Way Too Much Corruption

2006-11-20 Thread Pinkham, Jim
I have a folder with three versions of a manual (in subfolders) replete
with conditional text, insets, and all the marvels of single sourcing. I
haven't worked on these files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of
them are coming up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your help is
much appreciated.


Intel Mac Findings

2006-11-20 Thread Scott White
I just got a new Intel Mac laptop and I'm running bootcamp to use  
Frame on the Windows XP Pro side. Works with no problems.
However, we have discovered that some programs on the MAC side --  
filemaker 6.0 and Photoshop as of now -- are not running the software  
natively. The MAC is using an emulator to run these programs. I have  
noticed in Filemaker that some of my calculations are all out of  
whack and photoshop 7.0 runs real slow -- almost like  it did in  
virtual PC.

Scott White
Media Production Manager
Implementation Coordinator
swhite at alamark.com

Conversion Table again : How to handle Root Element

2006-11-20 Thread Lester C. Smalley

You need to have an additional rule in the conversion table to map the
individual paragraph-level elements into the root element, thusly
(columns 1 and 2 of a conversion table show for brevity):

Map this object   Into this element
ChapterName, Overview, Para  Chapter

That is, take the sequence of elements ChapterName followed by Overview
followed by Para and wrap them into a Chapter element.

The root element is not necessarily created automatically, and to depend
on the "RE:" (root element) entry in the conversion table may be
convenient but it is unfortunately not in any way a guarantee of correct
or complete structure in the converted file.  This is precisely the sort
of rules mapping elements into more complex structures to which I was
referring in my previous message on this:

"... but will not add the many additional and necessary rules to wrap
elements into more complex structures (such as the Procedure element in
the EDD provided)."

On Saturday, November 18, 2006 5:42 AM, Surbhi Singhal wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gyanesh Talwar 
Date: Nov 18, 2006 3:51 PM
Subject: Conversion Table again : How to handle Root Element
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com

Hi Framers,

Further to my mail on element ,  I've brought down my document
EDD to three elements to zero-in on the problem and I believe it is
Root Element not being handled.

In Frame 7.0:

EDD  Document

Chapter (Root Element)
 -Overview   Overview
 -Para   Para

In the conversion table, all elements are mapped to the proper para
except the root element (Chapter). Apparently, the root element chapter
not being handled and in place of that  is appearing. I can fix
by Re-Wrapping the elements in the document but am not able to figure
how I can avoid this problem altogether.

I am aware that in Frame 7.2, this can be handled with RE: , which is
working in 7.0.

Please suggest.

Gyanesh Talwar

"Bunbu Itchi"

- Lester
Lester C. Smalley  Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712
Yorklyn, DE  19736   Web: www.infocon.com 

Intel Mac Findings

2006-11-20 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 11:44 -0600 20/11/06, Scott White wrote:

>However, we have discovered that some programs on the MAC side -- filemaker 
>6.0 and Photoshop as of now -- are not running the software natively. The MAC 
>is using an emulator to run these programs. I have noticed in Filemaker that 
>some of my calculations are all out of whack and photoshop 7.0 runs real slow 
>-- almost like  it did in virtual PC.

You need 'universal binary' versions of the programs to run them natively on 
MacIntel hardware. I don't know about FileMaker, but Adobe elected not to 
produce UB versions until the next upgrade, sometime in 2007.

Without a UB, Mac OS X runs the PowerPC code through a code-level translator 
called Rosetta. You can find out about it here:

However, if software produces incorrect results under Rossetta, then the 
manufacturer should be informed - and may already have a fix available.


Way Too Much Corruption

2006-11-20 Thread Combs, Richard
Jim Pinkham wrote: 

> I have a folder with three versions of a manual (in 
> subfolders) replete with conditional text, insets, and all 
> the marvels of single sourcing. I haven't worked on these 
> files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of them are coming 
> up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
> Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your 
> help is much appreciated.

Platform, OS, FM version, and other relevant context might help. Also,
what does "coming up as corrupt" mean?

Do you have any problems with other files and applications, or only FM,
or only this particular folder? Is it local HD, network server,
removable media? 

And finally, regarding your subject, what amount of corruption is not
too much? ;-) 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

Way Too Much Corruption

2006-11-20 Thread Rene Stephenson
If it's all the files in the project, that's odd. I think we'd need some more 
info to know what the best starting point would be for narrowing down a cause 
and/or fix. Are you on Mac or Windows? Have you copied the files to/from other 
drives since the last time you worked in them? I'm asking, because I have seen 
some file corruption issues that seemed to be triggered by copying stuff 
to/from a network drive, not sure why. Are the files on a network drive or your 
local hard drive?


"Pinkham, Jim"  wrote: I have a folder with three 
versions of a manual (in subfolders) replete
with conditional text, insets, and all the marvels of single sourcing. I
haven't worked on these files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of
them are coming up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your help is
much appreciated.


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Rene L. Stephenson
eNovative Solutions, Inc.
Business Phone: 678-513-0051
Email: rinnie1 at yahoo.com

Way Too Much Corruption

2006-11-20 Thread Art Campbell
The mass corruption bothers me a lot... it'd point to something
systemic, like a BIG voltage spike (had any lightning storms lately),
physical hard drive problems... something like that.

When you're saying the backups are corrupt too, you mean the
name.backup.fm file, or the backups of the entire project?

If they're clean, restoring your last system backups is the best thing
to do because you haven't changed anything in 6 weeks.

If you're saying you didn't back up your work and all the files
involved are corrupted... to the point they won't open, or some info
inside is twisted, or something else?


On 11/20/06, Pinkham, Jim  wrote:
> I have a folder with three versions of a manual (in subfolders) replete
> with conditional text, insets, and all the marvels of single sourcing. I
> haven't worked on these files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of
> them are coming up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
> Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your help is
> much appreciated.
> Jim
> ___
Art Campbell art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

Arabic in Frame

2006-11-20 Thread Dov Isaacs
Simply stated, FrameMaker does not support Arabic or
any other "right-to-left" language including Hebrew
and Farsi. Although one can coerce Windows and 
FrameMaker to access Hebrew characters of Unicode fonts
via various hacks, FrameMaker simply does not support
the entry of text from right to left or mixing of 
right to left with left to right. Support for these
languages also requires support for extended ligatures,
contextual alternates, etc. which is not available in

- Dov

> -Original Message-
> From: Alison Carrico
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 9:54 AM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Arabic in Frame
> I'm new to the list, so please excuse and correct any 
> etiquette blunders...
> I have been trying for days to figure out how to get Arabic 
> to work in Frame.  We have a client who "has been told" that 
> it is possible, but can't give any specific info.  I have 
> found references on-line and on this list indicating that it 
> is possible, but again, not enough info for me to duplicate.
> I have tried changing the regional settings on my English OS. 
> I have tried using Frame on our Arabic OS. I have tried every 
> way I can think of to import text, every possible way to 
> paste text, various fonts, etc.
> The only method that results in Arabic text rather than junk 
> characters is RTF, but the punctuation is not oriented 
> correctly and some of the letters get bizarrely stretched out.  
> The only way I have succeeded in getting Arabic text to 
> display properly in Frame is through embedded Word OLE 
> objects or Illustrator graphics.
> But neither method is very good as the text does not flow or 
> run-around the graphics.
> I'm way frustrated and feeling very Seuss-ian: "I cannot do 
> it in a boat. I cannot do it with a goat. I do not mean to 
> whinge and whine, but why can't we use InDesign?!?"
> Can any kind soul offer guidance?

Weird PDF problem

2006-11-20 Thread Dov Isaacs
My gut feel is that these EPS files with Arial created
by CorelDRAW are not quite kosher in terms of what is
embedded as a font. Check your EPS save options and
make sure that CorelDRAW is not converting the TrueType
Arial font to an unhinted Type 1 font. 

- Dov

> -Original Message-
> From: David Boss
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 9:54 AM
> To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
> Subject: Weird PDF problem
> I am having a strange problem with PDF files with EPS 
> graphics that contain the Arial font. When you look at the 
> graphics in the PDF at normal size, in all instances the 
> letter "l" appears much wider than the rest of the letters so 
> the text looks very odd. If you start zooming in, by 400% 
> they only look slightly heavier and by 800% they look normal. 
> There's no problem with printed pages, so I assume it's only 
> a display problem. And If I change the font the problem 
> disappears (unfortunately I have a book with about 40 
> complicated graphics so changing fonts is not a viable option). 
> I verified the problem in Acrobat 7 Professional and Acrobat 
> Reader 7 on my computer and using Reader 7 on another system. 
> On a third system with Reader
> 5 the text appeared OK although not as clear, but when I 
> installed Reader 7 it too showed the same problem. And it 
> doesn't matter how the PDF files are generated -- FrameMaker, 
> PageMaker, save as PDF, print to Adobe PDF, etc.
> and whether text is saved as text or curves in the EPS file 
> when exporting from Corel Draw.
> All systems are running Windows XP SP2 and have different 
> graphics cards.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> David Boss

Way Too Much Corruption

2006-11-20 Thread James Barrow
>Pinkham, Jim asked:

>I have a folder with three versions of a manual (in subfolders) replete
>with conditional text, insets, and all the marvels of single sourcing. I
>haven't worked on these files for about 6 weeks. This morning all of
>them are coming up as corrupt, including the subfolders and the backups.
>Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it? Your help is
>much appreciated.

I had this same thing happen during my last contract.  Are you opening the
manual directly from a shared network drive?  When I copied the corrupted
files to my desktop, they opened without error.



List of unused User Variables?

2006-11-20 Thread Radha Padmanabhan

  FrameMaker 7.0 with Windows XP.

  Is it possible to know which already created User Variables are not used in a 
document, other than by trial and error method of deleting them?


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Simplified English (ASD-STE100)

2006-11-20 Thread Andrew Warren
Steve Cavanaugh wrote:

> Is anyone here attempting to write Simplified English, and if so, what
> tools are you using?  I hate to spend $3K on an integrated tool
> without being able to test it first 


As far as I know, both Boeing and Tedopres will let you evaluate their 
ASD-STE100 checkers before buying... Or, at the very least, will send someone 
over to demo it in person.  Have you contacted them?


Need to Change the Company Name on the Master Pages of LOTS ofManuals

2006-11-20 Thread Andrew Warren
Holwell, Pat wrote:

> The footers on the Master Pages are set up follows:
> Created Date: Manual Name
> Revised Date: XXX (Co. Name) Restricted   Page #
> We don't want to change anything except the company name and if we apply
> our current template, the dates would change.

... unless you first set your computer's calendar to each manual's "Revised 
