule
and/or the presence of a published Active property in the SQLQuery (as
it is only valid if it is false at runtime) :-?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-07 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, October 7, 2010, 9:21:18 PM, you wrote:

>> Thank you, I'll try to gather more information from Lazarus list, but
>> if that's the case it completly defeats the advantages of a datamodule
>> and/or the presence of a published Active property in the SQLQuery (as
>> it is only valid if it is false at runtime) :-?
MS> No, no, in MSEgui it works OK if you call
MS> application.createform(t*form,*forminstance);
MS>  instead of  
MS> *forminstance:= t*form.create();
MS> I assume in Lazarus it works too.

Hm... I was not aware that both modes does not end in the same
functionality... (I allways use "n:=TNewForm.Create(Self)") I'll check
it. Thank you again.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-08 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Friday, October 8, 2010, 8:35:44 AM, you wrote:

>> Aha. In MSEgui application.createform()/createdatamodule() must be called in
>> order to allow component linking with already loaded modules, t*form.create()
>> is not enough. I don't know how this works in Lazarus.
MG> In Lazarus both use the same loading mechanism. Referenced
MG> datamodules are automatically found if they already exist.
MG> The main difference is that CreateForm sets the variable (e.g.
MG> Form1) before it creates and loads the form, while
MG> Form1:=TForm1.Create(nil) sets Form1 after creation and loading.
MG> It is up to the programmer to create the forms and datamodules in the
MG> right order. If you have circle dependencies, follow Martin's advice
MG> and enclose the creation of datamodule and forms in
MG> Begin/Notify/EndGlobalLoading.

I'm not aware about any cycle dependency, but I'm not completly sure
as I do not know which kind of dependency (from the technical point of
view I think) you are talking about, so I'll explain a layuot to try
to narrow the source of the problem (my design or library design):

I have a very simple application, 2 forms and 1 datamodule. The first
form is a simple "select your option" which will load all forms on
demand. When this main form is loaded the datamodule is being created
also, but not the second form.

In datamodule I have 1 firebird connection and 1 firebird transaction.
The connection is at design time linked with the transaction via
property and proper connect data is filled in.

Secondary form
It have a simple SQLQuery, linked with the firebird connection in the
datamodule. Transaction property is automagically filled with the
firebird connection transaction. The "Active" property is set to true
and at design time if I drop a grid I can see that data is being


  MainSecond form  Datamodule
+--+  +--++---+
|  |  | SQLQuery |+---> SQLConnection --+
|Button-->|| ||   |   | |
+--+  ++--+---> Transaction <---+

Creation order
1) Create main form
2) Create data module
3) Wait in main form for user input
4) Create second form

I had put some writeln in the source code at the property sets of
active and database of SQLQuery and the expected sequece is:

qryGroupClientsWatch set active to: -1
qryGroupClientsWatch set to database
qryGroupClientsWatch set active to: -1

First line receives the "Active:=true", but as csLoading is present it
sets a flag to activate after complete loading, second line sets the
database property and the third line should came from the "Loaded"
event which checks the flag and if not csLoading is present try to
open the dataset. This layout must work.

But the layout that I receive is:

qryGroupClientsWatch set active to: -1
qryGroupClientsWatch set active to: -1

First line is the "Active:=true", as csLoading is present the activate
is delayed. The reader reads the database property, as it is a tkClass
it add it to LocalReferenceFixups and do not set the property (so no
call to property set), and them the "Loaded" event is fired and as
csLoading is not present it tries to open the dataset raising the
"database not set" exception.

I hope I had explained it in detail.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-08 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Friday, October 8, 2010, 1:41:39 PM, you wrote:

>> Creation order
>> --
>> 1) Create main form
MS>  application.createform() or t*form.create()
>> 2) Create data module
MS>  application.createdatamodule();
>> 3) Wait in main form for user input
>> 4) Create second form
MS>  application.createform() or t*form.create()
MS> Such a scenario works in MSEgui.

Application.CreateForm(TfrmWorkbench, frmWorkbench);
Application.CreateForm(TdmCharting, dmCharting);

procedure TfrmWorkbench.BitBtn5Click(Sender: TObject);
  r: TfrmReportByFile;

Does not work in Lazarus almost up to date SVN, and fpc 2.5.1 July

But if my memory serves me, it does not work at least since Lazarus
0.9.26 and the related fpc version.

I had not reported it before because I think that the problem was the
missing datamodules, so I converted everything to use datamodules, but
the problem remains.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] LocalReferenceFixup

2010-10-11 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Monday, October 11, 2010, 9:07:44 AM, you wrote:

>> Attached is the example. One form that load a "menu" which opens a new
>> form which display a table in a grid. You will need to change the
>> password setup, and maybe database (I'm using aliases instead full
>> path), and of course the sql line.
>> Example is an small Lazarus project.
MS> I converted the example to MSEgui, works OK.

So or the problem is in LCL or I'm suffering some kind of poltergeist.
Thank you taking the time to perform the test.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Two trivial patches

2010-10-29 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

There are two more or less trivial patches in the bug tracker since
august against database. The first one is completly trivial:

[Patch] Missing one ftFixedChar and ftDateTime in "memds"

The next one is trivial but it may require a confirmation by Joost:

Dataset SQLQuery crash on "IndexFieldNames"
[Last comment]
The issue is not completly fixed, I think the "setrecno" should use
the active index also in the same way as the getrecno.

May anyone consider review them ? Thank you.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] bug in fpdoc HTML output - double spacing

2010-11-08 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Monday, November 8, 2010, 10:57:00 AM, you wrote:

>>I don't know HTML well enough to know what all the stuff in DTD files mean
>>or do, but I gather having it listed in the generated HTML is important?
AC> Well, DTD is one W3C recommendation, specifies the rules for correct
AC> rendering
AC> for all browsers. Standards are important, so I think that DTD declaration
AC> should be
AC> left.

The "double" lines effect is due the presence of  tags in table
cells. A  tag implies a carriage return so changing  tag by a
 tag "solves" the double line effect. I do not know if  tag
is mandatory somehow in the generated tables :-?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] constref in Windows

2010-11-19 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

In fpc 2.5.1 trunk today the QueryInterface in rtl\inc\ is
defined as:

IUnknown = interface
  function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} 
iid : tguid;out obj) : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
  function _AddRef : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
  function _Release : longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
IInterface = IUnknown;

Which after the resolved ifdefs it is compiled in Windows as:

IUnknown = interface
  function QueryInterface(constref iid : tguid;out obj) : longint; stdcall;
  function _AddRef : longint; stdcall;
  function _Release : longint; stdcall;
IInterface = IUnknown;

Which breaks the compilation of source code like Zeos which expect the
"iid: tguid" to be const, not constref.

I'm aware about the changes done to be XPCOM compatible, but at the
price of "breaking" all existing COM code ? OK, the break is quite
easy to solve, just replace const by contref, but the question is...
Is needed to change it to constref in Windows platform too ?

I know Joost do the changes, but I think direct email is not a good
choice unless no answer in list of course.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] constref in Windows

2010-11-19 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Joost,

Friday, November 19, 2010, 1:02:59 PM, you wrote:

JvdS> Well, this issue leaded to a large discussion elsewhere. I was wondering
JvdS> when someone else would even notice this incompatibility. A lot of
JvdS> alternatives have been discussed, but I coud not find any which is less
JvdS> intrusive.

I had followed the discussion in the public lists but not in the
development internal lists.

JvdS> In an nutshell: the behavior of 'const' parameters is undefined. When
JvdS> using cdecl the 'const' keyword is simply ignored. But we do need to
JvdS> pass the GUID by reference.

I'm aware...

JvdS> There are two options:
JvdS> 1: Change the behavior of const-parameters. That can lead to
JvdS> unpredictable problems which are not noticed by the compiler. It could
JvdS> be an option to use some setting to define the behavior of 'const', but
JvdS> in that case that setting have to be set for all units that do a call to
JvdS> QueryInterface. (ie: all code using interfaces, so it means this setting
JvdS> has to be set everywhere where COM code is used)

Currently Win32 (only win32) could work with const in that interface,
taking in account that any other interface functions in IUnknown
descendents will be mostly typed with const instead constref, so
people with interfaces will inadvertly have const everywhere but
QueryInterface. Anyway, continue reading...

JvdS> 2: Change the definition to constref, so the compiler will complain if a
JvdS> user override the QueryInterface's definition, and can adapt the code.

This is the best, of course, but is there any possibility to fine tune
the message error in that case to offer the solution to the programmer
directly ? Can a special error message be emited for this error in
QueryInterface ?

JvdS> Notice that until now I've only heard of code which overrides
JvdS> QueryInterface in the Free Pascal code itself, in the Lazarus code, ZEOS
JvdS> and the code from one commercial developer who also works on
JvdS> Lazarus/Free Pascal.
JvdS> It is an incompatibility, yes. But I think it's not too intrusive and I
JvdS> see no alternatives...

No, not intrusive, but very hard to find the solution for average joe,
in fact I had solved it in my Zeos just after seen the "error" but
most people are not aware of the change. I'm looking for a help in
solution, not an interface change.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 9:45:47 AM, you wrote:

L> 2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data
L> into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into
L> UTF-8 ?

Do you set the CHARSET field in your TSQLConnector to UTF-8 ? Do you
define the right code page in each field of your database ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 11:02:00 AM, you wrote:

>> L> 2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data
>> L> into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into
>> L> UTF-8 ?
>> Do you set the CHARSET field in your TSQLConnector to UTF-8 ?
L> not all connectors supports CharSet property. When I look into sources
L> only MySQL and IB support them (SQLite always return UTF-8 encoded ...
L> ODBC, Postgre and Oracle ignore it)

So partially it is a lack of support in TSQLConnector. Also UTF-8 in
Firebird does not work as expected due a design decision (I think).

L> Yes, this is not primary question of database side,

Oh yes it is! If you miss any of the three steps, it will fail:
1) Database field
2) SQLConnector and Client DLL/so
3) GUI

L> but db client library api, which is used by SQLConnector to
L> retrieve data.

How an UTF8 SQLConnector can retrieve UTF8 data from a field defined
as binary ? Client libraries have all the needed resources to handle
the database, a different thing is that SQLConnector implements them
and/or do it right.

L> For example in ODBC we use SQLGetData in LoadField
L> method to retrieve data from odbc interface. And for example in
L> case of MS SQL Server character data are retrieved in current ANSI
L> code page (in Windows of course, may be that for example in *nix
L> data are retrieved in UTF-8 naturaly) .

Via ODBC ?

L> (AFAIK there is no universal way how to explicitly request
L> character encoding from ODBC interface)

But that's a problem of ODBC, but:

L> So it is true, that every sql connector is mandatory write character
L> data in UTF-8 ?

No. It is mandatory that you send/receive UTF8 to/from GUI LCL
elements. In case you are using a DBF, in example which does not have
encoding information, you can use the transliterate facility of
dataset, but it is a bit awful.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] String and UnicodeString and UTF8Stringt

2011-01-12 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 2:59:53 PM, you wrote:

>> L> but db client library api, which is used by SQLConnector to
>> L> retrieve data.
>> How an UTF8 SQLConnector can retrieve UTF8 data from a field defined
>> as binary ?
L> It cann't .
L> Here I am speaking about TStringField, which is IMHO designed for 
L> character data, for binary data is designed TBinaryField

And a binary field is an string without encoding, collate and other
text explicit attributes.

>> But that's a problem of ODBC, but:
L> Yes in UNIX world it may be so (I do not know),
L> but in Windows ODBC we have no such possibility AFAIK

Quote from Microsoft:
"The ODBC 3.5 (or higher) Driver Manager supports both ANSI and
Unicode versions of all functions that accept pointers to character
strings or SQLPOINTER in their arguments. The Unicode functions are
implemented as functions (with a suffix of W), not as macros. The ANSI
functions (which can be called with or without a suffix of A) are
identical to the current ODBC API functions."

ODBC 3.5 was launched around 2000-2001.

L> So it can be UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 ... in all cases we must allocate
L> space 4*[max.number of characters in field], right ?
L> So in what encoding are string data stored now in TStringField ?

In the same format the database bring them to it. Database returns a
bunch of bytes and a description of that bytes.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, January 13, 2011, 10:03:02 AM, you wrote:

>> ODBC 3.5 was launched around 2000-2001.
L> But this approach will require changes in packages/odbc/src/
L> like, does not ?:
L> -pointer(SQLGetData) := 
L> GetProcedureAddress(ODBCLibraryHandle,'SQLGetData');
L> +pointer(SQLGetData) := 
L> GetProcedureAddress(ODBCLibraryHandle,'SQLGetDataW');
L> And I do not know how it affect compatibility for example in UNIX or if
L> all ODBC drivers support this functionality.

Most probably it needs a "flag" to indicate that the ODBC must work in
Unicode, and then dynamic link to *W functions if this flag is set. I
think ODBC drivers since 2002+/- should have this set of APIs, but I
had never used ODBC in my life... :)

L> But also in this case we will get UTF-16 widestrings (in Windows) not
L> UTF-8, does not ?

That's not important, you get unicode in the specified by the API
format, then SQLConnector fills information in the expected target
format (WideString, UTF8String over AnsiString, Raw bytes...).

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, January 13, 2011, 1:01:57 PM, you wrote:

L> Also it seems to me, that when you call ANSI version of ODBC API
L> functions, then you receive data in ANSI encoding.
L> If it is so, then it is always safe use ansitoutf8() (or UTF8Encode())
L> on receved data.

No, because ANSI is not UTF-* so any char outside of your ANSI
codepage will be discarded or generate and exception, or whatever the
developer decides (driver developer).

L> In Windows we get UTF-16, in Linux/UNIX we get UTF-8

If you use ANSI calls in linux you will receive UTF8 because in most
linux the ANSI page is UTF8. If you call the *W APIs you MUST receive
WideString or PWideCharArray or alike, or the API will not work.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, January 13, 2011, 2:58:30 PM, you wrote:

JvdS> Then that option has to be added. I think it's already possible but you
JvdS> simply don't know how. (Sql-Server is ODBC only, so that one is fixed.
JvdS> For firebird there's a 'serverencoding' parameter, or something like
JvdS> that. Postgres also has some setting.

Are you aware about the Firebird Field(UTF8) and SQLConnection
CharSet(UTF8) problem ?

Table X
  FieldTestName Varchar(5) UTF8

  CharSet = UTF8

//Source code file is UTF8 encoded.

This raises an exception because the string is 10 bytes and the field
only allow 5 chars.

I think I had read this comment many months ago and answered as "won'n
fix" for Interbase compatibility. Am I wrong ?
Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[4]: [fpc-devel] TStringField, String and UnicodeString and UTF8String

2011-01-13 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, January 13, 2011, 4:24:31 PM, you wrote:

>> Are you aware about the Firebird Field(UTF8) and SQLConnection
>> CharSet(UTF8) problem ?
JvdS> See my mail to Lacak about the two options to solve this.

I think the problem is different and can be solved without any
compatibility problem or at least easily detectable.

Anyway I'll write a possible patch and this way test if that's a
viable solution and if it "works" send for evaluation.

Thank you.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] FPC for minimal Win-32

2011-03-24 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, March 24, 2011, 9:10:10 PM, you wrote:

SB> You don't need to rebuild FPC itself, but you need to modify the RTL.

SB> Three functions from oleaut32 are included for Windows compatible 
SB> widestring management. As FPC has a fallback mechanism you can disable that.

Or simply create a dummy "oleaut32.dll" which exports the same
functions prototypes without doing nothing (empty functions) and drop
that DLL in the same folder as the exe.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] FPC for minimal Win-32

2011-03-25 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, March 24, 2011, 10:19:09 PM, you wrote:

>> Or simply create a dummy "oleaut32.dll" which exports the same
>> functions prototypes without doing nothing (empty functions) and drop
>> that DLL in the same folder as the exe.
SB> But then you must not use FPC for that DLL as the oleaut32 functions are
SB> used in DLLs as well.

Instead modify RTL to not import that functions, provide a simple
empty stub in a "local" DLL to keep the dll loader happy and disable
unicode. Maybe I'm dropping something in the path and this approach is
not good.

SB> Also if you follow this approach it might be safer to stay far away from
SB> any function that takes a WideString (UnicodeString might work though).

The worst thing could be a "no answer" function, or implement a very
basic non complian unicode operations (I had not checked what
oleaut32.dll functions perform).

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CompareMem slower in FPC 2.4.4

2011-06-02 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 10:07:18 PM, you wrote:

MK> In my tests, FPC 2.4.4 has much slower CompareMem than FPC 2.4.2, at
MK> least for some cases:

The difference is that CompareMem takes the same time to check a
memory block if the elements are equal or different, while the pascal
code aborts inmediatly after first difference.

I had performed a fast test filling 2 megabytes of memory, the first
with value "1" and the second with value "2". Performing the test 10
millions times takes 610 milliseconds. In the second test fill both
arrays with same value, and CompareMem takes 610 milliseconds.

After some tests (not very professional) CompareMem takes much more
advantage if the amount of bytes to be compared are more than 32-38, so
the best performance I get is using this function:

function XCompareByte(const p1,p2,Length: sizeInt): SizeInt;
  j: SizeInt;
  PB1: PBYTE absolute p1;
  PB2: PBYTE absolute p2;
  if Length<=38 then begin
for j := 0 to Length-1 do begin
  if pb1[j]<>PB2[j] then begin
  end else begin

In my computer Intel 9300 QCore WindowsXP this function get the best
of the two worlds, fast comparison escape for different memory blocks,
fast compare for small blocks and the "rep cmpsl" for larger blocks,
performance that can not be achieved with the pascal loop. The
comparison penalty if rapidly payed with the fast escape in case of
differeces in the very first bytes.

I'm quite sure the magic number is 32 not 38, but in my case I get
better performance with 38.

Simple test code:

procedure Comparememtest;
  p1,p2: PBYTE;
  j: integer;
  ST,ET: TTimeStamp;
  for j := 0 to 100-1 do begin
  for j := 0 to 100-1 do begin
  for j := 0 to 1000 do begin

Times table:
 PlainCompare  CompareByteXCompareByte
Equal arrays 1000 elements   16250 ms  625 ms 656 ms
Diff. arrays 1000 elements  62 ms  640 ms 656 ms

Equal arrays 32 elements   547 ms  625 ms 547 ms
Diff. arrays 32 elements62 ms  640 ms  62 ms

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] CompareMem slower in FPC 2.4.4

2011-06-02 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 10:07:18 PM, you wrote:

MK> In my tests, FPC 2.4.4 has much slower CompareMem than FPC 2.4.2, at
MK> least for some cases:

Please take care with my last email, it has a bug that result in wrong
speed tests, anyway after fixing the bug, the "magic" number for plain
compare is around 28-32, so for blocks of 28-32 or less bytes, a plain
compare is much faster than CompareMem even when the memory blocks are

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] CompareMem slower in FPC 2.4.4

2011-06-02 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, June 2, 2011, 7:03:10 PM, you wrote:

FK> Am 02.06.2011 18:45, schrieb José Mejuto:
>> Hello FPC,
>>  PlainCompare  CompareByteXCompareByte
>>    ---
>> Equal arrays 1000 elements   16250 ms  625 ms 656 ms
>> Diff. arrays 1000 elements  62 ms  640 ms 656 ms
>> Equal arrays 32 elements   547 ms  625 ms 547 ms
>> Diff. arrays 32 elements62 ms  640 ms  62 ms
FK> I improved the original CompareByte, please tell me how it works for you.

Much better now when arrays are identical it scales well...

Identical arrays

Comparemem 4 : 203
XCompareMem 4: 109
CompareMemNew 4  : 94

Comparemem 32: 453
XCompareMem 32   : 547
CompareMemNew 32 : 438

Comparemem 200   : 1125
XCompareMem 200  : 1156
CompareMemNew 200: 1125

Different arrays at first position
Comparemem 4 : 293
XCompareMem 4: 51
CompareMemNew 4  : 59

Comparemem 32: 596
XCompareMem 32   : 51
CompareMemNew 32 : 59

Comparemem 200   : 593
XCompareMem 200  : 625
CompareMemNew 200: 609

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] CompareMem slower in FPC 2.4.4

2011-06-02 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, June 2, 2011, 7:03:10 PM, you wrote:

>>  PlainCompare  CompareByteXCompareByte
>>    ---
>> Equal arrays 1000 elements   16250 ms  625 ms 656 ms
>> Diff. arrays 1000 elements  62 ms  640 ms 656 ms
>> Equal arrays 32 elements   547 ms  625 ms 547 ms
>> Diff. arrays 32 elements62 ms  640 ms  62 ms
FK> I improved the original CompareByte, please tell me how it works for you.

After a brief test, the same happends with FillByte for blocks of 24
bytes or less, probably 32 when coded in ASM.


FillByte 4   : 371
XFillByte 4  : 68

FillByte 16  : 235
XFillByte 16 : 172

FillByte 24  : 235
XFillByte 24 : 228

FillByte 32  : 235
XFillByte 32 : 292

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Record assign improve

2011-06-03 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Based in the optimizations to CompareByte and FillChar, I get a
suspect about record assignment when records are not very big, so
write some test code to verify it, and yes, I think code generator
should be changed in some way to get advantage in case of "small"
records < 96 bytes.

This are the test times:

Rounds: 10 Array fast (96)  : 2110
Rounds: 10 Array slow (96)  : 2265

Rounds: 10 Array fast (64)  : 1391
Rounds: 10 Array slow (64)  : 1969

Rounds: 10 Array fast (32)  : 640
Rounds: 10 Array slow (32)  : 1641

Rounds: 10 Array fast (16)  : 328
Rounds: 10 Array slow (16)  : 1641

The code basically have a record with a series of integer fields and
try to copy the record several million times. When the record is 8
bytes long, it generates fast code, but when record size is 16 the
code generator jumps to use the "rep movsl" which seems to be
ineficient for such small records.

16 and 32 bytes records takes almost the same time to be copied, while
the the "by members" copy is between 3 and 5 times faster.

Fast and slow "16" records:

  r1: record
a: integer;
b: integer;
  r2: record
c: integer;
d: integer;
  a: integer;
  b: integer;
  c: integer;
  d: integer;

Loop test code:

for k := 1 to TESTELEMENTS-1 do begin
for k := 1 to TESTELEMENTS-1 do begin

Complete test functions are attached. Thinking in the amount of 32
byte records that can be found in a program this optimization can take
a good speed advantage.

Best regards,

Description: Binary data
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Record assign improve

2011-06-03 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

I forget to say that my machine test is a Intel Q9300 4Core, running
WinXP SP3 32 bits.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: wrong detection of inUnix ?? [Re: [fpc-devel] fcl-WEB build broken]

2011-06-11 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Saturday, June 11, 2011, 10:48:31 AM, you wrote:

MvdV> In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:
>> > The windows shell also accepts / as pathseparator.
>> Not here it doesn't. Just tested:
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd c:/programs
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator
>> C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd c:\programs
>> C:\Programs>

MvdV> After retest it seems only to ignore it indeed. Try going to the root and
MvdV> then do

'/' is used as path separator, but not as path root indicator, so '/'
can only be used with relative paths:

cd \/Programs (go to root, then programs)
cd /p1/p2/p3 (enter in p1, then p2, then p3)
cd /../../.. (up 3 directories)

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] volatile variables

2011-06-28 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 3:39:29 PM, you wrote:

AB> Sort of right.  6 core system. Core 1 locks code block.  Code block
AB> should still use interlocked statements to make memory assignments so
AB> that when Core 1 releases lock - Core 2 can have a real-time image of
AB> variable.  Otherwise Core 2 may see a stale copy of the variable.

Core 2 should only access those variables using the same lock
(critical section) as core 1 or data integrity is not garanteed.

Critical sections garantee a full fence, pipe lines as invalidated.
The only possible problem is the variable caching in a register, but
as stated here the call to the function that perform the critical
section forces fpc to store the variables in a register to its memory
address and the critical section activity forces the fence ensuring
all cores see the same data at the same time.

You can not protect a code with a critical section and access the data
without using the same critical section, so you can not protect code
with a critical section and operate over the data in other thread with
interlock operations. This is not threading 101, do not ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Safely shareable objects

2011-06-30 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, June 30, 2011, 4:07:22 PM, you wrote:

HPD> Now we can assume that IShareable objects/references can be used all
HPD> over the code, with no further precautions in explicit code required,
HPD> that the use of the object *and* its content is always synchronized and
HPD> sequentialized properly. Specific interfaces can be derived from 
HPD> IShareable, e.g. IShareableList, 
HPD> IShareableParamsAndResult.

So you mean that something like:

IMyObject inherited from IShareable the compiler must add stub code on
each function/procedure/property to lock the interface ?

So a function like:

function iMyObject.Increment(a: integer): integer;

must be "silently modified" by the compiler to something like:

function iMyObject.Increment(a: integer): integer;

? To me it looks extremelly overkill.

If you think in the other approach, so when interface count is higher
than one enter the critical section, it could not be done IMHO because
when refcount reach 2 it could happend in thread 2 while thread 1 is
inside a procedure of the object which could lead to unexpected

Maybe I missed something ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Safely shareable objects

2011-06-30 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, June 30, 2011, 9:42:36 PM, you wrote:

HPD> José Mejuto schrieb:

>> So you mean that something like:
>> IMyObject inherited from IShareable the compiler must add stub code on
>> each function/procedure/property to lock the interface ?

HPD> No. The object is locked as long the code holds the reference to it.

In that case read my note at the end of the e-mail, I think it could
not be done in that way.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] SMP > 2 core Cache issue with Posix threads

2011-07-01 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Friday, July 1, 2011, 6:44:44 PM, you wrote:

HPD> This scenario was reflected in my example (bi-linked list update).
HPD> The very last sentence deserves clarification. When not *all*
HPD> assignments are protected by a CS, the use of Interlocked assignments
HPD> only can improve cache coherence, but it IMO *can not* prevent (logical)
HPD> race conditions. IMO Andrew observed just such race conditions, 
HPD> resulting from a mix of sequential writes from multiple threads.

When not all assignements/reads are not protected by a CS (or similar)
there is not a problem of coherence, there is a logical problem. In
that case the use of interlocked operations only add overhead without
adding any kind of security/stability.

You can write lock free algorithms with interlocked operations, but
you can not write any other kind of procedures, usually more complex,
without a CS.

Tiny example:

Core/Thread 1:

while true do begin
  if a=b then Raise Exception.Create('KBOOM!');

Core/Thread 2:
while true do begin

This code will crash at a given time, maybe 1 millisecond, maybe 2
days, but it will crash.

Cache coherence is maintained by the hardware, interlocked only
provide atomicity. How the atomicity is provided is beyond the scope
of pascal and even the OS.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-05 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011, 6:44:24 PM, you wrote:

JM> Since the behaviour of "const" for automated types is
JM> explicitly defined by Borland as not causing any changes in
JM> reference counting (see the note at the bottom of
JM> ), I think Martin/Florian's proposal to add the ability for adding
JM> extra compiler checks is best. It's similar to how range and
JM> overflow checking are optional.

But adding a checksum over allocated data or only over control data ?

This changes should be detected ?

  a: ansistring;
procedure DoSomehting(const v: ansistring);


Maybe "simply" add a constRefCount field which is only used with the
check automagic types turned on ? Anyway the worst behaviour is
refcount related do not ? If refcount should be updated and the
variable have a constRefCount>0 then something went wrong. Also this
mode should not impose a serious performance penalty.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] negative TDateTime values and MinDateTime

2011-08-04 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, August 4, 2011, 10:11:16 AM, you wrote:

GG> On 4 August 2011 09:58, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
>> I've never heard that our DateTime routines support other calendars.
>> My guess is that they simply don't.

GG> Even so, does that mean we can't write software with FPC for use by
GG> Historian's where they might catalog artifacts with a date less that
GG> Year 100?  I haven't tested, but if so, that's terrible.

You need to use a dates library, usual simple date libraries like the
fpc/delphi rtl are plain wrong for gregorian calendar prior 1582, so
dates before (like the 100) mindate limit is meaningless. Just the
october 5 1582 does not exists. Even in gregorian calendar if you live
in Turkey the mindate value should be 1/1/1926. Dates and unicode
suffers the same localization problems.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Problem with Now() and time changed by ntpd

2011-10-31 Thread José Mejuto
Hello zeljko,

Monday, October 31, 2011, 8:58:14 PM, you wrote:

z> Don't know what to do ... I must fix this asap somehow ... even with using my
z> own Now() implementation by calling libc ... don't know ... this pissed me 
z> totally.

Is the UTC time reliable (the value that you can get) ? If it is just
calculate your local time from UTC instead using Now().

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Problem with Now() and time changed by ntpd

2011-11-01 Thread José Mejuto
Hello zeljko,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 2:07:50 PM, you wrote:

>> 1. First off, we must correctly take into account DST. That should fix
>> Zejlko's problem.
z> Am I the only one who produces 24/7 services with fpc in the world (and
z> around) ? ;)

For sure no :) I found that problem 2 years ago, but not exactly
related to real time, but to stored local times that must be processed
across time zones, so I wrote PascalTZ

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Cant' compile trunk

2011-12-27 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 5:21:24 PM, you wrote:

>> I was trying to fix the makefile but me and makefiles are not good
>> friends :)
mvwb> Should be fixed in rev. 19895.
mvwb> As a workaround, compile *and install* the latest version of the packages.

Thank you... workaround noted to another case. 19895 compiles fine.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Cant' compile trunk

2011-12-27 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

I can't compile trunk:

make[1]: Entering directory `F:/fpc/svn/utils/importtl'
F:/fpc/fpc/2.4.4/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -Fu../../rtl/units/i386-win32 -FE. 
-FUunits/i386-win32 -di386 importtl.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.4 [2011/12/16] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling importtl.pas
Fatal: Can't find unit typelib used by importtl
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [importtl.exe] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `F:/fpc/svn/utils/importtl'
make: *** [importtl_all] Error 2

I was trying to fix the makefile but me and makefiles are not good
friends :)

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Misterious error

2011-12-28 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

I'm now running:

Lazarus 0.9.31 r34428
FPC 2.7.1 i386-win32-win32/win64 r19895

With this setup something strange is happening in a project of mine,
when I close the project a SIGSEGV happends in the
of LCL without callback stack trace and with all local variables using
a base pointer of nil (gdb messages like 'window unable to read
address 0x8').

This seems to have nothing in relation with fpc itself, but as soon as
I do any string operation inside the procedure everything starts to
work as it should. In my first test I wrote a simple
"writeln(integer(@window))" before the line that crashes everything,
but before the crash, the value of @window is normal.

Then I try to write 2 values so use "writeln(strtoint(window)+'
'+strtoint(msg))' and suddenly everything starts to work.

I know that such operation can change the code generation and hide an
error, so I simple declare a "var" section like:

  s: string;

and remove the writeln so the only change to the code is the variable
declaration and now it works.

Does anybody have an idea how can I debug this problem ? Assembler
code looks the same in both cases.

To me it looks like the code is trying to free some strings or
interfaces but at a point where the manager of automated types has
been "disabled" so the declaration of a new ansistring "reconnects"
it. Maybe it is a crazy idea but is the only one that I have now.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2011-12-31 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Jonas,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 2:43:16 PM, you wrote:

>> To me it looks like the code is trying to free some strings or
>> interfaces but at a point where the manager of automated types has
>> been "disabled" so the declaration of a new ansistring "reconnects"
>> it. Maybe it is a crazy idea but is the only one that I have now.
JM> The most likely problem is memory corruption by your program.
JM> Compiling the program with range checking (-Cr) and dynamic class
JM> type checking (-CR) can help with finding the cause. You can try
JM> using heaptrc or Dr Memory ( --
JM> in case you use this one, adding the cmem unit to your program may
JM> give more accurate diagnostics).

I had done all the tests and in fact many more, and start to manually
bisect fpc to find the revision that breaks my code as 2.4.2, 2.4.4
and 2.6.0rc1 work fine.

After 2 days and around 40 fpc and LCL clean compiles :) I had found
that the revision 19668 breaks the code. I was unable to synthesize a
test case that shows the problem, so only my code is raising the
problem constantly after that revision.

When exception is raised ebp is equal to zero and as r19668 is related
to exceptions handling it makes me think again in wrongly handled
automated types in some situations, in my case I suspect in

To compile 19667 and 19668 I had to manually apply revisions 19699 and
19670 which only affects fpdoc compilation.

How can I help more to catch the problem ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2011-12-31 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Jonas,

Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 2:43:16 PM, you wrote:

JM> The most likely problem is memory corruption by your program.
JM> give more accurate diagnostics).

A bit more information:

Environment is win32.

The line that raises the exception is in 2474:

if (Msg=WM_CHAR) and (WParam=VK_RETURN) and
   ((lWinControl is TCustomCombobox) or
((lWinControl is TCustomEdit) and not (lWinControl is TCustomMemo ))
  // this thing will beep, don't call defaultWindowProc
  PLMsg^.Result := CallDefaultWindowProc(Window, Msg, WParam, LParam);

The CallDefaultWindowProc.

If I change the line to:

  PLMsg^.Result := CallDefaultWindowProc(Window, Msg, WParam, LParam);

The problem dissapears.

* In the same function, if I declare an ansistring type, just the
declare only, it works.

* If the "CallDefaultWindowProc" declaration is changed to stdcall it
also works fine.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2011-12-31 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Saturday, December 31, 2011, 3:39:59 PM, you wrote:

SG> r19668 affects codegeneration of constructors and custom enumerators, and 
SG> The reported location of crash in your case is likely
SG> unrelated to the actual location of problem. 
SG> At least, function WindowProc from is not
SG> affected by r19668, as it isn't a 
SG> constructor and doesn't involve exception handling in unmodified form.
SG> If your code contains constructors which use interfaces, I'd
SG> suggest them as the place to look at or 
SG> try to modify.

Reverting this change in r19668, line 700:

{ Constructors need the destroy-on-exception code even if they don't
  use managed variables/temps. }
//if (cs_implicit_exceptions in current_settings.moduleswitches) and
//   (is_class(procdef.struct) and 
(procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor)) then
//  maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(code,true)

Makes everything work fine again. The if..else was added by you in
19668. Maybe a forgotten situation to generate stackframe ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2011-12-31 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Saturday, December 31, 2011, 5:07:42 PM, you wrote:

>>  //if (cs_implicit_exceptions in
>> current_settings.moduleswitches) and
>>  //   (is_class(procdef.struct) and
>> (procdef.proctypeoption=potype_constructor)) then
>>  //  maybe_add_constructor_wrapper(code,true)
>>  //else
>> Makes everything work fine again. The if..else was added by you in
>> 19668. Maybe a forgotten situation to generate stackframe ?
SG> Plain removal of this if..else breaks a couple of tests in
SG> the testsuite. But the information you 
SG> provided gives some pointers to look at. At least, adding a
SG> check that constructor without 
SG> pi_needs_implicit_finally flag doesn't have any implicit
SG> finalization code either will help 
SG> detecting the actual place of trouble.
SG> I'll review it.

I'll be very happy in test any change you may want to try before
commit to SVN. This kind of problems seems to be very difficult to
catch, so I'll try to not change my codebase while you investigate in
order to be able to raise the error as needed.

Another hint, my problem appears at close time and only if a debugger
is present. If no debugger the operative system eats the error and
nothing is reported.

Happy 2012.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2012-01-03 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Monday, January 2, 2012, 9:27:50 PM, you wrote:

>> The solution to optimize the unnecessary finally blocks without
>> breaking exit behavior is still to
>> be found.
SG> More sophisticated patch applied in r19955. If you can test
SG> your project with it, that would be just 
SG> great.

I had updated to 19958 and it still fails with the same SIGSEGV. Again
adding the try..finally..end in the function cures the problem.

[Updating to 19959 to test as my code uses Variants...Done]

No sorry, still the same SIGSEGV :(

Do you know which kind of code I must look for to isolate the problem

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2012-01-04 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012, 10:01:54 PM, you wrote:

>> Do you know which kind of code I must look for to isolate the problem
>> ?
SG> I'd suggest looking at the constructors containing an 'exit' statement,
SG> but I'm not entirely sure.
SG> Does restoring removed line 287 of psub.pas remove the segfault?
SG> (The line was:
SG>include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_needs_implicit_finally); )

No, it does not :( The problem seems to happend in a destroy process,
but as it only happends on close window, and in the close process a
lot of objects and interfaces are destroyed I can not track each one

I'll try to create a minimun project that fails, it would need a
firebird and zeoslib.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Misterious error

2012-01-04 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 3:12:55 PM, you wrote:

SG> I was hoping otherwise... Actually it is very strange that
SG> reverting changes at line 700 (which you 
SG> mentioned earlier) removes the crash, while reverting line
SG> 287 does not, because removing 
SG> pi_needs_implicit_finally flag is the condition under which
SG> code at line 700 could ever execute.

I'll retest everything again with clear compiles to be sure...

SG> This is of course the best thing to do.
SG> However, you can as well try the attached simple patch. It
SG> prevents temps referenced from 'finally' 
SG> blocks from being placed to registers.

If it still crashes I'll apply the patch and retest again.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Manual reload of a DLL snapshot (with relocations) causes multiple AV

2012-01-06 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Friday, January 6, 2012, 3:07:31 PM, you wrote:

GP> The task I'm working on is somewhat unorthodox, but I'd like to get some 
comments anyway.
GP> I'm writing "semi-stealth" DLL which is one loaded by the
GP> process (and visible by others) while not residing on disk as a
GP> file. This is done by the following method:

Why you do not load the DLL from memory ? There is code to load and
relocate it as it is being done by the Windows OS.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] New functions for time zone

2012-07-11 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 3:09:41 PM, you wrote:

MVC> There are 2 sides to this medal. The function returns a number of 
MVC> This is usually expressed as a number of hours and minutes (the OS returns
MVC> it so). The result is in 'natural' units.
MVC> Returning it as a timestamp - while useful by itself - seems rather odd.

Returning it as a timestamp is nonsense, instead return a double
representing the day fraction, so 2 hours = 2 / 86400.

MVC> I'm also not quite sure what should be returned for
MVC> negative values of the timezone info.
MVC> 'today 23:00' or "Yesterday 23:00"
MVC> I think it should remain as it is, but if you want, we can create an extra
MVC> function 'LocalTimeOffset' in DateUtils that returns the same thing as a
MVC> TDateTime. This new function can then be used in conversion routines.

Anyway the functions are nonsense as they accept a parameter for date
to be converted, and as noted in the bug report the functions must
only work over Now or NowUTC (or alike). IMHO is quite dangerous to
keep this functions as they are now in the base units, as the names
suggest that they will correctly convert any time UTC to a local time
or viceversa, so at least rename the function "GetLocalTimeOffset" to
"GetCurrentLocalTimeOffset" to note the "current" verb.

In the other hand this functions are not for local<->universal time
conversions, they displace times, calculate offsets and apply them, in
fact one function changing the sign of the offset will give the same
result as the other function.

As usual, this is just my opinion only...

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[3]: [fpc-devel] New functions for time zone

2012-07-11 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 4:38:19 PM, you wrote:

>> Anyway the functions are nonsense as they accept a parameter for date
>> to be converted.
MVC> Not if they have the TZOffset parameter as well.
MVC> Without this information they are indeed nonsense.
MVC> That is why I added the parameter.

Well, I undertand it, I was only trying to note that this code:


Will not return correct result in some mini-mili-microseconds slices
two times a year, and as more time passes between the assignements of
A and B (using a time field in databases, it could be days, years,
months...) the chances of a wrong conversion will raise a lot.

MVC> If someone does not supply it, the current one will be taken; 
MVC> it is simply meant for current time operations.
MVC> The behaviour will be documented, and there will be a
MVC> remark about the TZ info being time dependent.
MVC> If someone doesn't know what he is doing, that's his problem.

Sure :) I had bitten that stone in the past ;)

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[4]: [fpc-devel] New functions for time zone

2012-07-11 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 5:41:45 PM, you wrote:

>> A:=Now;
>> B:=GetLocalTimeOffSet;
>> C:=LocalTimeToUniversal(A,B);
>> Will not return correct result in some mini-mili-microseconds slices
>> two times a year, and as more time passes between the assignements of
>> A and B (using a time field in databases, it could be days, years,
>> months...) the chances of a wrong conversion will raise a lot.
MVC> This is correct, but unavoidable without a huge
MVC> implementation like TZPascal...

That's completly overkill.

MVC> Even 'Now' itself is not 100% correct, since lots of computations are still
MVC> done after the time was gotten from the OS...

I think thew word here is "precise", now is not 100% precise, but it
is correct as it can describe a given moment in time, you know, the
most precise clock is the stopped one, it returns a 100% accurate time
2 times each day :)

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] HPack for HTTP2

2016-04-24 Thread José Mejuto


Added entry in the bug tracker for HPack implementation for http2.

If somebody whats to add it somewhere in fpc/fcl code base. It is based 
in Twitter's HPack Java implementation.

It includes fpcunit test file and sample files.

There are still a bit of changes needed in the DynamicTable handling to 
gain a bit of speed, but corrently it seems to be valid for production code.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC V3.0.0 LocalTimeToUniversal() error

2016-06-29 Thread José Mejuto

El 29/06/2016 a las 22:35, vfclists . escribió:

Does this have to do with some questionable Microsoft formulae which
prompted this query -


Only Now() can be converted to UTC using that formula, and only UTC Now 
can be converted back to your local zone time, any other time/date 
conversions could be wrong because you do not know how to convert from 
UTC to Accra (stackoverflow thread) unless your system is located in 
Accra, and as noted only "NOW()" values are valid.

For inter-zone-across-history time conversions another routines and 
"databases" must be used.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Purpose of AutoEdit property of StringGrid

2016-07-18 Thread José Mejuto

El 18/07/2016 a las 16:42, Чернов Дмитрий escribió:

Thanks for answer, but I'm familiar enough with FPC/Lazarus, so I know
about editors in grids.
My question is about necessity of AutoEdit property in the presence of
goAlwaysShowEditor option.


The goAlwaysShowEditor shows the editor but I think in read only mode, 
you can not edit, or should not be able to.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-03 Thread José Mejuto


Added to the bugtracker implementation of TBufferedFileStream, there is 
one compatibility issue note in the bug entry.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-03 Thread José Mejuto

El 03/09/2016 a las 22:15, Michael Van Canneyt escribió:

Added to the bugtracker implementation of TBufferedFileStream, there
is one compatibility issue note in the bug entry.

Nice. I have assigned this to myself.

Out of curiosity:
Why do you think this is needed ? Is the caching provided by most of the
operating systems not enough ?


1) Delphi compatibility (It is available in Delphi).

2) TFileStream basically is a frontend for FileRead and FileWrite 
(Talking about Windows) and once you invoke one of those you enter in 
multithread contention, thread swapping, and maybe kernel mode (I'm not 
sure) so if you read or write small pieces of data from files the 
performance is very poor. Typical example is TFileStream.GetByte which 
I'm using in a parser, because the file could be very big, and I don't 
want to read everything in a TMemoryStream, performance of 
cache/buffered and regular is dramatically different:

CACHE 100 byte sequential reads in 46 ms.
FILE 100 byte sequential reads in 2200 ms.

And this result is with the system cache hot (in fact the full file is 
in system cache).

In the other hand a cache system is powerful than a buffered system if 
you are writing something like a filesystem over a TFileStream where you 
may need to jump here and there to read data, file allocation tables, 
attributes, and so on, in this case a cache with multiple pages instead 
just one improves the result (avoid multiple reads in the same zones).


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-03 Thread José Mejuto

El 04/09/2016 a las 0:23, silvioprog escribió:

CACHE 100 byte sequential reads in 46 ms.
FILE 100 byte sequential reads in 2200 ms.


Did you get this result from some sample? If so, could you share it?! I
would be glad to test it checking the TBufferedFileStream performance. :-)


Yes, the code is in the test for TBufferedFileStream in the bug ticket

Delphi TBufferedFileStream should be faster as I think it implementes a 
dumb buffer, or just better a read ahead buffer, so it works better for 
sequential read and worst for butterfly reads on same zones.

For my works I just use my class TCacheStream which applies the same 
cache code but over any stream already created. I need this as a stream 
filter because I'm working on virtual file systems which access a stream 
(whichever class) as a blocks device stream, so I can in example work 
with ZIP files as they was a disk with functions to browse the ZIP 
entries, create files, delete, read and write, once each "file" is 
closed and the stream that holds the whole file is freed in destroy it 
updates the zip according, compressing new and modified streams and 
copying/moving the blocks not touched.

Part of this code is in the Excel reader/writer in fpspreadsheet package.

Most of this classes are mostly beta versions, operative in my 
environment but not valid for wide use, that's the reason I had not 
published them (and the lack of comments, and code convolution).

Currently I have, more or less:

Native filesystem: Read/Write. Maps the native filesystem to my virtual 

ZIP filesystem: Read/Write. Up to 2GB zip files.

FAT16: Read. Typical dd images.

FAT32: Read. Typical dd images.

Microsoft Binary Compound: Read/Write with limitations. Used in XLS, DOC,...

Sample filesystem: Read/Write. Very limited sample filesystem.

MBR Partition: Read. Used to access dd images when partition information 
is available.

RAR: Browse only. With special crafted dll for windows also decompress, 
but it is a dirty hack.

ISO: Read only. Limited and based in GPL code.

The virtual file system allows to mount an filesystem (above) in a 
folder for browsing, open, and so on, so in example you open a ZIP and 
inside you find another zip, you can mount the inner stream in a folder 
and access to inner files transparently to your code, with a path like


I can publish the code but I can not provide any guarantee of correct 
work and that it will not delete all your hard disk :)


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-03 Thread José Mejuto

El 04/09/2016 a las 2:04, silvioprog escribió:

If I understood right, did you create something like GIO or GVFS? Or
neither of them hehe


Yes and no :) It's something like GVFS but at your program level only. I 
originally develop it to be used in a forensic tool (which was not 
finally developed) to allow the same data scan engine to work in 
compressed files as they were real files so the file access logic is 
completly isolated from the information gather engine as this one works 
over a TVirtualFileSystem, how you implement your TVirtualFileSystem is 
up to your decision.

You basically need to implement this functions:

function intfOpenFile(const AFileName: UTF8String; const AMode: 
cardinal): TvlHandle; virtual; abstract;

function intfCloseFile(const Handle: TvlHandle): Boolean; virtual; abstract;

function intfFindList(const APath: UTF8String; const AMask: UTF8String): 
TVirtualLayer_FolderList; virtual; abstract;

function intfSeek(const AHandle: TvlHandle; const APosition: int64; 
const Origin: word): int64; virtual; abstract;

function intfRead(const Handle: TvlHandle; const Buffer: PBYTE; const 
Size: int64): int64; virtual; abstract;

function intfWrite(const Handle: TvlHandle; const Buffer: PBYTE; const 
Size: int64): int64; virtual; abstract;

function intfGetFileSize(const AHandle: TvlHandle): int64; virtual; 

function intfSetFileSize(const AHandle: TvlHandle; const ANewFileSize: 
int64): Boolean; virtual; abstract;

function intfDeleteFile(const AFileName: UTF8String): boolean; virtual; 

function intfGetFreeSpace(const APath: UTF8String): int64; virtual; 

function intfIsWritableMedia(): Boolean; virtual; abstract;

function intfMakeFolder(const AFolder: UTF8String): Boolean; virtual; 

function intfRemoveFolder(const AFolder: UTF8String): Boolean; virtual; 

function intfCopy(const ASourceFileName,ATargetFileName: UTF8String): 
Boolean; virtual;

function intfMove(const ASourceFileName,ATargetFileName: UTF8String): 
Boolean; virtual;

And you get a file system working. Of course it is a basic file system, 
without many functions and some restrictions like all the system works 
in case sensitive mode whichever the original one supports.

Another question, does it work remotely too?

As far as you can implement those functions yes, in fact I started 
(almost nothing) to write an http access using a remote zip file for 
read only and using the http byte ranges to access it.

Maybe I should retake this work :) if there are some interest in the 

Attached is a sample (some folder names erased) of the explorer I use to 
test the different file systems in "real" situations.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-04 Thread José Mejuto

El 04/09/2016 a las 7:15, Michael Van Canneyt escribió:

In the other hand a cache system is powerful than a buffered system if
you are writing something like a filesystem over a TFileStream where
you may need to jump here and there to read data, file allocation
tables, attributes, and so on, in this case a cache with multiple
pages instead just one improves the result (avoid multiple reads in
the same zones).

And why did you not use the bufstream unit of FPC ?

The TBufStream stream implemented there works with any other stream, not
just files.


In fact I wrote my code over TStream but in Delphi the class is 
inherited from TFileStream so I take my "TStreamFilter" and adapt it to 
inherit from TFileStream just as Delphi do.

The second powerful reason is that I was not aware about TBufStream :)

TBufStream does support seek ? And SetSize ?

My code like TBufStream inherits from TStream. Which is the advantage of 
inherit from TOwnerStream ?


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TBufferedFileStream

2016-09-04 Thread José Mejuto

El 04/09/2016 a las 14:04, Michael Van Canneyt escribió:

The second powerful reason is that I was not aware about TBufStream :)

It's even documented.


Sure :) But I'm not aware about all the gems in fpc code :)

TBufStream does support seek ? And SetSize ?

Seek: yes. Setsize not.

I was asking looking at code:

function TWriteBufStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): 

  if (Offset=0) and (Origin=soCurrent) then
Result := FTotalPos

Maybe I'm missing something ?

On the SetSize side I think there is a missing check, SetSize can make 
the file smaller, so think in a 1 Kb file, you read the first byte so 
the buffer will be filled with the 1 Kb data, now you SetSize to 1 byte 
and read another byte, this read will return 1 byte success read which 
is out of the bounds of the file.
I know this is a terrible border case and the solution could be just 
invalidate buffer when a SetSize is called.

The TBufStream class has 2 descendents: one for reading, one for writing.
This means the implementation is much more simple, and for most
usecases, this is sufficient.

That's more or less what I was using in other programs, with my own 
class (I should read more docs).

My code like TBufStream inherits from TStream. Which is the advantage
of inherit from TOwnerStream ?

TOwnerStream is only useful if you have a second stream which you use as a
source. It will free it for you. This is useful when chaining streams.

Oh! I see, I'm using the typical Create(Stream,Owned=true)

I will add your implementation to the bufstream unit. It offers more
functionality, but works only on files.

It's - as usual - a tradeoff.

Not exactly, it is possible to add my original implementation 
TCacheStream which works over any TStream and create a 
TBufferedFileStream (for Delphi compat.) inheriting from it, but it will 
not have the same inheritance chain.

What's the best for fpc ? A generic stream cache, a inheritance 
compatible TBufferedFileStream ? Or maybe both ? Or None ? :)


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Apply patch

2017-01-21 Thread José Mejuto


Can anybody, please, apply the patch in ?

It is very simple without side effects, except that it works now.

Thank you.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Different results of random(int32) and random(int64) for negative limit value

2017-05-20 Thread José Mejuto

El 20/05/2017 a las 14:57, Jonas Maebe escribió:

On 20/05/17 14:36, Martin Schreiber wrote:

Is this intended? If not, which one is correct?

random(x) is undefined for negative parameters. It should have had an 
unsigned parameter, like in Turbo Pascal (where it is word). Delphi 
defines it as always returning a positive value, but I don't know what 
happens if you pass a negative parameter there.


At least in 3.0 (trunk not tested as I don't have it compiled) the first 
and second random numbers are always the same value, so:


A and B will be always the same value.

Can someone with trunk test it ?


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Parameters must match exactly?

2010-05-17 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Graeme,

Monday, May 17, 2010, 11:56:29 AM, you wrote:

GG> Yes, but I can't use OUT because the type of AForm doesn't match exactly -
GG> back to my initial problem when I started with FPC 2.5.1.
GG>   TfpgWindowBase vs TBulkInvoiceRateListForm type.

So you do not need "out" you need the non-exist "varout" which act as
a var (non finalize) but do not emit the warning.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Purpose of "uses ... in"?

2010-07-14 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Mattias,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 7:05:01 PM, you wrote:

>> And now, you understood the little problem?
MG> Of course I understand the problem, but I have not yet encountered
MG> it in a real project.

I can vaguely remember a case like this in Delphi several years ago,
but I think the problem was a precompiled .dcu which I can not rename.
Is this possible ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] sub byte arrays

2010-07-20 Thread José Mejuto
Hello theo,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 12:03:28 PM, you wrote:

t> Now I was trying if something like this would work:
t> TTest=(one,two,three,four);
t> TTestarray = {bitpacked} array [1..10] of ttest;
t> PTestarray = ^TTestarray;
t> It seems, to work, but it even works with commented "bitpacked".
t> Shouldn't this fail? How can I test this? I have all checks on which
t> Lazarus IDE offers, but it's still happy.
>>From what I understand, this would need 400 bytes in this scenario (not
t> bitpacked), isn't it?

Had you tried SizeOf(TTestarray) ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Safecall on Linux (and other unices?)

2010-07-21 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Joost,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 11:28:55 AM, you wrote:

JvdS> I've finally managed to get xpcom/gecko to work (partly) on linux/i386.
JvdS> The delphi/fpc gecko-headers uses the safecall calling convention a
JvdS> lot. 

I get it to work too, but missing safecall (unix version) makes it
unusable as a lot of assembler is needed.

JvdS> On Windows a safecall is in principle a stdcall with a 'hidden' function
JvdS> result which contains a value (nsresult) to check if there was any
JvdS> problem during the call of the procedure/function. 
JvdS> I had to find out what calling convention is used by xpcom on Linux. And
JvdS> in fact it's quite logical: it uses cdecl. (As most c-libraries do, use
JvdS> stdcall on Windows, cdecl on others)

It is not 100% cdecl, const records in safecall must be passed as
reference while in cdecl a copy of the record is being passed.

Please check my bug report: and some messages in
mailing list:

In the other side, I was unable to make Gecko work correctly (windows)
using Gecko > all 1.9.2.x versions raise a bunch of
exceptions mostly related to Javascript :( I can run it removing some
Javascript initialization scripts and disabling Javascript once
loaded. Files needed to be removed:


Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Safecall on Linux (and other unices?)

2010-07-22 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Joost,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 12:46:32 PM, you wrote:

>> I get it to work too, but missing safecall (unix version) makes it
>> unusable as a lot of assembler is needed.
JvdS> That's not true. I managed to get it to work without any assembler.
JvdS> (Only used it to debug and some quick tests)
JvdS> What you have to do is change definitions like:
JvdS> function Bla(test: tsometype) : tresulttype; safecall;
JvdS> to:
JvdS> function Bla(testl: tsometype; _result: tresulttype) : nsresult;
JvdS> extdecl;

Well, changing interface yes, I avoid to change interface, so stack
becomes unbalanced after any function call.

JvdS> And define the extdecl macro to stdcall on Windows and cdecl on Linux.
JvdS> Set the nsresult to the right error code to simulate an exception.

I was trying to not touch interface and as my request about safecall
in unix was "accepted" for a future discussion, I do not investigate
further. Already spend a lot of time trying to figure why "safecall"
works different in unix and in Windows... The silently replace calling
convention confuses me :(

>> It is not 100% cdecl, const records in safecall must be passed as
>> reference while in cdecl a copy of the record is being passed.
JvdS> I don't think so. The gecko-port-definitions are wrong in this regard.
JvdS> They use 'const' but it should be 'var'. That this worked on Windows was
JvdS> just a coincidence. I've replaced these 'const' parameter definitions to
JvdS> 'var' and now they work on Linux and Windows. The headers just weren't
JvdS> translated right in this regard.

Even if declarations in the code are wrong (which I had not checked, I
assumed they were fine) the "const" behavior with record in Windows
safecall and linux cdecl is different. Also parameters not intented to
be modified should not be var but const (IMHO).

JvdS> That was a good starting point, to find out what the problem was
JvdS> precisely. Jonas last comment was where I started. But enabling the
JvdS> exception-handling wasn't enough. Using Safecall on Linut, the caller
JvdS> has to clean up the stack (on windows the callee does). I don't know yet
JvdS> how to the latter. 
JvdS> I don't think the parameter-passing should be changed. Just don't use
JvdS> 'const'. 

I think if it is named safecall is must match windows safecall. Maybe
better use "xpcom" or "unixsafecall" ? Parameter passing mode should
match at all, callee or caller clean up is transparent to the people
working with the library or other library, but how parameters are
passed could bring a lot of confusion.

JvdS> I don't know which version I used. Probably the one from the latest
JvdS> Firefox release. I'll check at home. (tomorrow)

I was using my modified version in the gecko port CCR, which fixes
some bugs, maybe I had introduced new ones ?

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[4]: [fpc-devel] Safecall on Linux (and other unices?)

2010-07-22 Thread José Mejuto
Hello Joost,

Thursday, July 22, 2010, 5:57:27 PM, you wrote:

>> Even if declarations in the code are wrong (which I had not checked, I
>> assumed they were fine) the "const" behavior with record in Windows
>> safecall and linux cdecl is different. 
JvdS> Offcourse the behaviour is different for a different calling convention
JvdS> and OS. That's perfectly normal. If all calling conventions were the
JvdS> same, we woudn't have them.

Yes, but I think, maybe I'm wrong, that a cdecl declaration in any
platform matches the same behavior in other platform. This means that:

procedure (a: pointer); cdecl;

is expected to produce the same effect (not internal implementation)
in any platform. So:

procedure (const a: record); safecall;

in Unix will produce a copy of "a" and in Windows a reference to "a"
which is not very portability friendly.

Anyway I think the problem is on the XPCOM guys, as they decide to
"define" safecall with different meanings in different platforms, so
in Windows it is "stdcall safecall" and in Unix "cdecl safecall"
(safecall referenced to the postprocessing of nsResult).

To me it smells like everything was designed in Linux and later they
decide to mimic the Windows Activex in the windows world.

Anyway whichever you decide is OK to me.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[6]: [fpc-devel] Safecall on Linux (and other unices?)

2010-07-22 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, July 22, 2010, 7:24:26 PM, you wrote:

>> is expected to produce the same effect (not internal implementation)
>> in any platform.
JM> Well, no. It is expected to produce the same effect as the C
JM> compilers on every platform. These may behave differently amongst
JM> different platforms.

So it is reasonable and "logical" that stdcall in platform A passes
parameters from left to right and in platform B passes them right to
left ? even called in both stdcall ? (stdcall in example).

Maybe move this to fpc-pascal ?

>> procedure (const a: record); safecall;
>> in Unix will produce a copy of "a" and in Windows a reference to "a"
JM> In Windows it currently only passes "a" by reference if the
JM> size of the record is > sizeof(pointer).

I was trying to simplify the idea without the details.

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-devel] Safecall on Linux (and other unices?)

2010-07-22 Thread José Mejuto
Hello FPC,

Thursday, July 22, 2010, 9:35:55 PM, you wrote:

>> To me it smells like everything was designed in Linux and later they
>> decide to mimic the Windows Activex in the windows world.
>> Anyway whichever you decide is OK to me.
SB> I think you (and some others) got something wrong here.

The wrong thing is that I was thinking that a calling convention was a
strict set of rules to pass parameters and call functions, but it
seems to be a set of rules per platform even using the same processor.

If I were right, safecall must be stdcall+exception in both platforms,
which it is not the case.

I know safecall is a Borland idea, but it is documented as
stdcall+exception, not as cdecl+exception.

I do not know if you can catch my point of view. In the other hand I'm
not against calling it safecall due the XPCOM compatibility (I had
already requested it in the bug report).

Best regards,

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] HTML string to TFPColor

2017-07-23 Thread José Mejuto

El 23/07/2017 a las 16:05, Bart escribió:

Actually, adding more colornames is fine with me, itś just a tedious job ...


If somebody needs it:

ColorName: string;
Red: BYTE;
Green: BYTE;
Blue: BYTE;
  HTMLStandardColors: array [0..147] of HTMLStandardColor=(

[fpc-devel] TMask classes

2020-12-03 Thread José Mejuto via fpc-devel


I've written a TMask class family and I would like to know if it could 
be of any interest for the fpc code base, if there is interest I must 
write some unit test code but if there is no interest I'll not write it ;-)

There is a TMask class in LazUtils but it lacks some features and has an 
speed problem in large strings when 2 or more '*' are involved.

My TMask family is:

TMaskAnsi, TMaskUTF8 and TMaskUnicode:

This three classes hold the logic for each "char" space, ANSI 1 char, 
UTF8 1 to 6 bytes and Unicode 2 or 4 bytes.

Available wildcards are:

* = Any text.
? = Just one character unit.
[abc] = Anyone of "abc"
[a-c] = Anyone of "abc" (range)
[!ab] = Negate a match "a" or "b"
[!a-c] = Negate a match group
[?] = One character unit or none.
\? = Escape character '\' (next char is a literal "?")

So the usual masks, nothing new under the sun.

TMaskAnsi does not allow high chars ranges, so "[á-ú]" is not valid as 
characters in ANSI usually does not follow expected order. UTF8 and 
Unicode allows them as usually they are in the "expected order".

Any feature can be toggled, so it can be set to ignore ranges, in 
example, so "[a-z]" will be interpreted as "a" or "-" or "z". Also the 
escape char can be configured, but it must be ASCII < 127.

Derived from this classes there are:

TMaskAnsiWindows, TMaskUTF8Windows and TMaskUnicodeWindows.

This classes implements the special wildcards of Windows, inherited from 
CP/M, like "*." must match all files without extension, "*.*" must match 
any file, "file.ext" must match "file.extension" or "file??.ext" must 
match "file.ext", "file1.ext" and "file1a.ext".

This special cases, are called Quirks and can be enabled or disabled one 
by one like ".ext" which in the past matches any file with ".ext" as 
extension, but this not happen in recent Windows versions, so in the 
code is disabled by default.

Thank you for reading such amount of text, have a nice day.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Merging identical procedure proposals

2021-10-16 Thread José Mejuto via fpc-devel

El 16/10/2021 a las 21:57, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel escribió:
Certainly possible, and would address the whole function pointer thing, 
although I do question the performance hit because of the extra jump, 
especially for small procedures, as well as the fact that the function 
overhead would still be present.  Certainly a safe start though.


I do not know if its possible, but you can add a bunch of NOPs before 
real function, 1, 4, 8... NOPs, one group for each removed call. Of 
course a multiple times removed function can have a lot of NOPs to be 
executed before the real function body starts.


fpc-devel maillist  -