"Next Pgf Tag" problem solved

2010-08-17 Thread Meyer, Bernard
Sorry, folks for my prior email; I just found an archived Framer's msg that let 
me know that patch 277 fixed this problem. I installed it, and sure enough, 
fixed. I am so glad this list is here!

Bernie Meyer
Concept Publications, Inc.

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http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

"Next Pgf Tag" instruction not working

2010-08-17 Thread Meyer, Bernard
Hello, Framers. Hoping you can help me diagnose an anomaly:
(I am using FM 8.0p273 on Windows XP Pro, vers. 2002, Service Pack 3.)
Our FM templates define paragraph tags named "FigureNumber" and "FigureTitle".
In the "FigureNumber" definition, the "Next Pgf Tag" box is checked and the 
specified following tag is "FigureTitle"
So, if I create a "FigureNumber" paragraph and hit , the next paragraph 
SHOULD automatically be a "FigureTitle".
However, what actually happens is that this just creates a second 
"FigureNumber" paragraph. Of course I can manually change it to what I 
intended, but I should not have to do this.
I had my colleagues try the same thing, both with existing files on their 
systems and with fresh copies of the template file. One person did not have 
this effect, the other two who responded had the same effect as I did.
I am completely nonplussed on this one.

Bernie Meyer
Concept Publications, Inc.

You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

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or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

"Next Pgf Tag" problem solved

2010-08-17 Thread Meyer, Bernard
Sorry, folks for my prior email; I just found an archived Framer's msg that let 
me know that patch 277 fixed this problem. I installed it, and sure enough, 
fixed. I am so glad this list is here!

Bernie Meyer
Concept Publications, Inc.

Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Fred Ridder

Newbie Christine asked:

> First-timer here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with both 
> bookmarks and cropmarks?

That's by design. It's "horses for courses".
Crop marks are only useful/relevant when you're preparing camera-ready copy and 
the final deliverable with be hard copy. Bookmarks are only useable when you're 
preparing an electronic deliverable (the PDF itself) that will be used 
interactively. If you're preparing camera-ready copy, hyperlinks and 
interactive features are useless and just get in the way in the printing 
process. When you're delivering an interactive document, it's really annoying 
for users to see a large page area with a small text area and crop marks, since 
that forces them to zoom in to make the text easier to read and then live have 
to scroll over large amounts of whitespace in the top and bottom page margins. 
If you select "Generate Acrobat Data" (i.e. enable interactive features), 
FrameMaker automatically disables crop marks, and vice versa. If you're 
generating PDFs for two disparate purposes, you should be generating two 
separate, optimized PDFs.
-Fred Ridder  

Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin Farwell

I'm not about to defend Parallels, as I have my own troubles with 
them, but I downloaded a version a few weeks ago and did not pay the 
download service fee. I just looked at the web site and found I could 
buy another copy, not that I would, without the service. Just click 
the "Remove" button on the right.


At 11:00 AM +1200 8/18/10, Alan T Litchfield wrote:
>On 18/08/2010, at 10:51 AM, Owen, Clint wrote:
>>I am not defending Apple, because I have not dealt with them, but this
>>could be a matter of terminology.
>Actually, nothing to do with Apple. And I have never had this 
>problem with them.
>This is these guys: http://www.parallels.com/
>>For some software that I have bought in the past, an "extended download
>>service" would let you download a fresh copy of your purchase for an
>>extended length of time. So, the standard price gives you 30 days or so
>>to download the product, but for a few dollars more you can get a new
>>copy six months from now if your system crashes and you lose your
>It seems that it is a "download fee" that is non-optional over and 
>above the purchase price. The alternative is to buy a disc at 
>21.26NZD. !!
>It is a con and was a hidden charge that appeared on the shopping 
>cart checkout screen.
>Alan T Litchfield
>PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
>New Zealand
>You are currently subscribed to framers as kevinf at dim.com.
>Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
>or visit http://lists.frameusers.com/mailman/options/framers/kevinf%40dim.com
>Send administrative questions to listadmin at frameusers.com. Visit
>http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

"Next Pgf Tag" instruction not working

2010-08-17 Thread Meyer, Bernard
Hello, Framers. Hoping you can help me diagnose an anomaly:
(I am using FM 8.0p273 on Windows XP Pro, vers. 2002, Service Pack 3.)
Our FM templates define paragraph tags named "FigureNumber" and "FigureTitle".
In the "FigureNumber" definition, the "Next Pgf Tag" box is checked and the 
specified following tag is "FigureTitle"
So, if I create a "FigureNumber" paragraph and hit , the next paragraph 
SHOULD automatically be a "FigureTitle".
However, what actually happens is that this just creates a second 
"FigureNumber" paragraph. Of course I can manually change it to what I 
intended, but I should not have to do this.
I had my colleagues try the same thing, both with existing files on their 
systems and with fresh copies of the template file. One person did not have 
this effect, the other two who responded had the same effect as I did.
I am completely nonplussed on this one.

Bernie Meyer
Concept Publications, Inc.

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield


Dang, excuse me while I wipe the egg off my face.

The little cross on the right was not that obvious, especially since I  
normally see remove links on the left, and written in text.


PS So to redress the issue, Parallels are a wonderful company and  
their products are simply the bestest :P

On 18/08/2010, at 11:28 AM, Kevin Farwell wrote:


I'm not about to defend Parallels, as I have my own troubles with  
them, but I downloaded a version a few weeks ago and did not pay the  
download service fee. I just looked at the web site and found I  
could buy another copy, not that I would, without the service. Just  
click the "Remove" button on the right.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Kevin Farwell


I'm not about to defend Parallels, as I have my own troubles with 
them, but I downloaded a version a few weeks ago and did not pay the 
download service fee. I just looked at the web site and found I could 
buy another copy, not that I would, without the service. Just click 
the "Remove" button on the right.


At 11:00 AM +1200 8/18/10, Alan T Litchfield wrote:

On 18/08/2010, at 10:51 AM, Owen, Clint wrote:


I am not defending Apple, because I have not dealt with them, but this
could be a matter of terminology.

Actually, nothing to do with Apple. And I have never had this 
problem with them.

This is these guys: http://www.parallels.com/

For some software that I have bought in the past, an "extended download
service" would let you download a fresh copy of your purchase for an
extended length of time. So, the standard price gives you 30 days or so
to download the product, but for a few dollars more you can get a new
copy six months from now if your system crashes and you lose your

It seems that it is a "download fee" that is non-optional over and 
above the purchase price. The alternative is to buy a disc at 
21.26NZD. !!

It is a con and was a hidden charge that appeared on the shopping 
cart checkout screen.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as kev...@dim.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit http://lists.frameusers.com/mailman/options/framers/kevinf%40dim.com

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

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or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

On 18/08/2010, at 10:51 AM, Owen, Clint wrote:


I am not defending Apple, because I have not dealt with them, but this
could be a matter of terminology.

Actually, nothing to do with Apple. And I have never had this problem  
with them.

This is these guys: http://www.parallels.com/

For some software that I have bought in the past, an "extended  

service" would let you download a fresh copy of your purchase for an
extended length of time. So, the standard price gives you 30 days or  

to download the product, but for a few dollars more you can get a new
copy six months from now if your system crashes and you lose your

It seems that it is a "download fee" that is non-optional over and  
above the purchase price. The alternative is to buy a disc at  
21.26NZD. !!

It is a con and was a hidden charge that appeared on the shopping cart  
checkout screen.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

RE: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Owen, Clint

I am not defending Apple, because I have not dealt with them, but this
could be a matter of terminology.

For some software that I have bought in the past, an "extended download
service" would let you download a fresh copy of your purchase for an
extended length of time. So, the standard price gives you 30 days or so
to download the product, but for a few dollars more you can get a new
copy six months from now if your system crashes and you lose your


Clint Owen | Sr. Technical Writer | Crane Aerospace & Electronics | +1
425 743 8674 | Fax: +1 425 743 8113

-Original Message-
From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Alan T
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:40 PM
To: Alan T Litchfield
Cc: framers@lists.frameusers.com List
Subject: Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

Rats. Forgot about image stripping.

Shopping Cart Checkout snaphot

Parallels Desktop 5  for Mac Upgrade, EN. Qty
1. Delivery: electronic71.11 NZD Extended
Download Service Qty



No prior mention of price loading, by the way.

On 18/08/2010, at 10:32 AM, Alan T Litchfield wrote:

> Yes, this is off topic.
> I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who 
> have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this 
> before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those 
> electronics all the way across the Pacific.
> I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading 
> from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.
> Alan
> --
> Alan T Litchfield
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
> New Zealand
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz/beatrice
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to framers as a...@alphabyte.co.nz.
> Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscr...@lists.frameusers.com
> or visit 
> http://lists.frameusers.com/mailman/options/framers/alan%40alphabyte.c
> o.nz
> Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit 
> http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


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Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
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Your feedback is of the utmost importance to us. Thank you for your time.

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The information contained in this email message may be privileged and is 
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employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient. Any 
unauthorized use, distribution or copying of this information is strictly 
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http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

On 18/08/2010, at 10:45 AM, Scott Prentice wrote:

Hi Alan...

I haven't experienced this, so can't help in that area .. but unless  
you're wedded to Parallels, I've been using VMWare Fusion for some  
time now with many versions of FM and Windows OSes with no problems.  
I'd compare the pricing to see if they have a similar policy/pricing.

Could be a possibility. There are others I work with that use it on  
various platforms. I am not that wedded to it apart from the fact that  
it's there. Pretty stink service really. :(

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

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or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Owen, Clint

I am not defending Apple, because I have not dealt with them, but this
could be a matter of terminology.

For some software that I have bought in the past, an "extended download
service" would let you download a fresh copy of your purchase for an
extended length of time. So, the standard price gives you 30 days or so
to download the product, but for a few dollars more you can get a new
copy six months from now if your system crashes and you lose your


Clint Owen | Sr. Technical Writer | Crane Aerospace & Electronics | +1
425 743 8674 | Fax: +1 425 743 8113

-Original Message-
From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com
[mailto:framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Alan T
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:40 PM
To: Alan T Litchfield
Cc: framers at lists.frameusers.com List
Subject: Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

Rats. Forgot about image stripping.

Shopping Cart Checkout snaphot

Parallels Desktop 5  for Mac Upgrade, EN. Qty
1. Delivery: electronic71.11 NZD Extended
Download Service Qty



No prior mention of price loading, by the way.

On 18/08/2010, at 10:32 AM, Alan T Litchfield wrote:

> Yes, this is off topic.
> I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who 
> have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this 
> before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those 
> electronics all the way across the Pacific.
> I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading 
> from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.
> Alan
> --
> Alan T Litchfield
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
> New Zealand
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz/beatrice
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to framers as alan at alphabyte.co.nz.
> Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
> or visit 
> http://lists.frameusers.com/mailman/options/framers/alan%40alphabyte.c
> o.nz
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at frameusers.com. Visit 
> http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as
Clint.Owen at craneaerospace.com.

Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
or visit

Send administrative questions to listadmin at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

We value your opinion!  How may we serve you better? 
Please click the survey link to tell us how we are doing:
Your feedback is of the utmost importance to us. Thank you for your time.

Crane Aerospace & Electronics Confidentiality Statement:
The information contained in this email message may be privileged and is 
confidential information intended only for the use of the recipient, or any 
employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient. Any 
unauthorized use, distribution or copying of this information is strictly 
and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please 
the sender immediately and destroy the original message and all attachments 
your electronic files.

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Scott Prentice

Hi Alan...

I haven't experienced this, so can't help in that area .. but unless 
you're wedded to Parallels, I've been using VMWare Fusion for some time 
now with many versions of FM and Windows OSes with no problems. I'd 
compare the pricing to see if they have a similar policy/pricing.



Alan T Litchfield wrote:

Yes, this is off topic.

I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who 
have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this 
before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those 
electronics all the way across the Pacific.

I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading 
from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand



You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

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or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Scott Prentice
Hi Alan...

I haven't experienced this, so can't help in that area .. but unless 
you're wedded to Parallels, I've been using VMWare Fusion for some time 
now with many versions of FM and Windows OSes with no problems. I'd 
compare the pricing to see if they have a similar policy/pricing.



Alan T Litchfield wrote:
> Yes, this is off topic.
> I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who 
> have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this 
> before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those 
> electronics all the way across the Pacific.
> I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading 
> from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan T Litchfield
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
> New Zealand
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz
> http://www.alphabyte.co.nz/beatrice

Re: Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

Rats. Forgot about image stripping.

Shopping Cart Checkout snaphot

Parallels Desktop 5  for Mac Upgrade, EN. Qty  
1. Delivery: electronic71.11 NZD
Extended Download  
Service Qty  


No prior mention of price loading, by the way.

On 18/08/2010, at 10:32 AM, Alan T Litchfield wrote:

Yes, this is off topic.

I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who  
have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this  
before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those  
electronics all the way across the Pacific.

I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading  
from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as a...@alphabyte.co.nz.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

On 18/08/2010, at 10:04 AM, Fred Ridder wrote:

Newbie Christine asked:

First-timer here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf  
with both bookmarks and cropmarks?

That's by design. It's "horses for courses".
Crop marks are only useful/relevant when you're preparing camera- 
ready copy and the final deliverable with be hard copy. Bookmarks  
are only useable when you're preparing an electronic deliverable  
(the PDF itself) that will be used interactively. If you're  
preparing camera-ready copy, hyperlinks and interactive features are  
useless and just get in the way in the printing process. When you're  
delivering an interactive document, it's really annoying for users  
to see a large page area with a small text area and crop marks,  
since that forces them to zoom in to make the text easier to read  
and then live have to scroll over large amounts of whitespace in the  
top and bottom page margins. If you select "Generate Acrobat  
Data" (i.e. enable interactive features), FrameMaker automatically  
disables crop marks, and vice versa. If you're generating PDFs for  
two disparate purposes, you should be generating two separate,  
optimized PDFs.

-Fred Ridder

Not strictly true however. I have done several projects over the past  
few years where the page size was smaller than A4 and the client  
wanted to print out hard copies for copy checkers to write on but  
needed to be aware of the page margins. They also wanted to check  
hyperlinks, bookmarks, etc.

I use 7.1 for these.

What I do is set the crop marks when I print to PS, and bookmarks are  
there too. Run the PS through Distiller and generate the PDF. When you  
open the PDF you will not see the crop marks but they are there  
between the art box and crop box. So to display the crop marks I open  
the PDF in Acrobat and change the settings in Advanced > Print  
Production > Crop Pages. This is Acrobat 9.3.3.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Off topic - Parallels price loading

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

Yes, this is off topic.

I am posting here because I know there are number of other users who  
have installed and use Parallels. Has anyone ever encountered this  
before? All I can say it must a heck of a lot to send those  
electronics all the way across the Pacific.

I can see no practical reason for charging a premium for downloading  
from outside the US. Hidden charges are very annoying and a con.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

RE: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Fred Ridder

Newbie Christine asked:

> First-timer here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with both 
> bookmarks and cropmarks?

That's by design. It's "horses for courses".
Crop marks are only useful/relevant when you're preparing camera-ready copy and 
the final deliverable with be hard copy. Bookmarks are only useable when you're 
preparing an electronic deliverable (the PDF itself) that will be used 
interactively. If you're preparing camera-ready copy, hyperlinks and 
interactive features are useless and just get in the way in the printing 
process. When you're delivering an interactive document, it's really annoying 
for users to see a large page area with a small text area and crop marks, since 
that forces them to zoom in to make the text easier to read and then live have 
to scroll over large amounts of whitespace in the top and bottom page margins. 
If you select "Generate Acrobat Data" (i.e. enable interactive features), 
FrameMaker automatically disables crop marks, and vice versa. If you're 
generating PDFs for two disparate purposes, you should be generating two 
separate, optimized PDFs.
-Fred Ridder  

You are currently subscribed to framers as arch...@mail-archive.com.

Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Fwd: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield

This is forwarded to include the mailing list.

Begin forwarded message:

Thanks Alan!

Sorry, yes, more info. Windows. FM 7.2.

All the bookmarks are set up along with the levels, etc. I can  
generate the bookmarks by themselves in a PDF. But as soon as I try  
to generate a pdf with both the bookmarks and the Tombo cropmarks, I  
only see the Tombo cropmarks in the pdf.

I've played with the paper sizes and I originally had 8.5 x 11 paper  
size (page size in the FM document was 7.5 x 8 or something like  

I continued to google this issue and came across a comment that  
someone said to keep making the paper size larger, such as tabloid  
paper size, and then generate the pdf and run through distiller.  
(When I do that I see my bookmarks but not the cropmarks.)

Then open up the pdf in Acrobat and then crop the pages to the  
desired page size. And sure enough, as soon as I did that, I saw the  

This seems like a very odd process to get the desired results. The  
client whose files these are only has FM version 7.1. We have 7.2.  
Client is on vacation so they can't answer our questions on how they  
generate their pdfs. I'm wondering if we are missing an update? Or  
we have installed an update that the client doesn't have?


-Original Message-
From: Alan T Litchfield [mailto:a...@alphabyte.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 4:39 PM
To: Christine Snow
Cc: framers@lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF


Cannot answer your question without further information.

Platform, what you did, etc.

Assume you have read the help on how to generate pdf files and  
bookmarks for example, this text is copied from the help:

To set bookmarks:

   1. In the PDF Setup dialog box, choose Bookmarks from the pop-up  
menu, or click the Bookmarks tab (Windows/UNIX).

   2. Select Generate PDF Bookmarks.
   3. To specify at which level bookmarks appear expanded in the  
exported PDF, select an option from the Bookmarks Expanded through  
Level pop-up menu. You can type a value, such as 2, to specify that  
you only want the top two levels expanded.
   4. To indicate which paragraphs should be converted to PDF  
bookmarks, move paragraph tags between scroll lists. The paragraphs  
in the Include Paragraphs scroll list will have bookmarks in the PDF  
file. To move a tag between scroll lists, select the tag and click  
an arrow or double-click the tag. To move all the tags from one  
scroll list to the other, Shift-click an arrow. To omit bookmarks,  
deselect Generate PDF Bookmarks.
   5. To change bookmark levels for the included paragraphs, select  
a paragraph tag and click a Bookmark Level arrow. To change the  
level of all items, Shift-click a Bookmark Level arrow. If the  
indent for a tag exceeds six levels, n> precedes the paragraph tag,  
where n is the indentation level of the paragraph tag.
   6. To include paragraph tags along with the paragraph text in the  
bookmarks, select Include Paragraph Tags in Bookmark Text. Use this  
option to check the assigned levels of bookmarks in a draft of the  
PDF file. (Deselect this option when you print the final draft of the

   7. Set up article threading by doing one of the following:
  * To have the reading order of each article follow the  
same order that the insertion point moves, select Articles and  
choose Thread by Column from the pop-up menu. This setting is  
usually the most appropriate in multicolumn formats.
  * To have the reading order of each article go from text  
frame to text frame, select Articles and choose Thread by Text Frame  
from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the most appropriate  
in single-column formats.

  * To create no article threads, deselect Articles.


On 18/08/2010, at 6:02 AM, Christine Snow wrote:

Hello all,

First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with
both bookmarks and cropmarks?



Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


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Re: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield


Cannot answer your question without further information.

Platform, what you did, etc.

Assume you have read the help on how to generate pdf files and  
bookmarks for example, this text is copied from the help:

To set bookmarks:

   1. In the PDF Setup dialog box, choose Bookmarks from the pop-up  
menu, or click the Bookmarks tab (Windows/UNIX).

   2. Select Generate PDF Bookmarks.
   3. To specify at which level bookmarks appear expanded in the  
exported PDF, select an option from the Bookmarks Expanded through  
Level pop-up menu. You can type a value, such as 2, to specify that  
you only want the top two levels expanded.
   4. To indicate which paragraphs should be converted to PDF  
bookmarks, move paragraph tags between scroll lists. The paragraphs in  
the Include Paragraphs scroll list will have bookmarks in the PDF  
file. To move a tag between scroll lists, select the tag and click an  
arrow or double-click the tag. To move all the tags from one scroll  
list to the other, Shift-click an arrow. To omit bookmarks, deselect  
Generate PDF Bookmarks.
   5. To change bookmark levels for the included paragraphs, select a  
paragraph tag and click a Bookmark Level arrow. To change the level of  
all items, Shift-click a Bookmark Level arrow. If the indent for a tag  
exceeds six levels, n> precedes the paragraph tag, where n is the  
indentation level of the paragraph tag.
   6. To include paragraph tags along with the paragraph text in the  
bookmarks, select Include Paragraph Tags in Bookmark Text. Use this  
option to check the assigned levels of bookmarks in a draft of the PDF  
file. (Deselect this option when you print the final draft of the  

   7. Set up article threading by doing one of the following:
  * To have the reading order of each article follow the same  
order that the insertion point moves, select Articles and choose  
Thread by Column from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the  
most appropriate in multicolumn formats.
  * To have the reading order of each article go from text  
frame to text frame, select Articles and choose Thread by Text Frame  
from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the most appropriate in  
single-column formats.

  * To create no article threads, deselect Articles.


On 18/08/2010, at 6:02 AM, Christine Snow wrote:

Hello all,

First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf  
with both bookmarks and cropmarks?



Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand


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http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Christine Snow
 Hello all,

First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with both 
bookmarks and cropmarks?




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Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

RE: Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Roger Shuttleworth
Hello Lief

The issue is, though, that you can't access the footnote number alone, since 
it's not defined in the footnote paragraph format. Any changes to the paragraph 
format are applied to the whole footnote, not just the number. As far as I can 
see, there is no way to format the number differently from the text. This 
appears to be so whether you are using structured or unstructured documents. 
I'd be happy to be proved wrong...


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

From: Lief Erickson [mailto:l...@networkinstruments.com]
To: Pat Christenson [mailto:pxen...@comcast.net], Frame Users 
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 09:50:52 -0400
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?
  To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 
  To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.
  -Original Message-
  From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Pat Christenson
  Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
  To: Frame Users
  Subject: Footnote color
  Hi -
  Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,  
  both in text and in the footnote?
  This email has been scanned. This e-mail (including any attachments) is 
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prohibited from using, copying or distributing the information in this e-mail 
or its attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify 
the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies of this message 
and any attachments.
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  Send list messages to fram...@lists.frameusers.com.
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  or visit 
  Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
  http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.


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Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com. Visit
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Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF

2010-08-17 Thread Christine Snow
 Hello all,

First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with both 
bookmarks and cropmarks?



Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Roger Shuttleworth
Hello Lief

The issue is, though, that you can't access the footnote number alone, since 
it's not defined in the footnote paragraph format. Any changes to the paragraph 
format are applied to the whole footnote, not just the number. As far as I can 
see, there is no way to format the number differently from the text. This 
appears to be so whether you are using structured or unstructured documents. 
I'd be happy to be proved wrong...


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

From: Lief Erickson [mailto:l...@networkinstruments.com]
To: Pat Christenson [mailto:pxenson at comcast.net], Frame Users 
[mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com]
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 09:50:52 -0400
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?

  To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 

  To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.


  -Original Message-
  From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com [mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Pat Christenson
  Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
  To: Frame Users
  Subject: Footnote color

  Hi -

  Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,  
  both in text and in the footnote?



  This email has been scanned. This e-mail (including any attachments) is 
confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended 
recipient or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are 
prohibited from using, copying or distributing the information in this e-mail 
or its attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify 
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  http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Lief Erickson
Ah, that wasn't clear to me that he wanted just the number in the footnote. I 
thought he wanted the entire footnote and the number in the text.

Hmmm. Yeah, I don't know how you'd color just the number in the footnote 
itself, unless you want a hack way to do it.

I could imagine that you could make the default Footnote paragraph tag the 
color that you want, then use a Character tag (called Black that is set to 
As-Is except for the color) to change the paragraph color back to black. Be 
sure there is a space at the end of your footnote that you do not select and 
include when applying your Character tag though.

Like I said, it's a bit of a hack, but does get you a colored number and black 
text in your footnotes.


From: Roger Shuttleworth [mailto:rshuttlewo...@avbasesystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:01 AM
To: Lief Erickson; Pat Christenson; Frame Users
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Hello Lief

The issue is, though, that you can't access the footnote number alone, since 
it's not defined in the footnote paragraph format. Any changes to the paragraph 
format are applied to the whole footnote, not just the number. As far as I can 
see, there is no way to format the number differently from the text. This 
appears to be so whether you are using structured or unstructured documents. 
I'd be happy to be proved wrong...


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

From: Lief Erickson [mailto:l...@networkinstruments.com]
To: Pat Christenson [mailto:pxenson at comcast.net], Frame Users 
[mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com]
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 09:50:52 -0400
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?

To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 

To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.


-Original Message-
From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com [mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of 
Pat Christenson
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Footnote color

Hi -

Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,
both in text and in the footnote?



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and any attachments.

Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Lief Erickson
Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?

To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 

To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.


-Original Message-
From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Pat Christenson
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Footnote color

Hi -

Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,  
both in text and in the footnote?



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or its attachments. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify 
the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies of this message 
and any attachments.

RE: Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Lief Erickson
Ah, that wasn't clear to me that he wanted just the number in the footnote. I 
thought he wanted the entire footnote and the number in the text.

Hmmm. Yeah, I don't know how you'd color just the number in the footnote 
itself, unless you want a hack way to do it.

I could imagine that you could make the default Footnote paragraph tag the 
color that you want, then use a Character tag (called Black that is set to 
As-Is except for the color) to change the paragraph color back to black. Be 
sure there is a space at the end of your footnote that you do not select and 
include when applying your Character tag though.

Like I said, it's a bit of a hack, but does get you a colored number and black 
text in your footnotes.


From: Roger Shuttleworth [mailto:rshuttlewo...@avbasesystems.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:01 AM
To: Lief Erickson; Pat Christenson; Frame Users
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Hello Lief

The issue is, though, that you can't access the footnote number alone, since 
it's not defined in the footnote paragraph format. Any changes to the paragraph 
format are applied to the whole footnote, not just the number. As far as I can 
see, there is no way to format the number differently from the text. This 
appears to be so whether you are using structured or unstructured documents. 
I'd be happy to be proved wrong...


Roger Shuttleworth
Technical Documentation
AV-BASE Systems Inc.
1000 Air Ontario Drive, Suite 200
London, Ontario
N5V 3S4
Tel. 519 691-0919 ext. 330

From: Lief Erickson [mailto:l...@networkinstruments.com]
To: Pat Christenson [mailto:pxen...@comcast.net], Frame Users 
Sent: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 09:50:52 -0400
Subject: RE: Footnote color

Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?

To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 

To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.


-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Pat Christenson
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Footnote color

Hi -

Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,
both in text and in the footnote?



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RE: Footnote color

2010-08-17 Thread Lief Erickson
Do you want the color applied universally to all footnotes through a template 
or do you want each footnote to have its own color?

To apply color to all footnotes, simply change the color of your Footnote tag 
in your template. You could also apply color on a one-off basis, but that 
creates paragraph overrides -- something most FrameMaker users usually want to 

To apply color to the Footnote number, I think you'll need to create a 
Character tag that is the color that you want and apply that Character tag to 
the number.


-Original Message-
From: framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Pat Christenson
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:32 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Footnote color

Hi -

Is there a way to automatically apply a color to a footnote number,  
both in text and in the footnote?



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