Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer

2004-07-28 Thread DK
--- Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - Installing Packages is nice & easy & straight forward from the
> docs(should be more of these!)
> > - Installing ports/packages via ftp/net - Forget it!!
> > I have barely got BSD running, the last thing I want is connecting a BSD 
> > box to my broadband
> > connection ?? Does BSD have a default firewall ?? Don't know, having 
> > trouble installing stuff let
> > alone configuring a firewall via scripts/files
> You are probably better off and more secure with an initial install, with
> no additional work or tweaking, of FreeBSD on the net than you would be
> with a MS system with every know "fix" available.   The system is 
> inherently more secure and in addition - and maybe partially because of
> this - fewer, by far,  attempts at cracking FreeBSD are made than are
> made against MS systems.  Some of this is, of course, because there are
> much fewer FreeBSD systems out there to tempt kiddies.  But, the fact
> that cracking FreeBSD is more difficult contributes to this effect.

So if I do a default install of FreeBSD & then connect to the net for
ports/packages, is there a default firewall running in the background ??

> > Then its going step by step with the install guides & when I try to install
> MySQL, I type #
> > groupadd mysql & I get "command not found" ... ??? no idea, I am following
> the install guides...
> > now if I am doing the same as everyone else with a fresh install of BSD,
> why is it no one else
> > gets groupadd mysql "command not found" ??
> What does "commmand not found" sound like it means?
> The shell doesn't know how to find the command you typed in.
> Either you didn't update your search path to include the directory
> it is in or it didn't get installed correctly where it should be.
> Probably the first is true.  So, find out where it should be and
> add that directory to the path.   See man path.

thnx, will check out the path.

> Again, you are much safer on the net with a FreeBSD system.
> Just do it.   I do all my installs over the net.
> Do use appropriate precautions such as ssh instead of telnet and ssl
> protected sites where possible and check md5-s of downloaded files.
> But, don't let it stop you from using it with FreeBSD.

Do you install FreeBSD first & connect to the net for ports/packages, or
install the actual FreeBSD OS from the /stand/sysinstall & select the net ??

> It sounds a lot like you may have some processes wanting to check
> themselves via the net upon startup that are holding things up
> during boot.   They will each wait until they time out before
> things move on.   I have several dual-boot machines, WinXP/FreeBSD,
> Win2k/FreeBSd and Win95/FreeBSD and they all boot in about the same
> amount of time with the FreeBSD being maybe a mite faster to get to
> my login than the MS stuff being able to get to a state where I can
> actually do something - eg not just getting the spash screen or background
> displayed.   So, either plug in the net or disable those utilities that
> want to talk and try things again.

My bootup is fine, its the BSD+wmaker running & opening nedit & a cmd prompts
that are slower than Windows 2000 ?? any suggestions as to why ??

Kind regards,


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Re: Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread DK
--- Guillermo_García-Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an old Pentium-MMX 200 Mhz and 40Mb RAM, 1 Gb HD.
> Can you put Windows 2000 on it?
> I don't think so.

MY setup test box is:
Pentium 200Mhz
16MB TNT Graphics Card
Windows 2000 runs rock solid & fast on my 17inch monitor :)

... & 1GIG is more than enough for Windows 2000 with about 600MB to spare

> Did I mention I have no monitor???
> I do not need it, so I do not need a GUI
> Can you live without your Windows 2000 GUI? Can you work without it?

Why would I want to... a GUI makes life easier & makes my ability to do work
more productive :)

> What if some big company ask you to work for them, but they have UNIX
> systems, are you prepared or can you handle that work?

Any OS will take me about 1 week to get up to speed - if its a MS product,
about 2 days :)

> One more thing, my OpenBSD 3.5 costs me $0, FreeBSD price is $0 too.
> Did you spend the same amount of money on your Windows 2000??

Yea 0$ - all my software is War... *cough* ... donated

Kind Regards,


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Re: df shows bogus values on gbde'd partitions

2004-07-28 Thread Kentucky Mandeloid Mo.

> In all seriousness, I've never seen this but almost choked when I saw the
> numbers. Hope someone can help. BTW, what does the .bde stand for after
> the slice/partition?

.bde means an attached crypted partiotoin.
See gbde(8) on 5.x.

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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread DK
--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > .. I know its hard for people to swallow, but MS Windows IS easier to
> > use than BSD/Linux/OSX ...  thats WHY its the most widely
> > used regardless of marketing/costs etc ...
> Yes, I know.  Windows is easier.  Thanks, I won't buy!

Neither will I .. can't remember the last time I paid for software...
All my software is War.. *cough* ...donated...

> Do you want to come at home and explain what is easy about Windows to my
> sister who's been fighting with DVD playback on Windows XP for more than
> a month now, who wasted precious exam-period time to troubleshoot and
> solve Powerpoint and Word problems?

I agree with you 100% Windows XP is CRAP! - I don't use it - its Windows 2000
with Windows ME integrated functionalty.

If you want a rock solid GUI workstation, stick with Windows 2000
(all other Windows version are crap - I have tried & tested them all)

> Reaction-time that you mention above is something that depends on a lot
> of subjective factors, on the themes you have selected, on the load of
> the machine at the time and a host of other things.  Can you describe
> the setup of the machine at the time you measured this "reaction time"
> that bothered you and the tests you did to measure it?

My Test Box Setup:
Pentium 200Mhz
16MB TNT Graphics Card
Windows 2000 Parition (2GIG)
FreeBSD Partition (3GIG)

> FreeBSD is not Linux.  Sorry, you'd have to complain to the Fedora
> people for any problems you have with their slow monster of an
> RPM-beast.
> Yes, I hate working on Fedora too, and I avoid it like hell.  But that
> has nothing to do with the way FreeBSD works or what it can do :)

Your right... I went off topic.

> The X11 desktop is described in detail in "The X Window System", a
> chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook.  This chapter contains a lot of useful
> information for people who are new to X11.  Please do read it.
> There is even a section in that chapter that describes XFCE4 and the
> steps that you need to take to install it and start it.  I'm sure you'll
> find it very helpful.

I will try another xfce4 install following step-by-step the BSD docs & get back
to you... :)

All I did so far was:

# pkg_add xfce4

then went to .xinitrc with VI
and added "exec startxfce4"

.. typed startx & xfce wouldn't start...

> > Whats the purpose of having to manually set the system to automount ??
> > as opposed to having it as a system install default ?? if there is an
> > advantage, I am sure its for the 0.01% of the user base
> It's more in the range of 99.9%.  Automounting can be annoying like hell
> when you happen to accidentally insert media in your drives.  It can
> also be insecure if you don't want anyone to use the machine you've
> installed to mount CD-ROMs, floppies or other media of their choise.

Accidently ?? what ?? Like you were walking down a hall way, tripped & slipped
& accidenlty shoved a CD into the drive :))

I can put a CD into Windows 2000 & it has never been accessed unless I
explicitly do it. - I don't see the problem ??

> Instead of leaving *all* the users exposed to risks like this, which is
> the usual Windows philosophy of doing stuff, FreeBSD has the capability
> to automount media but keeps it disabled by default.

Why not enable it by default & then allow people who love messing around with
OS disable it manually - this seems more logical
 hey why not add a nice GUI that allows you to edit all the OS
configurations  nahh ... no one would use that !!

> Is it so hard to edit a text file like rc.conf and add a simple line
> like this?
> amd_enable="YES"

Hard to edit... no your right, knowing where the file is located, yes ??
knowing where in the file it needs to go or does ordering matter, yes ??

> Do you really mean that this is so much harder to do than fumble and
> fight with multiple dialogs, which you have to remember by heart of
> course, just to find that disabling automounting is impossible (unless
> you download TweakMyRegistry version 95.3.2000.13.27 paying careful
> attention to the version numbers because the wrong version can mess up
> your entire system with a single click)?

TweakMyRegisty ?? not needed - use MS TweakUI - Freeware
Windows XP - crap(stick with Windows 2000 - its the stable version, like v4.10)

- as for automounting, I think you are confusing this with AutoRUN for CD's
AFAIK - you cannot disable automounting of Floppys/CD in Windows 2000

> > - installable YES, configurable ... you've got to be shitting me :o
> Not really.  But even if we provided examples of this configurability
> you wouldn't accept them as valid examples because they wouldn't be
> point and click on some wimpy dialog-based wizard, right?


> > - while in wmaker, dynamically change the Montior settings from
> > 1600x1200 32b to 1028x768 24b (wouldn't have a clue - off to the docs
> > - manually edit configuration files ??

Re: KDE vs Gnome

2004-07-28 Thread Vulpes Velox
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:51:47 -0500
Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. Are you using KDM? If so, you make your choice at the login menu.
> 2. If not above, edit .xinitrc and comment out one IE:
> exec startkde
> #gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, KDE starts after entering startx
> #exec startkde
> gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, Gnome starts ater entering startx

The init file is cool, for any programs like xscreensaver or the like
you want to run at start, just add it in like this...

xscreensaver -nosplash&

Be sure to add the &, or it will run the program and not go any
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Re: HOWTO Ping LAN???

2004-07-28 Thread Hakim Z. Singhji
Hash: SHA1
Hi Bill,
| Do you have _real_ IPs?
I have one IP only...
|Most people only get one real IP from their ISP, and
|then use "private" IPs (such as 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x) for the rest
|of their machines.
Yes, I have a similar setup for my private network...
|If you're doing such, you'll either need exciting nat rules on
| the gateway, or some other workaround.
Yes this is where I need assistance, I have read quite a bit on NAT
however it seems that I am missing something???
With that said, I'll get back to business. I was thinking that NAT would
resolve my issue, however only one way. What if I am outside my
home-network and I want to SSH one of the machines behind the default
gateway. At present it is not possible and I don't know how to make this
Figure 1
*  Internet   *
~   |
~   |
***   **
* Defaut GW   * __ __ *Kids Machine*
*   *   *  *
~ FreeBSD 4.10 *  * Mandrake 10*
***   **
~   |
~   |
*Wrk Station 1*
*   *
*Redhat 9 *
This is a rough diagram of the network... I would like to ssh, ping,
etc. the machines behind the default gateway directly (without
tunneling) from the outside the network (at work for example). Is this
possible and if so how do I config.  Keep in mind that my default
gateway is FreeBSD.  I know this may be a complicated project but if you
could help that would help me greatly.  Many thanks to everyone in advance.
Bill Moran wrote:
| PLEASE wrap your lines.  I'm not interested in fixing obnoxious email
| any more.  See
| Hakim Singhji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|>Hi All,
|>Many of you have seen my posts lately, I'm a noobie to FreeBSD.  I'm
|>to configure a home "Windows Free" home network complete with default
|>gateway, LAN, Wireless 802.11b and several flavors of Linux/BSD.
|>Its a pretty big project for me and is teaching me ALOT.  However I have a
|>test setup and I'm am not able to ping my local machine.  I can only ping
|>my gateway.  My local machine is enabled to receive FTP, PING and SSH. In
|>addition the firewall on my default gateway is also configured to operate
|>those services.
|>I don't know where I''ve gone wrong, my default gateway works fine
|>however...I cannot find my network from the outside.  What is the
|> Thanks in advance for all your help.
| Do you have _real_ IPs?  Most people only get one real IP from their
ISP, and
| then use "private" IPs (such as 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x) for the rest
of their
| machines.  If you're doing such, you'll either need exciting nat rules on
| the gateway, or some other workaround.
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Re: startx doesn't work

2004-07-28 Thread Peter Ryan

I am very new to this, and have just struggled 
through many occurrences of the same sort of thing.

During installation i had used the "third" 
xf86config option, which can also be run
from the command line after installation.
(This is the thing which asks questions 
about horizontal and vertical rates etc.)
I could never get anything to work using
this, but i really didnt know the answers
to many of the questions.

I came across an archived email that 
strongly recommended using the
xf86cfg -textmode option.
This worked perfectly for me the first time,
and I have not had any of these "no screens"
messages since.

The xf86cfg -textmode is a screen based
selection, and I felt it led me through
in a much easier way.

If you have already installed freeBSD,
I think you can get into it by going through
/stand/sysinstall then selecting
XFree86 (configure XFree86 Server), then
selecting the second option, xf86cfg -textmode

I hope this helps a bit.

--- Sandbox Video Productions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I type "startx" and i get this msg before it
> terminates
> XFree86 Version 4.3.0
> Release Date: 27 February 2003
> X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
> Build Operating System: FreeBSD 4.10 i386 [ELF] 
> Build Date: 29 April 2004
>   Before reporting problems, check
> http://www.XFree86.Org/
>   to make sure that you have the latest version.
> Module Loader present
> Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==)
> default setting,
>  (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II)
> informational,
>  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not
> implemented, (??) unknown.
> (==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Fri Jan
>  1 00:57:41 1999
> (EE) Unable to locate/open config file
> (EE) Error from xf86HandleConfigFile()
> Fatal server error:
> no screens found
> When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
> please send
> the full server output, not just the last messages.
> This can be found in the log file
> "/var/log/XFree86.0.log".
> Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: startx doesn't work

2004-07-28 Thread Thorsten von Plotho-Kettner
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:48:52 -0700, Sandbox Video Productions wrote:

> I type "startx" and i get this msg before it
> terminates


> Fatal server error:
> no screens found
> When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
> please send
> the full server output, not just the last messages.
> This can be found in the log file
> "/var/log/XFree86.0.log".
> Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please tell us your graphic-device and your monitor.
Is your Xf86Config configured?
Just check out the command ´xf86config´ as root.



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Re: startx doesn't work

2004-07-28 Thread Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
Sandbox Video Productions wrote:
I type "startx" and i get this msg before it
XFree86 Version 4.3.0
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 4.10 i386 [ELF] 
Build Date: 29 April 2004
	Before reporting problems, check
	to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==)
default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II)
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not
implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Fri Jan
1 00:57:41 1999
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
(EE) Error from xf86HandleConfigFile()

Fatal server error:
no screens found
When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
please send
the full server output, not just the last messages.
This can be found in the log file
Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well ... where is it?  (Heh, both the "full server output"
and the "config file")...
Actually, maybe we can get somewhere just by
locating the file in question.  Quite often, that's
/etc/X11/XF86Config ... you did create it, we must
assume; or, you ran the auto config and saved your
changes to wherever it said ... likely /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/?
In that dir there are also some sample config files.
Tune one to your liking and put it in one of the places
noted above, and try again.
Also, you might want to read the Handbook
chapter on X.  Used to be chapter 5, not sure
now --- they are reworking it.
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Re: Install FreeBSD 5.2.1 on Compaq Proliant 800

2004-07-28 Thread Jason Taylor
Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
Trying to install FreeBSD 5.2.1 on a Compaq Proliant 800, looking for
someone that has done this or similar. Of course, you have to have the
SmartStart CD, I have that, I choose System Erase and it loads the
Compaq partition and the FreeBSD goes without error and when I reboot I
get 'Invalid partition type', that's it. After System Erase, I set the
configuration to Unix (Large Geometry), there are 4 SCSI drives, two
18GB and two 9GB, FreeBSD finds and represents all correctly on install.
Seems the Compaq BIOS is just not letting me use those partitions as
It's been a while since I actually did this and I wasn't bright enough 
to document the process. This is an a Proliant 1500.  I believe I picked 
the SCO UnixWare 7 configuration just because it was the only one with 
Unix in the name.  I think the only significance that choice has is in 
what, if any, wizardy type install option you're given.  Additionally, I 
had to do at least the following two things to get it working.  There 
may have been more.  Again, I foolishly did not document the process.

Set the APIC mode to "Full Table - Mapped" per the directions at

Set the amount of physical memory in /boot/loader.conf like so: 
hw.physmem="98304k".  Of course, you'll substitute a value that reflects 
the amount of memory your box actually has.  On the first go round 
you'll need to pick the option from the Beastie menu to get to a boot 
prompt and type in: 'set hw.physmem="98304k"' and then 'boot' or, to 
play it safer, 'boot -s'.

Hope this helps.  :-)
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startx doesn't work

2004-07-28 Thread Sandbox Video Productions
I type "startx" and i get this msg before it

XFree86 Version 4.3.0
Release Date: 27 February 2003
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6
Build Operating System: FreeBSD 4.10 i386 [ELF] 
Build Date: 29 April 2004
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==)
default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II)
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not
implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/XFree86.0.log", Time: Fri Jan
 1 00:57:41 1999
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
(EE) Error from xf86HandleConfigFile()

Fatal server error:
no screens found

When reporting a problem related to a server crash,
please send
the full server output, not just the last messages.
This can be found in the log file
Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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LinuxWorld Expo

2004-07-28 Thread Loren M. Lang
I was wondering if there will be a FreeBSD booth at the LinuxWorld Expo
this year.
I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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Description: PGP signature

Re: qpopper, make failure, COMMENTFILE

2004-07-28 Thread Gary Aitken
Many thanks.  I ended up doing a
  tar xzf /cdrom/ports/ports.tgz
to restore it, then did the necessary rebuilding.

>On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 16:31:05 -0600
>"Gary Aitken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I just upgraded (I think :-)) from 4.5 to 4.10.
>> Initially tried an upgrade, which failed because of an undefined
>> in the X11 font server library (,
>> Not to be deterred, I then attempted to do a complete install over the
>> of everything.  This failed for the same reason.
>> I then did an install without X11.  This sort of seemed to work,
although I
>> don't think things finished up properly because I didn't get the usual
>> questions about running an http server, etc.
>> However, it appeared the sys sources were updated and all the files were
>> place, so I built a custom kernel (needed for my network drivers) and
>> things started up ok; it says it's 4.10-RELEASE #0, and files in /etc
>> replaced and had to be tweaked (rc.conf, etc).
>> Unfortunately, the popper I was using (qpopper 4.0.3) was causing things
>> clients attempting to pop to hang, so I decided to update it.  I deleted
>> (pkg_delete), downloaded the new .tgz, and attempted to do a make:
>>   Makefile error: There is a COMMENTFILE in this port.
>>   COMMENTFILEs have been deprecated in 
>>   favor of COMMENT variables.
>>   Please rectify this.
>>   *** Error code 1
>It seems you have an updated set of ports/Mk/bsd.*.mk but the old ports
>tree. cvsuping the hole tree, with no refuse files and rebuilding INDEX
>would probably help. But you will end rebuilding pretty much everything.
>Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
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Re: Finding Cosultants

2004-07-28 Thread W. D.
At 21:10 7/28/2004, Jonathan White wrote:
>Anyone have an idea how to find a FreeBSD consultant in Brooklyn NY?

Start Here to Find It Fast!™ ->
$8.77 Domain Names ->

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Install FreeBSD 5.2.1 on Compaq Proliant 800

2004-07-28 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
Trying to install FreeBSD 5.2.1 on a Compaq Proliant 800, looking for
someone that has done this or similar. Of course, you have to have the
SmartStart CD, I have that, I choose System Erase and it loads the
Compaq partition and the FreeBSD goes without error and when I reboot I
get 'Invalid partition type', that's it. After System Erase, I set the
configuration to Unix (Large Geometry), there are 4 SCSI drives, two
18GB and two 9GB, FreeBSD finds and represents all correctly on install.
Seems the Compaq BIOS is just not letting me use those partitions as


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Re: DLT "device not configured" errors

2004-07-28 Thread up
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Dan Nelson wrote:

> In the last episode (Jul 28), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > A few months ago I brought up a new server using an Adaptec 2200S RAID
> > card, and it's been running fine with a RAID 1 array on channel 0.  Today
> > I tried to move the DLT (Quantum 4000) over to this server to make it the
> > amanda server, so I plugged it into the controller's external port for
> > channel 1.  When I do, neither amanda or mt will see the device, I get:
> >
> > mt: /dev/nsa0: Device not configured
> This could mean that there's no tape in the drive.  Does "camcontrol
> devlist" see the drive?  Also make sure you have the "aacp" device in the
> kernel; that allows non-disk devices to pass through the raid controller and
> be seen by FreeBSD.

The "aacp" device did the trick, for both the drive and camcontrol.


James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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Finding Cosultants

2004-07-28 Thread Jonathan White
Anyone have an idea how to find a FreeBSD consultant in Brooklyn NY?


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Re: How to recover/reinitialize a trashed /var partition?

2004-07-28 Thread David Kreil

Dear Brandon D Valentine,

Thank you for your helpful comments.

> You may have to touch/chown/chmod a few files here and there to make
> sure the appropriate users have permissions to write to/from them.  See
> /usr/src/etc/Makefile for some more information on that.
> Unfortunately I don't think there is a 'var' target in any of those
> Makefiles.

Thanks for the pointer. Yes, shame there is no such target. Considering that 
folks generally advise putting /var on a separate partition, my kind of bad 
luck must be quite common.

With best regards,


Dr David Philip Kreil ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Research Fellow`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
University of Cambridge(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
++44 1223 764107, fax 333992 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'

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Re: DLT "device not configured" errors

2004-07-28 Thread up
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Dan Nelson wrote:

> In the last episode (Jul 28), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > A few months ago I brought up a new server using an Adaptec 2200S RAID
> > card, and it's been running fine with a RAID 1 array on channel 0.  Today
> > I tried to move the DLT (Quantum 4000) over to this server to make it the
> > amanda server, so I plugged it into the controller's external port for
> > channel 1.  When I do, neither amanda or mt will see the device, I get:
> >
> > mt: /dev/nsa0: Device not configured
> This could mean that there's no tape in the drive.  Does "camcontrol
> devlist" see the drive?  Also make sure you have the "aacp" device in the
> kernel; that allows non-disk devices to pass through the raid controller and
> be seen by FreeBSD.

I should have added: camcontrol doesn't see *any* devices, including the
disks (and a rescan does nothing either).  I did not have the aacp option
enabled, so I will also try that.

It does not appear that any kernel options are neccessary for camcontrol
to work, as it works in all my older (4.9 and earlier) versions with
virtually the same kernel options as in this box (4.10)

James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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Re: KDE vs Gnome

2004-07-28 Thread Chris
Sandbox Video Productions wrote:
IF i install both gnome & kde. how do i choose which
one i want to start up. It seem that it only starts
the GUI that was installed last.
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1. Are you using KDM? If so, you make your choice at the login menu.
2. If not above, edit .xinitrc and comment out one IE:
exec startkde
#exec startxfce4
#exec startfluxbox
In the above example, KDE starts after entering startx
#exec startkde
#exec startxfce4
#exec startfluxbox
In the above example, Gnome starts ater entering startx
Best regards,
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KDE vs Gnome

2004-07-28 Thread Sandbox Video Productions
IF i install both gnome & kde. how do i choose which
one i want to start up. It seem that it only starts
the GUI that was installed last.

Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: How to recover/reinitialize a trashed /var partition?

2004-07-28 Thread David Kreil

Dear Brooks,

Thank you very much for your fast and helpful reply.

# populate /var
/usr/sbin/mtree -deU -f /etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist -p /var
# add sendmail bits
/usr/sbin/mtree -deU -f /etc/mtree/BSD.sendmail.dist -p /
# create new syslog files
/usr/sbin/newsyslog -CC
# add a lastlog file
/usr/bin/touch /var/log/lastlog

> I cribbed this from /etc/rc.d/var on current.

This is fantastic, thanks!

With best regards,


Dr David Philip Kreil ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Research Fellow`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
University of Cambridge(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
++44 1223 764107, fax 333992 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'

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Re: How to recover/reinitialize a trashed /var partition?

2004-07-28 Thread Brandon D. Valentine
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 01:43:29AM +0100, David Kreil wrote:
> I am writing in the hope that someone can give me a hint of how to either 
> recover or recreate a virgin FreeBSD /var partition in an otherwise 
> (apparently) functioning system.

If you've still got /usr/obj around from your last buildworld you can
boot to single user mode and installworld again.  If not, you can use
mtree(8) to recreate the hierarchy for /var.  This should work:

# mtree -deU -f /etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist -p /var

You may have to touch/chown/chmod a few files here and there to make
sure the appropriate users have permissions to write to/from them.  See
/usr/src/etc/Makefile for some more information on that.

Unfortunately I don't think there is a 'var' target in any of those


Brandon D. Valentine
Pseudo-Random Googlism:  brandon is guy
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Re: DLT "device not configured" errors

2004-07-28 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jul 28), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> A few months ago I brought up a new server using an Adaptec 2200S RAID
> card, and it's been running fine with a RAID 1 array on channel 0.  Today
> I tried to move the DLT (Quantum 4000) over to this server to make it the
> amanda server, so I plugged it into the controller's external port for
> channel 1.  When I do, neither amanda or mt will see the device, I get:
> mt: /dev/nsa0: Device not configured

This could mean that there's no tape in the drive.  Does "camcontrol
devlist" see the drive?  Also make sure you have the "aacp" device in the
kernel; that allows non-disk devices to pass through the raid controller and
be seen by FreeBSD.

Dan Nelson
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Re: How to recover/reinitialize a trashed /var partition?

2004-07-28 Thread Brooks Davis
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 01:43:29AM +0100, David Kreil wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing in the hope that someone can give me a hint of how to either 
> recover or recreate a virgin FreeBSD /var partition in an otherwise 
> (apparently) functioning system.
> Probably in the process of a drive failure in our hardware raid our /var 
> volume got corrupted (yeah, I know this should not happen... sigh. I now also 
> understand why it is recommended having /var on a separate partition...).
> I tried running fsck -y on /var after umount-ing it, which gives a 
> segmentation fault (exit on signal 11) some way through the process after 
> displaying
> ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
> Now I wonder
>  - is this beyond repair? I should much like to recover /var,
>just to be able to have a look at the /var/logs to get an idea what
>went wrong when. About 3.6GB are reported to be in use by df.

I'm guessing it's beyond reasionable repair, but I'm not ufs expert.
Unless you've got data on there that you really need and didn't have
backed up, I'd just rebuild from acratch.

>  - If I cannot recover the /var partition, what is the canonical way of
>recreating it? I suppose I can run newfs on it, but how do I create the
>necessary subdir structure with the right file-permissions? Could
>/stand/sysinstall do that?

The short version is:

# populate /var
/usr/sbin/mtree -deU -f /etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist -p /var
# add sendmail bits
/usr/sbin/mtree -deU -f /etc/mtree/BSD.sendmail.dist -p /
# create new syslog files
/usr/sbin/newsyslog -CC
# add a lastlog file
/usr/bin/touch /var/log/lastlog

I cribbed this from /etc/rc.d/var on current.

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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Description: PGP signature

DLT "device not configured" errors

2004-07-28 Thread up

A few months ago I brought up a new server using an Adaptec 2200S RAID
card, and it's been running fine with a RAID 1 array on channel 0.  Today
I tried to move the DLT (Quantum 4000) over to this server to make it the
amanda server, so I plugged it into the controller's external port for
channel 1.  When I do, neither amanda or mt will see the device, I get:

mt: /dev/nsa0: Device not configured

I tried rebooting (production box, but it had to be tried) and the Adaptec
BIOS correctly recognized the device, but I still got that error.  I tried
moving the SCSI cable to the channel 0 port, but that caused serious
panics and an ugly fscking power-cycle.  Since the disk array is on that
channel, I won't try that again.  Back to channel 1.  Power cycling the
tape drive repeatedly throughout this had no effect.  I even did a "sh
MAKEDEV sa1", thinking that maybe the "0" in "sa0" might have had
something to do with the channel ID. No dice.

I'm all out of ideas, and would appreciate if anyone could spare a clue.
Please reply by cc'ing me directly as I am not subscribed to the lists.


James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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DLT "device not configured" error

2004-07-28 Thread up

A few months ago I brought up a new server using an Adaptec 2200S RAID
card, and it's been running fine with a RAID 1 array on channel 0.  Today
I tried to move the DLT (Quantum 4000) over to this server to make it the
amanda server, so I plugged it into the controller's external port for
channel 1.  When I do, neither amanda or mt will see the device, I get:

mt: /dev/nsa0: Device not configured

I tried rebooting (production box, but it had to be tried) and the Adaptec
BIOS correctly recognized the device, but I still got that error.  I tried
moving the SCSI cable to the channel 0 port, but that caused serious
panics and an ugly fscking power-cycle.   Power cycling the tape drive
repeatedly throughout this had no effect.  I even did a "sh MAKEDEV sa1"
thinking that the 0 in nsa0 might have something to do with the SCSI

No dice.  I'm all out of ideas...if anyone can spare a clue, please
respond by cc'ing me directly, as I am not subscribed to the lists.


James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor

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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installerpackage like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Micheal Patterson
- Original Message - 
From: "Ed Budd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an 
installerpackage like this ???

...damn I have gone way off track here... sorry for the ranting 
people... but after 6 days
straight of messing around trying to install 
Apache/MySQL/Mod_Perl/Mod_SSL/PHP.. I am a little
tired... 3 days of that was trying to get a basic GUI/File 
Manager/Find Files/Editor working

It must be very tiring and stressful to be a Troll. Perhaps you should 
consider another occupation...

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If this wasn't a troll, perhaps he needs to stick with Windows until he 
has a better understanding of what the difference between workstations 
and servers really are.

Micheal Patterson
TSG Network Administration
Confidentiality Notice:  This e-mail message, including any attachments, 
for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain 
and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or
distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, 
contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the 

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How to recover/reinitialize a trashed /var partition?

2004-07-28 Thread David Kreil


I am writing in the hope that someone can give me a hint of how to either 
recover or recreate a virgin FreeBSD /var partition in an otherwise 
(apparently) functioning system.

Probably in the process of a drive failure in our hardware raid our /var 
volume got corrupted (yeah, I know this should not happen... sigh. I now also 
understand why it is recommended having /var on a separate partition...).

I tried running fsck -y on /var after umount-ing it, which gives a 
segmentation fault (exit on signal 11) some way through the process after 

** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames



Now I wonder
 - is this beyond repair? I should much like to recover /var,
   just to be able to have a look at the /var/logs to get an idea what
   went wrong when. About 3.6GB are reported to be in use by df.
 - If I cannot recover the /var partition, what is the canonical way of
   recreating it? I suppose I can run newfs on it, but how do I create the
   necessary subdir structure with the right file-permissions? Could
   /stand/sysinstall do that?

With many thanks for your help in advance,

Yours sincerely,


Dr David Philip Kreil ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Research Fellow`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
University of Cambridge(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
++44 1223 764107, fax 333992 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'

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Re: wrong Xircom card??

2004-07-28 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 02:14:21PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 09:54:04PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 10:34:31AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 05:59:19PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> > > > What exact Xircom card is this?  The xe driver only knows about the older
> > > > Xircom PCMCIA cards.  Some of their CardBus adapters are (I believe)
> > > > handled by the dc driver.
> > > > 
> > >   I have the Xircom Ethernet II 10/100 CBE2-100 (IIRC); someone
> > >   on the -mobile list said that only 5.X recognizes this card.
> > > 
[ ... ]

> > Yeah, that's a CardBus card that will only work with 5.x - there's no
> > CardBus support whatsoever in 4.x.
> > 
> > You seem to be getting some good pointers in another thread to PCMCIA
> > adapters that should work with your machine.  If you can find them, the
> > Xircom CE3 or CEM56 / REM56 work pretty well.  Most other Xircom cards
> > don't work well on 4.x, and this is unlikely to be fixed, at least not by
> > me.
> > 
[ ... ]

>   There was some complaint (along with the trap/panic) about
>   "Cardbus" along with an address that I could not copy.
>   But if the Xircom card isn't broken, I should be able to
>   configure it in /etc/rc.conf later.  I didn't see any
>   PCMCIA menus in /stand/sysinstall.  

Latest discoveries are that with the Xircom Ethernet II
well seated, upon reboot, the kernel panics when it sees
the card.  It's a new card, so guessing it is a driver problem.
Time to look for a new card.  

Inthe KERNEL config files does anybody have any experience with:

 ex  # Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 and Pro/10+
 ep  # Etherlink III based cards
 fe  # Fujitsu MB8696x based cards
 ie  # EtherExpress 8/16, 3C507, StarLAN 10
 lnc # NE2100, NE32-VL Lance Ethernet cards

or am I looking in the wrong place?


   Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix

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Re: qpopper, make failure, COMMENTFILE

2004-07-28 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 16:31:05 -0600
"Gary Aitken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just upgraded (I think :-)) from 4.5 to 4.10.
> Initially tried an upgrade, which failed because of an undefined reference
> in the X11 font server library (, FT_Get_BDF_Property").
> Not to be deterred, I then attempted to do a complete install over the top
> of everything.  This failed for the same reason.
> I then did an install without X11.  This sort of seemed to work, although I
> don't think things finished up properly because I didn't get the usual
> questions about running an http server, etc.
> However, it appeared the sys sources were updated and all the files were in
> place, so I built a custom kernel (needed for my network drivers) and
> things started up ok; it says it's 4.10-RELEASE #0, and files in /etc were
> replaced and had to be tweaked (rc.conf, etc).
> Unfortunately, the popper I was using (qpopper 4.0.3) was causing things on
> clients attempting to pop to hang, so I decided to update it.  I deleted it
> (pkg_delete), downloaded the new .tgz, and attempted to do a make:
>   Makefile error: There is a COMMENTFILE in this port.
>   COMMENTFILEs have been deprecated in 
>   favor of COMMENT variables.
>   Please rectify this.
>   *** Error code 1

It seems you have an updated set of ports/Mk/bsd.*.mk but the old ports
tree. cvsuping the hole tree, with no refuse files and rebuilding INDEX
would probably help. But you will end rebuilding pretty much everything.

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"

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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installerpackage like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Ed Budd
What I have noticed so far about FreeBSD:
FreeBSD is about 5 YEARS behind windows(I would actually say 1990, but people my have 
attacks) - apologies to all the hard work put in by BSD contributors!
- with FreeBSD & Windows 2000 installed on the SAME computer, the GUI of Windows 2000 
faster than any of the BSD window managers(wmaker, FVWM, blackbox, fluxbox, XFCE(STILL 
can't start
this from exec, whats the damn command startxfce4 ??? this doesn't work!)... I won't 
even comment
on the shitty performance of KDE & GNOME - If people say it should be used without a 
GUI... they
must be over 40, bald, lonely & most love shitty VI - I can EDIT any file faster on a 
GUI editor
then any coder I have seen at UNI/WORK who say VI is better...
- No default GUI File Explorer(excluding KDE/GNOME, not that there's is usable) - had 
to install
xfe on wmaker(still about as useless as Windows 3.1 File Manager)
- FreeBSD does NOT Default Mount my CD & Floppy(this is ridiculous - even MS DOS NOT 
to mention
Windows 3.1[Year 1990... ring a bell] did this!!) - you honestly expect new users to 
configuration files so it automounts ?? ... instead of having stuff in the 
man/manual/docs about
mounting/unmounting, just automount them as DEFAULT... no need to read the docs... 
logical ???
- 300 Million Users of Windows thinks so ;)) (BTW: I am NOT including KDE/GNOME)
- No default Find Files GUI - I won't even comment on lack of functionality of Cmd line
I can tell you that 95% of people who use computers want "EASE of USE"
- This INCLUDES easy installation of the Operating System
- This should INCLUDE a default setup that HAS: a Default FAST GUI/File Manager/Find 
.. this is all that is needed to get a user up & going to installing & configuring the 
OS to thier
tastes ... did I forget to mention as default AUTOMOUNT !!
I cannot tell you the shock & disappointment I had in finding out that Windows 
2000 runs FASTER
than FreeBSD with any GUI/Windows Manager/Desktop Environment ... :(((

...damn I have gone way off track here... sorry for the ranting people... but after 6 
straight of messing around trying to install Apache/MySQL/Mod_Perl/Mod_SSL/PHP.. I am 
a little
tired... 3 days of that was trying to get a basic GUI/File Manager/Find Files/Editor 

It must be very tiring and stressful to be a Troll. Perhaps you should 
consider another occupation...

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Setting up good certs for ports/mail/imap-uw?

2004-07-28 Thread Tom Limoncelli
The instructions for ports/mail/imap-uw tell you that "make cert" 
generates certs that are self-signed and warns you that it is better to 
get "real" certs but doesn't explain how to do that.  Any suggestions?

The long version...
I install the port and then do "make cert" to make the certs:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ # cd /usr/ports/mail/imap-uw/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/mail/imap-uw # make cert
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/usr/local/certs/imapd.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
[...much later...]
MD5 Fingerprint=09:88:5C:19:6A:3F:3A:F5:44:65:82:60:56:5A:B0:72
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/mail/imap-uw # cd /usr/local/certs/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/certs # ls
imapd.pem   ipop3d.pem
Where is the .csr file to submit?  Every document that explains the 
process says that self-signed certs are insecure and recommends getting 
a real cert, but never tells you how to do that.

Sorry, I'm relatively new to email certs.  (https certs give me none of 
these troubles! :-) )

Thanks in advance,
Tom Limoncelli
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qpopper, make failure, COMMENTFILE

2004-07-28 Thread Gary Aitken
I just upgraded (I think :-)) from 4.5 to 4.10.
Initially tried an upgrade, which failed because of an undefined reference
in the X11 font server library (, FT_Get_BDF_Property").

Not to be deterred, I then attempted to do a complete install over the top
of everything.  This failed for the same reason.

I then did an install without X11.  This sort of seemed to work, although I
don't think things finished up properly because I didn't get the usual
questions about running an http server, etc.

However, it appeared the sys sources were updated and all the files were in
place, so I built a custom kernel (needed for my network drivers) and
things started up ok; it says it's 4.10-RELEASE #0, and files in /etc were
replaced and had to be tweaked (rc.conf, etc).

Unfortunately, the popper I was using (qpopper 4.0.3) was causing things on
clients attempting to pop to hang, so I decided to update it.  I deleted it
(pkg_delete), downloaded the new .tgz, and attempted to do a make:

  Makefile error: There is a COMMENTFILE in this port.
  COMMENTFILEs have been deprecated in 
  favor of COMMENT variables.
  Please rectify this.
  *** Error code 1

I attempted to do a pkg_add, which resulted in:
  pkg_add: package bsdpan-Archive-Tar-1.10 has no origin recorded
  and many similar messages of other bsdpan stuff

I'm guessing the entire package / make environment is hosed,
and I probably need to completely rebuild the system from scratch.  Is this
true, or is there a simpler answer?

Thanks for any insights.

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mono 1.0 problem

2004-07-28 Thread Osmany Guirola Cruz
i am trying to install mono 1.0 on my freebsd 4.10 STABLE but it freeze here
in the process of install 

MONO_PATH=. ../../mono/mini/mono 
--config ../../data/config ./../gacutil.exe /i ./Mono.GetOptions.dll /f /package 
1.0 /gacdir /usr/local/lib /root /usr/local/lib
Package exported to: /usr/local/lib/mono/1.0/Mono.GetOptions.dll 
Mono.GetOptions installed into the gac (/usr/local/lib/mono/gac)

and the process lt-mono have more than 60 % of  CPU 
how can i solve these

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Re: Kernel Options

2004-07-28 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2004-07-28 12:02, bsd hack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following quetions:
> (1) There are a few options that are not available in the default
> kernel... like the IPFIREWALL options(and the like)... I basically need to
> know all possible options I can add to the kernel config file!

Try reading these:

> (2) I guess these options can be used to set the kernel variables
> accessible through the sysctl command. So can I create my own options so
> that I can set a few kernel variables as and when I build the custom
> kernel?

I don't think so.  Read the Handbook sections I posted above for details.

> (3) and also my aim includes optimizing the kernel... so by enabling
> only the options I need to I should get a get optimization... is there
> anything else that can be done?

If security is what concerns you, the Handbook has also this chapter:

There also many online articles that deal with the issue of security on
a BSD system.  Google will reveal dozens of them, but here's a starting
pointer just to get you going:


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[Fwd: Re: Random Freeze]

2004-07-28 Thread Mark Ovens
Paul Mather wrote:
When you do, look for PREEMPTION.  That should speed up the search. :-)
Yes, I searched the mailing lsts and found it, deleted #define
PREEMPTION from sys/i38i6/include/param.h, rebuilt my kernel and the
machine has been up for 13 hours now :-)
Only thing is the screensaver hangs after ~5 minutes (that had me
worried the first time it happened), but that's not really important.
Seriously, though, -CURRENT has been going through some major
instability the last fortnight or so.  One thesis is that the
pre-emption code added has either introduced or uncovered some obscure
bugs.  The net effect has been random freezes---most often reported is
when under load or doing something (e.g., rendering a complicated page)
using Mozilla, or when using XMMS.
The two apps I probably use the most!
One suggestion, until the culprit has been found, is to rebuild without
PREEMPTION (undef it in /usr/src/sys/i386/include/param.h).  That has
certainly stopped the freezes in my case.
Me too.
If you're running -CURRENT, it is advisable to subscribe to the
freebsd-current mailing list---if nothing else but to be apprised of
ongoing problems like this, or to get a heads-up about possible future
instability caused by major repository/functionality changes.  (For
example, today there was a heads-up about the GCC 3.4 import being done
[which seems to have broken things temporarily].)
I have done now. I'm only running -CURRENT because this is a dual CPU
box and when I built it back in December what I was readin on the lists
suggested that 5-STABLE was only a few months away and, since SMP
support in 5.x is superior to 4.x, I figured upgrading
5-CURRENT->5-STABLE would be easier than 4-STABLE->%-STABLE. As soon as
we get a 5-STABLE that's what I'll run.
Thanks for your input.

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Re: Kernel Options

2004-07-28 Thread Karol Kwiatkowski
bsd hack wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working with the Kernel config file to optimize it and also to 
> improve the overall security of the system!

Hi, that's good. I'll try to give you some ideas to start inline below:

> I have the following quetions:
> (1) There are a few options that are not available in the default 
> kernel... like the IPFIREWALL options(and the like)... I basically need to 
> know all possible options I can add to the kernel config file! 

Have a look at /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES file (assuming your machine
architecture is i386, if not look in specific directory):

# cat /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/NOTES | head
# NOTES -- Lines that can be cut/pasted into kernel and hints configs.
# This file contains machine dependent kernel configuration notes.  For
# machine independent notes, look in /sys/conf/NOTES.

It points you to another file: usr/src/sys/conf/NOTES. There are options
with explanations in both files.

Also check FreeBSD Handbook:

> (2) I guess these options can be used to set the kernel variables 
> accessible through the sysctl command. So can I create my own options so 
> that I can set a few kernel variables as and when I build the custom 
> kernel?

Any sysctl variable can be set in /etc/sysctl.conf file which is used
before system goes to multi-user state. Many of them can be even changed
"live". Check man sysctl(8), it will also bring loader.conf(5) to your

> Thank you.
> -HKR

Good luck,


Karol Kwiatkowski  
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Re: FreeBSD + Dell PowerVault NAS

2004-07-28 Thread Olaf Hoyer
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Joseph Koenig wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone used FreeBSD with a Dell PowerVault NAS (Windows-based)? We are
> considering moving some servers to a facility that uses PowerVault NAS
> machines with Windows to do backups. Is there any issue with this? I should
> be able to connect via NFS or SMB and just tar directly to the NAS machine,
> correct? Thanks,

Well, I've seen one of those providing NFS to a Solaris8 box, and it
worked so far.

IIRC there is the Windows Storage Server installed, which has Services
for Unix as NFS-Provider, rumors go that lots of that code had beed
derived from OpenBSD...


Fuerchterliche Erlebniss geben zu raten,
ob der, welcher sie erlebt, nicht etwas Fuerchterliches ist.
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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installerpackage like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Wojciech Puchar
> Hi all,
> I wish BSD had a BigApache installer package, as it would make my life easier...

contribution are welcome!

> The BigApache Enterprise Ready Server is free software:
> This Package provides a full implementation of Apache and it`s
> commonly used extension modules for the Win32 plattform Windows 2000 & Windows XP
> This is the base package for BigApache:
> It includes
> Apache 2.x
> mod_ssl
> OpenSSL
> mod_perl
> mod_python
> mod_jk
> Mailserver Mercury
> Additional modules are available in the module distributions and in the 
> BigApache-modules
> repository.
> --
> Regards,
> DK
> __
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Re: wrong Xircom card??

2004-07-28 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 09:54:04PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 10:34:31AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 05:59:19PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> > > What exact Xircom card is this?  The xe driver only knows about the older
> > > Xircom PCMCIA cards.  Some of their CardBus adapters are (I believe)
> > > handled by the dc driver.
> > > 
> > I have the Xircom Ethernet II 10/100 CBE2-100 (IIRC); someone
> > on the -mobile list said that only 5.X recognizes this card.
> > 
> > Both a floppy install of 5.2.1 and a CDROM 5.2.1 recognize 
> > the Cardbus; but both poison almost immediately.  --So, for now,
> > I'm sticking with 4.8 and looking for a PCMCIA card that 
> > works with 4.8.
> > 
> > gary
> Yeah, that's a CardBus card that will only work with 5.x - there's no
> CardBus support whatsoever in 4.x.
> You seem to be getting some good pointers in another thread to PCMCIA
> adapters that should work with your machine.  If you can find them, the
> Xircom CE3 or CEM56 / REM56 work pretty well.  Most other Xircom cards
> don't work well on 4.x, and this is unlikely to be fixed, at least not by
> me.

Nor me!  (I am going towrite keyboard-click code so that I
miss fewer keystrokes, but as for Real-Drivers{TM}. I'll pass.)

So new delevopments that might be helpful to others on-list 
and as green as I am to laptops:: the 5.2.1R CDROM works--
it boots fully--but iff the Xircom card is missing.  If this
is not how things should work, I'd like to hear.  On the 4.8
floppies was some blurb hat the PCMCIA cards were not 
hot-swappable... .

There was some complaint (along with the trap/panic) about
"Cardbus" along with an address that I could not copy.
But if the Xircom card isn't broken, I should be able to
configure it in /etc/rc.conf later.  I didn't see any
PCMCIA menus in /stand/sysinstall.  

Nutshell: 5.2 is being installed 

thanks everybody,


   Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix

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Re: Mozilla Thunderbird on FreebSD

2004-07-28 Thread Jonathan Chen
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 02:54:30PM +, 'Andy' wrote:
> Thank you for the info.
> One more that I could not locate on the list, was Firefox Browser. Is 
> there a link to that to?
> I went under the Software Application and I could not find Browsers/Firefox.

# cd /usr/ports
# make key=firefox search

will grab several pages worth of info for you to look at.
Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The human mind ordinarily operates at only ten percent of its capacity
 -- the rest is overhead for the operating system.
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Re: wrong Xircom card??

2004-07-28 Thread Scott Mitchell
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 10:34:31AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 05:59:19PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> > What exact Xircom card is this?  The xe driver only knows about the older
> > Xircom PCMCIA cards.  Some of their CardBus adapters are (I believe)
> > handled by the dc driver.
> > 
>   I have the Xircom Ethernet II 10/100 CBE2-100 (IIRC); someone
>   on the -mobile list said that only 5.X recognizes this card.
>   Both a floppy install of 5.2.1 and a CDROM 5.2.1 recognize 
>   the Cardbus; but both poison almost immediately.  --So, for now,
>   I'm sticking with 4.8 and looking for a PCMCIA card that 
>   works with 4.8.
>   gary

Yeah, that's a CardBus card that will only work with 5.x - there's no
CardBus support whatsoever in 4.x.

You seem to be getting some good pointers in another thread to PCMCIA
adapters that should work with your machine.  If you can find them, the
Xircom CE3 or CEM56 / REM56 work pretty well.  Most other Xircom cards
don't work well on 4.x, and this is unlikely to be fixed, at least not by



Scott Mitchell   | PGP Key ID | "Eagles may soar, but weasels
Cambridge, England   | 0x54B171B9 |  don't get sucked into jet engines"
scott at | 0xAA775B8B |  -- Anon
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Re: error

2004-07-28 Thread Kent Stewart
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 01:07 pm, Jacek WoÅniczak wrote:
> I have a following error (make)
> linking kernel
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_attach_sim':
> umass.o(.text+0x17e3): undefined reference to `cam_simq_alloc'
> umass.o(.text+0x1834): undefined reference to `cam_sim_alloc'
> umass.o(.text+0x1843): undefined reference to `cam_simq_free'
> umass.o(.text+0x1865): undefined reference to `xpt_bus_register'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_rescan_callback':
> umass.o(.text+0x1893): undefined reference to `xpt_free_path'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_rescan':
> umass.o(.text+0x1908): undefined reference to `xpt_periph'
> umass.o(.text+0x1917): undefined reference to `xpt_create_path'
> umass.o(.text+0x1933): undefined reference to `xpt_setup_ccb'
> umass.o(.text+0x1950): undefined reference to `xpt_action'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_detach_sim':
> umass.o(.text+0x1a5c): undefined reference to `xpt_bus_deregister'
> umass.o(.text+0x1a78): undefined reference to `cam_sim_free'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_action':
> umass.o(.text+0x1e60): undefined reference to `cam_calc_geometry'
> umass.o(.text+0x1e71): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_cb':
> umass.o(.text+0x1feb): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_sense_cb':
> umass.o(.text+0x2154): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
> umass.o: In function `umass_cam_quirk_cb':
> umass.o(.text+0x218b): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
> *** Error code 1

You commented out too much. Read the requirements for umass in the 
kernel config file. If you don't need umass, coment it out too. 


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA
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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2004-07-28 09:27, DK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All I want from BSD to is a Rock Solid Web Server with as default:
> - FreeBSD+Minimilist GUI(wmaker will do)
> - File Manager(got xfe working)

A GUI is something that is not required for a web server to function.
Having said that, I'm using Apache on my workstation at home which
(usually) also runs X11, windowmaker, a couple of xterms, a mozilla
window with several tabs, and tkdesk when I need a GUI for file
management (which is rare but still works fine).

You should really try TkDesk one of these days.  It's my all times
favorite from the x11-fm category! ;-)

> - Editor(got nedit installed)

Great choise!  The look & feel of nedit is AFAIK as close as one can get
to the interface of Windows editors.  The transition from wimpy editors
like Notepad that croak and die miserably with files larger than a few
KB to the power and flexibility of nedit is probably going to take a
while to get used to, but I'm sure you'll eventually get the hang of it
and be pleasantly surprised.

> - Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl

Despite the fact that this *can* be done, are you sure you want all
those extras on your web server?  At least two of them (PHP and
mod_perl) have overlapping functionality that I find rather redundant to
have on one installation of Apache, unless of course you're going to
sell virtual domain hosting to others who might want either the one or
the other or even both.

> - Firewall (is one installed as default ??)

The Handbook is, again, your friend.  FreeBSD comes with two different
firewalls you can choose from, fully integrated to the heart of the OS,
the FreeBSD kernel.  No need to install third-party software just to
enable security on your machine.

The two firewalls, ipfw and ipfilter, can be enabled either by loading
the proper 'module' to your kernel or by rebuilding the kernel to
include the support for whichever of the two you prefer.

The Handbook contains detailed instructions about setting up ipfw and
there are tons of articles online about setting up ipfilter.  The
mailing list archives of this list also include a wealth of posts about
configuring these two firewalls; I know because I've posted my share of
articles too.

Start at and browse to the mailing list archives.
Search for posts about "firewall", "ipfw" and "ipfilter".  Visit the
FreeBSD documentation pages at and read the
article about "dialup-firewalls", the Handbook section on "Security" or
anything else you feel that you need.

> - Web Browser(Mozilla installed but its slow - will try firefox later)
> Thats all, nothing else!

Mozilla runs super-fast on a Celeron @ 1800 MHz here, but if you try
firefox and find it simpler (it *is* simpler, and lighter than the
full-blown mozilla) and you like it, then use that instead.  This is
just one of the cases where you're free to choose the way YOU want to
work when dealing with FreeBSD ;-)

> I would have thought that with so many people running BSD Web Servers,
> that there would be a similar default install out-of-the-box out
> there...

We don't try to pretend that everyone can be pleased with the same set
of tools.  This is why it initially seems hard to use BSD.  The great
number of choises seems overwhelming.  Coupled with the relative
'strangeness' of a completely new system it becomes unbearable.


This is all you need for a while, while trying out a new system.

> I guess my problem is I know where all the files go on my Windows box,
> but I am not sure where the files go on the BSD box when an install
> goes wrong.

This is part of the 'strangeness' I mentioned above.  Don't worry.  Soon
it all starts to fit in place, and you feel rather "at home" in BSD too.

> If the pkg_delete fails, how do I manually remove the files for a
> failed [Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl] installation ??

The ports install stuff under /usr/local unless you specify otherwise
(even this simple detail is configurable).

I can't post in a simple message all the possible locations under
/usr/local that a package might write files, but good candidates are:


If these paths seem like Greek to you, please refer to the hier(7)
manpage by running:

% man hier

It contains a brief description of the filesystem layout on a FreeBSD
system.  A lot of these paths are described there.

> Yes, apache by itself is easy, its installing the bunch -
> Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl

You probably tried to bite a very large mouthful in a short time.

As someone else posted, there is a learning curve that is a bit steep at

Try installing one at a time.  See if each part works as expected and,
as I've repeatedly said, don't be afraid to ask.  About anything...
Even the simplest thing might seem a huge mountainous obstacle to you,
impossible to pass, but perhaps someo


2004-07-28 Thread Jacek Woźniczak
I have a following error (make)
linking kernel
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_attach_sim':
umass.o(.text+0x17e3): undefined reference to `cam_simq_alloc'
umass.o(.text+0x1834): undefined reference to `cam_sim_alloc'
umass.o(.text+0x1843): undefined reference to `cam_simq_free'
umass.o(.text+0x1865): undefined reference to `xpt_bus_register'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_rescan_callback':
umass.o(.text+0x1893): undefined reference to `xpt_free_path'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_rescan':
umass.o(.text+0x1908): undefined reference to `xpt_periph'
umass.o(.text+0x1917): undefined reference to `xpt_create_path'
umass.o(.text+0x1933): undefined reference to `xpt_setup_ccb'
umass.o(.text+0x1950): undefined reference to `xpt_action'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_detach_sim':
umass.o(.text+0x1a5c): undefined reference to `xpt_bus_deregister'
umass.o(.text+0x1a78): undefined reference to `cam_sim_free'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_action':
umass.o(.text+0x1e60): undefined reference to `cam_calc_geometry'
umass.o(.text+0x1e71): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_cb':
umass.o(.text+0x1feb): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_sense_cb':
umass.o(.text+0x2154): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
umass.o: In function `umass_cam_quirk_cb':
umass.o(.text+0x218b): undefined reference to `xpt_done'
*** Error code 1
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RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread JJB
These messages say you have a UDMA66 hard drive on the master ribbon
connector of IDE1 controller and a UDMA33 hard drive on the master ribbon
connector of IDE2 controller and both ribbons are ATA66 ribbons.   This will
not hurt anything or cause any performance slow down.  You can get rid of
this problem by replacing the ATA66 ribbon on IDE2 with a ATA33 ribbon.

-Original Message-
From: samy lancher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

These are the messages from "dmesg"

ad0: 76345MB  [155114/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA66
ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
ad2: 38166MB  [77545/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread JJB
These messages say you have a UDMA66 hard drive on the master ribbon
connector of IDE1 and a UDMA33 hard drive on the master ribbon connector of
IDE2 and both ribbons are ATA66 ribbons.   This will not hurt anything or
cause any performance slow down.  You can get rid of this problem by
replacing the ATA66 ribbon on IDE2 with a ATA33 ribbon.

-Original Message-
From: samy lancher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

These are the messages from "dmesg"

ad0: 76345MB  [155114/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA66
ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
ad2: 38166MB  [77545/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread Vulpes Velox
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 09:48:02 -0700 (PDT)
samy lancher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7
> server.
> ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
> ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
> cable or device
> done.
> I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
> this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Bad drive or cable most likely. I've seen it three times. Fist it was
bad cable. The other two it was bad drives.

Try a new cable first and if that does not fix it, it is the drive
most likely.
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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Joshua Tinnin
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 07:28 am, DK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> maybe you would like a test of the Apache Web Server on BSD against the
> Apache Web Server on Windows 2000 ?? - I will search the net & get back to
> you on that if you are interested ??
> I wonder if people that run web servers on BSD never use a GUI thereby
> saying how fast BSD is... - yes, keep using VI & don't forget to feed the
> Horse :)

Have you taken a look at this lately?

I don't know how important uptime is to you, but that's a big reason so many 
people use it.

- jt
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help make crashes

2004-07-28 Thread Abidoon Nadeem
please find my kernel config file attached
this does fine when i make depend
but it fails on make 
please help

i dont understand whats wrong

i get an error code 1


Description: Binary data
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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Joshua Tinnin
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 09:27 am, DK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Nobody learns how to install, configure, use & hack a new system in an
> > afternoon's time
> no... 6 days, that should be more than enough... I mastered windows 95 in 1

Really? You mean you completely memorized all the important Win95 registry 
keys in one day?

This is funny. You know, if you really wanted you could just host your site on 
Win95. Or whatever Win with IIS. But it looks to me like you're unhappy 
because you're encountering the "real" way this is done for the first time, 
and it's more complicated than Windows. Well, yes it is, but it's also the 
right way to do it, without cutting corners. In the end you'll be able to 
control the system much better, which should be of interest to you if you're 
writing programming for the web.

If you want a more powerful system, then take the time to learn it (talking 
about much more than a week). If you just need to keep working and don't have 
the time to learn something new, then stick with what you know.

- jt
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Kernel Options

2004-07-28 Thread bsd hack
I am working with the Kernel config file to optimize it and also to 
improve the overall security of the system!
I have the following quetions:
(1) There are a few options that are not available in the default 
kernel... like the IPFIREWALL options(and the like)... I basically need to 
know all possible options I can add to the kernel config file! 
(2) I guess these options can be used to set the kernel variables 
accessible through the sysctl command. So can I create my own options so 
that I can set a few kernel variables as and when I build the custom 
(3) and also my aim includes optimizing the kernel... so by enabling 
only the options I need to I should get a get optimization... is there 
anything else that can be done?
(4) My aim is to improve local and network security. I guess enabling 
IPFIREWALL helps with the network security part are there any 
special options for local security?
Thank you.

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Going OT: Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have aninstaller package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Nico Meijer
Hi DK,
Sorry if I'll sound somewhat harsh at times. I mean no offense 
whatsover, so don't take it personal.

BTW: All I have been doing for 6 days is read docs/man/guides...
It seems as though you have been missing the point. Completely, at times.
Complaining one or two lines from a tutorial don't work (ie. "groupadd 
mysql") without reading:
is plain oversight.
If you haven't yet grasped the 'feel' for FreeBSD, why are you trying to 
drive a Ferrari with it, when you can't even manage a tricycle with it yet?

Refreshing the system without a reboot is a Priority in front of Automount ??
Absolutely! Plus, getting timely security updates (which come in 
patches, if you like), rock solid stability, a speedy and robust IP 
stack, tremendous hardware support (rock solid, again).

Oh, and it's free as in beer and free as in speech.
nice one developers
I think more effort has been put into creating and maintaining a robust, 
managable and secure server platform than a workstation platform. Your 
gripe with FreeBSD might just lie there.

Plus, if you're unhappy with something: do the work and submit the code. 
It's that easy. No whining, no fussing.

.. I know its hard for people to swallow, but MS Windows IS easier to use than BSD/Linux/OSX ...
The only part that is hard to swallow is you putting *BSD, Linux and OS 
X on one big pile as if they're basically the same thing (to a user, 
they're not; to a sysadmin, they're not; they're all only "Unix-like").

Other than that, you're absolutely right. (But only if you accept the 
Microsoft way of doing things. If you don't, you're screwed.)

thats WHY its the most widely used regardless of marketing/costs etc ...
I find that statement amusing, thank you. :-)
whats the damn command startxfce4 ??? this doesn't work!)...
It worked for me.
> If people say it should be used without a GUI...
Especially as a server: I use CLI only. A GUI just gets in my way.
they must be over 40,
Just short hair; it's all there.
I love my wife & son very much.
& most love shitty VI - I can EDIT any file faster on a GUI editor
then any coder I have seen at UNI/WORK who say VI is better...
Good for you.
Gnome starts faster than Windows ?? Start time is not important
To me, it is. My FreeBSD 4.10 booting into xdm, me typing in my username 
and password and logging in to IceWM *and start working* takes almost 
half the time it takes my coworkers' Windows 2000 Professional 'puters 
to boot up at all in a workable state.

- I am talking about reaction time of the GUI
Yes, it seems that Windows is snappier. The X Window System, however, 
doesn't get in my way when I do other important stuff (backups, network 
stressing, whatever). Plus, I get to log in from *anywhere* (even a thin 
client) ans get *my* desktop on *my* pc.

Don't get me started on Terminal Services as I've used it only once; I'd 
be flat in my face in ten seconds. I found that it completely sucked, 
but that's just my personal opinion.

nice one Linux
Again, you are missing the point.
Whats the purpose of having to manually set the system to automount ?? as opposed to 
having it as
a system install default ?? if there is an advantage, I am sure its for the 0.01% of 
the user base
How can security be just for 0.01%? Have you ever thought of it this 
way: "I want my computer to do something when *I* say it to!".

I can tell you that 95% of people who use computers want "EASE of USE"
I am afraid you are right there. That is why the world of computing is 
in such a shitty state and we get a new worm or virus every 15 minutes.

- installable YES, configurable ... you've got to be shitting me :o
Well... I think I just took a cr*p on your front lawn, dude. ;-)
(that really is a pathetic attempt at a joke; I'm just kidding)
Fast Forward to 2004, & all I see are developers adding features that are not that 
important, yet
missing the basics of what the majority of USER's want(not coders)
It all depends on what you use the system for and who you hold 
accountable. Are FreeBSD's developers accountable for what the 
WindowMaker people come up with? You are free to choose a GUI that fits you.

Apple OSX understands this(nice GUI over BSD base - shame about the stupid high prices 
& dumb one
button mouse)...
Why? The one button mouse adds even more ease of use, no?
sorry BSD/Linux developers ...your just giving more air to MS by focusing on the
wrong things
And rightfully so!
Don't you get it? You are *free* to choose whatever system you want. If 
you choose any of the BSD's (for that matter), you are *free* to choose 
a GUI or the CLI. Also, should you opt for the GUI, you are *free* to 
choose which one. Also, you are *free* to choose whatever software you 
additionally would like to run. An editor? You are *free* to choose 
which one, be it CLI or GUI. A web server? Again, freedom. Choose 
Apache, choose thttpd, do so *freely*.

But don't bit

Re: df shows bugs values on gbde'd partitions

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> Hello list!
> Here is my df output:
> # df
> Filesystem  1024-blocks  Used  Avail Capacity
> Mounted on
> /dev/ar0s1a 20260301026101761338 6%
> /
> devfs 1 1  0
> 100%/dev
> /dev/ar0s1e 5077038   29598061711070
> 63%/usr
> /dev/ar0s1f 50770387049043965972
> 15%/var
> /dev/ar0s1d.bde20151502  17701936 837446
> 95%/mnt/home
> /dev/ar0s1g.bde42348172 18014398521687354 -18014398482727034
> 46237809447%/mnt/var

Well, I would start with a back up. According to used space, you will have
to go to your local computer store and pick up a 18014 TeraByte (18
PetaByte) disk drive, and copy all data over to it immediately. ;o)

In all seriousness, I've never seen this but almost choked when I saw the
numbers. Hope someone can help. BTW, what does the .bde stand for after
the slice/partition?


> I tried to reboot but the values remains. However I see no problems with
> that.
> Server works fine in production environment with no panic for a least a
> month.
> Could someone tell me whats going on with my server?
> ___
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df shows bugs values on gbde'd partitions

2004-07-28 Thread Kentucky Mandeloid Mo.
Hello list!
Here is my df output:
# df
Filesystem  1024-blocks  Used  Avail Capacity  
Mounted on
/dev/ar0s1a 20260301026101761338 6%/
devfs 1 1  0   
/dev/ar0s1e 5077038   29598061711070
/dev/ar0s1f 50770387049043965972
/dev/ar0s1d.bde20151502  17701936 837446
/dev/ar0s1g.bde42348172 18014398521687354 -18014398482727034 

I tried to reboot but the values remains. However I see no problems with that.
Server works fine in production environment with no panic for a least a month.

Could someone tell me whats going on with my server?
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RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread JJB
Same solution, move IDE1 slave to IDE2 master.
Check dmesg.boot file for boot messages about hard drives and their speeds.

ATA66 should be your fastest drive and the one that you want FreeBSD on, and
it should be the master on IDE1.

-Original Message-
From: samy lancher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: ata1: resetting devices ...


Thanks for the reply.
Yes, i do have two hard drives in my server. I am not sure about their
speeds. Could you please give me the solution if the problem is from having
two hard drives.


These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread samy lancher
These are the messages from "dmesg"
ad0: 76345MB  [155114/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA66
ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
ad2: 38166MB  [77545/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer

2004-07-28 Thread Jerry McAllister
> --- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Some times, it's better to install smaller packages that work together
> > in a well-known way, than huge mega-monsters that break in unexpected
> > ways later on.
> Firstly, thnx Giorgos for responding!
> All I want from BSD to is a Rock Solid Web Server with as default:
> - FreeBSD+Minimilist GUI(wmaker will do)
> - File Manager(got xfe working)
> - Editor(got nedit installed)
> - Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl
> - Firewall (is one installed as default ??)
> - Web Browser(Mozilla installed but its slow - will try firefox later)
> Thats all, nothing else!
> I would have thought that with so many people running BSD Web Servers, 
> that there would be a
> similar default install out-of-the-box out there...

Yes, but with so many people running BSD, there probably are nearly
that many different combinations of features that have been chosen.
FreeBSD users tend to cherish that freedom to do it their own way and 
not be condemned to whatever some weenie in a cube somewhere decided
they should be required to run.

On the other hand, some people have put together their own standard
set of OS + ports and made up a sort of package that they install on
all the systems they manage.  Tools are available for that in the
FreeBSD world.   But, note that unlike the MS world, those people
still selected what they wanted and made it their way first, before 
going on to build an installable set.We actually do that here.
We even have our own custom made installation process.  Our sites 
just plop in the CD and only have to enter in their desired host name, 
IP, gateway, nameserver, etc and it does everything including deciding 
how to slice and partition their disk for them.  But, I don't imagine 
very many persons who are not using our type of service would want 
that exact system.   So, they make their own.

> I guess my problem is I know where all the files go on my Windows box, 
> but I am not sure where the
> files go on the BSD box when an install goes wrong. If the pkg_delete 
> fails, how do I manually
> remove the files for a failed [Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl] 
> installation ??

Generally I have had better luck finding things on FreeBSD than ever
on a MS system, but even on FreeBSD it can take some looking.  Mostly,
things are systematic and fairly logical once you are familiar with the
system.   But, remember that ports come from many places and people.  They
are not created by the FreeBSD core team, but by anyone who wants to submit
a port.   There are some requirements for how to make them install right
using the ports system, but otherwise, the port maintainer is the one who
designs and implements it all and there are many independant port maintainers.

Their are tools such as find(1) and ls(1) in combination with wild-cards 
and grep(1) that help a lot.  For pretty much everything installed from 
ports, start looking in /usr/local.  Also, look under the port itself in 
such places as /usr/ports/category/port/work and such.   Example, for 
the vim editor, there are a lot of files in /usr/ports/editors/vim/work 
that are residue from the install process.

> > ...  much deleted
> ...
> sorry about, thought I did - here goes:
> - Installing Packages is nice & easy & straight forward from the docs(should be more 
> of these!)
> - Installing ports/packages via ftp/net - Forget it!!
> I have barely got BSD running, the last thing I want is connecting a BSD 
> box to my broadband
> connection ?? Does BSD have a default firewall ?? Don't know, having 
> trouble installing stuff let
> alone configuring a firewall via scripts/files

You are probably better off and more secure with an initial install, with
no additional work or tweaking, of FreeBSD on the net than you would be
with a MS system with every know "fix" available.   The system is 
inherently more secure and in addition - and maybe partially because of
this - fewer, by far,  attempts at cracking FreeBSD are made than are
made against MS systems.  Some of this is, of course, because there are
much fewer FreeBSD systems out there to tempt kiddies.  But, the fact
that cracking FreeBSD is more difficult contributes to this effect.

> Currently as we speak, I am getting about a hit every 10 seconds from 
> worms... thankfully being
> caught by my firewall on my Windows 2000 box.

Generally, FreeBSD is immune to those worms and viruses.  You would be
safer turning off your MS machine and reading your Email only on
any UNIX system such as FreeBSD.   Of course, you can also configure
procmail and install spam assassin to help reduce the annoyance of
that traffic.   But, in the meantime you don't have to worry that those
worms will be finding a welcome host for their misdeeds.

> >> Why isn't it easy for you to install all these things on FreeBSD?
> Specifically, its the ./configure business of the different installations & 
> the pedantic order
> which to install the diffe

RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread samy lancher
Thanks for the reply. 
Yes, i do have two hard drives in my server. I am not sure about their speeds. Could 
you please give me the solution if the problem is from having two hard drives.

These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: No answer send-pr

2004-07-28 Thread Matthew Seaman
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 06:58:06PM -0500, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

> I wrapped up a small port and submitted it with send-pr. However (after maybe a 
> couple week) I don't see it in the list
> of upcoming ports, nor did I get any answer.
> IIRC I should get an automated message, just to inform me that my report was 
> received... is it so?

You mean this one?

It was committed on January 29th.  As far as I know you don't get back
a message when that happens -- you're meant to follow the appropriate
mailing list (in this case [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to see when
that happens.

If that wasn't the PR you meant, then it seems your submission has
gone astray, as that's the only PR listed with your name on it.  If
so, I'd try resubmitting the PR, but be sure to add a note saying that
you tried to submit before and it never aparently showed up.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
  Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

Description: PGP signature

Re: Are you truly a M$ desktop alternative?

2004-07-28 Thread Vulpes Velox
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:41:55 +1000
"Aaron Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Centralised admin is my primary concern. User perspective is
> obviously functionality.
> Anyway
> I've decided the best course of action to save money for the company
> is to run a kickarse
> Microsft 2K3 server Terminal Server, then use "SOME SORT" of ULinux
> OS to run on the client machine with a compatible TS client like
> rdesktop, PXES etc. possibly including a  combo with LTSP, Rdesktop
> and Wilisystem if I want an EPROM diskless total boot from ULinux
> workstation desktop to W2K3 Terminal Server without user
> interaction.

Can be done using freebsd too. Look into bootp, PXE, and whatever...

And there is even more info out there on how to do it. ;)
> The question is, out of all the ULinux flavours, which one should I
> run which costs nothing or very little and will last for 4-6years in
> that time period? "Very little" equates to somewhat less than
> running Windows XP for a similar period. 

You can DL freebsd and get it all working with everything you need for
free. Cheaper than running WinXP is easy in this area.
> Cost savings include at least virus scanners and significant patch
> updates from Microsoft. Of course I'd rather update a single server
> than around 500 workstations both LAN and VPN remote machines. Virus
> signatures, multiple Microsoft patches etc. can be avoided.

Depends on how the antivirus is liscensed.
> Reminder is I'm used to using XP. Our users range from Windows NT
> 4.0,Windows 2000 Pro and Windows XP. Based on a decent TS client,
> this shouldn't matter anyway.
> Your advice appreciated.
> Regards
> Aaron Benson
> -Original Message-
> From: Vulpes Velox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, 26 July 2004 4:43 AM
> To: Jorn Argelo
> Cc: Aaron Benson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Are you truly a M$ desktop alternative?
> On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 20:41:54 +0200 (CEST)
> "Jorn Argelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > >  
> > > This email is going to any Linux house whom has pitched
> > > themselves via their websites and reviews, from my research as
> > > being possible alternatives to XP at this stage. Depends on your
> > > Google hit and thereafter (if found within 2 pages) site FAQ's I
> > > suppose.
> > >  
> > > As a currently dedicated M$ house (apart from Oracle Databases),
> > > we question the move to a XP desktop amid the Linux hype in
> > > recent times. Any IT department trying to save company money is
> > > only doing the right thing and ask the question, what can Linux
> > > do for us?
> > 
> > As mentioned before, FreeBSD is NOT Linux. Keep that in mind.
> > 
> > > I've flipped through your FAQ's and over forums but result in no
> > > 
> > > answer for Active Directory 2K3 and Exchange 2K3 server client 
> > > connectivity, integration and functionality? Note that we have
> > > not moved to these product versions yet. Hence this email.
> > 
> > KDE's Kmail can connect to Exchange servers, I believe. As for
> > logging
> > into active directory ... That doesn't exist AFAIK. Perhaps there
> > are programs that allow such things, but I wouldn't count on that.
> > Windows
> > is an excellent OS for integration with Active Directory.
> AFAIK sylpheed-claws can too... IIRC Exchange is imap... or
> something...
> Windows see below for more info on active directory integration. :)
> > > I ask because I cannot see a server based centralised
> > > authentication
> > > and administrative option in Linux. If there were, say a 
> > > "centralised server option" for Linux, this would be seriously 
> > > considered. Is there a User Manager equivalent (NT4 domain for 
> > > example) or Exchange Administrator equivalent (Exchange
> > > 5.5) "functional" alternative? More importantly, 2K3 Server and 
> > > Exchange integration?
> > >
> YP/NIS works and can be gotten to work on Windows(using something
> free similiar to below from Microsoft.) Many unixes(note lower case
> :P) are also begining to supprt LDAP now. IIRC FreeBSD 5x does.
> > Not AFAIK.
> > 
> > > Failing that, connecting clients as above to M$ servers would be
> > > 
> > > sufficient. Stay with M$ in servers, go with Linux in desktops.
> > > I've
> > > seen enough "glossy brochures" and want to know the facts.
> > 
> > Again, you can't do this when you want centralised server option.
> > 
> > > The cost difference is obvious. The functional difference is
> > > not. I've still no reason to choose your Linux over Windows XP
> > > Pro at this stage. Cost is not enough. Any sane IT department
> > > doesn't need screaming users due to lack of pure functionality.
> > > Experience suggests most find it difficult enough getting around
> > > the OS to even
> > > perform basic functions, let al

Re: modules load

2004-07-28 Thread Matthew Seaman
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 11:44:58AM -0300, Cleyton Agapito wrote:

> Sorry if this sound stupid, but i can?t understand yet how FBSD work
> with
> modules. The Handbook is not so clear about what you must compile
> statically in
> kernel (like so difference between make and buildkernel procedures), i
> suppose
> that if you don?t use a feature every time it will be a module (right?),
> but i?m a
> little disapointed because i must load in loader.conf and they stay
> there all the time
> or else i can?t find the device on /dev (like fdc.ko), i thought to
> unload all unused with
>  kldunload but it must be done one by one.
> I have many others questions bsd-related  like that but maybe this
> is not the right place, the
> FAQs are not enough to learn system and others hacker-like are so
> difficult! Where can I find
> a median list to ask commons operational questions?
> I wonder with FBSD, it?s not so easy like linux but is very much
> better (my opinion) :-)

No -- it's not a stupid question at all.  Some drivers have to be
compiled into the kernel, others may either be compiled in or loaded
as modules and there are a few proprietary drivers /only/ available as
modules (the nVidia graphics driver is a good example of the latter).

Some of those modules must be loaded early in the boot process --
hence you need to make an entry in loader.conf to get them loaded
before the kernel really starts to boot.  Others the kernel will load
as it probes the hardware, and finds devices it needs to drive.  Yet
others can be loaded later on, even after the system has completely
booted up -- in fact where this is the case you'll often find that the
module will be loaded automatically for you.

And just to be more confusing, the capabilities of the various drivers
are being refined and extended over time, so a module in 4.x which has
to be compiled in might be dynamically loadable in 5.x.

Usually there will be a man page for each driver in section 4 of the
manual -- eg. fdc(4) is the driver for the floppy disk controller.
That, or one of the pages referenced from it, should explain how
devices can be loaded: generally if it doesn't say anything along
those lines, the driver may well be compiled-in only, but there's no
surefire way of telling.  Of course, if you are familiar with the
system sources, you can just look at the source code for each driver
and tell pretty quickly in what ways it can be used.

The usual strategies with FreeBSD are either:

1) create your own custom kernel image, where you include the
   drivers you have hardware for, and exclude the rest.  In this
   case, you wouldn't generally use loadable modules at all.

2) run using the GENERIC kernel, which has support for most common
   devices, and can load modules to support anything else you're
   likely to encounter.

I've never heard of anyone trying to make a 'maximally dynamically
loaded' kernel.  Might be an interesting thing to try at some point.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
  Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

Description: PGP signature

RE: ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread JJB
These means that you have a mismatch between the devices and the
ribbon connecting them to your motherboard. Most common cause is a
UDMA66 hard drive plugged into the master connector on the ribbon
and a UDMA33 CDROM. The messages is telling you the IDE hard drive
controller is defaulting the ribbon read/write speed to the slower
speed of the CDROM.

Now this is not harmful to your hardware, but does deny your server
the ability to utilize the full speed potential of your hard drive.

This is easily fixed by moving the CDROM drive from the slave
connector on the primary IDE controller to the master commenter on
the secondary IDE controller on your motherboard.

This also can occur if you have two hard drives on the primary IDE
controller of different speeds.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of samy
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: ata1: resetting devices ...

Hello All,

This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7

ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
cable or device


I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Thanks in advance.


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(SOLVED) Console in X

2004-07-28 Thread Mark Ovens
Mark Ovens wrote:
If I put this in ~/.xinitrc
exec startkde  > /dev/console 2>&1
to redirect messages to the console in order to read them in xconsole, X 
starts and immediately exits with the error:

/home/mark/.xinitrc: cannot create /dev/console: permission denied
I've uncommented this line in /etc/fbtab:
/dev/ttyv0  0600/dev/console
Duh! Seems you have to reboot for the changes to /etc/fbtab to take 
effect. It's been that long since I set it up that I'd forgotten.

Sorry for the noise folks.
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Re: wrong Xircom card??

2004-07-28 Thread Gary Kline
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 05:59:19PM +0100, Scott Mitchell wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 05:55:51PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> > To reply to my last post: no joy.  I tried no kernel config,
> > just selected  irq3 and the Default card addr of 0x.
> > The installation floppies recognized the card and said it
> > was initializing things, but same results:  I would up
> > with only slip and ppp choices.
> > 
> > I tried the full-screen intall option next.  Xircon ("xe")
> > was't among the drivers in the Network list.  Is there a 
> > way of installing the xe driver from floppy?   
> What exact Xircom card is this?  The xe driver only knows about the older
> Xircom PCMCIA cards.  Some of their CardBus adapters are (I believe)
> handled by the dc driver.

I have the Xircom Ethernet II 10/100 CBE2-100 (IIRC); someone
on the -mobile list said that only 5.X recognizes this card.

Both a floppy install of 5.2.1 and a CDROM 5.2.1 recognize 
the Cardbus; but both poison almost immediately.  --So, for now,
I'm sticking with 4.8 and looking for a PCMCIA card that 
works with 4.8.


   Gary Kline [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public service Unix

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Re: Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Guillermo García-Rojas
Ok, this is mi case:

I have an old Pentium-MMX 200 Mhz and 40Mb RAM, 1 Gb HD.
Can you put Windows 2000 on it?
I don't think so.

It's running OpenBSD 3.5, it can run FreeBSD too.

This machine is my DHCP server for 9 machines and gives them internet
access, it does NAT too.

Did I mention I have no monitor???
I do not need it, so I do not need a GUI

Can you live without your Windows 2000 GUI? Can you work without it?

What if some big company ask you to work for them, but they have UNIX
systems, are you prepared or can you handle that work?

One more thing, my OpenBSD 3.5 costs me $0, FreeBSD price is $0 too.
Did you spend the same amount of money on your Windows 2000??


On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:10:10 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas
> On 2004-07-28 07:28, DK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- Remko Lodder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > eg: ONE Package(NOT an array of messy Ports)
> > >
> > > It works absolutly fine, i dont think we want one big package for
> > > everything, then it would be like rpm and FreeBSD imo does not want to
> > > follow Redhat and such. Oh and that requires a lot of disks for
> > > installing, Suse anyone? (DVD or six seven CD's?).
> >
> > 6 CD's for what ??? An OS with a FAST GUI/File Manager/FindFiles/Editor + Web 
> > Server
> > ... more like 350MB ;) then add 250MB for Office :))
> That's the route some Linux distributions have been going down.
> Please, bear in mind while your're trying to set up FreeBSD, that
> FreeBSD is thankfully not like these Linux distributions.  It's not even
> a Linux distribution at all, but a BSD system.
> > > As said, read the documentation , or learn to search, since if you did
> > > that and installd apache with modssl included. And you would have
> > > searched you would have come across mod_perl and even mod_php, which is
> > > apxs'ed into the apache library stuff and can be used within 'seconds'.
> >
> > whats apxs'ed short for ??
> Apache server extensions that do not need to be linked to your Web
> server at build time, but can be loaded at run-time as modules.
> > Refreshing the system without a reboot is a Priority in front of
> > Automount ?? nice one developers...
> > & windows 2000 doesn't have a nice SMP ... that's news to my DUAL 1
> > Ghz Pentium III system at home I use as a workstation
> I don't know about that.  I've only worked with non-SMP systems so far.
> Perhaps Remko was overreacting to your overreaction ;-)
> > .. I know its hard for people to swallow, but MS Windows IS easier to
> > use than BSD/Linux/OSX ...  thats WHY its the most widely
> > used regardless of marketing/costs etc ...
> Yes, I know.  Windows is easier.  Thanks, I won't buy!
> Do you want to come at home and explain what is easy about Windows to my
> sister who's been fighting with DVD playback on Windows XP for more than
> a month now, who wasted precious exam-period time to troubleshoot and
> solve Powerpoint and Word problems?
> > Gnome starts faster than Windows ?? Start time is not important - I am
> > talking about reaction time of the GUI - Menu's apearing, moving
> > icons, applications appearing etc -
> Start-time *IS* important and I don't know why you want to present it
> like something totally unimportant.  Perhaps because it suits your
> bragging about the "speed" of Windows?  I'm not sure :-(
> Reaction-time that you mention above is something that depends on a lot
> of subjective factors, on the themes you have selected, on the load of
> the machine at the time and a host of other things.  Can you describe
> the setup of the machine at the time you measured this "reaction time"
> that bothered you and the tests you did to measure it?
> > Working with Fedora at Uni (Yes, I am doing a Masters) the other day,
> > its on a 50 Node Cluster - Its running on systems faster than what I
> > have at home(above), yet feels like its as gluggy as Windows 95! -
> > nice one Linux
> FreeBSD is not Linux.  Sorry, you'd have to complain to the Fedora
> people for any problems you have with their slow monster of an
> RPM-beast.
> Yes, I hate working on Fedora too, and I avoid it like hell.  But that
> has nothing to do with the way FreeBSD works or what it can do :)
> > As for XFCE, how do you start it from the .xinitrc The XFCE Homepage
> > site says "exec startxfce4" - but that didn't work for me ??
> The X11 desktop is described in detail in "The X Window System", a
> chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook.  This chapter contains a lot of useful
> information for people who are new to X11.  Please do read it.
> There is even a section in that chapter that describes XFCE4 and the
> steps that you need to take to install it and start it.  I'm sure you'll
> find it very helpful.
> As usual, if you have comments, suggestions or complaints about the
> document, you can always contact the FreeBSD Documentation Team as
> described in the bottom of every documentation page.

Re: HOWTO Ping LAN???

2004-07-28 Thread Bill Moran

PLEASE wrap your lines.  I'm not interested in fixing obnoxious email formatting
any more.  See

Hakim Singhji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Many of you have seen my posts lately, I'm a noobie to FreeBSD.  I'm trying
> to configure a home "Windows Free" home network complete with default
> gateway, LAN, Wireless 802.11b and several flavors of Linux/BSD.
> Its a pretty big project for me and is teaching me ALOT.  However I have a
> test setup and I'm am not able to ping my local machine.  I can only ping
> my gateway.  My local machine is enabled to receive FTP, PING and SSH. In
> addition the firewall on my default gateway is also configured to operate
> those services.
> I don't know where I''ve gone wrong, my default gateway works fine
> however...I cannot find my network from the outside.  What is the problem???
>  Thanks in advance for all your help.

Do you have _real_ IPs?  Most people only get one real IP from their ISP, and
then use "private" IPs (such as 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x) for the rest of their
machines.  If you're doing such, you'll either need exciting nat rules on
the gateway, or some other workaround.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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2004-07-28 Thread Hakim Singhji
Hi All,

Many of you have seen my posts lately, I'm a noobie to FreeBSD.  I'm trying to 
configure a home "Windows Free" home network complete with default gateway, LAN, 
Wireless 802.11b and several flavors of Linux/BSD.

Its a pretty big project for me and is teaching me ALOT.  However I have a test setup 
and I'm am not able to ping my local machine.  I can only ping my gateway.  My local 
machine is enabled to receive FTP, PING and SSH. In addition the firewall on my 
default gateway is also configured to operate those services.

I don't know where I''ve gone wrong, my default gateway works fine however...I cannot 
find my network from the outside.  What is the problem???  Thanks in advance for all 
your help.


Hakim Z. Singhji
Coordinating Mgr. / Infection Control

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: No answer send-pr

2004-07-28 Thread Ion-Mihai Tetcu

[ 72 chars / line, please ]

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:58:06 EST
Andrea Venturoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello.
> I wrapped up a small port and submitted it with send-pr. However
> (after maybe a couple week) I don't see it in the list of upcoming
> ports, nor did I get any answer. IIRC I should get an automated
> message, just to inform me that my report was received... is it so?

Yes, you should. Try the PR database web interface and see if you PR got
there; if not, submit it again.

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2004-07-28 07:28, DK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Remko Lodder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > eg: ONE Package(NOT an array of messy Ports)
> >
> > It works absolutly fine, i dont think we want one big package for
> > everything, then it would be like rpm and FreeBSD imo does not want to
> > follow Redhat and such. Oh and that requires a lot of disks for
> > installing, Suse anyone? (DVD or six seven CD's?).
> 6 CD's for what ??? An OS with a FAST GUI/File Manager/FindFiles/Editor + Web Server
> ... more like 350MB ;) then add 250MB for Office :))

That's the route some Linux distributions have been going down.

Please, bear in mind while your're trying to set up FreeBSD, that
FreeBSD is thankfully not like these Linux distributions.  It's not even
a Linux distribution at all, but a BSD system.

> > As said, read the documentation , or learn to search, since if you did
> > that and installd apache with modssl included. And you would have
> > searched you would have come across mod_perl and even mod_php, which is
> > apxs'ed into the apache library stuff and can be used within 'seconds'.
> whats apxs'ed short for ??

Apache server extensions that do not need to be linked to your Web
server at build time, but can be loaded at run-time as modules.

> Refreshing the system without a reboot is a Priority in front of
> Automount ?? nice one developers...

> & windows 2000 doesn't have a nice SMP ... that's news to my DUAL 1
> Ghz Pentium III system at home I use as a workstation

I don't know about that.  I've only worked with non-SMP systems so far.
Perhaps Remko was overreacting to your overreaction ;-)

> .. I know its hard for people to swallow, but MS Windows IS easier to
> use than BSD/Linux/OSX ...  thats WHY its the most widely
> used regardless of marketing/costs etc ...

Yes, I know.  Windows is easier.  Thanks, I won't buy!

Do you want to come at home and explain what is easy about Windows to my
sister who's been fighting with DVD playback on Windows XP for more than
a month now, who wasted precious exam-period time to troubleshoot and
solve Powerpoint and Word problems?

> Gnome starts faster than Windows ?? Start time is not important - I am
> talking about reaction time of the GUI - Menu's apearing, moving
> icons, applications appearing etc -

Start-time *IS* important and I don't know why you want to present it
like something totally unimportant.  Perhaps because it suits your
bragging about the "speed" of Windows?  I'm not sure :-(

Reaction-time that you mention above is something that depends on a lot
of subjective factors, on the themes you have selected, on the load of
the machine at the time and a host of other things.  Can you describe
the setup of the machine at the time you measured this "reaction time"
that bothered you and the tests you did to measure it?

> Working with Fedora at Uni (Yes, I am doing a Masters) the other day,
> its on a 50 Node Cluster - Its running on systems faster than what I
> have at home(above), yet feels like its as gluggy as Windows 95! -
> nice one Linux

FreeBSD is not Linux.  Sorry, you'd have to complain to the Fedora
people for any problems you have with their slow monster of an

Yes, I hate working on Fedora too, and I avoid it like hell.  But that
has nothing to do with the way FreeBSD works or what it can do :)

> As for XFCE, how do you start it from the .xinitrc The XFCE Homepage
> site says "exec startxfce4" - but that didn't work for me ??

The X11 desktop is described in detail in "The X Window System", a
chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook.  This chapter contains a lot of useful
information for people who are new to X11.  Please do read it.

There is even a section in that chapter that describes XFCE4 and the
steps that you need to take to install it and start it.  I'm sure you'll
find it very helpful.

As usual, if you have comments, suggestions or complaints about the
document, you can always contact the FreeBSD Documentation Team as
described in the bottom of every documentation page.

Point your favorite browser to

and happy reading :-)

> Whats the purpose of having to manually set the system to automount ??
> as opposed to having it as a system install default ?? if there is an
> advantage, I am sure its for the 0.01% of the user base

It's more in the range of 99.9%.  Automounting can be annoying like hell
when you happen to accidentally insert media in your drives.  It can
also be insecure if you don't want anyone to use the machine you've
installed to mount CD-ROMs, floppies or other media of their choise.

Instead of leaving *all* the users exposed to risks like this, which is
the usual Windows philosophy of doing stuff, FreeBSD has the capability
to automount media but keeps it disabled by default.

Is it so hard to edit a text file like rc.conf and add a simple line
like this?


Do you really mean that this is so m

Re: wrong Xircom card??

2004-07-28 Thread Scott Mitchell
On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 05:55:51PM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
>   To reply to my last post: no joy.  I tried no kernel config,
>   just selected  irq3 and the Default card addr of 0x.
>   The installation floppies recognized the card and said it
>   was initializing things, but same results:  I would up
>   with only slip and ppp choices.
>   I tried the full-screen intall option next.  Xircon ("xe")
>   was't among the drivers in the Network list.  Is there a 
>   way of installing the xe driver from floppy?   

What exact Xircom card is this?  The xe driver only knows about the older
Xircom PCMCIA cards.  Some of their CardBus adapters are (I believe)
handled by the dc driver.


Scott Mitchell   | PGP Key ID | "Eagles may soar, but weasels
Cambridge, England   | 0x54B171B9 |  don't get sucked into jet engines"
scott at | 0xAA775B8B |  -- Anon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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No answer send-pr

2004-07-28 Thread Andrea Venturoli

I wrapped up a small port and submitted it with send-pr. However (after maybe a couple 
week) I don't see it in the list
of upcoming ports, nor did I get any answer.
IIRC I should get an automated message, just to inform me that my report was 
received... is it so?

 bye & Thanks

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: USB APC UPS support in FreeBSD

2004-07-28 Thread Gordon Freeman
apcupsd was written for Linux and it doesn't work with USB UPS devices
on FreeBSD due to the hefty differences in the USB implementation
between Linux and FreeBSD.

The last time I looked there weren't any USB based UPS monitoring
services for FreeBSD.

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:02:10 +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello,
> sorry if it is wrong place to address this issue to...
> Could anybody port apcupsd daemon or something else on FreeBSD to support
> APC UPS USB connection?
> Or is it already done?
> Regards,
> Konstantin Nizhegorodov.
> ___
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
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ata1: resetting devices ...

2004-07-28 Thread samy lancher
Hello All,
This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7 server.
ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66 cable or device
I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for this message and is 
there something to worry about the server?.
Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage!
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ports update problem

2004-07-28 Thread Osmany Guirola Cruz
Hi people
 i am updating my ports via CTM i have the Empty ctm 
and did
ctm -v ports-cur.5300xEmpty.gz
without problem and then do the same with the ctm short files 
after that i did a portsdb -uU but now i can not  install any port 
these are the errors when i do
portinstall mono
/usr/ports/INDEX:1:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.

/usr/ports/INDEX:11414:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11415:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11416:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11417:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11418:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11419:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11420:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11421:Port info line must consist of 10 fields.
/usr/ports/INDEX:11422:Port info line must consist of 10 fields

another "funny" thing is with barry, whe i use barry i see this in the console

make: cannot open /Mk/
barry: WARNING: Key ?accessibility not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
%barry: WARNING: Key ?arabic not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?archivers not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?astro not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?audio not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?benchmarks not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?biology not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?cad not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?chinese not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?comms not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?converters not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?databases not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?deskutils not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?devel not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?dns not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?editors not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?emulators not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?finance not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?french not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?ftp not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?games not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?german not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?graphics not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?hebrew not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?hungarian not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?irc not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?japanese not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?java not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?korean not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?lang not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?mail not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?math not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?mbone not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?misc not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?multimedia not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?net not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?net-mgmt not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?news not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?palm not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?picobsd not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?polish not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?portuguese not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?print not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?russian not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?science not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?security not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?shells not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?sysutils not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?textproc not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?ukrainian not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?vietnamese not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?www not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?x11 not found in database /usr/ports//INDEX.db.
barry: WARNING: Key ?x11-clocks not found in database /usr/

Re: BigApache for Windows - Why doesn't BSD have an installer package like this ???

2004-07-28 Thread DK
--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some times, it's better to install smaller packages that work together
> in a well-known way, than huge mega-monsters that break in unexpected
> ways later on.
Firstly, thnx Giorgos for responding!

All I want from BSD to is a Rock Solid Web Server with as default:
- FreeBSD+Minimilist GUI(wmaker will do)
- File Manager(got xfe working)
- Editor(got nedit installed)
- Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl
- Firewall (is one installed as default ??)
- Web Browser(Mozilla installed but its slow - will try firefox later)
Thats all, nothing else!

I would have thought that with so many people running BSD Web Servers, that there 
would be a
similar default install out-of-the-box out there...

> Anyway, just to check that I'm not writing junk, I've just installed
> apache with mod_ssl, ipv6 and mode_perl support.
> I used the www/apache13-modssl+ipv6 port to install Apache, then
> www/mod_perl to install mod_perl version 1.x (which could be
> substituted in a breeze with www/mod_perl2 to use the newer
> version) tweaked Apache's config file a bit and voila... my web server
> was up and running in less than 5 minutes.

I guess my problem is I know where all the files go on my Windows box, but I am not 
sure where the
files go on the BSD box when an install goes wrong. If the pkg_delete fails, how do I 
remove the files for a failed [Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl] installation ??

> Did you actually *try* to install Apache using the ports?

Yes, apache by itself is easy, its installing the bunch - 

> You still didn't answer my question in an earlier post about the problems you seem
> to be having:
>  Why isn't it easy for you to install all these things on FreeBSD?
>  Which part of the installation troubles you?  A recent addition to
>  the Handbook was a section on Apache.  Perhaps, by letting us know
>  what gives you trouble we can improve the documentation to help you
>  and anyone else that tries to install an Apache web server from
>  now on.

sorry about, thought I did - here goes:

- Installing Packages is nice & easy & straight forward from the docs(should be more 
of these!)
- Installing ports/packages via ftp/net - Forget it!!
I have barely got BSD running, the last thing I want is connecting a BSD box to my 
connection ?? Does BSD have a default firewall ?? Don't know, having trouble 
installing stuff let
alone configuring a firewall via scripts/files

Currently as we speak, I am getting about a hit every 10 seconds from worms... 
thankfully being
caught by my firewall on my Windows 2000 box.

>> Why isn't it easy for you to install all these things on FreeBSD?

Specifically, its the ./configure business of the different installations & the 
pedantic order
which to install the different Apache modules etc..

Then its going step by step with the install guides & when I try to install MySQL, I 
type #
groupadd mysql & I get "command not found" ... ??? no idea, I am following the install 
now if I am doing the same as everyone else with a fresh install of BSD, why is it no 
one else
gets groupadd mysql "command not found" ??

I just don't see the point of compiling each program from source. - But if I try to 
install all of
them from the packages, then it breaks down. - I am used to from Windows, installing 
packages, then once everything is installed & running, I go back & tweak the apps to 
my likeing

BSD wants me to do the tweaks in configuration files prior to compiling from source 
had a chance to fiddle with the app to SEE what needs to be tweak. ie installing PHP 
the setting
of mm should be --without-mm  ?? what the... that should be a tweak AFTER its 
installed not

then manually chmod because for some reason, even though I am logged in as root, all 
files are not
by default excute/write accessable

..oops ranting again... what the manual needs, is more step-by-step screen shots so 
things are
less hit & miss - not just for the install process, but for something like install a 
Web Server
with its modules - Apache+Mod_SSL+MySQL+PHP+Mod_Perl

> Note that OpenSSL is part of the base system in FreeBSD.  Unlike
> Windows, where in the best case it's considered an "add-on" that you have
> to add later.  You don't need to add anything to your FreeBSD system to
> have OpenSSL support, provided you keep the system itself relatively up
> to date, using the recommended update instructions of the Handbook or
> the file /usr/src/UPDATING.

I assume I would need to be connect to the net for this... but I would first need to 
secure the
system from attack BEFORE I connect - maybe this should be the first part of the docs, 
after installing BSD+GUI+Editor+FileManager but BEFORE installing Apache

> > IMAP
> Exactly what we have now.  You can use the Ports to install all of the
> above and a lot more.  T

Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 16:18, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> > On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:53, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> >> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules
>> 2,
>> >> >> 20002
>> >> >> and 20003?
>> >> >
>> >> > Nothing.
>> >> > BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched
>> by
>> >> > rule
>> >> > 11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right?
>> >>
>> >> AFAIK, setup means the SYN bit MUST be set. Try these rules:
>> >> > add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
>> >>
>> >> add 2000 allow log all from any to any in via rl1 keep-state
>> >> add 2002 allow log all from any to any out via rl0 keep-state
>> >>
>> >> > So why
>> >> > is
>> >> > it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all
>> outgoing
>> >> > packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.
>> >>
>> >> I'll go over the ruleset again here and see if I can find a misplaced
>> >> 'out' or 'in'.
>> >
>> > Now it is getting funny. I played around with the ruleset, adding and
>> > removing
>> > count log rules. Suddenly it worked. I removed all extra count log
>> rules,
>> > and
>> > compared the resulting ruleset file with the backup I made before.
>> > Nothing changed! Was that a bug?
>> I'd like to see the difference. Could you post this output? (The
>> contents
>> of rules.patch).
>> # diff orig_rules_file new_rules_file > rules.patch
> Nothing! That produces an empty file.

Well, at least it's working. I have no idea what the problem could of been.



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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 16:18, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> > On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:53, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> >> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2,
> >> >> 20002
> >> >> and 20003?
> >> >
> >> > Nothing.
> >> > BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched by
> >> > rule
> >> > 11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right?
> >>
> >> AFAIK, setup means the SYN bit MUST be set. Try these rules:
> >> > add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
> >>
> >> add 2000 allow log all from any to any in via rl1 keep-state
> >> add 2002 allow log all from any to any out via rl0 keep-state
> >>
> >> > So why
> >> > is
> >> > it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all outgoing
> >> > packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.
> >>
> >> I'll go over the ruleset again here and see if I can find a misplaced
> >> 'out' or 'in'.
> >
> > Now it is getting funny. I played around with the ruleset, adding and
> > removing
> > count log rules. Suddenly it worked. I removed all extra count log rules,
> > and
> > compared the resulting ruleset file with the backup I made before.
> > Nothing changed! Was that a bug?
> I'd like to see the difference. Could you post this output? (The contents
> of rules.patch).
> # diff orig_rules_file new_rules_file > rules.patch

Nothing! That produces an empty file.

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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:53, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2,
>> >> 20002
>> >> and 20003?
>> >
>> > Nothing.
>> > BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched by
>> > rule
>> > 11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right?
>> AFAIK, setup means the SYN bit MUST be set. Try these rules:
>> > add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
>> add 2000 allow log all from any to any in via rl1 keep-state
>> add 2002 allow log all from any to any out via rl0 keep-state
>> > So why
>> > is
>> > it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all outgoing
>> > packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.
>> I'll go over the ruleset again here and see if I can find a misplaced
>> 'out' or 'in'.
> Now it is getting funny. I played around with the ruleset, adding and
> removing
> count log rules. Suddenly it worked. I removed all extra count log rules,
> and
> compared the resulting ruleset file with the backup I made before. Nothing
> changed! Was that a bug?

I'd like to see the difference. Could you post this output? (The contents
of rules.patch).

# diff orig_rules_file new_rules_file > rules.patch


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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:53, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2,
> >> 20002
> >> and 20003?
> >
> > Nothing.
> > BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched by
> > rule
> > 11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right?
> AFAIK, setup means the SYN bit MUST be set. Try these rules:
> > add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
> add 2000 allow log all from any to any in via rl1 keep-state
> add 2002 allow log all from any to any out via rl0 keep-state
> > So why
> > is
> > it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all outgoing
> > packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.
> I'll go over the ruleset again here and see if I can find a misplaced
> 'out' or 'in'.

Now it is getting funny. I played around with the ruleset, adding and removing 
count log rules. Suddenly it worked. I removed all extra count log rules, and 
compared the resulting ruleset file with the backup I made before. Nothing 
changed! Was that a bug?

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Console in X

2004-07-28 Thread Mark Ovens
If I put this in ~/.xinitrc
exec startkde  > /dev/console 2>&1
to redirect messages to the console in order to read them in xconsole, X 
starts and immediately exits with the error:

/home/mark/.xinitrc: cannot create /dev/console: permission denied
I've uncommented this line in /etc/fbtab:
/dev/ttyv0  0600/dev/console
and dev/console exists:
/home/mark{12}% ls -l /dev/con*
crw---  1 root  wheel0,   0 28 Jul 16:55 /dev/console
crw---  1 root  wheel  234, 255 28 Jul 11:29 /dev/consolectl
This used to work in 4.x and XFree86 4.1 but now I'm running -CURRENT 
and XFree86 4.3.0.

Has something changed, or have I missed something?
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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:23, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> > Yes, it works, but of course I can't leave this rule in all the time.
>> The SYN/ACK packet that comes back from the remote server is denied by
>> rule
>> > 01900. But it should be allowed by the check-state rule.
>> >
>> >> Also, I know you haven't changed anything, but what does the output
>> from
>> >> this command state?:
>> >> # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
>> >
>> > It is set to 1. I changed this a long time ago.
>> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2,
>> 20002
>> and 20003?
> Nothing.
> BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched by
> rule
> 11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right?

AFAIK, setup means the SYN bit MUST be set. Try these rules:

> add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
add 2000 allow log all from any to any in via rl1 keep-state
add 2002 allow log all from any to any out via rl0 keep-state

> So why
> is
> it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all outgoing
> packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.

I'll go over the ruleset again here and see if I can find a misplaced
'out' or 'in'.



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Re: Antialiased fonts in Linux applications

2004-07-28 Thread epilogue
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 13:20:24 +0200 (CEST)
Svein Halvor Halvorsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Font in Linux applications no longer render as they should. Both
> antialiasing and hinting is off. This applies to Acrobat Reader,
> Mathematica, Maple and Opera (ie. all my Linux applications)
> I have symlinks to /usr/X11R6/etc/fonts/* in /usr/compat/linux/etc/fonts
> This used to work, but I don't know what has changed since then, since I
> did a lot of portupgrades in time between this was last known to work,
> and when it recently stopped working.

i noticed the same thing happen to my setup, after upgrading to xorg.  in
my case acroread works.  unfortunately, i don't run mathematica or maple. 
however, for linux-opera, try adding the following settings in

[User Prefs]<<  under this section
Enable Core X Fonts=0
Enable Xft Fonts=1
Trust Qt FontSwitching=0

though i find that many pages in opera don't look quite as sharp as before,
this should make your opera fonts look acceptable.   from within opera,
you can also tinker with alt+p > fonts in order to better align the output
to your tastes.

hopefully someone will suggest a more general (ie. system-wide) fix for
your issue.  in the meantime, i would suggest taking a gander at
your/var/log/Xorg.0.log for any error and warning messages.



> Any help would be greatly appricated.
> -- 
> Svein Halvor
> Here is a list of my ports:
> Hermes-1.3.2Fast pixel formats conversion library
> ImageMagick- Image processing tools
> Mesa-3.4.2_2A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
> ORBit-0.5.17_2  High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C
> language ORBit2-2.10.3   High-performance CORBA ORB with support for
> the C language Xaw3d-1.5   A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks
> like Motif aalib-1.4.r5_1  An ascii art library
> acpicatools-20021118.0 Some utilities for Intel ACPICA (Debugger, ASL
> Compiler and acroread-5.08   View, distribute and print PDF documents
> arts-1.1.4_2,1  Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
> aspell-0.50.5_3 Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than
> ispell atk-1.6.1   A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
> autoconf-2.53_1 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x
> platforms autoconf213-2.13.000227_5 Automatically configure source code
> on many Un*x platforms automake-1.5,1  GNU Standards-compliant
> Makefile generator automake14-1.4.5_9  GNU Standards-compliant Makefile
> generator (legacy version avifile-0.7.38_3,2  AVI player/converter with
> numerous codecs, including MPEG-4 bash-2.05b.007  The GNU Bourne
> Again Shell bbpager-0.3.1   A pager for the Blackbox window manager
> bison-1.75_2A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with
> Yacc bitstream-vera-1.10 Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
> boxtools-0.65.0 Style tools for the blackbox family of window
> managers bsd-airtools-0.3BSD Wireless Scanning Tools
> cdparanoia-3.9.8_7  A CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
> cdrtools-2.0.3_1Cdrecord and several other programs to record CD-R[W]
> compat3x-i386-5.0.20020925 A convenience package to install the compat3x
> libraries coreutils-5.0_1 The Free Software Foundation's core
> utilities ctorrent-1.3.2  BitTorrent Client written in C for FreeBSD
> and Linux cups-base-  The Common UNIX Printing System: headers,
> libs, & daemons cups-pstoraster-7.07_1 GNU Postscript interpreter for
> CUPS printing to non-PS prin curl-7.11.0 Non-interactive tool to
> get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) cvsup-16.1h General network
> file distribution system optimized for CVS db4-4.0.14_1,1  The
> Berkeley DB package, revision 4 db41-4.1.25_1   The Berkeley DB
> package, revision 4.1 dbh-1.0.18  Disk Based Hashtables
> dict-1.9.11 Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client
> djbfft-0.76 An extremely fast library for floating-point
> convolution docbook-sk-4.1.2_3  XML version of the DocBook DTD version
> controlled for Scrol docbook-xml-4.2_1   XML version of the DocBook DTD
> docbook-xsl-1.65.1  XSL DocBook stylesheets
> dri-4.3.0,1 OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for XFree86
> dv2jpg-1.1_3Convert Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI streams to
> mjpeg-encode dvts-1.0a_3 A imprementation of Digital Video
> Transport System emacs-21.3  GNU editing macros
> esound-0.2.34   A sound library for enlightenment package
> expat-1.95.7XML 1.0 parser written in C
> ezm3-1.1Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for
> building CV fam-2.6.9_4 A file alteration monitor
> ffmpeg-0.4.5_7  Hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder/converter,
> streamin fftw-2.1.5_2Fast C routines to compute the Discrete
> Fourier Transform findutils-4.1_2 The GNU find utilities
> flac-1.1.0_3Free 

Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:23, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> > Yes, it works, but of course I can't leave this rule in all the time.
> The SYN/ACK packet that comes back from the remote server is denied by
> rule
> > 01900. But it should be allowed by the check-state rule.
> >
> >> Also, I know you haven't changed anything, but what does the output
> from
> >> this command state?:
> >> # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
> >
> > It is set to 1. I changed this a long time ago.
> I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2, 20002
> and 20003?

BTW, here we have the problem: The initial SYN packet isn't matched by rule 
11700 (setup keep-state). Setup means the SYN flag is set, right? So why is 
it not matched? If I remove the "setup" keyword to match all outgoing 
packets, the SYN/ACK from the server is still denied by rule 01900.

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Re: Is there a Complete "Package"(NOT Ports) for: [Apache+PHP+MySQL+Mod_SSL+Mod_Perl] ?? - newbie+3

2004-07-28 Thread David Landgren
Henrik W Lund wrote:
DK wrote:
Hi all,
I just wanted to know if there is available anywhere a Complete 
"Package" that is Ready to
Go for a FreeBSD Server imlementation that contains:

... & before anyone flames, yes I know you can just d/l the ports & 
compile from source!

... Thats not what I am looking for. Tried that & found it was too 
much messing around
(compared to the equivalent on Windows 2000)
Um, there is no equivalent on W2K, but I digress...
One thing to remember is that Apache and mod_perl are usually run as two 
separate instances.

You run static Apache off port 80, and dynamic Apache (hence +mod_perl) 
on port 8000 or whatever, and this is reverse-proxied back through the 
static server at port 80 (and 8000 is firewalled off from the outside). 
This results in big savings in memory. mod_perl processes can weigh 80Mb 
apiece, easily. Standard httpd processes weigh in at about 3Mb.

You don't want to tie up an 80Mb process spoonfeeding some luser on a 
modem. Reverse proxying lets you have a large number of small static 
processes and only a handful of mod_perl processes.

There are also a number of ways you can proxify the dynamic requests, so 
there's no one-size-fits-all. The easiest way is to do something like:

ProxyPass/dyn http://localhost:8000/
ProxyPassReverse /dyn http://localhost:8000/
Then you have to decide who gets the https port. My advice would be let 
the static handle it. (--enable-ssl)

Next, the question of MySQL. I expect you mean that PHP and/or mod_perl 
needs MySQL support. PHP configure will detect this automatically if you 
have it installed. In mod_perl, you'll probably want to attack it via 
Apache::DBI and DBD::Mysql.

Finally, you can install mod_perl and PHP and DSO (i.e., loadable 
modules), after you have your basic installation up and running. (Just 
remember to --enable-so).

The level of PHP processing you plan to do will indicate whether you 
should be running it directly out of port 80 or proxified from 8000.

There are so many ways to put these pieces together, depending on your 
needs, that there is no simple package that puts them all together. I 
sympathise with your remark that it's so much easier under W2K. The 
trouble is, a well-tuned mod_perl installation will run rings around 
anything IIS/ASP can do, but that comes at a cost of knowing how to set 
it up. I would recommend investing in the mod_perl book by Stas Beckman 
and Eric Cholet.
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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:06, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> > On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:49, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> >> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your
>> /etc/natd.conf
>> >> >> file.
>> >> >
>> >> > natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:
>> >> > natd_interface="rl0"
>> >> > natd_enable="YES"
>> >> >
>> >> > But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.
>> >>
>> >> Indeed, I did mean rc.conf...sorry ;o)
>> >>
>> >> Now would be a good time to post your fw ruleset.
>> >
>> > add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
>> > add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
>> > add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
>> > add 01600 check-state
>> Well, I would hate to do this, but for testing purposes, add a rule (very
>> briefly)...
>> > add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
>> > add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
>> > add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
>> add 1500 allow log logamount 1000 all from any to any
>> and check to see if things are working. Your security log file may
indicate where traffic is going whether it is or not.
> Yes, it works, but of course I can't leave this rule in all the time.
The SYN/ACK packet that comes back from the remote server is denied by
> 01900. But it should be allowed by the check-state rule.
>> Also, I know you haven't changed anything, but what does the output
>> this command state?:
>> # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding
> It is set to 1. I changed this a long time ago.

I figured so...what happens if you add 'keep-state' to rules 2, 20002
and 20003?



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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 15:06, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> > On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:49, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> >> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your /etc/natd.conf
> >> >> file.
> >> >
> >> > natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:
> >> > natd_interface="rl0"
> >> > natd_enable="YES"
> >> >
> >> > But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.
> >>
> >> Indeed, I did mean rc.conf...sorry ;o)
> >>
> >> Now would be a good time to post your fw ruleset.
> >
> > add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
> > add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
> > add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
> > add 01600 check-state
> Well, I would hate to do this, but for testing purposes, add a rule (very
> briefly)...
> > add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
> > add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
> > add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
> add 1500 allow log logamount 1000 all from any to any
> and check to see if things are working. Your security log file may
> indicate where traffic is going whether it is or not.

Yes, it works, but of course I can't leave this rule in all the time.
The SYN/ACK packet that comes back from the remote server is denied by rule 
01900. But it should be allowed by the check-state rule.

> Also, I know you haven't changed anything, but what does the output from
> this command state?:
> # sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding

It is set to 1. I changed this a long time ago.

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FreeBSD + Dell PowerVault NAS

2004-07-28 Thread Joseph Koenig

Has anyone used FreeBSD with a Dell PowerVault NAS (Windows-based)? We are
considering moving some servers to a facility that uses PowerVault NAS
machines with Windows to do backups. Is there any issue with this? I should
be able to connect via NFS or SMB and just tar directly to the NAS machine,
correct? Thanks,

Joe Koenig
Production Manager
jWeb New Media Design

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RE: freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 70, Issue 10

2004-07-28 Thread Ara
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:28:36 -0700
From: Henrik W Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is there a Complete "Package"(NOT Ports) for:
[Apache+PHP+MySQL+Mod_SSL+Mod_Perl]  ??  -  newbie+3
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

DK wrote:

>Hi all,
>I just wanted to know if there is available anywhere a Complete "Package" that is 
>Ready to
>Go for a FreeBSD Server imlementation that contains:
>... & before anyone flames, yes I know you can just d/l the ports & compile from 
>... Thats not what I am looking for. Tried that & found it was too much messing around
>(compared to the equivalent on Windows 2000)
>Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated :))
>BTW: thanks to all who replied to my previous questions :))

yes try

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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:49, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your /etc/natd.conf
>> >> file.
>> >
>> > natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:
>> > natd_interface="rl0"
>> > natd_enable="YES"
>> >
>> > But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.
>> Indeed, I did mean rc.conf...sorry ;o)
>> Now would be a good time to post your fw ruleset.
> add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
> add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
> add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
> add 01600 check-state

Well, I would hate to do this, but for testing purposes, add a rule (very

> add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
> add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699
> add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
add 1500 allow log logamount 1000 all from any to any

and check to see if things are working. Your security log file may
indicate where traffic is going whether it is or not.

Also, I know you haven't changed anything, but what does the output from
this command state?:

# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding


> add 01700 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from any to me 22 in setup
> keep-state
> add 01701 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from me 22 to any out
> add 01702 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from any to me 21 in setup
> keep-state
> add 01703 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from me 21 to any out
> add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established
> add 11700 allow tcp from any to any out setup keep-state
> add 11701 allow udp from 53 to any in recv rl0
> add 11702 allow udp from any to 53
> add 11703 allow udp from 53 to any in recv rl0
> add 11704 allow udp from any to 53
> add 11705 allow udp from 67 to 68 in recv rl0
> add 11801 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 3
> add 11802 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 4
> add 11803 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 8 out
> add 11804 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0 in
> add 11805 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 9 out
> add 11806 allow log icmp from any to any icmptypes 11 in
> add 11807 allow log icmp from any to any icmptypes 11 out
> add 11900 allow icmp from me to icmptypes 9 in via rl0
> add 11901 allow icmp from to icmptypes 9 in via rl1
> add 11902 allow all from me to out via rl0
> add 11903 allow all from to out via rl1
> add 11904 allow udp from me 520 to 520 out via rl0
> add 11905 allow udp from me 520 to 520 in via rl0
> add 11906 allow udp from 520 to 520 in via rl1
> add 11907 allow udp from 520 to 520 out via rl1
> add 11908 allow udp from me 520 to 520 out via rl1
> add 11909 allow udp from me 520 to 520 in via rl1
> add 11910 allow ip from any to in via rl0
> add 2 allow all from to any in recv rl1
> add 20001 allow all from any to out xmit rl1 keep-state
> add 20002 count log all from to any
> add 20003 count log all from any to
> add 65534 deny log ip from any to any

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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:49, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your /etc/natd.conf
> >> file.
> >
> > natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:
> > natd_interface="rl0"
> > natd_enable="YES"
> >
> > But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.
> Indeed, I did mean rc.conf...sorry ;o)
> Now would be a good time to post your fw ruleset.

add 00300 divert 8668 ip from any to any
add 01300 unreach port tcp from any to any 6699 
add 01400 allow log all from any to any via lo0
add 01600 check-state

add 01700 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from any to me 22 in setup keep-state
add 01701 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from me 22 to any out
add 01702 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from any to me 21 in setup keep-state
add 01703 allow log logamount 1000 tcp from me 21 to any out

add 01900 deny log tcp from any to any in established

add 11700 allow tcp from any to any out setup keep-state
add 11701 allow udp from 53 to any in recv rl0
add 11702 allow udp from any to 53
add 11703 allow udp from 53 to any in recv rl0
add 11704 allow udp from any to 53
add 11705 allow udp from 67 to 68 in recv rl0

add 11801 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 3
add 11802 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 4
add 11803 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 8 out
add 11804 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 0 in
add 11805 allow icmp from any to any icmptypes 9 out
add 11806 allow log icmp from any to any icmptypes 11 in
add 11807 allow log icmp from any to any icmptypes 11 out

add 11900 allow icmp from me to icmptypes 9 in via rl0
add 11901 allow icmp from to icmptypes 9 in via rl1
add 11902 allow all from me to out via rl0
add 11903 allow all from to out via rl1
add 11904 allow udp from me 520 to 520 out via rl0
add 11905 allow udp from me 520 to 520 in via rl0
add 11906 allow udp from 520 to 520 in via rl1
add 11907 allow udp from 520 to 520 out via rl1
add 11908 allow udp from me 520 to 520 out via rl1
add 11909 allow udp from me 520 to 520 in via rl1
add 11910 allow ip from any to in via rl0

add 2 allow all from to any in recv rl1
add 20001 allow all from any to out xmit rl1 keep-state
add 20002 count log all from to any
add 20003 count log all from any to

add 65534 deny log ip from any to any

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RE: FreeBSD Gateway???

2004-07-28 Thread Munden, Randall J
This might be helpful:

-Original Message-
From:   Hakim Z. Singhji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 7/27/2004 8:37 PM
To: Pavel Duda
Subject:Re: FreeBSD Gateway???
Hash: SHA1

Pavel Duda wrote:
| Hakim Z. Singhji wrote:
|> Does anyone have any suggestions
|> on the type of NIC I should use?
| Almost any "normal" NIC will be fine. I'm using mostly Realtek-based
| (RTL8139) and Intel (8255) cards wo problems.
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Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank you for all your help...I found a pair of 3COM
XL's for $10 each...I was told that is a steal... so I went for it.
Thanks again.  Oh, I may need your help once I get started building the
box remember I'm originally from Linux World. So this will be a new hack
for me. Hope I can look to you guys for help if I get in trouble.


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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:38, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> Do you have an ``alias_address'' statement in your natd.conf file?
> >
> > I have no natd.conf file. At least I never touched it. But it always
> > worked
> > like a dream. BTW, natd is started with the command line "natd -n rl0".
> Also, I forget if you said whether you actually reloaded your firewall
> rules or not.

Of course I reloaded it, and when I view a diff between the current and 
previous output of `ipfw l` there's just the address changed. Nothing else.

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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:36, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> Do you have an ``alias_address'' statement in your natd.conf file?
>> >
>> > I have no natd.conf file. At least I never touched it. But it always
>> > worked
>> > like a dream. BTW, natd is started with the command line "natd -n
>> rl0".
>> Try shutting down natd and load it with:
>> # natd -a x.x.x.x
>> where x.x.x.x == your_new_ip
>> Does this help?
> No, it's still the same.
>> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your /etc/natd.conf
>> file.
> natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:
> natd_interface="rl0"
> natd_enable="YES"
> But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.

Indeed, I did mean rc.conf...sorry ;o)

Now would be a good time to post your fw ruleset.


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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Daniela
On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:36, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> >> Do you have an ``alias_address'' statement in your natd.conf file?
> >
> > I have no natd.conf file. At least I never touched it. But it always
> > worked
> > like a dream. BTW, natd is started with the command line "natd -n rl0".
> Try shutting down natd and load it with:
> # natd -a x.x.x.x
> where x.x.x.x == your_new_ip
> Does this help?

No, it's still the same.

> Also, post the relevant ``natd'' line entries in your /etc/natd.conf file.

natd.conf doesn't exist. Do you mean rc.conf? Here it is:

But I didn't change anything here, and it always worked.

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modules load

2004-07-28 Thread Cleyton Agapito

Sorry if this sound stupid, but i can´t understand yet how FBSD work
modules. The Handbook is not so clear about what you must compile
statically in
kernel (like so difference between make and buildkernel procedures), i
that if you don´t use a feature every time it will be a module (right?),
but i´m a
little disapointed because i must load in loader.conf and they stay
there all the time
or else i can´t find the device on /dev (like fdc.ko), i thought to
unload all unused with
 kldunload but it must be done one by one.
I have many others questions bsd-related  like that but maybe this
is not the right place, the
FAQs are not enough to learn system and others hacker-like are so
difficult! Where can I find
a median list to ask commons operational questions?
I wonder with FBSD, it´s not so easy like linux but is very much
better (my opinion) :-)

Thanks very much,


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Re: what does it mean?

2004-07-28 Thread Gerry Freymann
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 17:05:02 +0400
"??? (??) " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I get message like this
>>Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /usr/local/sbin/update_dat
>>mv: *.tar: No such file or directory
>>ftp: Error retrieving file - `404 Object Not Found'
>what it mean? what I need to do and where can I find out information
>about it?

 Looks to me like the script that updates the virus definition files for
Macafee, but your mileage may vary.

 What does it mean? It means it was unable to download the latest package
I think. 

 But why don't you know what it's supposed to be doing? ;-)

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'closed stream' on portupgrade, pkgdb -F

2004-07-28 Thread David Landgren
I'm having trouble bringing a machine up to par. I migrated from 4.8-RC2 
to 4.10-STABLE this morning. No problems there. When I do a pkg_version 
-vL= I get a couple of dozen things to upgrade.

I've synched my ports tree, run pkgdb -Uu. I have rebuilt ruby18
% ruby --version
ruby 1.8.1 (2004-05-02) [i386-freebsd4]
and portupgrade and yet each time I run the following commands
% pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
closed stream
% portupgrade png
closed stream
If I make deinstall && make reinstall portupgrade I get
%  portupgrade png
[Updating the pkgdb  in /var/db/pkg ... - 76 packages 
found (-1 +1) (...). done]
closed stream

I guess I can run around manually and update stuff, but it is a bit of 
pain. If anyone has a clue, I'd be most grateful. I don't see what I'm 

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Re: Problems after IP change

2004-07-28 Thread Steve Bertrand
> On Wednesday 28 July 2004 14:21, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>> >> Did you actually change the IP on the interface itself? If not:
>> >>
>> >> edit /etc/rc.conf and change the IP/Netmask, then:
>> >>
>> >> # /etc/netstart
>> >
>> > Yes, the IP was changed. I ran /etc/netstart, but it didn't help. As I
>> > said,
>> > ping works as normal, and the packet sniffer shows normal TCP
>> connections
>> > and
>> > there are even answers from the remote servers, so I really have no
>> clue
>> > what
>> > could be wrong. I don't think it would do this with a wrong IP.
>> Do you have an ``alias_address'' statement in your natd.conf file?
> I have no natd.conf file. At least I never touched it. But it always
> worked
> like a dream. BTW, natd is started with the command line "natd -n rl0".

Also, I forget if you said whether you actually reloaded your firewall
rules or not.


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