Re: [fpc-devel] Re: FPC related fairy tale

2012-10-23 Thread Max Vlasov
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

 Yes, a IIIe I scrounged. I believe there's a Pascal compiler for it but
 I've never tried running it.

 I believe that the Palms were at one time popular as a brain for
 mobile robot experiments, programmed using a larger system and
 orchestrating commands to microcontrollers.

You're probably talking about PocketStudio ( When they appear I
semi-automatically ported my ReadThemAll reader for PalmOS from C to their
flavor of Pascal. Worked well. Interestingly they still offer the product
as I see ( Pity PalmOS is dead,
otherwise it would be reasonable to suggest some kind of compatibility
between fpc and PocketStudio.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC-JVM: Status report on Android

2011-08-31 Thread Max Vlasov
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:13 AM, Sven Barth wrote:

 I'll try to improve the unit names of the android unit and its dependencies
 a bit and then it might become the first package for FPC-JVM ;)

Sven, thanks for your tests. Adding hwfpo (Hello World From Pascal
Only) and simple step-by-step instructions how to compile it also
would be nice :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New FPC target: JVM

2011-08-20 Thread Max Vlasov
On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Jonas Maebe

 There is a new branch in svn (branches/jvmbackend) that contains support
 for compiling Pascal code into Java virtual machine bytecode. While it does
 not support all language constructs and while there are some differences in
 some features that are supported, in general the result is fairly close to
 normal Pascal you'd write.

Great new indeed! Just curious, is there an example program in pascal for
jvm that can be compiled and seen in action? I checked out tests, but
looking at random ones, they looks like console mode ones testing different
rtl aspects. I'm talking about maybe a simplest one for example drawing a
rectangle at the center of the window.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi XE2 uses FPC for iOS target

2011-08-18 Thread Max Vlasov
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys

 On 15 August 2011 10:48, Michael Schnell wrote:
  I never tried this, but I feel that IDEs (integrating code editor, GUI
  designer, make process, and debugger) have been invented for a purpose.

 I agree with all except the gui designer part. Layout Managers are
 by far the better choice compared to something like Delphi or Lazarus
 or MSEgui and even fpGUI's UI Designer gives. Java hit the nail on the
 head. Why define a UI with co-ordinates, then sit with problems like
 overlapping components, components that don't scale, locked to a
 specific DPI etc.

For my projects in Delphi I did this with a control that was inspired by
table layouts of HTML (I called it TControlAligner, it is a TGraphicControl
descendant without own drawing, its bounds are used as a container). It
has Controls property (TCollection descendant) and direction
(vertical/horizontal). Every collection item has a reference to a control on
the form (that can be simple control or another TControlAligner) and
different properties. The main property of the item that affects the
position is Cells which is either weight (equivalent of % of html tables) or
pixels, and when all requirements is set and this TControlAligner is placed
(or its bounds changed) it does the best it can do with all the requirements
of the collections items (as with html tables where cells can require % of
the width or exact pixels).

Adding new aligners and using it for items of another aligner can build very
complex layouts not using direct coordinates at all.  Seems like the port of
this component works in Lazarus. If the concept is worth considering I can
provide the source for further review by the developers.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi XE2 uses FPC for iOS target

2011-08-18 Thread Max Vlasov
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys

 On Thursday, 18 August 2011, Max Vlasov  wrote:

  Adding new aligners and using it for items of another aligner can build
 very complex layouts not using direct coordinates at all.  Seems like the
 port of this component works in Lazarus. If the concept is worth considering
 I can provide the source for further review by the developers.

 MiGLayout went a step further. It is powerful enough to never need nested
 layout managers. Yet it's still possible to code complex forms with it. I
 once found a website where somebody took a popular app (I think firefox),
 and recreated all the forms using MiGLayout, just to show that it is
 possible and very simple to do, just with MiGLayout and no nesting. :-)

I glanced at the quick guide. Actually MiGLayout looks promising, but
personally I'd use it if it's implemented with intuitiveness and visual
sense in mind. Without doubt they should work and show rendered layout in
design-time and all these dock west, gaps etc should be available as a
context menu items or maybe some tool buttons. Otherwise if one have to
learn the string constraint language, he can fall into the same trap as with
regular expressions, I mean if you don't use them on a regular (ironic
coincidence) basic, you learn them every time from the start :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Delphi XE2 uses FPC for iOS target

2011-08-07 Thread Max Vlasov
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Florian Klämpfl flor...@freepascal.orgwrote:

 Am 07.08.2011 18:27, schrieb Jonas Maebe:
  And I don't
  understand all this hostility towards Embarcadero.

 Indeed. People should be happy that there is a pretty large commercial
 vendor which provides an professional object pascal development
 environment. Even if one doesn't use it, one should be aware that it
 really helps to keep pascal (well, they call it Delphi ;)) a living

Florian, as I suppose, when you started the compiler , it could not be
possible to develop a compiler written in pascal without the turbo pascal?
So not only the product inspired, it was also a tool to build all other
things upon.

By the way, is it possible that when Delphi and fpc are now officially
friends :) the some official inter-discussion possible before introducing
some important things or before changing some things? Or you don't think
that it will be useful?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-10 Thread Max Vlasov
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Alexander Klenin wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 18:53, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
 When the meaning of const/constref is documented as kind of a *calling
 convention*, that allows the compiler to optimize the code, no more
 discussion is required.

 constref is a calling convention, but const is not, since it is
 optimization hint.
 As you said above, this is the reason why constref was invented in
 the first place.

Although I liked constref at first, I'd rather think that the current
behavior is more of a side effect of the current implementation. I see
that it was introduce to support well-known c/c++ concept of give me
a pointer to the thing and I promise I won't change the thing used in
many apis. But since ansistring is not used in any universal api, the
compiler currently is free to change the meaning and for example pass
not the address of the entry that hold the pointer, but pointer
itself. In other words the compiler if free to choose because
lazarus/fpc is the only place on earth where the pair
constref-ansistring exists (currently). So the constref immunity is
just a side effect

And returning to the original discussion currently I'd like to look
from another point (or maybe just summation of previous thoughts of
others). I think that anything passed by reference (pure reference)
pose the problem OP described, even if you use current immune
constref. For example, when you want to investigate every char of the
string you will probably use for i:=1 to Length(Str). As I recall
taking length in advance and using it for every step is even the part
Wirth's pascal as the requirement. If so,  during the loop a callback
or just some call shorten the string, the loop will fail almost for
sure. Not because unexpectedly the string is invalid, but because the
loop expects the string to be longer that it is now. And the problem
like this also can be hard to detect.

So personally I'd not separate the reference-based problems like this
from the problems posed by const. We can blame the compiler for some
optimization results (rarely), but we can not blame the programmer who
cached the length of the string in a local variable thinking that the
string will be same till the end of the function. And imho
understanding that referencing can be dangerous in this regard should
be a part of knowledge for every programmer.

Some good news )... If we look at this, we will see that the problem
exists for every data passed by reference in any language. But in
contrary to some languages  we have a luxury of passing by value not
only register-sized data, but also arge data. And to make things even
better we have a luxury of having a tricky ansistring with its
copy-on-write concept. So for those who appreciate this luxury and
afraid of reference-based problems, using passing ansistrings by value
is the answer. Remember, it's a luxury ;)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-10 Thread Max Vlasov
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Chad Berchek wrote:

 1. It seems that if a string is a (non-const) local variable it should be
 safe. I base this on the following reasoning:

looks like it's not:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  S: string;

  procedure SideEffectCall;
SetLength(S, 0);

  function CalcSomething(const T: string): integer;
MessageDlg(T, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); // crash here

  S:=S + S;
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-09 Thread Max Vlasov
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 4:13 AM, Martin wrote:
 On 09/07/2011 00:59, Max Vlasov wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 3:14 AM,  wrote:

 function CRCConstString(constref Str: string): integer;
 does what you describ

 Hmm, it's interesting.. Some observations:
 - constref is implemented in 2.5.1, right? Unfortunately I can not
 test it right now in 2.4.2, it refuses to recognize it, but I I want
 to test it.
 - In LCL it used only with interfaces and TGuid's, no strings or other
 - there are not much information about constrefs in Lazarus, several
 posts, the largest part of them is yours, Martin :) so you're probably
 one of the few who really understand it  :)

 Well the LCL can't use it, if it's trunk only (except if IFDEFed). The LCL
 should compile with release fpc...


 - See difference to normal const is  that it must be passed by

 - Note (same as const) it is described as: This modifier means that the
 compiler can assume that the parameter is constant
 The assume means that the requirement for constant-ness goes above that
 what the compiler can enforce (that is: the compiler can enforce only the
 local var; but constant implies the value by any means of access)

 With what the compiler does today (afaik) none-constantness would not cause
 any harm (yet). Unless you count it as harm (and you should) that future FPC
 may (= is allowed to) compile your code (without any warning or hint) into
 an exe that behaves different.

Thanks for your notes, Martin. I compiled the trunk fpc (2.5.1) and
compile the example with constref

function TForm33.CRCConstRef(constref Str: string): integer;
  i: integer;
  for i:=1 to Length(Str) do
Result:=Result + Ord(Str[i]);

it worked, also the timing is exactly the same as for PString, so your
information (PString = constref Str) is indirectly confirmed. Btw,
Chad's example also worked

I understand that currently it works also because as you mentioned the
compiler doesn't apply special optimization, sure it could. But also
it's possible to forbid it for this special case. Since ansistring is
a special entity, not present in COM at all, so with regard to
standards it can be fully internal decision. Also since there are no
consref in Delphi as I suppose, they can't be the authority in this
regard :)

If everything it taken care of, apart from possibly global switch to
do const = constref aliasing, lcl also can gradually (when fpc 2.5.1
becomes requirement) replace const with constref in critical places
(for example when probable events can be fired). Sure this can break
inheritance, so just a thought to think about.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-08 Thread Max Vlasov
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 3:14 AM, Martin wrote:
 On 09/07/2011 00:09, Max Vlasov wrote:

 The answer is indirect referencing. it's a workaround that probably
 will solve the problem, but I must admit that I don't know what is the
 exact performance price. The compiler when it detects const s:
 ansistring could switch to passing not the actual address of the
 string, but the address of the variable that holds it. In other words
 passing PString instead of string. In this case no reference counting
 or exception frame is probably created and at the same time, if the
 used string is reallocated occasionally because of a side change, the
 code will not fail because it will just automatically use the new
 modified address.

 function CRCConstString(constref Str: string): integer;

 does what you describe

Hmm, it's interesting.. Some observations:
- constref is implemented in 2.5.1, right? Unfortunately I can not
test it right now in 2.4.2, it refuses to recognize it, but I I want
to test it.
- In LCL it used only with interfaces and TGuid's, no strings or other
- there are not much information about constrefs in Lazarus, several
posts, the largest part of them is yours, Martin :) so you're probably
one of the few who really understand it  :)

If constref is what you said , some quick fix for those who's scary
of the current const behavior could  be iintroducing a setting in fpc
that forces all const to be constrefs.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Const optimization is a serious bug

2011-07-04 Thread Max Vlasov
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Chad Berchek wrote:
 I've been reading over some of the recent discussion about reference
 counting problems with const string parameters. I've done some
 experiments and I believe that the so-called const optimization is a
 serious flaw, not just a corner case of questionable legitimacy. I have
 some sample code I will show which should be quite scary. Additionally,
 this is a security vulnerability. It is also a quiet bug, because it may
 go undetected for a long time but randomly result in unreproducible crashes.

Chad, I see your point, but you're exaggerating a little imho.

I tried this with Delphi 5, although the program lived, the string
became unusable, contained gardage after, so probably Borland already
had this issue many years ago. Don't get me wrong, but if you want to
fool the compiler, you will always be able to do this since you're a
human and it is just a program :) It's subjective on my side, but If
it existed so many years in borland/inprise/embarcadero products and I
can not remember my own bug fixes related to something like this, I
consider your example more artificial than one might think. But I'm
not representative here, and maybe others have other examples.

Also, can someone else test this on later delphis?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Re: Nested register error for procedure passing address

2011-01-10 Thread Max Vlasov
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:46 AM, Andrew Brunner

 I did read this however, I don't have the option of rewriting all the
 other implements to my api to declare as nested...

Andrew, don't know whether it will help or not, but I did a nested procs
test with fpc 2.5.1, you can read the post here:
It seems like adding is nested is required in this case so there is no way
to do this only with a define. But I may be wrong

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New language feature suggestion (probably not existing in Delphi)

2010-12-02 Thread Max Vlasov
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Hans-Peter Diettrich

  I thing there might be some logical contradictions I'm not aware at the
 moment, but I think they can be resolved with general oop inheritance logic.

 My experience with const methods in C++ often resulted in a bunch of
 cloned methods, with only calls to other non-const methods removed - a
 maintenance nightmare :-(

Just curious, was it a fight with yourself or with someone else's code?
Sure I had no experience with const methods, but I just can't imagine how
function or procedures intended to caclulate/find/collect some information
from the fields and properties of an object can be a problem in this field.
One example comes to mind, sometimes developer wants to know how often a
method is used, sure in this case there's no easy way to increase a feild of
the object. Can you name some other examples?

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] New language feature suggestion (probably not existing in Delphi)

2010-11-26 Thread Max Vlasov

I thought about OOP recently, as many sometimes wonder that it's not as good
as it can be in some areas. For example, the OOP encapsulation is good, but
sometimes the developer doesn't track the context completely or makes other
bad things related to the hidden nature of encapsulation context. The
notion of name the variables with f at the start also speaks itself about
these problems.

An idea here is to introduce a directive (maybe something else, but
directive looks more straightforward), let's call it readonly that forces
the method to be able only to read the fields and properties of the object
it belongs to and forbid any writing. Sure in this case it only can call
only the methods also containing such directive.

One of example of possible usage: TBitmap contains PixelFormat, when user
changes it, there should be a conversion, but to be more sure that it will
be accurate and there are no side effects I'd mark the method for conversion
with this directive so it will only read existing properties and create some
new one to return in variable passed by reference. With this directive on,
any attempt of this method to change the fields related to bits or handle
will be stopped by the compiler, also if it tries to call a read/write
method, the compiler will also stops. There are others examples that come to
mind, all allowing oop programming to be more controlled.

I thing there might be some logical contradictions I'm not aware at the
moment, but I think they can be resolved with general oop inheritance logic.

What do you think? Is anyone aware of similar concept in any other OOP
language? Apart from the idea (worth it or not), there's also a question
about introducing brand-new features in fpc. Are developers (read Florian
:) is open to introducing new features that later possible other parties
(read Embarcadero :) will be willing to adapt?


Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New language feature suggestion (probably not existing in Delphi)

2010-11-26 Thread Max Vlasov
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Sergei Gorelkin sergei_gorel...@mail.ruwrote:

 Max Vlasov пишет:

Speaking of new features, I remember the bunch of them were introduced

 with Delphi 1.0 and many of them were inspired by other languages and
 dialects. I admit that frequent implementing of features like the one I
 suggested will make fpc more experimental and less solid. So consider it an
 idea just thrown in the wild to see whether it will survive or not :)

  This particular idea probably won't survive. In 'unsafe' language with
 pointers, there's no way to enforce the restriction you suggest. It will
 only cause annoyance and make people implement 'workarounds'.

Sergei, around what code? if implemented, by default all methods read/write.
If a developer restricts readonly directive to its own method, it is his own
decision. For example, you're writing method Find, you understand that it
hasn't change anything in the object state, you apply this directive to help
yourself in the future :) if you talk about virtual readonly method someone
introduced, it's similar to private section of object, you can love it or
hate it, but this features exists (sure sometimes bringing real pain :)
restricting usage of this method in other units.

Another example, you successfully wrote first version of a method with
reaonly directive, you try to change something several months later and one
of your changes is try to change a field inside method implementaion, the
compiler points out to the restriction and stops. You have two options: beat
yourself for this silly change or understand that the state changing is
really needed. If the latter, ok, press ctrl-shift-up, and delete reaonly
directive, no problem :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Re: New language feature suggestion (probably not existing in Delphi)

2010-11-26 Thread Max Vlasov
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Max Vlasov wrote:

 An idea here is to introduce a directive (maybe something else, but
 directive looks more straightforward), let's call it readonly that forces
 the method to be able only to read the fields and properties of the object
 it belongs to and forbid any writing. Sure in this case it only can call
 only the methods also containing such directive.

Also, one note to consider
It is know that some of OOP concepts can be implemented with procedural
language. For example, pseudo-encapsulation with the records. Ironically,
this idea can be implemented using the emulation.


procedure MyObjFind(var Rec: TMyObjData) with
procedure MyObjFind(const Rec: TMyObjData)

the latter is actual readonly emulation, you won't be able to change
anything and you won't be able to pass this record by reference to any other

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New language feature suggestion (probably not existing in Delphi)

2010-11-26 Thread Max Vlasov
On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Nikolay Nikolov wrote:

 On 11/26/2010 10:42 AM, Max Vlasov wrote:

 Is anyone aware of similar concept in any other OOP language?

 Yes, C++ has it:

 It's true that it's a little bit messy, but that's pretty much the norm
 with everything in C++ ;-)

Thanks, Nikolay, it's interesting information, when I tried to search before
I posted, I didn't use const, only read only so did not find anything. I
already see that it never would be implemented the similar way since in
contrary to  C++ const objects in pascal already can do whatever they want.

Also searching now, found a post

Where was question about const, but it seems that primary discussion was
about optimization, not preventing from occasional modification.

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Component FTag and Tag should be int64

2010-11-23 Thread Max Vlasov
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:28 PM, Andrew Brunner

 On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

 They do the same as we:

 They introduced something like PtrInt (using of course a different name)
 and made tag equal to this type.

 Instead of biting the bullet and telling people to code properly.

 But like most companies, they are a bit of a prostitute in this regard.

 This is precisely why I asked to create a Data pointer so components can
 assign extraneous data and associate it with said component.

Creating TList as a field for storing extra structures and objects and
supporting extra data reference using Tag as an index never was a problem
for me. Can you tell a single reason not to implement this approach by
yourself?  Moreover managing the destruction of objects in this case is much
easier and straightforward.
Other consideration, if something starts to depend on future decisions of
other developers, isn't it easy to create a simple (very simple) workaround

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Component FTag and Tag should be int64

2010-11-23 Thread Max Vlasov
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Andrew Brunner

 On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Max Vlasov wrote:

 Creating TList as a field for storing extra structures and objects and
 supporting extra data reference using Tag as an index never was a problem
 for me. Can you tell a single reason not to implement this approach by
 yourself?  Moreover managing the destruction of objects in this case is much
 easier and straightforward.
 Other consideration, if something starts to depend on future decisions of
 other developers, isn't it easy to create a simple (very simple) workaround

 Max Vlasov

 In the specific problem I have, it is corellating TMenuItem with a
 particular data pointer object of TForm.  Forms can close out of order and
 re-Index the List I have (as you stated).  But there is no clean way for me
 to reference what was clicked on Sender...  Tag or Data is the only clean
 solution here.  Out of order, happening on application thread... Oh, and
 TMenuItems being created at runtime.  This is about productivity.  What must
 I create an additional list when I have Tag or Data.

Things become a little more complex in this case, but just a little,
[id:pointer] where id is autoincrement. You can have two synchronized lists
(TList), one stored ids, another one - corresponding object. Or create a
list with a record containing both. I'm from Turbo Pascal era so dynamic
array of was a kind of novelty some time ago for me and I created an
analogue. But this time [array of record id: integrer; ptr: pointer end;] is
no longer a problem and you have privilege to use a language already
containing such a great dynamic structure :)

I also must say (probably others will confirm) that programming starting
turbo pascal gave me once and for good the sense that  the design-time
objects and data are a great help, but just secondary help, everything solid
comes from elsewhere.

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Component FTag and Tag should be int64

2010-11-22 Thread Max Vlasov
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 5:13 PM, wrote:

 We'll fix the issue as the upcoming Delphi 64-bit - unfortunately - forces
 us to follow suit.

Will it also create an additional confusion in design time? I mean, non-RAD
compilers possibly only have compile-time context, while Lazarus has also
design-time. One example, if the Tag is 64-bit and one set up the
environment to cross-compile from 32-bit IDE to 64-bit, he or she even won't
be able to change a 64-bit integer property in the designer.

And also speaking of following/not following Delphi, I think Lazarus has two
things to have courage not to follow the trend:
- dfm and lfm is not easily interchangeable, so if Lazarus is not going with
Delphi with the tag size, there's always could be a warning (highlighting)
pointing out to an exceeded Tag value.
- the compiler for a long time had pointer conversion not portable
hint/warning so no matter how big Tag is, writing
SomeMyAddr:=pointer(Obj.Tag) already warns the developer.

Hmm, also a little off-topic analogy, AMD was the second until they were
first with 64-bit processors. Intel just had to follow. Project this to
Pascal ;-)

Max Vlasov
fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Suggestion regarding dynamic packages

2010-11-21 Thread Max Vlasov
I recently read the info about current implementation of packages and a post
that dynamic packages support is at the early stage or not started yet.
Knowing that fpc developers is very skilled and they probably the know
things better than me I just wanted to suggest to implement something toward
the needed direction without even deciding on major details (sorry if it's
already considered)

A little history. When the dynamic packages were introduced in Delphi, I did
a little inquiry about the magic behind it and the major change I noticed
was actually changing everything addressable in interface sections of units
from direct addressing to indirect addressing. So, if there's a variable in
the interface section of a unit, the corresponding dcu would not have a
direct entry to be linked, but actually an entry that contained the address
to the actuall variable. Interesting was the fact that it was true even for
everything statically linked (as I suppose, in order not to do the things
too complex). This would allow for the compiler to make a long table of
entries from one package that it needs from other packages, and the long
list of entries of the entries it offers to other packages. After that
depending on the build type, this tables were directly linked (single exe)
or splitted to import and export sections of dlls (bpl).

So, I just wanted to suggest that regardless of the magic different platform
has about such dynamic linking, there's something similar to this indirect
addressing possibly should be done with interfaces sections of the unit. So
even without actual dynamic  packages implementation details, the fpc
compiler could start  support intdirect addressing for ppu files. It may be
a conditional mode and in this case every ppu just can introduce a flag
indicating the mode it was compiled with or just be gradually implemented
unconditionally. The latter is not good for performance reasons and as I
recall after the discovery about indirect addressing we did some tests and
some artificial projects (for example a loop variable placed in the
interface section of a unit) showed very little performance degradation, but
for general approach it was almost unnoticeable.

What you think?


Max Vlasov,
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Suggestion regarding dynamic packages

2010-11-21 Thread Max Vlasov
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:40 AM, Willibald Krenn


 Am 21.11.2010 12:49, schrieb Max Vlasov:

  I recently read the info about current implementation of packages and a
 post that dynamic packages support is at the early stage or not started
 yet. Knowing that fpc developers is very skilled and they probably the

 I've been very busy lately, so the implementation did not really start yet.
 All I've done so far is contributing some fixes for the win64 target so that
 I can actually debug the fpc compiler on my machine... ;-)


  So, I just wanted to suggest that regardless of the magic different
 platform has about such dynamic linking, there's something similar to
 this indirect addressing possibly should be done with interfaces
 sections of the unit. So even without actual dynamic  packages
 implementation details, the fpc compiler could start  support intdirect
 addressing for ppu files. It may be a conditional mode and in this case
 every ppu just can introduce a flag indicating the mode it was compiled
 with or just be gradually implemented unconditionally. The latter is not
 good for performance reasons and as I recall after the discovery about
 indirect addressing we did some tests and some artificial projects (for
 example a loop variable placed in the interface section of a unit)
 showed very little performance degradation, but for general approach it
 was almost unnoticeable.

 What you think?

 This is interesting information and it sounds very reasonable.  However, I
 haven't made much progress on the package front yet and I still need to read
 up (better: read again) on what fpc stores in it's  .ppu files -- hence I
 cannot really say what is the best way to implement this feature.. ;)
 (Obviously I want to change as few things as possible in the fpc

 BTW: My main goal for this year still is to do a proof of concept and to
 compile the system unit into a fpcrtl.ppl with a simple application that
 uses this package.

great to know  that there's a activity about it. And wanting to change as
few things as possible sounds also reasonable. This is also related to the
long-time question of the usability of packages in general. On one side they
remind Wirth's ideas in Oberon (modules) and would probably allow not only
make things better for Lazarus IDE, but also creating lite/full versions of
programs easily. On the other side, at least in Delphi the linkage was
always strictly bound to detect smallest version changes that is probably
good for compiler and not always for the developer. Good luck! :)

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