[fpc-pascal] fp

2006-07-22 Thread J.L. Blom
I have some trouble with fpc on my AMD64 (FC5). I have installed
everything but fp (the IDE) is missing. Looking in the contents of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (using smart) fp is not available. Is it
possible that it is missing or is it purposely not put in the package.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fp

2006-07-22 Thread J.L. Blom
On Sat, 2006-07-22 at 09:50 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Jul 2006, J.L. Blom wrote:

 It is not put in the snapshot packages, this is normal. 
 If you want fp, you'll have to compile it yourself, or
 try the release candidate for 2.0.4.
Thanks a lot for your fast reply. That explains it.
In the mean time I found that using smart as install tool fpc
can be obtained but I want to retain the snapshot.
Can you give me the URI for the download site as I cannot find it on the
freepascal.org site.
And maybe you can shed some light on another problem I have with
lazarus. It starts OK but all units I want to use are stroked-through
and are unusable (I know I have to ask in the lazarus community).

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc Lazarus with 64-bit

2006-07-04 Thread J.L. Blom
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 18:35 -0300, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
 There is a post here about fpc with athlon 64:
 It could be of use.
Felipe thanks, but that is not much relevant as it has to do with fpc
running in 32-bit Linux on a AMD64 and that works( at least it did last
year) but I want to run it in 64-bit Linux.
I have installed the overnight snapshot fpc-2.1.1-20060702.x86_64.rpm
and it src companion without problems. However, fp is missing so I
cannot start the ide (is it not in this package?).
Then I installed lazarus-0.9.17-20060702.x86_64.rpm Also without a
problem. when I started it the lazarus environment appeared. It gave a
lot of warnings apparently due to the fact that the config-file was not
quite correct but at least it started. However, I cannot do anything at
all. When I try to drag e.g. a button to the form the buttonname is
crossed and no button appears on the form. In the console it is
complaining with all kind of messages (part is following):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# lazarus 
[3] 22538
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this
message...no implementation in gtk or win32
NOTE: miscellaneous options file not found - using defaults
NOTE: codetools config file not found - using defaults
NOTE: help options config file not found - using defaults
TMainIDE.DoNewProject A
TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile A NewFilename=
[TCustomFormEditor.CreateComponent] Class='TForm'
TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile end unit1.pas
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
  Stack trace:
and then a lot of lines like this, but it doesn't crash.
I have not much experience with Lazarus so I have to dig into the
manual(s) but at least it's a start. The same happens when I start as a
normal user and not as god.
Well a start is made. I first am going to find out where I can find the
IDE, the lazarus problem will follow.
If somebody has suggestions pleas let me know.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc Lazarus with 64-bit

2006-07-03 Thread J.L. Blom
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 07:11 +0200, Vincent Snijders wrote:
 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
  On 7/2/06, Alain Michaud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Question - 2 :
  Is there a special Lazarus version for AMD64 ? Does it work on AMD64 ?
  Please test! =) There is no pre-compiled binary for download, that´s
  for sure, but this may be because there is no mainteiner. I think it
  works. Well, it even works on win64!
  If this does work, you could consider taking the Lazarus source RPM,
  compile it and produce a amd64 rpm package, and send it back to be
  included as a Lazarus download.
 There are no x86_64 rpms, because at first we didn't have access to a 
 x86_64 to build it. When I got (ssh-)access to one I started building 
 snapshots using fpc 2.1.1, see 
 for downloads. (Don't forget to read the disclaimer.)
 IMHO fpc 2.0.2 is not stable enough for lazarus on x86_64, so no 
 releases are made yet. I hope the upcoming fpc 2.0.4 will be good enough.
 fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
Akain, Filipe, Vincent,
Thanks for your answers and advice.
At least it's reassuring that's not ignorance on my side that causes the
problems. With the limited use of the examples ( I only tested a few) it
seems that fpc 2.0.2-4.fc5 (is that a snapshot version? I can't find it
on the site) is working out-of-the-(rpm)box but that the IDE fails. Of
course you can write programs using some editor but from the earliest
(Borland) pascal on, the IDE was an invaluable tool. I would like to
know why it won't start in a 64-bit environment and if there is a source
that can be compiled separately and is compatible with fpc 2.0.2-4.fc5.
Filipe, I will try to compile a source but I assume I have to change the
makefile rather heavily to account for the different environment and the
different fpc version. Although being retired my time is limited (for
various reasons) so it may take a while.
You'll here from me.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc Lazarus with 64-bit

2006-07-03 Thread J.L. Blom
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 10:39 +0200, Vincent Snijders wrote:
 J.L. Blom schreef:

 There are no 64 bits rpms for lazarus, except for snapshots.
 So either use the snapshot rpms (http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/), 
 source rpms 
 or follow the steps to compile from source:
 Note, that you need three things: fpc, source code of fpc units (for code 
 completion, e.g. fpc-src-2.0.2.xxx.rpm) and lazarus
Thanks, Vincent,
Yes I had figured it out but fpc-2.0.20-4fc5 and fpc-src_.. (and
fpc-doc...) are all in the FC5 package list.
Well, your mail gave me the link (http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/)
that shows an fpc,  fpc-src and lazarus rpm's for 64 bit!
I hope later this day to give it a try (they are timestamped today) your
If it functions as expected I'll report back and will inform the Fedora
maintainers (probably via the forum).

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc Lazarus with 64-bit

2006-07-03 Thread J.L. Blom
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 10:45 -0300, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
 On 7/3/06, J.L. Blom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Filipe, I will try to compile a source but I assume I have to change the
  makefile rather heavily to account for the different environment and the
  different fpc version.
 No, you won´t. If you look into the Makefile you will notice it is
 already prepared for a huge number of architectures-operating system
 combinations. Also, the compiler version doesn´t change it´s
 executable name, so it has no effect on the Makefile. Only be careful
 to have the correct version on the compiler on the Path in case you
 have 2 different compilers installed.
 Really, it´s just: make clean all =)
 If it fails and the path is correct, then the compiler version is the problem.
Thanks. I will first try the current .rpm snapshot which is especially
for 64-bit as well of fpc as for Lazarus.
I'll report back

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc Lazarus with 64-bit

2006-07-03 Thread J.L. Blom
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 15:55 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jul 2006, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

 Linux distributions support running 32-bit apps on an AMD64. This has
 little to do with the AMD64 processor itself.
 I can perfectly run the 32-bit ppc386 on a 64-bit SuSE Linux.
YEs, Michael, but my 64-bit FC5 can't run a 32-bit firefox, so I must
use the 64-bit version.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] Installation of Lazarus

2006-03-03 Thread J.L. Blom
A small question:
The latest version of Lazarus I can find is 0.9.12-0. It requests the
use of fpc-2.0.2-0.
However, the latest fpc - which I have downloaded - is 2.0.2-3.
Therefore Lazarus complains. Do I have to install the older version of
fpc? (which means forcing rpm to install the older version) or is there
an updated Lazarus or can I trick Lazarus to use the newer version?
Thanks in advance.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] fp can't find the correct libraries

2005-11-19 Thread J.L. Blom
I sent Wednesday this request also but perhaps it wasn't seen.
I was able to launch fp and read in the example progralm HelloWorld.
 However, this program (and any other program) will compile as the error
Fatal: Can't find unit System
But when I look in fpc.cfg the path for units is correct:
# searchpath for units and other system dependent things
Well, my unit directory is /usr/lib64/fpc/2.0.0/units/x86_64-linux/
but I don't know where the variable fpctarget is initialised, I assume
in fp but cant find it. I have tried to set the path directly (in
options) however with no effect.
The system is: AMD64 3000+ (1 GB mem, 80 GB disks) FC4 2.6.12.

Another problem is that Lazarus complains:
 fpc = 2.0.1-050923 is needed by lazarus-0.9.10-0.i386
 fpcsrc = 2.0.1-050923 is needed by lazarus-0.9.10-0.i386
and of course it's correct (fpc version is 2.0.0. and I haven't found
fpcsrc-2.0.0 ).
So my questions are:
1.  Where is fpctarget initialised ? (or how can nudge fpc to run at
least helloworld)
2.  Which lazarus version is available for version 2.0.0-x86_64 (or
there 2.0.1-050923-x86_64 version).
3.  Why do I need fpcsrc (I assume it's the source of fpc) to use
lazarus? (I didn't find it in wiki but maybe I didn't know where to
I hope somebody can give me the answers to my questions.
Thanks in advance,

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

Re: [fpc-pascal] RE: fp not available

2005-11-16 Thread J.L. Blom
Sorry to bother again, and thanks, Christo, it is a version that
contains fp. However, no program will compile as the error is:
Fatal: Can't find unit System
But when I look in fpc.cfg the path for units is correct:
# searchpath for units and other system dependent things
Well, my unit directory is /usr/lib64/fpc/2.0.0/units/x86_64-linux/
but I don't know where the variable fpctarget is initialised, I assume
in fp but cant find it. I have tried to set the path directly (in
options) however with no effect.

Another problem is that Lazarus complains:
 fpc = 2.0.1-050923 is needed by lazarus-0.9.10-0.i386
 fpcsrc = 2.0.1-050923 is needed by lazarus-0.9.10-0.i386
and of course it's correct (fpc version is 2.0.0. and I haven't found
fpcsrc-2.0.0 ).
So my questions are:
1.  Where is fpctarget initialised ? (or how can nudge fpc to run at
least helloworld)
2.  Which lazarus version is available for version 2.0.0-x86_64 (or is
there 2.0.1-050923-x86_64 version).
3.  Why do I need fpcsrc (I assume it's the source of fpc) to use
lazarus? (I didn't find it in wiki but maybe I didn't know where to

On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 14:15 +0200, Crause, Christo (JC) wrote:
  Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:50:46 +0100
  Subject: [fpc-pascal] fp not available
  I have an AMD64 running the 64-bit version of Fedora4 and I 
  haven't found a specific 64-bit version of fpc. 
  I hope somebody can give me some clues.
 You can download x86_64 fpc 2.0.0 rpm's from:
 I am interested in knowing whether you get Lazarus working in 64 bit
 mode.  I have compiled it with fpc 2.0.0, but get runtime errors.  I
 could not get Lazarus to compile with 64 bit fpc 2.0.1 or 2.1.1 yet.
 Christo Crause
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 fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

[fpc-pascal] fp not available

2005-11-13 Thread J.L. Blom
I recently downloaded fpc including the manuals and Lazarus. (I'm a
Pascal programmer going back to turbo-pascal on the Amstrad!).
Lazarus is working as expected. However, when I want to start the IDE
(and run some very old programs under Linux) fp is not found. I cannot
find any program called fp on my disk. Also the example file hello isn't
found although there is a file helloworld.pas in a directory helloworld
My question: Is the IDE included in fpc (I obtained
fpc-2.0.2-050923i386.rpm and fpcsrc-2.0.2-050923i386.rpm and installed
both) and is there maybe another command to start the IDE?
I have an AMD64 running the 64-bit version of Fedora4 and I haven't
found a specific 64-bit version of fpc. 
I hope somebody can give me some clues.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org