Re: [fpc-other] How to modify install scripts when svn disappeared?

2021-08-11 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-other
On Wed, 11 Aug 2021 14:36:23 +0200, Bo Berglund via fpc-other

>Please advice how to:
>1) Find which is the latest release tag of fpc and lazarus
>2) Retrieve the full sources for that tag on the command line

Sorry, sent this to the wrong newsgroup, should not have been "social"...
I will retry in the correct place.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] How to modify install scripts when svn disappeared?

2021-08-11 Thread Bo Berglund via fpc-other
I have for many years now been using an install script to get the sources of fpc
and lazarus via svn based on the specific tags. Then the script installs the
needed dependencies and makes the complete installation on Raspberry Pi boxes.

Now I have two problems:
1) The svn server seems to be down so the source retrieval does not work
2) I cannot find any tutorial on how to proceed with modifications of scripts to
move from svn to gitlab.

Please advice how to:
1) Find which is the latest release tag of fpc and lazarus
2) Retrieve the full sources for that tag on the command line

As soon as I have the sources I believe the rest of my script will work just

The retrieval lines in my script read as follows:

echo "Downloading version $FPCVER of FPC"
cd "$FPCDIR"

echo "Downloading version $LAZVER of Lazarus"
cd "$LAZDIR"

What could I replace these svn calls with?

I have not used git for anything else than to download a specific code base for
a utility from github.
All of my developing is versioned via subversion...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-06 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 6 Jun 2017 12:30:58 +0200, Giuliano Colla

>Il 06/06/2017 10:40, Bo Berglund ha scritto:
>> Relevant files compare fine
>> except they are not the correct timestamp.
>This is one of the down sides of GIT: it doesn't preserve timestamps.
>As a workaround you may write a small script which will touch each file 
>of the newly created repository with the time stamps of the original 
>folders. Here enclosed a python script which I used for that purpose; 
>you may see if it fits your needs.
>After that, if you need to preserve timestamps, you may take advantage 
>either of git-restore-time (which will change the timestamps to the 
>commit time):
>or of the metastore utilities:
>which adds an additional metadata file, where original timestamps are 
>stored, and used to properly set them at each commit, and to restore 
>them at each checkout, pull, etc.

Thanks, but I'm not that paranoid about time stamps. It really was
just an observation.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-06 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 6 Jun 2017 23:25:03 +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys

>> So it tries to "fix" this by making fake commits or something similar.
>I guess it’s trying to fix a “hack” with a hack. ;-)

I will have to get into understanding GIT operations more so I can see
the existing tags, right now I am only seeing the output of the
conversion process.
Have to read the manual...
Maybe the extra tags are all gone by now?

>> I can go elsewhere and clone the created repository at which time I
>> am getting the HEAD revision checked out. Relevant files compare fine

Yes, it seems like at least HEAD is OK. :)

For a very simple project that is, I will have a look at the Android
App project later, it is not my baby but it is huge in comparison to
the Pascal projects I usually work on both concerning number of files
tracked and file system directory depth...

>> except they are not the correct timestamp.
>Git only tracks file contents, and some extra commit related metadata. 
>Timestamps are really irrelevant when it comes to managing file content 
>changes over time.

Well, CVS(NT) handles the timestamps as follows:
- At commit it stores the UTC time of the commit with the file in the
repository. Note that it is not the filesystem time stamp.

- At checkout it applies these timestamps to the local files so it is
possible to get a picture of the state at commit time wise. The time
is set depending on the state of the client computer regarding time
zone, DST etc.

- At updates (when changes made by other developers are retrieved) the
file is stamped with the local timoe of update. This is done to insure
that any make process following will recompile the file, it is just as
if the local developer had modified the file.

What file gets compiled at build time depends entirely on how the
development environment is thinking, i.e. make compares the object
file and source fiile time stamps for this and some IDE:s with
built-in intelligence do the same I assume.

So time stamp handling is not that important really it's just that I
observed the difference when comparing the GIT version of a project
with what I had in my CVS sandbox. And it only applies to a clean
checkout in CVS, otherwise the current time is what one gets.

Anyway, make clean usually is what is initially used after getting
other people's contributions, right? For C projects at least.

I don't know how Lazarus handles the selection of files to compile,
though. Or is it an FPC determination?
Could be either the compiler or the development IDE handling that...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-06 Thread Bo Berglund
On Mon, 5 Jun 2017 15:46:43 +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys

>1) I suggest you start with a 'gitk --all' and see how the history
>of your repository looks like, and if there is any history at all.

The history is there all right, but I think that the tags are a bit
It seems like GIT does not like the fact that in CVS only changed
files can be committed thus revisions of files evolve on a file by
file basis. So when a CVS tag operation is performed the tag is
applied on all of the files in the current state. This means that a
CVS tag contains files at different revision levels and apparently
this is something GIT does not like.
So it tries to "fix" this by making fake commits or something similar.

>2) You don't have to reset each file one by one. You can do it all
>in one go with:  git reset --hard
>But why all your files are marked for deletion is a mystery to

I can go elsewhere and clone the creatred repository at which time I
am getting the HEAD revision checked out. Relevant files compare fine
except they are not the correct timestamp.

Concerning nested projects...
I found a caveat in the documentation for CVS2GIT:
"Only single projects can be converted at a time. Given the way git is
typically used, I don't think that this is a significant limitation."

In fact it is a limitation in our case, but I have to go looking for a
way to get around it...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-04 Thread Bo Berglund
Report on progress:
I have found a way to convert CVS to GIT using the cvs2svn module,
which contains a cvs2git file. It was described in this article:

Since our CVS server resides on Windows and is driven by CVSNT and the
conversion process (a Python system) uses the cvs executable to
extract revision information from the version files I decided to give
it a try on Windows7.
After some misunderstandings causing me to restart the conversions I
finally managed to convert some test projects.

But there is one very strange thing happening:
After the conversion is done according to the steps in the article
this happens when I run a check on the created GIT repo:

$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)


Why is the repo in this condition?
And what to do about it? Obviously going over it with
git reset HEAD ...
isn't really practical since this example project (an Android App)
contains deeply nested folder trees with hundreds of files.

I am worrying that I am doing this all wrong...

It is possible to clone the repo and get the expected file tree out,

Another issue is that it seems like the conversion of a CVS repository
consisting of many different modules ("projects" if you will) ends up
with a single huge GIT repo which can only be cloned in its
How can one store multiple and *separate* projects in GIT?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-02 Thread Bo Berglund
On Fri, 2 Jun 2017 10:19:49 +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys

>On 2017-06-02 00:00, Bo Berglund wrote:
>> The beauty of this is that we do not need to duplicate common
>> functionality between projects as would be the case if we *copied* the
>> common files into the source folder. These files are used in many
>> places but versioned in a single place on the server.
>Yes, Git has that functionality too. It is called "submodules". Common 
>code can live and be maintained in it's own repository. Other 
>repositories can than link to that repository.
>I have used this often. If you clone a repository that makes use of 
>submodules, all the information is already there (stored inside the 
>The first time you clone such a repository, it will not automatically 
>fetch the files from the submodule. You need to run (only once) the 'git 
>submodule init' command. Then every time you want to update the 
>"common/shared code" you run 'git submodule update'.
>The Pro Git chapter explains it very well, and it is actually quite 
>simple to setup and use.

Thanks a lot, found the chapter and will be going over it this
week-end with my son-in-law who uses GIT himself.
He did not know of the possibilities before, though. He recently
converted his SVN repo to GIT. But I think he has not used this
He also earlier told me to look at GIT as replacement for CVS.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-01 Thread Bo Berglund
Continuing with GIT...

I am now studying a few on-line documents outlining the conversion of
a CVS repository to GIT. There is a script suite named cvs2svn with a
number of specific scripts for various targets like cvs2git, so I
think I can use this. But I think I have found a problem, which may or
may not exist, but I need to check:

We use the CVS modules concept a lot in our CVS repository. It
virtualizes programming projects by collecting files from various
"common" modules into a target structure for the project itself.
We have as example a CommonFiles module, which contains 26 files
implementing various commonly needed functions.
In any given actual project the specific source files for that project
is stored as a named module of files.

Now the module definition in CVS collects the files and folders from
various places into the structure of the project itself, often placing
the files for the actual project into a "source" folder. The common
files are placed in separate folders next to the source folder in the
The net effect is that we have these specific and common files
collected into folders in the work project folder ready to be worked

The beauty of this is that we do not need to duplicate common
functionality between projects as would be the case if we *copied* the
common files into the source folder. These files are used in many
places but versioned in a single place on the server.

What would be the corresponding GIT method for this?
Or is it even possible?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-06-01 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 31 May 2017 23:04:02 +0200, Bo Berglund

>Now remains to find out how to disable the old version shipped with
>Raspbian and use the self-compiled newer version.
>The $PATH location seems not to help.

Problem solved but not understanding why...
I logged off the PuTTY session and then back in again and now the
command returns the correct value:

$ git --version
git version

Even though it now works it would be intersting to know *why* I had to
log off and back on for it to use the path ...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-31 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 31 May 2017 22:23:30 +0200, Bo Berglund

>On Wed, 31 May 2017 15:42:48 -0400, wrote:
>>at the command line, type in "which git" without the double quotes...
Now I made a test by looking at another RPi3 with Raspbian Jessie
where I have definitely NOT been doing anything git.

$ which git


$ git --version
git version 2.1.4

So I went to another RPi2 I also have running Raspbian (older):
$ which git
$ git --version
git version

This means that one does *not* have to install git on Raspbian because
it is already there

Now remains to find out how to disable the old version shipped with
Raspbian and use the self-compiled newer version.
The $PATH location seems not to help.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-31 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 31 May 2017 15:42:48 -0400, wrote:

>On 05/31/2017 02:13 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:
>> the response to git --version is still
>> 2.1.4
>>  From where does this come???
>at the command line, type in "which git" without the double quotes...

$ which git

This is the version I have built myself from sources and it is 2.13
I installed it into the user space rather than into /usr/bin/

However if I do:
$ git --version
git version 2.1.4

But if I do:
$ /home/pi/bin/git --version
git version

Do you now understand my confusion?
Executing git on the command line seems to execute the /usr/bin/git
instead of the first git on PATH! /home/pi/bin is first on $PATH

Seems like git is started in /usr/bin and there it is getting the
erroneous version information

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-31 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 31 May 2017 18:04:28 +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys

>On 2017-05-31 16:10, Bo Berglund wrote:
>> Is it not possible to put docs and info below the ~/ dir?
>> According to the INSTALL file on the subject of Git install it says:
>Yes, it works like most Makefile based environments - and is also 
>mentioned in the INSTALL file You need to specify the install prefix 
>   $ make prefix=/home//
>Or whatever you want the install prefix to be.

I tried several times with a prefix entered first by doing this:
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/pi/
$ make install

and then just 
$ make install --prefix=/home/pi/

Both errored out because they could not write to /usr somewhere...

So then I bit the bullet and used sudo:
$ sudo make install --prefix=/home/pi/

done && \
./check_bindir "z$bindir" "z$execdir" "$bindir/git-add"

So it seemed like it succeeded, ut why must I use sudo when the target
should be inside the pi/home dir?

Then I tested what I got:
$ which git
So far so good, it seems like my git is first on path. :)

$ git --version
git version 2.1.4

Not so good because the new version should be way higher!
But look:
$ ~/bin/git --version
git version

So specifically executing git from the user's bin dir gets the correct
version while just running it via path gets the wrong value!
How come?
Even after I did this:
$ sudo apt-get remove git-all

the response to git --version is still

From where does this come???
Is there another git installed on the system? I did not check this
before I installed git via apt-get.

Just for clarity:

No such file or directory

I suspect that games are not there...

I don't understand this, which git will I execute in this situation
when I use git on the command line without the full path?

scratch, scratch, scratch

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-31 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 31 May 2017 10:58:29 +0200, Bo Berglund

>>I always install git 
>>from source code and compile it myself (like I do with FPC and Lazarus 
>>too). Everything is then included - as it should be. Linux distros f*ck 
>>everything up and split it into multiple packages. eg: git-core, 
>>git-base, git-gui, git-subversion, git-docs etc.
>I also build my FPC/Lazarus installations from svn sources since a
>couple of years. But only on Linux, I have not tried it on Windows
>So I really should go back to the RPi and remove the git I installed
>yesterday and instead try to get the sources (via Subversion?) and
>build myself then? Is it possible to get the GIT sources without GIT?

Stupid question by me...
I should use git to get git sources *before* I uninstall the apt-get
version of git. The solution is in page:
as this command:
git clone

I used it and it finished successfully in a rather short time.

What I received is the latest *development* version, but if I got the
idea behind GIT I should now have a git repo locally on my RPi3 and
should be able to retrieve the latest released version of git from
that, right?
If so how do I move forward and find the release, update to it and
then build and install git from the sources?

The apt-get version of the git I use now is:
~/ $git --version
git version 2.1.4

Seems a bit oldish so I updated the RPi3 according to the ProGIT book
section 1.5:

sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev
gettext libz-dev libssl-dev

Then tried to make as per the INSTALL file. Ran for some time and
So I then also got requirements for the other stuff:

sudo apt-get install asciidoc xmlto docbook2x getopt

But it failed with this error:
E: Unable to locate package getopt

so I removed getopt from the install and all other modules installed

Then I did:
make configure
make all doc info
make install install-doc install-html install-info

The last line failed as follows:

 $ make install install-doc install-html install-info
SUBDIR git-gui
SUBDIR gitk-git
SUBDIR templates
install -d -m 755 '/usr/local/bin'
install: cannot change permissions of ‘/usr/local/bin’: Operation not
Makefile:2408: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 1

Is it not påossible to put docs and info below the ~/ dir?
According to the INSTALL file on the subject of Git install it says:

Git installation

Normally you can just do "make" followed by "make install", and that
will install the git programs in your own ~/bin/ directory.

This is exactly what I would like to do instead of putting it below

What do I do next?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-31 Thread Bo Berglund

And lastly regarding CVS conversion:

Since we have not used CVS in any complex way (but we do use the CVSNT
flavour on Windows), I assume that the repository files would be
possible to convert into the GIT format. After all each file contains
a history with commit messages, timestamps, tags and branches, which
are all OK.
But the organization may well consitute a problem since we have
several cases where multiple products (projects in GIT maybe) are
sharing common code via CVS modules. So the same files are used in
several places. They are stored outside project modules (folder
hierarchies) and brought in at checkout time into subdirectories of
the project source tree.
Will that complicate GIT conversion?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-30 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 30 May 2017 15:37:30 +0100, Graeme Geldenhuys

>On 2017-05-30 06:53, Bo Berglund wrote:
>> OK, I did not have in mind to use an RPi3 as the final system. I just
>> wanted to acquaint myself with GIT using a small portable unit over
>> the summer.
>In that case, you don't even need a RPi... Simply practice by doing the 
>following on your local system:

Since my local system is a Windows 7 laptop I have to resort to an RPi
to get the Linux system for which the commands are native...

>   mkdir /data/myremote.git
>   cd /data/myremote.git
>   git init --share --bare .

So this should not be created inside some user home then? In some
documents I found a new user "gituser" is created and in his home is
where they placed the master repository.

>You just created your remote [bare] git repository. The term "bare" 
>means that there is no checked out files. If you view that directory it 
>simply shows all the normally hidden files that git uses to manage a 
>Now for your working repository where you will do you day-to-day commits:
>   cd /data/devel/
>   git clone /data/myremote.git/ mywork
>You will now have a Git repository in /data/devel/mywork/ which is a 
>clone of the /data/myremote.git repository. It as automatically set up 
>the "origin" as your Remote Git Repo. So if you to a git-push, the data 
>will go to "origin"
>Now playing around in this "mywork" repository. Create commits and 
>branches. Then do a git-push and magically you will have updated the 
>"origin" remote git repo too (which in this case is /data/myremote.git/)
>What you learn here, is exactly how you would do things with a real 
>remote repository.
>I highly recommend everybody interested in using Git reads the free and 
>open source "Pro Git" book []. It is 
>available online or offline in various formats (PDF, ePub etc). Is is 
>well written, fast to read and with tons of real-world Git examples.

I have read a few chapters on-line, including installing git using the
sudo apt-get install git-all

which (of course) differs from the commands I have found in various
other how-to pages concerning git...

I would very much like to have a PDF copy since I usually find that
easier to read than using on-line webpage versions of books.
Could not find the PDF though...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-29 Thread Bo Berglund
On Mon, 29 May 2017 12:01:32 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd

>On 29/05/17 11:12, Bo Berglund wrote:
>> TestingSo I thought that one way to go forward was for me to use an 
>> RPi3 boxas a repository server with GIT or whatever (seems like the 
>> CVSsuccessor SVN is now also on the decline...).Is there a good way to set 
>> up an RPi3 box as a GIT server and getgoing with that?
>> Can GIT work in a way that would be comparable to CVS regardingconcurrent 
>> development etc?
>> Any suggestions on where to start?
>Frankly, and after having run an RPi3 as my desktop system for roughly 
>nine months, I'd not use an RPi for that. I'd use something like an HP 
>Microserver with at least mirrored discs, and I'd make sure that I was 
>able to write a consistent snapshot onto something like a USB stick 
>storage device.
>My recollection is that while you can set up (software-controlled) 
>mirrored devices on an RPi, you run into problems mounting them at boot 
>time due to deficiencies in the loader- that was certainly the case when 
>I looked at it in the latter part of last year, although low-level 
>firmware improvements (roughly last November) might have fixed some of that.
>In addition, it's becoming increasingly obvious to many people that the 
>power arrangement is manky, and that you risk permanent damage to an 
>SDCard if inserting a USB device briefly pushes the voltage out of spec- 
>see discussion of the vcgencmd command.
>Finally, you /will/ need to backup, and if you've accumulated any amount 
>of data you really don't want to try doing that through a single 
>(internal) USB hub with no possibility of expansion.

OK, I did not have in mind to use an RPi3 as the final system. I just
wanted to acquaint myself with GIT using a small portable unit over
the summer.
If it did work and I found it useful I would put a Linux server on our
VMWare box and use that as the new versioning server. But over the
summer I am moving to a place where space is limited and I thought a
small box like a Pi3 could work as a test bed.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] GIT versioning server on Raspberry Pi?

2017-05-29 Thread Bo Berglund
I have followed parts of the very long thread "GIT & SVN" and found it
informative and partly amusing too...
Since I am still on CVS it really was getting me to think about new
version control systems and especially GIT since Graeme is pushing so
hard for it.

I have a small company where the engineering team is myself (not so
much anymore) and two engineers doing software and electronics. We are
making embedded systems and PC (Windows) based processing software.

Back in 2002 in order to safeguard against various catastrophies I put
in place a CVS *server* on our network for managing the versions of
our code and also our CAD drawings and documentation etc. So a lot of
the files in CVS are binary. The instructions and firmware image files
for our production people are also on our CVS.
The CVS backend is an old CVSNT release on a Windows Server 2003 and
we use the same cvsnt as client but via the WinCVS GUI front-end.

Problems to solve:
- We need to get a system that is supported today and preferably on a
platform that will not be obsoleted like the Windows versions are.

- Since we are also now doing development in Linux (for Raspberry Pi
using FPC) we need something running on Linux (for the clients).

- Generally I don't want us to be ancient tool-wise, but at the same
time we have such a huge amount of information invested into the CVS
repository. So I need the end soultion to hve some functionality like
the CVS system we use today. And a possibility to import the CVS


So I thought that one way to go forward was for me to use an RPi3 box
as a repository server with GIT or whatever (seems like the CVS
successor SVN is now also on the decline...).
Is there a good way to set up an RPi3 box as a GIT server and get
going with that?

Can GIT work in a way that would be comparable to CVS regarding
concurrent development etc?

Any suggestions on where to start?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] How do you keep up with FPC discussions?

2017-05-25 Thread Bo Berglund
On Thu, 25 May 2017 05:20:11 -0400, wrote:

>of the FPC related mailing lists comes into my thunderbird and is filtered to 
>its own (sub)folder where the messages are read in threaded mode... it is 
>and available to me even when i'm offline... plus i have a local copy of all 
>messages so i can search historically if desired...

Which is exactly how a newsreader works too, you download the messages
into the NR and then they are available offline forever and searchable

My FPC message store reaches back to Sept 2003 and similarly for
Borland/Embarcadero Delphi lists (might go even further back on
I have ALL messages from these places collected for future reference.

But my observation is that email is not the best way of managing these
things even if you *can* create some folder structure. Email clients
evolve a lot and suddenly your old store of messages is not readable
anymore. And if you like to switch mail client you are in big trouble.
Try to import Outlook PST files with millions of messages into
Thunderbird and you will see what I mean...
Both Forte Free Agent and Xananews store the data in a sensible

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] How do you keep up with FPC discussions?

2017-05-25 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 23 May 2017 21:07:05 -0500, wrote:

>Maybe I'm a retard and my brain is slow, but how the f**k do you keep up 
>with all these emails and have any time for programming, cooking, 
>working, hiking, possibly a relationship with opposite sex?

Well, for one thing, skip the emails and use the GMane News server
interface to the mail list instead!
This particular list is in for

Then you will get a threaded view and can easily navigate quickly
between the various posts. You see immediately to which sub-branch of
a discussion a response was made etc etc.
And you do not clutter your inbox so you miss important real emails to

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Your thoughts on cloud based server instances?

2017-03-10 Thread Bo Berglund
On Fri, 10 Mar 2017 12:03:12 -0600, wrote:

>For websites with 10 visitors a day it might suffice... but then if 
>those 10 visitors download a 5mb file even, it's super slow for them...
>Maybe ISP upload speeds are better in your country, I don't know, but 
>IMO upload speeds are still too pathetic and slow for hosing stuff from 
>your own router/server setup from home/work.  Unless you have $1000's 
>for a fast connection (they used to call them T1? I'm unfamiliar with 
>what it's called now).

Here in Sweden I am on a 250/100 Mbit/s fiber connection to my home
for 339 SEK/month (that is about 38 USD/month)
That is 100 Mbit/s upload speed.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-03-01 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 1 Mar 2017 09:17:49 +0200, Cyrax  wrote:

>You should report your findings to the bugtracker so they can be fixed.

The FPC or Lazarus or RPi or Raspbian or Orange bugtracker?
Not clear to me.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-03-01 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 1 Mar 2017 08:48:16 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd

>> the following functions fail (within fpc/lazarus calls)
>> Params all return blank - so cant use Param(0) etc
>> ApplicatioName returns blank
>> ProgramDirectory returns blank
>> There may be others, but haven't hit them yet.
>That sounds like the OS has mangled the shell in some way.

And from the Orange's webpage each model has its own set of possible
OS:es so there is a chance that it will actually work somewhere, but
who knows where?
With the RPi we know it works and there is ample developer support to
plug a problem fairly quickly.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-02-28 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 22:08:31 -0300, Andreas Berger

>Bo, when the time comes for me to start working on any Pi, can I get in 
>contact with you to help get FPC started?

Shure, you're welcome!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-02-28 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 13:42:11 -0600, wrote:

>Indeed. I would disagree with them that it is a clone..
>It's similar but not a clone. It does not run your typical Pi operating 
>system and it looks nothing like a Pi, it's basically a completely 
>different Pi altogether, not a clone.
>Not criticising you, as you are not the one claiming it is a clone - 
>they are.

>I just disagree that it is a clone and was disappointed when I found out 
>it's really just a "similar computer to the raspberry pi" but in no way 
>a clone at all. IMO.
>OS. So how is that a clone..
>a clone? it has similar ports but not a similar layout. The only thing 

>BeagleBone is a clone of a Pi, but it's not.

My main reply point was NOT the word "clone"...

My point is that the Orange seemed to be a clone or a derivative of
the RPi by the info on their website. They even list Raspbian (clearly
for the RPi) as one of the operating systems, so that is why I
questioned the use of Orange over the original RPi.

With the Rpi there is a lot of experience in running FPC/Lazarus
available on these lists. With Orange it seems like you are much worse
off, basically on your own.

And Andreas wrote "I am totally unpracticed in Linux", which makes his
task even more difficult.

So, Andreas:
Go with a standard RPi3 and get to know the way it works, then if you
are OK try porting what you did to the Orange if the company forces it
on you.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-02-27 Thread Bo Berglund
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 08:28:05 +0100, Bo Berglund

>Why not go with the original Raspberry Pi instead?

I found a test video on Youtube:

Seems like going original RPi is better.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Anyone using Orange PI

2017-02-27 Thread Bo Berglund
On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 22:25:26 -0300, Andreas

>The company I work for will be realizing an embedded project using 
>Orange PI. I can use any tool I want, but the project will be on a 
>Orange PI (A very small chance of Raspberry PI). Does any one have FPC 
>running on Orange PI? If so would you be willing to help me get set up? 
>I am totally unpracticed in Linux, but am sure I can get into it.
I have not used the Orange Pi, but reading the site
it seems to be a clone of the Raspberry Pi and it also seems like
there are 9 different models of it.
So in order to come further:
Which exact model are you thinking of using?

I have used FPC/Lazarus on a range of Raspberry Pi models now on RPi3B
and it has worked just fine. One has to install carefully from the
command line to get the proper versions, but I have written a script
to do just that. It works on the Raspbian operating system (a Debian
version) and basically does all you need to get the stuff on board.
However, it uses a starting fpc compiler built for the RPi3B, which is
downloaded from my site (since I could not find a suitable compiler
only download). This may or may not work on an Orange Pi device...

On their site's download page are listed a number of instances of
Raspbian, but these are not the current Raspbian versions.
The ones I found are from 2015-06-06, 2016-11-08, 2016-11-12 and
So it seems likely they are tweaked versions of the "real" Raspbian,
which might cause concerns down the line.

Why not go with the original Raspberry Pi instead?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Missing messages

2016-11-02 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 2 Nov 2016 09:48:30 +0100, Allan

>On Mon, 31 Oct 2016 09:38:43 +
>Graeme Geldenhuys  wrote:
> > On 2016-10-31 08:34, Bo Berglund wrote:
> > > By what I have seen is that Lars cannot continue the web interface
> > > to Gmane NNTP, but that the NNTP server will continue.
> >
> > Ah, thanks for clarifying that. I was under the impression that Gmane
> > was going to close down completely. Nice to hear that part of it (the
> > most important part) is still going to continue.
>I really don't care, if his web interface goes away - never used it.
>If he really would stop the gmane newsserver, I would just link
>the mailinglist to my own newsserver, as I have done with lots of other
>mailinglists, over the years :-)
>I think the discussion about which model is the right one for FPC is
>stupid, as no one will ever agree on anything.
>OTOH, I have been running my own newsserver for 15 years - with a
>gateway to a mailinglist server, and a very simple Webinterface on top
>of the newsserver - and it has been running that way all the time on
>OS/2 !  Please don't tell me - that there is not very simple solutions
>for that ( and hopefully 15 years newer :-) ) for nix or win.
>   Allan.

Sounds like one could set up such a server on a Raspberry Pi (Linux
Debian type). I am running all kinds of stuff on RPi, for example
Lazarus/FPC, a VPN server and more.

Do you have any advice on how to install an NNTP server on Linux?
I have never looked at that before. It would need to subscribe to
lists using its own dedicated mail account, right?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Missing messages

2016-10-31 Thread Bo Berglund
On Mon, 31 Oct 2016 02:12:44 +0100, Allan

>Anyway, I agree, that newsservers are the best for this, so it
>is nice, that all FPC maillists are on Gmane now.
>Unfortunately, that have been some talks about stopping the Gmane
>service, so it would be nice to see fpc lists on a more permanent

By what I have seen is that Lars cannot continue the web interface to
Gmane NNTP, but that the NNTP server will continue.
It was a while since I read it so things may have changed.
(I use GMANE NNTP myself of course.)

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Missing messages

2016-10-30 Thread Bo Berglund
On Sun, 30 Oct 2016 22:36:59 +, Graeme Geldenhuys

>NNTP has many other benefits too:

Graeme, I really agree with all of the items in your list!
Good summary! :)

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Submitting fpc-devel mailing list to Gmane service.

2016-03-02 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 11:28:02 +0200, Cyrax  wrote:
>>> It is created and group name is
>> Found it! :)
>> But is there any way that the existing mail archives can be imported?
>You need to ask Gmane maintaner to import the archives.

And to do this Gmane says you must be the admin of the mail list to be
Obviously I am not.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Submitting fpc-devel mailing list to Gmane service.

2016-03-02 Thread Bo Berglund
On Wed, 2 Mar 2016 08:21:01 +0200, Cyrax  wrote:

>It is created and group name is
Found it! :)
But is there any way that the existing mail archives can be imported?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Networking problem from Linux virtual machine hosting Lazarus

2016-02-28 Thread Bo Berglund
I found cause of the problem!
It turns out that another connectivity configuration screwed up the
connection from my virtual machine!

Here goes:
Some time ago I wanted to share my Win7 VPN connection to the
Raspberry Pi target for my Lazarus development when I worked on the
Pi. The reason is the same as for the Linux virtual machine: to reach
the company software version control server on the internal company
The only way I could figure this out was to set up my Win7 as a WiFi
hotspot and configure the VPN channel as shared to the WiFi access
point network.
The sharing was configured on the VPN connectoid targeting the AP

Then whenever the Pi connected to the WiFi AP served by my Win7 laptop
it would get access to the VPN network. Since the Pi also had an
Ethernet wired connection I had to set up the route for on
the Pi to target the wlan0 network rather than the eth0 network. For
this I created a shellscript that runs by cron every minute and checks
the connection status and route table.
With this I could connect to the VPN network (10.0.0.x) from the Pi
via WiFi and everything else via eth0.

On the Win7 laptop I have a batch script that enables the WiFi access
point when needed. So I believed that this would make the connection
depend on my WiFi AP state.
But it seems like the very fact that "Internet Sharing" is enabled on
the VPN connectoid towards the Access Point network excludes it from
everything else including the VMWare NAT network...

As soon as I removed the Internet sharing setting on the VPN
connection I could start pinging VPN from the Linux Mint virtual
machine when VPN is connected.

So now I have created a second copy of the VPN connectoid (different
name) where the sharing towards the Access point is enabled.
When I need the RPi to have access I connect to VPN using this
connectoid and start the access point.
Otherwise I have the AP shut down and the original VPN connection
(without sharing) active, and now the virtual machine gets a route
into VPN.

Rather convolved but actually working.

I tried to share the VPN connection to the Ethernet network on my Win7
laptop. The plan was for the other computers on my network (RPi units
as well as my wife's laptop) to get access via a route to my laptop
for that network.
However, that fell flat on its face because when I did that my
Ethernet networking on the PC stopped working. Could not reach local
resources on my internal network anymore....

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

[fpc-other] Networking problem from Linux virtual machine hosting Lazarus

2016-02-27 Thread Bo Berglund
I hope this might be acceptable to ask here even if it is FPC and
Lazarus off topic

I have created a VMWare WS12PRO virtual machine in which I have
installed Linux Mint 17.3 MATE to host FreePascal 3.0.0 and Lazarus
These are now fine and working.

As a last item I need to secure connectivity to the company version
control system hosted on a Windows server on address
This network is on-line on the VMWare host PC (Windows7 X64) via VPN.

I have set the virtual machine networking to NAT so it will use the
host networking system and it should be able therefore to use the VPN
channel to reach the server.

This is the addresses of my system:
Main PC (VMWare host):
 IP= Mask= GW=

VMWare virtual adapter for vnet8 on main PC:
  IP= Mask=

Linux Mint virtual machine:
IP= Mask= GW=

Server on VPN network:
IP= Mask=

I know that this should work but I feel that there is something
missing on the Linux side to make it actually start working...
On previous Linux virtual machines (VMWare Workstation 7 level) I did
not have to do anything else than connect VPN on my host PC to make
that network also available on the virtual computer.
Does not work now...

I have tried adding route on the linux side as follows:

bosse@mint17mate ~ $ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination   Gateway  Genmask   Flags Metric Ref Use Iface   UG0  0 0 eth0 UG0  0 0 eth0 U 1  0 0 eth0

But this does not work either.
I don't get any ping response. On the host system I get immediate

Is there anyone here who has done this and made it work?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] Submitting fpc-devel mailing list to Gmane service.

2016-02-27 Thread Bo Berglund
On Sat, 27 Feb 2016 13:21:20 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd

>Cyrax wrote:
>> I propose adding fpc-devel list to Gmane service. fpc-pascal list is 
>> there already and for completeness, fpc-devel would be nice addition.
>> Thoughts on this matter?
>Yes please.

+1 (not that I would have much to contribute on devel, but it is nice
being able to follow discussions)

And NNTP beats forums outright!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Access GPIO pins on RPi2 without root?

2015-10-11 Thread Bo Berglund
I have come a lot further now, in fact I am done with the basic reasearch on
how to do the I/O.
What I found is that the pigpio.pas file found in the lazarus wiki needs
some slight modifications
and then it is perfectly OK to use. No need for any bigger driver than this
to do the RPi2 I/O.

I have added a define for RPi2 and used it thus:


// The following option controls whether the code is optimized for Raspberry
PI 2.
// Added 2015-10-10 by Bo Berglund following web advice to get it working on
the Pi2 hardware
  REG_GPIO = {$IFDEF RPi2} $3F000 {$ELSE} $2 {$ENDIF};//bcm2835/bcm2836
gpio register 
  // Mapping the RPi GPIO pin functions to GPIO I/O, should be here rather
than in user code
  RPI_P3  =  2; //GPIO2
  RPI_P5  =  3; //GPIO3
  RPI_P7  =  4; //GPIO4
  RPI_P8  = 14; //GPIO14
  RPI_P10 = 15; //GPIO15
  RPI_P11 = 17; //GPIO17
  RPI_P12 = 18; //GPIO18
  RPI_P13 = 27; //GPIO27
  RPI_P15 = 22; //GPIO22
  RPI_P16 = 23; //GPIO23
  RPI_P18 = 24; //GPIO24
  RPI_P19 = 10; //GPIO10
  RPI_P21 =  9; //GPIO9
  RPI_P22 = 25; //GPIO25
  RPI_P23 = 11; //GPIO11
  RPI_P24 =  8; //GPIO8
  RPI_P26 =  7; //GPIO7
function TIoDriver.MapIo: boolean;
 Result := True;
 {$IFDEF RPi2}
   fd := fpopen('/dev/gpiomem', O_RdWr or O_Sync); // Open the master
/dev/memory device
   fd := fpopen('/dev/mem', O_RdWr or O_Sync); // Open the master
/dev/memory device
  if fd < 0 then
Result := False; // unsuccessful memory mapping

With this in place the standard user pi will have access to the needed
/dev/gpiomem device and no root is required.
I have successfully used several ports to drive a relay board now.

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Travis Siegel
Sent: den 11 oktober 2015 18:02
To: Other FPC related discussions.
Subject: Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Access GPIO pins on RPi2 without root?

You can add any user to any group you like, by using the groupadd program 
in the terminal.  For example,
usermod  -a -G audio pi
would add the pi user to the audio group, allowing them to use audio 
functions without  having to be root or use sudo for the access.
Of course, the usermod command needs to be run as root, either with sudo, 
or as being logged in as root
If you can figure out what group the io pins are in, this could solve your 

fpc-other maillist  -

fpc-other maillist  -

Re: [fpc-other] [fpc-pascal] Access GPIO pins on RPi2 without root?

2015-10-10 Thread Bo Berglund
>If it would be a FPC specific usage question then it would be a bad idea to
post it to fpc-other.
>However as others have already stated accessing GPIOs on RPi is non
specific to FPC and thus it doesn't need to be on fpc-pascal or even

OK, I understand.
I have researched a bit more now given the input I received.
Apparently on a Raspberry Pi there are several defined user groups with
specific permissions on the /dev/xxx device files.
It seems like the user pi is member of a lot of these groups and thus would
not really need root to run a program accessing the hardware.
However, when I look at the unit pigpio.pas I found in the lazarus wiki
following a link in one of the responses I got I see this:

function TIoDriver.MapIo: boolean;
 Result := True;
 fd := fpopen('/dev/mem', O_RdWr or O_Sync); // Open the master /dev/memory
  if fd < 0 then
Result := False; // unsuccessful memory mapping

Notice that the file used is /dev/mem

I don't know if there exists a user group named mem, but in any case the
user pi is not member of any such group.
Could this be the cause for root to be required?

pi@rpi2-jessie ~ $ groups pi
pi : pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input netdev
spi i2c gpio

I asked a similar question in the Raspberry Pi forum and got a reply telling
me to modify this to become:

fd := fpopen('/dev/gpiomem', O_RdWr or O_Sync);

While writing this the final compile of lazarus just finished (I have
started from scratch using Raspbian Jessie and installed trunk of both fpc
and lazarus from svn).
So now I will soon be able to check this

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund 

fpc-other maillist  -