[fpc-pascal] Re: html link extractor

2007-07-03 Thread L
  Is there a unit somewhere that can extract links from html pages? I want
  to be able to recursively add pages to a chm archive.

 I created a program called GetLinks in a couple minutes:

Updated the files and changed the htmlutil functions a bit.

Also, created a recursive example that uses Synapse.. and grabs web links
*infinitely* until it finds no more links (using nested pascal function for the
recursion, Torvalds hates those).

The recursive demo probably won't work with file:// style links since it invokes
Synapse, and only simple http relative paths work as is. (not sure if CHM files
use file:// style links, guessing).

Latest download includes recursive extractor and getlinks demo:

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] PowerPC crosscompiler on i386 Mac OS X looks for, wrong assembler and linker

2007-07-03 Thread Adriaan van Os

A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:Adriaan van Os
Assigned To:

Issue ID:   9201
Category:   Compiler
Severity:   minor
Priority:   normal
Status: new
FPCTarget:  - 
Fixed in Revision:   
Date Submitted: 2007-07-02 16:08 CEST

Last Modified:  2007-07-02 20:17 CEST
Summary:PowerPC crosscompiler on i386 Mac OS X looks for

wrong assembler and linker
Building FreePascal on i386 Mac OS X with

  sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/as /usr/bin/powerpc-darwin-as
  sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/powerpc-darwin-ld


  make all CPU_TARGET=powerpc DEBUG=1
  sudo make install CPU_TARGET=powerpc DEBUG=1 CROSSINSTALL=1

results in a PowerPC crosscompiler /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppcrossppc.
The problem is that this compiler expects an assembler -as and a linker

[p17:~/Support/fpcbugs] adriaan% /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppcrossppc p.p
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.3.1 [2007/06/28] for powerpc
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Darwin for PowerPC
Compiling p.p
Assembling p
Error: Assembler -as not found, switching to external assembling
Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

[p17:~/Support/fpcbugs] adriaan% cat p.p
program P; begin end.


 Jonas Maebe - 2007-07-02 16:32  
Have you installed FPC 2.1.4? The configuration file for earlier FPC's set

a wrong (and superfluous) cross-compiling prefix when cross-compiling from
Darwin to Darwin. 2.1.4 does not set any prefix at all, since plain as and
ld are simple frontends which call through to the cpu-specific drivers.

Check your /etc/fpc.cfg file. It should contain this:

# set binutils prefix

#ifdef darwin


The -XP parameter is what sets the prefix. 

 Adriaan van Os - 2007-07-02 20:00  

 Have you installed FPC 2.1.4?

I installed fpc-2.1.4a.intel-macosx.dmg

 The configuration file for earlier FPC's set a wrong (and superfluous)

cross-compiling prefix when cross-compiling from Darwin to Darwin. 2.1.4
does not set any prefix at all, since plain as and ld are simple frontends
which call through to the cpu-specific drivers. compiling from Darwin to
Darwin. 2.1.4 does not set any prefix at all, since plain as and ld are
simple frontends which call through to the cpu-specific drivers.

But somehow, it looks like a hyphen gets into the prefix

 Check your /etc/fpc.cfg file. It should contain this ...

My /etc/fpc.cfg has these lines:

# set binutils prefix


#ifdef darwin


so that looks OK.

 The -XP parameter is what sets the prefix.

Compiling with -XP does solve the problem.

[p17:~/Support/fpcbugs] adriaan% /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.3.1/ppcrossppc
-XPpowerpc-darwin- p.p
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.3.1 [2007/07/02] for powerpc
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Darwin for PowerPC
Compiling p.p
Assembling p
Linking p
1 lines compiled, 0.7 sec 

 Jonas Maebe - 2007-07-02 20:17  
Maybe you have a ~/.fpc.cfg, or an fpc.cfg in the current directory?

No, there is only one fpc.cfg on my computer and that's the one in /etc/

default, no prefix is set, so it has to come from some configuration file
you have somewhere.You can also try compiling with -va to see which
config files are parsed (and see a lot of other debug information).

Also, as far as I know you've cross-compiled successfully in the past,

I tried ppcppc, but it turned it to be a PowerPC binary and it has endian issues 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread John
I have a basic editable connection working now, but there remain a 
number of questions:

1)  When I tried editing in a dbGrid, I had trouble with the field 
length.  Looking through the code, I can't see anywhere where the length 
of a string is checked against the length of the field, and longer 
strings appear to overflow the field / record buffer.  Should this be so 
?  I can fix the problem by doing the edits with a dbEdit control with a 
specified maximum length, but I can't find anything in the dbGrid 
component to do this.  (I presume it would really be the TColumn 

My real question is, should it be the data control be doing it, or 
should the sql components truncate a string that is too long ?

2)  I am now trying a simple master slave form, with the slave table 
having a parent field which links to the primary key  (a sequence 
generated number) in the master  table.  I can make this work with  an 
After Scroll Event on the master table thus:

 with sqlAC {TSQLQuery component selecting from slave table} do begin
   active := false;
   Params[0].AsInteger := sqlPars.Fields[0].AsInteger; {sqlPars is on 
the master table}

   active := true;

Is there anything less drastic than closing and reopening the sql that 
will refresh the query with the new parameter values ?

I tried to do this by setting the datasource on the above SQL, (and 
masking the AfterScroll event), but kept getting field not not found 
errors.  Should this work ?  (I had the parameter name matching the 
field name I was trying to link to.  The field is only called ref, so 
there is not a lot of room for typos, and yes I checked for the correct 

3)  Recently Joost van der Sluis wrote:

You could solve this problem by setting the update/delete/insert queries 
yourself. (and set parsesql to false)
When I set ParseSQL to False, the object inspector in Lazarus says 
updating is only possible if ParseSQL is true - unless I make it 
readonly, which defeats the purpose.

Looking through the code, I surmise that when the query is opened, 
InternalOpen calls Prepare which in turn calls ParseSQL, but that 
ParseSQL exits after only getting the statement type if ParseSQL is 
false.  If the statement is a select statement and if it is 
updateable, then InternalOpen initialises the update queries.  If SQL 
text is supplied, it is assigned to the queries, otherwise they are left 
blank.  When ApplyUpdates is called, this calls ApplyRecUpdate for each 
record, and this then either runs the supplied SQL, or, if the supplied 
SQL is null, generates it own SQL (using the stuff stored by Parse SQL) . 

Is this basically correct ?  (If so, you might see some of this expanded 
a bit into some documentation)

If so, I guess leaving ParseSQL=true will waste some processing time, 
but not actually stop it working.

Any hint about the structure of the code for the update queries ?  I 
guess I can work them out looking at what ApplyRecUpdate is trying to 
generate, but an example would make life easier.

4)  I still haven't been able to set a breakpoint in, or trace into any 
of the sqldb code.  Is there any good reason for this ?  I can do so in 
other library units, buttons for example.  (If I could work this out, 
I might be able to answer a more of the other questions for myself)

Thanks for your patience,


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpimage BMP and X11 implementation

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 I'm trying to implement fpimage support in the fpGUI widget framework.
 I'm really confused at the moment. :)   The following queries apply
 to X11 (xlib) only. My GDI (windows) support will come later.
 My current BMP image implementation (which doesn't use the fpimage
 unit) has an internal TXImage. One for the Mask and one for the Image
 Now creating a descendant of TFPCustomImage, I know I need to
 implement the following two methods.
procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer); override;
function  GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
 1) Those are the only abstract methods. So where am I supposed to
 create the instance of TXImage and assign it the internal data? When
 am I supposed to assign the internal data?

See below.

 2) Am I supposed to descend from TFPCustomImage or TFPMemoryImage?
 What's the difference?

You must descend from TFPCustomImage.

The difference is that TFPCustomImage provides no storage for the actual
image data: all methods rely on the SetInternalPixel and GetInternalPixel
methods. Careful, these are palette based. There are 2 other virtual calls
which retrieve/set the actual colors:

  procedure SetInternalColor (x,y:integer; const Value:TFPColor); virtual;
  function GetInternalColor (x,y:integer) : TFPColor; virtual;

By default, these work with the palette using the index retrieved/provided
by SetInternalPixel and GetInternalPixel.

It may make more sense to you to reverse the situation, depending on your 
storage format.

TFPMemoryImage actually stores the data in an array in memory, independent
of any device. (it stores the RGB values directly or using a palette)

You should create a TFPCustomImage descendent which handles the storage
through the TXImage auxiliary object.

What you should do:

Create a descendent of TFPCustomImage, say TFPGUIImage. It has an internal
TXImage field. When the dimensions are set of the image (in SetSize), 
you allocate the TXImage with the correct dimensions: So I think the best is
to override setsize, and create the TXImage there. Override destroy to free
The TXImage. Then you override SetInternalColor, GetInternalColor, and 
SetInternalPixel and GetInternalPixel so they work as expected: they'll
probably simply access the TXImage instance methods, and convert the internal 
format of TXImage to TFPColors.

I hope this makes sense. If not, shoot :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 03 July 2007 09.55, John wrote:
 I have a basic editable connection working now, but there remain a
 number of questions:

Have a look on MSEide+MSEgui:



It has lookup buffers, a sophisticated tdbwidgetgrid and many other useful 
components for database development and a stable and highly productive IDE. 
The users of MSEide+MSEgui affirm that it is production ready.

Please send questions and bug reports to (NNTP):


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] PowerPC crosscompiler on i386 Mac OS X looks for, wrong assembler and linker

2007-07-03 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 3 jul 2007, at 09:45, Adriaan van Os wrote:

Maybe you have a ~/.fpc.cfg, or an fpc.cfg in the current directory?

No, there is only one fpc.cfg on my computer and that's the one in / 

Note the spelling of the first file: .fpc.cfg. Anyway, it doesn't  
matter, see below.

default, no prefix is set, so it has to come from some  
configuration file

you have somewhere.You can also try compiling with -va to see which
config files are parsed (and see a lot of other debug information).
Also, as far as I know you've cross-compiled successfully in the  

I tried ppcppc, but it turned it to be a PowerPC binary

That's by design (I now see I read your 9165 bug report wrongly).  
When doing a cross make all, you create both a cross compiler  
(ppcrossXXX) and a native compiler for the selected target platform  
(which can be used for bootstrapping on the target platform).

and it has endian issues http://www.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php? 

I meant before that. Or was that the first time ever you tried to  
compile a PowerPC binary on an Intel Mac?

Using ppu files with compilers compiled for a different endianess  
than the compiler which generated those ppu files is simply something  
which is not supported at this time, because no one does that anymore  
nowadays (although Daniel is now trying to fix that -- and yes, we  
should have given an error message instead of failing due to reading  
invalid data from ppu files, but as I said, nobody even tried that  
for a very long time). It is not needed either for cross compiling,  
because all ppu files are generated using the cross compiler (and the  
created native compiler is only intended for bootstrapping).

what changed? Maybe it's better to take this to the mailing list,  

this doesn't sound like a bug to me but a configuration problem.

I am doing that now, but I bet it's a bug. Even if not, why is the  
build system so obscure some configuration file you have  
somewhere that this can happen ? I am not at all saying that FPC  
should follow GNU conventions, no, but at least the rules are clear  
there. You configure for target, host and build and then the  
Makefile takes cares of the rest.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what is obscure here:
a) Under *nix, FPC, like pretty much every other *nix app out there,  
supports three different default locations for configuration files,  
which are sought in the order current directory, home directory,  
global config directory (/etc on e.g. Mac OS X and Linux, /local/etc  
under *BSD, ...)
b) when cross compiling, you can configure a prefix which has to be  
prepended to the names of the binutils. This is done using the -XP  

You indeed cannot do point b) with gcc afaik, because I believe that  
there the prefixes are hardcoded in the binary (probably specifiable  
as parameter to configure). It's debatable whether this is an advantage.

As I asked, please try to use -va to see which config files are  
loaded by the compiler and which options it encounters and parses.

And just like you now have a problem with fpc, other people also  
sometimes have trouble getting cross gcc to build/install properly.  
The number of howto's on how to build, install and use a cross-gcc is  
quite big.

If a configuration is not supported or if there is a problem, you  
get a clear error message.

Not always.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] PowerPC crosscompiler on i386 Mac OS X looks for, wrong assembler and linker

2007-07-03 Thread Daniël Mantione

Op Tue, 3 Jul 2007, schreef Adriaan van Os:

 I am not at all saying that FPC should follow GNU conventions, no, but at
 least the rules are clear there. You configure for target, host and build and
 then the Makefile takes cares of the rest. If a configuration is not supported
 or if there is a problem, you get a clear error message.

The rules themselves are pretty clear: You have the PowerPC 
compiler on your system. This PowerPC compiler is capable of generating 
programs for MacOS classic, MacOS X, Linux and MorphOS.

You run in on OS X, but that is not really important here, except that by 
default it is configured to generate programs for OS X, and if you compile 
for this default it calls as and ld. If you do not use the default, 
you probably need a different assembler and linker, and can use -XP option 
to specify how they are called.

To help you the installation script puts -XP$fpctarget- in your config 
file, so that if you compile for Linux the compiler will search for 
powerpc-linux-as and powerpc-linux-ld.

If things don't work out as expected, this is regrettable, but 
troubleshooting this is at least as least not harder than troubleshooting 
an unexpected Autoconf failure.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Need to declare FindIntToIdent in Classesh.inc

2007-07-03 Thread zaher dirkey

I need make this functions founded in classes.inc
function FindIntToIdent(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIntToIdent;
function FindIdentToInt(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIdentToInt;

to be declared in classesh.inc as like as IdentToInt or IntToIdent
I need it for my XML RTTI property writer/reader

you can see my
 procedure TmnXMLRttiWriter.WriteProperty

Thanks in advance
zaher dirkey
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:55 +1000, John wrote:
 I have a basic editable connection working now, but there remain a 
 number of questions:
 1)  When I tried editing in a dbGrid, I had trouble with the field 
 length.  Looking through the code, I can't see anywhere where the length 
 of a string is checked against the length of the field, and longer 
 strings appear to overflow the field / record buffer.  Should this be so 
 ?  I can fix the problem by doing the edits with a dbEdit control with a 
 specified maximum length, but I can't find anything in the dbGrid 
 component to do this.  (I presume it would really be the TColumn 

This is more a Lazarus-issue.

 My real question is, should it be the data control be doing it, or 
 should the sql components truncate a string that is too long ?

The data-controls. Or you can leave it to the SQL-Server. The official
SQL-specs say that the string should be truncated without any error. But
not all SQL-servers obey that rule...

 2)  I am now trying a simple master slave form, with the slave table 
 having a parent field which links to the primary key  (a sequence 
 generated number) in the master  table.  I can make this work with  an 
 After Scroll Event on the master table thus:
   with sqlAC {TSQLQuery component selecting from slave table} do begin
 active := false;
 Params[0].AsInteger := sqlPars.Fields[0].AsInteger; {sqlPars is on 
 the master table}
 active := true;
 Is there anything less drastic than closing and reopening the sql that 
 will refresh the query with the new parameter values ?
 I tried to do this by setting the datasource on the above SQL, (and 
 masking the AfterScroll event), but kept getting field not not found 
 errors.  Should this work ?  (I had the parameter name matching the 
 field name I was trying to link to.  The field is only called ref, so 
 there is not a lot of room for typos, and yes I checked for the correct 

There is some master-slave system build in. But it effectively does the
same as you did. Hoe you should use it exactly, I don't know.

 3)  Recently Joost van der Sluis wrote:
  You could solve this problem by setting the update/delete/insert queries 
  yourself. (and set parsesql to false)
 When I set ParseSQL to False, the object inspector in Lazarus says 
 updating is only possible if ParseSQL is true - unless I make it 
 readonly, which defeats the purpose.

That's a but, I think. It should check if there are any
update/delete/insert queries provided. If that is the case, you can make
a query updateable, even if ParseSQL is false.

 Looking through the code, I surmise that when the query is opened, 
 InternalOpen calls Prepare which in turn calls ParseSQL, but that 
 ParseSQL exits after only getting the statement type if ParseSQL is 
 false.  If the statement is a select statement and if it is 
 updateable, then InternalOpen initialises the update queries.  If SQL 
 text is supplied, it is assigned to the queries, otherwise they are left 
 blank.  When ApplyUpdates is called, this calls ApplyRecUpdate for each 
 record, and this then either runs the supplied SQL, or, if the supplied 
 SQL is null, generates it own SQL (using the stuff stored by Parse SQL) . 
 Is this basically correct ?  (If so, you might see some of this expanded 
 a bit into some documentation)

Yes, except...

 If so, I guess leaving ParseSQL=true will waste some processing time, 
 but not actually stop it working.

... sometimes ParseSQL also changes the query a bit, mostly to help
filtering work. In some cases, the query isn't parsed correctly, and the
changes make the query invalid. If that's the case, you'll get syntax
errors in your query, while you think that there's nothing wrong. In
that case you have to set parsesql to false. 
Second thing is that it also tries to obtain the primary key. This could
also lead to trouble. (as in your case) 

 Any hint about the structure of the code for the update queries ?  I 
 guess I can work them out looking at what ApplyRecUpdate is trying to 
 generate, but an example would make life easier.

update table tblPeople set name=:name, birthdate=:birthdate,
email=:email where PeopleID=:PeopleID

 4)  I still haven't been able to set a breakpoint in, or trace into any 
 of the sqldb code.  Is there any good reason for this ?  I can do so in 
 other library units, buttons for example.  (If I could work this out, 
 I might be able to answer a more of the other questions for myself)

That's because sqldb is part of Freepascal, while buttons is part of
Lazarus. By default, fpc is distributed without debug-info, but Lazarus
does have debug-info. 

So you have to recompile fcl-db with debug info. If you have the full
fpc-sources, go to fpc/packages/fcl-db and execute 'make clean all
OPT='-gl' '
After you have done that you have to install the freshly created .ppu's.
You could copy them over the old ones yourself. Or you could use 'make
install' if the 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 03 July 2007 11.36, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

 Why don't you contribute the database code to the FCL ? This way, everybody
 benefits from it. It's non-visual code, so it can perfectly be separated

It depends on the completely rewritten tmsebufdataset, if you want to use the 
MSEgui DB components you need to to replace TBufDataset with tmsebufdataset 
and the SQL connection components need to be patched.
The development speed of MSEide+MSEgui is too fast that I could depend for DB 
code on FCL with the difficult and time consuming FPC coordination process 
for bug fixes and changes. Another problem is that I am not bound to Delphi 
compatibility so I don't think that my code will be accepted by the FPC team.
Feel free to integrate any MSEgui code which you will find useful into 
FCL. :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpimage BMP and X11 implementation

2007-07-03 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 03/07/07, Michael Van Canneyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Create a descendent of TFPCustomImage, say TFPGUIImage. It has an internal
TXImage field. When the dimensions are set of the image (in SetSize),
you allocate the TXImage with the correct dimensions: So I think the best is
to override setsize, and create the TXImage there. Override destroy to free
The TXImage. Then you override SetInternalColor, GetInternalColor, and
SetInternalPixel and GetInternalPixel so they work as expected: they'll
probably simply access the TXImage instance methods, and convert the internal
format of TXImage to TFPColors.

I hope this makes sense. If not, shoot :-)

Brilliant. It makes more sense now.  Thanks again for you time...   :)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Martin Schreiber wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 July 2007 11.36, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  Why don't you contribute the database code to the FCL ? This way, everybody
  benefits from it. It's non-visual code, so it can perfectly be separated
 It depends on the completely rewritten tmsebufdataset, if you want to use the 
 MSEgui DB components you need to to replace TBufDataset with tmsebufdataset 
 and the SQL connection components need to be patched.

So in fact, you are duplicating SQLDB. Judging from your website, you even
used the lazarus icons for the components. 
(this is ok, just a constatation)

 The development speed of MSEide+MSEgui is too fast that I could depend for DB 
 code on FCL with the difficult and time consuming FPC coordination process 
 for bug fixes and changes. Another problem is that I am not bound to Delphi 
 compatibility so I don't think that my code will be accepted by the FPC team.

Since SQLDB is in no way connected to Delphi, so you're free to do as you 
please, as long as it descends from TDataset ?

The coordination process would be non-existent, because I would
give you direct access to the FCL subversion. As long as you follow the
rules for the merging of fixes to fixbranches there is no problem.

In fact there would be less problems, as fixes would be tested sooner/better
and would make it to the fixes branch easier. With the new packaging system
which will be in effect after 2.2, the FCL can be released on a more regular

 Feel free to integrate any MSEgui code which you will find useful into 
 FCL. :-)

I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all this
duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much more
sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would double. 
The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of components,
no doubts possible.

There are not so many people available who understand the inner workings
of TDataset and friends, so all this scattering and dividing is

It would be much better if you, me, Joost and Bram (who work on SQLDB) 
had a single set of components to work with: speed would not be an issue
then, and we could guarantee a working and reliable set of components for

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Need to declare FindIntToIdent in Classesh.inc

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, zaher dirkey wrote:

 I need make this functions founded in classes.inc
 function FindIntToIdent(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIntToIdent;
 function FindIdentToInt(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIdentToInt;

Why don't you use the IdentToInt and IntToIdent functions ?

The streaming in lazarus works perfectly without these 2 functions,
and exposing an internal function is not a good idea; Then we cannot
change them anymore. 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread John

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all this
duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much more
sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would double. 
The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of components,

no doubts possible.

There are not so many people available who understand the inner workings
of TDataset and friends, so all this scattering and dividing is

It would be much better if you, me, Joost and Bram (who work on SQLDB) 
had a single set of components to work with: speed would not be an issue

then, and we could guarantee a working and reliable set of components for

As a relatively new user, I absolutely agree.  There is a wealth of 
components already, and trying to work out which to use where is already 
quite daunting, especially when there is little/no documentation to 
guide you!  And I am new only to FPC/Lazurus - I have been programming 
Pascal since Turbo Pascal 3, and did some reasonably serious database 
applications using Delphi 4 C/S into Oracle on the side during a stint 
as an Oracle DBA.

John Sunderland
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread John

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

  On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:55 +1000, John wrote:
I have a basic editable connection working now, but there remain a 
number of questions:

1)  When I tried editing in a dbGrid, I had trouble with the field 
length.  Looking through the code, I can't see anywhere where the length 
of a string is checked against the length of the field, and longer 
strings appear to overflow the field / record buffer.  Should this be so 
?  I can fix the problem by doing the edits with a dbEdit control with a 
specified maximum length, but I can't find anything in the dbGrid 
component to do this.  (I presume it would really be the TColumn 

This is more a Lazarus-issue.

My real question is, should it be the data control be doing it, or 
should the sql components truncate a string that is too long ?

The data-controls. Or you can leave it to the SQL-Server. The official
SQL-specs say that the string should be truncated without any error. But
not all SQL-servers obey that rule...

The problem is that if the strings are too long, they overflow the
buffer - I think the record buffer in T(Buf)Dataset - and break things
before the data gets as far as the database itself. But I take your
point and will have a look at the data controls

  That's because sqldb is part of Freepascal, while buttons is part of

Ah, that distinction did cross my mind, but I didn't see why it would
matter. I will have a go as you suggested.

Thanks very much for all the help

John Sunderland

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 20:30 +1000, John wrote:
   1)  When I tried editing in a dbGrid, I had trouble with the field 
   length.  Looking through the code, I can't see anywhere where the length 
   of a string is checked against the length of the field, and longer 
   strings appear to overflow the field / record buffer.  Should this be so 
   ?  I can fix the problem by doing the edits with a dbEdit control with a 
   specified maximum length, but I can't find anything in the dbGrid 
   component to do this.  (I presume it would really be the TColumn 
  This is more a Lazarus-issue.

   My real question is, should it be the data control be doing it, or 
   should the sql components truncate a string that is too long ?
  The data-controls. Or you can leave it to the SQL-Server. The official
  SQL-specs say that the string should be truncated without any error. But
  not all SQL-servers obey that rule...

 The problem is that if the strings are too long, they overflow the
 buffer - I think the record buffer in T(Buf)Dataset - and break things
 before the data gets as far as the database itself.

Can you make a bug-report for this?

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 12:57 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all
 duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much
 sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would
 The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of
 no doubts possible.

I aggree with Michael on this. Besides, last time I looked at your
'TBufDataset' (which is a actually a fork, offcourse) it only
implemented blob-fields, on top of the existing TBufDataset.

The current TBufDataset also supports blob-fields, in a (in my opinion)
better way, now. Are there any other changes/additions?


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 03 July 2007 12.57, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all this
 duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much more
 sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would
 double. The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of
 components, no doubts possible.

 There are not so many people available who understand the inner workings
 of TDataset and friends, so all this scattering and dividing is

 It would be much better if you, me, Joost and Bram (who work on SQLDB)
 had a single set of components to work with: speed would not be an issue
 then, and we could guarantee a working and reliable set of components for

You are right, I will  think about your offer. :-)
Michael, Joost and Bram please look into my code, can you imagine to merge 
with FCL?
The relevant files are in

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 03 July 2007 13.16, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 12:57 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all
  duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much
  sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would
  The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of
  no doubts possible.

 I aggree with Michael on this. Besides, last time I looked at your
 'TBufDataset' (which is a actually a fork, offcourse) it only
 implemented blob-fields, on top of the existing TBufDataset.

 The current TBufDataset also supports blob-fields, in a (in my opinion)
 better way, now. Are there any other changes/additions?

It is completely rewritten. Buffer organisation is not a linked list, the 
record pointers are hold in arrays to allow simple record accessing by 
locally builded indexes and easy recno handling. String fields are stored as 
widestrings, there are no fixed string field sizes in the record buffer. It 
has the possibility to work comparable to TClientDataset with a local change 
log and data file.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Martin Schreiber wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 July 2007 12.57, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all this
  duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much more
  sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would
  double. The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of
  components, no doubts possible.
  There are not so many people available who understand the inner workings
  of TDataset and friends, so all this scattering and dividing is
  It would be much better if you, me, Joost and Bram (who work on SQLDB)
  had a single set of components to work with: speed would not be an issue
  then, and we could guarantee a working and reliable set of components for
 You are right, I will  think about your offer. :-)

That's good, thank you :-)

 Michael, Joost and Bram please look into my code, can you imagine to merge 
 with FCL?
 The relevant files are in

Checking out now.

I'll consult with Joost and Bram separately. I am a bit worried about the 
issue. While good for msegui which uses widestrings internally, it's also 
slower and 
more memory consuming. A fixed buffer has it's advantages. The change-log 
and indexes are a Good Thing (tm), and I remarked on that some time ago already 

We'll see. Let me consult, and then I'll get back to you.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Martin Schreiber wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 July 2007 13.16, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
  On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 12:57 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
   I'd rather see that the whole is coordinated a bit. I don't think all
   duplication is a good idea; One solid set of components makes much
   sense: the number of developers available for it's maintenance would
   The end user would also benefit, as we can give 1 solid set of
   no doubts possible.
  I aggree with Michael on this. Besides, last time I looked at your
  'TBufDataset' (which is a actually a fork, offcourse) it only
  implemented blob-fields, on top of the existing TBufDataset.
  The current TBufDataset also supports blob-fields, in a (in my opinion)
  better way, now. Are there any other changes/additions?
 It is completely rewritten. Buffer organisation is not a linked list, the 
 record pointers are hold in arrays to allow simple record accessing by 
 locally builded indexes and easy recno handling. String fields are stored as 
 widestrings, there are no fixed string field sizes in the record buffer. 

Quick question, before I continue with the evaluation:

I find no evidence of this last thing in the code ? (in trunk, that is)
msbufdataset has fixed buffers for strings, and uses 1 byte per char.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Schreiber
On Tuesday 03 July 2007 14.49, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

 Quick question, before I continue with the evaluation:

 I find no evidence of this last thing in the code ? (in trunk, that is)
 msbufdataset has fixed buffers for strings, and uses 1 byte per char.

There is some garbage in the directory.
The component is tmsebufdataset and the file msebufdataset.pas.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Martin Schreiber wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 July 2007 14.49, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  Quick question, before I continue with the evaluation:
  I find no evidence of this last thing in the code ? (in trunk, that is)
  msbufdataset has fixed buffers for strings, and uses 1 byte per char.
 There is some garbage in the directory.
 The component is tmsebufdataset and the file msebufdataset.pas.

Hm. Quite the difference, indeed.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread John

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

When I set ParseSQL to False, the object inspector in Lazarus says 
"updating is only possible if ParseSQL is true" - unless I make it 
readonly, which defeats the purpose.

That's a but, I think. It should check if there are any
update/delete/insert queries provided. If that is the case, you can make
a query updateable, even if ParseSQL is false.

Well, I put some code in each of the update sql StringLists. I don't
guarantee it is completely correct, but it should be close. This did
not seem to make any difference. Is this worth a bug report ? In the
mean time, as it is probably only a Lazarus designer issue, I will try
modifying it in code somehow.

Re the string length issue, I have changed the application I am
working on too much to use it to double check exactly what happened, so
I will set up a minimal application and submit a bug report on that
once I am sure I wasn't dreaming.

  So you have to recompile fcl-db with debug info. If you have the full
fpc-sources, go to fpc/packages/fcl-db and execute 'make clean all
OPT='-gl' '
After you have done that you have to install the freshly created .ppu's.
You could copy them over the old ones yourself. Or you could use 'make
install' if the system is configured right.

I only have the fpc that came with lazarus, and it doesn't look like
that. I tried recompiling and reinstalling the SQLDBLaz package with
the 'generate debugging info' option checked - it wasn't previously -
hoping that that might achieve the same result, but it doesn't seem to
have. I am happy to keep playing with this, but any words of wisdom
would be appreciated! I am still a bit lost between the packages under
lazarus and the stuff under fpc under lazarus, and how they interact.

(I have started looking to add some documentation to the wiki area, but
this also is a new adventure for me!)


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 14:13 +0200, Martin Schreiber wrote:
  I aggree with Michael on this. Besides, last time I looked at your
  'TBufDataset' (which is a actually a fork, offcourse) it only
  implemented blob-fields, on top of the existing TBufDataset.
  The current TBufDataset also supports blob-fields, in a (in my
  better way, now. Are there any other changes/additions?
 It is completely rewritten. Buffer organisation is not a linked list,
 record pointers are hold in arrays to allow simple record accessing
 locally builded indexes and easy recno handling. String fields are
 stored as 
 widestrings, there are no fixed string field sizes in the record
 buffer. It 
 has the possibility to work comparable to TClientDataset with a local
 log and data file.

I had the 'old' tmbufdataset in mind. The TMSEbufDataset is indeed very

As you can probably remember, the TBufDataset also used a array to store
the record buffers. I changed that because benchmarks showed that the
current solution is much faster. Even if you want to address a record
immediately, as long as you use a bookmark, and not the recno directly.
Which is imho not always a good idea.

But there are no indexes yet, that's completely true. 

What I do like is the idea of storing strings in a
widestring/ansistring. I tried to implement that earlier, but it's not
doable in a Delphi-compatible way. As you said, you don't have that
problem. But it's still something on my whish-list for
sqldb/TDataset/TBufDataset. There must be a solution, without using the

What do you mean with the local change log and data file?


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] How do I join the Lazarus list?

2007-07-03 Thread Tom York

I cannot seem to find a way to join the mailing list.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

 On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 14:13 +0200, Martin Schreiber wrote:
   I aggree with Michael on this. Besides, last time I looked at your
   'TBufDataset' (which is a actually a fork, offcourse) it only
   implemented blob-fields, on top of the existing TBufDataset.
   The current TBufDataset also supports blob-fields, in a (in my
   better way, now. Are there any other changes/additions?
  It is completely rewritten. Buffer organisation is not a linked list,
  record pointers are hold in arrays to allow simple record accessing
  locally builded indexes and easy recno handling. String fields are
  stored as 
  widestrings, there are no fixed string field sizes in the record
  buffer. It 
  has the possibility to work comparable to TClientDataset with a local
  log and data file.
 I had the 'old' tmbufdataset in mind. The TMSEbufDataset is indeed very
 As you can probably remember, the TBufDataset also used a array to store
 the record buffers. I changed that because benchmarks showed that the
 current solution is much faster. Even if you want to address a record
 immediately, as long as you use a bookmark, and not the recno directly.
 Which is imho not always a good idea.

Recno should never be used for positioning.

 But there are no indexes yet, that's completely true. 
 What I do like is the idea of storing strings in a
 widestring/ansistring. I tried to implement that earlier, but it's not
 doable in a Delphi-compatible way. As you said, you don't have that
 problem. But it's still something on my whish-list for
 sqldb/TDataset/TBufDataset. There must be a solution, without using the

I do not think this is a good idea: the amount of memory used for this is 
a multiple of the classic buffer scheme, the heap will be terribly fragmented.
The buffer system is exactly meant to save memory (blobs excepted).

 What do you mean with the local change log and data file?

Like TClientDataset: the changes to the records (the delta) are kept in a 
separate index. All can be written to file. It's a briefcase model.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:38 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
  What I do like is the idea of storing strings in a
  widestring/ansistring. I tried to implement that earlier, but it's
  doable in a Delphi-compatible way. As you said, you don't have that
  problem. But it's still something on my whish-list for
  sqldb/TDataset/TBufDataset. There must be a solution, without using
 I do not think this is a good idea: the amount of memory used for this
 a multiple of the classic buffer scheme, the heap will be terribly
 The buffer system is exactly meant to save memory (blobs excepted).

Do you think? Using the buffer, there's a lot of memory which isn't
used. I thought about adding a new kind of fieldtype, for example
ftAnsiString which you could use for larger strings.
But maybe you can use a ftMemo in that case

  What do you mean with the local change log and data file?
 Like TClientDataset: the changes to the records (the delta) are kept
 in a 
 separate index. All can be written to file. It's a briefcase model.

I thought so. TBufDataset also has that, it can't save it to file,
though. But that's easy to implement.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread josepascual
Hi Everyone;

Please, can someone test this program and write to the list if it works in

program datetostr_test;

uses sysutils;




I always receive 

An unhandled exception occurred at $BEED89C8 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

if for someone this program work, please write me with your Fpc for arm

thank you in advanced

best regards

Jose Pascual

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Henry Vermaak

On 03/07/07, josepascual [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everyone;

Please, can someone test this program and write to the list if it works in

program datetostr_test;

uses sysutils;




works for me, using svn 7929, compiled for arm little endian with soft float.

I always receive

An unhandled exception occurred at $BEED89C8 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

if for someone this program work, please write me with your Fpc for arm

thank you in advanced

best regards

Jose Pascual

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

RE: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread josepascual
Thank you henry,

I have downloaded svn version 7943 how can I donwload svn 7929?

How are you build fpc for arm? make clean crossall CPU_TARGET=arm
OS_TARGET=linux ?
Which version of binutils do you have? (eabi?)
Is SOFTFLOAT in freepascal the equivalent to EABI in c?

thank you!
Jose Pascual

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:fpc-pascal-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de Henry Vermaak
 Enviado el: martes, 03 de julio de 2007 18:15
 Para: FPC-Pascal users discussions
 Asunto: Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!
 On 03/07/07, josepascual [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Everyone;
  Please, can someone test this program and write to the list if it
 works in
  program datetostr_test;
  uses sysutils;
 works for me, using svn 7929, compiled for arm little endian with soft
  I always receive
  An unhandled exception occurred at $BEED89C8 :
  EAccessViolation : Access violation
  if for someone this program work, please write me with your Fpc for
  thank you in advanced
  best regards
  Jose Pascual
 fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
 __ Información de NOD32, revisión 2374 (20070703) __
 Este mensaje ha sido analizado con NOD32 antivirus system

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

On 7/3/07, josepascual [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have downloaded svn version 7943 how can I donwload svn 7929?

svn update -r 7929

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation for sqldb - More Questions

2007-07-03 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 3 Jul 2007, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

 On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:38 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
   What I do like is the idea of storing strings in a
   widestring/ansistring. I tried to implement that earlier, but it's
   doable in a Delphi-compatible way. As you said, you don't have that
   problem. But it's still something on my whish-list for
   sqldb/TDataset/TBufDataset. There must be a solution, without using
  I do not think this is a good idea: the amount of memory used for this
  a multiple of the classic buffer scheme, the heap will be terribly
  The buffer system is exactly meant to save memory (blobs excepted).
 Do you think? Using the buffer, there's a lot of memory which isn't

Not more than when using ansistrings - or worse, widestrings - to 
store the string data. You forget the heap overhead and ansistring 
hidden data, plus the whole reference counting mechanism.

 I thought about adding a new kind of fieldtype, for example
 ftAnsiString which you could use for larger strings.
 But maybe you can use a ftMemo in that case

Memo is very special and hard to handle in grids and the like.

See my private mail to you for a more detailed calculation. 

   What do you mean with the local change log and data file?
  Like TClientDataset: the changes to the records (the delta) are kept
  in a 
  separate index. All can be written to file. It's a briefcase model.
 I thought so. TBufDataset also has that, it can't save it to file,
 though. But that's easy to implement.

Indeed. All one needs is some time :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] How do I join the Lazarus list?

2007-07-03 Thread Andrew Haines
Tom York wrote:
 I cannot seem to find a way to join the mailing list.

It's on this page:

It's the link that says subscribe



fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na josepascual ha escrit:

I always receive 

An unhandled exception occurred at $BEED89C8 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

same here (only at a different address), though I have many funky errors 
under arm that nobody else has.

Using self-built native fpc-2.1.4

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux lspro #77 Tue Dec 5 22:23:46 CST 2006 armv5tejl 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor   : ARM926EJ-Sid(wb) rev 0 (v5l)
BogoMIPS: 266.24
Features: swp half thumb fastmult edsp java
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 5TEJ
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part: 0x926
CPU revision: 0
Cache type  : write-back
Cache clean : cp15 c7 ops
Cache lockdown  : format C
Cache format: Harvard
I size  : 32768
I assoc : 1
I line length   : 32
I sets  : 1024
D size  : 32768
D assoc : 1
D line length   : 32
D sets  : 1024

Hardware: MV-88fxx81
Serial  : 

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] PowerPC crosscompiler on i386 Mac OS X looks for, wrong assembler and linker

2007-07-03 Thread Micha Nelissen
Adriaan van Os wrote:
 build and then the Makefile takes cares of the rest. If a configuration
 is not supported or if there is a problem, you get a clear error message.

You *must* be joking, right ? Usually it involves digging through a
messy config.log, where you sometimes can't really find the reason (just
one of those mysterious test compiles failed) and then have to decrypt
an enormously complex configure script that will give you nightmares for

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na Henry Vermaak ha escrit:

soft float just means that the compiler needs to emulate the floating
point unit if it doesn't exist in your hardware (like some arm
processors).  if you have an fpu, then you don't have to worry about
soft float.  the following assumes that you need soft float in you

If this program compiles and works fine:
program floattest;

uses sysutils;
var a,b:double;



can I assume that either my compiler has been built with the right 
options or I have a working fpu?
I'm asking because jose original test program fails here, while the 
above program correctly prints out 0.150

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Henry Vermaak

On 03/07/07, Bernd Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are you sure? If I remember right, using softfloat in conjunction with
fpc means, that the compiler never emits floating point operations. All
the floating point is going through the softfpu unit. This means, *if*
you have a fpu, you waste speed.

that's right.  i've got two arm devices without fpus, though...

Regards, Bernd.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Bernd Mueller

josepascual wrote:

Hi Everyone;

Please, can someone test this program and write to the list if it works in

program datetostr_test;

uses sysutils;




I always receive 

An unhandled exception occurred at $BEED89C8 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

if for someone this program work, please write me with your Fpc for arm

the program works for me.

FPC 2.1.4 compiler built without softfloat option, running on an (little 
endian) ARM processor without fpu on Linux,  kernel version (OABI).

ppcrossarm -gl datetostr_test.pas

Regards, Bernd.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Marc Santhoff
Am Dienstag, den 03.07.2007, 21:49 +0200 schrieb Bernd Mueller:
 Henry Vermaak wrote:
  On 03/07/07, josepascual [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thank you henry,
  I have downloaded svn version 7943 how can I donwload svn 7929?
  How are you build fpc for arm? make clean crossall CPU_TARGET=arm
  OS_TARGET=linux ?
  Which version of binutils do you have? (eabi?)
  Is SOFTFLOAT in freepascal the equivalent to EABI in c?
  soft float just means that the compiler needs to emulate the floating
  point unit if it doesn't exist in your hardware (like some arm
  processors).  if you have an fpu, then you don't have to worry about
  soft float.  
 Are you sure? If I remember right, using softfloat in conjunction with 
 fpc means, that the compiler never emits floating point operations. All 
 the floating point is going through the softfpu unit. This means, *if* 
 you have a fpu, you waste speed.

The ARM926EJ-S core does not have a FPU but an interface for
coprocessors. So if there is floating point hardware built in depends on
the chip manufacturer.

Not having FPU hardware is currently the most possible case for ARM7 and
ARM9, the only chip I know of having a VFP9 FPU is the LPC3180 from
Phillips. This may change, at least Fujitsu has some designs in the
pipeline for 3rd or 4th quarter of this year IIRC.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na Bernd Mueller ha escrit:

FPC 2.1.4 compiler built without softfloat option, running on an (little 
endian) ARM processor without fpu on Linux,  kernel version 

ppcrossarm -gl datetostr_test.pas

could you check bug 9191?



fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread mueller . b

> could you check bug 9191?
> http://www.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=9191

if I try to compile, the  linker complaints about not finding the object  dl, though dl.o and dl.ppu are present in the rtl/units/arm-linux  directory.

D:\FPC214\B1\BINUTI~3\arm-linux-ld.exe: cannot find -ldl  pippo.pas(47,6) Error: Error while linking
pippo.pas(47,6) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module,  stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

How do you call the compiler? And please show me your fpc.cfg  file.

Regards, Bernd.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] DateToStr in arm does not work!

2007-07-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

En/na [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrit:


  could you check bug 9191?

if I try to compile, the linker complaints about not finding the object 
dl, though dl.o and dl.ppu are present in the rtl/units/arm-linux 

D:\FPC214\B1\BINUTI~3\arm-linux-ld.exe: cannot find -ldl pippo.pas(47,6) 
Error: Error while linking

pippo.pas(47,6) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

How do you call the compiler? And please show me your fpc.cfg file.

I do simply an fpc pippo.pas (or fpc pippo2.pas), I'm running it 
directly on the arm, I'm not cross-compiling (that's why I asked you, I 
wanted to see if cross-compiling makes a difference). My fpc.cfg is what 
the installer for 2.1.3 generated, manually amended for 2.1.4 (consider 
that fpc is installed under /home/luca/fpc-2.1.4). It's attached.


# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal Compiler

# --
# Defines (preprocessor)
# --

# nested #IFNDEF, #IFDEF, #ENDIF, #ELSE, #DEFINE, #UNDEF are allowed
# -d is the same as #DEFINE
# -u is the same as #UNDEF

# Some examples (for switches see below, and the -? helppages)
# Try compiling with the -dRELEASE or -dDEBUG on the commandline

# For a release compile with optimizes and strip debuginfo
  #WRITE Compiling Release Version

# For a debug version compile with debuginfo and all codegeneration checks on
  #WRITE Compiling Debug Version

# set binutils prefix


# Parsing switches

# Pascal language mode
#  -Mfpc  free pascal dialect (default)
#  -Mobjfpc   switch some Delphi 2 extensions on
#  -Mdelphi   tries to be Delphi compatible
#  -Mtp   tries to be TP/BP 7.0 compatible
#  -Mgpc  tries to be gpc compatible
#  -Mmacpas   tries to be compatible to the macintosh pascal dialects
# Turn on Object Pascal extensions by default

# Assembler reader mode
#  -Rdefault  use default assembler
#  -Ratt  read ATT style assembler
#  -Rintelread Intel style assembler
# All assembler blocks are ATT styled by default

# Semantic checking
#  -S2same as -Mobjfpc
#  -Scsupports operators like C (*=,+=,/= and -=)
#  -Sainclude assertion code.
#  -Sdsame as -Mdelphi
#  -Sex error options. x is a combination of the following:
# n : compiler stops after the n errors (default is 1)
# w : compiler stops also after warnings
# n : compiler stops also after notes
# h : compiler stops also after hints
#  -Sgallow LABEL and GOTO
#  -ShUse ansistrings
#  -Sisupport C++ styled INLINE
#  -Skload fpcylix unit
#  -SIx set interface style to x
# -SIcom COM compatible interface (default)
# -SIcorba   CORBA compatible interface
#  -Smsupport macros like C (global)
#  -Sosame as -Mtp
#  -Spsame as -Mgpc
#  -Ssconstructor name must be init (destructor must be done)
#  -Stallow static keyword in objects
#  -Sxenable exception keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)
# Allow goto, inline, C-operators, C-vars

# ---
# Code generation
# ---

# Uncomment the next line if you always want static/dynamic units by default
# (can be overruled with -CD, -CS at the commandline)

# Set the default heapsize to 8Mb

# Set default codegeneration checks (iocheck, overflow, range, stack)

# Optimizer switches
# -Osgenerate smaller code
# -O1level 1 optimizations (quick optimizations, debuggable)
# -O2level 2 optimizations (-O1 + optimizations which make debugging 
more difficult)
# -O3level 3 optimizations (-O2 + optimizations which also may make the 
program slower rather than faster)
# -Opx set target cpu for optimizing, see fpc -i for possible values
# See fpc -i also for more fine-grained control over which optimizations
# to perform

# ---
# Set Filenames and Paths
# ---

# Slashes are also allowed under dos

# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override
# the default language

# searchpath for includefiles

# searchpath for units and other system dependent things