[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9316: Unify folder implementations

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9316: Unify folder implementations
 Reporter:  smcmahon|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Old description:

 ,,Copied from [http://plone.org/products/plone/roadmap/191/ PLIP #191] in
 the roadmap:,,

 = Unify folder implementations =

 ''We currently have Folder and Large Plone Folder implementations.
 There should be only one.''

  Proposed by::
Martin Aspeli
  Seconded by::
Andreas Zeidler
  Proposal type::
  Repository branch::
[browser:plone.folder], [browser:plone.app.folder]

 == Motivation ==

 Shipping with two folder types is unnecessary for several reasons:
  - It forces the user to make an a-priori choice about the number of
 objects they plan to put into a folder
  - We ship with the Large type disabled by default to avoid UI
  - We don't have a proper search-based UI for large folders anyway

 Also the standard Folder type stores attributes, and has a single list
 _objects tuple which keeps the list of objects and order. This is prone
 to ConflictErrors and is slower. In simple benchmarks, a BTree-based
 folder performs orders of magnitude faster than a basic folder.

 == Proposal ==

 Have a single folder implementation.
  - The internal storage is BTrees
  - It still supports ordering, by storing a separate sort order list/tree
  - It has at least two views - one search-based for large folders, one
 batch-based for small folders. This is either just a display menu
 choice, or a choice in the object's schema. Explicit sorting may be
 turned off for large folders.

 == Implementation ==

 The package `plone.folder` in the Plone SVN provides a base
 implementation of a folder base class, which is not Archetypes specific,
 based on BTreeFolder2, but adding ordering. The exact ordering
 implementation is left up to an adapter, with a default providing
 explicit ordering. This allows other implementations, such as auto-
 sorting based on some key.

 The diagram below shows the folderish base- and mix-in classes used in
 OFS, CMF, Archetypes and Plone. Count 'em:


 The new base class from `plone.folder`, i.e. `OrderedBTreeFolderBase`, is
 used by `plone.app.folder` to provide two folderish classes, one targeted
 to  `Archetypes` (`BaseBTreeFolder`) as well as one for `ATContentTypes`
 (`ATFolder`).  Both add relatively little extra code and setup in order
 to make them fully compatible with the original, to be replaced classes.

 The package also provides a `GenericSetup` profile replacing the standard
 Folder content type with the new one.  In-place migration will convert
 the internal data-structures when upgrading to use the new folders.  Such
 migration code (including thorough tests) already exists in a project-
 specific package, and just needs to be moved into `plone.folder` itself.
 The migration runs relatively fast |---| in several performance tests
 about 13,000 folders holding some 200,000 items in total were migrated in
 about 5 minutes.

   .. |---| unicode:: U+2014  .. em dash

 The Container type in `plone.app.content` does not use BTrees, nor does
 it support ordering. Rather than changing this class and providing
 migration, we could add a new type, e.g. called `OrderedContainer` or
 just `Folder` (to signify closer resemblance to the standard folder
 behaviour) that mixes in the new class instead of `PortalFolder`.

 In addition, `plone.folder` also provides an ordering adapter, which only
 considers certain content to be orderable (implemented via marker
 interfaces).  This allows for ordering of content that requires it, for
 example navigational items, without any added performance penalties if
 those share a folder with other, non-orderable content in large

 == Deliverables ==

  - New folderish base classes that are BTree-based and support large
 content sets as well as ordering.
  - Improved `Products.ATContentTypes.content.ATFolder` and
 `Products.ATContentTypes.content.ATBTreeFolder` versions which use BTrees
 and supports ordering.
  - New class plone.app.content.container.Folder (?) that uses BTrees and
 supports ordering.
  - The ability to switch to a folder view/behaviour that's optimised for
 large content sets.
  - In-place Migration for all existing sites.

 == Risks ==

  - There may be migration issues involved for derived folderish types
 with additional data-structures regarding containment and/or ordering.
  - This vision makes the existing `BaseBTreeFolder` in Archetypes
 orderable (though in some UI configurations you may not see the ordering,
 to prevent the user invoking 

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  focusarea   |  

Old description:

 == task description ==

* create an integration package for zodb blob support for plone
* implement a new content type intended to be used to store binary
* provide a sub-type layer to allow this type to mimick the existing
 ATFile and ATImage types
* provide migration tools to allow existing content to be converted to
 use zodb blobs
* provide hooks for 3rd-party products to use a blob-aware AT-field
 and add additional sub-types and migrations
* document the setup, migration as well as best practices of how to
 use the integration layer with custom types

 == deliverables ==

* an add-on package for plone 3.0/3.1 providing blob support for
 existing sites (incl. migration)
* a core package intended to be shipped with plone 4.0 (or a release
 based on zope 2.11)
* documentation for users, site integrators as well as developers,
 i.e. various howtos
* perhaps also a wsgi layer helping to overcome the blocking problem
 due to the limited number of threads in the zope2 publisher

 == success would look like... ==

* lots of plone sites start using zodb blobs and migrate their
 existing content from standard AT types (or other blob solutions)
* add-on packages adopt the sub-typing approach for their content
 types, e.g. the plone4artists suite
* people start using alternative file-systems for their blob storages,
 e.g. amazon s3, linux drbd, coda, gfs etc
* the confusion about the various existing other blob solutions and
 which of them to use vanishes and people are referring to zodb blob (and
 the above mentioned integration package) when they talk about blobs
* the zope2 thread blocking issue has become a non-issue, since
 people are running repoze anyway...

 == current status ==

* the integration package is already half-way there — it is called
 [http://plone.org/products/plone.app.blob plone.app.blob] and lives in
 the plone [http://dev.plone.org/plone/browser/plone.app.blob/ svn
* a [http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/6805 trac ticket] was abused as
 some sort of progress log and to discuss things — it contains a lot of
 technical details for the interested reader (but also a lot of redundancy
* the package provides a new content type that can be used as a drop-
 in replacement for ATFile
* it also provides a migration path for existing ATFile content
* a lot of people have helped with testing the package and it is
 already used in a few production sites
* thanks to a generous sponsorship of headnet there's a working branch
 supporting plone 2.5
* thanks to the tireless efforts of enfoldsystems it also works on
 windows as of recently
* several buildouts (based on ploneout and plone.recipe.plone) are
* however, support for mimicking ATImage content is still missing

 == timeline ==

* next week will see a first beta release including some recent
* after that i'll start working on image support, which should be
 ready by the end of march
* rc and 1.0 final releases in april

 i would be glad to hear your concerns, suggestions and questions about
 this.  also testing the package and providing feedback would be of great
 value!  and last but not least, if you'd like to participate in the
 development please contact me directly via email.



New description:

 ,,Copied in part from [http://plone.org/products/plone/roadmap/154/ PLIP
 #154] in the roadmap:,,

 = Large file handling =

 ''It is possible to configure Zope to work with very large files, but the
 out-of-the-box story is not terribly great. It should be obvious how to
 configure Plone so that it can handle large volumes of MS Office, PDF or
 media files, for example.''

  Proposed by::
Martin Aspeli
  Seconded by::
Martijn Pieters
  Proposal type::
  Repository branch::
[browser:plone.app.blob], [browser:plone.app.imaging]

 == Motivation ==

 In many ways, Plone is well-suited to document management and the
 management of files in general. Tools such as `ExternalEditor` and `Enfold
 Desktop` make this even more true. However, due to the way the ZODB works,
 large files can be problematic to work with — if you're not careful, your
 ZODB could balloon because each change to a file revisions the whole

 There are solutions to this problem, which usually involve storing some
 content outside the ZODB. However, the out-of-the-box story in Plone isn't
 good enough. It 

[Framework-Team] PLIPs 7822 (blob support) and 9316 (unified folders) ready for review...

2009-08-16 Thread Andreas Zeidler

hi framework team,

here's a heads-up regarding my PLIPs:

#7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
#9316: Unify folder implementations

both PLIPs still need upgrades and fixes wrt plone 4.0, but are in a  
reviewable state nevertheless.  or so i think.  the main reason for  
this is that the packages behind these PLIPs —  
`plone.app.blob`(+`plone.app.imaging`) and `plone.folder` 
+`plone.app.folder` — were originally developed as add-ons for plone  
3.x.  all of them are in a near-finished state as such, and are (or  
will be as of wednesday) in production use.

however, changes in the way the test setup works in zope 2.12 (the  
`custom_zodb.py` trick doesn't seem to be supported anymore) as well  
as a project deadline have so far prevented me from making the  
necessary fixes regarding plone 4.0.  as the functionality provided  
will not change anymore, i think an initial review could already be  
conducted anyway.

i've update the respective PLIP tickets to reflect the current state,  
and will add review notes as well as make the necessary fixes to let  
the tests pass again asap.  iow, sorry about being late!  i hope you  
will accept the state of the PLIP packages wrt plone 3.x as a good  
enough reason to consider reviewing them and allow me a few more days  
to catch up with the upgrades made for plone 4.0.



zeidler it consulting - http://zitc.de/ - i...@zitc.de
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at http://zitc.de/pgp - http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net/
plone 3.3rc5 released! -- http://plone.org/products/plone/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9352: combination of search results plips

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9352: combination of search results plips
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner:  elvix   
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution:  

Old description:

 This PLIP is a combination of the two accepted PLIP's about the search
 results page. Tickets #9271 and #9282 by Laurens Kling and Geir Baekholt.

 == Motivation ==

 “Search-dominant” navigating is one of the three popular ways to reach
 goals on a website. Search isn't just useful for finding content, it's
 how many people navigate. The search of Plone could do better to help
 these people. Here are some small adjustments that could help out big
 time. (this PLIP is only about normal search, not advanced or live
 Plone uses search extensively. The search forms and results have,
 however, not been improved in a long time. There are several small steps
 that can be done to make the presentation of search results much more
 comfortable and practical to use.

 == Proposal ==

 - Location (path/URL) One of the main things the search results are
 missing is the location of the item. If you archive old items in folders
 called 'archive', try searching that one archive folder you are looking
 for. Adding the location (URL) gives users feed forward about the item.
 Google has a nice url display in green. This one can possibly (depending
 on performance impact) be improved even further by listing the titles of
 containing folders rather than their path.

 - Relevance. I have never understood the relevance of showing the
 relevance. It just adds noise and doesn't help the user. Sorting by
 relevance helps, not printing the relevance.

 - Search only in current section. Plone gives the opportunity to search
 within current section, which sadly is gone on the new plone.org. When
 checked, the resultpage doesn't give any feedback that the results are
 only from the certain section. It also doesn't give the opportunity to
 search again within this section. Adding a simple line states “searched
 in section” and a checkbox to search within it again could solve this.

 - Sorting. The search results can't be sorted in any way at the moment.
 Sort by: relevance (i.e the default), date (newest first), alphabetically

 - easy-to-read dates: Last modified Nov 10, 2007 10:43 PM is painful to
 read. Last modified 2 weeks ago makes sense when you read results and
 is more scannable.

 - Left align the description with the title, so the results are less
 painful to read.

 == Deliverables ==

 - A search results view that supports sorting

 - Updated ZPT and CSS for presenting the search results

 == Risks ==

 Potential of small performance loss by looking up real names and folder

 Search should stay as easy as possible. Adding checkboxes to (normal)
 search makes it bigger then “just type and press enter”. If the the
 checkbox is unchecked by default this is still a simple searchbar, so I
 do not see any problems. Sorting search results will make the page need
 adjustments, there has to come a good UI for it.

 == Progress ==

 Prototyped in static HTML

New description:

 This PLIP is a combination of the two accepted PLIP's about the search
 results page. Tickets #9271 and #9282 by Laurens Kling and Geir Baekholt.

 == Motivation ==

 “Search-dominant” navigating is one of the three popular ways to reach
 goals on a website. Search isn't just useful for finding content, it's how
 many people navigate. The search of Plone could do better to help these
 people. Here are some small adjustments that could help out big time.
 (this PLIP is only about normal search, not advanced or live search).
 Plone uses search extensively. The search forms and results have, however,
 not been improved in a long time. There are several small steps that can
 be done to make the presentation of search results much more comfortable
 and practical to use.

 == Proposal ==

 - Location (path/URL) One of the main things the search results are
 missing is the location of the item. If you archive old items in folders
 called 'archive', try searching that one archive folder you are looking
 for. Adding the location (URL) gives users feed forward about the item.
 Google has a nice url display in green. This one can possibly (depending
 on performance impact) be improved even further by listing the titles of
 containing folders rather than their path.

 - Relevance. I have never understood the relevance of showing the
 relevance. It just adds noise and doesn't help the user. Sorting by
 relevance helps, not printing the relevance.

 - Search only in current section. Plone gives the opportunity to search
 within current section, which sadly is gone on the new plone.org. When

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9327: unified interface for lists of content

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9327: unified interface for lists of content
 Reporter:  elvix   |Owner:  elvix   
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by elvix):


Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9327#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9330: Add ability to choose role when adding new site members

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9330: Add ability to choose role when adding new site members
 Reporter:  aclark   |Owner:  aclark  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by aclark):

 (In [29055]) First cut adding role selection to join form, refs #9330,
 wherein we protect the field by checking for manager role (so only
 managers get the choice) as well as populate the vocab via
 context/getGlobalSiteRoles and select 'Member' as the default. Next up:
 make it work.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9330#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: PLIPs 7822 (blob support) and 9316 (unified folders) ready for review...

2009-08-16 Thread Andreas Zeidler

On Aug 17, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

here's a heads-up regarding my PLIPs:

   #7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
   #9316: Unify folder implementations

both PLIPs still need upgrades and fixes wrt plone 4.0, but are in a  
reviewable state nevertheless.

after r29056 all `plone.app.folder` and `plone.folder` tests do also  
pass on plone 4.0.  the latter are only found when using `bin/instance  
test -s plone.folder` (i.e. not with `bin/test -s plone.folder`) for  
some reason, but i guess this doesn't matter too much atm.  my guess  
is that this might be the case, because they're all unit tests.  in  
any case, PLIP 9316 is ready for review now, pending the required  
review notes.  i'll put those together tomorrow.

also, some manual tests indicate that blob support is also working as  
expected in plone 4.0, which means that the failing tests are very  
likely only caused by the differences in test setup.  as i said, i'll  
try to fix this asap, but the package itself can be reviewed (and  
tested ttw).  review notes are also still missing here, sorry.

good night,


zeidler it consulting - http://zitc.de/ - i...@zitc.de
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at http://zitc.de/pgp - http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net/
plone 3.3rc5 released! -- http://plone.org/products/plone/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members
 Reporter:  aclark   |Owner:  aclark  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by aclark):

 (In [29057]) Errr, what I mean to say is, first cut adding group selection
 to join form, refs #9330, wherein we protect the field by checking for
 manager role (so only managers get the choice) as well as populate the
 vocab via context/portal_groups/getGroupIds and select
 'AuthenticatedUsers' as the default. Next up: make it work.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9330#comment:26
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9316: Unify folder implementations

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9316: Unify folder implementations
 Reporter:  smcmahon|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by witsch):

 (In [29060]) add [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.folder
 plone.app.folder] as a dependency to `Plone`  update the FTI for Folder
 content to use the new implementation (refs #9316)

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9316#comment:23
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9316: Unify folder implementations

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9316: Unify folder implementations
 Reporter:  smcmahon|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by witsch):

 (In [29061]) add review notes for PLIP #9316 (refs #9316)

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9316#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9285: Show blocked portlets in management interface

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9285: Show blocked portlets in management interface
 Reporter:  igbun  |Owner:  igbun   
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Templates/CSS  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  portlets   |  

Comment(by igbun):

 This PLIP is ready for review.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9285#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members
 Reporter:  aclark   |Owner:  aclark  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by aclark):

 (In [29069]) Make input name something we can look for in the request,
 e.g. group.Administrators, group.Reviewers (refs #9330).

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9330#comment:28
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#9330: Add ability to choose group when adding new site members
 Reporter:  aclark   |Owner:  aclark  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by aclark):

 (In [29070]) W00t, first working cut, refs #9330.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9330#comment:29
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8801: Move action icon support into actions, deprecate CMFActionIcons (was: Move action icon support into actions, remove CMFActionIcons)

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#8801: Move action icon support into actions, deprecate CMFActionIcons
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by davisagli):

 Updating the title to more accurately reflect the nature of the revised

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8801#comment:21
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[Framework-Team] Status of PLIP 9315 — New th eme for Plone 4

2009-08-16 Thread Alexander Limi
I ran into unexpected problems today while trying to wrap up my PLIP for the
review today — in short, there doesn't seem to be any (!) way to get any
version of Plone running on OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) at the moment: The
Unified Installers fail, buildout-based install fails, and any combination
of MacPorts Python (current release, trunk from their SVN), binary Python
and GCC (4.0, 4.2) versions fail while compiling parts of Zope.

I spent 6 hours today with the help of messieurs Glick, Steele and McMahon
today trying to make it work, but there's something very weird going on (for
example, the Acquisition egg compiles properly, but after reporting that
it's successfully compiled, can't be found — if you're interested, here's
the output http://pastebin.com/m6df313f). (And if you know what's going on
here, it would be great if you can help out, since we also need to solve
this — preferrably before Snow Leopard is released, which may be as soon as
end of this month.)

Since I have fully migrated to Snow Leopard on my work laptop as part of
testing Firefox on 10.6 (and that happened just before my vacation), I need
to locate a computer that runs OS 10.5 before I can put together the running
version of the theme product.

Here's what I put together before I went on vacation, and that I have on my
laptop at the moment:

   - An updated main_template that uses HTML5 (XHTML variant) that adds
   various structural elements like sidebar and various other cleanups. No
   changes to class/ID structure so far, though — so existing themes should
   work. (the only exception is if they do stuff like table.* in CSS, ie.
   depend on the tag instead of the class/ID name). HTML5 renders fine in all
   browsers, btw — they just don't style the new elements, which we aren't
   putting visual styles on anyway.
   - A tested, robust grid system (the same as I have shown at Plone
   Symposium East, and that we'll use for Plone 5) that supports both fixed and
   fluid widths. No tables in the layout anymore. Works in IE6 too.
   - A new design from Iain
   that I have implemented as a static HTML version on top of the Plone markup
   (with the main_template changes. Note that the typography and pull-down menu
   will be different — closer to what you see on plone.org right now.
   - A new CSS that implement's Iain's layout with the changes discussed in
   the ticket. Still missing are things like print CSS and (if I get the time)
   a mobile/iPhone stylesheet using the @media selector.
   - CSS doesn't use base_properties, but is color-neutral except for a
   couple of properties (e.g. link color) that are pulled out separately to the
   top of the CSS file, so they are easy to override, should you need to. No
   DTML magic.
   - Three-column layout approach is intact for Plone 4, we'll move to a
   freer layout as part of Plone 5, so no change here either.
   - A theme skeleton —
that Denys checked in for me while I was flying across the Atlantic.
   Unfortunately this is just a blank skeleton still, since I can't get Plone
   running at the moment.

What's missing was to pull these together on top of the current Plone 4
checkout, which should take 4-6 hours including basic testing to have
something ready for the first review deadline. I completed the core of the
work before I went on vacation, and knew that I would only have one day when
returning from vacation to put together the package, so I had the entire day
reserved to complete the actual theme product. Unfortunately, there seems to
be no way I can get Plone running on my current laptop, so I have to find
another computer to do it on.

I'm going to humbly (and embarrassingly) ask for your permission to submit
my PLIP for review late — I have access to a computer running OS X 10.5
tomorrow, so I will most likely have it ready by the end of Monday/Tuesday.
I assume you have enough to do the first 24 hours of the PLIP submission
deadline that it won't feel like you're lacking things to do in the
meantime. :)

It sucks, and I'm sorry — I really didn't expect this to be an issue at all.

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net
Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8801: Move action icon support into actions, deprecate CMFActionIcons

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#8801: Move action icon support into actions, deprecate CMFActionIcons
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by davisagli):

 (In [29081]) Notes for the action icons plip (refs #8801).  This PLIP is
 ready for review.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8801#comment:22
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[Framework-Team] PLIP 9321 (searchform) ready for review

2009-08-16 Thread Carsten Senger

Hi all,

the Implementation for PLIP 9321: Reimplement the search form with an eye
on usability
is ready for review.

Plip ticket: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9321
(Note: The final Proposal is


The Notes to the implementation are here:


Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8802: Move our upgrade / migration infrastructure to GenericSetup

2009-08-16 Thread plip-advisories
#8802: Move our upgrade / migration infrastructure to GenericSetup
 Reporter:  hannosch   |Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  assigned 
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Upgrade/Migration  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by davisagli):

 (In [29084]) notes for the GS-based upgrades PLIP (refs #8802). This PLIP
 is ready for review.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8802#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list