FrameMaker 7.2 (Windows) and Mathtype 5 (windows)

2007-07-19 Thread Alan Litchfield
Without knowing anything about MathType, can you save the eps with the fonts

Does MathType use some proprietary typeface to create greek letters?


Brenda Waltermeyer wrote:
> Hopefully some one can help me.
> I use Mathtype 5 (windows) for all my equations in FrameMaker 7.2 (windows).
> Each equation is saved as an Postscript/tiff (*eps) file and then imported
> into FM.  For some reason the greek lettering is converting to english
> lettering. I never had this issue before. When I insert the greek in using
> keyboard letters and changing the character to the symbol font it seems to
> work, but only if it is one character. Display equations will not work this
> way.
> I saved my document as a PDF and the symbol font still did not show greek.
> If I print from Mathtype 5 it prints fine. I only way it works is by coping
> the equation once typed in Mathtype and pasting directly in to FrameMaker.
> This is combersum when you have lots of equations and you need to make
> changes to them.
> To me it seems to be a font issue some how but I?m not sure how to fix it.
> I would appreciate any advise some one could give me.

FrameMaker 7.2 (Windows) and Mathtype 5 (windows)

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 11:57 -0400 18/7/07, Brenda Waltermeyer wrote:

>I use Mathtype 5 (windows) for all my equations in FrameMaker 7.2 (windows).
>Each equation is saved as an Postscript/tiff (*eps) file and then imported
>into FM.  For some reason the greek lettering is converting to english
>lettering. I never had this issue before.

Also not knowing much about MathType, and in addition to what Kenneth and Alan 
have already said, would a possible workaround be to set the equations as PDFs 
and import those into FrameMaker? It should not really be necessary, but  if 
you're up against time pressure it might get you by for the moment.

I just checked the MathType site, and it doesn't output PDF directly [no 
surprises there]. However - I downloaded the demo to check this - EPSs output 
from MathType distills ok, and show Greek contents correctly in the resulting 
PDF. Or they do here, anyway.



Print settings for *color* is inconsistant ERROR

2007-07-19 Thread Natalie Bircher
In FrameMaker 6.0 (Structured), when generating the book, an employee gets
the following error messages for each file in the book:

Print settings for black is inconsistent

Print settings for cyan is inconsistent

Print settings for magenta is inconsistent

Print settings for yellow is inconsistent

These error msgs don't show when generating on a different employee's
computer for the same book.

In five of the files he also gets the following:

Show/Hide setting for Overlay_1 is inconsistent

Show/Hide setting for Overlay_2 is inconsistent

These books are all black and white so we don't understand where the color
thing is coming from.

Any help will be appreciated.

Natalie Bircher

Technical Writer

BackStreet Media

Phone: 320-843-4337 

Fax: 320-842-4236

Email:   natalieb at

Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread J. Paul Kent
I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.

I need to include a heavily formatted (tables, single and double columns,
heading levels that make zero sense) 20 page Word document as an Appendix to
an Operators Manual. It would have a standard Appendix title, header,
footer, etc, but otherwise it must appear as close as possible to the
existing document. 

I know I could convert the Word doc, but it would take time that we don't
have. I'm wondering what would happen if I used the Word doc as an inset and
flowed it into a blank Appendix, set up with a title, header and footer.
When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: Embedded MS
Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one of these start me down the
right track?

I'm pretty sure I can do without the headers and footers from the existing
doc. I wonder what would happen if I just select all of the text and then
Paste it into a blank Appendix?

Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I need to NOT spend time
experimenting if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.
J. Paul Kent

Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Combs, Richard
J. Paul Kent wrote: 

> I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.

> When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: 
> Embedded MS Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one 
> of these start me down the right track?

No. That's the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) track. Don't go there.

I've never tried importing a Word doc as a text inset (my text insets
are all FM or plain text), so I don't know if it's even possible. But to
try, put your cursor in a pgf above which you want the imported text
(but make sure the cursor isn't at the end of the pgf; there should be
at least a space to the right). Then, select File > Import > File (or
press Esc f i f). In the Import dialog select the Word file, select
Import By Reference, and click Import.

I'm assuming that the Word version has to be maintained. If not, you
might want forego the text inset -- select Copy Into Document and just
clean up and maintain it in FM.

Depending on your FM and Word versions, importing the file may or may
not work. If FM doesn't have a filter for the Word version you've got,
try saving the Word doc as RTF or an earlier version and importing that.

Another option, quick and dirty: Create a PDF of the Word doc. In
Acrobat, crop the PDF to get rid of headers, footers, and enough of the
margins to let you import the PDF pages into your FM pages. Then do the
File > Import > File thing and select the PDF. A dialog lets you pick a
page, and it's imported into an anchored frame. You can play with that
to make the PDF page look right in your empty FM doc. Repeat for each
additional PDF page. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Fred Ridder
My personal suggestion would be this:

-make a PDF of the Word document

-use Acrobat to crop the pages to remove the Word headers
   and footers and reduce the page size to something that will
   fit your FrameMaker body text frame

-import the PDF pages as graphic objects in a FrameMaker template
   that has the required headers and footers

I use a similar technique with FrameMaker files that contain
landscapre-formatted tables that I need to use in a rotated
orientationin a normal, portrait-oriented book. The only time this
aproach does not work well is when the inserted document is still
evolving because you would have to repeat the convert/crop/insert

Fred Ridder

>From: "J. Paul Kent" 
>To: "Framers" 
>Subject: Text Inset?
>Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:26:55 -0700
>I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.
>I need to include a heavily formatted (tables, single and double columns,
>heading levels that make zero sense) 20 page Word document as an Appendix 
>an Operators Manual. It would have a standard Appendix title, header,
>footer, etc, but otherwise it must appear as close as possible to the
>existing document.
>I know I could convert the Word doc, but it would take time that we don't
>have. I'm wondering what would happen if I used the Word doc as an inset 
>flowed it into a blank Appendix, set up with a title, header and footer.
>When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: Embedded MS
>Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one of these start me down the
>right track?
>I'm pretty sure I can do without the headers and footers from the existing
>doc. I wonder what would happen if I just select all of the text and then
>Paste it into a blank Appendix?
>Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I need to NOT spend time
>experimenting if I can help it.
>Thanks in advance.
>J. Paul Kent


Print settings for *color* is inconsistant ERROR

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 08:16 -0500 19/7/07, Natalie Bircher wrote:

>In FrameMaker 6.0 (Structured), when generating the book, an employee gets
>the following error messages for each file in the book:
>Print settings for black is inconsistent
>Print settings for cyan is inconsistent
>Print settings for magenta is inconsistent
>Print settings for yellow is inconsistent

These warning refer to the settings for the View -> Color -> Views settings. 
FrameMaker is warning you that these setting differ between files in the book. 
[Actually, I think what it is doing is telling you that they differ from the 
first file in the book]. Depending on the content of your FrameMaker files, it 
may or may not matter.

>These error msgs don't show when generating on a different employee's
>computer for the same book.

I can't explain that, but someone else here might be able to.

>In five of the files he also gets the following:
>Show/Hide setting for Overlay_1 is inconsistent
>Show/Hide setting for Overlay_2 is inconsistent

This is the equivalent warning for conditional text settings, in your case 
conditional tags called 'Overlay_1' and 'Overlay_2'. FrameMaker is just telling 
you that not all files in the book have the same conditional text settings.

You can get around this by importing conditional text settings [only!] cross 
the book. In theory, you can get rid of the color warnings by doing the same 
thing for color definitions, but in practise I have found that - at least in 
FrameMaker 6 and 7 for Mac - it doesn't always work.

>These books are all black and white so we don't understand where the color
>thing is coming from.

Heh. That would take more space than I have here to answer ;-) In brief, 
FrameMaker allows you to *define* an apparently infinite [although probably 
not] number of colors. The color views settings takes account of all the color 
definitions, irrespective of whether individual color definitions are actually 
used in the book or not. I have seen books prepared by FrameMaker users who had 
a less than precise grasp of the color domain with over 200 different color 
definitions. [No, not the PNG <-> RGB bug, but actual color definitions.]

However, when you say that your book is 'all black and white' [by which I 
assume  you might mean grayscale only], be aware that colored objects can be 
ferreted away by FrameMaker and saved in a document's definition irrespective 
of whether they appear - or appear to appear ;-) - in the book.

Others may disagree, but I have found that the soundest method of determining 
what is actually going on with 'color' - i.e. printing plates required - in a 
FrameMaker book is to cast a PDF and preflight it in Acrobat Pro, FlightCheck, 
Pitstop or equivalent PDF analysis application.


Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 10:08 -0400 19/7/07, Fred Ridder wrote:

>My personal suggestion would be this:
>-make a PDF of the Word document

Apologies for a 'me too' posting, but I agree with Fred here. Worked for me, 
keeps any sort of Word nasties out of the argument. And the best bit is, if 
someone else is responsible for the Word document, you can blame them for how 
it looks ;-)

Allegedly FrameMaker can import a Word document as a text inset, but I'd prefer 
not even to try. Might also be highly version-dependent (Word version, not 
FrameMaker version).

Also agree with Fred's caveat about live import.


Text Inset: Thanks to all

2007-07-19 Thread J. Paul Kent
Thanks to Rick Q, Steve R, Fred R, and Richard C who all chimed in with an
excellent solution. I'll PDF the Word files and import the pages 1 by 1 into
an empty FM appendix file. 

I love this list!!!

J. Paul Kent

Save book as postcript

2007-07-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson
I am not familiar with DoBatch, but why not simply print book to file?

Setting Adobe PDF (Distiller) or any other PostScript printer driver
as the default printer or the printer used at the time, and the print
job option to one file, should gilve you a beautiful PS file. This is
a printing process after all.

Am I missing something here?

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 7/18/07, Morten Guldahl  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been using the CudSpan DoBatch plugin for some batch manipulation
> of my FrameMaker books, but trusted the CudSpan documentation in that it
> is not possible to save a book as a PostScript file: There is a
> "" command, but according to the documentation
> "" is not possible. Now someone tells me he's obtained a
> newer version of DoBatch where this is possible, but I can't find it
> anywhere. Can anyone of you confirm that there actually is such a thing?
> Kind regards
> Morten Guldahl
> Conax AS
> ___
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Save book as postcript

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Gold
Hi, Bodvar:

What your suggestion is missing is the fact that DoBatch provides
command-line automation. DoBatch is a Windows version of the fmbatch
FM-UNIX utility. Although the OP didn't explicitly say it, I believe
the goal is to run a multiple-step process with DoBatch, and end up
printing the book to .ps, or perhaps simply print a collection of
books to .ps under a command-line script.

I know that fmbatch has a parameter that can specify a printfile - an
FM file that's set to print to a particular printer. I don't know if
DoBatch or DZBatcher from DataZone (also free) can do this; I'm not
sure if an FM file can remember a printer specification, to make this

You can read fmbatch documentation in FM user manual or online help,
and of course, you can find DoBatch documentation at the cudspan



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On 7/19/07, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson  wrote:
> I am not familiar with DoBatch, but why not simply print book to file?
> Setting Adobe PDF (Distiller) or any other PostScript printer driver
> as the default printer or the printer used at the time, and the print
> job option to one file, should gilve you a beautiful PS file. This is
> a printing process after all.
> Am I missing something here?

How can I import multiple PDF pages, instead of one at a time?

2007-07-19 Thread
Hello Chuck, 

i have a FrameScript-script for import multiple PDF pages. 

Best regards 

>Is there a script or way to import multiple PDF pages, rather than 
>one page at a time?

Chuck Heinrichs
888-353-1429 (toll free)
Software Concepts 


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FW: link to HTML doc from PDF

2007-07-19 Thread Carol Wade
I apologize for taking so long to get back to this issue. 

I added the relative path as Zaeem suggested below (to link from a PDF
to an HTML doc), and the hypertext link worked.

I am ever in your debt!


-Original Message-
From: Syed Zaeem Hosain [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:23 PM
To: Carol Wade
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: link to HTML doc from PDF

Hmmm ...

What was the exact entry in the "message URL readme.html" in the Syntax

Did you use/try a relative path (i.e., "message URL ./readme4.5.html")
to make sure that it looked in the current directory rather than the
default directory of the browser? If you did do that, then I am not sure
why it did not work.


Carol Wade wrote:
> Thanks Syed & Mike. The document will not be on an accessible server,
> but will be in the same directory with the PDF.
> When I tried what Mike suggested below, and clicked the link in the
> a browser was opened with the following in the Address (URL) box:
> http://readme4.5.html/
> Obviously, that page was not found.
> Did I miss something?
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Feimster [mailto:mike.feimster at] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:03 AM
> To: Carol Wade; framers at
> Subject: RE: link to HTML doc from PDF
> Yes. 
> Insert a hypertext marker with the Command "Go to URL" where you want
> insert the hyperlink.
> In the Syntax box enter "message URL readme.html" without the quotes.
> This assumes that readme.html is in the same directory as the pdf. If
> it's not, you can put in either a relative path, absolute path, or web
> site url.
> Mike

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Print settings for *color* is inconsistant ERROR

2007-07-19 Thread Natalie Bircher
In FrameMaker 6.0 (Structured), when generating the book, an employee gets
the following error messages for each file in the book:


Print settings for black is inconsistent

Print settings for cyan is inconsistent

Print settings for magenta is inconsistent

Print settings for yellow is inconsistent


These error msgs don't show when generating on a different employee's
computer for the same book.

In five of the files he also gets the following:


Show/Hide setting for Overlay_1 is inconsistent

Show/Hide setting for Overlay_2 is inconsistent


These books are all black and white so we don't understand where the color
thing is coming from.


Any help will be appreciated.


Natalie Bircher

Technical Writer

BackStreet Media

Phone: 320-843-4337 

Fax: 320-842-4236




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Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread J. Paul Kent
I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.

I need to include a heavily formatted (tables, single and double columns,
heading levels that make zero sense) 20 page Word document as an Appendix to
an Operators Manual. It would have a standard Appendix title, header,
footer, etc, but otherwise it must appear as close as possible to the
existing document. 

I know I could convert the Word doc, but it would take time that we don't
have. I'm wondering what would happen if I used the Word doc as an inset and
flowed it into a blank Appendix, set up with a title, header and footer.
When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: Embedded MS
Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one of these start me down the
right track?

I'm pretty sure I can do without the headers and footers from the existing
doc. I wonder what would happen if I just select all of the text and then
Paste it into a blank Appendix?

Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I need to NOT spend time
experimenting if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.
J. Paul Kent


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RE: Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Combs, Richard
J. Paul Kent wrote: 

> I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.

> When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: 
> Embedded MS Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one 
> of these start me down the right track?

No. That's the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) track. Don't go there.

I've never tried importing a Word doc as a text inset (my text insets
are all FM or plain text), so I don't know if it's even possible. But to
try, put your cursor in a pgf above which you want the imported text
(but make sure the cursor isn't at the end of the pgf; there should be
at least a space to the right). Then, select File > Import > File (or
press Esc f i f). In the Import dialog select the Word file, select
Import By Reference, and click Import.

I'm assuming that the Word version has to be maintained. If not, you
might want forego the text inset -- select Copy Into Document and just
clean up and maintain it in FM.

Depending on your FM and Word versions, importing the file may or may
not work. If FM doesn't have a filter for the Word version you've got,
try saving the Word doc as RTF or an earlier version and importing that.

Another option, quick and dirty: Create a PDF of the Word doc. In
Acrobat, crop the PDF to get rid of headers, footers, and enough of the
margins to let you import the PDF pages into your FM pages. Then do the
File > Import > File thing and select the PDF. A dialog lets you pick a
page, and it's imported into an anchored frame. You can play with that
to make the PDF page look right in your empty FM doc. Repeat for each
additional PDF page. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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RE: Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Fred Ridder

My personal suggestion would be this:

-make a PDF of the Word document

-use Acrobat to crop the pages to remove the Word headers
  and footers and reduce the page size to something that will
  fit your FrameMaker body text frame

-import the PDF pages as graphic objects in a FrameMaker template
  that has the required headers and footers

I use a similar technique with FrameMaker files that contain
landscapre-formatted tables that I need to use in a rotated
orientationin a normal, portrait-oriented book. The only time this
aproach does not work well is when the inserted document is still
evolving because you would have to repeat the convert/crop/insert

Fred Ridder

From: "J. Paul Kent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Framers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Text Inset?
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:26:55 -0700

I've never used a text inset before, but I may be up against it.

I need to include a heavily formatted (tables, single and double columns,
heading levels that make zero sense) 20 page Word document as an Appendix 

an Operators Manual. It would have a standard Appendix title, header,
footer, etc, but otherwise it must appear as close as possible to the
existing document.

I know I could convert the Word doc, but it would take time that we don't
have. I'm wondering what would happen if I used the Word doc as an inset 

flowed it into a blank Appendix, set up with a title, header and footer.
When I select Word text, I see in the Paste Special options: Embedded MS
Word Object and Linked MS Word Object. Would one of these start me down the
right track?

I'm pretty sure I can do without the headers and footers from the existing
doc. I wonder what would happen if I just select all of the text and then
Paste it into a blank Appendix?

Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I need to NOT spend time
experimenting if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.
J. Paul Kent



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Re: Print settings for *color* is inconsistant ERROR

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 08:16 -0500 19/7/07, Natalie Bircher wrote:

>In FrameMaker 6.0 (Structured), when generating the book, an employee gets
>the following error messages for each file in the book:
>Print settings for black is inconsistent
>Print settings for cyan is inconsistent
>Print settings for magenta is inconsistent
>Print settings for yellow is inconsistent

These warning refer to the settings for the View -> Color -> Views settings. 
FrameMaker is warning you that these setting differ between files in the book. 
[Actually, I think what it is doing is telling you that they differ from the 
first file in the book]. Depending on the content of your FrameMaker files, it 
may or may not matter.

>These error msgs don't show when generating on a different employee's
>computer for the same book.

I can't explain that, but someone else here might be able to.

>In five of the files he also gets the following:
>Show/Hide setting for Overlay_1 is inconsistent
>Show/Hide setting for Overlay_2 is inconsistent

This is the equivalent warning for conditional text settings, in your case 
conditional tags called 'Overlay_1' and 'Overlay_2'. FrameMaker is just telling 
you that not all files in the book have the same conditional text settings.

You can get around this by importing conditional text settings [only!] cross 
the book. In theory, you can get rid of the color warnings by doing the same 
thing for color definitions, but in practise I have found that - at least in 
FrameMaker 6 and 7 for Mac - it doesn't always work.

>These books are all black and white so we don't understand where the color
>thing is coming from.

Heh. That would take more space than I have here to answer ;-) In brief, 
FrameMaker allows you to *define* an apparently infinite [although probably 
not] number of colors. The color views settings takes account of all the color 
definitions, irrespective of whether individual color definitions are actually 
used in the book or not. I have seen books prepared by FrameMaker users who had 
a less than precise grasp of the color domain with over 200 different color 
definitions. [No, not the PNG <-> RGB bug, but actual color definitions.]

However, when you say that your book is 'all black and white' [by which I 
assume  you might mean grayscale only], be aware that colored objects can be 
ferreted away by FrameMaker and saved in a document's definition irrespective 
of whether they appear - or appear to appear ;-) - in the book.

Others may disagree, but I have found that the soundest method of determining 
what is actually going on with 'color' - i.e. printing plates required - in a 
FrameMaker book is to cast a PDF and preflight it in Acrobat Pro, FlightCheck, 
Pitstop or equivalent PDF analysis application.


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RE: Text Inset?

2007-07-19 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 10:08 -0400 19/7/07, Fred Ridder wrote:

>My personal suggestion would be this:
>-make a PDF of the Word document

Apologies for a 'me too' posting, but I agree with Fred here. Worked for me, 
keeps any sort of Word nasties out of the argument. And the best bit is, if 
someone else is responsible for the Word document, you can blame them for how 
it looks ;-)

Allegedly FrameMaker can import a Word document as a text inset, but I'd prefer 
not even to try. Might also be highly version-dependent (Word version, not 
FrameMaker version).

Also agree with Fred's caveat about live import.


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Text Inset: Thanks to all

2007-07-19 Thread J. Paul Kent
Thanks to Rick Q, Steve R, Fred R, and Richard C who all chimed in with an
excellent solution. I'll PDF the Word files and import the pages 1 by 1 into
an empty FM appendix file. 


I love this list!!!


J. Paul Kent



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Re: Save book as postcript

2007-07-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I am not familiar with DoBatch, but why not simply print book to file?

Setting Adobe PDF (Distiller) or any other PostScript printer driver
as the default printer or the printer used at the time, and the print
job option to one file, should gilve you a beautiful PS file. This is
a printing process after all.

Am I missing something here?

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

On 7/18/07, Morten Guldahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I've been using the CudSpan DoBatch plugin for some batch manipulation
of my FrameMaker books, but trusted the CudSpan documentation in that it
is not possible to save a book as a PostScript file: There is a
"" command, but according to the documentation
"" is not possible. Now someone tells me he's obtained a
newer version of DoBatch where this is possible, but I can't find it
anywhere. Can anyone of you confirm that there actually is such a thing?

Kind regards

Morten Guldahl

Conax AS


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Re: Save book as postcript

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Gold

Hi, Bodvar:

What your suggestion is missing is the fact that DoBatch provides
command-line automation. DoBatch is a Windows version of the fmbatch
FM-UNIX utility. Although the OP didn't explicitly say it, I believe
the goal is to run a multiple-step process with DoBatch, and end up
printing the book to .ps, or perhaps simply print a collection of
books to .ps under a command-line script.

I know that fmbatch has a parameter that can specify a printfile - an
FM file that's set to print to a particular printer. I don't know if
DoBatch or DZBatcher from DataZone (also free) can do this; I'm not
sure if an FM file can remember a printer specification, to make this

You can read fmbatch documentation in FM user manual or online help,
and of course, you can find DoBatch documentation at the cudspan



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On 7/19/07, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am not familiar with DoBatch, but why not simply print book to file?

Setting Adobe PDF (Distiller) or any other PostScript printer driver
as the default printer or the printer used at the time, and the print
job option to one file, should gilve you a beautiful PS file. This is
a printing process after all.

Am I missing something here?


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Re: Save book as postcript

2007-07-19 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I did not know that. Thank you for enlightening me. :-)


On 7/19/07, Peter Gold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Bodvar:

What your suggestion is missing is the fact that DoBatch provides
command-line automation. DoBatch is a Windows version of the fmbatch
FM-UNIX utility. Although the OP didn't explicitly say it, I believe
the goal is to run a multiple-step process with DoBatch, and end up
printing the book to .ps, or perhaps simply print a collection of
books to .ps under a command-line script.

I know that fmbatch has a parameter that can specify a printfile - an
FM file that's set to print to a particular printer. I don't know if
DoBatch or DZBatcher from DataZone (also free) can do this; I'm not
sure if an FM file can remember a printer specification, to make this

You can read fmbatch documentation in FM user manual or online help,
and of course, you can find DoBatch documentation at the cudspan



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

On 7/19/07, Bodvar Bjorgvinsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not familiar with DoBatch, but why not simply print book to file?
> Setting Adobe PDF (Distiller) or any other PostScript printer driver
> as the default printer or the printer used at the time, and the print
> job option to one file, should gilve you a beautiful PS file. This is
> a printing process after all.
> Am I missing something here?


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RE: How can I import multiple PDF pages, instead of one at a time?

2007-07-19 Thread frameusers
Hello Chuck, 

i have a FrameScript-script for import multiple PDF pages. 

Best regards 

>Is there a script or way to import multiple PDF pages, rather than 
>one page at a time?

Chuck Heinrichs
888-353-1429 (toll free)
Software Concepts 


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FW: link to HTML doc from PDF

2007-07-19 Thread Carol Wade
I apologize for taking so long to get back to this issue. 

I added the relative path as Zaeem suggested below (to link from a PDF
to an HTML doc), and the hypertext link worked.

I am ever in your debt!


-Original Message-
From: Syed Zaeem Hosain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:23 PM
To: Carol Wade
Subject: Re: link to HTML doc from PDF

Hmmm ...

What was the exact entry in the "message URL readme.html" in the Syntax

Did you use/try a relative path (i.e., "message URL ./readme4.5.html")
to make sure that it looked in the current directory rather than the
default directory of the browser? If you did do that, then I am not sure
why it did not work.


Carol Wade wrote:
> Thanks Syed & Mike. The document will not be on an accessible server,
> but will be in the same directory with the PDF.
> When I tried what Mike suggested below, and clicked the link in the
> a browser was opened with the following in the Address (URL) box:
> http://readme4.5.html/
> Obviously, that page was not found.
> Did I miss something?
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Feimster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:03 AM
> To: Carol Wade; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: link to HTML doc from PDF
> Yes. 
> Insert a hypertext marker with the Command "Go to URL" where you want
> insert the hyperlink.
> In the Syntax box enter "message URL readme.html" without the quotes.
> This assumes that readme.html is in the same directory as the pdf. If
> it's not, you can put in either a relative path, absolute path, or web
> site url.
> Mike

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