Re: [fpc-pascal] Feature announcement: Management Operators

2017-03-04 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
2017-02-28 21:50 GMT+01:00 Graeme Geldenhuys 

>  Records - well, I use them like they were defined
> in Delphi 7 and earlier. I really don't see the need for Records with
> Methods (ie: TP Objects) and such.

Go with modern times! It's the 21st century now ;-)

(For inspiration have e.g. a look at Julia [1] and how they develop incl.
syntax changes. - Many discussions/decisions are being done using github
issues, here e.g. a quite fundamental keyword change [2, 3]. As you see in
this issue, it is often not easy to find *the* good solution, but it's
great, how opinions have a place to flow in and can be
considered/integrated by the core or other talented devs. - There
are branches: people can help but are also told to wait if the timing is
not good [4]. - There is a manual, stdlib, devdoc [5] which gets you
started quickly and one can easily contribute small things like typos. - A
one-stop discourse based forum [6] which is a joy to use and much easier
than e.g. the multitude of fpc-maillist, lazarus-forum,
newpascal-/mse--lists. - There's a one-stop binary download
location [7] and/or install master from source, just a ~ 'git clone, make
install' away (llvm is not as fast as fpc though;). - In general uniform
syntax (even with `end` like in pascal:) which doesn't make you guess which
style/convention to choose. - Organisations which integrate people
interested in a specific subject. e.g. [8]. - Package management is
currently a bit 'suboptimal' but a new one is being developed, here the
propositions [9] where interested people can give input in the design
phase, and later while implementing. --- Of course one cannot and should
not compare !!!   Julia doesn't have a 25+ year long legacy with many
(partly a bit obscure) platforms to conserve and maintain. (It 'stole' the
compiler, à la MSElang;-)  It has developers which work since ~7 years
~professionally and there is quite some funding and many many contributors.
But as a maybe longterm inspiration, why not? Maybe some parts are worth
stealing? And, with tool-support, maybe possible to steal?)

(Ähem, I digressed a bit from the Delphi 7 record topic... I am sorry (more
so, considering I forked from you))

(I agree with what you wrote about 'polluting pascal code'. But what can
one do? For me, atm, it is super-important that fpc is very compatible with
delphi, e.g. generics (and that they work well). Thus, very grateful to
people who contribute such things).

[1]:, [2]:, [3]:, [4]:, [5]:, [6]: (discourse has mailling list integration
nowadays...), [7]:, [8]:, [9]:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Manual sources? Some doc questions.

2017-03-03 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
@Michael and @Marco,

Very helpful comments, thank you!

in subversion. See
> Section 'Other repositories'

Yes, found it. (Tex, I thought so (considering the nicely formatted pdf)).

 - In prog.pdf there is a section about "Compiler and RTL source tree
>> structure". Is there some documentation about the (not-mentioned but huge)
>> 'package' folder?
> No, this is on my todo list (since ages :/ )

No worries, the docu is huge, and I suppose the todo list also ;) I found
many interesting infos already and it certainly was a lot of work to write!

> the fpmake executables are exactly meant to enable this
> github-package-project, without falling back on make.
> There are 2 motivations for using fpmake:
> 1. Make does not understand dependencies as FPC understands them.
> 2. fpmake is pascal code. Anyone writing pascal code can create a fpmake
> file,
>no extra tools need to be learned. This is the main motivation.

 >   3. fpmake is more complete and performs a lot of operations  which
  make needs external binaries, which are a maintenance hazard on non

Ok. - I would have some remarks but wait if/until I better understand some
technical details. It works and is fast and at least I now know the
connection between the two 'makers' and some rationals.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Manual sources? Some doc questions.

2017-03-03 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
I couldn't find the source for the manuals, e.g. [prog.pdf]( Does someone know where I can find

Some other questions:

  - In prog.pdf there is a section about "Compiler and RTL source tree
structure". Is there some documentation about the (not-mentioned but huge)
'package' folder?
- (I suppose 'rtl' folder is the base for the compiler and 'package'
kind of an extended standard library? In 'package' there are folders like
'fcl_', 'rtl_' and (many) , how is this motivated?

  - There is wiki docu about fpcmake and FPMake. But I'm still a bit
ignorant about the purpose of the latter. Could it be ignored? When I
looked up source code installation instructions, in the forum it was
mentioned to get the code and then ~ `make distclean; make all; make
install`. This sounds more familiar to me than compiling code into a binary
- With FPMake I see the aim to split the code up into packages (with
units, binaries, examples and documentation). But I don't (yet) understand
why it builds fpmake-executables to do so? (Really ignorant: and why e.g.
there isn't 'just a hypothetical github-package-project' which can be
cloned, built and installed)? Is there any docu, discussion about this

Thanks a lot.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui version 4.0 for FPC 3.0.0

2015-11-17 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
Congratulations! I'm very interested in your llvm based compiler project. I
don't know how you find the energy to build so many exciting things. Take
care and thanks a lot!!

2015-11-13 10:47 GMT+01:00 Martin Schreiber :

> Hi,
> MSEide+MSEgui 4.0 for FPC 3.0.0 has been released!
> There are also new versions for MSEgit, MSEspice and MSErun:
> Have a lot of fun!
> Martin
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] [OT] which editor - emacs?

2010-01-10 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
I'm on a mac and use TextMate currently. As it doesn't jump between
declaration and implementation and ist mac-only, I am looking for a

Is Emacs a good choice? Does it work well with FPC?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] [OT] which editor - emacs?

2010-01-10 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
2010/1/10 Marco van de Voort
 In our previous episode, Hans-Peter Suter said:
 Is Emacs a good choice? Does it work well with FPC?

 Maybe, but what would you use as editor? :_)


What do you (and/or the other FreePascal authors) use?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] [OT] which editor - emacs?

2010-01-10 Thread Hans-Peter Suter
2010/1/10 dmitry boyarintsev
 I use Lazarus as my primary IDE (i have to use Delphi in windows sometimes).
 Lazarus is the only IDE i'm using on Mac OS X.

Just installed Lazarus and it's much better than I expected. Simple
things like 'navigating around' are great. Didn't (yet) debug and
still call the make script from the terminal though.

What I miss, is the TextMate ability to drag a folder containing
subfolders with .pas code files into the (libray) project.


PS: thanks also to the other suggestions! And if somebody uses Emacs I
am still interested to hear about how it goes. Thanks again!
fpc-pascal maillist  -