RE: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-08-01 Thread Fred Ridder

Alternative #5 is to leave the taskbar (its official name, BTW) unlocked
at at its normal bottom of the window position, but to grab its top
edge and window-shade it down to its minimum height (just a few
pixels--only big enough to allow you to grab the edge again when you
want to restore the taskbar) if you have dropped any FrameMaker
window with its title bar concealed behind the taskbar. Then when
you need the taskbar again, just grab its top edge and window-shade
it back to the desired height (1-row, 2-row, whatever). Takes almost
no time and minimal effort.

-Fred Ridder

To: Dennis Davideit [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: RE: Special  Marker dialog box has disappeared
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:09:23 -0700

Hi Dennis -
I've followed this with interest because I am plagued with the same  issue 
(and so are others I work with). It's not a problem with FM,  it's a 
bug/flaw in the Windows desktop - at least in XP.
Let's assume you work with the Windows toolbar (or tray, or whatever  you 
call it) at the bottom of the screen and you have it set to  Always in 
If you grab a window/dialog/whatever by the strip above the title bar  and 
drag it to the very bottom of the screen, you still have control  of it 
even when the top of the window is behind the toolbar. When you  drop it, 
the window/dialog/whatever is hidden behind the toolbar and  is 
irretrievable except by the alt + space, m trick. This is a bug in  the 
Windows desktop design.  Rather than fix it by not allowing you  to drag 
the top of a window completely behind the toolbar, MS offers  a couple of 
options - (1) Autohide tool bar - (extremely annoying,  IMHO), (2) keep 
toolbar in back (better, but then you hide the  toolbar with your document 
rather than the other way around), (3)  move the toolbar to one of the 
sides (not so good since I usually  want to preserve as much screen width 
as possible, or (4) put toolbar  at top (I've just recently started doing 
this). In the last case, you  can still move the very top of your 
document/window/dialog/whatever  behind the toolbar, but it's obviously not 
hidden when you drop it -  just not grabbable. Time for alt + space, m.

If you have every used a Mac with OS-X, you'll note that the toolbar  has a 
transparency setting, so you can tell if anything is lurking  behind the 
toolbar. Moveover, MacOS will _not_ allow you to drag and  drop the top of 
your document behind the toolbar. As soon as you drop  it, the OS-X 
repositions the top of the doc just above the toolbar.  Problem solved.  
Now if we could just get Adobe to support FM on OS-X.

Don't know how this problem is dealt with on Vista - I'll check it  out in 
about 5 years.

Will White
(writing from home on a Mac)

There is something fascinating about science.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture
out of such a trifling investment of fact. - Twain


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Re: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-08-01 Thread Whites

On Jul 31, 2007, at 11:55 PM, Fred Ridder wrote:

Alternative #5 is to leave the taskbar (its official name, BTW)
[Thanks for the correction. I had the feeling that I was not using  
the proper term.]

at at its normal bottom of the window position, but to grab its top
edge and window-shade it down to its minimum height (just a few
pixels--only big enough to allow you to grab the edge again when you
want to restore the taskbar) if you have dropped any FrameMaker
window with its title bar concealed behind the taskbar. Then when
you need the taskbar again, just grab its top edge and window-shade
it back to the desired height (1-row, 2-row, whatever). Takes almost
no time and minimal effort.

I might give this a try if I get tired of the taskbar being at the  
top of the window. However, it involves more use of the mouse - which  
I try to minimize.
I would still welcome some clever person coming up with a force to  
center option in FM. On the other hand, once one knows of the  
workarounds, the cruddy implementation of taskbar behavior in XP is  
no big deal.

will white

There is something fascinating about science.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture
out of such a trifling investment of fact. - Twain


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Re: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-08-01 Thread Peter Gold
You can drag the Windows taskbar to a vertical position. I always use
mine there, to recover vertical space in the window; I also use my
Mac's Dock vertically, for the same reason.




Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

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RE: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-07-26 Thread Dennis Davideit

Thanks for the suggestion. My system must have some
other problem, because the change made no difference:
the Marker dialog box still does not appear.

For what it's worth, here are the values in my
DialogLayout section of maker.ini:

;--Dialog  Window layout --
MakerWin=3, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 640, 400
PCatalog=500, 40, 130, 180
CCatalog=500, 220, 130, 180
Tools=600, 20
Equation=0, 20
Spell=0, 20
PFormat=7, 43
CFormat=0, 20
Search=0, 20
Table=7, 63
Ruling=0, 20
Markers=200, 200
Hypertext=0, 20
CondText=0, 20
Numbering=0, 20
Help=0, 20
Thesaurus=0, 20
TemplateBrowser=0, 20
VQuickAccessBar=0, 20
ECatalog=500, 50, 130, 350


--- Combs, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dennis Davideit wrote:
  A couple week ago, my Marker dialog box suddenly
  disappeared. That is, when I click Special 
 Marker, the 
  Marker dialog box does not appear.
  The other dialogs in the Special menu display
  (Anchored Frame, Cross Reference, etc).
 You probably inadvertently moved it off-screen. Or
 maybe changed your
 display resolution to the same effect. To fix it,
 open maker.ini in a
 text editor. In the [DialogLayout] section, there is
 a line like this:
 Markers=997, 400 
 Your numbers are probably different (bigger). They
 specify the location
 on screen of the upper left corner of the dialog. I
 don't recall if it's
 horizontal, then vertical, or the other way around.
 Change them to
 something reasonable, like:
 Markers=200, 200
 Save and close maker.ini, and start (or restart) FM.
 That should fix it.
 Richard G. Combs
 Senior Technical Writer
 Polycom, Inc.
 richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
 rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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Re: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-07-26 Thread Ian Hawkins

Here is another possible solution that doesn't require editing maker.ini.

Open the marker dialog. Even though you can't see it, it's probably there.

Press Alt+Space. This is a Windows shortcut that gives you keyboard 
control of windows and dialogs.

Press m (for move).

Either use the arrow keys to move the dialog or immediately click and 
drag. Don't move the mouse before clicking. By default, when you press 
m, the mouse pointer is placed on the title bar of the active window, 
so you can drag even though you can't see the title bar. You can 
experiment with some of the dialog boxes that are visible, just to see 
how the procedure works.

Good luck!

Mike Wickham wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion. My system must have some
other problem, because the change made no difference:
the Marker dialog box still does not appear.


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RE: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-07-26 Thread Lester C. Smalley
One caution:

if FrameMaker is running when you edit the .INI file your changes will
be lost when you exit Frame.

FM loads the ini settings into memory on startup and rewrites the file
on exit so that things like the last files opened list, customizable
zoom percentages, locations of windows, etc., accurately reflect the
last choices you made.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2007 06:07 PM, Dennis Davideit wrote:

| Richard,
| Thanks for the suggestion. My system must have some
| other problem, because the change made no difference:
| the Marker dialog box still does not appear.
| ...
| dennis

- Lester 
Lester C. Smalley  Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com   
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712
Yorklyn, DE  19736   Web:   

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RE: Special Marker dialog box has disappeared

2007-07-25 Thread Combs, Richard
Dennis Davideit wrote:
 A couple week ago, my Marker dialog box suddenly 
 disappeared. That is, when I click Special  Marker, the 
 Marker dialog box does not appear.
 The other dialogs in the Special menu display correctly 
 (Anchored Frame, Cross Reference, etc).

You probably inadvertently moved it off-screen. Or maybe changed your
display resolution to the same effect. To fix it, open maker.ini in a
text editor. In the [DialogLayout] section, there is a line like this:

Markers=997, 400 

Your numbers are probably different (bigger). They specify the location
on screen of the upper left corner of the dialog. I don't recall if it's
horizontal, then vertical, or the other way around. Change them to
something reasonable, like:

Markers=200, 200

Save and close maker.ini, and start (or restart) FM. That should fix it.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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